Atisha's Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment

Kindle Edition
31 Dec
Atisha, the eleventh-century Indian Buddhist scholar and saint, came to Tibet at the invitation of the king of Western Tibet, Lha Lama Yeshe Wo, and his nephew, Jangchub Wo. His coming initiated the period of the second transmission of Buddhism to Tibet, formative for the Sakya Kagyu and Gelug traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. Atisha's most celebrated text, Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment, sets forth the entire Buddhist path within the framework of three levels of motivation on the part of the practitioner. Atisha's text thus became the source of the lamrim tradition, or graduated stages of the path to enlightenment, an approach to spiritual practice incorporated within all schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

Reviews (29)

A Guide to Meditation in Buddhism

This book is a classic and does not need an endorsement. It is a series of instructions that need practice. I do not just read this kind of text, I read it and incorporate it, sentence by sentence, into my practice. My problem is my tendency to collect texts and that is dumb. I need to practice one text until I accomplish all of its instructions. This book can lest a lifetime. This book all by itself could serve me as a guide and I could practice its instructions for the rest of my life. I would not need any other practice. But dumb me, I just keep flitting around. It is easy to talk about the practice of Buddhism, and it is nearly impossible to live up to the obligations of Buddhism.

Makes a great introduction to the philosophy and history of Buddhism

Really good introduction to the Lam Rim path sect of Buddhism. -Each line in the original text is given a lengthy analysis, mention of alternative interpretations, and historical context. -All of that information is great but it can approach academic paper density at parts. Definitely not the light reading it's size might suggest -Not instructions on how to practice Buddhism, but more how to understand its grander philosophies.

An Exegesis of a Much Shorter Root Text

If you are interested in the topic, this book is engaging. Can be a little dry. Less Atisha and more an exegesis of Atisha by Geshe Sonam Rinchen, much of the book is an interpretation of the root text.

More than just a how too manual.

As it states in the title it lights the path to Enlightenment. The commentry by Geshe Sonam Rinchen, translated by Ruth Sonam, explaines in great detail. Now for the difficult part.....following the advice and progressing along the path.

Lam rim

Essential text for Kadampa and Gelugpa traditions. Organized, step by step, path to enlightenment. Also see: Liberation in the Palm of your Hand or The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment

Always an important read for bodisavata

Fun read. Fair translation.

A true Buddhist classic

Absolutely a must read


Read this. It’s life changing.

Great book if into Buddhism

There are many teachings and traditions for Buddhists, I am a believer on developing from the foundations. Very unique teachings for students that want to learn on one of the greatest buddhist teachers.

A Guide to Meditation in Buddhism

This book is a classic and does not need an endorsement. It is a series of instructions that need practice. I do not just read this kind of text, I read it and incorporate it, sentence by sentence, into my practice. My problem is my tendency to collect texts and that is dumb. I need to practice one text until I accomplish all of its instructions. This book can lest a lifetime. This book all by itself could serve me as a guide and I could practice its instructions for the rest of my life. I would not need any other practice. But dumb me, I just keep flitting around. It is easy to talk about the practice of Buddhism, and it is nearly impossible to live up to the obligations of Buddhism.

Makes a great introduction to the philosophy and history of Buddhism

Really good introduction to the Lam Rim path sect of Buddhism. -Each line in the original text is given a lengthy analysis, mention of alternative interpretations, and historical context. -All of that information is great but it can approach academic paper density at parts. Definitely not the light reading it's size might suggest -Not instructions on how to practice Buddhism, but more how to understand its grander philosophies.

An Exegesis of a Much Shorter Root Text

If you are interested in the topic, this book is engaging. Can be a little dry. Less Atisha and more an exegesis of Atisha by Geshe Sonam Rinchen, much of the book is an interpretation of the root text.

More than just a how too manual.

As it states in the title it lights the path to Enlightenment. The commentry by Geshe Sonam Rinchen, translated by Ruth Sonam, explaines in great detail. Now for the difficult part.....following the advice and progressing along the path.

Lam rim

Essential text for Kadampa and Gelugpa traditions. Organized, step by step, path to enlightenment. Also see: Liberation in the Palm of your Hand or The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment

Always an important read for bodisavata

Fun read. Fair translation.

A true Buddhist classic

Absolutely a must read


Read this. It’s life changing.

Great book if into Buddhism

There are many teachings and traditions for Buddhists, I am a believer on developing from the foundations. Very unique teachings for students that want to learn on one of the greatest buddhist teachers.



Atisha's Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment

This is a incredible book about the foundational path to Awkening or Enlightenment. I would recommend it to anyone interested in Tibetan Buddhism or Lamrim in particular.

Atisha's Lamp

Reading Atisha A lazy student forgot to lift the bookmark covering a passage on page 67 where the commentary goes like this: "he will experience joy and feel healthy... This is quite logical" The student was at risk of loosing a fundamental teaching on the effects of developing Bodhicitta, the Mind of Enlightenment. So he went back on his footsteps and read it again. This Book is to be read over and over, many times; It is full of important instructions to understand this life, it's precedents and it's results. I keep his book on the shrine

Five Stars

Very good book. Great companion to the teaching on the lamp from the Dali Lama.

good book!

thank you, good book !


High Buddhist teachings

Five Stars

Very good classic. Having the Tibetan text is a plus.

Excellent companion reading

This is an excellent commentary on Atisha's text. Very helpful explanation in easy to understand language. Great to keep handy while studying.

Excellent book.

Excellent book!!! The book is extremely well written and should be read many times. May others benefit from the wisdom in the book.

isn't simple, but important...

This book isn't simple, but this kind of informations thats a few years to familiarize.

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