Before They Executed Him: A Wife's Story of Death Row

Kindle Edition
02 May
What if you were sentenced to death for a crime you didn't commit? In January 1984, Les Bower found himself in the Grayson County Jail after FBI agents and Texas rangers charged him with four counts of capital murder. With Les's bond set at $400,000, his only chance was to win his case so he could reunite with his family.
Because Les Bower was an innocent man. 
Desperate for the truth to be known, Les and his wife, Shari, hire a criminal defense lawyer to fight for his freedom. 
After a five-day trial, including the guilt-innocence phase, Les stands before the court, awaiting his sentencing. Because the defense of Les Bower was totally ineffective.
The jury will make this life and death decision in a courtroom filled with balloons, cotton candy and clowns walking around, as the Spring Carnival is taking place on the courtroom lawn, while an Elvis impersonator sings Jailhouse Rock. 
The jury chose death.
After five years on death row, Les is granted a federal hearing appeal when a new team of lawyers working pro bono come onboard to fight for Les's life. A raw account of Les's trial and imprisonment, this engrossing story will convince you that Les was wrongfully executed, despite the overwhelming evidence that he was innocent. More than a memoir, Before They Executed Him by Shari Bower is a jarring look at the judicial system and the people who fought tirelessly for thirty-one years to get an innocent man, Les Bower, exonerated with the truth of what happened, but no one would listen.
is the wife's story.

Reviews (62)

The State of Texas Murdered an Innocent Man!

On June 3, 2015 shortly after 6:30 p.m., the State of Texas murdered an innocent man, Lester Bower. I was a friend and coworker with his wife Shari for many years. When I first heard the story about her husband I was skeptical. I am a Texas native, conservative in my politics and, in general believe in appropriate use of the death penalty. But the state must get it right. In Bower’s case they didn’t. Over the years Shari shared with me, newspaper articles and occasional court documents which led me to believe that, not only was there reasonable doubt about Les’ guilt but it was pretty obvious that he was, in fact innocent. Now in “Before They Executed Him” Shari Bower shares with the reader the complete story. This is a story of injustice, of a failed legal system, of incompetent lawyers and of law enforcement and judges that simply did not care about the truth. But more than that, this is a story of the love and dedication that Shari and Les had for each other, of a commitment to never quit and of a fight for truth and innocence. Read this book if you believe it can’t happen to you – it can. Read this book if you believe that truth must be told. Read this book if justice matters. And finally read this book to understand what the vows “for better or worse, richer and poorer” truly mean. 5 stars for an excellent read.

Author opens up her heart and captivates the audience

Shari has done an amazing job, pouring out her heart to tell of this travesty. There are heart-wrenching parts and there is laughter. I highly recommend this book! I am not much of a reader.....first evening on kindle and I read through the first 7 chapters--stopping only because I have to work in the morning! Great job, Shari!


What a story! Such perseverance! Well written!

Well written and compelling story!

This book tells the fascinating story of a an innocent man’s life on death row from his wife’s viewpoint. Shari Bower takes her readers on her journey born in pain and anguish yet weaves determination, hope, faith, and love into the mix. She gives the reader a birds eye view of the challenges of the justice system and opens our hearts along the way. I couldn’t put it down.

Great book. You should read it!!

Wow!!! This is an amazing book!! When reading this book I felt as though I was there. I cried, I laughed, I was angry and I was disappointed. When an author can write like that you feel everything she is talking about. I am amazed at her strength and her honesty. The author is amazing and I loved her book!! It is one of those books that you just can’t put down until your finished.

A regular family caught up in an unimaginable nightmare.

Wow, what a read. A regular family caught up in an unimaginable nightmare. This could have been me and my family, or yours. This is not a polished book and I mean that as a complement to the author. It is the telling of a horrifying family story lived out over many excruciating years in the lives of countless normal every day people, not just Sherry and Les Bowers and their (then) young children, but a broad extended family and friends. Whether Les Bowers committed the crime or not (and I believe he did not) you cannot read this book and believe in the death penalty in any case based entirely on circumstantial evidence. The stakes are too high. Not only must the state of Texas do justice but it must appear to do justice. There is something wrong with a system that lauds and rewards police and prosecutors for closing a case and getting a conviction while ignoring their sworn legal and moral duty to assure that justice is done, that only guilty people are convicted. Nobody cared about the possibility that Les Bowers was innocent except his family and friends (and appellate counsel). Having said that, the book left me with countless unanswered questions.

I was blown away

I've been acquainted with the author's sister in law for many years and did not know the full extent of this travesty of our legal system. Shari does a wonderful job telling the story of her marriage and the events and details around the path to her husband's murder at the hands of the state of Texas. The transparency she displays to her own thoughts and feelings through this journey is fabulous. The poems she laces into the book are wonderful as well. This really is a compelling story woven together well.

Great book.

Excellent read, couldn't put it down.

Once you pick it up,you can’t put it down!

The word that keeps coming first to mind when I think of this book is riveting. It’s an amazing story of strength, love, faith, and injustice. It has all the feels from amazement to anger and outrage to heart-wrenching, gut-wrenching tears. (There are only two other books that have ever made me cry!) I hope that one day, somehow, Les’s name is cleared and the truth is accepted by all.

Why isn't there truth in justice?

I bought this book tonight, and I am close to 1/2 way done as I write the review. This book is very well written and intriguing. I can't imagine being a wife and going through what she went through with the trial and outcome. It is heartbreaking! Her faith, determination, critical thinking, and perseverance is astoninshing! The Kindle price is too good not to buy!

The State of Texas Murdered an Innocent Man!

On June 3, 2015 shortly after 6:30 p.m., the State of Texas murdered an innocent man, Lester Bower. I was a friend and coworker with his wife Shari for many years. When I first heard the story about her husband I was skeptical. I am a Texas native, conservative in my politics and, in general believe in appropriate use of the death penalty. But the state must get it right. In Bower’s case they didn’t. Over the years Shari shared with me, newspaper articles and occasional court documents which led me to believe that, not only was there reasonable doubt about Les’ guilt but it was pretty obvious that he was, in fact innocent. Now in “Before They Executed Him” Shari Bower shares with the reader the complete story. This is a story of injustice, of a failed legal system, of incompetent lawyers and of law enforcement and judges that simply did not care about the truth. But more than that, this is a story of the love and dedication that Shari and Les had for each other, of a commitment to never quit and of a fight for truth and innocence. Read this book if you believe it can’t happen to you – it can. Read this book if you believe that truth must be told. Read this book if justice matters. And finally read this book to understand what the vows “for better or worse, richer and poorer” truly mean. 5 stars for an excellent read.

Author opens up her heart and captivates the audience

Shari has done an amazing job, pouring out her heart to tell of this travesty. There are heart-wrenching parts and there is laughter. I highly recommend this book! I am not much of a reader.....first evening on kindle and I read through the first 7 chapters--stopping only because I have to work in the morning! Great job, Shari!


What a story! Such perseverance! Well written!

Well written and compelling story!

This book tells the fascinating story of a an innocent man’s life on death row from his wife’s viewpoint. Shari Bower takes her readers on her journey born in pain and anguish yet weaves determination, hope, faith, and love into the mix. She gives the reader a birds eye view of the challenges of the justice system and opens our hearts along the way. I couldn’t put it down.

Great book. You should read it!!

Wow!!! This is an amazing book!! When reading this book I felt as though I was there. I cried, I laughed, I was angry and I was disappointed. When an author can write like that you feel everything she is talking about. I am amazed at her strength and her honesty. The author is amazing and I loved her book!! It is one of those books that you just can’t put down until your finished.

A regular family caught up in an unimaginable nightmare.

Wow, what a read. A regular family caught up in an unimaginable nightmare. This could have been me and my family, or yours. This is not a polished book and I mean that as a complement to the author. It is the telling of a horrifying family story lived out over many excruciating years in the lives of countless normal every day people, not just Sherry and Les Bowers and their (then) young children, but a broad extended family and friends. Whether Les Bowers committed the crime or not (and I believe he did not) you cannot read this book and believe in the death penalty in any case based entirely on circumstantial evidence. The stakes are too high. Not only must the state of Texas do justice but it must appear to do justice. There is something wrong with a system that lauds and rewards police and prosecutors for closing a case and getting a conviction while ignoring their sworn legal and moral duty to assure that justice is done, that only guilty people are convicted. Nobody cared about the possibility that Les Bowers was innocent except his family and friends (and appellate counsel). Having said that, the book left me with countless unanswered questions.

I was blown away

I've been acquainted with the author's sister in law for many years and did not know the full extent of this travesty of our legal system. Shari does a wonderful job telling the story of her marriage and the events and details around the path to her husband's murder at the hands of the state of Texas. The transparency she displays to her own thoughts and feelings through this journey is fabulous. The poems she laces into the book are wonderful as well. This really is a compelling story woven together well.

Great book.

Excellent read, couldn't put it down.

Once you pick it up,you can’t put it down!

The word that keeps coming first to mind when I think of this book is riveting. It’s an amazing story of strength, love, faith, and injustice. It has all the feels from amazement to anger and outrage to heart-wrenching, gut-wrenching tears. (There are only two other books that have ever made me cry!) I hope that one day, somehow, Les’s name is cleared and the truth is accepted by all.

Why isn't there truth in justice?

I bought this book tonight, and I am close to 1/2 way done as I write the review. This book is very well written and intriguing. I can't imagine being a wife and going through what she went through with the trial and outcome. It is heartbreaking! Her faith, determination, critical thinking, and perseverance is astoninshing! The Kindle price is too good not to buy!

Shocking Injustice by the Texas Justice System

This is a heartbreaking story of how injustice was done and ruined an Innocent man and his family's life. On death row over 30 years and the truth was never revealed about who the real murderers were, even though there were plenty of witnesses. Texas has to do better than this! Shari, thank you for your witness to a faith in God, who could only carry you through this tragedy. So Well written, and heartfelt.

A story that must be told and heard!

This story is so incredible, that you just can’t believe it actually happened. Every detail is included, helping you see clearly what Shari (the author) went through and experienced, hearing and experiencing her thoughts as she lived through this unbelievable ordeal. My hope is this never has to happen to anyone again, with justice prevailing and another innocent life taken. The poem at the end of each chapter is like a beautiful rose, among the thorns of what you just experienced, prodding you to continue on. Great story. Highly recommend!


Wow...just wow. I read the reviews and saw where so many couldn’t put the book down. I had cry...or because I was angry ....or sometimes I just needed to pause and think about the horror of it all. I always supported the death penalty because you wouldn’t be on death row and not be guilty, right?? The injustices were too hard to read, not once but twice...the original trial and the appeal hearing. This should be required reading for every criminal law class on how NOT to defend a client. And anyone going through this horror needs this book early on to alert them to what can happen if they don’t have effective counsel. Shari & Les were a normal couple who were thrown into a massively corrupt judicial system. They were young, unsuspecting and naive so many of us would have been. The writing was superb and so descriptive. And there were so many wonderful side stories. Shari and Les’s faith through it all was awe-inspiring and that faith continues with Shari. When I finished the book, I was just sad and grieved for what all they had lost. The judicial system never exonerated Les, but Shari did with the writing of this book.

Must Read

What would it be like to know your husband is innocent, hope that he would be exhonorated & wait 31 years to finally watch him be executed for a crime he didn't commit? Read this book. It's a heartbreaking story, but I feel like a necessary read. It's hard to say that it was a good read, because in the end a man's life was taken, but Shari is an excellent writer and I'm thankful she decided to share her experience with us.

A book written out of love and compassion, with dignity and honesty

I finished reading the book Saturday past. Shari has put into words the reader can understand life as most of us experience it, growing up with really no destiny beyond today, growing into the age of becoming an adult, falling in love and eventually marriage. She tells of the trials of marriage and what it takes for a young couple to make a marriage work and be life long partners as a married couple, how each must give and take in order for a marriage to work. The book is a love story, one of mystery, one of joy and happiness, and one with so much disappointment and heartache.

A must read!

Bought kindle version and discovered a page turner of a book! Now proud to buy book for my libary and a second read.

A death sentence can never be reversed...

For days I could not put this book down, then, for weeks could not pick it back up to finish it. Extremely unusual for me. I have always before, felt a death sentence was fair for crimes of murder. I no longer believe that we have the right to end anyone's life. We are just too flawed and make too many mistakes to use a penalty that cannot be reversed.

Great Read!

What a captivating story told from the heart. One of the best reads in a long time!!

How they got this wrong.

Amazing book and well written. It is a book that you won’t be able to put down once you start it. The story is about the families love and faith in an innocent person and the injustice of our judicial system.

Emotional Story

As I read deep into this story, I experienced emotional claustrophobia. I felt a strap draw tight around my heart. I needed relief, but the strap grew tighter. I cannot fathom the emotions Shari and Les endured. Mrs. Bower is a brave woman to open her heart to tell her story.

Incredible story!

This is an amazing story. It is so tragic that an innocent man (a good man too) had to die, but I was interested in how it happened. And I enjoyed the comic parts immensely. Shari, the author, is a true testament of faith and resiliency.

Heart/gut wrenching read that will grip you from page one to the very last word.

This story had to be told, this account had to be written & this book must be read. The author had me gripping this book from page one to the very last word & even then I had a hard time closing the book & putting it down. How could such a normal American family be dealt the most horrifying ultimate blow at the hands of an incompetent, unfair, unjust legal system?! Every possible emotion was elicited in me and I was left simply amazed & in awe of this family's strength, love & perseverence & how they so gracefully handled the nightmare they faced for literally decades.

A journey of truth vs reality

This book is an outstanding journey into the lives of people like you and me whose lives are upturned by an unthinkable set of events. It is what happens when truth and reality are not the same. The author takes us into her home, the courtroom, and life after execution. It is a journey of the heart and soul that you will not want to put down. You are given a first hand view of the realities of seeking justice for an innocent man. Shari Bower is a powerful author and an awesome woman who takes you through this unimaginable experience while enlightening as well as inspiring you.


My family is friends with the author, asked if we would take the time to read this book. I finished it in two days, absolutely intrigued from the second I started reading. It’s brilliant. You will not regret reading it.

Wonderfully written..

This book is fantastic, one of the best Love Stories.. so sad that their life together ended but the love for each other will continue until they are together again in Heaven. This book will make you tear up and also bring a smile to your face. This book is hard to put down..

Injustice needs to be stopped.

Shari Bower has taken a very painful look at how someone can be innocent but the judicial system is so complicated that it is almost impossible to correct a wrong. This book follows the case in an interesting way, with the flow of the book following the case, not necessarily the timeline. Once I started the book I had to finish. Everyone should read this book to understand better the role of the person that is accused even though they were innocent.

A captivating story of a lasting love, betrayal, and forgiveness that will be with me a long time!

I just finished Shari’s book! What an amazing woman with incredible faith and strength. I really admire her so much! With this book she has shared valuable life lessons that will make a difference in many lives. Truly a story of perspective reflection and forgiveness!

I can’t wait to read more!

Just got this long anticipated gem in the mail, and can’t wait to read more! The writing draws you right in to this incredible story!

The author opened her heart to tell this true story of the execution of her husband, an innocent man

A riveting book that drew me in from the first page. Such a bizarre story that you think couldn’t happen in a court of law, but it did. My heart hurt for this family and the awful years each one endured. I cried tears for this family. I saw the evidence of strong Faith in Almighty God that carried them through when nothing else could’ve done so. I highly recommend this book.

Will rock your confidence in judicial system

Shari's story is one that almost can't be believed. It will rock your confidence in the criminal justice system. You'll find yourself asking why? And how? How could the state of Texas , in the face of overwhelming evidence against Les Bower's guilt, insist on executing him anyway? The story is rich in detail and highlights Shari's strong faith that endured all that was thrown at her.

So well written, heartbreaking and hopeful

I enjoyed this book, which sounds strange, because it broke my heart and brought tears to my eyes. It was well told by a wife who was relentless in her support and effort to free her husband from a death sentence. I am moved by her great faith in God and her love for her husband. This is a compelling story, don’t miss it!

Very interesting and well written book.

Exciting and excellent insight into the Texas judicial system.

It was beautifully written.

I loved the realism the author used in her descriptions of the events that took place. She made the reader feel the emotion along with her.

When the Justice system goes wrong...

Heartbreaking story. Well told.

A great read!

A very insightful and thought provoking look at how our judicial system is lacking in fair and impartial manner along with the love of family

Interesting Read

Couldn't put it down

Great read

A story a wife's fight to free her husband from death row. Full of passion and love. Would recommend it to family and friends. Frida Drew

Joy vs happiness

I knew this author and prayed for Les many times. The book reveals much of their lives that I did not know at the time of his death.

Excellent book

Very well written. I live in Denison,Texas and always thought he was innocent.. God bless Shari and her family. Than you for writing this book.

My husband said I bleed blue

And I do I read this because it happened where we live and I have a who!e new perspective about this case.

Great read

Excellent book, heartbreaking story. Definitely a different perspectives than normally presented regarding our criminal justice system. Highly recommend you add this to your reading list.


This story was at times difficult to read because it could have happened to anyone. It was very thoughtfully written. It kept me interested from start to finish

Must read!

Wonderfully written heart wrenching story.

Great read

Great read. Very well written

The power of love & faith

It is difficult to imagine living through this horrific saga and yet love & faith prevailed, which is a credit to both Shari & Les.

Question of death sentence.

Reading for interest since I know the author.

Even though I knew the ending, I couldn’t put it down.

Compelling, honest, transparent, heartbrey.

Couldn't put it down! Miscarriage of justice!

Couldn't put it down! What a brave, incredible story by first-time author, Shari Bower. The book itself is about perseverance in the face of admidst adversity and faith in times of hopelessness. These pages will shake your perceptions about the legal system and pull at your heart strings. Life doesn't always turn out how we think, and at its most tragic times, innocent people are executed. You fought the good fight, Les. And Shari, you wrote a heck of a book against all odds. No doubt Les is pleased as are all those who know this wonderful family!

The truly guilty will get what’s coming to them!

Reading on kindle and can’t put this book down! As I’m reading, I feel like I’m really there, with the Bowers, going through the process with them. She is an excellent author in putting you with her going through the truth. It’s mind blowing that law enforcement, judges and lawyers can be so incompetent and crooked. I’m sure the payoffs these truly guilty people paid were huge. When there are people who are suppose to “serve and protect” go “bad “, I guess people like the Bowers pay the ultimate price-Death. The faith that they show in the book is the only thing that gives anyone hope. As the people that are the real guilty ones die, I’m wondering if Les is standing with the Lord at the pearly gates smiling, as the Lord shakes his head and says BURN IN HELL.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is not a sad book like you might think because of the storyline. Yes, it has sad parts, but the overall book is a book about taking life challenges head on, perseverance, and a love story. It really opens your heart to what’s important and gives the reader a feeling of empowerment to tackle the obstacles we face. Well written, Shari has a way of taking you there with her words and guiding the reader along her journey. The author bares her soul and doesn’t hold back from revealing the sometimes painful and private depths of the story. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

An amazing read! A powerful page-turner!

Shari has beautifully written a compelling story of a horrendous injustice that is simply inconceivable. I was captivated from the very beginning. I am not generally one to read a non-fiction work, but this memoir sucked me in like a good crime fiction book. I tried to imagine myself in this position and it is simply unfathomable. Shari paints a picture of family, love and strength in the midst of dire circumstances. Her faith throughout is both inspiring and encouraging.

Great telling of a life of love and loss

Well-written story of a woman's struggles while her husband was on death row. Very heartfelt and emotional book - I went through a series of feelings from anger, sadness (lots of tears!) and some laughing as well. Some details at first I wondered why she was spending time on them when I really just wanted her to get to the story of what happened, but I realized later it all had a purpose. I will be recommending this book to others!

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