Attention!: The power of simple decisions in a distracted world

Kindle Edition
05 Oct
Rob Hatch

Attention! is a practical guide for reclaiming the power of our time and attention.

In a world of endless distraction, we have given away two of our most valuable assets: time and attention.

Technology has given us the incredible gift of access to an ever-increasing amount of information and has opened the door to a vast array of choices and opportunities.

However, having more options doesn’t correlate to an increase in our success. Research shows that having more to choose from causes anxiety and decreases our likelihood of taking action. We have become paralyzed and polarized, reacting instead of acting and ceding control of our decisions to a continuous onslaught of information, marketing, and interruption.

We live in an age where we struggle to decide which information is real or fake. We find it challenging to make even the most straightforward decisions for our happiness and success in our lives and business.

This book will help you reframe your relationship with the demands on your time, overcome decision fatigue, and understand the value of creating space.

Rob Hatch sets out a powerful framework and flexible approach that gives you the space to focus your attention on what is important, the power to make decisions aligned with your goals, and the ability to take action with confidence.

'Rob Hatch has created something new in a crowded field: a flexible method that reframes how we can do our best work better. Because he built these frameworks for himself and his own struggles, they're simple and practical. Because he's been teaching them to hundreds of people, you know they work. I use these methods myself and with my team. It gives us the flexibility to be freely creative in our creative work and solidly productive in our structured work.' - Becky McCray

Reviews (65)

Excellent tool for managing work in today's lockdown environment

I didn’t expect that this book would really apply to me. Its purpose is to help folks with real jobs and kids and family obligations to manage their work in a world full of distractions. I’m a writer with grown kids and no boss or employees so I didn’t figure I need all that much help managing by work. But I was wrong. I found at least half-dozen ideas I could use to much more effectively manage my work day. I suspect people with real jobs will find it invaluable, especially in today’s lockdown work-from-home environment. It’s concise, practical and a very well-written. A great value. Highly recommended.

I needed this so much!

I have two businesses - a winery and I am a marketing consultant. I am a mom who has been thrust into also being a remote school teacher. I have a partner, two dogs, and a busy life. There is also constant dramatic news to be caught up on, articles for my businesses to keep up on, chores to do, literally 700 emails to get to, and of course, I want to be a good daughter, community member, friend, mom, and partner. Since about March, I have tried time-blocking between remote school or summer activities with my son and the work I need to do but I didn't have a plan I could stick to. That meant my 'me' time was just responding to what was in front of me - my inbox, the squeakiest wheels, the news, the people who texted because I didn't get back to their email... I was barely treading water and the current was slowly even pulling me backwards. Then Attention! came in the mail. Since I picked it up, I have made some small changes and noticed a huge difference in my days, my businesses, and my personal life. Before Attention! I was getting stuff done and I was SO busy but I wasn't getting the RIGHT stuff done. My life was reacting to what other people wanted or what was in front of me. With Attention! I was able to take some shells of a plan and put together a simple process that I can follow every. single. day. I feel confident I am spending time on the things I should be spending my precious time on. When the day is done and I see how much I have moved forward that I wanted to, I can also be more present for my son, my partner, and even the dogs. My mind isn't wandering to all the things I still need to do. My mind isn't racing as my head hits the pillow. I feel at ease that I did the best I could today and I know exactly where to start tomorrow. I have reclaimed my time, my life, and my attention. Thank you, Rob. This book is going to stay on my desk AND I got a copy for my iPad. I plan on revisiting it regularly. It will be like having my own business and life coach in my pocket!

Experienced Expert and Great Book!

I have some really cool friends. Some are experts who write great books. This is one of those friends, experts and books. In his new book, "Attention!: The power of simple decisions in a distracted world,” Rob Hatch reminds all of us just how important time and attention are in today’s world. He sets out a powerful framework and flexible approach that gives you the space to focus your attention on what is important, the power to make decisions aligned with your goals, and the ability to take action with confidence. Get Rob’s book today!

A bettter way to get your life organized with less distractions

This was a great read filled with useful information on being more organized, putting success in your way, and being less distracted by all of our devices. This book should be required reading by all freshmen in high school and reread often to keep on track of your life. Rob Hatch has a way of teaching and providing information that is enjoyable and easy to relate to. Many times i felt that he wrote the book just for me! Attention! grabs your attention and keeps it throughout the book. Pick up a copy now and i hear its coming out on audiobook read by the author soon.

"Put Success In Your Way" for a satisfying day, month, year

Rob Hatch is great at spelling out why and how to keep yourself focused on what is important to you. He teaches how to "put success in your way" to accomplish what is really important to you. I highly recommend Attention! if you want to take control of your days and put your energy into your priorities, not everyone else's.

Keeping it simple

I’ve followed Rob for more than a few years now, and his book does a great job distilling the info he’s shared in his emails and webinars. He lays out some simple steps for keeping on track with anything you want to accomplish. He writes with a clear voice that is engaging as well as instructive. Thanks, Rob!

Concepts that can make an immediate difference

I began applying concepts from Attention! today and had one of my most productive days in months. Wow - it is going to take some practice to break and build some of these habits but you have provided the road map to get it done. I have been a bit lost recently with my work- thanks for providing me the navigation to get back on track.

Are you paying attention?

Rob completely nails it when it comes to the study of Attention. Lots of valuable nuggets of wisdom falling out of these pages :)

Good book to help turn off distractions.

Good book, simple read but very relatable.


A brilliant author!

Excellent tool for managing work in today's lockdown environment

I didn’t expect that this book would really apply to me. Its purpose is to help folks with real jobs and kids and family obligations to manage their work in a world full of distractions. I’m a writer with grown kids and no boss or employees so I didn’t figure I need all that much help managing by work. But I was wrong. I found at least half-dozen ideas I could use to much more effectively manage my work day. I suspect people with real jobs will find it invaluable, especially in today’s lockdown work-from-home environment. It’s concise, practical and a very well-written. A great value. Highly recommended.

I needed this so much!

I have two businesses - a winery and I am a marketing consultant. I am a mom who has been thrust into also being a remote school teacher. I have a partner, two dogs, and a busy life. There is also constant dramatic news to be caught up on, articles for my businesses to keep up on, chores to do, literally 700 emails to get to, and of course, I want to be a good daughter, community member, friend, mom, and partner. Since about March, I have tried time-blocking between remote school or summer activities with my son and the work I need to do but I didn't have a plan I could stick to. That meant my 'me' time was just responding to what was in front of me - my inbox, the squeakiest wheels, the news, the people who texted because I didn't get back to their email... I was barely treading water and the current was slowly even pulling me backwards. Then Attention! came in the mail. Since I picked it up, I have made some small changes and noticed a huge difference in my days, my businesses, and my personal life. Before Attention! I was getting stuff done and I was SO busy but I wasn't getting the RIGHT stuff done. My life was reacting to what other people wanted or what was in front of me. With Attention! I was able to take some shells of a plan and put together a simple process that I can follow every. single. day. I feel confident I am spending time on the things I should be spending my precious time on. When the day is done and I see how much I have moved forward that I wanted to, I can also be more present for my son, my partner, and even the dogs. My mind isn't wandering to all the things I still need to do. My mind isn't racing as my head hits the pillow. I feel at ease that I did the best I could today and I know exactly where to start tomorrow. I have reclaimed my time, my life, and my attention. Thank you, Rob. This book is going to stay on my desk AND I got a copy for my iPad. I plan on revisiting it regularly. It will be like having my own business and life coach in my pocket!

Experienced Expert and Great Book!

I have some really cool friends. Some are experts who write great books. This is one of those friends, experts and books. In his new book, "Attention!: The power of simple decisions in a distracted world,” Rob Hatch reminds all of us just how important time and attention are in today’s world. He sets out a powerful framework and flexible approach that gives you the space to focus your attention on what is important, the power to make decisions aligned with your goals, and the ability to take action with confidence. Get Rob’s book today!

A bettter way to get your life organized with less distractions

This was a great read filled with useful information on being more organized, putting success in your way, and being less distracted by all of our devices. This book should be required reading by all freshmen in high school and reread often to keep on track of your life. Rob Hatch has a way of teaching and providing information that is enjoyable and easy to relate to. Many times i felt that he wrote the book just for me! Attention! grabs your attention and keeps it throughout the book. Pick up a copy now and i hear its coming out on audiobook read by the author soon.

"Put Success In Your Way" for a satisfying day, month, year

Rob Hatch is great at spelling out why and how to keep yourself focused on what is important to you. He teaches how to "put success in your way" to accomplish what is really important to you. I highly recommend Attention! if you want to take control of your days and put your energy into your priorities, not everyone else's.

Keeping it simple

I’ve followed Rob for more than a few years now, and his book does a great job distilling the info he’s shared in his emails and webinars. He lays out some simple steps for keeping on track with anything you want to accomplish. He writes with a clear voice that is engaging as well as instructive. Thanks, Rob!

Concepts that can make an immediate difference

I began applying concepts from Attention! today and had one of my most productive days in months. Wow - it is going to take some practice to break and build some of these habits but you have provided the road map to get it done. I have been a bit lost recently with my work- thanks for providing me the navigation to get back on track.

Are you paying attention?

Rob completely nails it when it comes to the study of Attention. Lots of valuable nuggets of wisdom falling out of these pages :)

Good book to help turn off distractions.

Good book, simple read but very relatable.


A brilliant author!

Excellent tool for managing work in today's lockdown environment

I didn’t expect that this book would really apply to me. Its purpose is to help folks with real jobs and kids and family obligations to manage their work in a world full of distractions. I’m a writer with grown kids and no boss or employees so I didn’t figure I need all that much help managing by work. But I was wrong. I found at least half-dozen ideas I could use to much more effectively manage my work day. I suspect people with real jobs will find it invaluable, especially in today’s lockdown work-from-home environment. It’s concise, practical and a very well-written. A great value. Highly recommended.

I needed this so much!

I have two businesses - a winery and I am a marketing consultant. I am a mom who has been thrust into also being a remote school teacher. I have a partner, two dogs, and a busy life. There is also constant dramatic news to be caught up on, articles for my businesses to keep up on, chores to do, literally 700 emails to get to, and of course, I want to be a good daughter, community member, friend, mom, and partner. Since about March, I have tried time-blocking between remote school or summer activities with my son and the work I need to do but I didn't have a plan I could stick to. That meant my 'me' time was just responding to what was in front of me - my inbox, the squeakiest wheels, the news, the people who texted because I didn't get back to their email... I was barely treading water and the current was slowly even pulling me backwards. Then Attention! came in the mail. Since I picked it up, I have made some small changes and noticed a huge difference in my days, my businesses, and my personal life. Before Attention! I was getting stuff done and I was SO busy but I wasn't getting the RIGHT stuff done. My life was reacting to what other people wanted or what was in front of me. With Attention! I was able to take some shells of a plan and put together a simple process that I can follow every. single. day. I feel confident I am spending time on the things I should be spending my precious time on. When the day is done and I see how much I have moved forward that I wanted to, I can also be more present for my son, my partner, and even the dogs. My mind isn't wandering to all the things I still need to do. My mind isn't racing as my head hits the pillow. I feel at ease that I did the best I could today and I know exactly where to start tomorrow. I have reclaimed my time, my life, and my attention. Thank you, Rob. This book is going to stay on my desk AND I got a copy for my iPad. I plan on revisiting it regularly. It will be like having my own business and life coach in my pocket!

Experienced Expert and Great Book!

I have some really cool friends. Some are experts who write great books. This is one of those friends, experts and books. In his new book, "Attention!: The power of simple decisions in a distracted world,” Rob Hatch reminds all of us just how important time and attention are in today’s world. He sets out a powerful framework and flexible approach that gives you the space to focus your attention on what is important, the power to make decisions aligned with your goals, and the ability to take action with confidence. Get Rob’s book today!

A bettter way to get your life organized with less distractions

This was a great read filled with useful information on being more organized, putting success in your way, and being less distracted by all of our devices. This book should be required reading by all freshmen in high school and reread often to keep on track of your life. Rob Hatch has a way of teaching and providing information that is enjoyable and easy to relate to. Many times i felt that he wrote the book just for me! Attention! grabs your attention and keeps it throughout the book. Pick up a copy now and i hear its coming out on audiobook read by the author soon.

"Put Success In Your Way" for a satisfying day, month, year

Rob Hatch is great at spelling out why and how to keep yourself focused on what is important to you. He teaches how to "put success in your way" to accomplish what is really important to you. I highly recommend Attention! if you want to take control of your days and put your energy into your priorities, not everyone else's.

Keeping it simple

I’ve followed Rob for more than a few years now, and his book does a great job distilling the info he’s shared in his emails and webinars. He lays out some simple steps for keeping on track with anything you want to accomplish. He writes with a clear voice that is engaging as well as instructive. Thanks, Rob!

Concepts that can make an immediate difference

I began applying concepts from Attention! today and had one of my most productive days in months. Wow - it is going to take some practice to break and build some of these habits but you have provided the road map to get it done. I have been a bit lost recently with my work- thanks for providing me the navigation to get back on track.

Are you paying attention?

Rob completely nails it when it comes to the study of Attention. Lots of valuable nuggets of wisdom falling out of these pages :)

Good book to help turn off distractions.

Good book, simple read but very relatable.


A brilliant author!

Excellent tool for managing work in today's lockdown environment

I didn’t expect that this book would really apply to me. Its purpose is to help folks with real jobs and kids and family obligations to manage their work in a world full of distractions. I’m a writer with grown kids and no boss or employees so I didn’t figure I need all that much help managing by work. But I was wrong. I found at least half-dozen ideas I could use to much more effectively manage my work day. I suspect people with real jobs will find it invaluable, especially in today’s lockdown work-from-home environment. It’s concise, practical and a very well-written. A great value. Highly recommended.

I needed this so much!

I have two businesses - a winery and I am a marketing consultant. I am a mom who has been thrust into also being a remote school teacher. I have a partner, two dogs, and a busy life. There is also constant dramatic news to be caught up on, articles for my businesses to keep up on, chores to do, literally 700 emails to get to, and of course, I want to be a good daughter, community member, friend, mom, and partner. Since about March, I have tried time-blocking between remote school or summer activities with my son and the work I need to do but I didn't have a plan I could stick to. That meant my 'me' time was just responding to what was in front of me - my inbox, the squeakiest wheels, the news, the people who texted because I didn't get back to their email... I was barely treading water and the current was slowly even pulling me backwards. Then Attention! came in the mail. Since I picked it up, I have made some small changes and noticed a huge difference in my days, my businesses, and my personal life. Before Attention! I was getting stuff done and I was SO busy but I wasn't getting the RIGHT stuff done. My life was reacting to what other people wanted or what was in front of me. With Attention! I was able to take some shells of a plan and put together a simple process that I can follow every. single. day. I feel confident I am spending time on the things I should be spending my precious time on. When the day is done and I see how much I have moved forward that I wanted to, I can also be more present for my son, my partner, and even the dogs. My mind isn't wandering to all the things I still need to do. My mind isn't racing as my head hits the pillow. I feel at ease that I did the best I could today and I know exactly where to start tomorrow. I have reclaimed my time, my life, and my attention. Thank you, Rob. This book is going to stay on my desk AND I got a copy for my iPad. I plan on revisiting it regularly. It will be like having my own business and life coach in my pocket!

Experienced Expert and Great Book!

I have some really cool friends. Some are experts who write great books. This is one of those friends, experts and books. In his new book, "Attention!: The power of simple decisions in a distracted world,” Rob Hatch reminds all of us just how important time and attention are in today’s world. He sets out a powerful framework and flexible approach that gives you the space to focus your attention on what is important, the power to make decisions aligned with your goals, and the ability to take action with confidence. Get Rob’s book today!

A bettter way to get your life organized with less distractions

This was a great read filled with useful information on being more organized, putting success in your way, and being less distracted by all of our devices. This book should be required reading by all freshmen in high school and reread often to keep on track of your life. Rob Hatch has a way of teaching and providing information that is enjoyable and easy to relate to. Many times i felt that he wrote the book just for me! Attention! grabs your attention and keeps it throughout the book. Pick up a copy now and i hear its coming out on audiobook read by the author soon.

"Put Success In Your Way" for a satisfying day, month, year

Rob Hatch is great at spelling out why and how to keep yourself focused on what is important to you. He teaches how to "put success in your way" to accomplish what is really important to you. I highly recommend Attention! if you want to take control of your days and put your energy into your priorities, not everyone else's.

Keeping it simple

I’ve followed Rob for more than a few years now, and his book does a great job distilling the info he’s shared in his emails and webinars. He lays out some simple steps for keeping on track with anything you want to accomplish. He writes with a clear voice that is engaging as well as instructive. Thanks, Rob!

Concepts that can make an immediate difference

I began applying concepts from Attention! today and had one of my most productive days in months. Wow - it is going to take some practice to break and build some of these habits but you have provided the road map to get it done. I have been a bit lost recently with my work- thanks for providing me the navigation to get back on track.

Are you paying attention?

Rob completely nails it when it comes to the study of Attention. Lots of valuable nuggets of wisdom falling out of these pages :)

Good book to help turn off distractions.

Good book, simple read but very relatable.


A brilliant author!

Excellent tool for managing work in today's lockdown environment

I didn’t expect that this book would really apply to me. Its purpose is to help folks with real jobs and kids and family obligations to manage their work in a world full of distractions. I’m a writer with grown kids and no boss or employees so I didn’t figure I need all that much help managing by work. But I was wrong. I found at least half-dozen ideas I could use to much more effectively manage my work day. I suspect people with real jobs will find it invaluable, especially in today’s lockdown work-from-home environment. It’s concise, practical and a very well-written. A great value. Highly recommended.

I needed this so much!

I have two businesses - a winery and I am a marketing consultant. I am a mom who has been thrust into also being a remote school teacher. I have a partner, two dogs, and a busy life. There is also constant dramatic news to be caught up on, articles for my businesses to keep up on, chores to do, literally 700 emails to get to, and of course, I want to be a good daughter, community member, friend, mom, and partner. Since about March, I have tried time-blocking between remote school or summer activities with my son and the work I need to do but I didn't have a plan I could stick to. That meant my 'me' time was just responding to what was in front of me - my inbox, the squeakiest wheels, the news, the people who texted because I didn't get back to their email... I was barely treading water and the current was slowly even pulling me backwards. Then Attention! came in the mail. Since I picked it up, I have made some small changes and noticed a huge difference in my days, my businesses, and my personal life. Before Attention! I was getting stuff done and I was SO busy but I wasn't getting the RIGHT stuff done. My life was reacting to what other people wanted or what was in front of me. With Attention! I was able to take some shells of a plan and put together a simple process that I can follow every. single. day. I feel confident I am spending time on the things I should be spending my precious time on. When the day is done and I see how much I have moved forward that I wanted to, I can also be more present for my son, my partner, and even the dogs. My mind isn't wandering to all the things I still need to do. My mind isn't racing as my head hits the pillow. I feel at ease that I did the best I could today and I know exactly where to start tomorrow. I have reclaimed my time, my life, and my attention. Thank you, Rob. This book is going to stay on my desk AND I got a copy for my iPad. I plan on revisiting it regularly. It will be like having my own business and life coach in my pocket!

Experienced Expert and Great Book!

I have some really cool friends. Some are experts who write great books. This is one of those friends, experts and books. In his new book, "Attention!: The power of simple decisions in a distracted world,” Rob Hatch reminds all of us just how important time and attention are in today’s world. He sets out a powerful framework and flexible approach that gives you the space to focus your attention on what is important, the power to make decisions aligned with your goals, and the ability to take action with confidence. Get Rob’s book today!

A bettter way to get your life organized with less distractions

This was a great read filled with useful information on being more organized, putting success in your way, and being less distracted by all of our devices. This book should be required reading by all freshmen in high school and reread often to keep on track of your life. Rob Hatch has a way of teaching and providing information that is enjoyable and easy to relate to. Many times i felt that he wrote the book just for me! Attention! grabs your attention and keeps it throughout the book. Pick up a copy now and i hear its coming out on audiobook read by the author soon.

"Put Success In Your Way" for a satisfying day, month, year

Rob Hatch is great at spelling out why and how to keep yourself focused on what is important to you. He teaches how to "put success in your way" to accomplish what is really important to you. I highly recommend Attention! if you want to take control of your days and put your energy into your priorities, not everyone else's.

Keeping it simple

I’ve followed Rob for more than a few years now, and his book does a great job distilling the info he’s shared in his emails and webinars. He lays out some simple steps for keeping on track with anything you want to accomplish. He writes with a clear voice that is engaging as well as instructive. Thanks, Rob!

Concepts that can make an immediate difference

I began applying concepts from Attention! today and had one of my most productive days in months. Wow - it is going to take some practice to break and build some of these habits but you have provided the road map to get it done. I have been a bit lost recently with my work- thanks for providing me the navigation to get back on track.

Are you paying attention?

Rob completely nails it when it comes to the study of Attention. Lots of valuable nuggets of wisdom falling out of these pages :)

Good book to help turn off distractions.

Good book, simple read but very relatable.


A brilliant author!

Put success in your way

Our time and attention are two of our most valuable resources. This book guides us to put our attention on the right things. Attention! can be applied to any aspect of your life, whether you’re a corporate executive or a stay-at-home mom. Rob says we’re to use the power of simple decisions to put success in our way. His three core elements are: (1) Willpower is a limited resource. (2) Decisions are distractions. (3) Habits are a powerful force to which we are biologically prone. Removing obstacles and placing what we need in front of us is something we each can do. Rob encourages us to find ways to do this. “When I’ve made decisions before I have to and everything I need is ready, I eliminate the need to rely on my willpower to accomplish a task.” Rob gives lots of practical tips. This is an excellent resource and a motivating tool to decide how to make the best choices with our time and attention, including advice to leave room around the edges for margin. My thanks to Net Galley and Practical Inspiration Publishing for the review copy of this book.


Attention! Like Pavlovian dogs, we have become conditioned to divert our attention with a mere tone from our phone, computer- or even someone else's device. Bong! It can feel like we have no control over our attention. Rob Hatch reminds us that control is within our grasp if we follow create and some simple habits that support our intentions. We can be productive, attentive, and enjoy life if we follow some simple plans. Rob writes in a style that gives the reader small bites to digest. He offers recipes to create effective habits. Images of a more productive and satisfying life. Hope that our devices do not control us. That we can manage our devices, environment and our minds to pay attention to what is important. A quick read- so you can implement and get on with a better life.

Combine Cal Newports 'Deep thinking' with Charles Duhigg's 'Power of habits'.

Combine Cal Newports 'Deep thinking' with Charles Duhigg's 'Power of habits'. A very brass tacks, abrupt and direct Self Dev approach. Most of the value resides in putting away distractions and blocking time. Other insights include ‘putting success in your way’. There are no advanced tools needed to incorporate this approach. Worth a read if you want some insights on focusing.


To be honest, I'm biased. When Rob speaks, I listen. That's because I learn every single time and his book was no different. I kept thinking of at least 5 or 6 different books I read that shared a similar thesis but I did nothing with. Not only was Attention! easy to read, it was really easy to implement and take action on. Spoiler alert! I did take action on everything laid out and I continue to refine some of the systems based on clear measured results. (I didn't know how to do that before!) Rob really does help put success in your way. I hope everyone takes the time to read so you can experience all the benefits (no more overwhelm, confidence, consistency, PROGRESSION) that I have!

Put success in your way!

I've followed author Rob Hatch work online for many years, so was thrilled to read his first book. Rob's writing style is conversational, easy to follow but impactful. This book is a series of practical techniques you can use to, in Rob's words, put success in your way. If you've ever got frustrated by not reaching a goal you've set for yourself, or made good progress towards a goal but fell off course, then this book will be helpful to you. I'd suggest this book is essential reading for any business owner, entrepreneur or, indeed, anyone who wants to reduce the distractions in their life and achieve more valuable goals.

Excellent tool for managing work in today's lockdown environment

I didn’t expect that this book would really apply to me. Its purpose is to help folks with real jobs and kids and family obligations to manage their work in a world full of distractions. I’m a writer with grown kids and no boss or employees so I didn’t figure I need all that much help managing by work. But I was wrong. I found at least half-dozen ideas I could use to much more effectively manage my work day. I suspect people with real jobs will find it invaluable, especially in today’s lockdown work-from-home environment. It’s concise, practical and a very well-written. A great value. Highly recommended.

I needed this so much!

I have two businesses - a winery and I am a marketing consultant. I am a mom who has been thrust into also being a remote school teacher. I have a partner, two dogs, and a busy life. There is also constant dramatic news to be caught up on, articles for my businesses to keep up on, chores to do, literally 700 emails to get to, and of course, I want to be a good daughter, community member, friend, mom, and partner. Since about March, I have tried time-blocking between remote school or summer activities with my son and the work I need to do but I didn't have a plan I could stick to. That meant my 'me' time was just responding to what was in front of me - my inbox, the squeakiest wheels, the news, the people who texted because I didn't get back to their email... I was barely treading water and the current was slowly even pulling me backwards. Then Attention! came in the mail. Since I picked it up, I have made some small changes and noticed a huge difference in my days, my businesses, and my personal life. Before Attention! I was getting stuff done and I was SO busy but I wasn't getting the RIGHT stuff done. My life was reacting to what other people wanted or what was in front of me. With Attention! I was able to take some shells of a plan and put together a simple process that I can follow every. single. day. I feel confident I am spending time on the things I should be spending my precious time on. When the day is done and I see how much I have moved forward that I wanted to, I can also be more present for my son, my partner, and even the dogs. My mind isn't wandering to all the things I still need to do. My mind isn't racing as my head hits the pillow. I feel at ease that I did the best I could today and I know exactly where to start tomorrow. I have reclaimed my time, my life, and my attention. Thank you, Rob. This book is going to stay on my desk AND I got a copy for my iPad. I plan on revisiting it regularly. It will be like having my own business and life coach in my pocket!

Experienced Expert and Great Book!

I have some really cool friends. Some are experts who write great books. This is one of those friends, experts and books. In his new book, "Attention!: The power of simple decisions in a distracted world,” Rob Hatch reminds all of us just how important time and attention are in today’s world. He sets out a powerful framework and flexible approach that gives you the space to focus your attention on what is important, the power to make decisions aligned with your goals, and the ability to take action with confidence. Get Rob’s book today!

A bettter way to get your life organized with less distractions

This was a great read filled with useful information on being more organized, putting success in your way, and being less distracted by all of our devices. This book should be required reading by all freshmen in high school and reread often to keep on track of your life. Rob Hatch has a way of teaching and providing information that is enjoyable and easy to relate to. Many times i felt that he wrote the book just for me! Attention! grabs your attention and keeps it throughout the book. Pick up a copy now and i hear its coming out on audiobook read by the author soon.

"Put Success In Your Way" for a satisfying day, month, year

Rob Hatch is great at spelling out why and how to keep yourself focused on what is important to you. He teaches how to "put success in your way" to accomplish what is really important to you. I highly recommend Attention! if you want to take control of your days and put your energy into your priorities, not everyone else's.

Keeping it simple

I’ve followed Rob for more than a few years now, and his book does a great job distilling the info he’s shared in his emails and webinars. He lays out some simple steps for keeping on track with anything you want to accomplish. He writes with a clear voice that is engaging as well as instructive. Thanks, Rob!

Concepts that can make an immediate difference

I began applying concepts from Attention! today and had one of my most productive days in months. Wow - it is going to take some practice to break and build some of these habits but you have provided the road map to get it done. I have been a bit lost recently with my work- thanks for providing me the navigation to get back on track.

Are you paying attention?

Rob completely nails it when it comes to the study of Attention. Lots of valuable nuggets of wisdom falling out of these pages :)

Good book to help turn off distractions.

Good book, simple read but very relatable.


A brilliant author!

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