Anne of Green Gables (AmazonClassics Edition)

Kindle Edition
24 Jul

Eleven-year-old orphan Anne Shirley has just arrived at Green Gables, and already her guardians want to send her back. First, she’s not the boy the Cuthberts expected. Second, she talks too much. And even with her generous spirit, the redhead’s a trouble magnet. She gets the neighbor drunk and nearly poisons the pastor!

Still, despite a rocky start, the fiery Anne wins over her guardians and her new community. She enjoys life at Green Gables, excels in school, and earns a coveted scholarship. But when tragedy hits, Anne must choose between her dreams and the only home she’s ever known.

In this beloved coming-of-age story, Lucy Maud Montgomery drew from her own experiences growing up in Canada during the nineteenth century to introduce generations of readers to one of literature’s most original and inspiring characters.

AmazonClassics brings you timeless works from the masters of storytelling. Ideal for anyone who wants to read a great work for the first time or rediscover an old favorite, these new editions open the door to literature’s most unforgettable characters and beloved worlds.

Revised edition: Previously published as Anne of Green Gables, this edition of Anne of Green Gables (AmazonClassics Edition) includes editorial revisions.

Reviews (210)

A funny and heartfelt classic for all ages

I somehow never got around to reading this book when I was younger -- I was far more into fantasy fiction and somehow assumed it would be a boring read. Now, finally visiting it a an adult, I regret not giving it a chance. It's a delightful read, hilarious and sweet, and while I wish I'd read it as a child it's still a classic that can be enjoyed by all ages. In the town of Avonlea on Prince Edward Island, Matthew and Marilla have decided to adopt an orphan boy to help out on the farm... but thanks to a mix-up they end up with Anne, a feisty and imaginative redhead with a penchant for chatter and romanticism. At first Marilla is determined to send Anne straight back to the orphanage, but reluctantly agrees to let her stay. And soon Anne has won herself a place in Marilla and Matthew's family -- and in the community of Avonlea -- but not without some upsets and misadventures along the way. This book may be a glimpse at an era that has long passed, but it's still highly enjoyable after all these years. It balances out moments of sweetness and pathos with plenty of humor, and while more of a slice-of-life story than anything with a firm story arc it's still highly enjoyable. And if you think that its protagonist being female means it'll be boring, you couldn't be more wrong -- gender doesn't stop kids from getting into trouble, and Anne sees more than her share of escapades. It's also wonderful watching Anne progress as a character. She has her flaws, and her temper and impulsive nature get her into plenty of trouble, but she ultimately has a good heart and she sees real development and growth over the course of the story. Most everyone she meets is a well-developed character as well, and even the ones that seem completely unlikable or set up to be antagonists at first are shown to have positive traits. I did see the unresolved romantic tension between her and Gilbert coming from a mile away, but then, at least the novel does its best to make what I'm sure will be a romance in later volumes develop naturally instead of the insta-love that's so common in YA and teen novels today. "Anne of Green Gables" has endured over the years for a reason, and is still a fantastic read. Full of heart and humor, it still holds up well and can be enjoyed by all ages.

Tender portrait of a very special girl. (AmazonClassics Edition)

Serendipity in a Canadian night, a little waif that was not meant to be find by the Cuthbert siblings. Instead of a boy they find a small girl, a fantastic chatterer with so much fantasy and creativity in her head. Bit by bit she turns the small Avonlea in a kind of personal Camelot. This book is about Anne as a child till she is a teen. She is quite adorable, and her world is fortunately not a harsh one. The author dims the light in male characters, in the positive side it allows the thoughts and events of Anne and girls like her, and the women that teach her or care her, to be seen with a pure female perspective, which to me is refreshing as mostly I read 19th century literature of adventures, in which the characters tend to be heroes in a society in which modesty seemed to separate the genders a bit. It is not negative but natural as a consequence that the men and boys are like a kind of distant ghosts; when they meet terrible ends or sad events is difficult to feel sadness or even interest. I am sure the next books in the series will have more characters of the opposite gender but I wouldn't feel it as special as this one with its pure feminine world. For other side I am not much fan of realism, as Anne herself I like more fantasy, so the personal rating. This is an excellent and book about a wonderful character; there is not cruelty or suffering to spoil her search of happiness, Anne is unforgettable and, as her adoptive mother Marilla felt, I'd wish she had not grown up. The only literature I had read from Canada is a magnificent poet that writes about her natal Montreal, I am happy to have found Lucy Maud Montgomery to know more about that enigmatic country. AmazonClassic editions are in my opinion the best for books written originally in English language (for books written in foreign languages the translations could be a bit outdated) Anne of the Green Gables is professionally formatted and helps to read with comfort, the typography is modern and the always helpful X-Ray function is there to check characters or places. For some mysterious reason AmazonClassics editions don't put the original date of publication, but fortunately here it is in the little biography at the end of the book. What makes AmazonClassic Editions my favorite is that the book has no studies, prefaces or introductions: it is as pure as the author intended it, as if it had been published today.

So glad I finally read this!

Anne of Green Gables is one of those books I always hear about but keep putting off reading because of how many people love it. I did watch the Netflix series Anne with an e before reading this book, but I can assure you that it didn't take away from my reading experience as they are different in several ways and enjoyable on there own and together. Anne is an orphan who has been adopted by the Cuthberts who are needing someone to help out on the farm. The problem is though that they were expecting a boy, so getting a girl instead was a bit of a shock and took some discussing on there part on what to do. While they do end up keeping her mostly because of Matthew having found her quite entertaining due to how she never stopped talking and the way she saw the world with such hope. Marilla, on the other hand, did take some getting used to when it came to their relationship for several different reasons, but we see them all grow as a family and how they all end up helping each other throughout the book. We also get to see Anne make friends and even have a rivalry with a fellow classmate. These were extremely entertaining to see happen at times because of all the trouble they got into, while also being fun and showing a real childhood. None of the characters were acting older than they really were and it was nice to see them actually getting to be their age for a change. I know that isn't something I talk about it books, but it is something I've been noticing more and more recently in some new young adult/middle-grade books. Overall I loved this book. Anne is one of those characters that you want to protect but also find yourself getting annoyed with at times because of the trouble she can get into. The friendships and family dynamic we get to see in this book were so nice to see and I loved how we see Anne and her friends grow up throughout the book. While a lot of Anne's life is packed into this one book, it never felt rushed or like anything was being left out. The only reason I didn't give this book 5 stars is because of what happened at the end to one of the characters. I was not expecting that at all and I wish we had gotten more time with them. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book and what happens in the next stage of Anne's life.

Mini-adventures of a precocious, likeable girl

Sometimes, I just need something sweet, unpretentious and free of cynicism in my life. I don't think anyone, whether they're a pre-teen girl or..well, me...can do wrong by enjoying the little adventures of the endearingly precocious redhead, Anne Shirley. Admittedly, this is way too long of a book for what it is. Anne's adolescence, driving her adoptive parents Matthew and Marilla and all of Avonlea insane until they come to adore her idiosyncrasies, is stretched out for soo long. The fun energy of the electric first chapter when Anne gives Matthew a taste of her oddball young wisdom kinda fizzes at times. That being said...I liked it all. It was rarely too sweet, and Montgomery slips in clever little quips once in a while (I liked that Anne's friend Diana always writes short stories with murderers, because she doesn't know what to do with characters and just kills them off). It's a shame we really don't get a better handle of what the other characters besides Anne and Marilla are like (Diana is loyal but for the most part...kinda dull....which I guess is why the wild and imaginative Anne likes her so much). A preteen, teen, or adult can do a lot worse than read about Anne worming her way into the Cuthberts' hearts. There's not much conflict, but that's ok. Fiery Anne can make herself all the excitement she wants. P.S. Second to last chapter is a tremendous bummer.

Anne of Green Gables

The actual ebook from Kindle was pretty good. No glaring editorial errors, misspellings, etc. The story was disappointing. Having read other high quality young adult books, this one fell short for me. Perhaps it is just a reflection of the time period in which it was written. Obviously, many other people have loved this book, and they are welcome to their opinions.

A treasure

This title came up on a list of 100 must-read classics and it did not disappoint. I won't review the plot but rather the utterly magnificent descriptive powers of the author. Paint a picture of pastoral beauty? Check. Describe a landscape of unparalleled wonder? Check. Never before have I fell more in love with a fictional setting than in this novel. A total revelation. For me. And Anne Shirley herself was a remedy for me in this tough time of Covid and political divide. Such a lovely, lovely being. The end.

A sweet nice fun read

I had fun reading this book. Wish I read it when I was younger. It makes me want to continue with the series. It’s definitely a “character development” book vs plot and it does get slow in some parts but worth finishing to the end. It’s a perfect quick fun read if you feel you’re in between read and need a clean pallet. You’ll fall in love.

A Covid-19 Escape

This is a good old fashioned book that is full of charm and a bit of nostalgia. It tells the tale of Anne Shirley, an orphan girl who is adopted into a the home of a brother and sister living in Prince Edward Island in Canada in past-times. The setting is idyllic and the story tells of innocent times. It is very well written; the author clearly loves nature. What's best about reading this book now is the timing: in these anxiety provoking and pandemic dominated times, filled with social turbulence, this book offers a very pleasant and lovely escape.

A Story for All Time

Wonderful, happy story, sure to leave an optimistic song in your heart. Almost gave it five stars just for the messages of hope and duty, combined with the character development and plot threads that draw a reader in. But I knocked off a star due to the truly "flowery" language - literally so many flowers I became distracted with the Thomas Kinkaid, painterly world she created. Place is utterly critical to a story, and in my own Japanese themed novel, I made it very central to the story, but in this novel, it just overwhelmed. But then, it was 1908 and WWI had not yet happened. . . .

Memorable and Spunky Heroine with a Vivid Imagination

I read this book many times as a child. Anne with an "E" is a very memorable heroine, especially in the first two to three books in the series written by LM Montgomery. Her precocious and spunky attitude and her vivid imagination makes her a charming unforgettable character. I've reread this book several times as an adult and still find the book to be nostalgic and fun, although the funny hijinks is geared more towards the younger folk. This is overall a very easy read that you should read to your little girls.

A funny and heartfelt classic for all ages

I somehow never got around to reading this book when I was younger -- I was far more into fantasy fiction and somehow assumed it would be a boring read. Now, finally visiting it a an adult, I regret not giving it a chance. It's a delightful read, hilarious and sweet, and while I wish I'd read it as a child it's still a classic that can be enjoyed by all ages. In the town of Avonlea on Prince Edward Island, Matthew and Marilla have decided to adopt an orphan boy to help out on the farm... but thanks to a mix-up they end up with Anne, a feisty and imaginative redhead with a penchant for chatter and romanticism. At first Marilla is determined to send Anne straight back to the orphanage, but reluctantly agrees to let her stay. And soon Anne has won herself a place in Marilla and Matthew's family -- and in the community of Avonlea -- but not without some upsets and misadventures along the way. This book may be a glimpse at an era that has long passed, but it's still highly enjoyable after all these years. It balances out moments of sweetness and pathos with plenty of humor, and while more of a slice-of-life story than anything with a firm story arc it's still highly enjoyable. And if you think that its protagonist being female means it'll be boring, you couldn't be more wrong -- gender doesn't stop kids from getting into trouble, and Anne sees more than her share of escapades. It's also wonderful watching Anne progress as a character. She has her flaws, and her temper and impulsive nature get her into plenty of trouble, but she ultimately has a good heart and she sees real development and growth over the course of the story. Most everyone she meets is a well-developed character as well, and even the ones that seem completely unlikable or set up to be antagonists at first are shown to have positive traits. I did see the unresolved romantic tension between her and Gilbert coming from a mile away, but then, at least the novel does its best to make what I'm sure will be a romance in later volumes develop naturally instead of the insta-love that's so common in YA and teen novels today. "Anne of Green Gables" has endured over the years for a reason, and is still a fantastic read. Full of heart and humor, it still holds up well and can be enjoyed by all ages.

Tender portrait of a very special girl. (AmazonClassics Edition)

Serendipity in a Canadian night, a little waif that was not meant to be find by the Cuthbert siblings. Instead of a boy they find a small girl, a fantastic chatterer with so much fantasy and creativity in her head. Bit by bit she turns the small Avonlea in a kind of personal Camelot. This book is about Anne as a child till she is a teen. She is quite adorable, and her world is fortunately not a harsh one. The author dims the light in male characters, in the positive side it allows the thoughts and events of Anne and girls like her, and the women that teach her or care her, to be seen with a pure female perspective, which to me is refreshing as mostly I read 19th century literature of adventures, in which the characters tend to be heroes in a society in which modesty seemed to separate the genders a bit. It is not negative but natural as a consequence that the men and boys are like a kind of distant ghosts; when they meet terrible ends or sad events is difficult to feel sadness or even interest. I am sure the next books in the series will have more characters of the opposite gender but I wouldn't feel it as special as this one with its pure feminine world. For other side I am not much fan of realism, as Anne herself I like more fantasy, so the personal rating. This is an excellent and book about a wonderful character; there is not cruelty or suffering to spoil her search of happiness, Anne is unforgettable and, as her adoptive mother Marilla felt, I'd wish she had not grown up. The only literature I had read from Canada is a magnificent poet that writes about her natal Montreal, I am happy to have found Lucy Maud Montgomery to know more about that enigmatic country. AmazonClassic editions are in my opinion the best for books written originally in English language (for books written in foreign languages the translations could be a bit outdated) Anne of the Green Gables is professionally formatted and helps to read with comfort, the typography is modern and the always helpful X-Ray function is there to check characters or places. For some mysterious reason AmazonClassics editions don't put the original date of publication, but fortunately here it is in the little biography at the end of the book. What makes AmazonClassic Editions my favorite is that the book has no studies, prefaces or introductions: it is as pure as the author intended it, as if it had been published today.

So glad I finally read this!

Anne of Green Gables is one of those books I always hear about but keep putting off reading because of how many people love it. I did watch the Netflix series Anne with an e before reading this book, but I can assure you that it didn't take away from my reading experience as they are different in several ways and enjoyable on there own and together. Anne is an orphan who has been adopted by the Cuthberts who are needing someone to help out on the farm. The problem is though that they were expecting a boy, so getting a girl instead was a bit of a shock and took some discussing on there part on what to do. While they do end up keeping her mostly because of Matthew having found her quite entertaining due to how she never stopped talking and the way she saw the world with such hope. Marilla, on the other hand, did take some getting used to when it came to their relationship for several different reasons, but we see them all grow as a family and how they all end up helping each other throughout the book. We also get to see Anne make friends and even have a rivalry with a fellow classmate. These were extremely entertaining to see happen at times because of all the trouble they got into, while also being fun and showing a real childhood. None of the characters were acting older than they really were and it was nice to see them actually getting to be their age for a change. I know that isn't something I talk about it books, but it is something I've been noticing more and more recently in some new young adult/middle-grade books. Overall I loved this book. Anne is one of those characters that you want to protect but also find yourself getting annoyed with at times because of the trouble she can get into. The friendships and family dynamic we get to see in this book were so nice to see and I loved how we see Anne and her friends grow up throughout the book. While a lot of Anne's life is packed into this one book, it never felt rushed or like anything was being left out. The only reason I didn't give this book 5 stars is because of what happened at the end to one of the characters. I was not expecting that at all and I wish we had gotten more time with them. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book and what happens in the next stage of Anne's life.

Mini-adventures of a precocious, likeable girl

Sometimes, I just need something sweet, unpretentious and free of cynicism in my life. I don't think anyone, whether they're a pre-teen girl or..well, me...can do wrong by enjoying the little adventures of the endearingly precocious redhead, Anne Shirley. Admittedly, this is way too long of a book for what it is. Anne's adolescence, driving her adoptive parents Matthew and Marilla and all of Avonlea insane until they come to adore her idiosyncrasies, is stretched out for soo long. The fun energy of the electric first chapter when Anne gives Matthew a taste of her oddball young wisdom kinda fizzes at times. That being said...I liked it all. It was rarely too sweet, and Montgomery slips in clever little quips once in a while (I liked that Anne's friend Diana always writes short stories with murderers, because she doesn't know what to do with characters and just kills them off). It's a shame we really don't get a better handle of what the other characters besides Anne and Marilla are like (Diana is loyal but for the most part...kinda dull....which I guess is why the wild and imaginative Anne likes her so much). A preteen, teen, or adult can do a lot worse than read about Anne worming her way into the Cuthberts' hearts. There's not much conflict, but that's ok. Fiery Anne can make herself all the excitement she wants. P.S. Second to last chapter is a tremendous bummer.

Anne of Green Gables

The actual ebook from Kindle was pretty good. No glaring editorial errors, misspellings, etc. The story was disappointing. Having read other high quality young adult books, this one fell short for me. Perhaps it is just a reflection of the time period in which it was written. Obviously, many other people have loved this book, and they are welcome to their opinions.

A treasure

This title came up on a list of 100 must-read classics and it did not disappoint. I won't review the plot but rather the utterly magnificent descriptive powers of the author. Paint a picture of pastoral beauty? Check. Describe a landscape of unparalleled wonder? Check. Never before have I fell more in love with a fictional setting than in this novel. A total revelation. For me. And Anne Shirley herself was a remedy for me in this tough time of Covid and political divide. Such a lovely, lovely being. The end.

A sweet nice fun read

I had fun reading this book. Wish I read it when I was younger. It makes me want to continue with the series. It’s definitely a “character development” book vs plot and it does get slow in some parts but worth finishing to the end. It’s a perfect quick fun read if you feel you’re in between read and need a clean pallet. You’ll fall in love.

A Covid-19 Escape

This is a good old fashioned book that is full of charm and a bit of nostalgia. It tells the tale of Anne Shirley, an orphan girl who is adopted into a the home of a brother and sister living in Prince Edward Island in Canada in past-times. The setting is idyllic and the story tells of innocent times. It is very well written; the author clearly loves nature. What's best about reading this book now is the timing: in these anxiety provoking and pandemic dominated times, filled with social turbulence, this book offers a very pleasant and lovely escape.

A Story for All Time

Wonderful, happy story, sure to leave an optimistic song in your heart. Almost gave it five stars just for the messages of hope and duty, combined with the character development and plot threads that draw a reader in. But I knocked off a star due to the truly "flowery" language - literally so many flowers I became distracted with the Thomas Kinkaid, painterly world she created. Place is utterly critical to a story, and in my own Japanese themed novel, I made it very central to the story, but in this novel, it just overwhelmed. But then, it was 1908 and WWI had not yet happened. . . .

Memorable and Spunky Heroine with a Vivid Imagination

I read this book many times as a child. Anne with an "E" is a very memorable heroine, especially in the first two to three books in the series written by LM Montgomery. Her precocious and spunky attitude and her vivid imagination makes her a charming unforgettable character. I've reread this book several times as an adult and still find the book to be nostalgic and fun, although the funny hijinks is geared more towards the younger folk. This is overall a very easy read that you should read to your little girls.

This series is worth more than 5 stars!!

Anne of Green Gables is a series of books that is almost impossible to stop reading! I would give it 20 stars if I could!! This series is excellent for any age group! The characters are great and the storyline is heartwarming, funny, sweet, and unforgettable! I heartily recommend this series!!!!

The Most Fun Classic Book to Read

Maude Montgomery brought all the characters in her book to life. I like to put a face on them, and this is possible through her writing. Anne 's attitude toward life was so positive, it made me look at my life experiences in a positive manner. Anne saw good in every situation. I have downloaded several more of Montgomery's books. Anne of Green Tables was so much fun to read, and I look forward to reading more about her life.

One of my all-time favorites!

Though a little heavier on poetic description than contemporary stories, it's still a delightful character study of how the unloved orphan Anne Shirley grows into a loved and loving teenager.

Excellent writing quality, standing the test of time

This is a classic work I never read as a child. Set in turn of the last century Prince Edward Island (PEI), I identified with the bucolic setting of the farm, which reminded me of my husband’s family farm. The vocabulary and story telling were intense. The story starts out slowly, but the ending keeps the reader wanting more. Onward to the next volume. I will be in PEI tomorrow and will visit the house that inspired the novel.

Five stars don't seem to do this beautiful book justice.

This book is exactly what I needed at this point in my life. The poignant tale of a little freckled, red-haired girl growing up. Leaving childhood. But never forgetting the days of blissful youth, lingering still as she matures. This book made me cry. It made me laugh. It gave me thrills that shot through my heart and made my soul sing. I can't imagine my life now without Anne. The world is a better place because of the story about a starry-eyed girl in Avonlea.


I gravitate to science fiction or theology books. Never in my wildest dreams would i hand thought that i would enjoy such a whimsical story of delight! We read it in my 9th grade English class. Now everyone wants to read the next!

Great Read

I love the movie done by PBS and I loved this book. It's a refreshing look at life in the bygone years, the value of family, and the ability to find good in everyone.

Wonderful Book!

I ordered "Anne of Green Gables" to read because it is on the PBS Great American Read list. I honestly did not expect to like it. I figured it would be sappy and juvenile. IT IS WONDERFUL! Anne is such a delightful character as are the people who surround her. If you have not read this, it is really worth your time.

Green gables

This a nice book to warm your heart. The only thing I didn't like about this thoughtful book the need thought it to use words that were just to much. I know that was what true book was portraying the young Anne but she grew so should her need to us words of such size and understanding. Really like this. Want to read the others inn the set.

Classically Brilliant

This is a fabulous coming of age book. It's enjoyable the characters lovable and the storyline believable. Anne is most definitely a fierce friend who's determined, focused and an extremely imaginative soul all rolled into one red haired, freckled, lovable character. Do yourself a favour and read it.

A book about life.

The reminder of childhood wonder and fantasy is refreshing. How we view the world helps put our troubles in perspective. The need for a mentor in one's life, although not required, helps guide and direct. (Lucky are the people who have had one.) I missed out on reading this book in school. (To many other things I thought were more important than reading.) As I get older I realize 'Classical Literature' has passed the test of time. Well worth the time to read.

Love this book I've read it many times

This a classic for good reason. It's such a fresh view of a child's perspective. It also isn't all happy and frivolous. It's more realistic yet hopefully. Imagination will set you free!

Favorite Classic ever!!

I am so glad I finally read this book. Well I actually listened to the audiobook of it while following along on my kindle and I think the Narrator did an amazing job at portraying the characters, especially Anne. This book was just so adorable and I found myself crying toward the end.

Oh I loved this book.

Anne is such a dreamer, romantic and optimist that it makes for a good story. I have always wanted to read some of the classics and am now able to read them.

Lovely read!

After watching the Anne with an E series I decided to read the book and thoroughly enjoyed it! One of many classics I have never read.

A Beautiful Dreamer

As charming as she is Anne of Green Gables makes you fall in love with her not for her wit, but for her wholehearted love of life and the beauty of this world. She hates and loves with intense power for a little girl. I cried and smiled often during this story and I am so glad I finally read it.

Heartwarming story of an orphaned girl

A classic. I thought that toward the end of the story, time went much too quickly in the book, from season to season, and the characters became less well developed. But a heartwarming story nonetheless. However, it left me with no desire to read the next in the series, anne of Avonlea.

What a wonderful character!!

Such a joy to read! Love it! Haven't enjoyed a book this much in a long time! Can't wait to read the rest of the series.

Thus book is not saccharine as I thought that it would be. Themes and dreams are still germaine to today's society.

I loved Anne's spirit of determination. I loved the author's ability to put Anne's imagination in words. Rather feministic for the day. Great to watch the narrative grow as Anne does. There were no negatives.

So very glad to visit an old friend

I am 72 years old and is wonderful to go back and read the books from my childhochildhood this is such a beautiful book

Great Classic book

I am 69 years old and this is the 1st time reading this book and I love it. I am reading the others, also!

Fun to read an old favorite

I read Anne of Green Gables as a girl 70 years ago. The book is well written and so full of elaborate descriptions. It was a joy to bring back good memories.

A truly beautiful book

It is wonderful when you can read a book that both delights and inspires you, This classic book has been read and enjoyed by millions of people throughout the world. Anne of Green Gables is a story of an imaginative, intelligent and sweet girl who embraces, examines and excels in life, Such a good example she provides for young and old. ENJOY!

Good read

I enjoyed reading this classic novel. Great to imagine living in those times..Anne with an E was an inspiration to those around her.

Great Classic

Love the Anne of Green Gables books.

Great novel

LMM describes PEI with so much love and joy, its sounds like a beautiful place to grow up. This novel has had many adaptations throughout the years but the latest one Anne With An E is a faithful modern take on a novel so beloved after a century.

Of course it’s a classic!

I’m a 60 yr old woman, finally reading this classic novel. I want to share this with my granddaughter and I’d love to see a movie or video interpretation Excellent sweet story!

Good book overall!

This book has been a great read! I would recommend this for anyone looking for a soulful selection with plenty of events to make you laugh and cry. P.S. When reading, prepare to be captured in an entirely new world full of wonders unimagined, visions captured, and dreams created and won.

Fun book for kids, 7 year old boys love it

Sweet book with lots of big, colorful words. My 7 year olds are enjoying Anne's verbose character. Some old fashioned references to men and women and lots of period language, but overall a great read.

Anne lives on

This has to be one of the best books ever written. It shaped my entire childhood. I've been on the lookout for kindred spirits ever since. The perfect story for girls and women with big imaginations.

Anne is always good

Love this! Read most in one sitting at coffee on kindle on phone.

A classic

Such a lovely book. Very well written. It gives the reader an entirely new perspective about life! A great story for all ages.

Didn't want it to ever end.

Beautifully written. Transports you into a wonderful place. Excellent character development and story. A page turner that you want to continue on.

Childhood favorite

Read this for bookclub and it brought me back to my childhood reading about loquacious Anne Shirley and her red hair. Oh I forgot how much I love her, Marilla, and Matthew.

Anne of green gables(Amazon classics edition)

Really enjoyed Anne of green gables. Very well written. It shall be very interesting to see what happens next. Can't wait.


Fun awesome classic really enjoyable and entertaining it is also full of funny moments and touching sweet moments really loved this

It was wonderful to FINALLY read one of the classics I never ...

It was wonderful to FINALLY read one of the classics I never got to as a child! I just bought the entire set to see how the story unfolds

Must read!

This book is a must read for anyone who needs a heartwarming story to lift their spirits. It’s absolutely wonderful.

Good read

Read this when I was younger, still a captivating book. Enjoy the ending of memories showing up in book. Also enjoy the word play (making up names) and imagination.

The Essential Anne

Anne has lived in my heart for over 35 years, helping me see the humor and beauty in life. I am thrilled she is still reaching readers who may need her just as much as I do.

Great Novel of Yesteryear home town and heroine!

Love Anne and Enthusiasm...wonderfully written and I cried throughout...very powerful.


Amazing book. Very well written. A beautiful depiction of life at those times. An insight on their mindsets and ways of living. Anne’s personality inspires the reader to enjoy the little silly things of everyday life and stop taking love and family for granted.

Holds up well

I decided to read it again after 20 years. Loved it as much the second time around. The ending seems a little rushed, maybe I just wasn't ready for it to end!

Anne with an “E”

Anne of Green Gables was a relaxing, fun read. I hope to read the complete series

Simply beautiful

I had to read this book in high school. I enjoyed it then but I really did get all of it. Reading it as an adult is like reading a new book. It's simply beautiful. I'm in love with Anne.

Anne is my favourite literary character!

A story that stands the test of time, Anne is a joy. Having read her story many times, the reread still makes me laugh, makes me cry. Lynn

All is right with the world.

A wonderful coming of age book. To see the blooms and the sunset from the eyes of one who appreciates them is a gift.


What a lovely book with beautiful writing and wonderful characters. The descriptions of nature are gorgeous. Anne is the quintessential girl, just like Huck Finn. Perfection.

A Classic that can be read over & over.

A Classic !!! Nothing but good clean book, it makes you laugh & cry.

Heart warming

Good story

Anne of green gables

This was a very good book. I felt like it was very sweet and the characters were very lovable. I think it might have been a little too long. But its a classic for a reason!

I understand why it is a classic

I liked this book, but I missed the Anne who told off Mrs. Lynda by the end. She grew up too fast.

Must Read

Classic !

loved this book

I just got lost in this book and hardly put it down....

The descriptions of the PEI scenery are vivid and one can easily share Anne's fascination

This is not the type of book I usually go for, but still I found this to be quite an enjoyable read. The descriptions of the PEI scenery are vivid and one can easily share Anne's fascination. The characters are endearing and while the general plot is rather predictable, the individual events are interesting and at times funny enough to keep the reader's attention.


Loved it as a child; love it as an adult.

Still a Delight

Read these books as a young girl, fifty years later, just as delightful! Recommend to anyone that loves to read!

Great book. I have also watched the movie

Great book. I have also watched the movie. Of course the book is much more detailed. Warm story.

Great book

I loved how Anne was a very precocious child especially in the beginning but by the end of the book she seemed well on her way to being grown up

Thank you for the book.

Thank you for the book.

Anne’s Green Gables is wonderful

I hadn’t read this book since I was a young girl. It thrilled me as much now as it did then. A wonderful story of hope.

Anne of Green Gables

Liked everything. Great story.

Loved this book. I read all of them in the series.

I read all six of the books in the series. They were very enjoyable.


I read this book as a child and now that I've been able to read it again I'm delighted. Couldn't put down until the end.

Five Stars

8 year old 1st grader loved this novel and was finished in days.


This book was so good! I really liked the various characters. I can't wait to read more of this series!

Wonderful classic book.

Loved the characters especially Anne.She had spunk.

Five Stars

E-book. Came instantly to the Amazon Fire tablet. Classic book.

Great story


Purdy good

Purdy good

An interesting book

This book has a lot of ups and downs a great mix or combo! Such a good book! I like it allot! :)

Five Stars

This is a basic required read, especially for girls.

I absolutely loved it.

Anne is one of those people who are similar to ourselves or one of our friends. Each chapter was its own story yet complimented each other. Splendid.

First book great series

Great read great series


Will always be a favorite of mine. Anne is my kindred spirit and I so wish I had her fiery hair!

For all ages

Beautifully written, great character development, funny, heartwarming and inspiring. I am eager to read the rest of the series.


This book was inspirational and moving. Surprised I never heard about it as a young girl.


Such a lovely story with plot lines that readers can easily identify with today, despite the fact that the story is more than 100 years old. The characters are easy to know and love. Great story!

Five Stars

Outstanding every time you read it

Love this story!

It's a classic for a reason.

Five Stars

love book and movie

Anne of green gables

Didn’t read it

Story is as good as ever, but...

Lots of typos and words added that aren't in the original, which is a bit annoying. But what can you expect from something that is free?

Great Story

A wonderful story, loved it!!!

Five Stars

Great !!

Finally read this!

Instant download to my Kindle at no cost, loved this book!

I have read this book over and over

This is a book I will treasure forever. I have read this books dozens of times and I still absoulely love it!

Look forward to the rest of the series.

Glad I finally read this book. I'll definitely recommend it to the young readers in my life.

Anne of Green Gables

I loved it I still need to watch the bonus CD but it was great to see all 3 movies series.

Five Stars

Always enjoy this book!

Forever grateful

Anne's' display of gratitude was absolutely beautiful throughout the chapters.

Five Stars

Great book

Loved it!

I laughed and I cried. Beautifully simple. I'm going to find more from Montgomery. I will read this to my daughter. Oddly current in this time of women empowerment. I love it!

A Canadian masterpiece

It was a sweet read full of depth, fantasy, and the vagaries of human nature. A very sweet read for those who like to think the best of others.

Great read. Everyone should read all the Anne of Green Gables books.

I'm going to read all of this series. I'm on the second book now and loving it as much as the first one.

Such a pretty story

Very good book. Wish I had got to known the book when I was a kid myself. But the story resonate with all ages I guess... It makes you appreciate all the little things in life and be grateful.

Would read again

L.M. Montgomery's language is stunning and Anne is such an endearing character. I'll probably reread this soon. Definitely a favorite


i enjoyed the story

Great Classic story

Well written. Very detailed imagery. Classic and sweet story. To be enjoyed by children and adults. Few books are as well written today.

First book that made me fall in love with reading way back when!

Reminded me of why I became a teacher - imagination and hope no matter what life is like. Very inspirational!

One of my favorite book of all time

Read Anne of Green Gables many times as a kid. Was reading it for the first time as an adult. It was even better than I rememberd. Just love it!


A wonderfully written uplifting, and timeless novel. A pleasure to enjoy this!

❤️❤️❤️❤️ one of my favorite books of all time!

Love this book and series so much! It is a great read! Entertaining, dramatic, happy, sad- it makes you feel for the characters.

One f the best books I have read


Classic, made me laugh and cry.


Five Stars

Love this book, highly recommend !

Outstanding show!

Excellent writing and acting.


Beautiful story

One of my favorites.

I love this series.

Five Stars

Great read for all ages!

Five Stars

Great story and acting.

Five Stars

It is a classic

Stellar Easy to Read Classic

For those who have never heard of Anne of Green Gables, this story is about an orphan girl who grows up on Prince Edward Island, Canada. I have watched the Anne of Green Gables movies and the Road to Avonlea series growing up, but never read the books. (Side note if you're going to watch the movies, do yourself a favor and watch the one from Sullivan Entertainment. You won't be disappointed). L.M. Montgomery does a magnificent job describing the scenery and background of things taking place. There were moments when reading that I was captivated by the descriptions that I almost felt as though I were a character watching all of these things unfold! These were moments when I could see the sunrises or sunsets, smell the flowers that were blooming, or laying in the grassy field where this was taking place. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of this book. If you're looking for an easy classic to read and enjoy, this would be a stellar option!

Charming and Educational

Anne is such a free spirit that you fall in love with her immediately. She is kind, considerate, with a startling imagination. She wins over the good people who adopt her. The author gives a great description of the people who are neighbors. Truly a classic. Easy Lentil Soup With Lemon Zest, Garlic, and Parsley The secret to a flavor-packed lentil soup? Gremolata: a mixture of parsley, lemon zest, and garlic. [Photographs: J. Kenji Lopez-Alt] YIELD: Makes about 2 quarts, serving 3 to 4 ACTIVE TIME: 25 minutes TOTAL TIME: 1 1/2 hours RATED: THIS RECIPE APPEARS IN: Gremolata is the Secret to the Tastiest Simple Lentil Soup An easy lentil soup is packed with flavor thanks to a dual-use mixture of parsley, garlic, and lemon zest that gets added both before and after cooking. Why this recipe works: We keep it simple with just basic aromatics and good stock as the background for dried lentils. A mixture of parsley, garlic, and lemon zest combined with olive oil goes into the vegetables as they are sautéed and also gets stirred into the soup just before serving for maximum flavor. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: microplane grater, large Dutch oven, immersion blender or standing blender READING OPTIONS: COOKING MODE INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons grated zest and 2 tablespoons juice from 1 to 2 lemons 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley leaves 6 medium cloves garlic, minced (about 2 tablespoons) 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil, divided Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 large leek, white and pale green parts only, finely chopped (about 1 cup) 1 medium onion, finely diced (about 1 cup) 1 large carrot, peeled finely diced (about 1 cup) 2 stalks celery, finely diced (about 1 cup) 1 pound dried brown or Puy lentils 2 bay leaves 2 quarts homemade or store-bought low-sodium chicken stock or vegetable stock DIRECTIONS 1. Combine lemon zest, parsley, garlic, and half of olive oil in a medium bowl and stir with a fork until homogenous. Season to taste with salt and pepper and set aside. 2. Heat remaining olive oil in a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add leek, onion, carrot, and celery and cook, stirring frequently, until softened but not browned, about 5 minutes. Add half of parsley-lemon mixture and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add lentils and stir until coated in oil. Add bay leaves and stock. Bring to a boil, reduce to a bare simmer, cover with lid slightly cracked, and cook until lentils are completely tender and falling apart, about 1 hour, adding water as necessary (lentils should be fully covered at all times). 3. Using a hand blender, blend soup until as smooth as desired. Alternatively, transfer half of soup to a standing blender, blend until smooth, and fold back into remaining soup. Whisk in lemon juice and season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve, drizzling extra lemon-parsley mixture on top of each serving. Soup can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Oct 14, 2014 2:15PMw

Beautiful cover and beautiful story!!!

The cover is beautiful! It’s a pretty small book but it adds to the cuteness factor of it. As for the story... I cannot begin to explain how much this book made me laugh and cry and think and feel. I’ve never read such a book like this before. Every character is so unique, and Anne is just so pure, funny, wise, and full of life. This book deserves so much praise and love.

Not just for kids- for anyone who needs cheering up!

I thought this series might be too childish for me- but was I surprised! What an uplifting, fun and creative series. Anne is a tremendous colorful force of liberated emotionality in a drab Puritan culture. I was so sad this only lasted 3 seasons. The book series goes much further. I find I am talking differently, more like Anne. The series is exploring feminism and gender issues way before they were cool. I miss them all!

Positive Messages

This story is an incredibly powerful one that I wished all people would hear. It is, of course, very, very positive for the young girl or boy as it tells a clever story about a clever girl. It is extremely soothing, as an adult, to listen to this very well-written and entertaining story. If you have only seen this on tv, the reading of the book is really going to make the story even more enjoyable. I highly recommend this book.


Now in my 60s, I somehow missed Anne of Green Gables when I was young. I picked it up to read as I worked my way through the Great American Read List of the top 100 best loved novels. I expected this to be a simplistic story and even told my 9-year-old granddaughter that I was reading a story she might like. After finishing, while my Ella would thoroughly enjoy this, there is no way she or any other young person can note and appreciate all the nuances of human behavior so beautifully etched out or the prosaic and clever language and dialogue. I once taught leadership to high school students, and as I read this story I thought of all the life lessons and parables for living so artfully woven into the story which I tried to teach young, impressionable student leaders. I think I will take some time to absorb this story and then listen to the audible version. I am enchanted.

Anne is the story to read when I need to love the world again.

When the world weighs heavily, reading of Anne stories with an "e" reminds me what it really ought to mean to be human. Beauty and faults, dreams and loving reality. No book gives me "that queer little ache" like this one. It makes me wish I were a better person.

Excellent narration

I'd never read the story so picked up the audiobook for a trip to PEI. Surprised to find that it's actually beautifully written, and delighted to hear the excellent narration which took me right into the characters and setting. It drew me in in a way that the PBS series did not.

I missed out

Such a great book. I wish I could read it again for the first time. I loved the movies and show but the book was by far better. The ending has me in tears but also smiling. I really can’t wait to read the rest of Anne’s story.

Such a thrill

I can see why this is a classic that can be held against the test of time. It is so beautifully written and the characters and little adventures or rather misadventures described in great detail, it encores the deepest emotions! I think this is my favorite book I have ever read.

Comments from a reader

This is a good read for orphans. I liked how Anne is a fun loving girl. It will also inspire orphans to live a normal life.

Very positive and inspiring

This book gets your attention and interests from the first chapter, which is not very common, let’s be honest. It’s amazingly light and cheerful at the same time brings the always asking questions about morality and meanings of life. Highly recommend

My favorite

My all-time favorite book, though I believe this version is abridged -- it's free on Amazon and not a very high quality at all. The text itself is so lovely though; I did miss my old friends.

Wonderful story!

Anne’s imagination and the scrapes she gets into are hilarious! You feel as though you walk along with her from her first moments of being so frightened through the years of growing up in Green Gables. Such a heartwarming story.

Great book

I loved the enthusiastic attitude of Anne. You just grow to love each character and remember the wonder of life through the eyes of a young child. Girls of all ages will love this book. The underlying story of the redemption of an orphan’s difficult beginnings will melt your heart and remind you of what still right about this world. You’ll also see the lesson that it’s better to give than receive from her adoptive guardians over and over.... a must read and total 5 star in my book!

Better than I remembered

The take offs turned me off. I felt they were redundant and boring. I had forgotten that the novel moves faster and is a wonderful transition from a young child to a beautiful and wise young woman


Great story. Watched Anne with an E series. The book tells most of that story.classic read. Recommend. Classic story .

A Classic You’ll Enjoy Reading

Oh how I wish I had read Anne of Green Gables as a young girl! The sweet innocence, the childlike sense of romance, the love of friends and family — this book has it all! It should be required reading for middle schoolers.

Anne of Green Gables

A coming of age story with emphasis on family, friendship and dreams. This book is intended for young adult or intermediate youth readers.

Fun and cute

A great read about a young, sprightly, talkative girl adopted by an older couple and about her being raised and blossoming into as wonderful woman.


I do not recall ordering this book. However, I found it to be delightful - even for an octogenarian. Books written during this period were well thought out and crafted.

Great read

This is a classic work of the past and present. My grand daughter got this book for her birthday last month and the epic story lives on. It is with endearment that I have read this book and pass it on to the next generation!

Just as wonderful as when you first read it...

Anne of Green Gables is, of course, a classic and just as wonderful as when you first read it years ago. Vibrant, imaginative, full of beautiful vistas and sparkling conversations and all the mischief you remember!

Excellent book

I never read this book as a child, but I fully enjoyed it as an adult. The narrator was well cast.

It was fantastic

I read Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm and it just didn’t match up with this. Anne had a nice ending and it wasn’t confusing, and I can’t say the same for Rebecca.

Classics are great.

Nothing replaces the classics. There’ve been many shows based on the books about Anne. But nothing is as good as reading it yourself.

A must read classic

Beautiful story telling and scenery. Anne makes people around her feel alive as she touches their lives with her vitality and her scope for imagination. Some scenes brought tears to my eyes as the writing felt so real, so authentic.

It is a great book!!!

I love that I was able to listen to the story as I drove to work everyday. I don't have a lot of time for reading and it was nice to take that morning commute to relax before go into work. I read the book as a child and it brought back great memories. Now I am ready for the next book.

How have I never read this book before??

This really was a lovely book, and I see why generations of women, from little girls to great-grandmas, love this story

Such a sweet story

I read this series when I was young and it is still as beautiful a story as I remembered. I would recommend it to anyone old or young. Just a classic.


Splendidly wonderful read. Anne was such a character! It was truly a lovely story with great writing, imagination & creativity.

Great teen book

I can see this being a great teen or kids book. Not the best as an adult but it was good.

Pleasant and funny read.

I am 72 years old and have decided that if I was ever going to read some of our classic literature I had better get started. This was a lot of fun even for a 72 year old man.

Anne of green gables

Thank you Amazon all of the read that you gave me this is for a school paper I love the book 📔📒📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙

Wonders of a great classic

As my age creeps up, the promise of reading the classics appealed to me. I am quite pleased it has.

Ann of Green Gables is an absolute dream

This is one of my all time favorite childhood books. I had the entire series when I was a kid but may have lost the books somewhere along the way. I’m so very glad I stumbled upon this gem of fiction once again. Ann Shirley is in every little girls soul and it doesn’t matter your age, this is always a timeless classic!

One must simply just listen to it :):):)

Absolutely a very Good book No dislikes in mind to speak of Recommend it to everyone in the world, seriously.

loved it

husband and wife in their 80's

Free borrowing

I needed to read this book for my book club, and it was not available in any nearby libraries. I looked it up on Amazon and was thrilled to receive it with audio on my Kindle/iPad app for free, because it’s an old classic. Thanks!

A breath of fresh air

Ann with anE is so refreshing. It makes you stop and think about all the things we take for granted.


It is no wonder this is a classic. Anne is a perfect character. I adore the way Montgomery makes Matthew’s nearly non existent character such an essential character. The world needs more Annes.

Love this story

Great production and wonderful story. Wish I had read it as a kid.

Great story to read

This is a great story to share with my daughter at the end of the day. We had a lot of fun reading this together at night, and sharing a memory that I had with my Mom at her age.

A novel for every age in history

Timeless and beloved classic reading for girls and idealistic young women; the heroine is years ahead of her time, with her thoughtful and outspoken views of the world, parallel to today's.


Wonderful book for all ages. The author has a great way of bringing in the readers to truly feel Anne’s experiences.

Great book

This narration is excellent. Very heartwarming and inspiring story, especially young children.


I was completely captivated, finding it difficult to put the book down! I was drawn into Anne's world, feeling every emotion she felt and expressed!


Some of the most beautiful prose ever written. The rich description and heartfelt relationships make this a worthy read. Highly recommend.

The first book in a heart warming classic

Everything about this book is wholesome. I found myself cheering for the girl grow up and feeling as she she felt. I would recommend to anyone wanting to expand their enlightened thoughts or to anyone who is always looking for a kindred spirit.

It will make you laugh, cry and cheer for Ann”e”

Young girl with a past that showed her no love. She if funny, witty, and saucey! It was an amazing story and I enjoyed it to the very end!

Anne never fails 💛

I love this sweet book. Always a comfort to read.

Truly a classic

Anne of Green Gables has always been a favorite of mine. The narration was done so very well. It helped me to enjoy Anne and her follies all over again.

Great read!

I never read this as a child, so when I saw that I could read it for free, I jumped on it. Anne (with an e) became a special part of my heart quickly!

Classic finally read!

Well, I must confess I did things backward. I watched Anne with an E on Netflix, and finally decided to read Anne of Green Gables. I am so glad I did! It’s beautifully written and I love Anne. I want to read it to my little girl one day!

Loved this book!

I gave this book a 5 star rating because I found it to be a very good story. It made me laugh,think,& admire a little red headed spitfire!


This is an amazing book for all ages. It has adventure, troubles, and a tiny bit of romance. Wonderful characters and descriptions. I would definitely recommend it to anyone.

Wonderful classic read

I first read this as a teenager, and it was still a wonderful read many decades later. Full of memorable, lovable characters.

Easy read and fun.

Loved the development of Anne throughout her young life. Enjoyed so much I couldn’t put it down - sweet story.


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Great book!

I’ve read this book twice. Still love it!

Read with good expression.

Liked how each character had their own voice. It was read with expression.


I haven’t read this book since I was a little girl. It doesn’t disappoint the second time around! I love how when you reread things as an adult that there is so much more meaning.

Good price

A great price for a good classic book.

Book better than TV series.

I loved the exquisite descriptions of the trees, flowers, hills, sea. Anne speaks in page-long sentences with such enthusiasm. The author's sharp nuances of character for neighbors and chums imagines people we all know.

Anne of Green Gables

Enjoyable to read. With the stress of everyday life, reading this is a calming comfort of a story. Familiar and calming- with an innocent, easy storyline and main character. I appreciate every word.

Great narration

The story is lovely and the narrator was great!!

Favorite book I’ve read in a while

Great story; good narration - I would strongly recommend.

Just like the movie!

It's still sad when Matthew dies and Merrill 's vision starts to go and she talk of selling Green Gables.

A book for Old and Young

A story to hold your interest from beginning till end. Good morals and great values of life to inspire all who read it. The audio is very well done too.

Love this classic!

Always amusing Anne is fantastic. I would recommend this book to young and old. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

Heart warming story that made me long for a time long gone

This clasic is never dated we still have the same longing as Anne and I hope the same joy of life.

Fine Classic

Read this with my daughter and we both enjoyed it. It was both touching and funny. It was fun to do together.

I love it

The book is so inspiring and bring important value as friendship, family, respect, and love. I love too read it on my kindle app.

Sweet heartwarming novel!

Anne of Green Gables is a day-dreaming smart innocent soul, simply touching reading: totally recommended if you like young female heroines.

A classic and a favorite I return to again and again

A classic and a favorite I return to again and again Highly recommend the whole series for young and young at heart

Old classic. A simple story

It was easy reading and the audible option was good for in-car listening

Anne of Green Gables

An absolute delight with vivid imagery one feels they are right at home experiencing everting with Anne in Green Gables.

I am 84 yrs old and have been reading the Green Table series over and over! I U find comfort and peace there. I enjoyre

Reading other types of books too. Mystery, western, romance, historic novels. I always have at least one book going. Can read without glasses.

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