Birds of All Feathers: Doing Diversity and Inclusion Right

Kindle Edition
03 Aug
A book isn’t going to end racism or inequity. But it can be a start.

Birds of All Feathers is a timely call to action for employers, HR professionals, managers and employees to address diversity and inclusion—because it’s not just the right thing to do, but the smart thing to do.

Michael Bach helps you develop a better understanding around the nuances of terms like diversity versus inclusion and equity versus equality, and shows how diversity and inclusion can drive innovation and creativity—critical to any business’s survival in today’s fickle marketplace. You’ll learn how to craft a D&I policy that’s effective, and how to start the work of dismantling systemic racism and inequity by creating safe work spaces where people can bring their whole selves, find advancement, and succeed.

Whether you are in the arts, healthcare, non-profit, or for-profit sectors, there is a business case for making your organization a space of true inclusion. In Birds of All Feathers, Michael Bach presents a feisty and honest case for the business advantage of diversity and inclusion in the workplace with practical steps to get there.
This book shows you how to:

• Discover your organization’s “why”
• Learn how to implement and sustain beneficial changes
• Determine how to measure success for your business

With more than twenty years of experience in the field, Michael Bach, founder of the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI), brings clarity and candor to a daunting subject, and shows you how to get diversity and inclusion right.

No more excuses. No more delays. Change—and growth—starts right here.

Reviews (20)

I'm embarrassed I spent money on this

As a higher education diversity practitioner in the US, I was hoping for some new strategies from this book. Instead, it's totally intellectually devoid and frankly, insulting. Starting off dismissing the entirety of the social justice approach, and then saying a moral or ethical approach to DEI is inappropriate because "everyone has different morals"??? I'm embarrassed I didn't have time to read it right away because now I'm past the period to return it. You're better off spending your time with authors like Ruha Benjamin or Safiya Noble than a vapid white guy who can't get two paragraphs without a racist microaggression. Again: don't waste your time.

So good I read it twice

This book is informative and I live how the author frames every piece of the inclusive framework.

Author has credibility issues

Disclaimer: I have not read the book, my review is based on an article in a trade magazine about the book in which the author was widely quoted. I found his remarks on President Trump to be highly biased and inaccurate. I understand he is not a fan, but in my mind his statements disqualify him from being a credible author on the topic of DEI.

An unfortunate disservice to the movement in equity, diversity, and human rights

While written with good intentions, this author not only disregards the social justice movement, but also avoids discussions around the oppression of marginalized groups. Social justice is reduced to "straight, white, able-bodied men willingly surrendering power" - which is false and extremely damaging, especially when considering the prevalence of systemic discrimination embedded within our institutions. His approach to diversity and inclusion is written for the self-interest of "the success of your organization" rather than to uphold the creation and implementation of an equitable and safe society for all. Overall, a disappointment and a waste of an opportunity.

A practical (and often funny) guide to getting diversity and inclusion right at your organization

This book takes the reader through a step-by-step guide to upping their D&I game. While this may sound a bit dry, rest assured it's not. In fact this is perhaps the first D&I book that not only provided practical guidance, but had me laughing out loud at the same time. After starting with the basics - definitions, models and the business case for D&I (because it just being the right thing to do isn't enough), the book provides a wealth of solutions backed up by real world examples. This book is a must-read for any leader that wants to make the organization they work for better and more successful.

A very practical guide to helping understand an often confusing world...

Having a disability myself, I was blown away by how little I know about the D&I world, yet how practical Michael makes understanding many of the differences we all live with and how it affects our lives. Michael tells his story in a way that not only make you think, but also make you laugh, as you gain a new perspective on some of the most pressing issues in today's society and workplace. There are steps, questions, and examples of initiatives that one could implement in the workplace to make immediate changes in how a business operates and supports their employees. Birds of All Feathers is a must read for any D&I professional and anyone looking to gain a clear understanding of not only how the D&I world operates, but especially how it needs to operate.

A book for anyone and everyone interested in diversity and inclusion!

Wonderfully thorough book with great ideas for implementation. Loved his sense of humour! A true must read for anyone in HR or start ups and just those of us who want to learn more on the subject. Thank you Michael Bach for putting all your experience into this book.

Put This on Your Must Read List!

Michael Bach will keep you engaged throughout Bird of All Feathers with his upbeat personality, tenacious character shining through and thought-provoking questions. He details why diverse and inclusive workplaces are vital for people and organizations to thrive. He provides insightful, practical how-to's and essential strategies that must be implemented to create truly inclusive work cultures.

Canada Is Working On Diversity

This book is an enjoyable and informative read, is a useful guide to supporting diversity, and bespeaks the many initiatives at play in Canada to advance an eqitable and inclusive society.

Must read for anyone looking to start or further their D&I journey

Great book about the basic of D&I for all organizations. Michael does a great job of keeping heavy topics light by adding in a sense of humour to it all.

I'm embarrassed I spent money on this

As a higher education diversity practitioner in the US, I was hoping for some new strategies from this book. Instead, it's totally intellectually devoid and frankly, insulting. Starting off dismissing the entirety of the social justice approach, and then saying a moral or ethical approach to DEI is inappropriate because "everyone has different morals"??? I'm embarrassed I didn't have time to read it right away because now I'm past the period to return it. You're better off spending your time with authors like Ruha Benjamin or Safiya Noble than a vapid white guy who can't get two paragraphs without a racist microaggression. Again: don't waste your time.

So good I read it twice

This book is informative and I live how the author frames every piece of the inclusive framework.

Author has credibility issues

Disclaimer: I have not read the book, my review is based on an article in a trade magazine about the book in which the author was widely quoted. I found his remarks on President Trump to be highly biased and inaccurate. I understand he is not a fan, but in my mind his statements disqualify him from being a credible author on the topic of DEI.

An unfortunate disservice to the movement in equity, diversity, and human rights

While written with good intentions, this author not only disregards the social justice movement, but also avoids discussions around the oppression of marginalized groups. Social justice is reduced to "straight, white, able-bodied men willingly surrendering power" - which is false and extremely damaging, especially when considering the prevalence of systemic discrimination embedded within our institutions. His approach to diversity and inclusion is written for the self-interest of "the success of your organization" rather than to uphold the creation and implementation of an equitable and safe society for all. Overall, a disappointment and a waste of an opportunity.

A practical (and often funny) guide to getting diversity and inclusion right at your organization

This book takes the reader through a step-by-step guide to upping their D&I game. While this may sound a bit dry, rest assured it's not. In fact this is perhaps the first D&I book that not only provided practical guidance, but had me laughing out loud at the same time. After starting with the basics - definitions, models and the business case for D&I (because it just being the right thing to do isn't enough), the book provides a wealth of solutions backed up by real world examples. This book is a must-read for any leader that wants to make the organization they work for better and more successful.

A very practical guide to helping understand an often confusing world...

Having a disability myself, I was blown away by how little I know about the D&I world, yet how practical Michael makes understanding many of the differences we all live with and how it affects our lives. Michael tells his story in a way that not only make you think, but also make you laugh, as you gain a new perspective on some of the most pressing issues in today's society and workplace. There are steps, questions, and examples of initiatives that one could implement in the workplace to make immediate changes in how a business operates and supports their employees. Birds of All Feathers is a must read for any D&I professional and anyone looking to gain a clear understanding of not only how the D&I world operates, but especially how it needs to operate.

A book for anyone and everyone interested in diversity and inclusion!

Wonderfully thorough book with great ideas for implementation. Loved his sense of humour! A true must read for anyone in HR or start ups and just those of us who want to learn more on the subject. Thank you Michael Bach for putting all your experience into this book.

Put This on Your Must Read List!

Michael Bach will keep you engaged throughout Bird of All Feathers with his upbeat personality, tenacious character shining through and thought-provoking questions. He details why diverse and inclusive workplaces are vital for people and organizations to thrive. He provides insightful, practical how-to's and essential strategies that must be implemented to create truly inclusive work cultures.

Canada Is Working On Diversity

This book is an enjoyable and informative read, is a useful guide to supporting diversity, and bespeaks the many initiatives at play in Canada to advance an eqitable and inclusive society.

Must read for anyone looking to start or further their D&I journey

Great book about the basic of D&I for all organizations. Michael does a great job of keeping heavy topics light by adding in a sense of humour to it all.

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