Awaken My Soul!: 31 Devotions to Supercharge Your Purpose

Kindle Edition
25 Nov
Something in all of us wants to do better, be better. We just fight like the dickens to get there, don’t we?Friend, God has given us this day, brand-spanking new and loaded with reasons to try again. The first step is oh-so-simple . . . Just Begin! In the eleventh hour of this unprecedented year (2020), the LORD impressed upon me to put some of my early-morning journaling to print. People are struggling to find an anchor in the shaking. Weary souls wrestle to pinpoint any peace amid all the voices ramping up fear and hopelessness.My passionate prayer is that with each day’s reading, your anxious heart will find its sure footing in God’s Unshakable Word. As you lean in with all you’ve got, I pray His captivating whisper will set your soul on fire like it does mine at each new sunrise. As He exhales upon you, every part of you will come to life, I promise!God’s LIVING Word renews my mind and resets my soul in my rising before any other conversation gets access. When I begin with Him, I journey through my day from a set place. I don’t merely react to life’s zigs and zags. I walk in His Unflinching Word over my life. Each devotional begins with a Bible verse. I spend a few moments bringing clarity and context to its meaning for our right-here-right-now living. Each reading closes with a challenge that helps us move from merely reading to responding. "What Difference Will This WORD Make In Me?”Did you know there is no actual word for “obey” in the Hebrew language? In God’s vernacular, hearing and doing are inseparable! This Lover of our soul desires no daylight between hearing Him and heeding Him. Everything our Good Father speaks seeks our greatest good so He fully intends for us to act upon all He reveals.As God’s Word takes root and gets activated in us, parched areas begin to bloom and dead things come to life! For real!He’s changing you and me, you know? The only way to get to where we want to be is forward. Let’s hold hands and get there together!

Reviews (26)

Eternal Encouragement!! Essential, Everlasting Truth for it is God’s Word!

I could not and would not keep this gift for myself!! In this world, in this moment, when I want to bless others, I am thankful to be able to share pieces of God’s heart with those who matter to me! His Word reflects His Heart! His Daughter, Dr. Debbie Lanier, dwells within her Father’s Word, Will and Ways! It is her life’s ministry to share The Truth of God’s Word, Break it down for You to be able to understand and apply God’s Word for your living and those you love, and draw you deeply into an Intimacy with God through His Word! When so many voices speak of the unknown and speak in fear, Allow yourself the opportunity to read a voice that echoes what He knows and speaks in Truth!! {The only thing this needs is her audio, so you can hear the fire that she won’t allow to be shut up in her bones, her miracle bones at that, but that’s another story!! If this book leaves you needing to hear more from Him through her, you can find her on Facebook and watch videos she has shared to share The Gospel from the One True God- Jehovah and His Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord!-oooh it will be Glorious!}

You will use over and over

I have been truly blessed

Great Devotional for today's craziness!

Awesome Lady! Great devotional! The Word is easily understood, and applied to your life. Get it in your hands, so you can get it in your heart!

Necessary encouragement for these trying times!

Dr. Debbie Lanier is my pastor who actually lives what she preaches. Meditating in the Word and communing with the Lord daily are her morning morsels that prepare her for whatever she will meet during the day. I was thrilled when I learned about her book and I immediately ordered 3 copies so I could share two! I am ordering more for gifts. Why? Because what I have read in “Awaken My Soul!” stirred my own soul so much that I know I have a duty to share this devotional that speaks so loudly to what most of us, if not all of us, face every day of our lives especially now, when our lives are so ‘other’, and we are adjusting to a ‘new normal’ in our living. This devotional gives us words to live by and challenges us to follow through to victory. I strongly recommend this devotional if you want to boost your spiritual living, being and doing.

Awaken My Soul- a spiritual feast!!!

Debbie’s motivational series of timely devotions is sure to set a fire in your soul. She has a giftedness, like no other, for encouraging us, and helping us to grow and prosper in our relationship with God and in our service., despite the hard truths-the essential foundational truths! Each message in the book prompted an inner yearning within me - a desire to read and consume God’s word more and more .... to partake in a spiritual feast, if you will !! To do better! To be better!! In each devotional passage, you will feel like you are having a heartfelt conversation with your best friend. As I was reading it, so many people came to my mind who need to hear these messages of ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE and LOVE. Those people will certainly be receiving an early Christmas gift from me!! Ordered three but that wasn’t enough!!! Thanks, Debbie!!!!!💙

Encouragement for a time such as this!

Dr Debbie Lanier fills the pages of “ Awaken My Soul” with spiritual truths that will encourage and motivate you to live your life with fresh hope and purpose. Dr Lanier begins with the foundational Word of God and builds a devotional response that applies to everyday lives. For a person who does not have a walk with God, this is the perfect place to start. You will be able to relate and understand. If your more seasoned in your journey, this too is the perfect tool for you! The everyday examples put meat to the Scripture references and you will want to get your Bible and read more. It will prompt you to think of situations in your own life that move along with those scriptures. Beware! You might find yourself making an extra pot of coffee and reading more than one day at a time!

Incredible, Timely, Real and Relative !

Incredible, timely, real and relative! Pastor Debbie has a way with words that absolutely draws you right into the scene or situation with your every sense fully engaged. This isn't just a 31 day devotional but a life line that you will find yourself picking up again and again long after those first 31 days....and then it will speak to you all over again as if you had never heard or seen those words before ! She is the real deal. Her fiery passion and revelation drives all of us to seek and know Him more-all in, head over heels-deep!

Awaken My Soul!

I attend Pastor Debbie's Church and she is the real deal! She begins each day engaging deeply with God and frequently posts devotionals on Facebook which help set my sights on God first thing. When I saw that she had written a devotional book, I knew I had to have it. This book has daily devotionals that begin with God's Word, contain real life examples that help us relate and understand on a personal level, and end with a daily plan of action to help keep us accountable. I highly recommend this book both for yourself, and to gift to loved ones. As we begin this new coming year of uncertainty, may we set our sights on He whose Word never fails!

Timely word for the season we are in

I've known Dr. Debbie Lanier for almost 30 years both as my pastor and one of my dearest friends. To say she lives what she preaches is an understatement. She more than any other person has taught me the goodness of God both through His Word and how she lives. This devotional is so timely and will encourage you as well as challenge you to live the life God has destined you to live. What a wonderful gift she is to the Kingdom and what a wonderful gift this devotional will be for those in your life who you want to encourage to live the greater life God has for them to live.

Be Encouraged!

I have known Dr. Debbie Lanier for over 30 years and have had the honor to sit under the teaching of this woman of God! To know her is to love her but to know her heart for God is an understatement! She not only knows the Word of God but lives it everyday. This devotional comes from the depth of her being and will encourage anyone who may have doubt that God has their best Interest at heart, especially for such a time as this season we are living. Each devotional will help start your day and cover you in the Word so that you can withstand whatever the day holds. Be encouraged and Supercharge your soul!

Eternal Encouragement!! Essential, Everlasting Truth for it is God’s Word!

I could not and would not keep this gift for myself!! In this world, in this moment, when I want to bless others, I am thankful to be able to share pieces of God’s heart with those who matter to me! His Word reflects His Heart! His Daughter, Dr. Debbie Lanier, dwells within her Father’s Word, Will and Ways! It is her life’s ministry to share The Truth of God’s Word, Break it down for You to be able to understand and apply God’s Word for your living and those you love, and draw you deeply into an Intimacy with God through His Word! When so many voices speak of the unknown and speak in fear, Allow yourself the opportunity to read a voice that echoes what He knows and speaks in Truth!! {The only thing this needs is her audio, so you can hear the fire that she won’t allow to be shut up in her bones, her miracle bones at that, but that’s another story!! If this book leaves you needing to hear more from Him through her, you can find her on Facebook and watch videos she has shared to share The Gospel from the One True God- Jehovah and His Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord!-oooh it will be Glorious!}

You will use over and over

I have been truly blessed

Great Devotional for today's craziness!

Awesome Lady! Great devotional! The Word is easily understood, and applied to your life. Get it in your hands, so you can get it in your heart!

Necessary encouragement for these trying times!

Dr. Debbie Lanier is my pastor who actually lives what she preaches. Meditating in the Word and communing with the Lord daily are her morning morsels that prepare her for whatever she will meet during the day. I was thrilled when I learned about her book and I immediately ordered 3 copies so I could share two! I am ordering more for gifts. Why? Because what I have read in “Awaken My Soul!” stirred my own soul so much that I know I have a duty to share this devotional that speaks so loudly to what most of us, if not all of us, face every day of our lives especially now, when our lives are so ‘other’, and we are adjusting to a ‘new normal’ in our living. This devotional gives us words to live by and challenges us to follow through to victory. I strongly recommend this devotional if you want to boost your spiritual living, being and doing.

Awaken My Soul- a spiritual feast!!!

Debbie’s motivational series of timely devotions is sure to set a fire in your soul. She has a giftedness, like no other, for encouraging us, and helping us to grow and prosper in our relationship with God and in our service., despite the hard truths-the essential foundational truths! Each message in the book prompted an inner yearning within me - a desire to read and consume God’s word more and more .... to partake in a spiritual feast, if you will !! To do better! To be better!! In each devotional passage, you will feel like you are having a heartfelt conversation with your best friend. As I was reading it, so many people came to my mind who need to hear these messages of ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE and LOVE. Those people will certainly be receiving an early Christmas gift from me!! Ordered three but that wasn’t enough!!! Thanks, Debbie!!!!!💙

Encouragement for a time such as this!

Dr Debbie Lanier fills the pages of “ Awaken My Soul” with spiritual truths that will encourage and motivate you to live your life with fresh hope and purpose. Dr Lanier begins with the foundational Word of God and builds a devotional response that applies to everyday lives. For a person who does not have a walk with God, this is the perfect place to start. You will be able to relate and understand. If your more seasoned in your journey, this too is the perfect tool for you! The everyday examples put meat to the Scripture references and you will want to get your Bible and read more. It will prompt you to think of situations in your own life that move along with those scriptures. Beware! You might find yourself making an extra pot of coffee and reading more than one day at a time!

Incredible, Timely, Real and Relative !

Incredible, timely, real and relative! Pastor Debbie has a way with words that absolutely draws you right into the scene or situation with your every sense fully engaged. This isn't just a 31 day devotional but a life line that you will find yourself picking up again and again long after those first 31 days....and then it will speak to you all over again as if you had never heard or seen those words before ! She is the real deal. Her fiery passion and revelation drives all of us to seek and know Him more-all in, head over heels-deep!

Awaken My Soul!

I attend Pastor Debbie's Church and she is the real deal! She begins each day engaging deeply with God and frequently posts devotionals on Facebook which help set my sights on God first thing. When I saw that she had written a devotional book, I knew I had to have it. This book has daily devotionals that begin with God's Word, contain real life examples that help us relate and understand on a personal level, and end with a daily plan of action to help keep us accountable. I highly recommend this book both for yourself, and to gift to loved ones. As we begin this new coming year of uncertainty, may we set our sights on He whose Word never fails!

Timely word for the season we are in

I've known Dr. Debbie Lanier for almost 30 years both as my pastor and one of my dearest friends. To say she lives what she preaches is an understatement. She more than any other person has taught me the goodness of God both through His Word and how she lives. This devotional is so timely and will encourage you as well as challenge you to live the life God has destined you to live. What a wonderful gift she is to the Kingdom and what a wonderful gift this devotional will be for those in your life who you want to encourage to live the greater life God has for them to live.

Be Encouraged!

I have known Dr. Debbie Lanier for over 30 years and have had the honor to sit under the teaching of this woman of God! To know her is to love her but to know her heart for God is an understatement! She not only knows the Word of God but lives it everyday. This devotional comes from the depth of her being and will encourage anyone who may have doubt that God has their best Interest at heart, especially for such a time as this season we are living. Each devotional will help start your day and cover you in the Word so that you can withstand whatever the day holds. Be encouraged and Supercharge your soul!

Great Book on Practical Christian Living

In her book, Awaken My Soul, Dr. Debbie Lanier presents 31 very powerful yet practical devotions that are engaging both for clergy and laity alike. With a deep insight into the Word of God, Dr. Lanier brings to life various verses from the Bible into a very contemporary and challenging way and makes them quite applicable for every Christian believer in today's culture. You would do well to purchase, read and implement the scriptural truths shared in this book. I highly recommend it! Mike Wells Senior Pastor at University Church of God Greenville, North Carolina

Thought provoking, encouraging and challenging instruction directly from the Word of God.

Awaken My Soul is just the tool to lead and encourage in our daily living. Dr. Lanier’s insight of the Word of God is thought provoking, encouraging and challenges us to delve into it ourselves with gusto and supercharges us to move in God’s ordered steps no matter what’s going on around us or where we are right now. Every day gives a new perspective and stirs your faith. The challenge is reading one day at a time. It’s the perfect devotion for such a time as this.

The "Realness" of this is just what we need in 2020!

Oh how timely this treasure is! The authenticity of Dr. Debbie Lanier's voice pulls you in from the very first sentence. I received my copy just in time to read one devotion a day for the 31 days of December. I'll just be real here....there's no way it will last until the end of December!!! The encouragement for my soul is exactly what I needed! Great gift for myself! I will definitely be buying more as gifts for others!

Encouraging and Empowering!

If you want to be encouraged in the Lord and empowered in His might, this is the book for you! Pastor Debbie is highly annointed, articulate and loving in her encouragement and teaching! She will help convince you of your Identity in Christ and show you how to walk in it. This book is a must have for every believer in these troubled times! It makes the perfect stocking stuffer! I am giving this book, a gift of encouragement to many this year!


Are you looking to learn more about this life-changing God? Do you need to go deeper in Him getting recharged for the plans He has for you? Either way, this devotional is for you. I’ve personally known Dr. Lanier for 25 years. She is authentic as she daily lives what she believes. Her passionate study of Scripture increases my own desire for His Truths. You will not be disappointed!

Fill your hungry heart

If you are ready to rise up and set your heart on our Great God, this is the book for you! Dr. Debbie Lanier is so real and encouraging. This devotional will surly light that fire that God so wants to see in all of us! I encourage you when you finish it read it again and again! Each time you will get something new to encourage your heart and feed your soul!!

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