At Home with Dyslexia: A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Your Child

Kindle Edition
14 Aug
Recommended by Toe by Toe 'This is by far the best resource I have found as the parent of two dyslexic children. Out of all the documentaries, websites, seminars, podcasts and of course other books I have studied trying to educate myself on how best to support my little ladies, this provides the most relevant and necessary information

Reviews (8)

More information needed about how to obtain an assessment for dyslexia!

I thought this book was great and loved its easy to read format, but I was alarmed to see that the author seems to think that the only way to get a full diagnostic assessment is via an Educational Psychologist. In my area Local Authority, EPs tend to have an advisory role for teachers and schools and only do full diagnostic assessments for children or students who are being considered for an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). I haven't read every word of this book yet, but there seems to be no mention of Specialist Teacher Assessors who have completed extra training and have an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC). These teachers can provide full diagnostic assessments which are accepted by schools, Local Authorities, universities, the workplace etc, often at a lower cost than an EP would charge using many of the same tests. I hope that the next edition of this book will be more up to date and not perpetuate the mistaken belief that the only person who can diagnose dyslexia is an EP.

A go to read for parents and teachers of dyslexic children

I bought this because my dad has Dyslexia and I want to help her to overcome the struggles she faces at school and have a positive experience of learning. I really enjoyed the book, which was pitched at just the right level for parents. it was informative whilst also being easy to understand. I have passed my copy on to other family members who have also enjoyed reading it and found it informative. A must for any parent or teacher of a dyslexic child or young adult.

Best parent book on dyslexia

Lots of informative tips on how to recognise, assist, understand and what to do and say to your child. Sheds a positive light on dyslexia and gives quotes from famous people with dyslexia as well as practical tips and information from children and parents. Easy to read especially if you are a parent who struggles to read easily. I particularly liked the chapter introductions and summaries.

Explains dyslexia brilliantly

This book is fantastic. My son was recently confirmed to have dyslexia and my daughter now too. This book explains it all so well. I’ve not yet finished it but so far it’s great

Highly Recommend

This book offers parents some great practical advice and strategies on understanding your child and how they learn. Very few books offer such good guidance and reassurance. Thank you.

Definitely recommend

Definitely recommend if you need advice on dyslexia as a parent

Wish I'd read this earlier

There's a consistent message running through the book, which is that dyslexia is a learning difference, not a disability. I've found out helpful in that it lays out what you can expect as a parent. The use of quotes from kids throughout the book is great, and it looks fine on the Kindle Android app

The positive way to look at dyslexia

As a parent of a dyslexic child this is a very reassuring book full of strategies to help your child in a positive way without putting extra pressure on them. It is very accessible with pictures and direct experiences. It puts dyslexia in a positive light so that we can help our children make the most of what they are good at develop their confidence.

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