Assembly (The Feral Souls Trilogy - Book 2)

Kindle Edition
03 Feb
Some secrets are unforgivable, some betrayals cut too deep. And this time… This time I may lose them forever.

The Assembly is no place for a human.

Especially not one standing trial. Surrounded by lycans who’d like nothing more than to see me dead, forced to participate in lethal games and hunted by enemies shrouded in shadows, my world is unravelling. The only thing keeping me sane is the four possessive wolf shifters ready to sacrifice everything to keep me safe.

But when faces from the past return, the fragile trust I’ve built with my wolves is shaken to its core, and all the terrible secrets I once did everything to keep are clawing their way to the surface.

Out of time, I’m forced to make a choice. A choice that might cost me everything.

***Author Note***
Assembly is the second book in the Feral Souls Trilogy featuring possessive wolf shifters, a damaged heroine fighting to escape her past, and slow burn romance packed with raw emotion and sizzling tension.

Pick up Assembly today to discover the second instalment of this intoxicating paranormal romance!

Reviews (189)

This story is worth the wait!

I got almost no sleep because when I started this book I could not put it down. Oh I tried to walk away several times but it was like an addiction you just can't give up. So I sacrificed...or is it a sacrifice if I loved every minute of it? Well you all get the idea.... I don't want to give any of the plot away but I will say that secrets come to light and we definitely get to know Hope's men better. Going to the Assembly went as well as expected, as in it was a disaster in some ways and super enlightening in others. The biggest thing is that Hope no longer keeps her men in the dark...that moment, those chapters were everything. One of the reasons I'm enjoying this series so much is the character development. All of Hope's guys have scars and deep seated issues from their pasts. Then there is Hope who was raised in captivity, made to fear everything, without a sense of worth. I mean she was dumped with the Hunters at 6 years old by her own mother after a life changing event so she was left to believe she was a monster who deserved her punishment. Between Hope and her men's pasts and how it affects them each - well that leaves a wide open gap for misunderstandings. Hope is naive, which is expected, but there are times in this read you just want to shake some sense in to her and this connects me with her men. Despite the shared frustration Hope's reactions and thoughts make sense. She's been a victim all of her life and she isn't just going to wake up one day and is magically better. She's strong and kind and it will take time but she is growing a backbone and in those moments you just cheer her on. Her men are also in need of therapy and bring their baggage into this relationship. Now I've always been in love with Ruarc because he's Raurc, I like the adorable Jason and am slowly falling for Ash. Lucien, however, has terrible foot in mouth syndrome. His past rules him with an iron fist and in trying to protect himself and his family he causes more pain than anyone. But maybe with the truckload of guilt he carries, especially after Hope's confessions, he'll redeem himself. All in all the story is great, the character development is realistic, the developing relationships between Hope and her guys is really there's no reason not to rwad this. Erica Woods has written an excellent story that completely grabs you mind and soul because I promise these characters will stick with you long after you've finished.


Honestly? This book is total waste of time and money. After 600 pages of nothing happening in the first book, you would expect that the second will provide some real, meaningful plot. And... you would be wrong. You get 700 pages of sniveling, weak, pathetic FMC. There is only so much crying, pathetic whining, always needing to be saved and doing nothing FC, that a reader can stand. This is a book with 50% boring, wimpering FC, 30% excessively long (2-3 chapters) and unnecessary sex scenes and 20% where the FC claims will do something and in the end doing nothing. And let's not forget the male characters - one is always roaring, breaking things and hitting bystanders, one is constantly using dumb jokes, one is cold, abrasive and hurtful and the only one even remotely interesting - not enough to compensate anything. Basically 2-3 weeks have passed in the period of 2 books and the most remarkable thing is the FC escaping her prison in the first chapter of the first book. Totally not recommending this series.

Remarkably Written

This book was worth the slow agonizing wait - Agonizing because the characters are so vividly written, it is impossible not to bond with each one of them and love them. Much like the first book, the second focuses mainly on the relationships between each member, while the story is lost to all the emotional and ups and downs between the members of the pack. Normally, it would be a bad thing, but somehow E. Woods manages to make it feel authentic, despite the repetition in their feelings. After all, people don’t just miraculously overcome trauma in their lives with one soothing moment. Such things takes times, which only lends to the authenticity of each character - allowing for a sense of humanity and realness lost in a lot of books trying to make characters “badass.” My main concern is that there still leaves a LOT of ground to cover, story-wise, for the final book. If it takes 700 pages to cover three to four days, I worry the pacing of the final book will feel incredibly rushed. That, or it will end up being 1000+ pages long.. which I actually would not mind. Despite the slow pace - and my concerns for the final book - this is still highly recommended. It has set the bar for many of the Kindle Unlimited books, soaring above the competition, landing firmly in place with many of the famous paid book series, including Kate Daniels, Mercy Thompson, and even Kushiel’s Dart. With the author’s amazing ability to depict each emotion in detail, allowing the reading to feel the pain and laughter with the characters, this book will leave you emotionally connected with all the characters, even the ones you wouldn’t normally mesh with. Despite the 700 page length, it will go by in a blur as you greedily digest the emotions of each character. Masterfully done. Can’t wait for the third already.

Conflicted- I have a lot of feels.

First, let me say that overall, I enjoyed Assembly, reading it into the wee hours of the morning while masterfully pretending to be asleep every time it seemed like my boyfriend might wake up and catch me. That being said you do have to prepare yourself for a few things: 1) The pacing. For a 700+ page book, very little time actually passes, so it feels a bit like the Drums of Autumn book in Outlander where you're spending so much time in this world, but you find it's barely been a week. 2) The will she/won't she continues for most of the book. Hope is traumatized, blames herself, and has a mix of a white knight complex (wanting to keep the guys safe) and that dangerous guilt whispering that she doesn't deserve the life her pack wants to give her. Because of this, and some of the guys own issues, we are still in that holding phase where (this isn't what I'd call a spoiler, but I'll warn you that I'm about to say something specific about the plot) she doesn't clue the guys into her backstory until about the last forty (that's an approximation) pages of the book. Do I think that hesitance fits Hope's character and the narrative that Woods has been creating? Mostly, yes. Does it also irritate me a tiny bit that there are so many festering secrets for most of such a huge book? Yes. You need to go into this with that patience of knowing that yes, there will be drama. Yes, there are still MANY secrets, and yes, there is 1000000% a link between the two. 3) Although we're at the Assembly, we don't actually finish the assembly. This event will continue in book three, and there's a lot still to come. One thing that Woods does very nicely in Assembly is her focus on the relationships. Hope has moments with each of the members of her pack, and although we do have a bunch of different events going on throughout the plot, I think that this book is more about getting them to the emotional places and relationship goals they needed to reach to handle some of the bigger events that are to come. All of that being said, now that you are forearmed, here's what I thought. There's some interesting character growth, and the benefit of the pack's POVs is definitely felt very strongly. While Ruarc is very steady (for all that he's also a reactive alpha mess lol) and Jason is still a bit hesitant, self-deprecating, and not ready to dig into all of the darkness in his own life, Ash and Lucien are taken to task in book two. Both of them are forced to confront some aspects of themselves, and we get to see more vulnerable sides to each of them through the peeks into their minds, with Hope as the catalyst. We get to learn more about what Ash is and why he's different from the others, get to "see" him smile a lot more, and as the distance between him and Hope diminishes, we get to really understand even more why he's the respected alpha of their pack and swoon-worthy in his own right. Now... Lucien. He earns the hot mess express award FOR REAL. He's up, he's down, he's hot, he's cold, he's vicious, he's vulnerable, he's a total dom, and he's all torn up inside. After book one, I knew the man had a lot of feelings, but dear god, he goes through the wringer possibly more than even Hope does because feelings and vulnerability are just so darn alien to him that he doesn't understand how to healthily process. Prepare for a lot of push and pull with him, but by the end, I think that Assembly will be marked as his turning point where we can start to more consistently see the better side of his nature and how he can be a real partner to Hope instead of changing his feelings fast enough to give her [us] whiplash. There's something that's almost adorable in his total puppy dog confusion over how he reacts/how she interprets his words and actions, though there's no excusing the fact that he has a great deal of a$$hole moments in 700+ pages. Hope is slowly taking steps to healing. Really, we've still got a very long journey there because the poison that she's been dealing with alone isn't purged until the very end, so even though we are seeing some of her confidence and self-image being slowly repaired in the little moments where Jason, Ruarc, and Ash show her what she means to them, she still a wholly fragile being. I do like her, and Woods does a nice job of making me want to both empathize and sympathize with her, but her strength is definitely a quiet one that she's not yet quite unearthed at this point. A big change up from book one is definitely the steam level. We've got one-on-one scenes, sharing scenes, a little bossy bedroom antics, and moments for each of the guys to have their own intimacy with her at whatever level they're ready for. So, even though there are a lot of other ways that their relationships are very slowly moving along, the physical aspect kind of ignited and took off. I'm not mad about it, and the scenes were well-written and enjoyable to read, but I was surprised at the contrast of the pacing here compared to book one. Though Assembly was not without its faults or aspects that might not be 100% my taste (because I wouldn't say that Woods has done anything wrong. The nature of a review is not so black and white as that, right?), I think that Woods did a lot of good character work, some great relationship building and recovery, and I'm looking forward to seeing if book three picks up the pacing since we've got some of the secrets out of the way and an unexpected appearance at the end of Assembly that promises more drama to quickly come.

This book will obliterate you in the best way

Erica Woods knows exactly how to keep you on the edge of your seat, in your feels, not to mention your attention. There's a reason this beautiful woman has amassed such a following and, frankly, she's more than earned it. The world she has crafted is one you'll never want to leave, once you start reading her books you will never want to stop. The wait for this was well worth it and, although the wait for the third book will be agonizing, there is no doubt in my mind that it too will be worth waiting for.

Book hangover!

This is the biggest book hangover I ever had! I am absolutely in love with her writing style! Her writing makes me slow down so I can enjoy the experience of it. My face is sore because of all the emotions that just played over my face while I read the whole book in one sitting. It took a long time to read because I kept flipping back and rereading so many scenes, just to experience them again. Ugh, it was amazing and exhausting and I want to do it all over again right now. The character development definitely moves forward for every single character and especially fast (and up, and down) for Lucien's character. The reader gains more backstory from more characters. Even though I would say book 2 is definitely another slow burning plot line like book 1, I felt the steamy scenes were more medium burn and they did NOT disappoint! Her relationship with each guy definitely speeds forward and there are so many roller coasters for some and I wanted to throttle and cheer on every guy throughout the entire thing. There was definitely some shouting out loud at the text! I keep thinking back on if there's anything that disappointed me and honestly I can't say that there was. There are definitely questions I wish got answered, including new ones! The plot line doesn't move very far, but it kind of feels like everything is being set up for the conclusion and I just can't fault it, especially without book 3 out yet. The relationships are definitely a bigger focus in this one and I have no problems with that what so ever! So many funny scenes, and sweet scenes, and hot scenes and I enjoyed every single one. Yes, there is a cliffhanger, but I mean, didn't you expect that? I personally love cliffhangers and unanswered questions in series because they feel like a puzzle and I WANT to solve it so bad! I highly recommend having a group or someone to freak out together with about this series.

Definitely worth the hype

I was someone who found Hunted in early 2020, and fell in love immediately with Hope’s story and proceeded to stalk Erica on social media shortly thereafter. Between the fb group and all the Amazon reviews, it’s pretty clear Assembly had a lot to live up to and in my opinion it definitely delivered. And this is coming from someone who normally hates bully romances (luckily for me it’s only a thing with one of the guys) but she writes her characters so well that it barely even bothered me. A lot more “happens” in this book compared to Hunted plot-wise(not that it ever bothered me in Hunted) and it was really satisfying to see Hope grow and struggle in this book. Actually I would have liked the pacing to be a bit slower in the beginning 1/3 so it didn’t feel quiet so jarring after just rereading Hunted, but that might be a symptom of my late night speed read. The end-in true Erica fashion-has another heart wrenching cliff hanger but with the quality (and quantity) of writing Erica produces I am more than okay with waiting another year for the last installment. (Actually I’m dying inside but I guess I have to be okay with it)


I'm exhausted emotionally... and semi-sated. Won't be fully sated until we get book 3. Assembly picks up right where the first one (Hunted) drops off. We get to dive even deeper into these character's heads. I really enjoy how Erica manages the multiple POV in this series. Each character's voice is so clear that I never struggle with who is commanding which chapter. You will want to hug them and strangle them and pet them and shake some sense into their thick skulls and then do naughty things with them. Hope is definitely growing more backbone, though I wish she wouldn't be so foolhardy. I wanted Lucien to feel like a jerk for the way he treated Hope in Hunted, and I was not disappointed. Ruarc and Jason deserve all the belly rubs their wolves can handle. And Ash impressed me even more in this book than he did in the first one. I didn't want it to end, and I eagerly await book 3.

Amazing Second Installment

I think this book was a great addition to the series. The characters developed wonderfully, especially Hope as she becomes more confident. I love her relationships with the guys and how, even in a fantasy, the relationships aren't perfect and the characters have to work on them. The plot was amazing and I can honestly say that I was not expecting quite a few surprises that happened. I laughed (usually because of Jason), cried (quite a few times for many different reasons), held my breath (the suspense was killing me), and wanted to scream (because "males" are frustrating). That, to me, constitutes a good book. I absolutely recommend.

Dragged a bit but was good

I was frustrated with the ending of book one because right as we were finally going to get answers it ended. So I was so ready for book to. However book two seemed to drag on and on. Only adding more questions instead of finally giving some answers. We didn’t start to get answers until the very end and even then the one big question was left unanswered and we were left with more questions. I enjoyed the book but the lack of answers and the drawn out mystery was to long and irritated me. I found myself wanting to just skip ahead and find the answers then go back and read. Also trigger warning for sexual assault.

This story is worth the wait!

I got almost no sleep because when I started this book I could not put it down. Oh I tried to walk away several times but it was like an addiction you just can't give up. So I sacrificed...or is it a sacrifice if I loved every minute of it? Well you all get the idea.... I don't want to give any of the plot away but I will say that secrets come to light and we definitely get to know Hope's men better. Going to the Assembly went as well as expected, as in it was a disaster in some ways and super enlightening in others. The biggest thing is that Hope no longer keeps her men in the dark...that moment, those chapters were everything. One of the reasons I'm enjoying this series so much is the character development. All of Hope's guys have scars and deep seated issues from their pasts. Then there is Hope who was raised in captivity, made to fear everything, without a sense of worth. I mean she was dumped with the Hunters at 6 years old by her own mother after a life changing event so she was left to believe she was a monster who deserved her punishment. Between Hope and her men's pasts and how it affects them each - well that leaves a wide open gap for misunderstandings. Hope is naive, which is expected, but there are times in this read you just want to shake some sense in to her and this connects me with her men. Despite the shared frustration Hope's reactions and thoughts make sense. She's been a victim all of her life and she isn't just going to wake up one day and is magically better. She's strong and kind and it will take time but she is growing a backbone and in those moments you just cheer her on. Her men are also in need of therapy and bring their baggage into this relationship. Now I've always been in love with Ruarc because he's Raurc, I like the adorable Jason and am slowly falling for Ash. Lucien, however, has terrible foot in mouth syndrome. His past rules him with an iron fist and in trying to protect himself and his family he causes more pain than anyone. But maybe with the truckload of guilt he carries, especially after Hope's confessions, he'll redeem himself. All in all the story is great, the character development is realistic, the developing relationships between Hope and her guys is really there's no reason not to rwad this. Erica Woods has written an excellent story that completely grabs you mind and soul because I promise these characters will stick with you long after you've finished.


Honestly? This book is total waste of time and money. After 600 pages of nothing happening in the first book, you would expect that the second will provide some real, meaningful plot. And... you would be wrong. You get 700 pages of sniveling, weak, pathetic FMC. There is only so much crying, pathetic whining, always needing to be saved and doing nothing FC, that a reader can stand. This is a book with 50% boring, wimpering FC, 30% excessively long (2-3 chapters) and unnecessary sex scenes and 20% where the FC claims will do something and in the end doing nothing. And let's not forget the male characters - one is always roaring, breaking things and hitting bystanders, one is constantly using dumb jokes, one is cold, abrasive and hurtful and the only one even remotely interesting - not enough to compensate anything. Basically 2-3 weeks have passed in the period of 2 books and the most remarkable thing is the FC escaping her prison in the first chapter of the first book. Totally not recommending this series.

Remarkably Written

This book was worth the slow agonizing wait - Agonizing because the characters are so vividly written, it is impossible not to bond with each one of them and love them. Much like the first book, the second focuses mainly on the relationships between each member, while the story is lost to all the emotional and ups and downs between the members of the pack. Normally, it would be a bad thing, but somehow E. Woods manages to make it feel authentic, despite the repetition in their feelings. After all, people don’t just miraculously overcome trauma in their lives with one soothing moment. Such things takes times, which only lends to the authenticity of each character - allowing for a sense of humanity and realness lost in a lot of books trying to make characters “badass.” My main concern is that there still leaves a LOT of ground to cover, story-wise, for the final book. If it takes 700 pages to cover three to four days, I worry the pacing of the final book will feel incredibly rushed. That, or it will end up being 1000+ pages long.. which I actually would not mind. Despite the slow pace - and my concerns for the final book - this is still highly recommended. It has set the bar for many of the Kindle Unlimited books, soaring above the competition, landing firmly in place with many of the famous paid book series, including Kate Daniels, Mercy Thompson, and even Kushiel’s Dart. With the author’s amazing ability to depict each emotion in detail, allowing the reading to feel the pain and laughter with the characters, this book will leave you emotionally connected with all the characters, even the ones you wouldn’t normally mesh with. Despite the 700 page length, it will go by in a blur as you greedily digest the emotions of each character. Masterfully done. Can’t wait for the third already.

Conflicted- I have a lot of feels.

First, let me say that overall, I enjoyed Assembly, reading it into the wee hours of the morning while masterfully pretending to be asleep every time it seemed like my boyfriend might wake up and catch me. That being said you do have to prepare yourself for a few things: 1) The pacing. For a 700+ page book, very little time actually passes, so it feels a bit like the Drums of Autumn book in Outlander where you're spending so much time in this world, but you find it's barely been a week. 2) The will she/won't she continues for most of the book. Hope is traumatized, blames herself, and has a mix of a white knight complex (wanting to keep the guys safe) and that dangerous guilt whispering that she doesn't deserve the life her pack wants to give her. Because of this, and some of the guys own issues, we are still in that holding phase where (this isn't what I'd call a spoiler, but I'll warn you that I'm about to say something specific about the plot) she doesn't clue the guys into her backstory until about the last forty (that's an approximation) pages of the book. Do I think that hesitance fits Hope's character and the narrative that Woods has been creating? Mostly, yes. Does it also irritate me a tiny bit that there are so many festering secrets for most of such a huge book? Yes. You need to go into this with that patience of knowing that yes, there will be drama. Yes, there are still MANY secrets, and yes, there is 1000000% a link between the two. 3) Although we're at the Assembly, we don't actually finish the assembly. This event will continue in book three, and there's a lot still to come. One thing that Woods does very nicely in Assembly is her focus on the relationships. Hope has moments with each of the members of her pack, and although we do have a bunch of different events going on throughout the plot, I think that this book is more about getting them to the emotional places and relationship goals they needed to reach to handle some of the bigger events that are to come. All of that being said, now that you are forearmed, here's what I thought. There's some interesting character growth, and the benefit of the pack's POVs is definitely felt very strongly. While Ruarc is very steady (for all that he's also a reactive alpha mess lol) and Jason is still a bit hesitant, self-deprecating, and not ready to dig into all of the darkness in his own life, Ash and Lucien are taken to task in book two. Both of them are forced to confront some aspects of themselves, and we get to see more vulnerable sides to each of them through the peeks into their minds, with Hope as the catalyst. We get to learn more about what Ash is and why he's different from the others, get to "see" him smile a lot more, and as the distance between him and Hope diminishes, we get to really understand even more why he's the respected alpha of their pack and swoon-worthy in his own right. Now... Lucien. He earns the hot mess express award FOR REAL. He's up, he's down, he's hot, he's cold, he's vicious, he's vulnerable, he's a total dom, and he's all torn up inside. After book one, I knew the man had a lot of feelings, but dear god, he goes through the wringer possibly more than even Hope does because feelings and vulnerability are just so darn alien to him that he doesn't understand how to healthily process. Prepare for a lot of push and pull with him, but by the end, I think that Assembly will be marked as his turning point where we can start to more consistently see the better side of his nature and how he can be a real partner to Hope instead of changing his feelings fast enough to give her [us] whiplash. There's something that's almost adorable in his total puppy dog confusion over how he reacts/how she interprets his words and actions, though there's no excusing the fact that he has a great deal of a$$hole moments in 700+ pages. Hope is slowly taking steps to healing. Really, we've still got a very long journey there because the poison that she's been dealing with alone isn't purged until the very end, so even though we are seeing some of her confidence and self-image being slowly repaired in the little moments where Jason, Ruarc, and Ash show her what she means to them, she still a wholly fragile being. I do like her, and Woods does a nice job of making me want to both empathize and sympathize with her, but her strength is definitely a quiet one that she's not yet quite unearthed at this point. A big change up from book one is definitely the steam level. We've got one-on-one scenes, sharing scenes, a little bossy bedroom antics, and moments for each of the guys to have their own intimacy with her at whatever level they're ready for. So, even though there are a lot of other ways that their relationships are very slowly moving along, the physical aspect kind of ignited and took off. I'm not mad about it, and the scenes were well-written and enjoyable to read, but I was surprised at the contrast of the pacing here compared to book one. Though Assembly was not without its faults or aspects that might not be 100% my taste (because I wouldn't say that Woods has done anything wrong. The nature of a review is not so black and white as that, right?), I think that Woods did a lot of good character work, some great relationship building and recovery, and I'm looking forward to seeing if book three picks up the pacing since we've got some of the secrets out of the way and an unexpected appearance at the end of Assembly that promises more drama to quickly come.

This book will obliterate you in the best way

Erica Woods knows exactly how to keep you on the edge of your seat, in your feels, not to mention your attention. There's a reason this beautiful woman has amassed such a following and, frankly, she's more than earned it. The world she has crafted is one you'll never want to leave, once you start reading her books you will never want to stop. The wait for this was well worth it and, although the wait for the third book will be agonizing, there is no doubt in my mind that it too will be worth waiting for.

Book hangover!

This is the biggest book hangover I ever had! I am absolutely in love with her writing style! Her writing makes me slow down so I can enjoy the experience of it. My face is sore because of all the emotions that just played over my face while I read the whole book in one sitting. It took a long time to read because I kept flipping back and rereading so many scenes, just to experience them again. Ugh, it was amazing and exhausting and I want to do it all over again right now. The character development definitely moves forward for every single character and especially fast (and up, and down) for Lucien's character. The reader gains more backstory from more characters. Even though I would say book 2 is definitely another slow burning plot line like book 1, I felt the steamy scenes were more medium burn and they did NOT disappoint! Her relationship with each guy definitely speeds forward and there are so many roller coasters for some and I wanted to throttle and cheer on every guy throughout the entire thing. There was definitely some shouting out loud at the text! I keep thinking back on if there's anything that disappointed me and honestly I can't say that there was. There are definitely questions I wish got answered, including new ones! The plot line doesn't move very far, but it kind of feels like everything is being set up for the conclusion and I just can't fault it, especially without book 3 out yet. The relationships are definitely a bigger focus in this one and I have no problems with that what so ever! So many funny scenes, and sweet scenes, and hot scenes and I enjoyed every single one. Yes, there is a cliffhanger, but I mean, didn't you expect that? I personally love cliffhangers and unanswered questions in series because they feel like a puzzle and I WANT to solve it so bad! I highly recommend having a group or someone to freak out together with about this series.

Definitely worth the hype

I was someone who found Hunted in early 2020, and fell in love immediately with Hope’s story and proceeded to stalk Erica on social media shortly thereafter. Between the fb group and all the Amazon reviews, it’s pretty clear Assembly had a lot to live up to and in my opinion it definitely delivered. And this is coming from someone who normally hates bully romances (luckily for me it’s only a thing with one of the guys) but she writes her characters so well that it barely even bothered me. A lot more “happens” in this book compared to Hunted plot-wise(not that it ever bothered me in Hunted) and it was really satisfying to see Hope grow and struggle in this book. Actually I would have liked the pacing to be a bit slower in the beginning 1/3 so it didn’t feel quiet so jarring after just rereading Hunted, but that might be a symptom of my late night speed read. The end-in true Erica fashion-has another heart wrenching cliff hanger but with the quality (and quantity) of writing Erica produces I am more than okay with waiting another year for the last installment. (Actually I’m dying inside but I guess I have to be okay with it)


I'm exhausted emotionally... and semi-sated. Won't be fully sated until we get book 3. Assembly picks up right where the first one (Hunted) drops off. We get to dive even deeper into these character's heads. I really enjoy how Erica manages the multiple POV in this series. Each character's voice is so clear that I never struggle with who is commanding which chapter. You will want to hug them and strangle them and pet them and shake some sense into their thick skulls and then do naughty things with them. Hope is definitely growing more backbone, though I wish she wouldn't be so foolhardy. I wanted Lucien to feel like a jerk for the way he treated Hope in Hunted, and I was not disappointed. Ruarc and Jason deserve all the belly rubs their wolves can handle. And Ash impressed me even more in this book than he did in the first one. I didn't want it to end, and I eagerly await book 3.

Amazing Second Installment

I think this book was a great addition to the series. The characters developed wonderfully, especially Hope as she becomes more confident. I love her relationships with the guys and how, even in a fantasy, the relationships aren't perfect and the characters have to work on them. The plot was amazing and I can honestly say that I was not expecting quite a few surprises that happened. I laughed (usually because of Jason), cried (quite a few times for many different reasons), held my breath (the suspense was killing me), and wanted to scream (because "males" are frustrating). That, to me, constitutes a good book. I absolutely recommend.

Dragged a bit but was good

I was frustrated with the ending of book one because right as we were finally going to get answers it ended. So I was so ready for book to. However book two seemed to drag on and on. Only adding more questions instead of finally giving some answers. We didn’t start to get answers until the very end and even then the one big question was left unanswered and we were left with more questions. I enjoyed the book but the lack of answers and the drawn out mystery was to long and irritated me. I found myself wanting to just skip ahead and find the answers then go back and read. Also trigger warning for sexual assault.

Highly anticipated sequel

AAAHH!!! I have no idea what to do with myself after reading this sequel. If you haven't checked out Hunted, go read it now, and if you have pick this sequel up as soon as you can! Likes -So many steamy scenes and they were all amazing -Hope grew as a MC and showed such strength -Learned more about Ash and Lucien -Learned more about the lycan world in general There are things I would have like to seen such as more steamy times with Ash, more about Keiran and the vampires, and I wish the events that happened at the end of the book had happened earlier so we could have gotten more of the events that will follow in this book (but that's hopefully what next book is for) There were a couple things that I didn't enjoy but these are all personal preferences, not that the writing or anything was bad: 1. I don't love the way Lucien treats Hope. I know he has his own issues, but still. I feel like he just kept putting himself in the dog house in this book. 2. (POTENTIAL SPOILER) all the rape attempts against Hope. I hate that when it comes to threats towards women this is always the one used.

The BEST kind of emotional roller coaster

If you’re looking for a phenomenal book that keeps your heart in your throat, steams up your glasses (if you wear any) and makes you squirm with the intensity of the emotional roller coaster it puts you through, this is the right book for you! Picking up where Hunted left off, Assembly will bring more questions and answers than you thought you were looking for. Hope’s growth as a character is beautiful to behold, as is the growth of her relationships with the males who have taken her into their home. The new characters introduced into the book are interesting and have their own depths that I’d love to explore. The story is fascinating and there are twists and turns that are wholly unexpected. There are steamy scenes that make you wonder if someone left the heat on or if it’s just you. There are moments that will make you scream at the book and ask why. There are moments where you are going to jump up and shout at the book like the characters can hear you (spoiler alert: they can’t) and there’s going to be moments that make you just want to melt into a puddle of joy. This book will engulf you. You will be engrossed and unable to do anything except turn the next page to discover what is next. You will be a bundle of nerves, excitement, joy and sorrow depending upon the part of the book you’re reading and the ending will make you scream for more. If you’re not sure if you want this book, let me make it simple: you should get it on Kindle Unlimited to start with and I promise that once you’ve read Hunted and then read Assembly, you’ll be clamoring for the next book in this trilogy. Erica Woods is a phenomenal author and is deserving of your attention. She paints a picture and weaves a story that makes you beg for more.


"And wherever we are, you will always be home." * * * * * My. HEART. I LOVED Hunted and after my second read through of Assembly, safe to say I am OBSESSED with Assembly now, too. Hope, the guys, this story, Erica's writing - all of it - gives me a truly visceral reaction. No one writes grief and trauma and survivor's guilt quite like Erica Woods, please feel free to quote me on that. Hope, our female lead, is a sweet, strong, empathetic young woman who has been manipulated, tortured and abused for nearly her whole life. She has severe PTSD and secrets that threaten to shatter her soul and her sanity. In Assembly, the second the Feral Souls Trilogy, we see Hope grapple with her past as it tries to crush her, but we also see her flourish when surrounded by the love and bonds she forms with these men. But we are coming to see that nothing is what it seems in Hunted and Assembly, and the fierce need to protect and shield each other at all costs, the half truths, secrets and mysteries could be the undoing of Hope's potential happily ever after instead of the key. It makes for an absolutely immersive and thrilling read! These characters have so much depth already and we've yet to truly see the full scope of what they've overcome to be in this moment, together. Erica has written a series that gives us sass, steam and love, trauma, doubt and secrets, but above all it gives us Hope. Hope as a fragile, beautiful, powerful thing, which is more fitting than anyone could ever imagine. If you love paranormal romance, fierce, protective men, a sweet yet resilient female lead with an an iron will to survive and keep those she loves safe at ANY cost, you will absolutely LOVE the Feral Souls Trilogy!

Erica!!! SQUEE!!!! * This may contain spoilers.

You did not let us down with this one. I for one love a long book, I swear it's like 3 in one which would really make this book. I love all the guys, even more, especially Lucian. You actually had me really pissed off at Hope for a bit. I for one appreciates this fact. IT makes Hope more realistic, not perfect. The multiple POV's is such a plus, I loved seeing into the men more. We get a better feel about who they are and that they also have lived through the trauma of their own and as old as they are have not completely gotten over it. PTSD is not something anyone just gets over. It takes time. I know people who after 30 years have not gotten over trauma and always have triggers. If Hope would have gotten over her trauma in the short month or so she has been with her guys, i would not have given this a 5-star review. It would have been a one. Even though it is fantasy I like the fact that PTSD is treated as a real problem. The overprotectiveness continues. I love it, they are living in a supernatural world not a human world and Hope has to learn how to live in this world than she has never known. It makes sense that the men continually warn her to behave because that is the world they live in. She does find out why she is told to behave and do what they tell her to do when she is hurt more than once. The love scenes are amazing. I find them well written and tasteful. You know it is not just sex it is love. She is continually told that they will only go as far as she wants. They will stop when she says to stop. That is really good. Lucian is exactly what I expected him to be, a complete DOM!

Faínn-girling So Hard

Full disclosure: I fangirl so hard over this series. When Assembly finally came out, I stayed up all night and finished it in 5 hours and did a reread the same day. The Feral Souls Series is EASILY my fave RH because it's better written than most and checks off most of my boxes. What really draws me into Assembly (like Hunted before) is Erica's writing. She doesn't fall into the trap of just describing everything exactly as she wants the reader to see it. When a wolf growls, you feel it in your bones. When Hope is stressed, your breathing starts to pick up. When the characters are intimate, you, er.... Erica's command of writing techniques shines when she gives us creative metaphors and alliteration that make the story flow so well. She created unique character voices, even for minor ones, and wields them like weapons. The characters are amazing as well. Assembly really dives deep into Lucien and Ash. Several well-fleshed side characters are introduced. We dive deeper into Hope's issues and watch her build stronger relationships. My only complaints would be these: -Sometimes important bits of information get lost in the sheer amount of info in a scene. Whether by design or not, who knows. -For such a long book, it didn't even cover the whole assembly, which was a few days. That one is probably me just wanting more though. Waiting for book 3!

BEST READ OF 2021!!!!!

First not my picture, just borrowed for effect. I finished Assembly an hour ago, it has taken me that long to really process the heartache that I want to keep going but know that I can’t right now. (My husband found me sulking and just looked at me with pity “you finished your book didn’t you?” I just shook my head “yes” ) But anyway ASSEMBLY IS THE READ OF 2021!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Absolutely HOT, EXHILARATING, WANTING, CRUSHING, INTOXICATING

Another excellent chapter

I am addicted to these books. As an avid reader who voraciously tears through books as fast as I can find them, I found myself trying my best to slow down. To savor. To enjoy. Of course I still only lasted two days, lol. The development of each character as an individual and as a part of a machine that drives this story is impeccable. The thoughts they have, the reactions, the behaviors seem so wholly the truth, I suspect the the author actually knows them, has listened to their tale and is writing these books to relay it. The plot is slow, but in constant motion, constant evolution so that it never feels slow. It drags you in and drags you under until all you can breathe is this story. I cried. I cried some more. I laughed a little. Then I anguished in pain along with all of the characters. My heart was ripped open, flayed, and then hastily put back together, hopefully to be properly stitched up in the next installment. I read a lot of reverse harems. Many of them rely on sex, naughtiness, and a little shock value to push the story forward (I'm totally okay with that). I would say this is a mystery-thriller-drama-romance which happens to involve multiple love interests and uses love rather than sex as a driving force (also okay by me). If supernatural rh books are your thing, I believe this book will not disappoint.

Even better than Book 1. Totally surpassed my expectations by 100000 miles

Everything I wanted it to be and more. Hope and her guys went from the frying pan into the fire and it was all totally delectable. Not only did the relationships both internal and external progress naturally and organically, they were absolutely beautiful. This book was love and life and fear and will and hope. It was everything I didnt know I needed. The author has stayed true to her story and her characters and was able to do what a lot of others fail at- surpass her own acclaimed debut novel. I will live and breath this series forever. I will always turn to the love and grit and realness that is trauma and how we heal from it- both from within and with the help of those who love us. If you were hoping Assembly would be just as good as Hunted, I’m here to tell you that it’s BETTER.

Absolutely mesmerising.

I have been stalking this books release date, since I was lucky enough to run across the first book, Hunted. This series is mesmerising in all it's emotional glory. Book 1 was exceptional Book 2 is a rarity. The story itself, while parts of it has been told in other books by other Author's, is utterly unique because of the way this author tells her story. We are given a beautiful experience because of how we are shown what is going on with each of the main characters, it creates such a beautiful picture, that it feels like the very first time I fell in love with a book/story. Author Erica Woods takes you back to the time of old, where the stories feel fresh, crisp and new. It's a story you can come back to like a bestie or a favorite memory. It will flay all your emotions like a skilled surgeon and leave you begging for more. If the author put up the pre-order for book 3, I'd pre-order even if it was two years out, while possessively whispering my precious! This series is beautiful and rich. I have and would recommend to family and friend's. 18+ due to adult situations. Trigger warnings as well.

Intensely emotional, detailed and just. . . stunning

Intensely emotional, extremely detailed, and not for folks who are after a light superficial read. I mean, I get it, I go through 2 to 4 books a day, and gobble up KU free reads between life tasks like a person rescued from being stranded in the desert drinks water when they reach civilization; however, this series is exploring the emotional recovery and the paranormal romance of a heroine who has spent 18 years in captivity being tortured. In the quick, cheap, superficial reads, the female lead just "gets over it," spills her guts to make things easier, falls into bed with the "hot" rich heroes and kicks ass and takes names with the best of them, because, hey, who else -- what other type of person-- would survive, right? Wrong. So very, very wrong. Yeah, superficial is fun, and I enjoy the heck out of it and sometimes need a story where the suffering and struggle is light and easy, but this is not that read -- and I loved it. I mean, it can be if you pass through it and don't give it any thought, but there is so much more here if you really want to delve into it. The depth of the characters, the depth of emotion, the reality of the responses, captured me and held ME prisoner until I could finish the book, and once again left me stunned. I have the best, worst, book hang-over and can't wait to revisit this world and spend more time with these characters. Woods has created characters of depth, consistency, and detail, that a reader can sink into, and explore human frailty through, and she has maintained that level of quality in this second installment. It is not the type of story that takes the easy path, where all that ails a person can be smoothed over or overcome with a few snarky comments and a tough attitude like a comic book heroine with fleeting feels, who ties up loose ends in short order. This really dives deep into how a TRULY strong willed person goes through hell, comes out the other side and copes. Copes with how to recover, learns how to do day-to-day tasks, how to trust, when to unburden secrets, how to engage in a relationship with intimacy, how to cope with all of the feelings that come with the monumental change of going from tortured captive with NO choices, to loved partner of multiple mates. Even though this is a paranormal fantasy, the author does not shirk from those very real struggles in a very realistic and accurate way, WHICH IS WHY I AM SO IMPRESSED WITH and so love THIS SERIES. So if you read the negative reviews, all I can say is weigh them against superficial vs detailed and realistic. I get why some people are dissatisfied, I just happen to disagree. The female lead, Hope, is not stupid, not whiny, and not weak, remember she has to learn how to 'adult' since she's been a captive since childhood and hasn't had anything approaching normal life, so she is LEARNING HOW TO LIVE, HOW TO JUST BE all while trying to solve the mystery of who and what she is. Yes, the female lead is full of angst, yes her internal monologues are full of self-doubt, lack of confidence, indecision, lack of self-worth, as a REAL person would be if they had only recently escaped from long-term captivity and torture (which is briefly touched on but not detailed in disturbing degree). If you want fake and easy, Hope won't be that for you. She is a character who is handling a traumatic event as a real person would, not a comic book heroine. I never felt like Hope was putting up with too much, and when she said "no more" to Lucien and their connection suffered because she cut him off, I was actually proud of her -- I could not have enjoyed a story in which a character just kept taking mental and emotional abuse and still then gave herself emotionally or intimately to a man without some effort and redemption on his part. But Lucien DOES redeem himself, and there isn't just conflict and hatefulness from him -- it is a true push and pull. Lucien keeps saving her life, and does struggle with his demons, fighting against his nature and instinct to push her away to save himself from pain, only to regret his actions later, and come to realizations along the way. The characters are still extremely well developed, the relationships extremely well explored -- that is where the detail comes in. None of these characters just makes an about face and just "gets over" their issues or has miraculous personality transformations, and each is still fighting their own internal struggles while fighting the struggles the world they inhabit imposes upon them, just like in real life. And also like real life, they each do some backsliding though having goals --wanting to do better, be better, for themselves, for each other and for Hope -- they fall off the wagon, especially Lucien. Throughout this book (as well as the first) I FELT the growing regard, the love and connection between the characters. The emotions were NEVER flat or easy. The relationships between Hope, Ruarc, Jason, Ash, and Lucien have grown, and have moved forward in a believable manner. The intimacy has increased, but the sex scenes don't feel dropped out of the blue as if we need a gratuitous sex scene just because this is a romance, and the intimacy fits with the flow of scenes as they progress; you can see the partners having sex at that point, it isn't incongruous, or cringe-worthy timing-wise. The relationship sharing of Hope among the guys is not one-dimensional, but authentically conceivably fraught more for some characters than others. As issues and feelings are worked out and developed, both in internal monologues and in actions, sex becomes an organic and natural aspect of the observant, attentive, responsive, thoughtful, and affectionate nature of the each man. The intimacy itself is hardly one-dimensional, and the personality and style of each lover does indeed meet the individual personalities as we have come to know them -- although they are not without some surprises, they are not unreasonable or out of character. At no point, in either the one-on-one or multiple partner sexual scenes is Hope demeaned, degraded or humiliated, which I appreciated since any such interplay would have been unrealistic devolution toward cruelty to an abuse and trauma survivor. There is enough mystery, and suspense to add a fair bit of tension to the story, and it is well maintained throughout. Because the first book covered about a month to six weeks (?) in timespan, and this book only covers about a week, not all of the secrets have been revealed and it doesn't come until near the end despite there being a couple of false starts and purposeful delay earlier in the book. While the reveal has been frustratingly slow, even for me, once I steeped in the plot for a bit I realized, that too was realistic, and consistent with the character traits of Hope, even if it went against my instant gratification impulses, because who in real life just spills all they've been through right away. Some of the frustration at how drawn out the secrets have been was greatly mitigated by the fact that in this book Hope set a goal and gave herself a timeline for when she would finally sit down and tell her men the truth, so I had a sense of anticipation and expectation as well as surety that it would happen by the way the author handled Hope's thoughts on it. I was a bit discontent there were still details yet to be revealed at the end, but once again, that scene unfolded in a realistic way with mitigating events interrupting the conversation. Given the interruption and the emotional toll of everything that WAS revealed, coupled with the events that had gone before, a sense of a physical as well as emotional exhaustion was achieved that made it reasonable (if hard to swallow) for a respite before further discussion (that's why the police repeatedly question both witnesses and suspects). Speaking critically, I admit: Stringing the secrets out too much longer would go beyond tension and lead to frustration and I was pretty much at my limit, but -- I was satisfied with how this unfolded. As much as I love the fellas, given the short timespan of the story (especially this one) there is a danger of them getting stuck into stereotypes (the patient one, the angry one, the clown, the "mean" one) or starting to feel stagnant to less patient readers. It can be hard to remember that there won't be a lot of personality change in a week even if there are a lot of events and action that takes place in that short of time. The only inconsistent aspect in character development I took (minor) issue with was Hope's engaging in denial on several occasions, especially the instance about Matthew -- any kind of denial is not all that consistent with a strong willed survivor like Hope, because denial keeps one from seeing what IS and prevents dealing with reality, delays or prevents taking appropriate action to survive -- ergo she would not have survived if she was a person who kept going into denial about things. I took no issue with her reasoning through why Matthew might be motivated to do what he did, or what his intent or reasons might be, but Hope's unwillingness to admit and deal with the fact that Matthew truly did intend harm and took the action he did was a bit of a stretch for me. Some reviewers have mentioned a repetitive nature in the writing, but I felt that repetition was realistic, just as problems, issues, personality quirks continually crop up and have to be fought against: once again, as in real life, an issue is not "one and done" but an ONGOING STRUGGLE. Yes, the characters repeatedly think how much they love the female lead, yes, they ponder the qualities they love about her, just like I do about my husband, my loved ones, every day -- again, realistic, not "one and done." The repetition fits each situation, and fits how a person might respond to what is happening at that time. The characters are not static or staid. If you cannot get into the exploration of human foibles, and exploration of learning to love in realistic terms you probably won't enjoy this story as much. If you need unbelievable strength, unreal responses, and miraculous changes of character to get through the struggle inherent in storytelling, i.e. unrealistic escapism in which characters instantly overcome or disregard pain, then yes you might need to skip this. If you are unafraid of human feeling, and emotional realism being blended with a fantasy world, you are in for a treat. There was also a comment about the men being "co-dependent" and unable to function without Hope: to which I would remind prospective new readers, these are not normal men, they are lycans -- part "human" part wolf living as a PACK, which is indeed codependent to a degree by nature and culture (not to mention that Hope is still very much a recovering trauma victim with PTSD and their hyper-awareness and fear for her I thought was reasonable given her past and the dangerous burgeoning situation they found themselves in) and wolves mate for life and do EVERYTHING together. The world they have created for themselves to inhabit is a microcosm of a world encased in the broader human experience, so they are exhibiting traits from both species and judging them by only human standards without taking the wolf traits into account in this fantasy world will not work. The fact is that Woods has created this world so convincingly I could see it happening, could relate to the responses, found myself trying to look ahead and anticipate reactions based on the solid and detailed foundation she has woven together. There are some triggering scenes, specifically with sexual assault, but rest assured it is NOT the heroes engaging in this despicable activity, despite how "dark" they may be, and it does not reach completion (if that helps). This story does NOT play fast and loose with issues of consent, there is no cheating, and the types of dominance and instances of verbal hostility/abuse are redeemable and very clearly called out as what they are and not excused. This is NOT a story where the males treat the female like trash, or as if she's helpless and stupid, but there is struggle in finding equilibrium between their dominance and her -- not so much submission -- as compliance due to her ignorance about the lycan culture and the world in general and inability to make choices having been denied them so long (although when she sets her mind to a decision, she sticks to it without submission). Insofar as the technical aspects of the book are concerned, the writing diction, syntax, punctuation were solid. There were a handful of copy editing errors that I submitted with the "Report Content Errors" feature of my Kindle for Android App, but not many given the length of the book. I have to say I truly loved this story; not only did I get emotionally invested in the characters, it made me feel angry not just with, but for the characters, I FELT their anxiety, I cried with them, and laughed, and felt pride in their moments of triumph. That level of emotion doesn't happen with a quick, superficial story, no matter how fun or diverting they can be, and what's more is that unlike some 'dark' storylines I was not just stuck in anger, or in anxiety or sadness for that matter, there was an ebb and FLOW of emotions. That is the best way to describe this book: a JOURNEY the reader becomes INVESTED in, because the depth is there to fall into.

Best book ever!

This book was so amazing I devoured it. I don't want to give away any spoilers. I wouldn't want to ruin your enjoyment. I would say read the first book of the story before you read this book. This book has so much action in it there's character development that I've never seen before you get so lost in this book it is just amazing. I'm sorry I feel like I'm rambling it's hard to give a review without any spoilers but I also want to give you that feeling I have after reading this. I read this book and just devoured it now I'm going to go back and take my time and read it again!

So, so good

This book was amazing. So well thought out and cared for. I normally get annoyed when the main female cries all the time, however, her cries where all earned if you will. She has been through so much and every new wound hits her so hard you as the reader feel it to your bones and want to cry with her. I worried the story would get stale with the coming assembly and instead it was refreshed with fun excitement! And there were many moments that I for sure thought ‘oh, here it comes, this is what will happen next’ and it didn’t! I’m sooo happy the secrets are out and feelings have come forth. I am so sad about her brother too, I have a 3 year old boy and just could imagine what happened all too clearly. I really hope we don’t have to wait a year and half for the next book because I’m itching to read the next one!

Going to read over and over

I snatched this up as soon as I found the pre-order was available. I reread Hunted again before diving in. Please make sure you have as well. I was over the moon over Hunted that I was trying to wait patiently for book 2. I was not disappointed, beyond knowing there is a book 3 that I have to wait for. One of the most striking things to me about Erica's writing is the absolute individuality she imbues her characters with. Just reading a line a dialogue from one of the main characters is enough to identify who said it. Ruarc is my favorite, but Ash is moving up to a very close second. Erica's ability to have some much gravity to the small moments when the tension grows before something happens blows my mind. From the multiple points of view, we get to enter the minds of the characters and feel their emotions - joy, passion, anger and fear. There is plenty of action in this story but the weight and impact comes from the looks, the moments when they don't act, or choose to offer a caress to show they understand. At times I was at odds with Hope over her determination to keep her secret, but I had to scold myself. It is easy to say she should have chosen differently, but that is coming from my safe and protected background. If my choice threatened the one good thing I had found after years of unspeakable pain, I would balk at doing anything that would jeopardize it as well. We finally get "the talk" and it secrets are shared. Hope and the relationships with each member of the pack is growing stronger, but there is so much left to uncover. This is permanently going on my to read again pile.

Gripping and Emotional

Like so many others, I've been eagerly awaiting this book for a while. Stalking the author and hoping book two would not disappoint. Having just finished book two, with a few tears leaking from my eyes, I can confirm book two was just as captivating as book one. As others have commented, the timeline of this book covers barely a week, as the group prepares for and attends the start of the Assembly. We only get through about half the Assembly in this installment and yet somehow, even though not much time is passes in the story timeline, and this book clocks in at over 700 pages, it never once felt like it was dragging. This speaks to the serious talent of Erica Woods. Her storytelling, imagery, character, and world building is art. Perhaps a bit of magic too. Without getting spoilery, I will say that we get to see some nice characters growth for Hope. While she still struggles with her guilt and self worth, she has a few spirited moments and some wins that start to show us more of what she is capable of, and even those limited glimpses were exciting. We also get some answers, as do the guys. Not fully satisfying, but this is not the end so our curiosity will only be fed some scraps in these first two books. We also get to see so!e growth with Lucien and his relationship with Hope. Crazy emotions over some of those scenes! The book leaves us at a scene that definitely triggers some interest and questions but it's not a place of fear or heartbreak, so I wouldn't hold off in reading book two out of fear of the cliffhanger. In summary, book two is gripping and emotional but we see solid glimpses of what a rehabilitated Hope could be capable of and I for one am down for that journey.

Worth the wait!

I really didn't think I could love the second book as much as the first but wow! More action, more secrets, the past uncovered and even a traitor to come back from the dead! I loved that Hope finally gets a backbone and all the guys start showing different sides of themselves and there's more of their back stories. I did have a couple of issues with this book though. The biggest one being how she acted at the assembly. She knew they healed quickly and that she shouldn't draw attention to herself and yet she kept making a scene. Why would you scream your guy's name during a fight? That's just going to distract him. Then she touched another guys hand for "protecting" Ruarc which is crazy because she has been told not to do that and he can take care of himself. I felt the Matthew situation was blown way out of proportion because she refused to say a single thing about him and it caused a lot of issues. The woman power thing was subtle but you pick up on it which drove me crazy. Either a woman is powerful and you will know it without being told or she's weak and you're just trying to convince me otherwise. This series still remains one of my favorites that I will read a million times and highly recommend

Erica is the bomb

Erica Woods writes another GREAT book. I was hooked in Hunted. I loved it and was eagerly anticipating Assembly. The wait was SO worth it. I appreciate that Erica took her time and was patient, it ensured this book’s perfection. Before RH came into my life I was waiting a year or two for books I liked anyway, so the wait was nothing (I even have been waiting 7 YEARS for a sequel that isn’t out yet- by a different author of course). I loved that this book was lengthy. I LOVE LOVE long books. It had a great story, development, characters, everything. *SOME SPOILERS* (not too extreme) Character development in this book was amazing. Hope finally confesses everything and I truly believe she did grow in this book. She’s still scared and dependent (DUH!! Who wouldn’t be if they were in her situation) but is starting to grow into her own. Ruarc is still my lovable grizzly bear 💜. He is learning that he is worth it (slowly). Lucien finally is somewhat admitting his feelings, kinda still a little at war with himself, but learning to accept his emotions and Hope. Jason is finally experiencing true happiness and love. He is sticking up for himself and knowing what he deserves. Ash. He’s learning that he CAN be loved and love in return. All in all, I really was so happy with how it turned out and I can’t wait for the next book. Keep on writing Erica, you’re amazing.

I was a little disappointed in the second book.

I would have liked for Hope to have shared her secret with the pack before the last 1/4 of the book. And then when she did finally tell them instead of them being quiet and letting her tell it they kept interrupting her and it drug it out. By that part of the book I found myself skimming through and only reading the parts of it that were actual conversation. A lot of this book was a repeat of the first book just at a different location. And Hope kept doing stupid stuff. I felt at some point she should have stopped making decisions that put her life in danger. It was like a three year old and you tell them not to touch something because it’s hot and then minute you turn your back they’ve touched it and burned themselves. I didn’t particularly like the sex scene with Lucien. I thought that was over the top for the MC who had so much trauma before. I would have liked to learn more about Ash and to see her spend more time with him. I got frustrated because just when the plot was moving forward the book ended. I am going to read the third book but I feel like the author is going to have to cram a lot into that third book. I will say that it was nice to read a book that didn’t have a ton of grammatical errors in it. That drives me nuts and detracts from the story. From what I understand this is only this authors second book. If that is the case then I believe she will do well.

Blown Away

I have been desperate for Assembly. When I finished Hunted, I screamed and nearly threw my phone because of the cliffhanger. And Assembly did not disappoint. I had an alarm to wake me up at midnight so I could start it, i did not get much sleep for the next couple of days. And when I finished it, I had to reread it because I was not ready to let this world go. To be fair, I don't think I will ever let these characters go. Now to the important part, Assembly was everything I wanted and everything I didn't know I needed. Hope is growing, her sassy and funny personality is blooming and I love it. I am loving hearing and seeing everything that is going on from the guy's perspectives as well. They each are learning and understanding Hope, and their feelings for her ( I am looking at you Lucien). One of my favorite things about Erica's writing is that you can tell whose head you are in just from the writing, how the words flow from the characters mind. There are more characters that have been introduced, and I am interested to see who is going to stick around and see where that goes. I am so excited to learn more about each of their pasts, especially Hope's. The heat has been kicked up in the second book and left me wanting more. It made me scream, cry, giggle, and gasp. Assembly answered many questions, raised new ones, and left me wanting more, more of everything. I cannot wait to see what happens next.


All I can say is, Wow!!!! Nope, just kidding. I'm gonna say so much more than that. Everything I so dearly loved about the first book was included in the second as well. Hope is a sweet, brave little thing; trying to navigate a world that would be scary even without all the lycans thrown in. Her four males are adorable. (Even though I still kinda want to hate Lucian!) Ruarc is still my favorite male. I'm glad Hope made a girl friend at the assembly, she'll probably need one! I love that she grows in her trust and is developing her sass and determination. She lets her reckless bravery get her into lots of trouble, enough that Ruarc often threatens to paddle her!!! The length of both books is absolutely perfect. Any shorter and the author would have to prepare for a revult. Serious here, if anything they need to be longer! So we will be somewhat patiently waiting for the finale book. Good times ahead!

Jumped into immediately after Reading Book 1! ☺️

I Give this Book a 4.5/5 Star Rating, Listing as 5. Audiobook Review at Bottom. Cliffhanger(?): I don’t know what is going to happen next but I can’t wait to find out! Relationship Type: RH> Reverse Harem MFMMM. Slow Burn(?): Yes! Heat: 4/5 Romance: 4.5/5 Pacing: is paced very well, it’s mid. And like the first book, the writing is breathable, no clogging in the writing (at least for me). Drama & Suspense: 5/5 Dark(?): A lot of the darkness within is past tensed, so I can give it a decent 1.5/5 on my darkness scale. I’m just in love with how long these books are, I never want these books to end, the writing and characters are addictive, and if anything the narrators make it even more so! I love the fact that can’t truly predict what is going to happen, and I love being kept on the edge of my seat. No Spoilers ☺️ Audiobook Review: Overall: 5/5 Story: 4.5/5 Performance: 5/5 Narrators: Isabelle Ruther & Aiden Snow Plain and Simple, both of these authors did such a terrific job!

Heavy going

Every word out of her mouth thru almost the whole book was what do you mean? and I don't understand. That is so irritating I almost put the book down without finishing it. Plus she's keeping the biggest secret. What is this author doing? Filling words on a page? It almost seems the author is getting paid for those two sentences, not a good look for an author.Plus I have absolutely no empathy for the girl at all. She seems almost like a nitwit. Plus if I went thru what she did I wouldn't be getting romantic for quit some time with any man, no matter how attractive. Its not realistic at all. Its a good story line II just wish the author had put some more thought into it.

I’m already waiting for book 3

After reading the first book 5 or 6 times, and then listening to in on audible 3 times, I wanted this book to be just as great. Boy did Erica deliver. I’m already thinking of reading it again. Fantastic job.

Holy word count

The basis of this series is really good but the author is extremely wordy. I skimmed SO much because it was either redundant or not necessary to follow the story. The FMC was weak and oh so pathetic. I get it, years of torture though how that was all portrayed did not come across as the strong female who fought against her captors for years. It just didn’t match up character wise. I had hoped after 2 books she would stop being the dumb sniveling girl but alas that was not the case. The males were volatile. There were a ton of miscommunication issues that were just plain annoying and unnecessary. I think that if the FMC had just been honest about her past from the beginning the males would have had a real chance to be good characters and less angry. Lucian didn’t deserve the FMC at all yet but he still managed to worm his way in… no repentance to earn her… I won’t be reading the next book… with the books being so ling without any clear direction to the content in them it was too muddled.

Don't waste your time its all fluff and filler

I skipped so much if this book its unreal. Spolier$$$$$$$ If you skip to %70 of the book you will miss absolutely nothing. I hate reading books that frustrate me! The MC is repetitive and highly frustrating. Jesus someone slap her. Im done!

Attention! Sleepless reading nights ahead!

Absolutely read Hunted FIRST! The world of Hope and her pack draws me in - each with their own traumas that inform their daily lives and color the decisions they make and how they see what is occurring in their relationships. The deep connections that are being formed between Hope and her guys are at the same time sweet and incredibly passionate. This book unequivocally pushes the relationships along and one sees how deep trauma simply does not disappear even when/as healing is occurring through relationships. There are such a wide range of emotions in this book and absolutely the path forward is fraught with situations that put Hope in situations that scratch her wounds. You won't regret reading this book !


This book was all over the place. You have one part where she is a home with her males then 85% of the book when they were at the assembly. Was like the lycan Olympics which makes no sense to how that is relevant to the story. Its literally not til you get to the end of the book do you find a bit about the Hope's past. You still don't know what she is, you have theorizes but there is nothing that tells us exactly what she is. The ending makes no sense. There is a cliffhanger like in book one then there is this where it's not even a cliff hanger as you do not even know why the other lycan is there and for what purpose. Its like out of the blue pop three lycans while searching for one cause the other three are "hunting" it makes no sense. 732 pages and it feels like it could have been again 300-400 and still know hat is going on and the ending felt like the author did not know how to end the book and this ending just feels like a writer's block.

So many feelings

This book was so addictive, like reading until 1 am addictive, but also so emotionally frustrating! Not once, but on several occasions I doing myself yelling at my book ( out loud) “ this girl is so damm stupid!!l. The secretes the main female keeps from the rest of her pack are so beyond frustrating, but it honestly keeps you reading because you have to finally know when she tells the truth and what happens. This might be the first reverse harem I have read where I love the guys more than the main female character. The author does such an incredibly detailed job at getting you into the heads of ash, raurc, Jason, and S. I love the chapters that are in the point of view. This second book has some slower parts between pages 300-500, but once they get it the Assemly, the action really picks up. Mainly hope getting herself into trouble, and her guys always saving her. This one ends on a cliffhanger.


The 2nd book in The Feral Souls Trilogy did not disappoint. Action, suspense and all the feels! So much packed into one book, I don't know how Erica Woods does it. Now I have to be patient until the next book, but that will be so hard!

Heartwrenching & Beautiful

Ugh!! Its hard to be mad at anyone. Each of them has gone thru something terrible and tragic. 😢 I really feel for Hope but she's TOO kind and I'm glad all the rapists are getting what they deserve. 😏 She and Ruarc....god..SWOON! 🥰😍 I love all the guys and their flaws!! I felt like more could've happened in this book. Or maybe that it should've gone faster...idk..The sex scenes were yummy 🔥 and I like how their relationship is progressing. Slow but steady. The plot is thickening and I have a few theories on what the Hunters want and possibly who leads or controls them or is in league with them...Ok, I'm pretty clueless but I have theories! Cant wait for the next book! 😭😱🥺

Disturbingly Excellent

This is definitely for readers ages 18 and above. If you’re a fan of the supernatural, you’ll love both Assembly and it’s predecessor, Hunted. The Feral Souls series is my favorite read of 2021, and I can’t wait to read the final installment. It was impossible to put down, in the absolute best of ways. Funny, deep, dark, and lovely, I absolutely fell in love with characters and the world in which they live. WARNING: if you are a survivor of assault/abuse, be aware there are graphic depictions that may cause you emotional upheaval. Women and men out there who have lived through experiences like this, you have my respect and my heart.

This is how you do a book

Absolutely amazing. Characters that are done right and an absolute beast of a book. My only complaint is that I wanted her to say something about her past sooner than the last 40 pages of the book. Still, read of the year so far right here and I cannot wait until the 3rd installment.

Everything I Wanted and More

This was an amazing second book to the so far unfinished Feral Souls Trilogy. Stayed up all night reading and have a fantastic book hangover. Can't wait to reread!

Deserves more then 5 stars

Words can’t possibly express just how wonderful this book is. I would classify it as literary excellence. The concept is brilliant and the writing style is superb. Being the second book I was already hooked to the story and characters, and now I feel like an addict needing more. This book is filled with some powerful stuff that will make you laugh, cry, make you mad, make you say awww, it will touch and bring out all of your emotions. Hopes story and journey is amazing and the pack that she found is absolutely perfect for her. You will be left with a minor cliffhanger and a major book hangover. But you should most definitely read this book.


It’s been nine months since I first read Hunted, and Assembly was worth the wait! Nine months might not seem long, but with writing as good as this, it felt like forever. Assembly delivered intrigue, passion, suspense, great story telling, excitement, and more. You know the excitement you get when you read a book you like and find there’s many more already written? While I wish Erica was that far in her career because I’m greedy for great writing, it’s been great fun being a part of her Facebook group and supporting her while she finished Assembly. ( I also might’ve asked a thousand times how much longer). Erica delivered such an in depth story she gave us 717 pages! So much fun....if you haven’t read Hunted, start there and be thankful Assembly is already out. Can’t wait for the next book. Do you really need sleep Erica? You could probably write faster if you didn’t need to sleep.

A very good second book

This book follow directly after the first book. You really need to read the first. I absolutely loved both books, I actually preordered this book and it has been a struggle to wait for it. It really lived up to the promise. Highly recommended!

Stellar Sequel

Erica Woods absolutely outdid her self with this novel! She lost none of her momentum from book one, but instead delivered a sequel that may be even better than the Hunted was! So many questions get answered, and so many mysteries are left to be solved. I absolutely adore how natural the progression of her relationships felt. In a lot of RH PNR, you get the sense that they author has to force the relationships to work, but not in this. Everything flows together smoothly and seamlessly. It’s beautifully written, and once again I found I couldn’t put it down (I stayed up till 5 am just to finish it)! This is a series you won’t just want to borrow on KU, this is a masterpiece that you will absolutely want to own!


Since the moment I first picked up Hunted, I've been totally and completely hooked on this world. The things Hope has gone through and the strength she possesses resonate so deeply with me. The books have been so wonderfully well written and I'm so excited to continue on in this world.

No Hope

This story is interesting and had promise. But for one little word, Hope. Her constant stuttering was enough to drive you mad. I realize she was traumatized but the constant poor decisions, refusal to let the guys in drove me to distraction. After two books, we still do not know anything about this monster she harbors? Seriously, why does the author need to portray a lack of confidence, with every word coming out of her mouth as a stuttering question. ARGH. Good story, great supporting men, terrible waste of a female lead character.

I just can't express...

how much I love this series. The second book is usually where I lose interest or start to get frustrated (that weird middle ground where nothing really gets resolved), but I loved every minute of this book. I thought the pacing was perfect for this story (I don’t think rushing through scenes with Hope’s story would do her character any justice. I like getting to see her struggles and slowly grow. It feels more natural for what she went through). I think that there was a good amount of time dedicated to all the characters and we were able to learn some more about each of them, tying things more neatly together. AND, just like with the first book, this book ticked off so many boxes for what I have been looking for in a story that are so hard for me to find together. Moments that I daydreamed about (because yes, I love this world enough to want to live in it), had similarities with things that actually occurred, and I was so very happy. I was also happy that big reveals were spaced or pushed closer to the end. Some of my favorite moments in a story occur from the angst and distress of kept secrets and I think the whole dynamic of the story would have changed and lot of the growth lost had it happened too quickly. It is easy to see the love that Erica puts into her world and characters and while I will be sad to see it end, I am so excited for the last book in the trilogy. I am also hopeful that some of the characters we were introduced to in this one will make an appearance in their own story in the future. So, would I recommend this book? Most definitely! If you love angst, wounded heroine’s, flawed heroes, and secrets that slowly start to paint a larger, more sinister picture, this is not a book you want to miss.

Great continuation of the story

This is an intriguing story, but it's definitely wordy. I think the author will learn more over time how to cut this down 15-20%. It's beautifully written, but not a lot of plot movement for 700 pages. And we still have almost zero background on the guys and not much more on Hope, which is a little frustrating for the story now being the equivalent of 4 books of moderate length. All that being said, I'm eagerly awaiting the conclusion.

Exciting read

Erica Woods really knows how to captivate you and bring you into this world of lycans. I love how each one of the men brings out a part of Hope that she needs, but I especially love Ash and Jason. The only issue I have and why I didn't give it 5 stars is that seems to advance slow. I love the world building but some parts seem like I could do without and instead bring more of an advancement and time lapses in the story. I kept getting frustrated that they were getting nowhere. But overall I still enjoy this series and can't wait until the next book to see what happens next.

So Freaking Good

Loved it from beginning to end. Picking up where book 1 left off, I was once again amazed at the world this author has created. The character growth of Hope is outstanding, Ash, Lucian, Jason, and Ruarc, are still absolutely swoon-worthy, even though I really hated Lucien sometimes. The story line is a fast paced, heartbreaking journey filled with drama, love, secrets, and a cliffhanger that will leave you wanting more. I am curiously awaiting to see what Hope really is, how the guys handle it, and how their story plays out. Book 3 can not get here fast enough.


Amazing character development and dialogue. I love the accurate portrayal of the lasting impact and unhealthy beliefs and doubts caused by trauma. In other romances the damaged protagonist is miraculously and unrealistically healed. That false healing makes me put those books down. This one has the real life starts and steps backwards that occur as you heal. I can really believe the obstacles and developing bonds are real between the characters. Glad to see her shared her history with the men and I can't wait to see her strength continue to d


Such a good book. Erica sucks you into the world she created and you forget about time passing. Suddenly you look up and hours have passed. Needless to say, I can't wait for the third installment.

Worth the wait

This was worth the wait, especially for the size of the book. This book seems to move quickly and slowly all at once. Over 700 pages to span about a week in time. We learn a lot more about Hope and her monster, more about the guys, more about Lycan and more about the hunters. I love the interactions between the main pack. I love watching Hope grow and bloom and I love getting a taste of each of the boys backstories. I want more Gideon, I want more of the boys past, I want answers to the cliff hanger (don’t we all). I can’t wait for book three!

Well written amazing story and such emotion

I absolutely loved hunted(book1) and waited patiently for this one to come and boy was it worth the wait!!!! I love love love love this author and the world she creates. The depth of emotion in all her characters makes me feel as if I am that character. Buy this book!!! Then buy it again!! Its that good.

Big whoop to all the character development

Let me just say Lucien actions toward Hope were hard to deal with when we see how much his words truly affect her and if it wasn’t for being able to see his POV I definitely would have detested him and his actions. So Hope I commend you for being able to try and forgive him. Yes I say try because he has not fully been forgiven which I’m glad. Not very naive this one. We also see how Lucien tries harder to bite back his words especially after realizing how much his words truly hurt (aka enough to cut into that mate bond). He starts to show his possessiveness around others now too. We shall see if his attitude has stayed positive for her in the next installment. We get to see Hope coming out of her shell too! How she’s able to be brave to try and keep her future mates safe by having no second thoughts when jumping into danger for their sake. Not that they want that. She’s also opened up about her past by the end of the novel. Hopefully now that they know they will be able to help figure out what she is. They said possibly a halfling now we just a halfling of what!? It is now 100% known that ash isn’t always calm and in fact fighting his beast for control most of the time. That he is one of the rarest and most feared out there. Of course now two more mates have been added into the mix (Lucien and ash) we will see how they figure out how to share Hope, although, Ruarc has admitted to us that he will not cut back on his time because he was her first. Which kinda makes me sad because the one who’ll end up with less time will probably be Jason since he’s the youngest of them all. Oh ho ho and a Gavril makes an appearance in the end!! Hope’s uncle maybe... there could be other Gavril’s but what’re the chances with the way things are going. All of this and we still don’t know the final verdict of the council and the votes!! As if we didn’t already have enough to worry about. Can’t wait to read the rest. Finding out what Hope truly is. Who her uncle is and what knows. What the council decides and why she feels so distrustful of Vern (I’m thinking he might be on par with the hunters and controlling Matthew...maybe). How they deal with the hunters.OH AND AHHH I hope her dream didn’t/doesn’t foreshadow Ruarc’s death... Yes that dream is still bugging me. Here’s to waiting for the next installment 🥂

Worth the wait

Erica Woods, you are the queen of suspense. Evil woman. I gobbled up every scrap of information you fed through the pages like I was starving. Hope has grown so much and yet it's clear she still has more to grow. Her men have grown with her, as well. I'm so happy we got to understand Lucien better. And Ash was *perfect*. I can't even express how excited I am to see how you destroy us further in book 3.

Loved it!

I had the worst book hangover from the first book and was so excited when the second book finally came out. I read this book in a day and now must suffer the wait for the next. Ugh! As for this book, I appreciate how the author takes the time for us to see how Hope slowly comes out of her shell. I have really enjoyed this world Erica Woods has created. I also appreciate the length of these books. The only concern I have is that there is only supposed to be one more book. It feels like there is so much left to this story. I'm hoping for two more books otherwise I worry the last book will be rushed. Either way, I am looking forward to the next book. If you haven't joined the author's newsletter yet I highly recommended it. She cracks me up!

An amazing experience

The slowness of the book is world building & character building. The inner monologue is the angush of the main characters & what they have gone through & continue to go through. The sex parts is all animal (wolf instincts) wanting to please their mate. Which strengthens the bond & pack. Yes, the books take place in a month. I personally hate time jumps from book 1 to 2... Doing that it skips events, which can make it had to get into additional books that follow. This book does not have that issue. It continues right after book 1. I could not put the book down. Seeing more of the world, Seeing more of the characters expanded upon. Plus oh lord the Sexy times. You too will need to go for a swim. I went from hating one character in book 1 to loving them in book 2.

I can’t love it more

I don’t generally preorder books. But after Hunted I absolutely fell in love with Hope and The guys, so I preordered it as soon as I could. It. Did. Not. Disappoint. This is easily a landmark series that I can see myself returning to anytime I need a guaranteed good read. The depth of the story and the world’s intricacies are magnificent. This story has absolutely pulled me in and will not let me go until the end, and I’d wager that it’ll hold me long after as well. Stunning work.

An amazing second book!

I have so many things I want to say about this amazing book and it’s wonderful author Erica! First off the development between Hope and her males aways breathtaking and heart breaking at points in the book. She is a girl who was tortured, abused, and kept captive the majority of her life. She had the biggest heart and wants to protect everyone she holds dear to her, even when she is the smallest in her pack. In the book she has started to grow a back bone. The way each relationship has grown from the first book is amazing! She is opening herself up to her mates more. I don’t want to give spoilers so I’ll leave it here saying I loved this book so much! Thank you Erica!

Caution: Contents will cause spontaneous combustion.

I’ve been not so patiently waiting for this book to be published, and it ABSOLUTELY DID NOT DISAPPOINT. I devoured this book in a day (would have been less if I hadn’t been working). Erica, THANK YOU. I squealed, I laughed, I held my breath... and I almost died from the steam. So worth the wait, and I can’t wait until the third book comes out! Planning on starting my reread of Assembly this weekend!


What did I just read??? How am I going to find anything else to read after this book?? The wait was well worth it. This 2nd book in the Hunted series was Uh-maz-ing. I tried to ration my reading and drag it out but nope. I simply couldn't. Do yourself a favor and clear your schedule before you start this. Grab whatever snacks you need to tide you over and your beverage of choice along with some fuzzy socks and a snuggly blanket. You will not want to put this one down!!!

Interested where this story will lead

I’m really enjoying this series. I think it is more character-driven in its telling, but the twists and turns that are coming to a head are very exciting and I look forward to where this story will go! Sometimes, it may seem a bit slow since the majority of the story is based on the MC, her healing trauma, and the healing of her guys as well. But the main characters are so loveable, despite their baggage and scars. Can’t wait for the next book.

I need more!

Oh my god I loved these books! I need the third book so bad. Out of all the men in the harem, Ruarc is by far my favorite. The grumpy, snarling, savage wolf has so much hurt, pain and self image issues that I just want to kiss away and tell him just how amazing he is. Hope is so strong for all that she had been put through. She still managed to be the sweet and loving woman she is. I just know she will continue to surprise us all. The reactions alone from her harem when she finally told them her secrets.. heart breaking. I can’t wait for the third book. I’ll certainly will be following you and checking for updates.


This book picks up where book one left off. Hope still struggles with the crippling shyness and insecurities but she is slowly starting to gain confidence and a little fire the longer she stays with the guys. Hope’s relationship with Ash, Lucian, Jason and Rurac also begins to blossom into more than friendship and she slowly starts to learn to trust them. This book is all about the Assembly of the pack, what happens during the Assembly and Hope’s past with the Hunters and how it affects her relationship with the guys. I’m excited for book three.


I have waited for this book for months and it certainly didn’t disappoint. The characters are well developed and meaningful as are the relationships. I literally devoured this book in one day and will begin harassing for book 3 shortly. Erica has certainly become the queen of the slow burn and the thought and details she puts into her characters and stories that surround each of them are unmatched. The book is Hot steamy passionate and it draws you in so you feel like you are right there with the characters.

I’d say speechless, but I’m so in love...words do your best!

E.W did it again! Book 1 was amazing! The character development, the angst between everyone, and the nail biter of ‘what if’s.’ Book 2 went above and beyond. I loved the way the characters developed...not just in their relationships with Hope, but with their backstories and what made them, well them. I have seen this statement a lot, but I loved the “cliffhanger.” It was just the right amount to keep me on edge, but enough to ‘release me’ from its spell until EW graces us with Book 3. I’m not going to lie, my only...only hang up (and it’s probably bc I am an impatient human), but I really wanted to know what Hope is and what that means for the future. I hope book 3 is HUGE and is everything and more. 5 Stars! Thanks again for the story!

It was everything I needed it to be

Assembly is amazing. Its filled with action packed fun and full of heart wrenching moments. It's amazing how the author can just pull you in and not let go. I cannot wait to see what will happen to Hope and her pack next! I'd give this book 10 stars if I could!!

Exactly what we needed after the first book

I had read hunted twice this week in preparation for this book, and its everything I wanted and so much more. This series has brought back my love for paranormal romance. It kept me on the edge of my seat, staying up way to late. Im planning on rereading it again shortly to make sure I've soaked up everything. Its going to be my go to for a long time.

Well worth the wait!

I almost lost hope after reading Hunted, because it took way too long to get the second book in series. At least it felt like forever. I just loved Hunted, and couldn’t wait for more. Assembly was all that I needed and wanted in a story; sweet and sometimes timid, but fiercely loyal and unselfish Hope and her four sexy and protective males. The storyline and writing was impeccable. I read a lot of books in a year, and more often than not I get bored while reading the second or third book in a series. Not this time. I devoured Assembly in a record time and now I’m sad it’s over. If you love fantasy/ shifter/ reverse harem stories THIS IS FOR YOU!

Another wonderful book!

Can’t wait for the next book! For anyone who read the first book, but hasn’t read this one yet ... what are you waiting for?!! Seriously, It’s awesome!! You won’t lose interest! But it’s not a cliffhanger. For anyone new to the series, hurry and get the first book so you can join the obsession and stalk the author’s fb page and newsletters for news on where in the process the next book is at 😁

Stunningly beautiful and amazingly well written.

Oh my wow!!! This has definitely been worth the wait. I have not agonized over a book like I have this one since Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. There is so much I love about this book and the development in the characters and their relationships. Just muah (chef kissing fingers). I wish the third one was out so I could hop right into it. I've read Hunted damn near 30 times since I first read it in I think September and I just know I will read Assembly just as many times or more in my wait for the third book. I have always wanted to have more chapters from Ash and Lucien's point of views and Erica did not disappoint. There is so much to go through in this amazing novel. Erica you are so amazing I can't wait to read the third book. I absolutely loved it. This probably isn't the best review of the book but yolo it's my opinion so meh.

Love it!

This book!OMG! I have never read a book that I've never felt so contradictory over as when i read this. I wanted to rush through while also wanting to take my time and really focus on each little bit. It was like eating something savory and delicious that fills you up, but you know you're going to eat those last three bites if it kills you and cry when its gone. lol. I absolutely loved it and I will be patiently waiting for the next book.


There are no words. I don't want the story to stop...I have to know what happens next. Small cliffhanger, lots of steam, lots of tension and relief, answers and more questions... It's everything, and I want more!

Let me tell you......

I have waited patiently for this book to come out. Once it did, I read it non-stop, even while at work. This book was all I hoped it to be and ssssooooo much more!!!!!! I'm left feeling upset because I want the last book to be out now to put me out of my misery! I want to know what happens next NOW!!!!! All that said, I am utterly, completely in LOVE with this series so far. Ms. Woods, please keep it up!

There are no words

Waited so long for this book and it was even more amazing then I dreamed it could be. It answered old questions created new ones. Had me not wanting to ever put it down. I will reread it for the rest of my life. Can't wait for the third book and to see what amazing things Erica comes out with in the future.

Worth all the wait

I have been (semi) patiently waiting for this book for seemingly forever and it was 150% worth it. I devoured all 700+ pages of this book in a day and am about to turn around and start it all over again. Watching the journey Hope is going through and the development of her relationship with her males is an amazing experience that I will revisit over and over again.

Worth the wait

I should have posted my review a while ago when I first read the book,because I was one of those eager beavers who had the book on pre order and devoured it quickly lol but...anywhoo. I recommend this book,definitely read the first book before tho. I enjoyed seeing more pieces fall into place in this book and can’t wait to see what the third installment beholds.


Thrilling! Riveting! Wow! Where to start?!? Read this book! Assembly is book 2 of 3 in feral souls Erica Woods has created an amazing world with detailed, well developed characters that will make you scream, cry and laugh all while never wanting it to end!

Incredible doesn’t begin to describe it

My heart is still pounding out of my chest, and I’m not sure I’ve taken a breath since I started reading. Every page was a rush, a discovery, a smile, or a sob, but never dull. I loved every second of this book and I love Hope and her mates. I cannot recommend this series strongly enough. You will enter their world and fall in love. You will savor every moment and mourn the end of the book, while waiting oh so (not) patiently for the next one.

Stay up all night kind of book.

This is the kind of book you can’t start unless you have a lot of time. I stayed up until after 4 am twice to finish it. Seriously, it’s that good. This author has a gift with words. She expertly spins a story fraught with sexual tension and intrigue. Never boring, hinting at things but not too predictable. You won’t be disappointed.


This book was better then the 1st one, I loved the 1st book!! Poor Hope, you are stronger then you think, with the guys (drool worthy) she can get through it!! I laugh at Lucien, jerk!! Then he became her protector again, more fanning!! Also the heat in this book is hot! If you like RH and hot wolves (Lycans). You will love this series!!!

Love this author and series!

Okay. Let me first say that I originally read Hunted through kindle unlimited and loved it. I waited what seemed like such a long time for Assembly to come out. So when Assembly came out I went and immediately bought it and Hunted. I reread Hunted and then immersed myself in Assembly. I read both books in less than three days and sense they are both lengthy books(so not complaining), I am a little sleep deprived right now. But so worth it! I love this series! I adore Hope and her pack! The character development in this series is awesome! I can't wait for the next book! Please Ms. Woods, don't leave me hanging for long!

Awesome! But now what?!?!

Spoilers included... beware... you've been warned... Ok first off, yes. Yes yes yes yes! Yes to all of the Ash scenes, double yes to all of the Lucien scenes, triple yes to the appearance of kick@ss Hope during the games... I'm here for all of it! The writing-- especially when writing from Lucien's point of view (The LAST FRIGGIN CHAPTER!)-- it's so eloquent and perfect. Subtle style and vocab changes based on character perspective so you really feel like you understand each character and can recognize whose perspective it is without seeing the first page of the chapter... ERICA, YES MA'AM! HIGH FRIGGIN FIVE! Slight but still exciting cliffhanger and OMG WHEN IS BOOK THREE COMING OUT?!? I can't...

Can't Get Enough!

This series is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES! I love it! I can't get enough of these characters and the world Erica Woods has built. This series has all of my favorite things: RH, slow/med burn, damaged FMC with issues, men are all different and distinguishable in character. I'm terrible at reviews but had to put in my two cents for this book, series, and author. Fantastic read!


O my god I love this story it’s like an emotional roller coaster it’s just amazing now I just have to wait patiently for the third book and I will wait patiently will re-reading the first and second again.

Great book!

It had been a few months since I read the first book in the trilogy, Hunted, so I had to rack my brain a bit to try and remember certain details lol but this was a great book. This book is about Hope learning to trust after a lifetime of being captive and tortured. Finding the courage to relive her past to share with the men that love her and want to protect her, knowing they deserve the truth after taking her in and caring for her. It was an amazing read and I cannot wait for the 3rd book in the trilogy. Be prepared for a cliffhanger. But that is normal in trilogies right? Only wish I didn’t have to wait to find out what happens next.

Just. Wow......

Oh. My. Word. Erica, you freaking nailed it! I stayed up all night reading this! I've cried and laughed so much, I am now going to take a nap to try to get some feeling back. I guess I'm just gonna have to sleep away the days (weeks, months, but better not be years!) Until the third book is released, because I just don't know what to do with myself with no more Hope!

Worth the wait

I just devoured this book in about 7 hours and I'm left sort of speechless. It was amazing. We learn more about Hope's story and follow her as she learns how to become her own person while being thrown into impossible situations. We also get to see some developments with each of the guys and learn more about their back stories as well. Secrets come out but we still have plenty of secrets to uncover. I read Hunted when it first came out and have been waiting for Assembly for over a year with high expectations, and Erica did not disappoint. I absolutely love this book and now have to deal with the anxiety of waiting for book 3; at least I know it will be worth the wait.

Love This series!

This is the second book in this series, and once I get started I can't put it down til I'm finished. It constantly keeps you guessing, on the edge of your seat, wanting more! I can't wait til the next one comes out. Yes I would recommend this series, if you love mystery, a little action and sexy men, then you'll love this!


The pack is called before the Lycan council, along with Hope. Hope strengthens her bonds with her men and they all work to keep a human safe at a meeting of thousands of lycans. There’s a lot of action and romance as well as an interesting take on the origin of lycans and more detail about their society.

Amazing and well worth the wait

Yet again, Erica Woods leads us through a beautifully woven tale and leaves more questions than answers. Cannot believe we were gifted Hope and the guys again. This was a great continuation of the first novel and I am more than ready to devour the next. Well written, excellent pacing and I definitely need to read this one again and again.. And then one more time just to be sure I saw *ahem* READ everything. If I say I'm desperate for the conclusion does it make me seem...impatient? Needy? (Sorry Erica) I need to live in these books for a while and at this rate, if I could, I'd move right in.

Loved it, can't wait for the next one to come out!

Well, this was worth the wait! As soon as I finished reading it I wanted to know when the next one was due, and immediately read them again. I did not give 5 stars because of the typos; same thing with Hunted, it drives me insane to have typos in a book! Erica Woods blows away ALL of the competition for RH writing, imo!

Loved it!

I already have left a review for the first book in this Trilogy, but wanted to say that this second book was just as amazing! Your talent for a new writer show's in both books! Definitely wondering and looking forward to the third book to come out! Please keep us posted through your emails. I can't wait!

Amazing!!! Must read series!!!

If you have not read book one stop reading this and go read it! If you have, I'm sure you are in the same position I am! Erica has done it agin ten time, a million times more than the first book! Wow! The depth with these characters is so inspiring. The emotion, wow!!! Must read! Wow! I seriously cannot say enough!

Love this series

This series has ripped my heart out and pieces it back together along with Hope’s. The characters are so well-written, and I really enjoy the storyline. I am also grateful that the the end of each book does not leave you completely gutted-there is more healing that painful tension! I cannot wait for the third book!

It’s a grind of a read but makes a lot of progress on the story line

It’s a grind of a read but makes a lot of progress on the story line. It gets slow in some parts and can be a bit frustratingly mundane with her humming and hawing about her hidden past and “lies” but she finally lets it out at the end and it’s totally worth the wait to get to that part.

Heart-wrenchingly perfect

I loved this book. I read the first one just a few days before this one came out and thank God I didn't have to wait too long. It's absolutely perfect. The perfect slow burn romance. The perfect reverse harem. The perfect shifter dominance. And the perfect regrowth from trauma story. It's amazing watch the characters grow and change and come together. In fact, my only complaint is that it left on a cliffhanger. Again. Now I have to wait who knows how long to get more. Erica Woods, if you're ever in need of more beta readers I would gladly be that for you just so I could find out what happens next!

So good

So I am not a low burn book reader.. I tend to dnf them but this series is amazing I'm loving watching hope grow into herself.. seeing how the relationships develope it is nice to read a book that doesn't jump right into the relationship right away and builds everything up.. just love love love it

Simply Amazing

Words cannot describe how FREAKING AMAZING this book was!! Erica Woods is a phenomenal author and I CANNOT WAIT for the third book to come out!!!


Cannot believe I didnt leave a written review on this!! I honestly thought I had when I first read it. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!! Anyhoo, I absolutely love it. Love love love love love it!! Erica does such a great job with this! It's slow burn but oh. My. Zeus. DEFINITELY RECOMMEND

OMG! AMAZING!!!!! I need book 3, please?!?

OMG! What can I say?!? Did it live up to the hype? It blew the hype out of the water! The growth and character development of these characters was AMAZING! I already loved Hope, Ruarc, Ash, and Lucien, but now I love them even more ( though I may have wanted to hurt/maim/kill Lucien through parts!) And the spicy scenes were...mwah...chefs kiss...perfection! I thought I knew what I wanted, what to expect, but.....WOW!

Oh my gawd

Loved it. Erica has done it again. Many books in this genre are a little “light” on the story telling- not books by this author. Great world-building, awesome characters, and excellent writing. It’s 4am and I just finished - and am already lamenting the wait for the next book.

Amazing sequel

I was so excited for this book and it made my year! Hope gains some self worth and her relationship with the guys flourishes.

Had to read as soon as it released

As soon as this book downloaded I spent every free min reading it. I am absolutely captivated by the character development. Everyone feels so very alive to me. The descriptions, the attitudes, and atmosphere around each character are amazing. It has a lot more of a story line than most RH books and I agonize with the slow burn.

Fantastic book

I really enjoyed reading this book so much. I wish I had the words to let everyone know how great this book is. I have a book hangover from reading it and it’s going to be hard to read another book for a while. I can’t wait for the next book in this series to come out.


This new author has certainly come out of the chute with a bang! The scenes are in turn horrific, tender, sexy, scary, cute and unexpected. What a roller coaster ride! The characters are well-developed, sweet, funny and terrifying. Kudos for a well-written, romantic, hellaciously sexy tear jerker that I had a hard time putting down.

Outstanding follow up to Hunted

Holy crap I'm in a state of shock after reading over 700 pages of awesomeness and win. Hope has so much growth in this book but so do the guys. And Ruarc and Jason are the ultimate RH odd couple and it just totally does it for me. Thank you Erica for a very satisfying romp with the lycans...,...

Rollercoaster and Panty Destruction

The plot is gripping even if a bit frustrating at times, but so worth it. The men are distinct and unique. The love makes your heart race. The mystery and intrigue. The writing. Her monster. I'm dying to know what is up with her monster. The assembly challenges. My only complaint is how long the wait is between books.

Amazing Book!!!

Both the first and second book were amazing. I cannot wait to find out what hope really is. I hope its freaking spectacular and she ends up being the most ruthless predator while seeking her revenge and keeping her mates safe. She has grown so much with the 4 males. I am excited to see her fully grown.

There is hope for Hope!!

The Assembly is a great 2nd book. I feel so much for Hope, all her insecurities keep getting in the way. However, with the help of her guys she manages to grow confidence and confront her fears. I can't wait to see what the next book brings.

So good!

After reading Hunted, I knew Assembly was going to be great, but even I was blown away by the excellence that is Assembly. I loved how Erica showed Hope’s progress and growth with both her men and her ability to handle other people. I’m dying to find out what Hope is in the final book, but I shall be patient!

Can't get enough!

The first book ensnared me and this one is even better. It's one of those stories that you can't forget no matter how many other books you read. A book you can read again and again. Such a roller coaster of emotions. I am eagerly awaiting more.

There are no words

That blank "What is life" you get when you finish a book. The want for more words from the author who drew you in to be on the next page... only go be left with a "to be continued ". I truly loved this book. I anticipate what will happen next.


Buckle up and make sure you have your big girl panties on! This book will take you on an emotional rollercoaster, but I wouldn't change a thing. And I knew Lucian would surprise us!! Loved loved loved it, anxiously awaiting book 3.

I'd give a million star if I could!

I want to scream at the top of my lungs how amazing this and the first book are! Erica Woods has done such an amazing job writing this story, I am so incredibly amazed with the flow of her writing and they way she made it all feel like you were truly riding the roller coaster with each character. I truly cannot express how truly incredible this ride as been so far. Cannot wait to read more!

Couldn’t put it down!

I absolutely loved every minute of this book, I couldn’t put it down! I loved how the author furthered the story and continued her amazing world and character development. I cannot wait for the third book to be released so I can see what happens next with Hope and her guys!

The suspense was killing me...

It felt like the suspense was all encompassing as I waited for our female to share her story, and still the suspense of who she is builds to almost painful. I can't wait until the next book and the enlightenment that will come with it. This book was one of my greatest escapes!

Better than expected

The first book was great so I couldn't wait for this one to come out . It is better than I had hoped. Yes this is a reverse haram book but it is so much more. The characters are wonderful and heartbreaking but also strong and intelligent and the storyline keeps you coming back for more can't wait for the Next one

Couldn’t put it down

I read Hunted and Assembly in the span of 24 hours and couldn’t stop. I had to know what was going to happen next and it’s killing me to have to wait til the third book! But it’s going to hurt even more when the story ends after that because I love every single character so much. The world building is beautiful and you can understand why Hope loves each beautiful man in her pack and it is easy to see why Hope has captivated them (although sometimes she’s too naive for her own good). If I had my way, this world and story would never end.

Three stars!

I really like the idea of the hunters, and whatever Hope is. The sex scenes were really steamy. However, the story itself was a little too drawn out. Finally, I really don't like cliffhangers.

Looking forward to the next book

I really enjoyed this book. Compelling characters, character growth, reasonably well edited and a good story. I read a lot from this genre and it surprises me that this is only the author’s second book.

Stunning follow up to an amazing debut.

I absolutly loved this story and have read it multiple times. Yes, it's slow burn. But I really don't care. The plot development and character backgrounds are beautifully done. This book makes u feel everything the characters are going through.

I read this in a day

This story is a perfect continuation of the first one. As I did with the last one, I read it in a day, since I couldn't put it down. I am eagerly awaiting the third installment.


I'm so glad I came across the rec for Hunted. I was so in grossed with Hope and her men and couldn't wait for Assembly and Erica you did not disappoint. I loved every second of it and have the worst book hangover ever. I'm looking forward to book three. You're amazing!!

Love love love

Loved the first one and this one did not disappoint! Thus is my second time reading it and it was just as emotionally gripping as the first time I read it. Waiting anxiously for the next one!

Best RH book series out there. Not joking

100/10 recommend this book. It’s the second installment of what I consider one of the best series of our time. Amazing character growth, shocking plot twists and plenty of steaminess to keep us fantasizing about these amazing four men and our very brave female. Hunted was amazing, but Assembly is ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL. Literally told everyone I know about these books and will continue to do so 😍😍😍


I read both the books in two days. Went to kindle store for third and realized it wasn’t out yet. Get busy and finish it ! 😺. I need to read it as soon as it comes out

Erica Woods is an Emotional Puppet Master!!!

Erica Woods delivers another transformation in her characters as they bond, find love, finally get steamy, and the past comes to light. She takes you on a journey with your emotions right along with her characters making you ache and love and bond with Hope and her guys. Cannot wait for the conclusion.

Not Enough story...I need more....

Erica Woods did it again! I spent hours hanging out with the amazing characters of Hope, Ruarc, Ash, Jason, and Lucien. Once again it didn't feel like I was reading a book, it felt like I was living the story.


I have waited MONTHS for this book and it did not disappoint. Miss Erica Woods you are a genius with words. I don't believe in spoilers but please read this book but first read Hunted because you will completely miss out on storyline and whatnot. Masterpiece.

Liked it

I liked it but the first one is my favorite. I was expecting more action in this one and didn't like that it took so much time for Hope to finally tell her story.


I loved this book. Just like first one I couldn't put it down. I was so disappointed when it finished hoping the story wasn't done yet. But now I patiently (only because I wouldn't want to pressure Erica, and support her, otherwise I'd say impatiently :p ) await book 3…I hope many more people get a chance to read this series and fall in love with Hope and her guys like I did!

Loved it!!

So good! The characters, the story, the feels, everything was so well written and amazing. Loved all the different POVs. Can't wait for the next book!


This book is every bit of amazing and romantic I could has wished for and MORE (which says a lot because you have no idea how much I anticipated this release). I. Couldn’t. Stop. Reading! This book is the definition of unputdownable. The first book in the series – Hunted – left me with a MAJOR book hangover for MONTHS and I’m afraid Assembly’s going to do the same thing to me. But I don’t regret a single chapter read! I L<3VED IT!


I fell in love with hunted a year or so ago. I’ve probably read it 30 times waiting for assembly to come out. It was a story I didn’t want to leave so I stayed immersed in it continuously. I’d finish the book and instantly start back at page one. Assembly did not disappoint! I’ve finished it in less than 24 hours and I’m about to start it again. I couldn’t put it down, I just had to know what was going to come next. Erica woods has hands down become one of my favorite authors.

I can't wait for the final book!

I love this series. I love how different the guys are from each other and their unique personalities. This was such a good read, and I can't wait for book three! :)

Omg this book

I have never fallen in love with a book, plot, or characters as much as this series! From beginning to start, there is twists and turns and you cheer them on and then scold them and then ultimately love them all over again. Thank you for an amazing series. Counting down for book 3!

Just read it.

I loved Hunted and this one did not disappoint. I like the realism to certain aspects of their relationships, not everything is easy sailing and it takes some work. Very well written.


The first book was slow building but a good read and this one even better I love how it's still a mystery and makes me Impatient for the next one please please write the next book as soon as possible


Excellent book. Kept me page turning late into the night. Would highly recommend as a Reverse Harem Romance. With elements of kink....

Worth the wait!

Awesome follow up to Hunted. Well written and keeps you captivated and wanted to read “just one more chapter” until BOOM you realize you’re reading the credits. Well done, Erica! Bring on #3

READ THIS BOOK! If you're on the fence, trust me it's so worth it!

I don't know how to put into words how much I love this book! Erica is so great at capturing your attention and making you feel like you are living this fantasy. You get sucked into every scene and emotionally invested with each turn of the page! I'm OBSESSED with this book, this series, this world, and the wonderful author Erica Woods 😍 💜


I’ve lived a million emotions. Oh my but this book had me ready to fly out of my seat so many times. So good. You won’t be disappointed.

Dont miss this one, or the will regret it!!

I haven't had a book that seized my attention this much in a long, long time. Well written, the plot moves quickly from one tense moment (or one tender moment) to the next in a way that captured my undivided participation from start to finish. Can't wait for the next one!!!


Heart wrenching and full of passion. The emotional connections are as deeply thrilling and satisfying as the physical ones. Worth the wait, already desperate for the next one. Loved the deeper understanding of Lucien offered in this book.

Simply amazing!

I honestly don't have words to describe how much you need to read this book. It captivates the reader in a way that I've rarely experienced. So excited for the trilogy to be completed!

So good

This book was definitely worth the wait! So good! It was so exciting to see how the characters grew. Can’t wait for the next story!

Loved it!

Loved Hunted! Love Assembly!! Cannot wait for the third and will have to do a reread of the first two while I wait. If you enjoyed the first one, I recommend the second!

Want more

Ready for the next book (3)! So needing to find out what sup Hope is! Love the chemistry of the pack! Always better as a team. Even though I would not share I do love to read about it, weird but that’s me! Enjoy the 2 books and looking forward to 3 or the rest!

Excellent second book and continuation of the story

I love how the Ms. Woods continues the story but till leaves lots of questions to be answered. Can't wait for more

Just as good as the first

OMG what a book. But mind that cliffy of a hanger. I'd say more but then River from Dr. Who would come and say "spoilers".

10 stars

This is one super good book! The characters are incredible the storyline is so well done I wanted to be there!


Wow erica did it again. Loved the story iT us detaile. And u don't want top it it down leaves u guess it is amazing if u haven't read hunted u need to and after thus u will be stalking her for the third. It's a definitely must read series

Two for two

Erica you did it again. Haunted was amaizing to the point that I had to have it in written and audio. And Assembly is absolutely on the same level. Your use of words drew me in and held me hostage. The moment I finished book one I started searching for book two. Now that I've finished book 2 I will sit and stalk the Facebook group until you hand over book 3.

Absolutely OBSESSED!

I loved the first two books of this trilogy and am (im)patiently awaiting the third! I could not put them down! Even when I got angry with the book because I just have so many unanswered questions (come oooon book 3!) I could not bring myself to put the book down. I fell in love with all the characters! Erica Woods is fantastic and I cannot wait to read EVERYTHING she puts out!

I love this series.

I read them and bought them the same day. I love books and I can not wait for book 3. If you have not read it yet what are you waiting for. This series is amazing,sweet, funny,and hot.


I liked that it was a long book because I read so fast. I can’t get enough of this world! I want more. Please get me the next book because it is additive series so far!

Cannot recommend more!

This series is everything I have ever wanted in a reverse harem romance read. I waited (impatiently) for this second installment and I am so happy to say that it is fantastic and if you have fallen in love with Hope and her guys like I did in book one, you needn’t worry - this book is just as impossible to put down!

I loved the characters

I loved the story line and the men in the story but I can't decide which one I loved most. Now I can't wait for the next book. Erica you are a wonderful writer. Keep up the good work.


If I thought hunted kept me on edge Assembly through me off the mountain! When is the next release? I love the detail, the longevity of the book, I dont want to give spoilers so I'll just say if you love RH you'll love this. Thanks Erica for another great book!!! I've also decided Lucien is now my favorite.

Oh my stars!

This is the second book of the series, and it was worth the wait! I could not put this down.

Loved it

I absolutely love both of her books can’t wait for a third but I haven’t heard anything about a third if anyone else has please let me know this book and the first one is definitely a book you can’t put down once you start

Great book

I enjoyed reading this so much. I’m still waiting for book 3 and hope to read it soon

Amazing series, the characters are so deep and complicated

It’s slow burn and leaves you near a cliff, but I’m deeply in love with this series. Like obsessed with it. Waiting for the next book is painful, luckily the author puts out mini side stories occasionally while we wait on her mailing list.


This book... there are no words... loved it, everything about it... the characters, the plot, the romance! I can't wait for the next book...

I need more!!

I just finished and I have to admit I am so sad!! Im going to have to painfully wait for the next book to come out!! But I will be listening to the audio book over for like the hundreth time again and waiting for the Assembly audio to be out on amazon !! OMG!! Cant wait to hear all the characters come to life again! I loved this book and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

I want MORE!

I love Erica, Hope, her guys and everything about this trilogy. Full stop. READ THIS BOOK! (After you read Hunted, that is).

Simply Amazing

Was SO SO SO great. I have the worst book hangover in the BEST way. You’ve done it again Erica! I love the world you have created and everyone in it. Can’t wait for the next part of this wonderful story. The character development is superb!

Worth the wait

I enjoyed this book so much, and it was definitely worth the wait. The story makes it difficult to wait for the next book . Some of my questions have been answered, but now I have so many more... DEFINITELY loving this author

Just Amazing!

I found the first book in this series by accident when it first came out. I didn’t even know that it wasn’t a completed series but it blew me away! I waited for this second book and man it was so worth it! The book is truly amazing! It will feed every emotion you have! And I will eagerly await the next one.


This being book two, was greatly anticipated. Book one was enthralling and I read it several times while waiting for book two! This one did not disappoint! I love how much detail and how well written this series is. Absolute page turner, and the characters are so detailed! Can’t get enough... please book three be here soon!!

Adored this book!

Second book in the Feral Souls Trilogy was absolutely wonderful. It was enlightening in all of their stories showing us what happened previously in their individual lives, as well as being introduced to some new characters. All of the ups and downs in this book will keep you glued to the pages all the way to the cliffhanger at the end!

Cliffhanger ahead!

Loved the book read it in one sitting. The suspense is getting to me can’t wait to read the next one.


Loved this continuation of the series! It has all of the great feels from the first book and gets so much deeper into the relationships. Now I just have to go back to finding other reads half as fulfilling to tide me over until the last book is released.

Incredible Follow-Up to Hunted

Yes, she did it again!! This book is not just an incredible companion to Hunted, but it just keeps getting better!! I keep crossing my fingers, hoping that we will have many more books with this wonderful cast of characters

Spellbinding. Hard to put down

I was hooked from the first word to the last. Wonderful descriptions and expressive emotions. Can't wait for the next book.

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