Believe IT: How to Go from Underestimated to Unstoppable

Kindle Edition
22 Feb


“Game-changing. Authentic. A must-read for every woman! Jamie is the real deal—and that’s rare.” —Glennon Doyle, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Untamed

“Raw. Real. Powerful. Filled with vulnerability and grit. This book will inspire you to believe in your own power. It’s a book every woman needs!” —Sara Blakely, Founder Spanx

Imagine overcoming the things holding you back, breaking through the barrier of self-doubt and fully becoming the person YOU were BORN TO BE!

In Believe IT, Jamie Kern Lima, founder of IT Cosmetics, shares the wild but true story of how a once struggling waitress turned her against-the-grain idea into an international bestselling sensation, eventually selling the company for over a billion dollars and becoming the first female CEO of a brand in L’Oréal’s 100+ year history. Faced with self-doubt, body-doubt, God-doubt, down to her last few dollars and told “No one is going to buy makeup from someone who has your body,” Jamie reveals for the first time what really went down, how she almost didn’t make it, how she learned to trust herself, and the powerful lessons you, too, can use to go from underestimated to unstoppable.

With radical vulnerability and honesty, Jamie takes you on a journey through deeply personal stories of heartbreak and resilience—including accidentally finding out she was adopted when she was in her twenties and the reverberations this has had on all aspects of her life. Jamie also pulls back the curtain on her fight to change the beauty industry’s use of unrealistic images, on behalf of all the little girls who are about to start doubting themselves, and all of the grown women who still do. Spellbinding, riveting, with raw vulnerability and down-to-earth warmth, Believe IT shakes your soul and shows you that you, too, have what it takes to believe in yourself, trust yourself, and go from doubting you’re enough to knowing you’re enough! Do you have big goals, hopes, and dreams but let rejection get in the way? Do you struggle with feeling like you’re not enough and like success is something that happens to other people, but have a hard time believing it’s possible for you? Do you let past mistakes and failures hold you back? Do you know deep down inside that you were created for more, but somehow still doubt yourself?

In Believe IT you’ll discover how to...
-Overcome self-doubt
-Gain the courage to take risks, an empower yourself and others
-Tune into and trust your own intuition
-Let go of your mistakes and insecurities
-Turn down the volume on your inner critic
-Handle the rejection, the haters, and the mean girls
-Boost your confidence
-Start your dream (and keep going!)
-And much more…

If you’ve ever doubted yourself or felt truly underestimated, this book will inspire a new kind of belief and confidence in you and your dreams!

Reviews (218)

More than a motivational manifesto

Jamie's story touched and inspired me in ways I never could have imagined. Her honesty and vulnerability are on every page, and she had me in tears of joy, celebrating the deep healing of her transformative story. What a brave, courageous woman! You don't have to have any of life's circumstances in common with her to be inspired by this book. Her generous sharing is even more impressive when measured against her accomplishments, which include creating one of the biggest cosmetic brands in the world and selling it for over a billion dollars! She is donating all proceeds from the book (and the fantastic online book launch event, pictured) to Feeding America and Together Rising – two charities dedicated to supporting and nurturing people in need. If there were more billionaires and people in powerful positions like her, the world would be a better place.

More memoir than inspirational

Net Galley keeps asking me to write a review. Please note that I PURCHASED this book as part of a pre-launch "boost book sales" promotion the author ran. I was NOT given a free copy to review. Therefore, you can bet my review is honest since I paid $12.99 plus tax for the Kindle version. The book is engaging, but will it inspire you to become an entrepreneur? Not likely. The author and her husband basically gave up their 20s and 30s to work nonstop, as she tells you over and over. Their marriage suffered, their health suffered, and they missed a lot of important moments and experiences with their families. They worked relentlessly in hopes of making their business of IT Cosmetics successful. If you are a wannabe entrepreneur, here's what she did: - graduated from Columbia business graduate school with an MBA - married a smart MBA graduate student who worked with her to create IT Cosmetics -created a great story to sell IT Cosmetics -learned the business, learned from her mistakes, persisted, recruited family and friends to work for her - gave up her life and health to create and support IT Cosmetics It's also part memoir: - she was adopted by a loving family but instead of focusing on that, she has obsessed with being given up for adoption by a teen mom back in the 1970s and definitely has had some unresolved issues related to that - has an entire chapter on her faith, even though she tells you she's never read the Bible (God lite, no Christianity, and praises Victoria Osteen) - talks about how she wants to raise women up and provides some tidbits on that, but it's not the bulk of the book, as it's promoted to be Ms. Lima seems to be hardworking and obsessive. She and her husband worked hard to make IT Cosmetics financially successful. She now seems to be moving into the philanthropy and motivational speaker circuit. The women who seem to like this book most are those who are fans of Ms. Lima as a personality rather than her cosmetics, which is interesting. How did she pull that off? For those who are Kindle readers, it's an easy read on Kindle. There are a few photos in it, but not many.

Book of encoragement

I have admired Jamie Kern Lima since I first saw her on QVC many years ago. She was so brave to remove her makeup and show her rosacea to show how well her makeup (that she created) covered it. Believe It is not just the story of how she changed the beauty industry, but her struggles and triumphs along the way. Jamie also shares stories of her circle of friends. Jamie shares all in this book and I love the way she tells the stories. This book is for every female. There are so many life lessons inside. You will walk away with so many favorite quotes and lessons from this book. One lesson that spoke to me most is, “Believe where you come from DOESN’T determine where you’re going.” This book is powerful! I first ordered the Kindle version of the book. I was lucky enough to receive and advanced digital copy of the book. I have now ordered two hard copies. One for me so I can more easily find my highlighter marks and one to gift.

This book will encourage, inspire and motivate you to MORE!!!

This book is fantastic! I was given an advance digital copy and have been chomping at the bit for the release day so I could leave a review. :-) I pre-ordered the printed copy, which arrives today. I'm looking forward to reading BelieveIT again with a highlighter. Yep, I enjoyed this book that much. I love books that share someone's story and Jamie Kern Lima does this with such authenticity and care. I cried, I laughed, I cheered and most of all, I feel inspired and more motivated to seriously go after a new idea I've been "planning" for a couple of years now. Even if you're not in the planning stage of something new, just reading Jamie's story and seeing what real perseverance looks like in action will be a gift, no matter your age, no matter your stage in life. So good!!!

Life changing read

First, I must say that I was given a copy of this book via NetGalley and the Believe It Book Launch Team, in exchange for my honest review. I read and absorbed the advanced copy of this book and have been so moved to change my life. I loved it so much that I not only purchased the ebook as well as the audiobook. Jamie will be with me where ever I go reminding me that I can become unstoppable. After reading the advanced copy, purchasing my own copies, and then participating in the her all day seminar Becoming Unstoppable, I felt strong enough to stand up for myself in a situation that has been eating at me for months. It felt good and I got the outcome I wanted. Thank you Jamie for this wonderful book.

Buy this book NOW and get a copy for all the women in your life!

When I picked up this book, I thought it would be a nice story about the founder of IT Cosmetics, a brand that I have worn for years. What I didn't know is that I would stay up reading, crying, and cheering along the author, Jamie Kern Lima. Her story is one you won't soon forget -- I won't give any spoilers but there were times when I gasped out loud and my husband asked if I was ok... This book was so a pleasure to read -- like hanging out in your comfy sweats and swapping sad and funny stories with your best friend over a nice frothy beverage. I didn't want it to end! Part memoir and part empowering manifesto, it's an invaluable read for anyone who has ever doubted themselves. I also think it should be required reading for any young woman ages 15 and up. Love love loved this book!

Believe It.....Believe in all of you

Believe It is an inspiring, motivational, and heart felt book. Jamie walks you through her story and her challenges, with so many lessons that are woven in. Whether you know who Jamie is before ordering or not, you will appreciate the story and . It starts with QVC in the beginning....but it unfolds into deep and meaningful observations about life that can help you reframe your perspective on challenges and what it means to believe. In yourself, in your intuition, in God. I posted the microphone quote as it is powerful. And there are so many other gems. The best part of the book and it’s intention....proceeds are going to charity. Jamie spent two years writing and editing Believe It, in hopes it inspires and helps those in need at the same time. I preorder on September 6, received an advanced digital copy for review after volunteering to join her book launch, and today got my hardcover. So excited to reread it!

Life changing!

I loved how real and vulnerable Jamie was in her writing and the deep stories she was willing to share with the world. I cannot wait to share this book with the many girls and women in my life. Y'all this woman is an impact maker and a connector. She did something in her 1 day live event that I have never witnessed before. She created unity during such a trying time in our world where divisiveness is running rampant. She created this platform and event that served over 200,000 people. The value she provided would've cost thousands of dollars to attend normally. It was an immediate action on her part that supports all that she says she is through her book- REAL, authentic, vulnerable, and passionate about changing the lives of women all around the world.

"You might be tempted to underestimate me, but let me save you some time . . . don’t." - JKL

Believe It is an incredible story of a woman on a mission. This book has a little something for everyone. For the entrepreneurs, she tells the story of how she started her company in her living room and turned it into a billion (with a B) dollar brand. For the dreamers, she talks about her role in changing the way the world sees beauty. For the person who has lived through extraordinary family circumstances, she vulnerably shares her experience. For anyone who needs it, she offers inspiration and encouragement. But more than that, Jamie gives all of the love in her heart to everyone that reads this book. It is evident in every word she writes and how I felt when I read it. A couple of quotes that spoke to me: "Your intuition is more powerful than anyone else’s advice." This resonated with me on so many levels and is perhaps my favorite quote in the entire book. Believing in yourself and trusting your gut are the most important things you can do when building the life of your dreams. "So many women are still so critical of ourselves and other women. And this just holds us all back. We need women to take chances, launch businesses, challenge industries, speak out against injustices, and shine their own lights brightly, without being afraid to fail or worrying about getting shamed for it. We need to have grace for each other. We need to lift each other up. And celebrate each other." It is very obvious that supporting and lifting up other women is a calling for the author. In this book, she does just that and recommends readers do the same. I always appreciate when a book "sounds" like its author. Jamie's voice can be heard and her passion can be felt on every page. As a woman and as an entrepreneur, I cannot recommend this book enough. Thank you to Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for providing an advanced digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Memoir, very little about entrepreneurship

I bought the book with the expectation (high) of reading about the path of Jamie as an entrepreneur. It is actually a memoir. While it is very admirable the fact that she overcame insecurities, how visionary she was, how determined were she and her husband to launch a product line in which they were very faithful (a true example of what being disruptive means), the book is superficial about the product creation process. The few things I remember as valuable are: beware of packaging sizes, make sure you have an agreement signed with the company that will develop and manufacture your product, sorround yourself with subject matter experts in order to create something valuable. Other than that, not a lot of inspiration for entrepreneurs-to-be. To some extent I felt dissapointed because I expected to read something about the products that I like from the brand and how they were created. If you really want to get inspiration about product development and entrepreneurship, I fully recommend Undaunted by Kara Goldin or The company I keep by Leonard Lauder. Both are fantastic and inspirational books.

More than a motivational manifesto

Jamie's story touched and inspired me in ways I never could have imagined. Her honesty and vulnerability are on every page, and she had me in tears of joy, celebrating the deep healing of her transformative story. What a brave, courageous woman! You don't have to have any of life's circumstances in common with her to be inspired by this book. Her generous sharing is even more impressive when measured against her accomplishments, which include creating one of the biggest cosmetic brands in the world and selling it for over a billion dollars! She is donating all proceeds from the book (and the fantastic online book launch event, pictured) to Feeding America and Together Rising – two charities dedicated to supporting and nurturing people in need. If there were more billionaires and people in powerful positions like her, the world would be a better place.

More memoir than inspirational

Net Galley keeps asking me to write a review. Please note that I PURCHASED this book as part of a pre-launch "boost book sales" promotion the author ran. I was NOT given a free copy to review. Therefore, you can bet my review is honest since I paid $12.99 plus tax for the Kindle version. The book is engaging, but will it inspire you to become an entrepreneur? Not likely. The author and her husband basically gave up their 20s and 30s to work nonstop, as she tells you over and over. Their marriage suffered, their health suffered, and they missed a lot of important moments and experiences with their families. They worked relentlessly in hopes of making their business of IT Cosmetics successful. If you are a wannabe entrepreneur, here's what she did: - graduated from Columbia business graduate school with an MBA - married a smart MBA graduate student who worked with her to create IT Cosmetics -created a great story to sell IT Cosmetics -learned the business, learned from her mistakes, persisted, recruited family and friends to work for her - gave up her life and health to create and support IT Cosmetics It's also part memoir: - she was adopted by a loving family but instead of focusing on that, she has obsessed with being given up for adoption by a teen mom back in the 1970s and definitely has had some unresolved issues related to that - has an entire chapter on her faith, even though she tells you she's never read the Bible (God lite, no Christianity, and praises Victoria Osteen) - talks about how she wants to raise women up and provides some tidbits on that, but it's not the bulk of the book, as it's promoted to be Ms. Lima seems to be hardworking and obsessive. She and her husband worked hard to make IT Cosmetics financially successful. She now seems to be moving into the philanthropy and motivational speaker circuit. The women who seem to like this book most are those who are fans of Ms. Lima as a personality rather than her cosmetics, which is interesting. How did she pull that off? For those who are Kindle readers, it's an easy read on Kindle. There are a few photos in it, but not many.

Book of encoragement

I have admired Jamie Kern Lima since I first saw her on QVC many years ago. She was so brave to remove her makeup and show her rosacea to show how well her makeup (that she created) covered it. Believe It is not just the story of how she changed the beauty industry, but her struggles and triumphs along the way. Jamie also shares stories of her circle of friends. Jamie shares all in this book and I love the way she tells the stories. This book is for every female. There are so many life lessons inside. You will walk away with so many favorite quotes and lessons from this book. One lesson that spoke to me most is, “Believe where you come from DOESN’T determine where you’re going.” This book is powerful! I first ordered the Kindle version of the book. I was lucky enough to receive and advanced digital copy of the book. I have now ordered two hard copies. One for me so I can more easily find my highlighter marks and one to gift.

This book will encourage, inspire and motivate you to MORE!!!

This book is fantastic! I was given an advance digital copy and have been chomping at the bit for the release day so I could leave a review. :-) I pre-ordered the printed copy, which arrives today. I'm looking forward to reading BelieveIT again with a highlighter. Yep, I enjoyed this book that much. I love books that share someone's story and Jamie Kern Lima does this with such authenticity and care. I cried, I laughed, I cheered and most of all, I feel inspired and more motivated to seriously go after a new idea I've been "planning" for a couple of years now. Even if you're not in the planning stage of something new, just reading Jamie's story and seeing what real perseverance looks like in action will be a gift, no matter your age, no matter your stage in life. So good!!!

Life changing read

First, I must say that I was given a copy of this book via NetGalley and the Believe It Book Launch Team, in exchange for my honest review. I read and absorbed the advanced copy of this book and have been so moved to change my life. I loved it so much that I not only purchased the ebook as well as the audiobook. Jamie will be with me where ever I go reminding me that I can become unstoppable. After reading the advanced copy, purchasing my own copies, and then participating in the her all day seminar Becoming Unstoppable, I felt strong enough to stand up for myself in a situation that has been eating at me for months. It felt good and I got the outcome I wanted. Thank you Jamie for this wonderful book.

Buy this book NOW and get a copy for all the women in your life!

When I picked up this book, I thought it would be a nice story about the founder of IT Cosmetics, a brand that I have worn for years. What I didn't know is that I would stay up reading, crying, and cheering along the author, Jamie Kern Lima. Her story is one you won't soon forget -- I won't give any spoilers but there were times when I gasped out loud and my husband asked if I was ok... This book was so a pleasure to read -- like hanging out in your comfy sweats and swapping sad and funny stories with your best friend over a nice frothy beverage. I didn't want it to end! Part memoir and part empowering manifesto, it's an invaluable read for anyone who has ever doubted themselves. I also think it should be required reading for any young woman ages 15 and up. Love love loved this book!

Believe It.....Believe in all of you

Believe It is an inspiring, motivational, and heart felt book. Jamie walks you through her story and her challenges, with so many lessons that are woven in. Whether you know who Jamie is before ordering or not, you will appreciate the story and . It starts with QVC in the beginning....but it unfolds into deep and meaningful observations about life that can help you reframe your perspective on challenges and what it means to believe. In yourself, in your intuition, in God. I posted the microphone quote as it is powerful. And there are so many other gems. The best part of the book and it’s intention....proceeds are going to charity. Jamie spent two years writing and editing Believe It, in hopes it inspires and helps those in need at the same time. I preorder on September 6, received an advanced digital copy for review after volunteering to join her book launch, and today got my hardcover. So excited to reread it!

Life changing!

I loved how real and vulnerable Jamie was in her writing and the deep stories she was willing to share with the world. I cannot wait to share this book with the many girls and women in my life. Y'all this woman is an impact maker and a connector. She did something in her 1 day live event that I have never witnessed before. She created unity during such a trying time in our world where divisiveness is running rampant. She created this platform and event that served over 200,000 people. The value she provided would've cost thousands of dollars to attend normally. It was an immediate action on her part that supports all that she says she is through her book- REAL, authentic, vulnerable, and passionate about changing the lives of women all around the world.

"You might be tempted to underestimate me, but let me save you some time . . . don’t." - JKL

Believe It is an incredible story of a woman on a mission. This book has a little something for everyone. For the entrepreneurs, she tells the story of how she started her company in her living room and turned it into a billion (with a B) dollar brand. For the dreamers, she talks about her role in changing the way the world sees beauty. For the person who has lived through extraordinary family circumstances, she vulnerably shares her experience. For anyone who needs it, she offers inspiration and encouragement. But more than that, Jamie gives all of the love in her heart to everyone that reads this book. It is evident in every word she writes and how I felt when I read it. A couple of quotes that spoke to me: "Your intuition is more powerful than anyone else’s advice." This resonated with me on so many levels and is perhaps my favorite quote in the entire book. Believing in yourself and trusting your gut are the most important things you can do when building the life of your dreams. "So many women are still so critical of ourselves and other women. And this just holds us all back. We need women to take chances, launch businesses, challenge industries, speak out against injustices, and shine their own lights brightly, without being afraid to fail or worrying about getting shamed for it. We need to have grace for each other. We need to lift each other up. And celebrate each other." It is very obvious that supporting and lifting up other women is a calling for the author. In this book, she does just that and recommends readers do the same. I always appreciate when a book "sounds" like its author. Jamie's voice can be heard and her passion can be felt on every page. As a woman and as an entrepreneur, I cannot recommend this book enough. Thank you to Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for providing an advanced digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Memoir, very little about entrepreneurship

I bought the book with the expectation (high) of reading about the path of Jamie as an entrepreneur. It is actually a memoir. While it is very admirable the fact that she overcame insecurities, how visionary she was, how determined were she and her husband to launch a product line in which they were very faithful (a true example of what being disruptive means), the book is superficial about the product creation process. The few things I remember as valuable are: beware of packaging sizes, make sure you have an agreement signed with the company that will develop and manufacture your product, sorround yourself with subject matter experts in order to create something valuable. Other than that, not a lot of inspiration for entrepreneurs-to-be. To some extent I felt dissapointed because I expected to read something about the products that I like from the brand and how they were created. If you really want to get inspiration about product development and entrepreneurship, I fully recommend Undaunted by Kara Goldin or The company I keep by Leonard Lauder. Both are fantastic and inspirational books.

Geared more toward women

Good story of overcoming the odds and depending on God for inspiration. For me there was too much repetitive filler about her personal trials and not enough examples and specific business stories. She also blends New Age with Christianity which I don’t think she realizes, and this results in her clouding Gods absolutes. She seems to be super caring, and loving and making a big impact on others.

Soul Inspiring Worthy Book

I first heard of Jamie from Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Event, found her inspiring so I bought the book. Attended her conference and got both the digital copy and physical book - I figured it was for a good cause. I took a few days before I started the book. The book is amazing, raw, and spoken from the heart. It went deep into the layers of the struggles anyone in business goes through. It gave a real inside look into the beauty industry. I love the lessons. I love her writing. I love her story and her balls of steel. There is no fluff. Just straight up honest advice and truth. It helped me to take a leap of faith with my dreams and business. It helped me to stop looking at my competitors and instead, to trust my heart and my WHY..all 7 layers of it. The book is good for you business wise but most importantly, soul wise. Have faith. Trust in God. Go for it. You can make it to the top without being mean. Thanks Jamie - from a very tired mother of 3 - this book is a much needed kick in the butt towards stopping self doubt.

This book gave me ALL the feels!

It was such a privilege to be able to get an advanced copy of Jamie Kern Lima’s book, Believe It! I read it cover to cover, TWICE! I laughed, I literally cried and even though I knew how the story ended, Jamie is such a captivating story teller that I couldn’t stop turning the pages. I took notes in the margins, dog-eared too many pages to count and flagged dozens of pages. Then I went out and purchased half a dozen copies to gift to my girlfriends. This isn’t another ‘rah-rah you can do it’ book, although Jamie does a fantastic job of making you feel like she’s your best friend and cheerleader all at once. No, this book overdelivers in lessons, stories, life and business principles that will inspire you to get off the sidelines and get in the game of life. If you’ve ever been rejected, told no, questioned your identity or just plain felt like you needed to know your dreams aren’t just possible, they’re PROBABLE - THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU! I’ve read countless books and I can’t find a single flaw with this one. BUY IT NOW! It’s worth every cent. I Jamie’s stories and advice will not only change but they will TRANSFORM your life! Xoxo, Rachel Luna Host of the Permission to Offend Podcast

Inspirational and real

I loved this book. I found IT cosmetics a few years ago and loved the product and the purpose Little did I know the whole back story about Jamie and how and why she started IT Cosmetics in the first place. But reading about her struggle to make it in a world that seems to favor one type of beauty and how she overcame and made her band into a top selling brand was so inspiring. She went from having pennies in her bank account to being able to sell to a major company. She had to go through so many difficult and trying times in her life, and she found a way to make it through. I may not have a goal of doing something as big as Jamie did, but I'm starting to look at ways to believe in myself and overcome anything that can get in my way. This is for anyone who needs some reminders that all women are beautiful and that we can do anything we set our minds to.

So uplifting! For all women who need to come back to their genuine and true being ❤️❤️❤️

Dear Jamie Kern Lima , I would like to thank you for this gift. For this book and all it embraces... I’ve been listening to it on Audible the moment it was released. It felt as if you were sitting with me in my car, telling your true story, right next to me...As if we were walking round our neighborhood, and you as a friend would keep on telling me your story and all the beauty and love you found even in the most dramatic life events. Your most deep and courageous stories. Of being strong for the women behind the Tv show screen and your family. Your path to re-discover yourself...That Eric story too and his last name. 😉Heart-breaking story of your searches for Rosemary 🙏and heart-warming moments of loving women holding hands and those golden bracelets from Nana. ❤️ Today, a hard copy came from too, and I will now dive into the hardcover version too to listen to your story full. This morning, as I was driving to work, I was listening to my own voice, turning those microphones that I needed to hear. I’m #unstoppable now too, and I #BeleiveIT. Thank you so much for this gift of love and care. All the blessings sending your way ❤️❤️❤️ #inspirational #bookstoread #mustreads #womenstories #lifestory #newrelease

This book restored my faith in the human heart, personal growth and women supporting women!

I am ALL IN with Jamie Kern LIma. She shares her personal story and empowers women to step into their power in a way that is BELIEVABLE! Jamie is a ROCKSTAR and a serious hard worker.. she deserves all of her success and is sharing her wisdom and lessons with us. I purchased this book for friends, employees, my niece and the local middle and high school. This is an excellent example of good people doing great things!

It's like being with your best friend

I absolutely love when a book grabs me right out the gate, and this one definitely did. Jamie's style of writing makes it feel as if you're on a girls' weekend or week with her. Because of her willingness to be vulnerable it's easy to be drawn in and feel you're in the same room with her. You laugh, you cry, you cheer, and you find yourself standing up for her as well as for yourself. Because after all in many ways what she shares is our own disappointments, hurts, rejections. Our own growths, lessons, and wins. Our doubts, fears, and setbacks. Our tenacity, resilience, and love. Great respect for everything she's accomplished, and the grace in which she wears it all. Thank you for being an amazing example Jamie of what is possible.


This book seems mostly to be Jamie tooting her own horn! A few good points, but mostly a disappointment and her relentless, dishonest modes of promoting the book were disappointing, as well.

Great story of overcoming obstacles

I was invited to be part of the launch team. When I first heard about the book it sounded interesting. I had no idea who Jamie Kern Lima was, I also had never heard of It cosmetics. I am so thrilled I had the chance to learn about both! Jamie opens her heart and life up to readers in this book with a powerful message to make sure to always believe in yourself. Although this book is very autobiographical Jamie really encourages each of us to go for our dreams. From the intro "...because where you come from doesn't determine where you're going..." it gets better from there!! To not share any spoilers a few favorite chapters are: Five: Believe in the Power of Your Microphone - such a powerful message about the volume of the microphone in your ear. You have to read it to get it :). Eleven: Believe Haters are just confused supporters - such a powerful message especially in this time in our world when people can post/comment/say anything they want behind the anonymity of the internet. This will be a book I pick up at times that I need to remember to believe in myself and the power of the supporters that are around to help me succeed!

Another Billionaire without Integrity

If you want to learn how to become a billionaire, you can learn from billionaires who actually have integrity and will teach real lessons. Jamie Kern Lima doesn't. And this book is basically just a fluff piece. I can save you a lot of time by telling you what makes Jamie think she is unstoppable is she didn't give up in creating her cosmetics company. Eventually she got lucky when someone gave her a chance on QVC, her products sold out during her segment, and her business ended up being sold for over $1 billion. This is it. Save your money. This book won't teach you anything real.

Get one for you and one for your daughters and girlfriends too!

I was fortunate to get an early digital copy of the new book, Believe IT by Jamie Kern Lima, the founder of IT Cosmetics. I have to say I wasn't sure what to expect. I mean, I love her makeup but who knows how good the book would be. I have to say it was amazing. and incredibly inspirational for all women who have ever felt not good enough, not thin enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not enough. An excerpt: "I remembered the deep pain I had felt as a little girl when I saw images of beauty that made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I was determined to change this, for other little girls out there who were about to start learning to doubt themselves, and for every grown woman who still does." I made so many highlights of passages I related to on a deep, visceral level. Moments flashed in my head of painful moments over my life and I can see how many of those fears and doubts have held me back. It's an easy read and I promise her powerful words will stay with you!

Life Changing...

I am forever changed because of journey my mind took while reading this book. It is difficult for me to articulate the shift that took place in my spirit while reading/listening to this. I recommend the audible version because Jamie narrates it herself and the impact is greater (in my opinion). What I can say is that Jamie (author) shared her many life experiences and disappointments (there were many) in the most selfless and vulnerable way. And as inspiring and motivational as her story was, it was actually the spirit in which she handled the challenges and the spirit of resilience in those tough situations that taught me the most. After reading this book, I feel more connected to everyone and everything around me as well as a renewed sense of sisterhood and togetherness. I am full. Thank you Jamie Kern Lima and to your husband who continues to share you with the world!

Profoundly Inspirational for Women of all ages

Impressive personal and professional journey of It Coametics' founder that just keeps building to a bigger and better finale. As I read the behind the scenes retelling by Jamie Kern Lima I gained her gift of grit and self-worth required to come out on top in a highly competitive industry. Even if you don't love It Cosmetic products like I do 💕 the story of believing in yourself and God is worth reading. Remember, Nothing is impossible for God to do. All that is asked of us is to agree with God's greatness and get out of our own way!

Girl Power!

Ever read a book that you want to pass on or pay it forward to someone...well Believe it! is a wonderful book to inspire women and have to say a lot of men have resonated with the themes of the book also. What are those themes?(which we all play in our heads at some point) Not good enough, my physical appearance is not model like, I get turned down in my pursuits more times than I care to admit, I am different so not as widely accepted by my peers. Jamie puts her heart and soul on the line in this book and reveals all. Her determination to beat odds that were against her is inspiring to even someone older like I am, not to give up on what you believe in and what you want to share with the world. Spoiler will make you cry in parts but you just want to cheer her on as you go through her story. If you have a daughter, granddaughter, niece, someone who needs inspiration in Girl Power this book would be the one to get! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Buckle up! This is a wild ride!!!

Jamie Kern Lima has more energy than the ubiquitous bunny and it explodes from the pages of this book. Raw, real, honest and heart rending, you’ll cry and cheer by the time the last page is turned. She shares not only the story of her cosmetic company’s birth, but also her life story. This is a business book and a life book with a side of inspirational aspiration. It’s a gift from a friend to be read again and again when you need encouragement. “How to Go from Underestimated to Unstoppable” is NOT any ordinary autobiography - BELIEVE IT📚

An inspiring read!

Jamie Kern Lima's Believe It: How to Go from Underestimated to Unstoppable is an inspiring read! I had not heard of Jamie, or IT Cosmetics, before reading this book, and, really, I should have considering that Jamie is a self-made, highly-motivated, hard-working woman, who created a make-up company from the ground-up, which was eventually sold to L'Oreal for billions of dollars. Jamie then became L'Oreal's first female CEO. In this remarkable story of her life, from the tale of finding out, as an adult, that she was adopted, to meeting her idol and mentor, Oprah Winfrey, Jamie shares her heart and the lessons she learned along the way on her path to success. Jamie's achievements did not come easily or all at once, and she shares how hard she worked, the grueling days (and nights) she put in, in order to reach the pinnacle of her victories and all of her dreams. In doing so, Jamie imparts essential teachings and lessons designed to assist women in making their own dreams come true. Jamie's story was a pleasure to read, and I will surely pick this book up again when I need a bit of Jamie's inspiration and encouragement in my own life.


I was blessed to read an advanced copy of this book and it has truly changed the way I think about myself, it has given me so much hope and confidence. I can't think of anything we need more right now in this world than hope and confidence. It is not just your typical self help book, but it is not just a memoir either. It reads like a story but is FULL of so many useful tools to put in your tool box (you will read about that). Jamie is so real, so honest, so vulnerable and this makes her so relatable to us women. Wether you own a business, have a dream of starting one, maybe you want to write a book, or maybe you just want to discover more about you and discover your WHY for just being happy and confident in life. Wherever you are in your journey there is something in this book for you to take. It will leave you feeling motivated and inspired. It has reignited my light!! Thank you Jamie!!

This book was meant for YOU!

Years ago, I knew Jamie Kern Lima had something special about her. I loved her IT Cosmetics line - not only because the products actually worked to improve my skin and looked awesome - but I loved the belief she incorporated to her brand statement "that every woman is beautiful and deserves to feel her most beautiful." Her message was that of truth, authenticity and empowering. It aligned with so many of my own personal and business core values of loving myself and to encourage others to love their authentic selves as well. When I open a book, I want to jump in and experience all that it offers. This experience was mind blowing. Get a box of Kleenex because you will need it-it's like you get a dose of compassion and love the entire way! (when you get to page 2 you'll understand!) Set some time aside for this book because you will not want to put it down until the last page. An inspiring, powerful read from start to finish about a woman's journey to change the world by just believing in herself. The book is filled with moments of revelation, perseverance and overcoming rejection, and grace. And laughter. Jamie tells the story so beautifully - it's like you are her BFF and have known her for years. True connection! If you are someone who has gone through your life with ups and downs, and you need help getting redirected in your life's purpose - this book will carry your confidence to new heights. Buy the book, read it, take notes, highlight the awesome profound quotes and takeaways that you can apply in your life immediately. Then add this book to your "EMPOWERMENT" bookshelf (if you don't have one - now you do!) and when you are feeling like you are losing ground, come back and re-read this most amazing book, and remember to not give up on yourself and to let your light shine and always believe in yourself. If you have a best friend or know someone who could use a dose of awesome - you need to gift them this book! Thank you, Jamie, for sharing your story with the world. I loved it. You are the real earth angel! The rest of you will love this book!

Read it or you will regret it!

When I sat down to read this book I was expecting a great story and yet I found out that wasn't even the half of it. In just the first chapter I was being pulled through the book on a journey of understanding, discovery, and transformation. I found I could only read two to three chapters at a time because she pulled out old emotions, beliefs, fears, and doubts from deep within me that just had to be brought into the light and vanquished. As I read, I transformed into a new person. I began to see things, ideas, beliefs, doubts, fears, and more in a whole new light/perspective. I am no longer the same person I was before and all because I read this book. I can't wait to dive in over and over and over until I fully BELIEVE IT!!!

Life Changing & Comforting

I was able to read the advanced copy and it is one of the best books I have ever read and I primarily read non-fiction. Jamie welcomes you into her home and life as a fiend. You get to know her, her friends that come from various walks of life, her good times and her great times. The book is phenomenal. You will not only enjoy it but you will want to buy it for family members. This is not a book just for women yet a rare book of triumph despite numerous struggles by a woman.

Go for It!

This is the inspiring story about Jamie Kern Lima's journey in life so far. She shares successes, lessons learned, struggles, and all. As a woman, she is vulnerable, and relatable to me. Jamie is bold about her faith, talking about how she walks and talks with God in her everyday life. She advises to ask God to show He exists if you do not believe. She credits God as the source of her success in all areas of her life. While she credits God as the one who is orchestrating her life, I felt as if she was apologizing for her faith at the same time, trying not to offend anyone. At times she mixed New Age with Christianity which I don’t think she did with any ill intent. I agree with her that God loves us all unconditionally, and we should show others that same unconditional love. I love "It Cosmetics!" I remember watching Jamie on QVC years ago when she took all her makeup off and used "It Cosmetics." "It," pun intended, gave me hope that the blemishes on my pale face could be covered. And "It" has been a favorite makeup for me ever since--from CC cream, Bye Bye Foundation, lipstick to Celebration Foundation! Jamie Kern Lima cares deeply for people. She is a cheerleader and mentor for flegling female entrepreneurs.

Raw, open, honest and powerful stuff.

I am not sure if I had ever been more excited for a book to come out since the last Harry Potter book. I discovered Jamie Kern Lima fairly recently at Tony Robbins UPW and while she was talking I felt like she was talking right to me. Her book was exactly the same way. I felt like she and I were in her living room chatting like old friends. As an inventors daughter working hard revolutionize the building industry I felt such a parallel in our stories. I was so grateful that someone finally put the story of the struggle behind the success out there. I honestly bought the book thinking it would be a step by step guide for us so that I could help my dad get his invention out into an industry just as saturated and stubborn as the beauty industry. Reading about how she had so many NO's gave me such validation to keep going! When she told me to trust my gut. When you really feel that you have something that can help- each No is just putting you in the path toward your YES. Believe It isnt just another self help or inspirational book. It is a fresh look at how to get thru the stormy seasons in your life and THRIVE on the other side of them. Jamie was raw and open with her struggles AND her celebrations. Her bravery and tenacity are so inspiring. I am renewed and validated and pushing harder than ever because I BELEIVE IT. Thank you Jamie. I am so flipping grateful for you and for you taking the time to put your story out there for us. I hope someday I get to hug you in person. I know now that it is time for me to shoot my shot and really start pushing hard to get my Dad the help he needs to get his invention out there. I can be brave and break down doors too and I know that now because of your amazing book. I thought it would be a step by step, but it turned out to be so much more. I now have so many more tools in my toolbox moving forward to keep building. Thank you so so much. Sending you so much love.

Not just luck, much hard work and many leaps of faith

Though you know how this book ends, there are parts that make you marvel at how close IT Cosmetics came to never making it off the ground. Many entrepreneurs' memoirs provide the "How I did it" tale, though this one includes a good dose of "And you can too!" Truly, this book was a joy to read. Because I had heard Jamie Kern Lima tell her story on several podcasts, I was familiar with the once a Denny's waitress, became a news anchor who developed rosacea, found a solution, and then developed it and marketed it progression. Reading an advance copy of the book, I learned more about how her path to selling her company to L'Oreal for over $1B included many forks in the road. In this book she explains more about her choices, and how viewed in hindsight they proved to be the right ones. There are many layers to the development of the company and the challenges faced along the way. This story is told with necessary detail, and the message that comes through is trusting one's own inner voice is what leads to success more than following the advice of experts. Jamie Kern Lima gives much credit to the support of friends, honesty, and and the true motivation of service to others in the extraordinary trajectory of her company. It is reassuring to hear that this, and not her MBA from an Ivy League institution, is to what she ultimately attributes her success. Reading Believe IT is a glimpse into what made IT Cosmetics the powerhouse that it is, with a great amount of inspiration and encouragement for the reader from the author herself.

A great book to show how perseverance and authenticity will help you to succeed.

Believe It is more than a self-help book - it’s the story of a journey. A journey of believing in one’s self when every says no. When you yourself doubt if you are good enough to achieve what you know inside you are meant to do. Raw, emotional, funny, infuriating, inspiring - you will experience the gamut of emotions as you read Jamie’s book, hoping all the while that she will ultimately succeed. The one big aspect of Jamie that you will notice is her authenticity. She really does care and wants to help the reader to succeed and overcome obstacles that may be in his/her life. Keep a highlighter handy as there will be a lot that you will want to reread. A great book to give young adults to read as they are beginning to embark on their journeys. BTW...ignore the review that said no free gifts. They were sent out in emails within a week or so after the event.

Absolutely A must Read Book!!!! Jamie out did herself

Believe It is a must read. I can’t say enough about this incredible book. The lessons giving in never giving up and never give up on your dream no matter how many no’s you hear. The epitome of hard work, determination and true passion for your dream makes Jamie a true warrior. Her true passion and desire oooz from the pages. I could not put it down, this by far is one of the best books I’ve read in 2021. Thank you Jamie for being transparent and sharing your road to success. Much Love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Read this.. then read it again and share it with everyone you know!

I have read so many self help books and usually don’t finish because the advice starts to seem fake and not authentic. Not the case with Believe It! I was hooked from the first chapter and felt like at time she was looking into my heart (sometimes the hidden parts) and writing my story. Speaking directly to me about the exact fears and obstacles I have in my life! I laughed, I cried and I rejoiced throughout this book. Thank you Jamie for writing this and making me feel Feel seen and unstoppable!

Exactly what everyone should read when doubting their dreams!

I love this book!!! It is inspirational and it truly demonstrates that humble beginnings are a stepping stone to greatness not an obstacle to success. Jamie really pours her heart out in this book and gives you a front row view to her humble hustle, her dedication to believing in something bigger than herself, her brokenness, her motivation, and her testimony that hard work pays off and that a "No" does not mean "No" it's simply another way to push you until the "Yes" is ready. I read the book and my 12 year old daughter is currently reading it and she's loving it. Jamie also speaks to all of us that faced self-doubt while growing up and she's genuine in her advice and truly motivates her reader to go out there and "Believe it" and get the job done. If you're looking for motivation and a truthful account and roadmap on how to reach for the star and believe in yourself, buy this book.

Amazing Story! She gives 110%!

Signed up for her prelaunch and buying the book was part of the package. I read it first as an eBook. I don't read a lot of eBook but Jamie shares in a light but poignant way. Great stories on how she went from struggling with self esteem and has reached her greatest dreams. Her goal is to help others reach theirs! She has great makeup and has used her challenges to propel her to an amazing life! A bit irreverent.. with her squirrel stuff but it's not over the top. She's real and accepts and builds up others. I'm a huge cheapskate but paid full price and have received tremendous value with her Facebook group and launch party as well as the life lessons. I'd never heard about Jamie until I was listening to Tony Robbins. Thanks to Tony I grabbed this wonderful book!

Get yourself the Kindle version! You’re gonna wanna highlight A LOT!

This was very inspirational, and Jamie says and shares a lot of things that just need to be said and shared, especially today! Regardless if you are aware of Jamie Kern Lima for her IT Cosmetics fame (a brand whose products I love in addition to their mission), I guarantee there will be something that resonates with anyone who picks up a copy of this book—for me, I found it to be a veritable treasure trove and such a treat! I highlighted so many amazing gems, but I want you to discover them for yourself, and so I will not share or spoil any details. I preordered a Kindle copy and joined Jamie’s book launch team to be able to read an ARC.

Oh my WOW! This book is simply awesome!!

I started out 2021 wanting to find positive and inspiring people to follow after really thinking about the idea that ‘you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with’ and realizing I was not spending time with 5 people consistently– after what feels like a year of isolation and let’s face it … not a ton of positive information no matter where you turned (TV, social media, etc). I was on a mission to surround myself with positivity and I all but stumbled upon Jaimie Kern Lima. I do not believe in chance – I know I was meant to discover her and this BOOK --it is absolutely what I needed … and I believe everyone needs it! I have read (or listened to) my fair share of motivational, self-help and leadership books – but this is DIFFERENT … this is far BETTER than any of them! It grabbed me from the beginning, and I could not put it down! Truth be told, lately I have not made it all the way through similar type books without getting bored – but that was never an issue with Believe IT! Jamie is so authentic. Her book is conversational, raw, and real; you cheer, you cry, you feel all the emotions. Seriously, as you read her book, it feels like she is sitting beside you, telling you her story … and oh what an inspiration she is. I cannot wait for my 16-year-old daughter to read this! So, if you are wanting some inspiration to help move you to some serious positive momentum – this is the ticket! I have never written a book review before … but this one … WORTH IT!! The unstoppable YOU is waiting – a must read!

“Believe It” ISN’T JUST FOR WOMEN!!!

This is not a book for women exclusively, I was led in my spirit to order it after Jamie’s interview on Good Morning America a couple of months ago. I just read it for my April read. This is a book for the ambitious and value driven, those who dream of and desire to be purposeful and significant. It is for every human being (woman, man, or child) who would dare believe. I would say that this is a contemporary application of Mark 9:23, “If you can believe, all things are possible”. I have recommended it to my congregation and just about every person I have relationship with who wants to make a difference. Thank you Jamie, you have helped thrust me into the next phase of my life, as in sure as I am about the specifics of what I want to do with the rest of it. I am retiring from 33 years as a pastor and 10 years running a nonprofit developing underserved communities. I’m now starting my own business so I can to help people do it God’s way, simply through believing...Thank you for this

This book changed my life and it will for you too!!

Please get this book!! I was luckily told about this by my cousin at a time I was loosing my sense of self and I knew it was time to find my light again. This book seriously helped be like my first step back into the light. I have always felt there is so much I am supposed to do in this life and impact others and I am so proud of where I have been and where I am now. This book helped me be proud of things I may already have been figuring out and just gave me tools to continue this growth and positive self care I needed. Even my family says they haven’t heard me so passionate about anything I she chosen to do with this new journey that just presented myself to me. I of course still have a lot of work to do and I will always grow but this book I will Always go to for reminders and inspirations if I get in my head or start doubting myself. I could go on and on. Jamie Kern Lima is a beautiful woman that deserves all the goodness and praise that comes her way!! Thank you Jamie!!

My new favorite!

WOW. I received the book this week & spent a few late nights devouring it, many times in tears. I really didn't know who Jamie was until recently. I believe God wanted me to stumble upon her. At first, I didn't know that she really would resonate with me, as I am not really into beauty products or makeup, had never heard of IT Cosmetics, and she was also a former pageant queen which didn't seem relatable to me as in introvert. Still, the book appealed to me, as I am standing on the edge of my purpose and afraid to move forward. I attended the 11-hour virtual event prior to her launch. When it started, I thought none of it was going to be for me, but after Jamie started to speak, I decided to continue watching and within the first hour or so, I had pre-ordered her book. So glad I did! This book is a must-read for women of all ages. Jamie comes across as a genuinely loving, championing, and kind friend to women, one who encourages us to invite another to the table, to cheer on others, and believe in them as we also believe in ourselves. I could relate to so many pieces of her story, which is why I found myself crying over and over as I read. I was sad when I got to the last few chapters of the book, knowing it was almost over, because of the impact it was having on my spirit. To Jamie- Thank you for writing your story and for being vulnerable enough to share, including the ways that you are still a work in progress. Thank you for inspiring me to start to believe just a little more in the dreams God has planted in me. But, most of all, thank you for not being afraid to share your faith, and for acknowledging all of the many ways God revealed Himself to you in your journey, as well as crediting Him for your success. Your new fan, Jennifer

Inspirational & amazing book!!

Wow, I cannot believe it! LOL no really I can’t ...Jamie is an AMAZING human being. This book is for anyone looking to here the story of someone who was underestimated in every way but like Rocky became THE champion. It’s a story of encouragement but it’s from her own life experience so it is real. I was literally in tears balling my eyes out reading a few sections in this book. I laughed out loud a few times (I won’t ruin it but the framed animal LOL). But the main reason I purchased this book is because I am an inventory (I know it says law lady that’s my “real” job). My products and I have been rejected at least a 100 times. I know in my heart I was created to create. After reading Jamie’s was like God speaking directly to me from her words...I have a new sense of determination to keep moving forward. One day I will personally thank Jamie for writing this book.

Struggles, lessons, behind the scenes examples and more

As a woman who got an undergraduate business degree when my friends were becoming nurses or teachers, I wondered if Believe It would be relevant to me. But it was, because I appreciated the stories that showed what women are still having to deal with in business to make it big. I really appreciated reading all the struggles she had in her business and personal life and how she kept on going. She shared the lessons she learned, sometimes learning them the hard way. I appreciated how she talked to the reader from her heart – the most vulnerable I have read of anyone writing a book. Her writing flows along well and I found her stories relevant to women who like seeing the cosmetics industry behind the scenes. Her stories are also relevant to women who doubt themselves and/or feel inadequate. I note this quote that resonated with me: “As women, so many of us end up sitting on the sidelines of life, and the sidelines of our dreams, because we feel unready, or unqualified, or not enough.” Even though she had the advantage of being smart and marrying a smart person committed to helping her in the business, she faced weight discrimination; I think this is one of the final types of discrimination, especially toward women, that appears acceptable in business. It can be so subtle that you hardly realize it or blatant as one example she gives. I hope this book makes more people aware of that type of discrimination and how it can still slow down women in their careers. I believe that we will hear more from Jamie Kern Lima as it appears she is in a new stage of her career with the arrival of this book.

This book will set your soul on fire and give you so much inspiration to Believe IT!

Jamie is down to earth, authentic, and relatable. This book will set your soul on fire and give you the fuel to Believe IT—believe in yourself, your goals, your hopes, and dreams. Jamie shares how you can start from wherever you are and by Believing IT—you can reach and far surpass any goals that you may have. She is candid and the stories shared within the pages of this book make you keep turning page after page and wanting more!

Authenticity to the max!

First book review ever! I saw Jamie Kern Lima on her first appearance on QVC and thought WOW, a real person! That is what you get in this book. Authenticity to the max. Jamie took all her NO’s and turned them into lessons instead of rejections. She never stopped because she believed in herself and her product. She honestly wants to help you and me! This is her story! If she can than we all can! I am 58 years old and if I had read this book in my twenties my life would be different. I bought this book for my 11 employees hoping this book would encourage each of them like it has me! On top of that ALL her proceeds are going to Feed America. So I just helped my staff and fed the hungry at the same time. Two fold. My biggest take away....GOD DOESN’T CALL THE QUALIFIED...HE QUALIFIES THE CALLED!

A MUST READ 4 Women everywhere!

Awesome book!! Easy to read (or listen to; love audibles) & is filled with inspiration, wisdom, humor & authenticity. Jamie shares her life’s story from the heart with such vulnerability & courage. Her Faith in God intermixed with struggle & hardship is expertly woven throughout the story of her life, clearly showing her vision & strength as a testament to the power & presence of God. “Believe It” is one of the most beautifully written books I’ve ever read. I am so thankfully to have had the privilege to hear Jamie speak live on several occasions. She is just as lovely in real life; full of life & shinning brightly. Get a copy of her book now for yourself & all the women in your life today!

What I Needed to Hear This Season of Life!

Believe IT is a book that really will inspire you to not only believe in yourself but to believe that the things you have overcome in the past have prepared you for the things that you WILL overcome in the future. From hearing about Jamie's experience with rejection after rejection in your business to discovering a family secret that changed her life, this book was truly a page-turner that had me cheering for Jamie. What this book also did was inspire me to cheer for myself too. I realized all the times that I allowed other people's opinions, the "mean girls," and the self-doubt hold me back from pursuing my goals. Hearing about Jamie's journey and the action steps she took to believe in herself, have inspired me to do the same. If you're looking for a quick read that will inspire you to take action, this is the book for you.

Time well spent!

I received an early preview copy of this book for promotional purposes. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I remember the first time I saw Jaime on QVC. I was flipping the channels and went back to QVC because I could instantly tell that Jaime was set apart from other presenters I had seen before. There was an authenticity, vulnerability, and rawness to her. I immediately connected with her message and her cosmetics line. I was thrilled when I discovered she wrote a book. I loved this book right away. I felt like I was listening to Jaime tell these stories in person instead of reading about them. She shares the good and the bad and the how all these experiences propelled her forward in her purpose. The thing I love most about this book is that different parts of the book will stand out for different readers. We each have our own unique path, direction, and purpose. I am thankful to Jaime for writing this book, sharing her struggle and heart with us, and helping others gain the tools they need to achieve their dreams! So many people will benefit from reading this book!

"Imagine what would happen if you believed it anyway..."

Believe It by Jamie Kern Lima is a love letter to all the women out there who feel like they aren't worthy of what they want most in life. At points, it feels as though Jamie pulls up a chair, hands you a glass of wine, and shares her most vulnerable (and often times relatable!) stories. Her refusal to give up no matter what, her dedication to her business AND her family, and her passion for what she believes in are incredibly inspiring. If this book doesn't motivate you, I don't know what will! Highly recommended!

Jamie speaks from the heart

It is inspirational to read the story of someone who came from nothing and worked her way to the top of the beauty industry. The reminder that we all need to keep pushing forward, work hard and trust God along the way. I loved reading about a woman that included her faith in her journey and wasn’t afraid to put it out there for the world. Not only is it a story of one woman’s highs and lows on the journey to success, but is also a guide to show you the way as well. Bringing other women up behind her and providing them with the courage, knowledge and faith in their creator that they can do it too.

Fly, girl, fly

Who is Jamie Kern Lima? And why should you care? I’ll be honest, I’d never heard of her before the book launch. I saw an Instagram ad (their targeting is pretty accurate) and what she said resonated with me, so I bought the book Jamie is a self-made billionaire (with a B) who founded IT Cosmetics. Now, I’m a drugstore makeup kind of girl, so I’d never heard of IT Cosmetics. But that’s not REALLY what the book is about. Jamie was a normal person, like I am, and like you probably are. She had a problem. She fixed her problem, and realized other people might need their problem fixed too. So she worked tirelessly to build her company to do just that. She was rejected. A lot. She was told no. A lot. She was humiliated. But she kept at it, and believed in herself, and her enthusiasm and passion will rub off on you too. In a world where people (women especially) like to tear each other down, she’s here to lift us up. She believes in supporting other people, and there’s enough success to go around. Get out of the scarcity mindset and get in the abundance mindset. If you need a little light in your life, some hope and support—get this book. You’ll feel like you made a friend.

golden Everyone needs to read this

Everyone needs to read this book it is golden. This book is something that everyone needs especially during this time. It is a total game-changer, makes me want to give it my all and become unstoppable. This book has given me a lot of intention in my life. The journey and stories that Jamie kern Lima told were inspiring and motivating. This is the light that you need to spark your life up.

Easy read, but powerful!

I was able to get an advanced reader's copy and am so glad my hard copy arrived last night. It's definitely a book I want to read again! I was already a fan of It cosmetics and had watched Jamie for years on QVC. As you read, you feel like you're having coffee with her and talking about life. I thought I knew her story, but as she shares, she invites you to think about your own story. That's why it's powerful! It's a journey of believing in yourself, embracing your authentic self, and letting your light shine! Jamie is inspiring, authentic, and generous. She's donating all the proceeds from the book, plus the pre-orders were blessed with a free action plan. Yesterday she put on a free event with many motivational speakers. It was fabulous! Some of my favorite quotes: "Your intuition is more powerful than anyone else's advice." "Do you victim-up or do you warrior-up? Do you give up or do you level up and believe? The UP is up to you!" Jamie Kern Lima

Unstoppable motivation!

This book is so inspirational. Jaime never gave up, she never backed down. Reading this book feels like having a conversation with her. I am a budding entrepreneur and Jaime, through this book is such a cheerleader. She is keeping me going. I highly recommend for anyone who doubts themselves, who wants to branch out to something new, or who just wants an uplifting read. AND Jaime is donating all proceeds to Feeding America and Together Rising so how amazing is that? It's like you are donating yourself and getting an amazing book to read for free!

Inspirational. Motivational Easy Reaf

Reading this book was like sitting down with your best friend and listening to her story of creating a successful life and business. In this book Jamie gives us the real life nitty gritty look behind the scenes of the struggles and successes of her journey. This book inspires and motivates the reader to take a good look at what they want and why. She encourages the reader to decide what they want and Believe It can happen. This book and its lessons apply to all areas of life, not just business. Believe It is worth far more than the price you’ll pay because the information gained here can be carried throughout your life.

Ignite the Passion In Your Soul - Shine Your Light

Read the book "Believe-It', It will change your life. Jamie Kern Lima's brilliance shines in a new and unexpected way. "For the loves of my life: Wonder and Wilder. And for each and every person who has helped me to believe… in myself, in a mission greater than myself, in God, and in the great potential each of us has to help heal humanity through love." - Jamie Kern Lima - Author of Believe-It - founder of IT Cosmetics. Jamie emphasizes in her book, "Where you come from doesn't determine your destiny", The book ignited a spark of passion and creativity in my soul. I began to realize that I had a choice to make about what I wanted from my future self. As Jamie's friend, Lia Valentia Key eloquently stated about a conversation she had with her mom: '"At this moment Lia, you are following the predicament you see all around you and you will become what you see and you will become what you are and what you see but Lia you can choose how you want to live your life. You can choose to live beyond the predicament so it doesn't become your destiny.*'. Lia then understood how she chose to think determined her outcome. She chose to illuminate, "Life, light, joy. and peace." Jamie words began to peel away at the mask of negative self-talk and body image that had weighed me down like a suit of armor.. She helped uncover my true authentic self. . "I believe every one of us has a light inside of us—a light that can burn self-doubt to the ground and illuminate your path ahead; a light that gives you the power and confidence to show up authentically and be seen." - Jamie Kern Lima I realized I had hidden my light deep inside myself. .The words from my past came flooding back, "Can't you do anything right? You are not worthy of God's love because you are unlovable.". I had allowed my past mistakes and failures to paralyze me. I was trying to place unrealistic expectations of perfection on myself that I could never obtain. All the blemishes, blotches, and scars I had concealed under the make-up began to fade away after I began to step towards the purpose and calling God had placed on my life. The journey toward transformation had become like a healing balm. Jamie points out that you are enough just as you are. She helps you carve out a path that fuels your soul and shows you the keys to unlock your unimaginable dreams if you only believe. She connects you with community so you do not feel alone. Giving back is important to Jamie and that is why she is donating all the proceeds from the book to Feeding America and Together Rising.

Buy it now! You will thank yourself!

10 stars out of 5! GET THIS BOOK! I’ve been book hopping for several years. Very rarely have I found something that captures my attention so much that I don’t want to pause to read another book or stop reading it altogether. I couldn’t put this one down. It’s raw, inspiring, gut wrenching, and will truly reach everyone in some way. I feel like Jamie is a friend I’ve had forever. Through this book you can feel her beautiful soul and her honesty is unlike any other book I’ve read. Love her and this gift she’s written for the world. I’m going to be giving one to everyone I know! It’s. That. Good.

She’s MY Oprah!

I preordered this book in December and participated in her launch day event...and that still didn’t fully prepare me for how good it was! I highlighted so much I literally used it until it was dry lol! She has such an amazing story and her being so supportive of *everyone* makes you love her that much more. I liked her a ton before the book and somehow she became EVEN MORE lovable. It’s like a friend talking to you and not a “super rich and fancy” person that’s comes across as out of touch with reality/not self-aware talk AT you about their success. You really feel her passion and power. Kicking off Women’s History Month, this is book I went forward with for my company book club group. Perfect timing and an amazing story with beautiful takeaways.

Must buy for all the women in your life!

This is more than just Jaime Kern Lima's story of transforming IT cosmetics from a small start in her living room to a $1.2 billion buy out by L'Oréal; it's the story of Jaime's courage to believe in herself against the odds. It's also a blueprint for you and every woman to cast off the expectations and limitations imposed by others and learn to believe in herself! If you have daughters, buy them this book!!!!

Loved it so much! Might be my all time favorite!

As an avid reader of self improvement/development books, I tend to love some more than others, and sometimes want to send a copy to a friend who may like it. What can I say to my all my friends? “YOU get a book, and YOU get a book, and YOU get a book!” ALL of my friends will be getting this book! It was a fantastic read & I feel different on a personal level from having read it. I want to go out & do good & make a difference. Jamie is so humble as she tells her story, never boastful or preachy, just thoughtful... like having a deep conversation with a good friend. Please do yourself a favor & buy the book; unless you’re one of my friends.. in which case, watch your mailbox!

Life Changing!!

This is the most honest, transparent book that I have ever read. I could not put it down. Such honesty and baring of her soul, Jamie tells it like it is. You can feel her pain and her joy through this authentic journey. These principles can be applied to every life journey regardless whether professional or personal. This is a MUST read!!! Thank you Jamie, for sharing your heart with us. I knew you were the real deal the first time I saw you on QVC and this book seals the deal. You are an inspiration.


I have been a fan of Jamie Kern Lima for a while now. This book will "ignite your own light" as Jamie says. The book is so inspiring. You follow Jamie's life from the beginning to where she is today. What sets this book apart from all of the other "inspirational/motivational" books out there is that she is REAL, AUTHENTIC, and puts EVERYTHING out there: the good, the bad, the honest and the not-so-pretty. You see yourself in her story. You are HER. She is 100% relatable and by the end of the book, you are not only rooting for her, but in a wonderful way, you are rooting for yourself. She writes her book so authentically from the heart that her story and her message gets straight to your core and you believe that all things are possible. Every woman will be inspired by this book. Men, as well! BUY YHIS BOOK!!!

This is the Best Read in Years!

I first found out who Jamie was when she introduced her first product , bye bye under eye concealer. She was so brave to remove her makeup live on TV to prove how well It worked. I loved her story and this book explains everything she went through and how she came out on top by pushing forward and not listening to people who wanted to knock her down. This book is an amazing life journey that everyone should read !!! It’s powerful and inspiring to change the negativity into positivity. I want to shout this info to the world !! Please read this book and get empowered like I got after reading it !

Learn how to BELIEVE It!

If you have been living under a rock and don’t know who Jamie Kern Lima is by now, you are about to fall in love with her! In reading her book, her story will change your outlook and your approach to your own challenges in your life. This is not a story about how a girl went from being a Denny’s server to selling her cosmetics company for $1 billion overnight. The story is about grit and tenacity and courage. Jamie sheds such a bright light on so many different aspects that every person can connect to something in this book, if not more. There are so many tools and strategies and takeaways from this book that you can keep coming back to to apply to different scenarios that you are currently working through.I have read a ton of personal development books from authors like Glennon Doyle, Rachel Hollis, Dave Hollis, Jen Hatmaker, Jen Sincero, Mel Robbins and this book hands down is in my top five! This will be a book that I consistently will be going back to, to dig into the stories of her friends and her victories that she shares. There’s so many different motivational quotes, scenarios, strategies that you can just get into and take a piece here and there!

I wanted it to be more

While I truly respect, admire, and follow Jamie, this book was not well written. It’s more of a biography with a sprinkling of “you can do it” thrown in. I wish she would have used a ghost writer to puzzle this biography together or made it a true self-help book. It falls flat on both ends.

It's more than a book, it's a movement!

Jamie Kern-Lima shares her story in such a moving and relatable way that I laughed with her, cried with her and celebrated with her. The book is a journey to self love (for the reader) and a lesson in reversing negative internal programming, quieting negative external messaging, reconnecting with dreams, creating the right support system, and having the confidence to take action toward a more fulfilling life.

Amazing book for young women.

This book is a wonderful look into the life of a truly amazing woman. She talks about her path to selling her company for $1.2b which was no stroke of luck, but rather a long and hard journey that most people would not be able or willing to endure. This book would make an incredible gift for teen and young women to learn about the beautiful combination of grace and grit with which they too can lead a truly exceptional life. Thank you to Jamie for being vulnerable and sharing her story.

Phenomenal and inspirational!

This is a phenomenal book! I love the raw, real stories of Jaime. Her ups and downs! Her weaknesses and strengths! It’s inspirational and has made my day! It’s definitely not consequential that I found her on the day of the launch on live video. I had one of my lowest days today and after reading this, I feel so ready to move forward on my journey as an entrepreneur!

Oh, that's good!

(Note: Received a Net Galley ARC Digital Copy, but also Pre-Ordered Hardcover Copy of my own). Wow! Part Memoir, Part Motivational Manifesto! I've been watching Jamie Kern Lima since she was on Season 1 of Big Brother - I knew then, that she was IT! Was I right or what? She became the Founder and CEO of IT Cosmetics and is on the Forbes Richest Self-Made Woman List. This book is a must-read for anyone that has a dream to succeed. My book is full of colorful highlights marking my favorite quotes that made me laugh, cry and say "Oh, that's good!"

If there is just one book you buy this year experience Believe IT

Congratulations 🎈🍾🎊🎉 Jamie Kern Lima You are my Hero and my inspiration. I read your book along with your Audiobook.... I wanted to hear your emotions as I read along with the book in hand. I cried and laughed and cheered with you! As you turn the pages of Believe IT and dive into Jamie’s journey somehow the worlds begin to intertwine and you encounter a parallel moment at some point in your life that you can totally relate to. If there is just one book you buy this year experience Believe IT ... yes I said EXPERIENCE it The events in the life of Jamie go beyond the drive, the tenacity, the never give up even after hearing endlessly “No” mentality. It is truly about her spiritual journey and her authentic unselfish acts of sheer kindness and humble humanity; It is about praying, having faith and truly believing in God’s miracles I am forever grateful for finding Jamie ... Because I truly believe I found my voice and I found myself again Thank you I Love you Jamie! You Go Girl! If there is anything I could ever do I’m here for you!!! Sending Love and Light ❤️❤️💫💫❤️❤️ PS I am gifting your book to all My friends and family to make them feel empowered and UNSTOPPABLE!!👼🏻🦋

Definitely recommend!

I loved this book! I have been gifting it to others! Believe It feels like you are talking to your best friend and she is encouraging you to be the best version of you! If you have ever struggled with self doubt, rejection, other people not believing in you, or worry that you aren't worthy this book is for you! Jamie shares HOW she has overcome these things and teaches you how to believe in yourself, even when it's hard! Read this book, you won't regret it!!

Truly Authentic and Helpful Book

From the first few pages, I was hooked by Jamie's story and related to her on so many levels! Moreover, it is incredibly refreshing to read a book that isn't preaching at me but is inviting me on the discovery journey with the author. I felt like I was having coffee with a friend who was sharing her story. I was inspired, moved, and motivated to truly Believe It! This isn't just talk - it's the real deal! I highly recommend this book to anyone who has been holding back from taking action on their dream. This book is a game-changer!

Real and Raw

Love, love, love this book. I felt like I was a part of Jamie's adventure from the first chapter. I felt like I was experiencing every trial and victory. I felt every emotion and shed tears of frustration and tears of joy! By the end of the book, I felt like I was one of Jamie's inner circle and cheer squad. I finished the book with the determination that I can make my dreams a reality. Jamie laid out a path to success that I can follow. I am so inspired by this book that I bought one for both of my daughters. If you need hope that you can accomplish your dreams, you MUST read this book!

Powerful and motivational!!

Jamie is so passionate about helping women believe in themselves just as they are, which resonates so much with my mission. It was so powerful to read about Jamie's life and all the struggles she experienced, which are many, and how she just kept getting up and kept on going no matter what. It's very inspirational to see a real person share their struggles and the strategies she used to overcome the obstacles she experienced. This book is a must read if you need some motivation to believe in yourself and become unstoppable with whatever it is in your life that you want to pursue!!


Oh my goodness! I cannot say enough about this book!! I laughed, cried, read through the night!!! But most of all I feel empowered to become the best version of me!! If Jamie can do in spite if all the rejection so can I? Thank you, Jamie, for having the courage to tell your deeply personal story for the rest of us to be inspired. A must read!!!

It Cosmetics is just amazing. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

Jamie's book is just amazing. She is a true hero. Telling her true stories her way. I am a true believer of it Cosmetics. Jamie's it Cosmetics Team are just amazing. You are truly love by them. They are real people sharing there on story. I have used it Cosmetics products in the past. And will continue to use them in the future. Congratulations Jamie. And to all that help Jamie thru the year's to Pursuit her Dream's. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

Cried after every single chapter!

Just finished reading and I could NOT put this book down. I had to stop reading before the final chapter because I did NOT want this book to end. Jamie really shows up authentically and with vulnerability. It’s almost like she was talking to a friend and opening up her heart. She helped me work through my self doubt at every single chapter which we all women experience. I cried after almost every single chapter because her words really touched my soul to help me heal. There were MULTIPLE occasions where I was experiencing some self doubt the day before and the chapter I read the next day helped heal me EXACTLY from that inner critic the day before. I know it was God at work using Jamie’s experience to heal me and help me raise my inner thermostat temperature to vibrate at a higher frequency for whatever greater things that are coming up in the future. Thank you JAMIE for believing in you so I can too!

Motivating, inspirational, amazing read!!

This book is by far one of the best inspirational books I've read in a long time...and I read a lot!! Believe It is a love letter to all women who doubt their worthiness, ability to succeed and chase your dreams. Immediately upon reading the first couple pages, you feel like Jamie is sitting next to you, cozied up on the couch like a best friend or sister with a coffee or glass of wine, telling you amazing stories of heartbreak, grit, determination and belief in self. She shares her most vulnerable and authentic stories that are then applied in a way to build a tool kit for your own life...never once do you feel like this book is purely about her story, it's not Jamie's style to focus on self...her entire story and ultimate dream was about changing the beauty industry for women and this book translates that same way, it's written for us and is so easy to relate to. I couldn't put it down and have already started reading again. Make sure you have a highlighter ready because there are so many amazing quotes and tips you'll want to keep for inspiration! If this book doesn't motivate you to go after your dreams and believe in YOU, I don't know what will!! Ps. I feel like I need to add because it's truly so amazing to me how incredible Jamie is, all proceeds on the book are going directly to Feeding America and Together Rising, two incredible organizations doing amazing work to help our fellow sisters and brothers in need. It just shows how genuinely loving Jamie is and how she truly wants nothing more than this book to be a love letter to us all. This book is a gift in more ways than one!!

VERY Inspirational book

This book is one of, if not, THE most inspirational books I have ever read! The tenacity that Jamie showed in her efforts to launch It Cosmetics is so far beyond courageous as to be nearly unbelievable. She is authentic and living proof that where you come from doesn't determine where you're going. She enabled me to see others in non-judgmental ways that literally changes how I will view people from now on. She endured so much more than rejection when it came down to being personally insulted. She would not be stopped. She has inspired me to see everyone in the way God sees all of us, as His kids. Read this book if you want to be inspired to accomplish your biggest dreams, and come back to it often when life seems to want to take you off track. Don't deny the world your God-given greatness, use this book to motivate you and guide you to become the greatest version of yourself by making the world a better place for your having passed through. Do yourself the great favor, buy this book, read it, implement it, and Believe It! Be blessed,

Don't leave without buying this book!

This is an excellent read for teens and adults alike. I found it inspiring, empowering, and motivational. Jamie Kern Lima is so authentic in her writing it makes this book very relatable and easy to read. You feel as if you're listening to a friend rather than other books that come across as an academic analysis. This is a true, raw life story that conveys a positive message and perseverance in the face of adversity. I highly reccomend this for Moms, Dads, Teens, etc. Excellent read!

The Best BeautyPreneur Book in 2021

This book by Jamie is Amazing on many accounts as she shared her personal and professional stories on a deeper level and how she overcomes each situation in a very condensed manner. Her own personal story is a book by itself not to mention readers can learn from her business experience, her faith, and how she BELIEVE IT and persisted through all the naysayers and being the top 100 richest women. Her story showed everyone has a chance to succeed and do not worry about the timeline as your day will come if you believe it.


I hadn’t heard of Jamie or her company when I chose this book. I just felt like it was what I needed to help me get out of my 2020/21 confidence funk. It did not disappoint. Jamie is relatable yet also comes from a place of someone who is truly self made. She has seen all sides of the success rollercoaster and willingly shares them all. I not only learned a lot from this book but I actually do feel more prepared to go for the big goals again. Great, easy, with read that is totally worth it.

>> Insert ALL the Positive Adjectives Here!!!

This book is all of the "ings!" Inspiring! Affirming! Motivating! Amazing! Jamie's an authentic soul, and you will feel like you know her as she shares her life an story with you. Even though she's such a successful and powerful woman, her story translates not as one of pride, but one of humility and gratitude. This book brought me so much joy, and I KNOW I will read it again someday!

This book will help you dream bigger dreams!

I was blessed to be on Jamie’s book launch team. Although I didn’t receive access to the digital version until the week before the book release (technical difficulties), I fell in love with Jamie in our Facebook group. The moment I first heard her speak on January 1st during Brendon Burchard’s GrowthDay event, I was a fan. Her energy, love, generosity, and spirit shine. This book had me laughing, crying, and relating in a way that I never have with an author. She is honest and shares her struggles throughout life. I finished reading and highlighting my book in just a few days. When I finished reading the book I looked at all the challenges I’ve faced knowing they are all stepping stones to success. I believe in myself, my company, and I hope when you finish this book, you decide to go for whatever that dream is you’ve been afraid to go after.

Be a light, use your gifts to help others, believe in yourself!

Great book to read during Woman’s History month! Picked this up halfway through a Jon Gordon interview. Thoroughly enjoyed hearing Lima’s personal and authentic story of determination, grit, believing in herself, and overcoming personal and professional obstacles to achieve success. Tons of great takeaways in this book – be a light, use your gifts to help others, believe in yourself! Highly recommend.


Everyone raved about this book - the reviews were so positive. And yes, a very inspiring story! But I wanted a more in-depth look at how she started her company and what it really took to develop the grit. I felt it gave a lot of platitudes and sayings that I could find on a poster rather than a deeper understanding of what it takes to develop one's own company and preserve through the ups and downs.

The truth of believing in me has set me FREE

I know with out a shadow of doubt this book was written specifically for me!! There is so much power and truth written on these pages. Jaime writes so beautifully authentic and raw as if she and I were best friends sitting at a table chatting about the power of BELIEVING! I see myself inside of this book I totally relate to her story in so many ways. Believe it has literally changed my mindset and has given me a new found hope on my journey! Nothing is impossible with god! That’s where our god starts! Thank you Jaime for this inspirational story that has forever changed my life and I will never give up or stop believing that god has a special place for me here in earth. He will use me and my special gifts and talents to bring hope to this world. The world needs each and everyone of us and we need to stop hiding our light!!! Thank you 😊

Powerful, inspiring, and incredibly encouraging

If you need encouragement to keep going no matter what adversity comes against you, this book will give it. If you need 'insider' information on how tough it can be, but you can still preserve, this book will give it. If you need to be 'fired up' that you can succeed in a tough industry and still live your dreams, this book will fire you up. It changed me for the better... and I am thankful.

An Inspiring Book for Women Everywhere!

I loved this book as it was an inspiring and real look "behind the curtains" of a very successful, female entrepreneur. The book was funny, humorous, and motivating as she shared what it really took to grow a business from her living room to a billion dollar brand. I cheered her on through her journey as I picked up valuable insights and nuggets of wisdom for my own entrepreneurial journey!

Read, learn, and re-read

A book has never left me in awe. Nor has it inspired me in the way this book had. I was a part of the early launch and took my time to truly read and soak in the knowledge. The book itself is fantastic and mostly feels like someone was sitting there telling you there life story. They just went ahead and did it and worked till it finally worked. A chock full of life lessons, inspiration and pain can be read and felt in this book. If you're ever wondering if you are enough this book assures you. You definitely are. I'll re-read this for lessons I've missed but i'll take this as a memory of how to grow as a person and still be a selfless CEO. I loved this and woman or not. This is a must read. Take all the time you need and cuddle around the fire. This book stands out among everything I've ever read

Audiobook is Awesome

I am glad I purchased the audiobook instead of just reading it. Having the author read their own story gives it a special meaning and feel. This is one of the best ones I have listened to and have already listened to it twice. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I am glad I got this one. An inspirational story of a young woman's dream that becomes a reality. Shows what happens when you stick to your beliefs and do not compromise. There are so many lessons to learn from this one.

This is an amazing book! Read it if you want to laugh, cry, and feel inspired all within a few pages

I loved this book! It is like sitting in Jamie's living room hearing the truth about her story. I love her friends, and how she is willing to open up and share the struggles along with the joys. She really went through a lot and creating a movement in the industry is such an accomplishment. What a gift this book is to me and the people who read it. I cried, laughed out loud and I didn't want it to end. Highly recommend.

Most Authentic Story Yet

Believe It is a book that everyone should read. It is a book that families can share with their children of all ages. The life lessons she shares are told in truthfulness and so much honesty. Yet, you can put yourself in her shoes in having to make decisions. Our children need more examples of this type of down to earth authenticity from an international CEO. Every business begins with solving a need in the life of one person. It grows from an idea to a small business. From there, it grows as far as the vision of the CEO takes it. Jamie has done that. I am passing my copy on to those younger than me for inspiration, and adding it to my bibliography list for my client to read. Sher Graham

Out of this world

Awe inspiring, ridiculous God filled stories and absolutely and utterly inspiring to the MAX. So many memorable lessons learned in every chapter that I will NEVER FORGET. THE LIGHTS DEFINITELY WERE TURNED ON READING THIS AMAZING JOURNEY OF LIFE. You definitely can't fake authenticity and this was definitely AUTHENTIC BEYOND WORDS. Thank you Jamie for being ALL THAT GOD MADE YOU TO BE AND MORE.

Top 3 books I have read in quarantine

I found Jaime and It Cosmetics in late 2017 Been a fan of the cosmetics and skincare since then When I heard Jaime was writing a book I ordered right away (amazon order history shows I ordered mid septembet This book kept my attention from cover to cover I was sad to reach the end It was very relatable and sounded like a friend was telling me their highs and lows without sugar coating any parts I will definitely attend any event Jaime is involved with


This book is totally awesome! I bought a hard cover copy and the audible copy that I listen to while I'm driving. Read by the author (she has a very lovely voice). I highly recommend this book, it is motivational and uplifting. I have used the IT cosmetic line for many years and I love it. I'm thankful that Jamie kept going with her dream to bring a cosmetic product into the world that is made for women whose skin is not perfect. Fantastic product and a wonderful book for yourself or to give a a gift! Thank You Jamie!

This is a MUST read!

This is a must read for women everywhere. I received an advanced copy of this book and my purchased copy arrived on Tuesday, I will purchase additional copies for my sisters and daughters. Jamie shares her life story, both the good and the bad, the professional and the personal. Jamie's writing style is conversational and motivational, this book is a quick read that I know I will refer to for years to come. I found this book to be empowering. While I really enjoyed the entire book, my favorite chapter was the last chapter where Jamie discussed the role faith has played in her life. She offers many tips and suggestions that are practical and can be applied to real life. They can help each reader take charge of their life. As the mother of four amazing women, this book should be required reading.

Great read! Exactly what we need right now!

I participated in an online seminar the author held, which was an all day free event featuring 18 incredible speakers, many of whom were women. There are a lot of people doing personal development, but not enough female perspectives and voices. This is EXACTLY what we need right now! Jamie's experiences and insights, and the authentic way she shares her real struggles, is heartfelt and uplifting. So many people think people who made it just got lucky or had overnight success, which is rarely if ever the case. This book helps document her journey and some of the many challenges she overcame and persevered. She is also a HUGE champion of other women which is also something seriously lacking. I've ready thru Chapter 8 so far when I say this book is a great read worth your time - BELIEVE IT!

Hits after hits of inspiration!! A must read!

I got both the audiobook and the book, and I am so glad I did. Listening to the audiobook was like listening to an old friend. The book was nice to see the photos and faces. Every chapter has its own nugget of inspiration, whether it's about trusting your intuition, believing in yourself, taking risks and keeping faith or believing in luck, and dealing with haters and bullies. Some parts of her story I found it hard to relate to, and other parts it almost felt like her life was made for TV, but overall her positivity and light are infectious. Thanks Jamie for sharing your vulnerability with us. 🙏🙏🙏

What Are You Waiting For?

If you are looking for a "rags to riches" type of book, this isn't it. If you are looking for a positive, uplifting book on the importance of not giving up, you found it. Jamie is so relatable and down to earth. As I read the book, I could picture sitting on the couch, drinking wine in our coffee cups and chatting about these topics. She writes this book from a pretty vulnerable point of view. She is a great example of women uplifting women. I was sad to finish the book because I know her story isn't over and I want to hear more about it. Read this book, don't give up and remember to help others along the way.

An absolute life changer for me!

This book gives you the tools you need to change your life! I have followed Jamie Kern Lima’s career and speaking events for many years and this book is a raw and authentic story of her life from a little girl to becoming a mother of 2 beautiful children with her husband Paulo. During this time Jamie began to build her company IT Cosmetics. She had so many knock backs and the book explains how Jamie dealt with those knock backs and spoke of the special people in her life. I cried and laughed during this book. It also made me believe in myself. I highly recommend this book. I loved the audible version also. Listening to Jamie read the book takes you on a whole new journey. Absolutely hands down the best book ever.

You will Believe IT After Reading This

This book is a must-read for those who struggle with self-esteem issues or anyone who continually seeks bettering and empowering themselves. Jamie Kern Lima makes you feel like you can relate to her story, her struggles and her victories. Best personal development book ever! Run and get this today!

For anyone looking to build confidence or self esteem!

This book is full of so much raw emotion. Experiences of how she turned her life of continued rejections into one that she was destined for by God's design. Through perseverance, hard work, and the help of some good friends along the way, Jamie Kern Lima was destined for success! She learned not to take NO for an answer! There were tears along the way but she never gave up! Her desire by sharing the book and her most intimate stories along her journey come from a desire to help others in the same situations. She wants everyone to know that if she can make it they can too! You just have to BELIEVE IT!! Great book! I got the audiobook which I think was so much better since Jamie read it herself! Just like she were right there with me! Thank you Jamie for your true heart!!

Here's Your Book!

If you love a great underdog story, this book is for you. If you love a story with a happy ending, this book is for you. If you're looking for some positive energy, this book is for you. If you're feeling stuck and want to restart, this book is for you. If you want a page-turner that you just can't put down, this book is for you. If you'd like to feel like you're sitting in your living room with the author herself, this book is for you. If you're ready to dream a new dream, resurrect an old one or encourage someone elses', this book is for you. If you've been told 'no' again and again, and are ready to make your own 'yes', this book is for you. Suspense, intrigue, self-help, wisdom for the next generation, a modern love story - here's your book.


BELIEVE IT is The MOST LIFE CHANGING INSPIRING BOOK 💛💛💛🙏🏾 I couldn't put it down I'm not even a book reader and I read it in 2days. I laughed Soo HARD, I poured tears crying, I Jumped Up & Down Cheered, I LEARNED SOOO MUCH, I Start to Truly Feel the Power to BELIEVE IN MYSELF. This book is a MUST order Must Read and Beautiful Gift. I purchased 5 to gift to family and friends because I know it will be a gift that keeps on giving in the most Life Changing Way

Such a good story to inspire you

I was able to read the early digital copy and loved it! I ordered a hard copy to be able to mark it up. Jamie is so relatable and inspiring. She is such a giving person. The efforts she has made to pour into everyone during the launch, with her event and providing meals to those in need is off the charts. The book is not only inspiring, but a fun and entertaining read. I devoured the book!

Life Changing

Such an easy read. You feel as if you know Jaime as a friend and are sitting in her living room talking. It makes you feel as if you can do anything and push through the no's. I recommend this for everyone, not just people who want to start something major. There are many common life lessons within this book. Believe It!

Amazing and uplifting story!

I bought this book and also purchased it on Audible. I find her voice so kind and uplifting that I couldn’t stop listening. She has unbelievable grit, determination and work ethic that I have rarely seen and she is such an inspiration. I started buying her makeup years ago when it was only on QVC so it was fun to truly understand the world of cosmetics and what it took for her to make it to the top. I highly recommend this book, especially if you can listen to her tell her own story through Audible. She’s such a beautiful person inside and out.

You can do anything you put your mind to! BELIEVE IT!!

This book is so inspiring! Jamie wears her heart on her sleeve! Love everything about it. Some of the most inspiring quotes are related to DREAMS! "Don't let anyone else's doubts about you or your dream turn into doubt in your head." Rid your head of self doubt! Dream bigger everyone! No one gets to tell you how big your dreams can be! Don't let someone else's two cents bankrupt you! You were made for more! "Knowing when to let go of a dream is as important as knowing when to follow one." So just follow your dreams! Make your dream so big that is scares you! YOU CAN DO IT! Garb this book! You won't regret it!

Real, Raw and Inspiring!

Before you pass over this book thinking it's just another book full of motivational mumbo-jumbo, do yourself a favor and don't! Jamie Kern Lima's story is relatable, fascinating, and powerful! Her journey from struggling waitress to multi-millionaire CEO and philanthropist is a must-read! Jamie shares her story with honesty and vulnerability, imparting the lessons she learned along the way. She doesn't gloss over the difficulties she experienced or the doubts she had. She shares it all - the good, bad, and ugly. This book is insightful, thought-provoking, and encouraging. You will come away inspired and motivated to pursue your own dreams. I loved it so much I gifted it to both my daughters.

Her writing makes me not want to continue reading the book

Tbh I’m very surprised to see the 91% 5-star reviews. Don’t get me wrong, as an entrepreneur I found a lot of stories really inspiring and I definitely learned things. Jamie seems like a really nice and genuine person but her writing style makes me not want to keep reading this book. I’m sure she has a lot of good stories to share.

So Nice, I bought it twice!!!

So nice I bought it twice! Both the audible and hard copy versions. This book is for every woman. If you need encouragement, if you need to be reminded of your why, if you need to feel inspired - get this book. Jamie’s words give life and so much wisdom! And all the profits of this book, 100%, are going to two none profits!! Get a book for you and one for your bff. You won't regret it!


I was super excited to get this books after watching Jamie’s Facebook book launch. I thought I was going to get this amazing book that would help me breakthrough barriers and be unstoppable. Although it was an easy enjoyable read it was not was I was expecting. I am frankly disappointed. If you’re looking for an enjoyable read go for it but if you’re looking for what was promised in the Facebook launch you will be sorely disappointed.


I was fortunate enough to be part of the book launch team for this book through NetGalley Shelf, I also pre-ordered the Audible version. As I read/listened to Jamie narrate this book I truly felt as if I were curled up on her couch having a conversation with a long lost friend. Jamie is so genuine and caring as she speaks of her friends and tells the story of her Journey and believing in herself through all of that rejection she managed to never give up. The lessons that I learned and the inspiration that I took away I can only wish for all. For every woman in your life daughter/granddaughter/friend this book is a must read👍👍👍

Best non-fiction book I have ever read!

I attended the one day virtual event that Jamie Kern Lima hosted for this book launch. There were over a dozen speakers,and it was a life changing experience. I waited anxiously for my book to arrive. I am on Chapter 6 as I write this. I have laughed,I have cried,and I have rejoiced thus far. Jamie is so real,so raw and so genuine in telling her story. I HIGHLY recommend this book for ANYONE who has ever struggled with finding their voice,their path, rejection,fear,self-doubt or confidence. Actually,I recommend this book for EVERYONE!

Top Ten Most Life Changing Books I've Ever Read

I did not know quite what to expect when I picked up this book. I had never heard of Jamir Kern Lima and I did not like the cover, but I chose to read it anyway. Never has the saying, "never judge a book by its cover' been more applicable. This book is fantastic. I laughed. I cried. I was inspired. I was educated. I was motivated. I was challenged. I was moved. I read a lot and this book is most definitely in my TOP TEN MOST LIFE TRANSFORMING BOOKS I've ever read. I hope that you read it. I hope that you find friends to talk with about what you read here. I hope that you are able to make positive changes because of this book.

This is a MUST READ book!

I loved reading and listening to this book. It provided SO much inspiration for me, that I have definitely shared it with others! It is definitely a go to resource and a much welcomed gift for friends, co-workers, anyone who needs encouragement during these crazy times! Jamie's experiences are crazy to hear and learn, and helps equip us with ways that we can be more resilient and resourceful in our lives! And also to learn to listen to our gut (God) and overcome whatever stands in our way! Jamie, you are a beautiful and brilliant soul and your husband, Paulo, is an incredible man! Thank you for writing and recording this incredible book!

I Believe It!

Very inspirational! I am very proud of her accomplishments and generosity. She planned and executed a wonderful, free, all day event. So many (famous speakers)friends who showed up for her, all for the sake of support of her and all of the viewers add a testament to the wonderful person Jamie is! You don’t write a book to donate all the proceeds and put on an event free and book launch group, where you show up every day to mentor, inspire, support, and interact with others for any reason other than you are a person who wants to give back to everyone you can reach! She has and will continue to do just that! She is committed and deserves everything she has earned and accomplished.

YOU need this book in your life. Seriously.

THIS. BOOK. Too many takeaways to mention them all. Here's one: "We need to risk having the wrong people reject or hurt us, in order to find the right people who love us." Also, "It's time to take that uninhibited faith and confidence and joy that we easily give to others and give it to ourselves." And THOSE are only a few of the gems in this book. If you haven't read it, what are you waiting for? It might just be the final boost you need to reach your next level! And did you know that all of the proceeds from this book are going to charities?? Not only can you receive something by investing in yourself, but you will be providing for others in need at the same time. Go. get. the. book! :)


I have read so many motivational books but this is really something specially if you are on the entrepreneurial journey. It gives you so much insight about her struggles and that not everything comes easy. And the last two chapter of her book, wow! She Left the best for the end .

Inspiring read about how Jamie led a paradigm shift

Reading this book feels like sitting down with an old friend. Jamie comes across as down to earth and honest. I enjoyed reading about how she built her company and the obstacles she overcame to lead an entire paradigm shift in the beauty industry. I read the whole book in one afternoon.

Honest Story of overcoming No

I absolutely love this book! I love Jamie, she is so open and honest. When she talks about her struggles and her hurdles that are so relatable. She is one of us. One the struggles with real life and has ups and downs. To overcome all the obstacles in her way. Thank you for sharing tour story to teach other women how to Fly even when they are told to stay grounded! Thank you Jamie!

New favorite book of 2021!

Ok, new favorite book of 2021! So inspiring, what a great story of drive, passion, Tenacity with a capital T! When you get the book, have your highlighter ready for all the nuggets you will want to save and read again and again and again. thank you @jamiekernlima for sharing your story!

love IT!

This is by far one of the best inspirational books I've read in a long time. I laughed, I cried, and nodded my head through so many sections. I felt like she was one of my girlfriends chatting with me over a glass of wine in my living room. I've never been able to connect to many so called "self help" or motivation books because I find them so text book-like and "preachy". Not this one! Jamie tells her story in such a real and authentic way and provides so many powerful messages along the way. Thank you, Jamie, for being such an inspiration to others and for being a cheerleader for women of all ages everywhere!! I hope someday to meet you in person. Cheers to you and to IT!

FANTASTIC Book, 10 Stars

An entirely informative book filled with jewels for any stage entrepreneur. Grateful because I am in business without the luxury of a college education and it’s books like this that keep me feeling I didn’t need that to succeed. I had children all too young and am trying to succeed despite the odds being against me. This book gives me more for my money than I could ever pay. And I’ve already begun to apply so much. Thank you to Jamie. I *highly* recommend. If I could give ten stars I would.

Love it!

She is so real. Honest and warm and like a friend. I love her story, the first time on QVC I could cry for her happiness and relief. Not finished yet but thoroughly enjoying the time I get to escape to read it. I wish Jamie Kern Lima nothing but success and happiness!

I recommend reading BELIEVE IT.

If you're looking for a good book to read, I recommend BELIEVE IT. I was intrigued by Jamie when she was doing her infomercials, so when I got a chance to review a digital copy of her book early, I jumped at it. It is an inspiring story to read! Jamie Kern Lima takes you along on her personal journey from being a struggling waitress to the first CEO of a brand in a well-known company. She shares some very deep personal stories on obstacles that she had to overcome and how she never gave up on her dreams. You may even learn a lesson or two while reading her story to help you with something that you're struggling with within your life.

Grab your hilighter!

I wish I could give this book more than 5 stars. I didn't want to put it down and yet I tried to savor every page and take it all in. This is one of those books you'll want in hard copy because you will want to hilight something on every other page. This story will stay with me and I plan to share it with every woman I know. Thank you Jamie. Thank you. You are changing lives.

Knowledge is Power!!!!

If you want to Believe in Yourself - You have to do everything in your power to gain knowledge in that area. We are a product of the self talk we feed ourselves, the books we read and the people we associate with. Jamie "Nails It" with her book and her Unstoppable Live Webinar that she put together with the world's most passionate motivational speakers! The Believe it book will be your best friend, your go to, your daily meditation, and the item you will want to gift everyone you know with! If you want to Believe in YOU...this book will jump start and/or restart your journey to a Happy and Healthy You! A must buy... GO FOR IT!!!


This book is life changing! Jamie has opened up and shown the good, bad, and ugly. I have walked away feeling more confident in myself than I have in years. If you are struggling to find who you are under all of the masks this is the book for you. If you are starting a new venture in life this book is for you. If you are completely happy and at peace with who you are this book is for you. It has helped me understand myself and others so much better. ENJOY

What would you do with the power of YOU?

This book gave me the inspiration to be the best version of myself. She reminded me of the power of ME. This is a book that you will go to many times in your life. I highly encourage you to pick it up and be inspired. Jamie is Real and authentic.

A compelling and must read Journey

Jamie is a Trailblazer, her book is a journey of kindness, love, fortitude and faith applied to every rejection she received. Her attitude, the willingness to see things from a different lense, the way she reacted, re-aligned and what she did with all these rejections was her trail that forged the Belief in Herself. It’s a journey of hope and change that everybody should read. There are many many gifts and eye-opening experiences. If Success Leaves Clues, this book leaves the Clues to forging the Belief in Yourself. It is uplifting and valuable. Don’t Miss It The American Dream lives on !!!!! Believe It

Jamie's book is so authentic and may change your life too!

Love this book and the author! Jamie is amazingly real and shares her heart and soul in this unique book. So very thankful to have pre-ordered not only a book for myself but several other copies for friends and family as well! You will see so much of yourself in her words that will inspire you to new levels. Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Jamie! xo

Inspiring, Real- A must read for Entrepreneur's and anyone with a dream!

Absolutely Love this Book and her story!! Her drive is impressive and inspiring. So tired of the media stories about how someone started a business in a basement and sold it a week later for a billion! It doesn't work like that!! Jamie is a true entrepreneur, and this is a "real" story of ambition, grit, drive and success♥️

Inspiring and Real!

So I have been using IT cosmetics for years and love their products. Through that of course I “met” Jamie. Her story is so inspiring so I thought the book would be a nice add on. I certainly got more than expected!! There are so many tidbits of life advice and inspiration in here. I feel like I am in it with her. It’s a must read and a must share!!!

Inspiration after a hard COVID year? Read it, and Believe IT!

Wow! I just finished Jamie's book and the first thing I can say is that; if she had the goal of being inspiration for whoever read it... she did it!! This book more than being just a mere autobiography about the struggles and barriers Jamie's had to overcome, in order to build a successful billion dollar cosmetic empire, is a celebration of self growth living a life of learning and self acceptance. Reading the book is a journey of self discovery that you will take along with the author, in a cozy surrounded in honesty and embracing environment. It was a real joy to read!

Written from the heart!

Absolutely loved this book. In fact, after reading my copy I bought 3 more for team members, because I genuinely believe that they will find huge value in it also. Jamie is so transparent throughout the whole book that it would be hard for me to believe that the book wouldn't speak to each and every person reading it. You can tell she was very deliberate in how she wrote it as well. It reads like we're having a conversation. I especially enjoyed that. She's an amazing woman with an equally amazing story. Thx, Jamie, for sharing yourself with all of us.

Motivational....Inspiring....An Adventure

Ya'll - what an incredible adventure to dive into this book. I have gained a deep respect for Jamie through her desire to see everyone reach their full potential. We need CEOs and Leaders and Friends to encourage each other and to share their "toolbox" of skills! Jamie has sacrificially donated her time, story, authenticity, and friendship to help each person succeed! Please read the book to see what tools Jamie outlines that she used to help her build a billion dollar company through all of the ups and downs. There is something in the book for everyone.....

Believe in yourself even when the world says No

I loved this book. I was a little leery at first because I thought it would be about makeup or how someone made an easy ride to fame. I was pleasantly surprised. It is so much more. It is about believing in yourself no matter what anyone else says. It’s about not giving up when you are down on your luck. I couldn’t stop crying, then cheering, then crying. I am normally a fast reader but I keep stopping to reread and share quotes I find valuable with my kids! I’ve also have never read an autobiography that has me on such an emotional roller coaster! Still can’t stop laughing about the squirrel.

If you only read one book this year... This is the one!!!

My goodness... What can I say about this book. Jamie is real, raw and awe inspiring. I will be gifting this book to all my girlfriends, any entrepreneur, any mom or teenager. Jamie shows what it takes to make your dream happen. She had unwavering faith in following her gut, something we all need. Buy this book! stop thinking about it, buy it now and an extra copy! Grab a highlighter as well and a notebook.

Riveting story of the the worlds kindest business person

Jamie is truly one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, an amazing reminder that being an astute business person doesn’t have to mean compromising ones morals. I feel so grateful that she shared the raw truth of her journey with us through this book. It’s a quick, informative, and inspiring read that I’ll be buying for all of the People I care about.

Great Motivation

This book is awesome. I loved reading it so much that I have started to buy it for everyone in my family and give this as a love gift. I want everyone to read it that I love so they can gain all the inspiration and motivation I did. Jamie really has started a movement with this book that can help create a better world full of love, and compassion. She shows us how to believe in one self and what hard work and belief can really do. Never in my life has one's words been so moving to me.

Inspirational, Motivational, Easy to Apply

This book tops my list of favorite non-fiction reads. In Believe It, Jamie Kern Lima, founder of It! Cosmetics, weaves together stories and lessons from her personal and professional life that explore such themes how to be brave in your relationships and in business, how to support other women, and how confidence is gained the more we show up as our authentic selves. Believe IT! is a great book for any woman who finds herself ready to level-up and become unstoppable in her personal or professional life.

Amazing Book from an Amazing Soul

I was given a copy of this book via NetGalley and the Believe It Book Launch Team, in exchange for my feedback. I read the advanced copy of this book, I couldn't put it down, in a few days. I loved it so much that I not only purchased more copies of the book to give to some of my friends. I even sold my mother, who doesn't read self help books, to purchase it. After reading the advanced copy, purchasing my own copies, and participating in the her Becoming Unstoppable seminar. I feel that Jamie is in inspiration and motivator. Thank you Jamie for this book!!!!!

Believe it - this book is life changing!

I love this book! I strongly encourage you to read this book and be inspired too! Jamie has a huge heart. She gives her all through her stories and encouragement that fills up every page of this amazing book. It’s a page turner – once you start it be prepared to not be able to put it down until you finished. And have tissues ready for the final pages that touched me deeply as I realized the truth that the power has always been inside of me to believe in myself, and in the power of my dreams. Get ready to embrace your own authenticity and BELIEVE that you are unstoppable.

The BEST book you have read in a long time!

Jamie Kern Lima shares her journey going from a waitress to selling beauty company, IT Cosmetics (which I also LOVE and give 5 Stars!!) for 1.2 billion dollars. Each chapter is full of laughs and tears. You will come away with more self-esteem after reading. All proceeds go to charity! Don't hesitate to order Believe IT!

Wonderful book for self-development!

I appreciated her authenticity and vulnerability as she shared all her insecurities throughout the book. I related to all of them! She humbled herself in her writing to help the woman, like me, who cannot seem to get through her mental barriers. I love how she incorporated her faith into her story! That she truly believes God put her on this path to success. It’s a great read for personal development at any age! I loved the later chapters as she tied all her insights together in a very seamless way.


I am the queen of self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and fear. Once I started reading this book, I knew I had found a forever mentor in life. Jamie truly cares for other people, and she NEVER gave up on her dreams. I finally started a business this month, and Believe It! gave me the final push I needed to believe that I am made for greatness. I LOVE THIS BOOK. Please read it and feel the love <3 Feel your doubts and fears melt away. Jamie crushed my limiting beliefs, and now I'm living a life I adore. Love love love.


BELIEVE IT..... This was such an easy read. I felt like I was sitting across from my Bestie and talking about what was going on in her life, we shared, cried and laughed sometimes all at the same time. All the while it was encouraging, uplifting, funny and spiritual as well. This is a very power positive book, it really makes you look at where you are in your life at this point and where you want to go and how you can get there. Believe in you and BELIEVE IT! Thank you Jaime Kern Lima for this wonderful book, BELIEVE IT! ♥️

Recommended for every woman on the planet...

How can you not be uplifted by Jaimie in this book? It's not a rags to riches story. It is a story of overcoming, walking with your head high, and living your purpose. Recommended for every woman on the planet who's ever felt rejection, not being good enough, or thinking she's not capable or worthy of reaching greater heights.

So inspiring

This hit me in all the feels. I am always pursuing growth through change and this resonates on so many levels. Things are possible when you FOCUS on them and don’t let the limiting beliefs or others hold you back.

Super inspiring book

What an amazing book! Jamie’s raw story touched my heart. If you have ever felt less than, not enough, or scared to pursue your dreams then you need to read this book. Grab a box of tissues and get ready to open your heart, you will be so glad you did!

Women Lifting Up Women

I pre-ordered the audiobook of Believe IT and received an advance digital copy to review, along with an invitation to participate in the pre-launch event and help spread the word. I was inspired, encouraged, and motivated by every chapter. Jamie's authenticity and vulnerability as she shares her story with the world has the power to release the greatness held back by a multitude of women. Her joy and sincerity invite you into her life and you feel like a friend.

Empowering, Inspiring, and ready to read it all over again!

This book was absolutely phenomenal!! I had the opportunity to read an advanced copy and I am suppose to get the hard copy today. I can’t even begin to explain what was my favorite of this book. One huge takeaway is Jamie’s encouraging words about lifting other woman up and there is always room for more. I know this hasn’t been a practice in my life but I have been inspired to be this person. I can’t wait for the rest of my family and friends to buy and read and everyone else out there ready for self development (men or women).

Inspirational ❤️❤️

Wow- all women should read this book and feel inspired! Jamie is the type of woman who builds other women up. Her life story is one of resilience and hard to comprehend her different life experiences! She can relate to so many different types of woman by the end of her book she will feel like a best friend! Read the book then buy a copy or 2 for a friend! Let’s spread the love!!

Inspiration for EVERYONE

Don’t hesitate; this book is a fantastic choice! In this book, Jamie provides a relatable approach to increasing confidence and empowerment for EVERYONE! She demonstrates vulnerability and though each reader’s personal narrative may differ, Jamie writes in a way that captivates all! Be Inspired! Buy this book!

Truly a “Must Read”...

Put this book on your “must read” list!! It gives hope, encouragement, and love, all throughout the book. Jamie’s generous heart is revealed through each and every chapter. This book is captivating, and I didn’t want to put it down. I think you will feel Jamie’s authenticity in every page. She’s the real deal.

A MUST read

This book is incredibly inspiring. Is not only an autobiography but it is a book with the best Self-Confidence Journey. It actually gives you amazing tools that you can use on a daily basis for confidence. Jamie has an incredible heart and it's so amazing that you can relate to what she was experiencing, we have all been there, crying ourselves to sleep! But there is always hope when we know we are destined for it. Thanks, Jamie for being such an amazing mentor and inspiration

You will truly want to be unstoppable after reading this book!

Easy read and best book I've read in awhile. It's a self improvement book but it's not written like that. It's like a friend telling you a story and written as if the author was speaking directly to you. Couldn't stop reading this book once I started. Next...becoming unstoppable!

Best book. Highly recommend

This book is amazing! Seriously the best book. Just got it today and I can't put it down!!

Jamie's Light Shines in Believe It!

If you are looking for a book to lift your spirits, make you smile, laugh and cry, then “Believe It” by Jamie Kern Lima is for you! Her story will inspire you, as well as make you evaluate your life and see what changes may need to be made. “Believe It” will challenge you, so read her unbelievable story about how she went from underestimated to unstoppable. Jamie radiates love and her genuineness to help women reach their goals is refreshing. So, grab a copy, enjoy the ride and “Believe It” will change your life or at least how you look at it!

Just read it

Vulnerable, raw pure, interesting, giving hope, love her story, and not giving up on what she felt was right. Definitely my type of woman. I would say a must-read for all teens and young and older ladies that are afraid to follow their gut.

Every woman needs to read this!

Believe it is an amazing book, part memoir, part how to guide, all genuinely written. I read it cover to cover as soon as it arrived. Jamie touches on so many challenges that many women face in the work force, in business, in life. Coupled with her amazing Believe it conference, what a game changer! I look forward to any other publication she puts out. I am so inspired to “Believe It” in my own life!! Thanks Jamie for being so transparent, it was heartwarming to get a glimpse into your journey!

I’m buying my third book already....

I’m buying my third book already because I keep giving my copy away!! Plus I have the audio book!! I’m sure I’ll end up buying more! This book is one of the most inspiring books I’ve read!! I’m inspired to love myself just as I am, to stop the negative self talk and to lift up every woman I come in contact with!! And KNOW that I am who God says I am!!

Inspiring and beautifully written!

Absolutely recommend! She’s a true inspiration. It’s more than just achieving success professionally. All the raw and real personal moments throughout life’s journey will make you connect with this amazing woman even more!

Don’t Sit on the Sidelines of Life! Believe you can do it!

Truly inspirational! Jamie walks you through her remarkable life path that got her to the fame and success she has today. It’s a winding road with highs and lows. Jamie keeps it real and makes you feel like she’s sitting right next to you and it’s just girlfriends chatting. You can feel how much of Jamie’s heart is on each page. Highly motivational. Teaches you to stay true to who you are. Stay on YOUR path and most importantly Believe It. Great book. I could not put it down.

Loved this book!

Love this book, couldn’t put it down. Jamie Kern Lima has an incredible story of perseverance that is very inspiring. I got to work as soon as I finished the book, and haven’t lost motivation since!

So inspirational!

Jamie will encourage you like no other. The challenges she went through and the obstacles she overcame to get where she is today are nothing less than amazing. Prepare to be inspired!

Be a Brave Squirrel!

This book was wonderful. It showed Jamies resilience and bravery. I enjoyed it so much I bought extra copies for my girls. It helped me clarify an intention in my heart to bring my daughters up to be brave squirrels. This book is for anyone that wants to follow a dream and trust in there gut. A great read.

Well written, easy read

Well written, easy read, Interesting story of both the rise to the top after starting in a studio apartment for both IT cosmetics and Jamie. Very heartfelt and honestly written

Positive Triumph Book

Outstanding, authentic, open, inspiring, funny! This is a must-read! The best “don’t give up”; know your why; trust your gut; Believe books. Jamie freely shares her struggles, joys, challenges, victories and the impact of taking on the beauty industry to be for “all women.” You’ll walk away so glad you read it. **Note I am part of the book launch team & received a virtual copy via NetGalley; was selected for a random hard copy distributor pick; and purchased my own copies, as well.

The book YOU need to read!

I know Jamie personally and I was excited to read my friend's book, but I wasn't prepared to stay up all night reading it! I couldn't put it down and found myself at 3:30 am more inspired than I have been in a really long time. The book is full of inspiring stories, encouragement, and motivation. I really hope you read this book, it's water to the soul!! I can't recommend it enough and I hope it brings you the inspiration, motivation and joy that it brought me!

Powerful and Life Changing!

Believe It is beautifully written. It draws you in from the first paragraph. I have never read a book that reaches out to such a diverse group of people. There are life lessons for everyone in this book. It inspires you to dig deep and really think about what is stopping you from believing in yourself. This book has changed my life in the best way. Treat yourself to this book. You deserve it! Share it with your daughter, your sister, your friend. I promise you, it is a great way to invest in you!

You NEED this book! You were made for SO MUCH MORE!!!

You MUST get this book! It is life changing... you will only EVER accomplish what you BELIEVE you can. Jamie has faced such adversity and gives PRACTICAL ways to OVERCOME our doubt! Please, you owe not to yourself and the world to get this book, because you have a purpose that the world NEEDS for you to do! You just need to BELIEVE IT!!!

Jamie Kern Lima - The best!

Wonderful! Amazing author

Couldn't put it down

I loved this book! There are so many pearls of wisdom on these heartfelt pages as Jamie Kern Lima shares her journey from underestimated to unstoppable. Authentic, Raw And Real, reading this book felt like a conversation with a close friend. I laughed , cried, and nodded my head YES! This book really left me feeling empowered to believe in myself.

So inspiring!

Jamie tells her story in the only way she knows how - authentically! Through her struggles and challenges to her triumphs and victories and back around again, Jamie pours out her heart and soul in sharing her life story. There were so many parts of her story that I could relate to which made the book that much more real. Jamie is such an inspiration to all of us, but especially women who have taken a back burner for way too long. In gratitude......

It's like sitting down with your best friend

Jamie's first book, Believe It! was AMAZING. I couldn't put it down. It is filled with inspiring stories and practical tips that motivate and celebrate all at the same time. Her writing style was so easy to read, and if you've ever heard her speak, you can actually hear her voice when you read. It's authentic and heartwarming and makes you want to invite her over for coffee and a snack. I didn't want it to end. Can't wait to share this book with my closest friends!

Believe It Review

What an amazing, inspiring story. I absolutely loved this book and hope Jamie considers writing another book soon. She is a very positive person that has overcome a great deal in her life and shares her story in a unique, vulnerable way. I highly recommend this book.

Best motivational, inspirational book I’ve read in a long time!!

I loved this book! I read a lot of self development and inspirational books and this has it all! If you have ever tried to go for your dreams and failed then felt discouraged to try again, this book is a game changer. You will be inspired, see how grit and perseverance when you lead with your heart and passion makes anything possible. Definitely put this in your read and re-read often list. ❤️

Very inspiring for entrepreneurs

I really loved this book; it seemed to find its way into my hands at exactly the right time. Entrepreneurship can be really tough sometimes! I appreciated how open the author was about her ups and downs in business. I used to think I was just doing it "wrong," but I guess that is just what business is like!

Authentic, Inspiring and “In your Face” Motivating

No matter who you are, and where you are in your life, Believe IT: How to go from Underestimated to Unstoppable is the book for you. Jamie Kern Lima literally invites you into her home and into her life for an up close and personal heart to heart. Be prepared to laugh, cry and feel a “self love” kick in the butt. Grab a copy for yourself and a few for your friends. You will be glad you did.

Both the words and energy of this book brought love and light!

Jamie’s story is so relatable and inspiring on so many levels. She really does empower you to believe in yourself and tune out all the other noise. I am so excited to share this book with someone else who may struggle with self doubt or low confidence. Her authenticity and positivity are so genuine and uplifting. We all need a dose of Jamie to remind us of the power we already have within.

Definitely recommend!

I love this book! I am reading it all over again so I can highlight all the great quotes and advice she has in there that are worth remembering and going back to later. There are so many gems in here! Highly recommend and have been telling all my friends and family about her book and her amazing, inspiring story! If she can do it, anyone can!

Full of immediate actionable tools for everyday!

This is a book that you literally cannot put down and as soon as I finished - wanted to reread. Jamie welcomes you into her world, shares her heart, warmth and shares practical, actionable ways to improve our own success - by living authentically and following your dreams. I’ve already started my own toolbox, applying her wisdom - identify your why, and fly girl, fly”


Super inspiring! Jamie Kern Lima is the real deal and and tells stories that we can all relate to. If you're on the fence about this one, I say go for it!

This is a must read!!!

This is a must read!!! Loved every aspect of this book from the introduction to the close. Each story resonated in different ways, but every one increased my personal believe factor. Jamie is an amazing human, with an unstopable determination, and I loved getting to know her through her journey. Men and women will extract incredible value, but if you're a woman who struggles with knowing your true worth... THIS IS A MUST READ!!!

Believe IT - follow your dream!!

Today is book launch day! Was fortunate to receive a digital copy in advance as part of the book launch team. What an inspiring story! Through challenges and perseverance, Jaime listened to her gut and by following her intuition, realized her dream! Definitely a must read for anyone that has struggled to accomplish their goals! Nothing happens overnight, but if you BELIEVE IT and stick to your path, you can do anything you set your heart/mind too! Brava, Jaime! YOU DID IT!!

A MUST read for ALL females

This is one of the most inspirational books I've ever read. Jamie's authenticity and courage is changing the way women show up in the world. I've laughed out loud reading this book and been moved to tears more time than I can count. Jamie is a beautiful soul and this book is filled with wisdom and insight.

Awesome-worth it’s weight in Gold! On a scale of 1-5, I rate it a 10!

Awesome 👏 book! Made my cry, cry, laugh and cry again. Awesome! Inspiring rags to riches story of barely surviving to workaholic to blessed beyond their wildest dreams. Teaches you that everyone has issues-Don’t let stop you from Believing and Going for your Dreams. Be Unstoppable!

Authentic and Inspiring

What an amazing book!! Jamie says you can't fake authenticity and she is right. Her openness and honesty is refreshing and her story is beyond inspiring! Quiet the voices around you and Believe It!

An AMAZING book from an EXTRAORDINARY woman

Just wow! This book really helps you believe that dreams come true if you persevere and don't quit. Jamie is my go-to example whenever I need to remember that a few "No's" does not mean it's over. Her story has helped me conquer my fears and surpass my disillusion when things get hard. Jamie, you are such an amazing, beautiful, and giving person. Thank you for all that you have done for the world and especially for being an example for us women.

So inspiring!!! Well written and a fun read!

I saw Jamie speak at a Tony Robbins event. What really impressed me was her humbleness and humanity in the face of having achieved such massive success. Her stories have helped me in moments when I got a no, asked for feedback, trusted my gut and kept going because of her. She could just kick back and do nothing and instead she has chosen to help others.

Believe It! Inspirational reading for us all!

Jamie Keen Lima’s book is a manifesto for women (and men) who know that there is more in store for them in life, but just do t know how to get the confidence to go after it! Great for young people, midlifers, retired people seeking their passion... everyone should read this inspiring story that delivers much more than a story - it delivers a way of living courageously, gratefully, authentically, and fully.

Great motivational book

Good book. Easy read. A good reminder to believe in yourself even if no one else does. And you can’t judge a book by its cover. Everyone is battling something.

What an inspiring story!!

I am loving this book. I attended her book launch and I am so excited to use her 95 day action plan. She is SO BRAVE! I hope she rubs off in me

Loved this book

This was a fantastic book, I felt like Jamie was sitting here having a conversation with me. A must read for all women out chasing their dreams.

Must read

Excellent book. So many wonderful lessons and stories and not just the flattering ones. Get this book and extra copies for the people you love.

Life changing!

I can't stop the high fives! This is well worth it. I find it refreshing, life changing, inspirational, and a true affirmation of one's value.

Best Book!!

OMG... this is a must-have! I do not know Jamie but after reading this book I feel like I know her better than I know myself. She puts herself right out there. She is so raw and authentic. I felt like I was sitting on the couch with Jamie having a conversation when I was reading this book. Her story is one that every girl, woman, person should read, understand and live. You will NOT be disappointed.

Motivation to Get Out there and Try!

I enjoyed reading Jamie's story. She opened up in detail her path to turning a dream to a reality. I appreciate the hardship, trials, and celebrations she shared within her life. It is a great reminder to anyone that life is a path unknown. Be willing to be flexible, take risks, and learn from your failures. Jamie story is a great reminder that nothing good happens overnight-its boring: filled with daily habits, routines, and coaching yourself to keep going!

Loved this book!!!!!

I loved Jamie’s writing style – it makes you feel like you are best friends and you get to laugh and cry right along with her. She has had an incredibly fascinating life! Best book I have read in a LONG time – couldn’t put it down. My book has highlights all through it so that I can look back on them when I need some helpful reminders!! It was inspiring, heartfelt – and funny!!! Loved it!!!!!

Every woman should read this book!!!

I was fortunate to read an advance copy of Believe It and I loved it! This book is a must read for anyone who feels like they have more inside them and just don’t know how to bring out their best! Jamie is my shero!!!! I’ve bought copies of this book for all my friends who have been feeling like they are in a rut to encourage them to believe in themselves again!!

If you are looking to overcome self-doubt and rejection this is a must read.

Thank you Jamie for sharing your story. It has touched so many lives already and I am sure it will touch many more. I don't write book reviews but this book is so worth writing and talking about. Everyone should read this book if you are look for a way overcoming self- doubt and rejection. Very motivational and inspirational. Thanks again Jamie.

It all comes together in God's timing!

Jamie triumphs through many hills and valleys, keeps her faith and pushes forward. The emotional lows and ecstatic highs will take you on a roller coaster ride towards achievement. From one chapter to the next, God watched over her steps and provided beyond her belief. It can be summed up by the quote from Oprah: "God can dream a bigger dream for us than we have for ourselves."

Believe It! You can succeed no matter the obstacles!

I read a lot of books in the category of self help, biography and inspiration and I expected this to be a good story, but what it is is a PHENOMENAL story- the lessons, the ups and downs and so much unexpected- truly this would make a great movie- it has all of the elements. On the end you realize- if Jamie can do it, so can I!

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