Are We the Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant?: The Fearlessly Fertile Method for Clearing the Blocks between Your Relationship and Your Baby (The Fearlessly Fertile Method Series)

Kindle Edition
11 Oct
Is your partner really on the same page about this baby?

When you are struggling to get pregnant and your partner is dragging their feet to do their part or bitterly complains about the process, this question haunts you. You worry they might change their mind about having a baby. You wonder if the stress in your relationship is the reason you aren’t getting pregnant. You even fear you might end up alone! What if you could learn the secret to trading those fears for the unshakable confidence that your relationship is 100% ready for this baby – with zero regret?

Meet Rosanne Austin, the #1 bestselling author and coach women around the world turn to when they want success on their fertility journey…and in their relationship.

In Are We the Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant? you will learn:

  • The method for feeling closer, stronger, and more secure as a couple, no matter what curveballs the fertility journey throws your way

  • How to inspire your partner’s enthusiastic engagement—make nagging them about consistently doing their part a thing of the past

  • Argument-free communication with your partner about anything, so they can finally see things “your” way

  • What it takes to liberate your relationship from fear, negativity, and doubt, so you are both crazy-excited about your fertility future

This is where The 5 Love Languages meets the fertility journey. Get ready for the calm confidence that comes from knowing your partner is all-in for this baby!

Reviews (86)

A must read for anyone on this journey!

I don’t know how Roseanne does it, but she clearly has a gift and a knack for understanding this journey. I read Roseanne’s first book, as well as attended her first fertility retreat and she really elucidated so many mindset flaws I had about myself and my worth regarding my fertility journey. After years of struggle, and literally trying every tip, trick and fertility boosting supplement, as well as having multiple failed fertility treatments, it does break you down physically, emotionally and mentally. Roseanne helped me pinpoint what I needed to do to see positive change and growth on my journey. But I never thought about how my negative thoughts would affect my relationship. I’ve been with my husband and bestfriend for 15 years, and I couldn’t see myself with anyone else. We’ve been trying for our first child for almost 4 years and the fertility issues lie on my side unfortunately. I would berate myself and talk down to myself around him constantly, because I felt like a massive failure. I didn’t realize how my negative talk and toxic mindset truly affected him and our marriage. Going through Roseanne’s book, and reading success stories I saw pieces of me reflected throughout the entire book. As I read her book, I saw that my behavior and disbelief within myself was sabotaging my precious relationship. I was the saboteur, and this needed to change asap! Luckily Roseanne has crafted the art to self-reflection and introspection. Roseanne equips you with the tools needed to change things around. I've implemented these tools and my marriage has been so amazing now...just like it was before the woes of trying to conceive! We’re focusing on each other and working as a team to eliminate all the BS trying to interfere in our marriage. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone going through fertility challenges read Roseanne’s book. It will give you the insight and provide the roadmap to turn things around!

Take a leap of faith, your baby wants you to

I love Rosanne, the crazy pink haired Fertility Fairy Godmother. I am not of a particular faith but I do find she comes into my life with absolute divine timing. She first appeared a year before I conceived my first. We had been struggling for over 5 years at that point and on the precipice of IVF. I signed up for her email and grudgingly did the exercises she sent out every week. I started seeing results in my stress level and found myself pregnant for the first time 6 months later. It ended in miscarriage but I had been given the beautiful gift of knowing what was possible for myself. I went through her program and did the work. She helped me find what I truly was looking for - peace on my journey and absolute belief in what I knew was coming my way. My first born, whom was conceived naturally, arrived less than 10 months after I finished her program, which is what is covered in her first book (which I read even after I had a baby in my arms - it is filled with so much good stuff). Now trying for the second and have literally been asking myself the questions in this second book for the past year. This book is exactly what I needed and my soul soaked this content up. Rosanne helps you ask (and sometimes find) the questions that have been bothering you and then empowers you to address them giving you her tried and true methods. I had already been applying some of the techniques I learned from her before to address my relationship challenges but now feel the fire in my gut and have extra tools in my kit to get it done. You don’t need to read the first book to do the work in the second book. However, if you are the type of woman that this technique works for you definitely will want to read the first book. So just put it in your shopping cart already and also put a nice journal (yes you’ll need it - just do it!) in there to document the process! Get the goodness - read her book(s), do the work, and get what you want most. Unsure about investing the time and money? Go listen to her podcast as a preview of how the magic works!

The kick-in-the-butt you need for your fertility journey!

If your fertility journey is anything like mine, Rosanne Austin’s book will provide the kick in the butt you need to identify and address some deep-rooted relationship challenges. I had the great fortunate of working directly with Rosanne and the advice she offers in this book echos the heartfelt and wise words she offered me. Several months ago, my husband and I had locked heads in disagreement at next steps on our fertility journey. I wanted to continue exploring IVF and he did not. Within only a few minutes of me engaging him in conversation on this topic, he would shut down and walk away. While I of course love him dearly, this made me resent my husband and I was afraid to even raise this subject again for fear of further rejection. I felt lost as to where to go next. Rosanne helped me to see the “whole truth”; men often shut down when they sense fear and my husband was probably not seeing me in my calm, confident self. Following the principles she outlines in her newest book, Rosanne advised me to own my dreams, visualize myself standing in my power with my husband and feeling all that goodness from his love and support, and finally approaching my husband in a calm, confident manner to express my strong desires for our next steps. After taking this approach, my husband agreed to move ahead with another treatment cycle. I would highly recommend Rosanne’s book to anyone facing the relationship strain and drain of a fertility journey. She is the best friend you are looking for on your journey, offering practical and smart advice that you need and in a way that is fun, caring, and so true.

This book really hits home!

Thirty seven years ago, I was someone's miracle baby. Despite the odds and the doctors telling my mother that she may never be able to have children, she had 3 healthy babies with me being the first. Being a miracle baby comes with its mother was very committed to me and protective, to the point where I thought she was overbearing. I was just a young girl that wanted to be independent. I remember every time that I would misbehave and upset my mother, she would always say to me "How could I ever be mad at you? You're my miracle baby." At the time, I never understood the power of those words until I struggled with getting pregnant myself. Something that I thought would be a fun experience has turned into a stressful and agonizing situation. My struggle has opened my eyes to Rosanne and her experiences. I have read both her books and avidly listen to her podcast. Rosanne gives you the confidence and faith that you can have it all-a career, a family, and a wonderful marriage. In this book especially, Rosanne focuses on relationships and talks about how a couple needs a strong foundation to establish the confidence and comfort in creating and having a child. Rosanne walks you through step by step on how to have those difficult conversations with your partner to set you up for baby making success. I can't recommend this book enough! When things get tough for me and I want to give up, I always remember how special I am to be a miracle baby, and I cannot give up because I know that my miracle baby (well, babies) are out there too!

A MUST-READ if your fertility journey has taken a toll on your marriage

My husband and I have been TTC for 5 years. We started out so excited for Baby #2. We weren't prepared for the long road ahead of pent up stress and boiling resentment. I felt all alone with my unspeakable feelings until I discovered Rosanne Austin. Everything she describes at the beginning of the book could have been written about my relationship with my husband. Finally, I felt understood and hopeful there was a way back to happiness, joy, alignment and teamwork for us. I love Rosanne's approach of tough love and talking straight. It feels like a friend is sitting next to me on the couch and giving me the advice I needed to hear. Following Rosanne's steps for how to really talk about what I was going through with my husband was powerful for rebuilding what we had been ignoring. If you feel like your relationship has suffered and taken a backseat on this journey, then I highly recommend this book. Don't just read it--you also have to do the work. And sometimes that means looking in the mirror. Don't be afraid to do that. You just might grow a little stronger in the process.

Truly inspirational

Reading Rosanne’s book was like reviewing entries in my personal journal. I was finally truly understood and ‘I can have it all’ became my new mantra. Just like her “I felt overwhelmed by the pressure of having to be the ringmaster of the circus that had become my life.” Rosanne lays down a map of treasures. Your job is to diligently follow her clues. The reward is reaching the point where your significant other is ‘on the same page’. Using the very same tools she shares now with her readers, while staying focused on the vision of a family she desired and taking her relationship to a new level, Rosanne reached her goal of being a mom. She became the best version of herself, setting at the same time the tone for her son and generations to come to be fearless in pursuing their own dreams. Her story is truly inspirational, while the provided tools are invaluable for anyone struggling to conceive a baby AND an ideal relationship. Rosanne generously shares stories of her amazing mamas and her approach is not only intelligently crafted but also sprinkled with wisdom and humor. After reading her first book, I couldn’t wait to grab a copy of this one. I was not wrong. Once I got it, I devoured it with interest, receptiveness and willingness to start applying the awesomeness right away. Thank you, Fertility Fairy Godmother!

The Fertility Bible for anyone TTC

Are We The Reason I'm Not Getting Pregnant has provided me with insight into my relationship and the tools to make it the best it can be. Our journey to conceive has been almost 4 years in the making (and still going), and at times it has been devastating and heartbreaking. It's difficult not to place blame on myself and to keep from doing everything on my own to feel like I'm doing something. And then I get resentful of my partner for not doing more (even though I haven't "precisely and concisely" asked for anything). I have gotten better about communicating what I want more clearly, but I sometimes still expect my partner to read my mind. This book helped me see where I need work on expressing my wants/needs, and the exercises forced me (in the best sense of the word) to get focused on exactly what my wants/needs are--it's hard to ask your partner for what you desire when you're not clear on that yourself. Rosanne's way of speaking and writing is totally original and often hilarious, and you can feel how much she wants to help get you your baby and make sure that baby comes into a family with a solid foundation. Her analogies crack me up and at the same time make what she is conveying crystal clear (i.e., your worst saboteur is a Megaladon that needs to be tamed into submission). This book and Rosanne's first book, Am I The Reason I'm Not Getting Pregnant, should be the fertility bible for anyone who is trying to conceive.

If you think this book is for you, it is

If you have the slightest inkling that this book is for you, trust your gut and buy it now. If you read her first book, you know Rosanne Austin will get in your head and heart to break down the issues that are in your way of getting pregnant. In her second book, it’s how to fix your relationship to invite your baby into your family. Rosanne’s approach is a combination of being sensitive to what it’s like going through years on the TTC journey but also very blunt in the questions she asks and what she’s asking her readers to do. It’s like talking to a close friend who’s been there, done that, succeeded and wants you to hold your baby in your arms too. Her no-excuses, no BS approach truly works – if you’re ready and open to it. Her first book worked on “you” and her second book works on the “we” – the family you need in place before your baby arrives. It’s really all about the love. If you’re having the same TTC fights with your partner, this is the book for you. Read it, follow it, and get ready to meet your baby.

rosanne helped me bring my first baby home and this will help me bring the second!

i credit rosanne and her first book to helping me bring my first baby home. i will be using this book and rosanne's other tools to help me create and bring home a second! if you have read rosanne's first book, you've assembled all the right professionals to help you get your baby. but, ultimately, you need two parts to come together to make a baby - and if you're in a relationship, a strong foundation is even more important than building your bump team. rosanne's newest book will help you build the foundation to discuss the hard stuff, learn from the process and work together to bring your baby home. i have provided my husband books for helping him through the fertility struggle journey, only to see them untouched on his bedside stand. this book provides exercises and discussion that allow you to rip off the bandaid of issues you haven't (or have avoided) discussing while becoming closer as a couple. love this - and rosanne!

Against ALL odds, I GOT PREGNANT and you can too!!!

Against ALL odds, I got pregnant and my baby is living proof Rosanne's teaching methods are the key to your very own fertility success! Rosanee Austin's humor, wit, infinite wisdom, and brutal honesty make her the undeniable piece to any couples fertility journey. Her vigor, enthusiasm, and rock star personality leap off the page and she becomes the best friend you never knew you needed with each turn of the page. She MUST be a member of your bump squad and I am living proof that her methods work! After struggling with infertility and being told that a donor egg was the only way I would be able to conceive, I was blessed to find my way to Rosanne and taken under her wing! After putting her mindset methods fo work, I got out of my own head and made the impossible possible! I formed my very own bump squad and now blessed to be running around chasing our beautiful miracle son! Thank you, Rosanne! This new book is KEY to your own fertility success! She is literally in our heads and knows our struggles and obstacles to baby. With a big “hell yes!”, this new book tackles the difficult subjects facing all couples on this journey, forces you to confront the challenging questions and ultimately bringing you BOTH closer to your very own miracle. No need to do this alone ladies! Take that leap of faith and read this book! Your baby will thank you both! Love you Rosanne!

A must read for anyone on this journey!

I don’t know how Roseanne does it, but she clearly has a gift and a knack for understanding this journey. I read Roseanne’s first book, as well as attended her first fertility retreat and she really elucidated so many mindset flaws I had about myself and my worth regarding my fertility journey. After years of struggle, and literally trying every tip, trick and fertility boosting supplement, as well as having multiple failed fertility treatments, it does break you down physically, emotionally and mentally. Roseanne helped me pinpoint what I needed to do to see positive change and growth on my journey. But I never thought about how my negative thoughts would affect my relationship. I’ve been with my husband and bestfriend for 15 years, and I couldn’t see myself with anyone else. We’ve been trying for our first child for almost 4 years and the fertility issues lie on my side unfortunately. I would berate myself and talk down to myself around him constantly, because I felt like a massive failure. I didn’t realize how my negative talk and toxic mindset truly affected him and our marriage. Going through Roseanne’s book, and reading success stories I saw pieces of me reflected throughout the entire book. As I read her book, I saw that my behavior and disbelief within myself was sabotaging my precious relationship. I was the saboteur, and this needed to change asap! Luckily Roseanne has crafted the art to self-reflection and introspection. Roseanne equips you with the tools needed to change things around. I've implemented these tools and my marriage has been so amazing now...just like it was before the woes of trying to conceive! We’re focusing on each other and working as a team to eliminate all the BS trying to interfere in our marriage. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone going through fertility challenges read Roseanne’s book. It will give you the insight and provide the roadmap to turn things around!

Take a leap of faith, your baby wants you to

I love Rosanne, the crazy pink haired Fertility Fairy Godmother. I am not of a particular faith but I do find she comes into my life with absolute divine timing. She first appeared a year before I conceived my first. We had been struggling for over 5 years at that point and on the precipice of IVF. I signed up for her email and grudgingly did the exercises she sent out every week. I started seeing results in my stress level and found myself pregnant for the first time 6 months later. It ended in miscarriage but I had been given the beautiful gift of knowing what was possible for myself. I went through her program and did the work. She helped me find what I truly was looking for - peace on my journey and absolute belief in what I knew was coming my way. My first born, whom was conceived naturally, arrived less than 10 months after I finished her program, which is what is covered in her first book (which I read even after I had a baby in my arms - it is filled with so much good stuff). Now trying for the second and have literally been asking myself the questions in this second book for the past year. This book is exactly what I needed and my soul soaked this content up. Rosanne helps you ask (and sometimes find) the questions that have been bothering you and then empowers you to address them giving you her tried and true methods. I had already been applying some of the techniques I learned from her before to address my relationship challenges but now feel the fire in my gut and have extra tools in my kit to get it done. You don’t need to read the first book to do the work in the second book. However, if you are the type of woman that this technique works for you definitely will want to read the first book. So just put it in your shopping cart already and also put a nice journal (yes you’ll need it - just do it!) in there to document the process! Get the goodness - read her book(s), do the work, and get what you want most. Unsure about investing the time and money? Go listen to her podcast as a preview of how the magic works!

The kick-in-the-butt you need for your fertility journey!

If your fertility journey is anything like mine, Rosanne Austin’s book will provide the kick in the butt you need to identify and address some deep-rooted relationship challenges. I had the great fortunate of working directly with Rosanne and the advice she offers in this book echos the heartfelt and wise words she offered me. Several months ago, my husband and I had locked heads in disagreement at next steps on our fertility journey. I wanted to continue exploring IVF and he did not. Within only a few minutes of me engaging him in conversation on this topic, he would shut down and walk away. While I of course love him dearly, this made me resent my husband and I was afraid to even raise this subject again for fear of further rejection. I felt lost as to where to go next. Rosanne helped me to see the “whole truth”; men often shut down when they sense fear and my husband was probably not seeing me in my calm, confident self. Following the principles she outlines in her newest book, Rosanne advised me to own my dreams, visualize myself standing in my power with my husband and feeling all that goodness from his love and support, and finally approaching my husband in a calm, confident manner to express my strong desires for our next steps. After taking this approach, my husband agreed to move ahead with another treatment cycle. I would highly recommend Rosanne’s book to anyone facing the relationship strain and drain of a fertility journey. She is the best friend you are looking for on your journey, offering practical and smart advice that you need and in a way that is fun, caring, and so true.

This book really hits home!

Thirty seven years ago, I was someone's miracle baby. Despite the odds and the doctors telling my mother that she may never be able to have children, she had 3 healthy babies with me being the first. Being a miracle baby comes with its mother was very committed to me and protective, to the point where I thought she was overbearing. I was just a young girl that wanted to be independent. I remember every time that I would misbehave and upset my mother, she would always say to me "How could I ever be mad at you? You're my miracle baby." At the time, I never understood the power of those words until I struggled with getting pregnant myself. Something that I thought would be a fun experience has turned into a stressful and agonizing situation. My struggle has opened my eyes to Rosanne and her experiences. I have read both her books and avidly listen to her podcast. Rosanne gives you the confidence and faith that you can have it all-a career, a family, and a wonderful marriage. In this book especially, Rosanne focuses on relationships and talks about how a couple needs a strong foundation to establish the confidence and comfort in creating and having a child. Rosanne walks you through step by step on how to have those difficult conversations with your partner to set you up for baby making success. I can't recommend this book enough! When things get tough for me and I want to give up, I always remember how special I am to be a miracle baby, and I cannot give up because I know that my miracle baby (well, babies) are out there too!

A MUST-READ if your fertility journey has taken a toll on your marriage

My husband and I have been TTC for 5 years. We started out so excited for Baby #2. We weren't prepared for the long road ahead of pent up stress and boiling resentment. I felt all alone with my unspeakable feelings until I discovered Rosanne Austin. Everything she describes at the beginning of the book could have been written about my relationship with my husband. Finally, I felt understood and hopeful there was a way back to happiness, joy, alignment and teamwork for us. I love Rosanne's approach of tough love and talking straight. It feels like a friend is sitting next to me on the couch and giving me the advice I needed to hear. Following Rosanne's steps for how to really talk about what I was going through with my husband was powerful for rebuilding what we had been ignoring. If you feel like your relationship has suffered and taken a backseat on this journey, then I highly recommend this book. Don't just read it--you also have to do the work. And sometimes that means looking in the mirror. Don't be afraid to do that. You just might grow a little stronger in the process.

Truly inspirational

Reading Rosanne’s book was like reviewing entries in my personal journal. I was finally truly understood and ‘I can have it all’ became my new mantra. Just like her “I felt overwhelmed by the pressure of having to be the ringmaster of the circus that had become my life.” Rosanne lays down a map of treasures. Your job is to diligently follow her clues. The reward is reaching the point where your significant other is ‘on the same page’. Using the very same tools she shares now with her readers, while staying focused on the vision of a family she desired and taking her relationship to a new level, Rosanne reached her goal of being a mom. She became the best version of herself, setting at the same time the tone for her son and generations to come to be fearless in pursuing their own dreams. Her story is truly inspirational, while the provided tools are invaluable for anyone struggling to conceive a baby AND an ideal relationship. Rosanne generously shares stories of her amazing mamas and her approach is not only intelligently crafted but also sprinkled with wisdom and humor. After reading her first book, I couldn’t wait to grab a copy of this one. I was not wrong. Once I got it, I devoured it with interest, receptiveness and willingness to start applying the awesomeness right away. Thank you, Fertility Fairy Godmother!

The Fertility Bible for anyone TTC

Are We The Reason I'm Not Getting Pregnant has provided me with insight into my relationship and the tools to make it the best it can be. Our journey to conceive has been almost 4 years in the making (and still going), and at times it has been devastating and heartbreaking. It's difficult not to place blame on myself and to keep from doing everything on my own to feel like I'm doing something. And then I get resentful of my partner for not doing more (even though I haven't "precisely and concisely" asked for anything). I have gotten better about communicating what I want more clearly, but I sometimes still expect my partner to read my mind. This book helped me see where I need work on expressing my wants/needs, and the exercises forced me (in the best sense of the word) to get focused on exactly what my wants/needs are--it's hard to ask your partner for what you desire when you're not clear on that yourself. Rosanne's way of speaking and writing is totally original and often hilarious, and you can feel how much she wants to help get you your baby and make sure that baby comes into a family with a solid foundation. Her analogies crack me up and at the same time make what she is conveying crystal clear (i.e., your worst saboteur is a Megaladon that needs to be tamed into submission). This book and Rosanne's first book, Am I The Reason I'm Not Getting Pregnant, should be the fertility bible for anyone who is trying to conceive.

If you think this book is for you, it is

If you have the slightest inkling that this book is for you, trust your gut and buy it now. If you read her first book, you know Rosanne Austin will get in your head and heart to break down the issues that are in your way of getting pregnant. In her second book, it’s how to fix your relationship to invite your baby into your family. Rosanne’s approach is a combination of being sensitive to what it’s like going through years on the TTC journey but also very blunt in the questions she asks and what she’s asking her readers to do. It’s like talking to a close friend who’s been there, done that, succeeded and wants you to hold your baby in your arms too. Her no-excuses, no BS approach truly works – if you’re ready and open to it. Her first book worked on “you” and her second book works on the “we” – the family you need in place before your baby arrives. It’s really all about the love. If you’re having the same TTC fights with your partner, this is the book for you. Read it, follow it, and get ready to meet your baby.

rosanne helped me bring my first baby home and this will help me bring the second!

i credit rosanne and her first book to helping me bring my first baby home. i will be using this book and rosanne's other tools to help me create and bring home a second! if you have read rosanne's first book, you've assembled all the right professionals to help you get your baby. but, ultimately, you need two parts to come together to make a baby - and if you're in a relationship, a strong foundation is even more important than building your bump team. rosanne's newest book will help you build the foundation to discuss the hard stuff, learn from the process and work together to bring your baby home. i have provided my husband books for helping him through the fertility struggle journey, only to see them untouched on his bedside stand. this book provides exercises and discussion that allow you to rip off the bandaid of issues you haven't (or have avoided) discussing while becoming closer as a couple. love this - and rosanne!

Against ALL odds, I GOT PREGNANT and you can too!!!

Against ALL odds, I got pregnant and my baby is living proof Rosanne's teaching methods are the key to your very own fertility success! Rosanee Austin's humor, wit, infinite wisdom, and brutal honesty make her the undeniable piece to any couples fertility journey. Her vigor, enthusiasm, and rock star personality leap off the page and she becomes the best friend you never knew you needed with each turn of the page. She MUST be a member of your bump squad and I am living proof that her methods work! After struggling with infertility and being told that a donor egg was the only way I would be able to conceive, I was blessed to find my way to Rosanne and taken under her wing! After putting her mindset methods fo work, I got out of my own head and made the impossible possible! I formed my very own bump squad and now blessed to be running around chasing our beautiful miracle son! Thank you, Rosanne! This new book is KEY to your own fertility success! She is literally in our heads and knows our struggles and obstacles to baby. With a big “hell yes!”, this new book tackles the difficult subjects facing all couples on this journey, forces you to confront the challenging questions and ultimately bringing you BOTH closer to your very own miracle. No need to do this alone ladies! Take that leap of faith and read this book! Your baby will thank you both! Love you Rosanne!

Information in this book can help with your baby journey

My first baby was the result of years of struggle, a major reproductive surgery and one IUI. At 36 when she was born I was on the cusp of being way “too old” to have a baby. At least that was the message I received from so many sources. I knew almost immediately I wanted this experience again, another baby to love. It has been 3-4 years of trying for a second, 4 failed IUIs and a strong belief that a natural pregnancy is impossible. If you listen to most of the messages and especially the ones dressed as “fact” it is easy to believe there is no chance, no hope that at 41 years old I can have another baby. I found Rosanne Austin’s first book by chance, although Rosanne would suggest that I found the book when I really needed it on this journey, when I was ready and open to the message. The first book focuses on you and helps you get your mind right so you can show up for you and fulfill your vision. Rosanne is the hope you are looking for and the voice you need in your head. This journey is often long and most of the time you can feel it is just you, all alone, slogging through the pain and loss. After reading both her books she not only makes you feel like she is on your team, a cheerleader, a confidant, and someone with the wisdom to guide you. She empowers you with tools to create what she refers to as a bump squad. People who will support you and encourage you no matter what. In the current book she expands this idea, considering that your partner needs a bump squad and that collectively these people will all be there to support you both on this journey. You don’t have to be alone in your pain anymore. This book picks up with an examination of the next important relationship after the one with yourself, the relationship with your partner. With a very similar feel to the first book you slowly work your way toward relationships tools, empowerment and a solid relationship foundation to bring a child into. Over time the mean voices in your head or “sabetours” that Rosanne refers to can make you feel small and voiceless in your relationship. She gives you tools to find your voice and to meet your partner in the same place, with the same visions for your life. The place that will also lead to the joint goal of a baby. For me the section that had the strongest impact was Rosanne’s story at the end of chapter 2. It was the important reminder that it was only once they started living their beautiful life again, living on the same page, with similar visions of the future, that a baby was possible. It is easy to develop tunnel vision and care more about the baby goal than anything else, but Rosanne reminds you that if you don’t cultivate the life around this goal there will be nothing for the baby to join. You need a full rich life of love and connectedness to bring a baby into. This is something I really needed to be reminded of. This book and her previous one are lights in the darkness of our fertility journeys and they can give you a renewed sense of control over your mind and body. Best of luck to everyone!

Wow! Must read for Couples when TTC!

Wow. Just wow! HELL yes Roseanne! This is the perfect sequel to her first book. My husband and I have been on this journey for over 3 years. Some cycles/months are better than others. Some have been terrible and damaging to our relationship. While we have spent the majority of our journey trying to not place blame, point fingers or allow infertility to come between us. This difficult time in our journey has become part of our relationship, sometimes consuming any happiness that is left. This book has shown us how to come back together, how to be on the same page and how to precisely and concisely communicate. At first I was hesitant to pick up this book, due to the fragile state of our communication. Anything that was mentioned would often result in a huge blow up fight. The fact was that our relationship was on unstable ground. But as we followed along from exercise to exercise both allowing a safe space to talk honestly, we both realized how much our relationship was changing for the better. We continue to take time to speak about the state of our infertility and our needs. I would recommend this book to anyone who feels disconnected with their partner, while also looking to work thru and face some of the scary insecurities that we harbor and burry deep inside. The respect, compassion and love that we have for our partner is felt during the hard questions and exercises. In a time of so much uncertainty in the world, this has brought that security back into our relationship. Allowing us to come together to shine our light bright for baby to see!

A must read for those who are TTC!

I had been on my journey to conceive for about a year. When we first started, we got pregnant right away only to miscarry a few weeks later. Thinking that I was one of those girls that can get "knocked up" quickly. I wasn't too worried. But it soon hit me that I wasn't. I tried everything after that. Acupuncture, supplements, fertility clinics, and even went to see a "sobadora". I began to hit rock bottom and lose hope. Until I saw Rosanne's first book, "Am I the reason I'm not getting pregnant?" on Facebook. I quickly bought her book and began to read it. I could not put it down. It made me look at myself and realize that my mindset was all over the place! I quickly began to put Rosanne's method into place. This Second book is a great addition to her first book. This book focuses on your relationship with your partner. I had so many questions and doubts in my relationship while TTC. Would he leave me? Does he mean it when he says "we will try everything"? Why isn't he taking those supplements? Why does it seem I'm the only one that is trying? The book hits those questions! Once I spoke to my husband about the questions. It seemed like everything fell into place. He really did mean it when he said he would try everything. He did the homework with me and read Rosanne's books. A few times he called me out when I began to have a little panic. Not only are we currently pregnant, but we truly believe that Rosanne's book brought us closer in our relationship, brought us our baby, and we still continue to practice Rosanne's methods.

Is your relationship suffering in your struggle to conceive?

I was thrilled to come across Rosanne's new book! I read her original, which prompted me to join her program, which was absolutely incredible! It was mind blowingly helpful, and not just for my fertility. So I had high hopes for this new book, and it did not disappoint. Let's be honest, this journey takes a toll on even the most rock solid relationship. And while my husband and I are deeply in love and have weathered enough difficult times to know that we are in it for the long haul, our infertility struggle is even more challenging than average because the desire for another baby is 100% mine, and he vacillates between NOT wanting another, and being ok if it "just happens," but not wanting to spend money or energy on making it happen. After four years of this, our marriage was in a rough place. Even after working through Rosanne's program, which did wonders for my own mindset, I was struggling to get him on the same page. As I read through the book (DO the exercises!), I found myself looking back on the last four years, and really evaluating where we got off track, and accepted responsibility for my part in it, rather than placing the blame on my husband, just because he didn't want another baby. When I finished, I was armed with tools and discussion points to sit down and have a real heart to heart, and that's how I know, if you put the effort into this book, you will see a difference in your relationship! It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

Another brilliant perspective about the fertility journey!

Wow! Another masterful, fun, fast, easy read by the Fertility Fairy Godmother!!! Rosanne is the straight-shootin’, no nonsense sister-confidant and best friend you seek advice from on this journey as it pertains to your mindset AND your relationship. And believe me sister, she is EXACTLY the voice of reason you need to hear from as you navigate the seemingly treacherous path forward through opinions and advice from family, friends, doctors, acupuncturists, herbalists, nutritionists, yogis, and the like. No single resource will help you pull together and efficiently filter the overwhelming information, details, thoughts, statistics, rumors, and fears through your most precious asset on this journey… your mind. One of the greatest challenges on the TTC journey is keeping your mind clear, healthy, positive, and genuine… that goes for what you think about you, your fertility, and your relationship. There are so many facets of your relationship that you may not even realize influence your journey. Taking time to realize all that you are doing “right” as a couple on this journey is invaluable. While you feel you are “going through the motions” without success, when you stop to realize how much you actually have accomplished, you have a new appreciation for how committed you are and how much progress you have made… as a couple. Rosanne teaches that “clear and concise communication” in your relationship is foundational. You must lead in your relationship on this journey and you will learn how what you think and believe directly correlates to your results. If you are feeling lost, frustrated, confused, overwhelmed, deterred, or any other sense of negativity along this journey, read this book to clear the fog of your mind and get on the straight and narrow to the woman to gets what she wants and whole-heartedly deserves! All the best to you on this journey!

Relationship Success ... for fertility and beyond <3

Rosanne writes with the tender heart of woman who experienced the infertility journey from a deep knowing that it is not just the woman who has the all the answers to how she will ultimately become a mother. In her first empowering book, Rosanne beautifully laid out the steps that help guide the mama to be in how to approach her fertility path to bring her absolute best self forward to allow motherhood to unfold for her. With this second book, Rosanne layers in the perspective of how important it is that both partners in the fertility journey are ALL IN when it comes to bringing their baby into reality. She advises on the importance of truly letting your partner know that his/her full support on every aspect of the journey will open up the roadblocks that the couple may be experiencing. It may seem like an easy ask but it often isn't. Being completely vulnerable, raw and real especially when it comes to our deepest desires can often times be hard to do. However, it is one of the most important things we as women on the infertility journey can do with our partners so that we know we have done everything in our power to bring home our baby. I can not recommend this book enough to any woman who is going through infertility and wants to put an insurance plan in place that she is doing EVERYTHING she can mind, body and soul to bring her baby home.

So helpful!

I read and LOVED Roseanne's first book, Am I the Reason I'm Not Getting pregnant? after a few months of TTC and having to be referred to a fertility specialist. At the time, I felt like this meant it wasn't going to happen, and I was in a very negative place mentally. The first book absolutely changed my life! Once again, I found Roseanne’s book helpful on our infertility journey. She has a way of writing that makes me feel like I’m not alone anymore! The hardest part of all this for me has been the feeling of loneliness that comes with it. Roseanne does a great job explaining her way of thinking and strategies while also incorporating success stories. The exercises included in the book are SO helpful in organizing your thoughts and identifying areas for improvement. It’s easy to know where you stand on fertility treatments, spending limits, and the need for a baby – but it’s more difficult to have those conversations with a significant other. This book is very helpful for creating talking points and what questions to ask when you have these conversations. If you’re feeling some distance between you and your SO, you need to read this book.

Fertility Journey God Send

My fertility journey began 5 years ago and oh how I wish this miraculous guidebook was presented to me back when I started my first IVF cycle. That old saying of “if I only knew then what I know now” truly applies here. I was so blown away by the first book, “Am I the reason I’m not getting pregnant,” I simply had to continue on to the sequel. Relationships are hard work alone without all the stress of fertility ups and downs. Within the first few chapters of the book I found myself reminiscing on key actions, decisions and choices my husband and I had made on our fertility journey and how everything impacted where we are now. Shortly after applying some of the teachings Rosanne suggests, I could see how our relationship had taken a beating and how important it was for us to get back on track. My husband and I had taken a sabbatical last year, to focus on some business endeavors, but we are now actively trying to conceive again. I am 42 years old now and we plan on conceiving a baby naturally. I truly believe I was missing the vital component of mindset throughout our journey and now feel empowered that I have the tools and resources to finally make my dream of being a mom come true. Thank you Rosanne!

A must-read

In our society, conceiving a baby and carrying a healthy pregnancy to term one second past the age of 35 is an experience that can be rife with obstacles and fears. I’ve read many personal growth and development books but have always wished there was a book out there that specifically addressed this struggle. I stumbled onto Rosanne Austin’s work and felt instantly understood. Her no-nonsense approach has opened my eyes to many sub-conscious thoughts and beliefs at play that may be blocking my baby. She has forced me to look at my life and my relationship with my husband with unabashed honesty. The chapter “Fearlessly Walking the Talk” has taught me how to own up to what I want and ask for it without letting the fear of being rejected or judged get in the way. The impact this lesson has had on my fertility journey is tremendous. I have never felt closer to my husband and for the first time in years I feel like we are in this together and I’m not a panicked woman demanding a baby from a sperm donor. I recommend this book to anyone who is seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and wants to turn the “struggle” of getting pregnant into a joyful, loving experience.

A must read for the fertility journey

I love this book. Rosanne's tough love was the loving kick in the pants that I needed to deepen my relationship on this journey. This is such a neglected part of most fertility support and guidance. Her experience makes the actionable lessons and tools in this book impactful. I particularly liked the "Last 10 Minute" exercise. It quickly and effectively shifted my mood and feelings to be more positive and loving. Plus Rosanne's sense of humor is a breath of fresh air. I was laughing out loud even though this can be a serious and potentially scary topic. I am thankful for this book for helping me improve my mindset and get ready for baby!

She hits the nail on the head every single time!

When I heard that Rosanne was working on another book (after reading her first book and as a fan of Rosanne and her work) I knew immediately that I wanted to read her next edition. "Am I The Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant?” was super helpful in shifting my mindset during my conception journey. I’m lucky enough to have had my success story come true, but I wished “Are We The Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant?” had been around even earlier! It resonated with so many emotions that I experienced in interacting with my husband during what was probably one of the most stressful times of my life. The number of “yup, I’ve been there” moments during reading and the thoughts and feelings Rosanne discusses as occurring in moms on this journey all hit home for me because I had experienced a number of them myself. So many people think that it’s such an easy process — and for many people, it’s not. Giving this a read won’t necessarily make the feelings, emotions, and stress not happen, but it will certainly help find ways to reframe and deal with it!

Change your Mindset, Change your results!!

I have been struggling with infertility for the past 3 years and having dealt with 5 failed IUIs I somehow stopped trusting my body. Nevertheless, i didn't lose hope at all. Each step that I have taken in this journey is ultimately bringing me closer to my baby. I discovered Rosanne through a guided meditation program Circle & Bloom, and soon I was hooked to her podcast. I have been lucky to have worked with her as part of the Fearlessly Fertile mindset program. Rosanne doesn't like to sugar coat things and tell you something that you want to hear. She has lovingly kicked my butt a few times by asking me tough questions that ultimately got me to the right answers. She has empowered me on this journey by making me fearless. Rosanne always has an answer and proper reasoning behind everything. I know it in my heart that when I ask Rosanne a question, I will get a concise and precise answer for it. This book is another of her masterpieces where she slowly discloses different tools from her arsenal. I highly recommend this book if you are on a similar journey and want to eliminate those limiting beliefs that are holding you back. The tools presented in this book are not only helpful for the fertility journey but they can go a long way in your relationships too. My favourite chapter from the book is "You Hold the Key" and that is so true in every way. We hold the key to our dreams, destiny and the path that we choose in our life. I know my baby is coming at the right time through the right way and I would like to thank Rosanne for instilling this faith in me.

She names another integral piece to the puzzle!

Rosanne does it again! In this book, but I'll call it a playbook, she walks you through the critical aspects of what needs to be done in order to get your relationship with your partner back on track when you're TTC. So often women go through this journey expecting it to all fall on their shoulders and then resents their partner when they don't feel like they are taking it seriously. This book will help you navigate those hard times and guides you and your partner to be able to get to a place of peace, more love and harmony to unblock the proverbial walls that is keeping your baby from getting to you. Read this book and read it with your partner. It's life changing!

A Must Read For Anyone Who Needs Their Confidence Back!!!

As someone who has struggled with infertility for four years, I have gone through every emotion, scenario and attempted remedy you can think of! Roseanne tells it like it is and hits the nail on the head every time! This book is a must read for anyone who has been trying to conceive and is starting to (or has been for a while now!) feel bitter about their TTC journey. Roseanne makes you feel not crazy by precisely relating to your thoughts and feelings. She then comes up with ways to handle your negative "saboteurs" and makes you feel like a whole person again; not like you are less than - which this journey can so devastatingly make you feel. Infertility certainly has an impact on your relationship with your partner, friends and family. Roseanne gives you the tools in this book to keep your relationship with your partner a priority and make it even stronger while going through hardship. I highly recommend this feel-good, gives-me-hope book to all women who know in their hearts they were meant to be a Mom!

Awesome Book!

I downloaded Rosanna's book "Am I the reason I'm not getting pregnant"? and that book really changed my mind about this journey of getting pregnant. Now, when Rosanna wrote her follow up book about relationships, my honest first impression was that I'm good with my Baby (husband!) and I don't think I need this one, but what a mistake. This book really opened my mind and made me think that every relationship needs leadership, attention and improvement, we can all have a better relationship that fulfills our expectations and more, especially when we are going through this challenging journey together. I particularly like the way Rosana writes directly to our hearts and women type. We take action, we take leadership and we get results. So, yes, my relationship needs all of these and before reading this book, I for some reason, didn't think about my relationship in this manner and how this could impact our common goal of getting a beautiful baby in our family. I'd highly recommend this book whether you are trying to get pregnant or not, because we all can have the relationship we expect and deserve!

Rosanne has walked a similar path and gets it! She is an example of change, hope, and success!

It amazes me how Rosanne Austin and her book Are We the Reason I’m Not Getting Pregnant showed up in my life when I was at one of my lowest points in life. I was felling lost, discouraged, alone, and hopeless…my internal shining light had burned out, and all my hope, dreams and much of my happiness went out with it. I have wanted to have children for as long as I can remember but it has not happened yet. Though my hope to become pregnant has been restored through the self-reflection and methods Rosanne shares for improving the body, mind, and spirit, I know that the relationship with my spouse was another area that needed attention, clarity, unity and healing. Rosanne’s book has given me the opportunity to really look at the inner-workings of our relationship and has allowed me the insight, skills, and courage to share my heart’s deepest fears and desires, and to ask for what I really want and need in the relationship and in life, instead of settling or giving up on myself, us, and our future family. I can’t thank Rosanne enough for her compassion, incredible wit, and spot-on guidance. -Shawn

This is what your relationship needs!

I’ve been on this journey for about a year now. My husband and I suffered a miscarriage 2 months into our journey and have been unsuccessful since. One of the hardest things about the TTC journey (other than the obvious of getting pregnant) is the strains it can have on you and your spouse’s relationship. After our miscarriage, my husband and I could not have been any farther apart emotionally. We had a severe lack of communication which created struggle for us. With the help of Rosanne’s latest book, she was able to walk us through difficult conversations with one another, seeing each other and their REAL opinion & thoughts instead of assuming. By having these conversations and knowing where each other was at has brought us closer than ever and we can now truly count on one another for WHATEVER it is that EACH of us needs. I highly recommend this book. It helps you in ways you didn’t even know you needed help in with your relationship.

Incredible book!

From my experience one of the hardest parts of trying to conceive is the waiting period. For so long, I wished for a resource that could help me and my husband during this journey. I'd check out things online, but I couldn't find what felt "right". When I found Rosanne Austin's work, I felt compelled. I wanted to read this book because I felt pulled to it. I am your typical Type A and when I read her work and can see that she is too, it makes me feel understood. What's inside is top grade work. My favorite chapter covers your partners Bump Squad. It taught me how to make sure that in my relationship, we stay on the same page. The impact this lesson has had on my fertility journey so far is priceless. I would highly recommend this book to anyone in their TTC journey. Whether you have been trying for 6 months or 6 years, I think you will find this book encouraging!

Be Fearlessly Fertile Together as One

This book came at just the right time in our 4 year fertility journey. We often search within ourselves and outside resources but don’t necessarily reflect on the important relationship with our partners that may influencing our outcomes and even taking the step to reconfirming that we are on the same page as we move forward. Rosanne knows exactly what to say to connect with the reader especially since her and her husband have been through this journey. She provides concrete exercises to work through to process emotions and beliefs to help be the catalyst for change to reach your dreams. There is so much in the book that resonated with me, especially the following statements: “When you allow yourself to be fearless in your relationship, you set yourself free. You are free to be, do, have, and give all that you want.” Don’t delay, get your copy now.

You won’t regret this purchase!

This second book by Rosanne Austin is just as amazing as the first. This is not a passive read so if you want a book just to read, this is not for you. Rosanne has you doing writing exercises throughout the book so that you truly get the benefits of her teachings. You will learn a lot from this process about yourself, your relationships, your partner and the blocks that may be in the way between you and your baby. And only by doing the exercises, can you fully receive all that Rosanne has to offer. If you have not read her first book “Am I the Reason that I’m not getting Pregnant?”, this is a must-read prequal if you ask me. Both books are amazing and you’d be surprised with what you’ll discover about yourself. I highly recommend both of these books to anyone experiencing challenges with fertility, you won't regret it.

Four words: Couldn’t. Put. It. Down

After suffering 6 miscarriages and losing two sons to premature labor and stillbirth, my relationship has definitely been through the ringer these last five years. Rosanne’s method, and specifically this book, was exactly what I needed to temporarily cast aside my “to do” list of appointments, lotions, and potions, and instead refocus my attention on the one thing that is absolutely necessary to bring our baby into this world: our relationship. There aren’t any excuses when you’re Fearless, and that can definitely be a scary reality to face. But somehow Rosanne lovingly walks you through the process, devoid of judgement, and prepares you to tackle your saboteurs and “woman up” to not only admit, but to ask for what you want and need from your partner. Her “Here’s What You Need to Know About Me...” strategy was life-changing. Read this book with a highlighter on the ready. I did, as I found myself scribbling “THIS!” in the margins!

Just as thought provoking as her first book.

In the same spirit of feminine badassery from her first book, Rosanne’s second book delivers nothing short of her lovable brass tacks, no holds barred, give it to you straight strategies for having the relationship that leads to baby. The title says it all-summoning upon her years of success in the courtroom, Rosanne refuses to dance around the issues, and gets straight to the questions that clear the blocks. As she says herself, she loves you enough to tell you the truth. Just like a powerful closing argument, she elegantly has you standing in your partner’s shoes, and she does it from the convincing and relatable place of her own real-life experiences. She shoots straight from the hip, with a fearless amount of heart and soul.

Good Read

When I first read the title of Roseanne’s new book, my initial thoughts were ‘I don’t need relationship advice.’ However, Roseanne’s first book was a game changer for me and I knew I had to give it a read. Little did I realize how much my relationship really DID need some TLC on this fertility journey. This invaluable book will help ensure that my husband and I have solid and open communication during this crucial chapter in our life and going forward.

An incredible and insightful book that will help you and your partner on this journey.

I’ve been on this journey for over 3 years and it’s been a lonely journey. Finding Rosanne’s book has made me feel so understood, it’s as she is describing my journey. This book goes beyond feeling understood, it gets down to confronting your smallest and biggest fears within yourself and with your partner. This book gives you the tools to whip these fears out of your life while helping you step into the drivers seat and ask what you want from your relationship while being on this journey. It’s an empowering book that constantly reminds you of your worth, because damn it—you are worth it! We are worthy of being a mom, and YOU WILL, I WILL—WE WILL GET THERE. As Rosanne says, “I’m not sure how or when—but I know I will be a mom one day”. Thank you Rosanne for being an inspiration to all of us by sharing your journey and tools with us.

Rosanne is Fabulous! A must read!

If you are or have been trying to conceive, Rosanne's book is for you! No matter how long you have been on your journey, no matter the trials and tribulations, Rosanne gives women and their partners the tools to change their outcome and change their life. I stumbled upon Rosanne's first book and podcast series shortly after I miscarried our first child at 39. We had been trying on and off for 18 months. She has taught me how to ask difficult questions of myself and my partner, how to change my mindset and to create a practice of positive thinking and gratitude. When she says success can be yours, believe it. Everything you need on this journey can be found within. Open your heart and mind to Rosanne's teachings, energy, positivity and no-nonsense approach to believing in what is meant for you - motherhood.

Learn to Become the Parents You’re Meant to Be

Rosanne Austin’s book is full of honest, non-judgmental, and practical wisdom to build the relationship that will bring your babies home. I highly recommend this book to help you partner and parent as your highest selves. My partner and I have both worked through health challenges on our fertility journey for many years, and we’ve experienced many losses along the way. We’ve always been loving and kind to each other, but we’ve also gone into “slog” mode and lost our spark at times. The wisdom in this book is a wonderful way to partner with love and joy, and to become the parents you’re meant – and your children need you – to be.

Great read with so many helpful resources

Trying to conceive and going through infertility affects every aspect of your life, including your relationship with your spouse. This book offers so many helpful strategies for connecting and communicating each other's needs on this roller-coaster of a journey. Rosanne always focuses on the importance of a healthy mind and body on the infertility and trying to convince journey. She provides so many coping strategies and ways to support one another as a team on this journey. I strongly recommend this book, even if you already have a strong relationship with your spouse. There are still so many helpful tips and strategies to support each other in what I consider to be the hardest thing we have ever gone through.

Must read for anyone struggling with infertility

As an IVF warrior for the past three years, Rosanne’s book resonated so deeply with me. I connected with so many of the personal stories she shares about the women she’s worked with in her coaching program. One of the best “tips” in the book for me was the 80/20 rule: “If my partner can get ‘it’ right 80 percent of the time, I’ll take it.” It was like a light went off when I read that, and I thought, why do we always put so much pressure on ourselves to be "perfect?" It's exhausting! As someone who struggled with infertility herself, reading Rosanne's book is like talking to a friend who understands exactly what you're going through. If you or someone you love is struggling with infertility, I highly recommend picking up this book.

Roseanne has outdone herself!

After reading Rosanne's book I became aware that the next step for me was to get Fearless in my marriage. In Chapter 9 I saw that a conversation needs to be had about money. Even though he never flat out says, "no" to anything I want to do or try, I resent my husband's sideways comments about how we are going to wind up raising our baby in a cardboard box on the side of the road because of how expensive my fertility health has become. I took the suggestion to get honest and had a conversation about this. We came to an understanding that, while it might cost us everything, our family is worth every penny. I don't have to feel guilty, and the snarky comments no longer fit our shared truth. Thank you Rosanne :-)

Don't miss this book - a must read if you are anywhere on the journey of fertility

After almost three years on this journey, which includes a fair amount of self reflection and work with Roseanne over the past seven months, I thought that I had identified all my saboteurs and was actually lucky to be in a good place from the get-go with my husband. But I should have known that I would gain even more insight to help me from this second book about you and your partner. Everyone on this journey can benefit from the questions and self reflection that Rosanne prompts you to ask. I am thankful for Rosanne and this journey (which working with her has taught me) - you can go it alone, or you can take this life challenge as a chance to improve everything about yourself and reach out to Rosanne - I am thankful that I chose the latter!

Game Changer!

Rosanne’s energy is contagious, she has helped me believe in myself again. The fertility journey can be very lonely and sad. With Rosanne’s insight I have been able to believe in my body and reconnect closer to God, trusting that everything will work out at the right time. This book has helped me and also given me insight on how to keep my relationship strong and healthy. I started to implement some of the suggestions given in the book, coming from a place of love. I recommend this book to anyone, because we can always improve in our relationships. All the content comes from Rosanne’s heart and from real life scenarios. Overall it’s a must read!

Super Easy Read... With an actual game plan and work for you to do through the process..

Great easy read, detailed with actual work for you to complete as you go along! OMG! Seriously, ladies, Rosanne is giving us the tools to help us improve and dig deeper into ourselves to help shed the layers, becoming our best selves and mommas! I can’t wait to re-read the book, I’m already starting to implement the tools and look forward to digging deeper as I continue my journey! Wishing you all the best, love, live and mamahood!


A must read if your on your fertility journey. I had the privilege of having Rosanne on my bump squad a couple years ago. Less than 6 months of Rosannes guidance and advice, I was pregnant for the first time after 6.5 years of trying to conceive. My little man is a few weeks shy of 1! In this book you will be given tools on how to navigate and help your marriage/ relationship with your significant other, during a time that can be so difficult. It's got advice on how to clear blocks in your relationship that you might not have been aware of. I promise Rosanne does not disappoint.

Address and cover all bases for the miracles we desire!

This book couldn't have come into my life at a better time! As I turned the next page of my life into my 40's exactly a week ago today, I've reflected on my experiences with trying to get pregnant. Roseanne Austin addressed the very hang ups I've experienced in my marriage while trying. She helped me assess my relationship with my husband and what this crazy journey can cause a relationship to deviate to. I began to realize our balance was off in our marriage. To truly cover all your bases, this book is a must. Best wishes for all us determined ladies for our future miracle babies!

A thoughtful TTC read

Rosanne's book really got me thinking about a part of my TTC journey that I hadn't thought about before--my relationship with my partner. We are solid--I thought I had that checked off the list, at least! But this book has me digging much deeper into the story we've been writing together over the last four years. It helped me identify some important issues that we haven't addressed as a couple, and we're on the road toward filling in those blanks together. Identifying the Megaladon was worth the read alone! This book is for ANYONE who is in a relationship while TTC.


Hands down my favorite part is Chapter 6: Looking under the Rock. Rosanne asks some tough questions to take an objective look at all the creepy crawlies in your relationship that may be blocking your baby. This was wildly eye-opening for me in so many ways. I absorbed this book in two days and now plan to re-read and follow all guidance word for word. Just having awareness of our blocks has already started to cultivate positive change in our relationship!!!


Roseanne has done it again! Her second book "Are We the Reason I'm Not Getting Pregnant" goes another step deeper in identifying the hidden and not often talked about obstacles to getting pregnant. With transparency about her own journey to success, Roseanne challenges us to not overlook the disconnection and resentment that can take over relationships during the fertility journey. I felt less alone, completely understood, and armored up with the tools to remove the blocks and make way for our babies!

A Must Read!

Hands down, Are we the reason I'm not getting pregnant? is an excellent book that invites and offers its reader the space, tools AND support needed on this journey. The journal activities and visualization exercises in this book are well thought out and very helpful! With each page you read, both of Rosanne's books are like having a coach, cheerleader, and trusted friend right by your side. This book is a must read and one of a kind resource!

Must Read!

Reading the book is like having Rosanne in your home talking to you personally. I am the Type A, loveable, control freak she speaks about and I recommend it for anyone who has been struggling with fertility. Her straight to the point writing style makes her points easy to understand and I could not stop reading. There are many examples that make you wonder if she is actually speaking about you. She has made me feel less alone and more confident going forward.

Great book!

This is just what I needed to support me on my journey! After being told by a doctor that I have to use a donor egg, I found this book on my search and it opened up eyes that there is hope and all is not lost! I am in my 40s and went through chemo 5 years ago. Between this book and my fertility doc, I'm ready!


This book is great with tips on dealing with the fertility journey with your partner. I like reading the women’s journey and how they got pregnant after reviewing their relationship.

Infertility in relationships

My husband and I have been together for three and a half years and married since last spring but we started actively trying to get pregnant 2 years ago. I wanted to have one child together before I turned 35 and figured it would be easy; it took one cycle for me to fall pregnant with my first child and two for my second so surely this would be no different. Obviously there was a pretty major gap between my perception of this journey to pregnancy and the reality of it. After reading Rosanne Austin's book "Am I the Reason I'm not Getting Pregnant?" I realized I'd encountered an author who would challenge me to "go there." It pushed me to identify whose influence I was allowing to dictate some of the narrative in my life and writing that "You've wronged me, but I'm not letting that hold me back now and I forgive you for it" letter was one of the most cathartic things I've done in a long time. When she talks about clearing blocks you didn't even consciously acknowledge existed, she's not kidding around. That book helped me to get a medical answer I'd been after for over three long years, reconsider my approach to getting pregnant, change the line-up of my Bump Squad, and it empowered me to reestablish a sense of ownership over a process for which I'd ceded responsibility. When the opportunity came up to read an advance copy of her new book "Are We the Reason I'm not Getting Pregnant?" I jumped at the chance to see how she would address relationships and their role in infertility. She provides a thoughtful and rational framework for addressing one of the biggest challenges in a romantic relationship: reconciling perception with reality. When something like infertility, whether it's primary or as in my case secondary, throws sharp relief on what you thought you understood about yourself and your body, it's no stretch of the imagination to wonder if your relationship really stands where you think it does. Now, I happen to have astigmatism that makes the world a dazzling, starburst-filled tableau when I drive on rainy nights. As cool as that might sound, there's obviously a danger to it because my driver's license says I have to wear my glasses. Rosanne's method of getting at the whole truth is like putting on my glasses; I can take in the good of my relationship (ooh, look at the lights!) and acknowledge the potential problems before they become a catastrophe (hey, those are brake lights, not running lights). As I worked my way through this book, I appreciated how the four big relationship questions she poses in Chapter 6 can apply to your relationship regardless of how long you've been together or you've been trying to become parents (for the first time or again) as a couple. The thing I valued most, however, is how throughout the book the exercises and prompts lead you to eyes-open, glasses-on honesty both with yourself and your partner. My husband knew I was reading this book, so it was easy to ask him questions openly. In spite of my general directness bordering on bluntness, our relationship still has its communications failures and the exercise in Chapter 10 helped me understand why his childhood is a factor in that. If you are ready to gain a clear-sighted view on your relationship and how it factors into building the family of your heart's desire, this book will get you off to an amazing start.

Another loving kick in the right direction from Rosanne....

I've been on a fertility journey for almost seven years now and after having read Rosanne's first book and the nuggets of gold I received from that, I couldn't wait to see what else she could possibly add that would further empower me on my journey. One of my biggest lessons from this book was how to get a lot clearer about how I communicated my desires effectively to my husband and how to work out where you both stand on some of the critical issues that you hold fear on. If you feel like you are disconnected with your husband / partner and not seeing eye to eye but your heart is telling you want you want, Rosanne will help you to work on clearing up the questions & the fear associated in a way that helps you both move forward and work on your relationship with unexpected benefits (not just your baby...). As always I thoroughly enjoy Rosanne's direct, kick me in the ass approach that really helps you think through the important stuff. This is another must read for those on this journey!

Holla at me Type A homies - Rosanne's got our back!

When I heard Rosanne Austin was bringing out a second book, my interest was immediately piqued. She is the one author that I relate to personally, being a recovering Type A personality and micromanager myself! The spin on this book is so cute and ties in really well with her first. That being said, you can read this one as a standalone book. I don't want to give too much away, but this book is totally worth it for one word alone - Megalodon! Her question prompts and exercises are gorgeous too. The book has helped me realise how much I have been living in fear and how much this has impacted my relationship with my husband (who is my person, my absolute soulmate). I had been so busy nursing my ego and my perceived sense of inadequacy that it hadn't even occurred to me that I could let the fear go; and enlist hubby in the process! Thank you Rosanne for a characteristically pithy, candid and loving pep talk in a book. This is definitely a keeper!

Most insightful lady, ever!!

If you want real, down to Earth, straight talking advice, you need to read these books!! Take it from someone who is always in their head, always busy- after reading Rosanne’s first book, it’s forced me to look at myself (which isn’t great) but needs to be done, especially when trying to conceive! My husband and I have been TTC for 2 years and are what the doctors call “normal” and “unexplained infertility” which is just a posh way of saying “we don’t know why it’s not happened yet” so after agonising and torturing myself I saw an ad on Facebook and I took the leap and bought Rosanne’s first book “Am I the reason I’m not getting pregnant“. I had no idea who this lady was, but I can tell you she has helped me enormously, has made take a good hard look at myself- which no wants to do but, hey, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do! We still are waiting on our bundle of joy, but we haven’t lost hope. Rosanne’s first book “Am I the reason I’m not getting pregnant”, after reading it, I realised the mental blockages and pressure I have placed on myself and husband for that matter, which I am changing (I am a perfectionist and very headstrong, so it’s taking some time). I love the realness and honesty of what Rosanne teaches and more importantly, has been through the process herself, so I had to buy the 2nd book “Are we the reason I’m not getting pregnant“ and page 36- Michelle’s story really resonated with me, boundary setting! This, after 2 years, I’ve finally set my boundaries... And I feel great! I would like to thank Rosanne for these wonderful books as well as the podcasts!

A guide for keeping your sanity

I came across Rosanne’s first book at a real low point in our TTC journey. Having read that, my friends and support network said that they really noticed a change in my attitude and approach – that I was a lot more positive and back to being more like myself. That said I still felt that our relationship was still under a massive strain and we weren’t always on the same page. So I was really keen to read Rosanne’s second book. I connected with this book as much as the first – I related to most of the scenarios in there. It’s very easy to dwell on the negative stuff but the exercises in the book help you to focus on, even realise, the positive stuff you are experiencing too. Being a team on this journey is the most important thing. It helped me to realise where our communication, or lack of, wasn’t doing us any favours. We’re about to start another round and this has really helped me to communicate better with my husband, and see that we are on the same page even if we approach it differently. We still have a fair way to go but I think the methods in this book will help us strengthen our relationship. Both of Rosanne’s books gave me a few light bulb moments. The biggest thing for me was the practical tips on how to approach conversations. It’s easy to end up being argumentative, especially when you are you full of hormones. Rosanne’s ideas really help you to take a step back and come at it more calmly. I think both books are a must for anyone struggling with fertility issues.

Fantastic, practical book - a MUST read if you are trying for a baby

My husband and I have been trying to conceive (and keep!) a baby for a little over 3 years now. We have had a number of pregnancy losses pretty much from the start of our journey which we now know is due to sperm DNA fragmentation. I was so excited to get my teeth into this book because while I feel like my husband and I are lucky enough to be best friends and feel like we are in a good place in our relationships, there are always things that could be better. Reading this book made me reflect on how far we have actually come as a couple over the past 3 years; we have gone from not talking much about what we are REALLY thinking, to having open, honest communication when needed. We have gone from wallowing individually in our pain to dealing with it together and having more fun together. Reading this book made me feel increased gratitude for my relationship with my husband. I realised that at many points in our journey we have had to level up and we have had to do that together. This is why one of things that stood out to me about Rosanne’s book is the part about asking scary questions. For 18 months, I took the sole responsibility for our TTC struggles (voluntarily) on my shoulders, believing this to be my issue only, I took this burden emotionally and physically, never asking the question (until 18 months in) “Babe, should we get your DNA fragmentation levels tested?”. It was a scary question to me because I thought it would be embarrassing for me if it came back normal and we proved the point that it was my fault anyway. I nearly let that fear get in the way of us finding answers to guide us in the right directions. Very recently, (literally 2 days ago) we learned that our first IVF cycle was not successful and I had to ask another tough question of my love: “what are you open to doing for us to have our baby? How many IVF cycles? Would you consider donor sperm? Donor embryos?” etc. Each of these tough and scary questions has brought us closer to understanding where we are both at, which is so important on this journey. I love Rosanne’s approach because it is real, tough love with lots of humour to lighten the mood. She has done this work and is encouraging us to do it too, interestingly through asking tough questions of us as readers. Its genius! And so essential. Many of us do not ask tough enough questions to ourselves and to our partners and as a result, so many opportunities for understanding (which brings us closer to ourselves and our significant other) are missed. We don’t ask tough questions because our ego DOES NOT want to hear the answer. That is why I would HIGHLY recommend this book, because it can challenge you in ways that you are unable to do for yourself which in turn will lead to the breakthroughs (big and small) that you need to keep going on this journey with your love.

A must read for any woman on the fertility journey

I’d be willing to bet I am not the only woman asking myself “can Rosanne actually see inside my head?”. It is like she is describing my deepest thoughts about my relationship with my husband. In this book Rosanne has pieced together the patterns she has observed from the thousands of women she has worked with – it turns out there are many universal experiences that we share. You might not identify with every single story, but you can learn from all of them. Her writing style combines her own unique combination of directness and love – it is unmistakably and unashamedly “Rosanne” – allowing you a safe space to ask yourself those tough questions that you might have been hiding away from. Recognising these honest truths is key and the first step to making changes in your life. But she doesn’t stop there. Through her logical and intuitive methodology, Rosanne guides you on what to do with this new-found clarity, giving you actionable tasks to help you along the way. Let’s face it – this journey is tough on both partners and in the face of adversity and struggle any relationship comes under strain. This book is exactly what is needed to remind you precisely WHY you are on this journey in the first place and help you figure out in your heart what you need to do to nurture your relationship and create a loving space for your baby to find you. I am lucky enough to have experienced Rosanne’s methodology and unique insight first-hand. It works and it is life changing. The baby growing in my belly is testament to that.

You need this book (and Rosanne!) in your life...

First off, I’d like to say that Rosanne’s work speaks to me like nothing else has on this fertility journey (and believe me I have been through all the TTC books, websites, podcasts etc that are out there). I’m grateful that she is shining a spotlight on relationships through her latest book as I think it’s an area that can often be relegated from the priority list as we travel what can be a really long road. If you’re worried that you and your other half aren’t on the same page about any aspect of your quest to have a baby then I would really encourage you to read this book. It’s a no nonsense step-by-step guide to navigating your relationship through the inevitable ups and downs that we all face as we negotiate treatments, family interference, money worries and God knows that else! The whole book is brilliant but one of my favourite nuggets was Rosanne’s 80 Percent Rule which is all about progress, not perfection. She encourages you to see it as a win if your partner is getting it right 80% of the a perfectionist, reframing things in this way is already helping me to be less hard on my poor husband! I would encourage you to check Rosanne out on Instagram or listen to her Fearlessly Fertile podcast before you read the book so that you can get a sense of her inimitable style and hear her voice in your head as you work through the exercises. Thank you Rosanne for this book and for all that you do!

Highly recommend

For someone who has been trying to conceive for a long time I found myself drawn into the world of fear, doubt & negativity as each month passed with no result, I then came across Rosanne’s first book ‘Am I the reason I am not getting pregnant’ & must say that was a revelation as for the first time I fully understood how my negative mind set played a big role in my not being able to get pregnant. This book is an extension of Rosanne’s first book as it links the TTC journey to your relationship, I don’t think I can pick a favourite chapter from the book, overall I think reading this book has made me realise even more the importance of a couple working in unison on their fertility journey. Using the knowledge this book has given me I think my relationship with my husband has become stronger & we are both more determined than ever to make this work for us. I would highly recommend the book.

Really helpful for those struggling with infertility

After finding Rosanne Austin’s first book - which featured the powerful words ‘fearlessly fertile’ on the cover - so helpful, I just knew I needed to read this follow up book as well. Fear is such a big factor in the fertility journey, especially over 40, and so anything that can help replace a destructive pattern of thoughts with hope and positivity is a godsend. I have worked through Roseanne’s book and keep returning to it, as well as to her brilliant podcasts, when I feel my mindset needs a positivity boost. I am 45, and have been on my fertility journey for 5 years now. Naturally this long term struggle places a strain on both members of the partnership, and can take its toll on a relationship. As I move forward to donor egg IVF, I know that this second book will also be part of my success strategy, and will help me maintain the strong relationship that is the foundation of the happy family that I dream of.

All set to welcome my little miracle... A Must Read

OMG this book opened up my eyes in so many ways… I knew our relationship changed since we started this journey but I had no idea how to fix it, I wasn’t even sure it was fixable… Thats probably why my favorite chapter was chapter 10… it gave me the courage to speak up to my partner and work on getting our life back. I’m not saying its a done deal… but its definitely on progress now… After learning so much from her first book and her podcasts, I had no other choice than getting my hands on the 2nd one which not only will help me get my little miracle but also an awesome life with my man. Thanks to Rosanne I see things differently, I approach things differently, I became more confident in expressing myself… What I love about Rosanne Austin is that she explains things the way they are, without all the sugar coating and does not feed onto my bs excuses… I totally recommend that book

A retrospective...

Until I hit chapter 4 “us, a retrospective” I could not get into the book, as I thought it was a recap of the first one. Then, the clear, concise and down to earth questions in chapter 4 opened my eyes in what I have learnt so far on my journey and how it was not only pain and disappointment month after month. Shifting the attention from me to my relationship is something I was already working on, but this book reached me at the right moment and provided me with useful tools to explore this new chapter of my journey with ease and serenity. Rosanne’s style of writing is as usual fresh and straight to the point, so no fear you will get something out of reading it.

Must read book to get your mind ready for what’s going to come!

I haven’t been on my journey to conceive for long, just over a year, when I came across Roseanne’s first book. Reading the book and doing the exercises, and attending the online sessions, gave me the tools to take control of my mental state. One area however that still needed some looking after was my relationship with my fiancé. As women, we always carry the burden, but sometimes fail to see how hard it is for them. Roseanne’s book made me look at myself in a new way, and gave me ideas and tools on how to make my relationship stronger. If you want to arm yourself in this journey and take back some control, these are the books for you! You won’t regret it!

Another incredible book

Before I read Rosanne’s books I felt very lost in my fertility journey. What I loved about her latest book was the direct no nonsense approach that felt like she was talking directly to me. In this book Rosanne has shone a torch directly at my blocks that have been hiding in plain sight. The realisation of what my megalodon was and the consideration that my partner would also need a bump squad during this journey are two of the biggest lightbulb moments for me, that I have taken from reading this book. (amongst a million other things.) I can not recommend this book enough, it will give you the tools to make positive changes to your life, relationship and fertility journey.


Reading the book was like a lightbulb moment, the sense of realisation that we had let things go by the way side, but also the feeling of hope and empowerment of knowing that there was something that I can do to help us. The issue spotting exercise was particularly enlightening and really shone a light on the issues to be worked on. Thanks Rosanne for helping me see a way!

Fabulous! Real!

I have been on my fertility journey for seven years now and finding Rosanne and reading her book has given me new hope and belief that there is light at the end of the tunnel and my miracle will come. She speaks the raw and gritty truth and it really feels like she is in your head and understands exactly what you are going through every step of the way. I can’t wait to get in from work and pick the book up and feel excited about our future and Rosanne has made me feel like this.

SO HELPFUL! A 'must read' for anyone TTC!

My husband and I have been on this TTC journey for 15 years...our son was born in year 12 (conceived via our 3rd round of IVF), and now, 3 years later, we have been trying for 2 years for our second child. We had a failed round of IVF a year ago, and are now working towards our 5th round of IVF later this year. THIS BOOK CAME AT THE PERFECT TIME!!! My husband is so tired of trying, and would have thrown in the towel years ago. I, on the other hand, won't stop until my second baby is in my arms. This has caused a LOT of friction and tension in our marriage. Rosanne has BEEN THERE. She has REALLY been there. When reading her books, it's like looking at the inside of my own mind. Her no-nonsense, clear and concise approach is exactly what this type-A, control freak, perfectionist needed to feel hope again, and to have the insight to be able to approach my marriage in a different find the love again, to get re-connected and on the same page, feeling like we are working towards our dreams together. This isn't just a book, it's a work-book...she gives incredible, applicable advice that I could immediately apply to my relationship and thought-provoking, deep-dive journal questions that supported me to do the deeper work on my marriage that needed to be done BEFORE our baby could come to us. THANK-YOU Rosanne!!

A must-read for any couple navigating through the roller coaster world of infertility

You had me hooked (and a little choked up) by the first page! Only someone who’s been through this roller coaster ride could understand how to help someone navigate through it, and Rosanne Austin did that beautifully through this book. I would recommend it to anyone struggling to feel on the same page as their partner through their fertility journey, or to anyone who has lost that loving feeling in their relationship because the traumas of infertility have clouded what they once had together. Along our now 7 year journey to becoming parents we have had many layers of trauma while moving through this marathon. Working through the exercises and visualizations in your book, each one building off the last, helped us face these issues of miscommunication and misunderstandings and realize the fear-based root of our problem... something we had been unsuccessfully trying to do on our own for months. I particularly love how it all comes together in a beautiful symphony in the visualization of chapter 9- seeing how good it can be if we create it and nourish it that way. I can’t thank you enough for the priceless knowledge and lessons learned- they came at exactly the right time. We still have some work to do but thanks to you we’re on our way to being fearless in our relationship so that we’re 100% “all in” together and ready to welcome our baby!

Her work changed my Fertility journey!

There is little attention we pay in our relationship when having issues with fertility. I paid none. We usually think that once we have our baby in our arms our relationship will thrive but I consider now that assumption is nothing but a foolish desire. Dealing with challenges about conceiving makes you face incredible insecurities and dark places in your relationship. You deal with questions you never even dare to think about if you were not in this process. This book helps you face with courage and humility those super hard questions about yourself and your significant other, and takes you to the next level. For me, reading Rosanne has been a life changing experience, not only in the way I see myself, but also the way I see my relationship. Before taking the challenges this book presented to me and my partner, I would not be as ready as I/we are to receive our future baby. Thank you Rosanne for addressing these issues and taking us to places we couldn't get on our own. A must read if you are in the fertility journey!

Highly recommend!

Rosanne Austin's latest book, Are We the Reason I'm Not Getting Pregnant?, addresses an important but often overlooked aspect of the fertility journey-- namely, what do I want my relationship to look like when I come out on the other side of this. My fertility journey, like that of countless others, has been hard. One of the hardest parts has been questioning whether my partner is as committed to the cause as I am, and, even worse, being too afraid to ask. In her book, Rosanne outlines a process to move beyond this fear and ask the tough questions, with numerous tips and insights to address any doubts that might pop up along the way. This book is filled with real life examples, each of which demonstrates that amazing things can happen when we get clear on what we want in our relationships, and take action to realize those goals despite our fears. I would recommend this book to anyone on the fertility journey wanting to ensure that their relationship is as strong as their commitment to the journey itself.

Love this book!!!

I started my fertility journey back in 2008. My ex-husband and I suffered 8 miscarriages from 2008 to 2011. Different tests were done but they could never figure out what the issue was. In 2013 I met my current husband. We have been trying to conceive since 2014 with no luck. In 2018 I lost both my tubes and that is when our IVF journey started. WE had 2 failed IVF cycles in 2019. Right after my last failed cycle, a coworker told me about an ad she had seen on facebook on the first book. She sent me the link and I figured I had tried everything else I might as well read this book. After reading the first book, I was so inspired by Rosanne's story and that just gave me so much hope. I realized I was not alone in this crazy journey. I'm currently 39 and before I read Rosanne's book, my age was a huge concern to me, my friends, family members and every doctor I had seen. I started listening to her podcasts & realized that age wasn't my issue. I was not ready to receive my babies. I am/was truly the reason I was not getting pregnant. I am/was always working on plan A,B,C,D. MY mindset needs a BIG change. Positivity only. Rosanne's 2nd book has taught me how to face & deal with my demons. I have too many saboteurs. Didn't even realize it. The book has taught me how to be honest with my feelings and also let my partner know what I need & want from him and how he can support me and support each other. I had suggested going to a different fertility clinic that was a bit more expensive because I liked the one-on-one attention that I would get there with the same team than seeing whoever is on call where we currently are. He shut down the idea due to the added costs. I agreed to stay where we are at but was not happy with the service that I was getting. After i read chapter 7 "you hold the key'... I realized that it is my responsibility to be in control of my happiness despite the cost. I expressed to him why it is important to me and he understood and agreed. This book has taught me not to just assume your partner knows what you need and want from him. It's important to have open and honest conversations and to be on the same page. I love how Rosanne has used real life stories that we can relate to. The book gave me hope.

Must read!

Throughout the journey of TTC, the most challenging, and if we're being honest, the most overwhelming part is wondering what will happen to our relationship, will it survive? After all, neither one of us started this journey thinking we were going to encounter these delays and setbacks, and is it all just too much? Will we turn inward and suffer alone or will we learn to embrace the journey and look forward together no matter what we face? Will we learn to lean on each other and offer support even if it is just to listen to the other person vent about the endless horse pill size vitamins, the lifestyle changes (ie. giving up alcohol, sushi and the hot tub some of our favourite things), or the stress of all the appointments, treatments and procedures? An unspoken fear of mine was when this miracle baby finally arrives will the damage to our relationship be worth it? Sorry for getting a bit dark there, but that is how I was beginning to feel. I almost wished we had never travelled down this path of TTC at any cost and with any/every intervention. Listening to Rosanne's podcasts and hearing her voice as I read the pages she has written have let me know that I am not alone. The struggle of TTC is very real for many women, like me and you...err for many couples (even though at times it feels like the men, at least on the outside, handle it better and take it in stride). When I read the line where Rosanne says "You taking a stand for the exact relationship you desire isn't just about you mama, it's about your baby. Creating a home worthy of a miracle starts now", it took my breath away! At our low points of this journey where the mounting stress and hormones cause me to snap and him not to respond the way I want/need him to, I wondered whether maybe God doesn't believe our relationship is beautiful/worthy enough to create a child. Reading this book gave me some feeling of control and empowerment back on this seemingly helpless journey. Thanks Rosanne!

The turnaround you need right now!

As a woman in her early thirties and having met the partner of my dreams I never even considered the possibility of having issues with fertility. After trying for over a year and only ever experiencing one early miscarriage, my sense of self and identity were ripped to shreds. It was only after reading Rosanne’s first book that I was able to find my way back to ‘my true self’. Despite my initial misgivings on the title of this second book and the belief my relationship with my partner was perfectly fine thank you, ‘Are we the reason I’m not getting pregnant?’ has once again given me a new perspective on life and my relationship with my husband. With Rosanne’s loving approach to getting to the hard hitting questions and her scary way of getting right inside your mind, I now have a renewed confidence to ask my partner for the things I want most on this journey and the surety of knowing when our baby does come they will be born into a loving and prepared family. As someone who has never read a self-help book in her life I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is worn out by the journey and feeling like she is out of options. There is still a way and someone who believes in you, just open this book. Thank you again Rosanne!!

A must read!!!

My husband and I were trying to conceive for 3 years because we got my amazing daughter! We have been back on the fertility journey for almost a year to conceive our #2. I first found Rosanne on her podcast (if you haven’t listen, you probably should!!), and it was like every single thing she talked about I felt in my bones! I hadn’t met a single person that understood my thoughts so clearly, and felt like I had known her for a lifetime. (I have never met Rosanne, but damn do I want too!!) From there I read her first book, ( again if you haven’t read it you need too!) When I got the chance to read her next book, I didn’t have to think twice. I knew I needed it in my life. Once again it was like she and I had known each other for years. Every single thing she was talking about, I thought about. I hid in my darkest part of my soul; not wanting to let out. It was on one of the first pages that said something that truly hit home. After that I couldn’t put the book down. Thank you Roseanne for writing what we are all thinking in this journey, and through miles, different countries, all over the world makes us all feel connected.

Rosanne helps you remember why you chose your partner!

*My husband and I share an Amazon account, these are my (Alex Krucien) words and not his....though I know he would enjoy this book if he did read it!* The TTC journey is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, regardless of how much effort you put in does not guarantee what you want, when you want! I found Rosanne Austin, at the perfect time in my journey, it was so comforting to know there were people going through similar stages as me and in a no BS kind of way. Just brutal, honest truth, which is what I wanted! After reading Rosanne’s first book, I knew I had to get my hands on this one, and it did not disappoint! I love that it’s so relatable and if you are having issues in your relationship, she’s not like, “dump him and move on” lol She really gets you to dive deep and remember how your relationship started and why you’ve decided to settle down with your partner. Anyone having fertility challenges I feel could relate and really enjoy, which is the main thing, this book! But also for any relationship, why wouldn’t you want to have a stronger bond with your partner?!

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