America's Geekheart (Bro Code Book 2)

Kindle Edition
30 Mar
Remember that time you accidentally sexted your boss?

Yeah. I just basically did the equivalent. Except worse. Now my millions of social media followers are reading and sharing the rude, smartass message I meant to send privately to my little sister as a joke...and I’m officially public enemy number one.

I’m Beck Ryder. Former boy bander. Underwear model. Fashion mogul. And I buried my entire leg in my mouth—not just my foot—modern internet style, and publicly insulted my sister’s neighbor.

Sarah Dempsey.

Also known as the woman of my dreams, who loves geeky TV shows, baseball, and giraffes, who’s just as turned on by food as I am, and who has a huge secret that I didn’t see coming.

Now it's time to grovel and apologize publicly on social media and hope that those same followers who helped start the raging shitstorm will help calm the waters.

Because Sarah doesn’t want the spotlight. For very good reasons that I can’t tell you right now and trying to convince her to be my fake girlfriend to fix this mess and make me look like less of a jackass is worse than taking a kick to the nuts by Jackie Chan.

And I thought modeling underwear made me feel naked.

Trying to start a relationship in the era of the Twitterazzi isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.

America’s Geekheart is a rockin’ fun romantic comedy featuring a billionaire fashion mogul who got his start modeling underwear, the geeky girl next door with a secret the size of California, and more superstitions and secrets than you can shake a baseball bat at. It stands alone with no cheating or cliffhangers.

Reviews (433)

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

The best Pippa yet!

Beck Ryder is officially my favorite Pippa Grant leading man. Sorry, Knox and Viktor. I'm a huge Pippa Grant fan. Her rom-coms are always absolutely hilarious in an often completely over-the-top manner. Over-the-top good, I promise. America's Geekheart is the very definition of a slow-burn love story, with a guy that is truly trying to be worthy of the girl, and a girl that others view as 'flawed' but he sees as perfect. Pippa created Beck as a man that is literally an underwear model that is worshiped world-wide for his looks, who just so happens to always look on the bright side of life and have a truly beautiful heart that no one outside of his family gets to see or appreciate. And she paired him with Sarah, someone that shies away from the spotlight because of her experience as a child in the spotlight at the mercy of internet trolls. Sarah is intelligent, compassionate, and self-effacing to the nth degree. On the surface, she sees herself as the complete opposite of Beck, but deep down, they are truly complementary. Beck and Sarah not only find love in the least likely manner, but they make each other better. You can't help but love them as a couple.

Beck is just swoon

Beck just loves life! Like everything about it. He is genuine about everything, what you see is who he is. But sometimes he makes mistakes and he made one BIG one by tweeting the wrong thing to the wrong woman. Sarah isn’t who she says she is. She’s hiding her past from everyone. She doesn’t want to be found. But she can’t hide now that Beck accidentally brought her into the spotlight by a mistake, tweet. I just love Beck! He is soo genuine and nice. He sees only the good in everything. He sees Sarah for the beautiful, smart, amazing woman that she doesn’t see in herself. How he fell into insta-love with her, swoon! I love the interaction between these two. How he showed her that she was strong and beautiful through his actions. Another book that Pippa showed us what an amazing writer she is!

LOVED Beck and Sarah!

Beck screws up big time and offends the women of the world. Instead of sending a message directly to his sister (which would have made sense in that context) he manages to tweet it publicly and piss off the world. Of course, as things go with the internet, it spread like wildfire and brought out all sorts of trolls. Sarah hates the spotlight and doesn't want it now. She grew up in Hollywood and hides that part of her upbringing extremely well from everyone around her. She's been running from the downside of fame her entire adult life and is pissed that Beck inadvertently drags her right back into it. As they work together to calm the storm, Beck shows Sarah that he is farm more than what that tweet showed the world. Beck was drawn to Sarah when he met her and is determined to prove hie is more. OMG - Beck is utterly adorable. He has a huge heart beneath all the goofiness and his love of family is amazing. Sarah is incredible - to have her past and still be passionate about the world the way she is was impressive. She may have run in some people's eyes, but she learned how to live her life and make it matter despite the negative press she knew growing up. These two were the ultimate couple once they realized it. There were also tons of side characters and I love this big crazy family!

Couldn't Finish It

This is the worst book I have ever attempted to read. The plot is so stupid and predictable and politically correct, the characters are dim wits and the writing is for third graders. I'm probably not the target audience but if this is what passes for writing for middle school girls I'm afraid for our future. The baseball scenes were so stupid. Why not use real team names?

Beck & Sarah are the best!

This is my favorite Pippa book, EVER! I love everything about this book. It's got the perfect amount of flirting, adorable banter, humorous missteps, BFF intrusions, cooky pets, meddling jerks, determination, and steamy tension to make it a Pippa book. Beck is goofy, charming and sexy but his determination to save Sarah from the trolls of social media is heartwarming and swoon-worthy. Sarah isn't a hardcore hater of Beck and lets him work his magic with the internet trolls and wins her heart. My favorite is the love of the giant family and extended family the Beck brings Sarah and her life. Also appealing is the quick hiccup that gives the reader just enough "will they/won't they" but it's a quick recovery into the HEA. A+ I'm loving the Bro Code series!

A smart romance with lots of humor

I absolutely loved this book! Beck is hilarious and he could easily come off as too silly, or immature, but he doesn’t. He totally owns his brand of humor and loves his life. His love for his family is so sweet and heartfelt you’ll awwww…all the way through the book. And all of that makes him the perfect person for Sarah. Because Sarah…that woman has been chewed up, kicked around and just overall abused by fame. And not even her own fame, the fame of her parents. She doesn’t want anything to do with being a celebrity and stays far, far away from it at all costs, which means getting involved with Beck is not what she would ever seek out. So, when you match a man who can find the humor in anything, and a woman who has a hard time finding anything humorous about being a public figure, you have something that will either be fantastic or a colossal failure. I’m so glad it turned out being a good thing for both Beck and Sarah. Pippa Grant is becoming one of my favorite smart romance writers. She doesn’t go for the simple laughs. Her women are smart and know their own worth, her men are supportive and willing to be vulnerable for the women they fall in love with and all of it is wrapped up in a fun package that I can’t get enough of.

Oh Snickerdoodle!!!

This was the story that has me one click every Pippa Grant book from now on. I quickly fell in love with Beckett and his goofy quick wit, loving life and people with a passion many experience. Then there is hidden Hollywood gem, Serendipity Astrid Darling, or as we come to love her as Sarah. She passionate about those that can't help themselves, with that awkward I think most of America would have if they had to grow up in the spotlight. The quick chemistry established with a jolt, a loveable giraffe, an odd couple of a cat n pig and unforgettable family n friends. They both wanted to know someone loved the "real" them. And hello, Beck drives a Tesla roadster. Great book, even a second time through. I hope we get more Bro Code in the future, cause I want to know if Beck becomes that loveable stay at home dad, if Tripp finds love again, what is Davis' real job, does Cooper win a world series and Levi find love on the road?

Best yet!

Pippa Grant writes rom-coms very well. But for me, she excels when she dips her toe in that emotional well while still maintaining her signature comedy. This book gave me shivers, so many feels! I found this book empowering, emotional, funny, sexy, and darn if that Beck didn’t knock Wyatt off the book boyfriend pedestal (previously occupied by Ares). Beck is everything you want in a hero. Smart, self-effacing, sexy, funny, hungry, earnest, and innocent. He’s no arrogant alpha, he’s full of regret and indignation, so focused on making right a horrible mistake. You will swoon as I did when he watches his girl bloom under his attention. Beck loves big, he’s a lover of life and people and love and that’s so attractive! Who wouldn’t bloom under his care! Sigh. So good.

Love at first sight is real

What a fun book to read! Beck and Sarah are fantastic main characters and the supporting cast of family and friends are amazing. This is a very slow burn romance as far as the book goes, but in the story it primarily takes place within two weeks. The slow burn is worth the wait as it culminated in one of the most romantic love scenes I have ever read. This story turns accidental enemies into friends and then into lovers. The build up of their relationship is both funny and heart-warming. Beck is probably one of the kindest hero’s every written. He’s also very funny and goofy. Sarah has had a difficult life and has very little self esteem. With Beck’s support Sarah flourishes. With such s great group of characters in this book I hope to see more books in the Bro Code series in the future.

Beauty is so much more than what first meets the eye!

Move over, Ares Berger! There’s a new hero in town! Beck Ryder, boy band member and underwear model with whom every woman wants to sleep, made a major mistake on Twitter and humiliated poor Sarah Dempsey, heroine of endangered species who just wanted to hide behind her blog and make a difference in the world. What follows is Beck’s public and private attempts to apologize and make things right for Sarah. Sarah has secrets of her own which makes the apology much more difficult. As they spend time together, they find each other’s inner beauty. This is one of Pippa’s best. I laughed, cried and laughed some more. Bravo Pippa and thank you for the joy you bring to us!

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!


This was such a delightfully entertaining read! I thoroughly enjoyed the banter and interaction between all of the characters! By the time it was over I didn't want to leave the wacky, quirky, super funny world of Sarah and Beck!!! I adored Beck... He was such a sweet, loving, sexy man from page one to the end! I loved that he liked Sarah from the beginning with openness and honesty. That was super refreshing because so many books make you read through pages and pages of created angst and drama that ruin the sweetness and fun of the story! Not this book.... You will devour it's cuteness, it's swoonyness, it's humor, it's quirkiness, uniqueness, and most of all its clever writing...... And smile and smile in contentment!!! Highly recommended!!!!! 😁

Adorable, zany & full of heart.

I found this a delightful, zany rom-com with a heart of gold. There is a lot of over-the-top humor, but it doesn’t feel too contrived, as there are a lot of celebrities and they live up to their eccentric stereotypes. I cared about Brent & Sarah. I find it hard to believe an underwear model eats as much as Brent does without getting an eating disorder, but why not have someone eat everything he wants & have a little treadmill time fix it all. The trolls of the internet get their comeuppance and love wins. There are a lot of attractive men and wacky women waiting for their turn to have a story. Brent’s assistant & Sarah’s friend have a lot of promise.

The eyes have it!

I've been on a Pippa binge lately, thoroughly enjoying the Copper Valley shenanigans, but I think of all the books that America's Geekheart may just be my favorite so far in the series. The characters in all the books including the Thruster hockey players to the Bro Code guys have been great but this one was just a bit different. Beck should be the most self confident of all but there was a very sexy and honest vulnerability in his character. Maybe he was the geek? I highly enjoyed these books and would suggest reading them in order but if you pick just one, this should be it.

Beck is my kind of guy. Definitely sexy and goofy in a great sort of way.

Oh how I loved Beck. He is a super sweet but kind of a goofball in a lot of ways. He used to be in the boy band called the Bro Code which disbanded a few years ago and now he has a clothing and underwear line. He's made millions. His problem is that he has other's do too much for him and sometimes it gets him in trouble. Enter, Sarah. She is a podcaster with a huge secret. Sarah has this thing with bees and giraffes and she wants to save the world. When these two finally come together it gets literally shocking. What a truly laugh out loud story. Oh please Pippa Grant write more Bro Code stories. Need more from Makenzie and Cooper. Enjoy!

Geeks, Giraffes, and a Taser, Oh My!

Beck is a guy that exemplifies living a life of joy. It is rare that he gets upset or angry. Oh, and he is hot and smarter than he lets on. Overall he seems like the kind of guy anyone would want to have around. Sarah is a-dork-able, but has some secrets that keep her a fairly private person. When a misdirected tweet brings them together, sparks are guaranteed. I love how much Beck sees Sarah and falls for the person she is. I love how Sarah is comfortable in her own skin, but has room to still grow and really learn that she is everything to Beck. This is a Rom-com with lots of heart, humor, and some steam. Lovable characters and s positive story about controlling your image while accepting who you are in a world where it seems everyone has to be "on" 24/7.

Even Better Than Bro Code Book 1

Loved loved loved this newest addition to the Pippa Verse. Not going to lie, I was skeptical of the offshoot from the normal cast of characters. However, in true Pippa fashion, I cackled with laughter at the entertaining antics of Sarah, Beck and friends. If you’re expecting fabulous characters, too-friendly animals, (and maybe even hoping for a cameo of some much-beloved Pippa characters), America’s Geekheart will not disappoint! As much as I want more of Parker’s brothers and the Thruster’s love stories, I’m also emotionally invested in more from the Bro Code family too!

Worth trudging through the first couple chapters

The set up was a little long but once they got going the chemistry Ms. Grant managed to write into these two characters was smoking. We should all have a man who loves and adores us as much as this guy does. I read the first Bro Code book and do think there are little foreshadowing events for upcoming books. It's hard to keep up with all the characters (and there are a lot of smaller upcoming characters). I feel like I'm missing a book because of some of the foreshadowing/set-ups for other characters, but you can certainly keep up. It's definitely a stand alone. The dialogue is the best part--especially the inner-dialogue. Fun read.

Another fantastic book by Pippa Grant

I love this author's books and this one, as usual, is fun to read. The story is great and the characters are amazing. If you want a book to read to take you away from your troubles and worries for a while, this is one I recommend. The giraffes are great Seriously, the book is a fun read and you can download an epilogue for free. I enjoy Pippa's books and like the getaway it gives me and the laughs. This one is worth it for sure.


The characters became annoying rather quickly..... the save the giraffe bit and Beck's "lack of maturity" is drug out and jammed down our throats left and right... I found the book slow and hard to swallow... it didn't flow and wasn't believable for me. I purchased a few more of her books but I'm not sure if I'll read them. 🙁

Laugh out loud hilarious

Omg.. I laughed so much through this book. Beck and Sarah are so perfect for each other. I love how they slowly fall in love while doing the so called fake relationship. I enjoyed how Sarah slowly came out of her shell and became so much stronger with the help of Becks support. He truly likes/loves her for just HER. I could read more about these two and the side characters all day long. I would love to see a story about Charlie. She doesn't put up with Becks crap and tells you like it is. This is a must read.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

I Loved this Book!

I honestly love when the hero of the story is kind of a happy go lucky type. It just makes me smile. Beck was the best. His boyish ways were just so endearing. There were parts that hurt my heart and I loved the fact that Beck got so defensive of Sarah's natural look especially how angry he got when he found her mom with the makeup container. There was just so much about this book that I enjoyed. Can't wait to start the next in the series

I am in love!

America's Geekheart is a fantastic addition to my Pippa Grant library. I think I have a permanent smile on my face thinking about Beck Ryder. He is the happiest man on earth and you can't help but enjoy life with him. When you throw in his crazy friends and family, you want this book to last forever. Sarah is a strong heroine who blossoms as her feelings grow for Beck. This book will make you laugh and brighten even the darkest day. Looking forward to meeting another Bro Code member soon!!

Everyone has a chance at love

I love the vulnerability of Beck when it comes to Sarah. His overall happiness despite things that happen to him that should have him distressed is a breath of fresh air. He knows when he has done wrong, and he owns up to it. He always wants everybody around him to be happy. It’s so neat to see. The building of the relationship between Sarah and Beck is swoon-worthy. Definitely one of my favorite stories.

Must read!!

OMG this book had me in tears! Tears of laughter. I could not put this book down. I kept saying 'just one more chapter' and next think I knew I was ordering dinner out for the family because I had to finish. These characters are so adorable and swoon-worthy and I fell in love with the whole family all over again and the new characters. This book can be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend to read book 1. I can't wait for more from this author.

This rollicking romcom was a lot of fun and laugh-out-loud funny!

Loved Beck from the beginning, such a great guy! Sarah was prickly and difficult at first, but she had good reason, and eventually loosened up. She's so intelligent and caring and works hard to make a difference in the world. Starting out, they seemed like opposites, but they turn out to have more in common than expected and together they have a synergistic effect. This was a great read with a lot of humor and so many fun elements!

Great read

Was a very funny romance. I laughed at all the hilarious parts. Beck is such an awesome geek in disguise. Sarah sounds like someone I would love to have as a friend. Put them both together and you would never be bored. I read my books like I'm getting to know the characters personally. Those are the type of books that I love and save in my library to reread ok book of this series . Thanks Pipa Grant for the read. I also, read the first book in the series. Would love to read more of the series.

Perfection as always!

This story.... Beckett and Sarah are two characters that you root for so hard. Their parents, their siblings and their pets magnify the fun. Pippa Grant writes ancillary characters better than anyone else out there. Her imagination with small details and the humor she infuses into her books make you happy you found her books.

The tweet heard round the world...

The impossibly charming Beck puts his foot in it with the adorably awkward Sarah. From a pregnant giraffe to someone getting tasered to a rotating band of wacky, wonderful celebrities and family, often both, this book is fantabulous! Beck is sweet, sexy, geeky, and absolutely scene stealing. Sarah is brilliant, funny, witty, beautiful, and so much better than us all, I FLOVED HER!! I don't know how Pippa does it, but the Pippaverse just gets better every book!!

Suspend Reality, Ignore the Errant Tweet and Enjoy a Sweet Story!

You do not have to have read Bro Code Book 1 to enjoy this second installment. I did ready Book one after I read this one; I enjoyed it and it filled in some blanks, but wasn't as good as Book 2. Sarah & Beck are so sweet....It is a slow burn with two people finding their soulmates. Her parents arrival is hilarious :) His family and childhood friends make for a sweet read! Lots of LOL moments.

Pippa Grant's the greatest

This book is great. The writing, plot and characters are wonderful. I started with her hockey series and haven't stopped since. I read this book today. I'm just so sad that it's done. I have the Pipster report which I look forward too as well as another book of hers to read. I think that it is hockey season time again. She is just so funny.🐱

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

Another awesome story!

I adore Pippa and the world she has created with her characters! Beck and Sarah are the cutest couple and I loved how his constant positive outlook on life pulled her past her past and brought her to a life she could own! This book did not disappoint in shenanigans and special appearances from characters in her other books. And loved the animals!!!! Can’t wait for what is next!!!!

Completely fun read

A sweetheart swoony sexy billionaire who really is a dork and a smart funny real woman who steals his heart. Zany comedy - with Hollywood royalty and pot bellied pigs - this would make such a great movie. But it's even better as a read. Beck Ryder is my new favorite book boyfriend.

This story deserves 5 stars. I'd even go 6.

I don't do spoilers. So what I'll say is that this was excellent entertainment. I read approximately a book a day (plus a commute to a full time job) so if I'm going to finish, it has to be worth it. There were a very few things I found that could have been a little more clear. These were not enough to prevent me from reading through. I'm very glad I got this story and will read more by this author.

Love can be shocking

The second book in the series shows us more into the bro codes celebrity lifestyle and how hard it can be for some people. Another way of looking at letting fear guide you. Loved the inner circle as a whole. Great chemistry. The part where the main characters meet cracks me up the whole time! It was quite shocking!

Geeks of the World

High School is a precious time in a persons life. Such sensitivity exists that’s its hard NOT TO BE SCARRED. Some say it’s the “MONES.” HORMONES.....In science, we recently learned that THE BRAIN is developing a barrier around itself for extra protection. I think we will discover other things that affect this age group.

Laugh out loud fun

I enjoyed this so much! Becks never fading optimism and happy attitude, Sarah's initial guardesness, and their eventual trust and love for one another just made my heart happy. Everything was just fun. Their families were hysterical, and the plot was just sweet. I can't wait to read about the others!

Fun, low angst

Pippa Grant has kind of become my escape from life stress. Her characters in this one were a bit less over-the-top, which worked perfectly for the story. I'm enjoying seeing the progression of her writing from her first (which, while still infused with her unique style and voice, was a little rough for me), to this latest release. Also, bonus points for that cover.

True beauty shines thru!

One more feather in Pippa's hat!!! If you read the other books or not this one you MUST read! True beauty shines thru. No matter what the outside looks like, if the heart and soul shine thru beauty will too. That is what this book said to me. Its one message that should be heard round the world. (Like Beck's tweet.😀)

Another absolutely wonderful story

This is another absolutely wonderful story in the Brocade Series. I loved it so much. This whole series is awesome. I laughed tears. Beck is outrageous in thr very best way. Sarah is perfect for Beck. I love all the comradery. The family. It's the best.

Sarah & Beck Forever!

I loved this book! Sarah is smart and successful environmental engineer but has closed her life off due to her past. Beck is a happy-go-lucky goofball underwear model/fashion mogel who can’t help but constantly put his foot in his mouth. Their adventure of Twitter mishaps, paparazzi, crazy friends & family, and falling in love is not to be missed. One of Pippa’s best books to date!

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

Beck is a keeper

Wonderful. Beck is silly and sexy and I love him. Sarah is drug into the mess he made, but he takes great care of her and falls for her just the way she is. Love these two, wish the book was like 40 more chapters longer than it was. I didn't want it to end. Sigh. Thanks for such a fun, sexy hero and a delightful leading lady.

Easily 5 stars!

I absolutely loved this book! I giglesnorted at work so hard reading this that my coworkers thought I was choking! The chemistry between these two is fast and instant. The " long armed underwear ape" had me in stitches! How can you not love a guy who sees past all your flaws and fears and loves you for you? I would give this 10 stars if I could! Thank you so much for writing this book Miss Pippa Grant!!!

The nerd and the singer/model.

What can you say for another romance novel by pippa grant but well done!!! I love her humor, and honest emotion she in stills in her stories, from laughter to tears to the passion her stories have them all!! Love anything she writes!!! Just wish that she could write them faster!!!

Another laugh out loud read from Pippa

I love all the joking around and laughter in Pippas books. This one will not disappoint with the Bro Code antics This is another fun read with a pet pig and cat who fall in love. The animal antics are some of the best parts. Read Beck & Sarah's story. You won't be sorry

Love the Copper Valley peeps

Another great book by Pippa. Couldn't put it down. Great cast of characters and another great meet up on the main characters. Sarah and Beckett were perfect together. Loved hearing about old friends, crazy pets and are favorite sports teams (Thrusters and Fireballs). A definite must read.

One of the most well written romantic comedies, hands down.

Be models underwear for a living while Sarah is a scientist that wants to save endangered species. She hates the public eye while he is all up in it. Laughter starts with the very first chapter with yoga brick throwing women. Read this book to find out why and how.


This book was freaking awesome! I laughed so hard I cried! Please do a sequel book on them a couple years down the road, they are great! This has just become my favorite book, so thank you Pippa Grant for your wonderfully funny, slightly warped, brilliant sense of humor!

Beck is adorable

I haven't smiled so much while reading a book in a long time. Beck Ryder is funny and sexy and adorable all at the same time. And now I just want the RYDE underwear and jeans to be real so I can have clothes that comfortable too. This is a must read romance!

Don't miss this one

What a fun book! I laughed out loud so many times that my husband kept checking on me to see why I was laughing so hard! Back and Sarah were perfect together and so fun. The baby poop action was awesome!!! You'll just have to read this to find out what I mean. Thanks Poppa you brightened my day

GAH, I love this book😍

This is an amazing RomCom!! The book has it all and great characters, as well as an awesome storyline that will grab your attention and hold it hostage until the end. No spoilers, one click now and enjoy this read; then one click book 1 as well.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!


So I just finished this book. OMG it is HOT AND HILARIOUS! I loved the intensity of the characters in this series. I was a great read and laugh out loud like seriously DO NOT READ THIS WHILE YOU ARE AT WORK CAUSE THEN YOUR CO-WORKERS THINK YOU ARE CRAZY.. I cannot wait for the next book.

Read this book now!

Beck is a former boy bander/now underwear model/fashion mogul who accidentally turns Sarah's world upside down. Beck is goofy, sweet, and tries to see the good in everyone and everything. Sarah is witty, quirky, and hiding a big secret. After reading "Flirting With the Frenemy" (the book that precedes this in the series) I thought that Beck might be too much of a goofball and he would annoy me but he is just so loveable! Then you throw crazy parents, a taser, giraffes, and amazing friends into the mix and you have an AWESOME story. This is now one of my favorite reads! Pippa, please five us another Beck and Rydwr story!!

Amazing, creative, funny

Seriously this book was the bomb. Sarah and Beck are really terrific together. I loved how involved the full cast of characters were. This is a must buy, one click read. So don't hesitate, just get it and sit back and enjoy the ride.

I so enjoy this author's books, but I think this is my favorite. I loved the chemistry between Beck and Sarah. I know we have all wish we had a "undo" button on our phones etc. The supporting characters are just loveable I hope that we will get more stories about the "Bros".

So good

I decided to go back and read this again and I'm so glad I did. It's charming and sweet! I pretty much love any Pippa Grant books and this was no exception. Now, on to Liar, Liar, Hearts on fire!!


Well, what can I say. Yet another fantastic story by Pippa Grant. I love how she tackles the huge problem we currently have with "trolls" on social media making it a part of this story. I loved how Sarah has to find herself, grow into accepting herself, and learning to take chances. I love Beck and Sarah. More bro code please.

Funny, fun and hot!

This story had me cracking up so much. Really enjoyed Beck and Sarah as well as the other characters. So many great parts it's difficult to try to pick my favorite. If you are looking for something that is fun, sweet and also hot, you will love this book!

It all began with a misdirected email...

Loved this book! A misdirected email, a contracted relationship, and learning to accept yourself and finding a group of friends that are more like family. Oh, don’t forget the heat and love that develop!

Pippa does it again!

It's official. Pippa Grant is incapable of writing anything less than awesome. Starting with Mister McHottie, this is book #11 that I have read and loved. Her books are funny and sexy. Families that you want to be a part of and the friends we all want.

Rollicking steamy hot fun!

I’m hooked on series and the Pippaverse is where I’m living right now. Laughter. Chemistry. Plot twists. I love following her characters through the stories. Go, Pippa!

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

Loved every second of this!

Ohmygosh! This was absolutely fabulous! I absolutely fell in love with Beck & Sarah. I love a man who loves a woman completely & she is so strong & smart. Kudos Miss Pippa. You totally rocked this!

A shy person spreads her powerful wings and flies.

I LOVED this book!!!! Pippa Grant is a wonderful author. I found myself chuckling throughout. This a is an awesome humorous, romantic novel.

An amazing rom com story

Loved this book too. Beck is totally swoon worthy, Sarah was great too, so were the supporting cast. But Beck, is my new book boyfriend! I wish I could put the rest of this series on pre order, I can’t wait to read the rest of the stories.


I love these books! Holy moley Pippa i haven't laughed like this in years, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can't wait for the rest of this series, or what I hope is the rest.

Love this story

What a great story that will make you laugh out loud and fill your heart with so much love! Beck and Sarah's story is awesome!


It was very difficult to follow who was talking and the characters were introduced so oddly. I did not even finish it, it just irritated me so much.

Loved it

He reminded me of Shawn from Psych. He had that adorable happy witty personality and they had great chemistry. I'm looking Roy more of this series.

Great read

I loved this book. The sub characters are as much if not more than the main characters. Their personalities and relationships make the story! Lol


Love your books, the Bro-Code books are Great, laughed, love, so truly loved it, great characters, so funny 😜 can’t wait for next book ❣️

4 Stars

A good romantic comedy. Geekheart delivers on romance and lots of comedy too. Bro Code books are fun and read like a close knit family diary.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

Giraffe's rule!

Absolutely and positively loved this story. Beck is such a great character. I enjoyed getting to know him better and Sarah is just amazing! This was such a fun story to dive into.

LOL funny

This book was fun to read. I fell in love with the hero. He made me laugh just as much as the heroine. Recommended.

Fun read!

I liked everything about this book. Great humor, great characters and a hot romance and interesting info on some endangered species.

Vey fun series

This is a vey fun book. It kept me laughing and wanting to know what was going to happen next. I will definitely be reading more from Pippa Grant.

Review of the American Geekheart

Pippa Grant is a wonderful writer! I have enjoyed the two books I have read so far! I will recommend her to anyone who wants to read an excellent book !

Just WOW!!!

Pippa Grant is a genius!!! If you haven’t read this book yet, all I can say is why not??? I love how she introduces us to new characters to love and yet still manages to bring in other well loved characters. Pippa Grant, YOU ROCK!!!

Best Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah! They are the perfect characters, and are just perfect for each other! This is m new favorite Pippa Grant book. 😃 It pains me to say this, but Beck might have replaced Ares as my favorite Pippa Grant character. You know Beck has to be really good, and wonderful in order to usurp Ares.

Great book as usual

Loved Beck and Sarah! This book had me hooked from the first page. Can't wait for the next bro code book and hope Charlie gets her own bro. There were lots of laughs in this book as usual. Keep them coming.


This is such a great book!! I can’t wait for the rest of the series!! They make me super happy!

Definitely my favorite of Bo Code!

I loved this book so much that I purchased it outright. I can't wait to read about the rest of the band and characters. Favorited the author and following on Facebook. Looking forward to more.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

Tiny print and tiny plot.....

The print of the novel was smail and made it difficult to read. Ruined the enjoyment of reading for me. Isn't there a standard printing size? The story was okay but the tweet disaster was ridiculous. He didn't know her but he knew her twitter handle? The book fell flat for me. It was disappointing.

Witty funny steamy romance

Loved it, Pippa is great at writing a fun, light, witty romance. I wish the next book was out already, I can't wait to see whose story is next in line. Seriously love this series and all the characters.


Pippa has done it again. This book was amazing. Beck and Sarah are perfect for each other. There was a cat, a pig, and a Giraffe. I laughed through the whole story.

Laugh out loud read

This book will definitely having you laughing! Can't characters, strong bond between guys that grew up together and off the wall parents! Give stars is not enough!

So many laughs and true love through obstacles shines bright.

I love this book for the laughs and commentary between friends/family. Life proving that obstacles happen, but with love shining through and making sure that you don't sweat the small stuff.

Loved it

A well written book any one could fall in love with. The chemistry is amazing and the love is so sweet! A must read!

A Good Laugh

I started out on the Mister McHottie series and then found this book. It was very intertaining and kept me guessing on what Beck would say next. Can't wait for the rest of the series

Loved this book

Love this book laugh so much people around me thought I was crazy. Love all books this author


I loved Beck he was so adorable. The family by far helped make this book awesome. Enjoyed Sarah's back story. Please keep writing.

Loved it!

Pippa Grant's novels ALWAYS make me laugh. I truly enjoyed reading both books in this series so far, and I hope there will be more! No one is normal anymore, and PG does such a great job of pairing not-normals together in the best, funniest ways.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

Love despite social media

I love these character driven plots. Series are my favorites because I like to know beyond just their story. I want to know they are making their life work around their extended families.

enjoyable read

wonderful read

A sweet story with some comedy thrown in

The funny dynamic that follows the characters from the first books had me hooked

I ❤️ Pippa!

This book charms the heart right out of a person! I love every nuance, every character and I can’t wait for more!

Great book

Great book


I loved it!

Work for it

He had to work for it which was a nice change in my romance reading. Entertaining and funny.

Highly entertaining

The author is in fine form with this one. Spot on with the humor and the emotions. Loved it.

Awesome story and characters

Total relatable characters with an awesome story. Plus beating haters at their own game is fun. I absolutely adore Pippa’s characters and would read anything she put out. I can’t wait for the next one.

Laugh out loud

I've never laughed out loud while reading a book, but this book made me laugh and fall in love with this couple!

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

Good read.

Fast moving, interesting and fun read.

Loved the book!

I belly laughed through this book! Great characters and very well written! I will read more From this author for sure

Fun light-hearted book

It was funny, sexy and easy to immerse myself in the story. Though it was starlet meets star love story

Loved it!!!

Love all of Pippa's books but this one it hits it out of the ballpark. Loved Beck and Sarah, but her dad really steals the show!

Awesome story

Words r so modern

A fun read!!!!

Loved this book, it had a lot of humor! I am looking into Pippa's other books......

America's Geekheart is adorable sweet mixed with great humor!

America's Geekheart is adorably sweet intermixed with Pippa's sense of humor. Beck Ryder is one of the nicest, happiest, down-to-earth famous book boyfriends I've ever read. You can't help but love him for his self-deprecating humility mixed with sexy goofballness. He just might be one of my favorite Pippa Grant hero's to date. "One day. I want one day of being as happy about life as Beck Ryder is."-Sarah This sentence right here is everything!! Beck Ryder has not only been in a boy band, but he is an underwear model, and runs a fashion empire, just to name a few of the things that make up his billionaire portfolio. To say whatever Beck touches turns to gold might be an understatement, that is everything except a blundering tweet that he meant to sent to his sister in a private message. Beck never meant to offend the female population by accidentally tweeting the wrong woman, Sarah Dempsey, who just so happens to be his sisters neighbor. However, he now needs damage control because he can't leave his house without old ladies flipping him off or yoga classes throwing their bricks at him because he public enemy #1. He wouldn't mind so much except the foundation he was in the middle of setting up for underprivileged youth is about to go down the toilet all because he doesn't know how to private message. Thinking the best way to correct his mistake is to sneak into Sarah's backyard to apologize face to face, well... it seemed like a great idea at the time, that was until Sarah tasered the stranger sneaking up to her back door. "First rule of apologizing: Make sure she knows you're coming."-Beck Sarah Dempsey is an environmental engineer who cares more about the planet, animals, saving the bees, basically anything that doesn't involve dealing with people. Sure, she didn't appreciate the tweet that Beck Ryder sent to her, but more importantly she doesn't appreciate the man creating havoc in her neat, simple life. He is famous for multiple reasons and Sarah wants nothing to do with being in the limelight, but after sneaking into her backyard and even getting tasered, he won't take no for an answer on accepting a quiet apology. BUT. If she can get his public apology directed towards a cause she cares about...well, then perhaps the underwear model can be useful after all. "I'm sitting in a car that's probably worth more than my house, with a former boy band heartthrob who makes a killing putting his name on other people's underwear. Seriously, him getting into women's underwear was brilliant."-Sarah When Beck and Sarah agree to help each other out; Beck to get his reputation out of the toilet and Sarah to help the giraffes she loves, the time spent together is more than just contractual, it's actually fun. Sarah discovers that living in the light doesn't mean that you have to give up who you are and Beck may have finally found someone worth exposing himself around, and not just in his underwear. Like all Pippa Grant stories, you will love the witty banter, the adorable animals, and the delicious chemistry. I so excited to see what's next for the Bro Code series. You get a lot more interaction between the guys in this book than you did in Wyatt's, but no matter what order they come in they are all going to be fantastic stories.

What I was looking for...

...a nice, relaxing afternoon romance. What I got...a never ending convoluted, frankly rather goofy nonsensical round and round, that appears to go on for forty ridiculously long chapters. I read through chapter ten, with our immature, silly, h. Who, of course has some big ‘secret’....that dreaded ‘angst’ romance writers often think we need or want, I expect. She and our self-absorbed, rather cocky H, have been slowly, boringly dancing around each other for a while now. Finally, I decided my perfect relaxing afternoon was slipping by. So, I deleted this full feature film length novel, and will try to salvage what’s left of the day, with something light, and enjoyable.

One laugh out loud and heartwarming moment after another...

Beckett Ryder: former Bro Code boy band member, current underwear model/mogul and completely hopeless social media navigator. After Beck tweets the wrong person with a terrible joke in what was supposed to be a private message to his sister, he is in need of a serious image overhaul... but more importantly, he wants to apologize to the woman who was pulled into his mess in the first place... Sarah Dempsey is literally the girl next door... the Beckett Ryder's sister. Beck wants to apologize to her, for the whole world to see. But Sarah has a very big secret that she works very hard to keep... and being seen with Beck is the last thing she should do... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ America's Geekheart was an incredibly funny and overwhelmingly delightful read about a woman who wants to be left alone to quietly change the world, one giraffe and honey bee at a time... and the man who spends his life in the limelight, but can't get enough of the girl next door... Beck made a huge mistake in his poorly executed tweet, but with a whole lot riding on his image than just his underwear line, he needs to smooth things over... quickly. After their first "electric" encounter where Beck tries his hardest to apologize, he finds himself completely enamored with all things Sarah Dempsey... and every single moment that he gets to spend with her ends up being better than the last. Sarah has had some issues with the cutthroat media in the past, and she plans to avoid being pulled in front of the camera at any cost. But when Beck proposes something that will help him... and the entire species of endangered giraffes in one swoop... how can she say no? This was such a fun read! Beck was completely adorable... and only slightly clueless at times. With his caring heart and utter devotion to his family and friends, he is impossible not to fall in love with. I loved how he treated Sarah and that he never once tried to make her into someone that she wasn't. Sarah was a woman who starts out hiding her past and who she is. But in the inevitable fallout from her public encounters with Beck, she shows such amazing growth and acceptance of the woman she is beneath the years of hiding. With her passion for science and endangered animals, she was also refreshingly intelligent and proud of it. This slow burn romance was sweet, super sexy, and featured so many fantastic characters that perpetuated one laugh out loud and heartwarming moment after another. I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

could not finish the book

I downloaded this book due to the huge 5 star response. I quickly lost interest in the book, kept trying to get into it but just to many things that made me stop. 1. Boring, 2. really confusing in the beginning and had to keep rereading pages, 3. I have yet to read a good book about billionaires. I can't identify with them. 4. Finally I just found the storyline to be silly and over the top. Not sure how he could tweet the wrong person when he didn't have her tweet address. I really wanted to like it but finally gave up and quit reading it. Just not the book for me.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!


It was an okay story. I liked most everything about it, especially the male protagonist. We all have that goofball in our lives that's a lot deeper than the vibes he or she gives off. The female protagonist was okay. It's just...why did she keep talking about another man's dic*? How great it was and how good the other guy was in bed...several times. That was so low class and especially talking about how good he made her feel to the male protagonist. I just didn't get that and it felt like head games diva bitc*’s play. It was really tacky, but the rest was okay.


4.5🌟’s. I had been waiting to get to Beck’s story for a while. He has this sense of fun but also loyalty and he loves his family unconditionally and that’s someone we should all admire and treasure. He’s a complete goofball but an adorable one. He would give the shirt of his back to help the people that mean the most to him. His weird joke tweet for his sister, that went to the wrong person, started a war of hatred on himself and exposed a shy women into the limelight she was avoiding. Sarah wasn’t new to this type of harassment, she grew up with it but was trying to never have to live it again. She wasn’t ready for the shocking outcome of it all, and neither was Beck. To get both their lives back to some normalcy, and help each other with their passions and foundations, they start spending time together which brings about a strong bond for them. I loved how their relationship unfolds unhurriedly like a good slow burn romance and they discover what’s most important about the other. Poor Sarah has had to deal with a lot growing up and it’s Beck that teachers her to own the story, and control it. Great advice for us all. I did feel a little lost, or that I missed a step in the telling of Sarah’s woes, but hang in there, you find out what happened on her prom night at some point. The way Beck adores Sarah and cherishes her is special and something every woman wants to experience, he’s totally swoon worthy. They both are amazing people and the perfect couple. This book was worth the wait, reading in the time line order, and one I’ll have happy memories of. And I know there will be more to come with the books I have lined up from this author. I’m totally enjoying my Grant binge reading feast.

I love Pippa Grant’s imagination and genius for writing!

A•R•C ~ I was given America’s Geekheart by Pippa Grant as an Advanced Readers Copy (A•R•C) from Give Me Book Promotions. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. Pippa Grant is AMAZING! 5 out of 5 STARS! I am in awe every time I pick up a Pippa Grant book, her imagination and creativity know no limits. I don’t know how she does it, but I feel like I know each character personally and have a vested interest in each one and they each have their own little quirks. America’s Geekheart is about Sarah Dempsey aka Serendipity Darling, she was born to the all-time Hollywood’s “It” couple, Sunny Darling and Judson Clarke. Sarah hates the lime light and has never fit into the Hollywood lifestyle, cameras are not her friends at all, she’s beautiful in her own way but not Hollywood’s way. Beck Ryder, we met while reading Flirting with the Frenemy Bro Code Book #1. Beck made it big with the boy band Bro Code, a group of boys from his home town Copper Valley who are more like brothers to each other than friends or band mates growing up they are family and then he went into modeling and developing a clothing line “RYDE” from underwear to jeans and t-shirts. Beck is proudest of his work helping out kids who need help by raising money for scholarships, camps, after school programs if he can help we wants to do everything he can to help. Beck is a goofball most of the time and when he messes up he messes up big! Like the text that was supposed to only go to his sister which went live to everyone telling some women “Sarah” that now she can start popping out babies and leave the real work to others or something to those. Sarah was devastated and all of a sudden Beck is persona-non-grata everywhere which might lose him his current charity work with an NBA Star who has a stellar reputation and right now Beck’s rep is HORRIBLE, so he wants to apologize to Sarah and explain he was making fun of his sister but was so very proud she was finally getting engaged to her soul mate. Basically, Beck did not think before he did his last stunt which might ruin him per the public unless he get’s Sarah to accept his apology and act as friends. Sarah not liking the fake relationships that is all she knows about Hollywood types except her parents who are the real deal as far as relationships go. Basically, you need to get and read this book because it will keep you entertained for hours and give you more laugh out loud moments then a comedy show would.

Hilarious, Sweet, and Sizzling Romance!

I absolutely loved this hilarious, and heartfelt, enemies-to-lovers romance! This slow burn, rom-com is filled with witty banter, awkward and hilarious situations, and a sweet and sexy storyline with lots of heart. After Beck makes a huge mistake, putting his neighbor in the crosshairs of social media, he needs to do whatever it takes to make it up to her and salvage both their careers. Beck is a billionaire underware model and fashion mogul, and he is about to lose a partnership if he doesn't do something quick. Sarah is sweet, geeky, and wants to save the giraffes. They decide they can help each other by faking a relationship to clean up his image and call attention to the giraffes near and dear to Sarah's heart. As they spend more time together, they have fun together and their attraction and chemistry grows. But Sarah has a secret she is trying to hide, and it all blows up when that secret comes to light. Sarah and Beck were so perfect for each other, making each other better and they had great chemistry. I also loved their close knit and quirky family that cause more hilarity, complications, and drama that had me laughing out loud, swooning, and cheering for Sarah and Beck's HEA. Narrators, Jason Clarke, and Erin Mallon made this romance even sweeter and sexier. They did an amazing job with Grant's witty banter, and they easily made me feel all the turmoil, fun, and passion between these characters. I was totally lost to their performance as they brought this playful, moving, and sizzling romance to life!

I love this story and could read it or listen to it daily!

The majority of this review pertains to the audiobook because it's INSANELY GOOD! But, the story is also amazing!!! Erin Mallon is quickly becoming one of my favorite female narrators. Her performance in this book is superb! I felt a connection to her as Sarah. On the surface, I have nothing of note in common with this character, and yet - through Erin's performance, I felt like I really "got her" --- When I read the book (versus listened) I didn't notice this connection as much, so I can only attribute it to Erin's performance. :) Jason Clarke gives the wild and crazy Beck all the charm and fun that this character needed. Pippa wrote an OUTSTANDING hero in Beck and Jason did him justice! I love this story so much --- the accidental tweet heard round the world and the taser incident that changed their lives forever. How sweet! And, Beck has this incredible squad of family/friends that I just wish I was part of. The story was so cute, so fun, and had a great payoff at the end. Oh, and the best part - we get to meet one of the best characters in the entire Pippaverse in this book, Sarah's best friend Mackenzie. She's insane and I adore her. I'm so glad she got her own story because I adored her in this book (she is the heroine in Jockblocked). America's Geekheart is a really a fun "romp" of a book/listen. Five big fat tweeting stars!!! Love this story, love the characters, and love the performance! Pippa does it again. An automatic one-click for me, every time!

Swoons for days:

Who wouldn’t fall for a guy like Beck? Irrepressibly happy, protective, entrepreneurial, adores his family and woah, does this man know how to make amends. And I adored watching Sarah bloom and really start to live her life. For all her worries that she was too awkward to fit into Beck’s life, she was his perfect fit. Someone who grew up with stars, so she’s not star struck and able to take no prisoners with Beck. I loved that while she appreciates the money that Beck is throwing toward her causes, she could do that herself and knows that seizing this moment is worth more. Things did seem to be resolved rather effortlessly ... or even like the issues just disappeared. Beck goes from not trusting anyone enough to imagine having a family to nah, never mind Sarah is perfect. (She is but c’mon.) Sarah’s journey was a little more realistic in that she felt awkward and like she didn’t fit anywhere and was accepted full force by Beck’s “family.” She also was forced into facing the thing she hated - publicity and all eyes on her - and learned that now she’s comfortable in her own skin, she can withstand the scrutiny. I loved the Beck isn’t as accomplished/well-versed in bed and the teasing that went on between them about that. But we didn’t see any of it in practice. And while he joked about having to do research, we didn’t see any of that. It felt like a missed opportunity.

very entertaining

Books by Pippa Grant was such a famous recommendation when it comes to romantic comedy. So I decided, why not try it. This is the first book I've read from her, and everything they say is true. It is very funny, charming, and very steamy too. But what I like about this particular was the main character is a STEM girl and I am hear for it! I am very much aware that STEM girls are not strangers to romantic comedy (they are pretty much the geeky girls), but I really appreciate that the author actually did the work and made the character who she is. The person who actually knows something and values something about her field. I thought that was pretty cool! Anyway, this book though was very entertaining! I wasn't very keen though on the part that the author used extreme slapstick to the point of it not being realistic just to make it funny. And not just that, there are just some elements in the book that was funny that isn't very realistic. But I have to admit, they were entertaining. This book will make you wait though. It's like the most adorable thing, but so frustrating cause you just want them to kiss already! The romance was definitely really good here. The banter is adorable and funny. You kinda just fall in love with them too. This was such a good book to read. And the other characters are definitely making me so curious for their own love stories.

Not exactly my kind of book

I found myself having the same problem as I had with the first book. I couldn't read much of it before I got the need to read something else. I don't know why that is happening. I adored Beck. If I could drag him from the book, brought to real life and keep him for myself I would. He is the perfect boyfriend even when he made mistakes. That made him only human. Sarah was a cool, geeky lady who wanted to save the world one step at a time, but Beck stole the show and I couldn't focus so much on her. I liked both main characters so they were not the problem. Some situations could be told as over the top, but they were what I was expecting from the series since book 1 set that up for us. Also is what the author does, so that wasn't either. There was simply something about the book that made me feel like it was dragging and that it was 2873297 pages long. And it's a shame because I loved Beck and that's why I will give 3 stars to the book.

Perfect amount of off the wall humor!

* 4.5 Stars * America's Geekheart is only book two of the Bro Code series but I am pretty sure Beck and Sarah are going to be my favorite couple of the series! Beck was introduced in book one as the goofy and lovable brother to Ellie and best friend to Wyatt... he also happens to be a former boy bander turned underwear model and fashion mogul. He was portrayed as such a clown previously that I didn't expect to love him so much, but his fierce defense of Sarah's awesomeness in this book completely won me over! Sarah is the geeky scientist who is the victim of Beck's tweet gone wrong. The nerd in me loves a good geeky female MC and Sarah completely had my loyalty with her awesome t-shirts, comic books and firefly memorabilia. Seriously, this book had it all; fake relationship, secret identities, awesome pets, great family relationships... and the humor, holy crap the humor! I was laughing my butt off through so much of the book between the pet romance, the taser incident and the baby poop bomb! Jason Clarke and Erin Mallon did an amazing job narrating this story. They brought the characters to life and added the perfect amount of humor to all the scenes!

This year's must read book

I didn’t think I would enjoy a book more than Flirting with the Frenemy, but then I read America’s Geekheart and Pippa Grant proved me wrong. This book was fabulous in every way that mattered. Beck Ryder, whose sister Ellie and best friend Wyatt are the protagonists of Frenemy, is an ex-boy band member who now runs a multi-billion dollar fashion empire. He does a lot of good and doesn’t flaunt his wealth, and his extended family and friends make sure his ego doesn’t get too big. But Beck makes a big mistake when what he thought was a private tweet to his sister is instead sent to her next door neighbour, Sarah Dempsey, who runs a blog about preserving the earth and all its creatures. Sarah is an environmental engineer who’s been laying low for ten years, hiding a secret she’d rather the world didn’t know. When she’s thrust into the spotlight, Beck makes her an offer she can’t refuse – she helps him smooth over the mistake that’s made him public enemy number one, and he’ll help her get her causes into the public eye. Sarah tells herself she’s doing it for the good of the animals who depend on her to speak up on their behalf. She’s not falling in love with one of the most famous men in the world, who also happens to be gorgeous, charming and down-to-earth. She’s not. Beck’s happy to accept whatever help Sarah can give him, because he has a major problem: he’s about a launch a foundation that will benefit thousands of children with a famous sports star, but he needs the public on his side. The more time he spends with Sarah, though, the more he likes her. When he finds out her secret, he takes it in his stride. He’s not falling in love with the quirky, geeky engineer who’s been hiding herself away. He’s not. This book will make you laugh out loud, cheer, and completely fall for Beck Ryder. One of the best romance books I’ve ever read. You’ll regret it if you don’t read this book. Promise.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

Good Reading

If Pollyanna had a male counterpart if would be former boy bander eye candy and underwear model, Beckett Ryder. Not much gets to Beck but causing trouble for one innocent, under the radar sweet, sassy and sexy bee keeper (among other things) puts him in damage control fast. Sarah has no idea what it means to be drawn into the Beck orbit but she’s about to get a crash course in wooing, Beck style. I first met Beck in the book one of this series. I have to say, by the end of that book I was seriously crushing on the whole Bro Code crew. And not just the hot guys that I hope get their own books eventually. I love parents and friends and whole quirky town that I found myself in with Wyatt and Ellie’s story but by the end, I was craving Beck’s book. He’s just so precious and seemingly oblivious. But he’s not really oblivious. He just looks for the upside while reconciling that the downside is out there. He doesn’t ignore the bad in the world around him, he tries to fix it. Sarah didn’t have a chance of not falling for him. He would adorably geek her into loving him like he did me. I really like how she describes him. “This guy loves his family, and food, and life, and he makes everything brighter.” BTW, the whole “loves food” part…he’s like a hobbit but adorable. That’s all I can say. This was a fun book for because of all the pop culture references. If you love some Buffy and believe that Firefly got the shaft, this is the book for you. It owned me with all the silly rom-com antics and great dialogue. Beck and Sarah have great chemistry. They get each other and therefore compliment each other. She provides stability while knowing what he deals with on a daily basis. Beck has a lot of stuff but none of it, not the cars the houses or the money, truly matter to him. It’s a means to an end. He gives her strength and a platform to be brave. To rise about the things that sent her into hiding. I’m not sure how I was so lucky to find this new author to me but I glad I did. She already has a pretty healthy catalog of stories that I can’t wait to really dive into while I wait for the next installment in the Bro Code to come out. Readers looking for an honestly fun and yet satisfying rom-com need to give this one a read. Go read Ellie and Wyatt’s book, too. There’s a whole lot happening there that segues very nicely into Beck and Sarah’s story. originally posted at long and short reviews

My new favorite book boyfriend

America's Geekheart by Pippa Grant is book two in the Bro Code series. You don't need to read book one to understand book two but you should read book one because it was really good. We meet Beck in book one (he's Ellie's brother and Wyatt's best friend) but we really get to know him in book two. The book starts with a misunderstanding. Beck sends a tweet that unbeknownst to him, is about to change his life. What comes next is a story full of humor, growth and actual like between Beck and Sarah. One of the things I've enjoyed about both books in this series, is the time Grant takes to write the friendship between her characters. This book is a super slow burn but it's so worth the wait. Another part of the book I really liked is the commentary on social media and society's view of women vs men, especially when it comes to sex and dating. There is absolutely zero about this book I didn't like. Nothing. I loved every character (except Bruce), every conversation and every plot point. I wanted the book to last forever and am sad that it's over. I'm so ready to keep reading more from this series. There are several more bro code guys to go and a couple of other characters that need their own books too. I cannot say enough nice things about this book and just want to scream from the rooftops that you should read it. And it's available in Kindle Unlimited if you are a subscriber. This is the second book this week that I'm sad I won't get to read again for the first time but I cannot wait for someone to pick it up and read it so we can talk about it.


Loved this story of Beck and Sarah! The author is clever and witty and I laughed my way through the situations, dialogue and internal musings! Every page was funny. So many quirky characters but it wasn’t over the top and forced like I’ve read in other books. This is my first book by this author and now I’m looking forward to many more! Beck accidentally leaves a rude tweet on Sarah’s twitter feed, meant as a joke to his sister. He’s well known and his reputation crashes. Sarah likes to stay out of the limelight, but agrees to a PR contract to have a fake relationship so he can recover his rep while she promotes several environmental causes that she’s passionate about. Along the way, they discover real chemistry, respect, like, and finally love. This books has messages about being yourself and not being/ignoring internet trolls, but it fits the plot and doesn’t feel preachy. All of the main characters were likable and I’m looking forward to seeing them again in future books (hint, hint to the author). Beck is a great character: professional underwear model, gorgeous, former boy band member, billionaire, philanthropist. But he never takes himself too seriously and stays grounded through his family and childhood friends. This was a nice break from so many of the Alpha serious jerks that are featured in many books. I don’t mind those, but this was a refreshing change! The word “adorable” is used in this book and I must say I found Beck to be adorable and his relationship with Sarah to be adorable as well! Enjoy!

Funny, romantic, heart-warming, swoony, endearing, and super sweet!

America's Geekheart (Bro Code #2) by Pippa Grant is a sweet, fake relationship, slow burn, romantic comedy told in dual POV. Although it's the second book in the Bro Code series, it can be read as a standalone. Beck Ryder, underwear model, billionaire fashion mogul, and former boy band member, has really messed up - big time. He thought he was sending his sister a funny, sarcastic private message on Twitter, but instead he accidentally publicly tweeted her neighbor. Now, the public hates him and he needs to fix things fast before all the negative press causes an important deal to fall through. Sarah Dempsey, environmental engineer, science geek, and animal lover, just wants to make the world a better place. She doesn't want anything to do with being in the public eye, but her neighbor's famous brother has ruined everything with an insulting tweet creating a media frenzy. She knows it's only a matter of time before her secret past is discovered and revealed to the world. Beck is stunned and instantly smitten when he meets Sarah for the first time. In exchange for a large donation to her favorite animal conservation cause, he gets her to agree to make a video where he apologizes to her. After the video is posted on social media, the twitterverse erupts with speculation that Beck and Sarah are dating. As a result, they enter into a contractual agreement to pretend they are in a relationship. Will dating Sarah save Beck's public image? Can he convince her that his interest in her is genuine and not merely for PR purposes? Will dating Beck expose Sarah's secrets to public scrutiny? What will happen when the truth comes out? I loved Beck and Sarah's story. They were both such wonderful, loveable, and relatable characters. It was refreshing to have a hero with such a happy, optimistic, sunny and kindhearted personality. I fell in love with Beck right away! I loved how he saw Sarah as special and beautiful, even taking offense at the suggestion that she would need to change anything. It was also great to see Sarah overcome the scars from past experiences and become confident in her own skin. America's Geekheart was funny, romantic, heart-warming, swoony, endearing, and super sweet. I absolutely loved this story and highly recommend it! *** I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC. ***

Geeks FTW!

Every so often, an author creates "the character," the guy or girl in the book that sticks with you for a long, long time. Ladies and gentlemen, we have that character, Beck Ryder. I wasn't too sure reading the blurb for this book. A former boyband underwear model? I got a sense of the manchild in Flirting with the Frenemy and could detect a heck of a sense of humor. So when this book started with him getting flipped off by strangers and bombed by yoga bricks, the giggles began. What a guy! He loves Firefly, his favorite character is Wash (curse you and your sudden but inevitable betrayal), playing with plastic dinosaurs, and a reverence for the Serenity. I believe he's got hobbit in him. No one eats that many meals a day without being at least being descended from a hobbit. This book is a real love letter to all the geeks out there. Those who keep cardboard cutouts of themselves around for shock value, keep Firefly on repeat from Netflix, have toys on hand for the little kids who drop by and still love playing video games even though they are supposed grown-ups. Beck is loveable, fun, funny, and the kind of guy you want for your best friend. Sarah is fun too; she's quieter about it. She OWNS a replica of the Serenity. She's a science nerd (girl science nerds are the best; my daughter is a Physics major), she has a collection of comic books, and blogs and tweets about her passions. Sarah is cool. Sarah is the kind of girl you want for your cool best friend. Getting to watch Beck and Sarah fall in love was pure unadulterated fun. I did not want this story to end. The food fights, tasering, giggles, snorts, baseball games, giraffes, and snacks were delectable. Beck's friends and family make you want to immerse yourself in them and hang out. They are a blast; please tell me we will get stories about the rest of Bro Code?! Pretty please.

Love, wrong tweet, secrets

In this book you have Beck Ryder, Ellie's brother from book one and Sarah Dempsey, who is Ellie's neighbor. Whom keeps to herself. The book starts is Beck not knowing he tweeted to Sarah onstead of Ellie about making babies but not with him. Sp now he has women mad at him. Sarah also is interesting because you feel she has a secret and went onto hiding for a year. Seems Sarah might even be her real name. Well you find that her name is really Serendipity Astrid Darling and her parents are famous. Though she legally changed it. I love how how they call Beck uncle Beck. So cute and Davis is back. I wonder what happened between her and her ex Trent Fornicus. Apparently not much, she just didn't want to tell him who her parents are. O my! Cupcake the pig was so hilarious! I enjoyed her. Her parents were interesting especially her dad. His friend Tripp, oh boy. He needs someone to help him out, but his kids seemed sweet! Oh wow! Nick and Duncan from the thrusters hockey team. That was cute to see characters from other series. I loved these two finally getting together! Beck was so sweet getting Sarah out 9f her shell. She was great with coming out of her shell but still being her. I knew the other shoe would drop and dang it! I knew Bruce was trouble! Ugh! At least he's there to fix it. Can we take a moment and laugh how Beck still didn't know what happened to fogger. I'm glad for theor HEA. Much deserved. Cant wait till the next book.

Funny, adorable, feel-good, & heart-melting!

Gah!! Absolutely adored this story! "I want to be good. I want to be so [f...] good for her. The best she's ever had." Beck Ryder is a gorgeous model and fashion empire mogul but such a goofball. When he mistweets a message meant for his sister to her neighbour instead, he finds himself in such hot water. The next thing he knows, he's scrambling to do damage control whilst fighting a surprising attraction. "This guy loves his family, and food, and life, and he makes everything brighter. I'm in so much trouble." Sarah Dempsey is hiding in plain sight. A veritable geek who wants to save the world, she's also hiding secrets. When Beck asks for her help to save his public image, she's reluctant to put herself in the limelight, however, he makes her an offer she can't refuse. Even though they both know it's all pretend, there's no denying the very real mutual desire that springs up between them. "I didn't even know I wanted him, and now I can't imagine ever letting him go." Beck and Sarah were funny, adorable, and just so darn cute together. I loved their rapport and the understanding that grows between them. I love how they both saw beyond the surface to the people they truly were. Beck is a ball of energy and enthusiasm. I loved how happy he always seemed to be but the guy's got depth. I loved how much he wanted to help Sarah and make her smile. Sarah is cautious but I loved her personality and Beck's effect on her - that he brought her out of her self-imposed shell and helped her to shrug off her insecurities. Throw in all the craziness of their friends and family, and the animal antics, and we have a brilliant feel-good, heart-melting novel! Adored it!!

Bees, Giraffes, Pigs, underwear and oh so good

Audible Review Love this series. What happens when you have a very happy go lucky underwear model that is a billionaire but has very little techno skills? You get a tweet that was meant for your sister as a joke going out to the world and one very sweet geeky girl next door to said sister being on the end of the disaster. Beck Ryder is knock dead gorgeous and so funny and full of life. He loves his friends and besides having trust issues with people outside his close bubble he is a happy guy. Along comes Sarah Dempsy, geeky bee girl trying to save the giraffes and she turns his world upside down. Sarah is the first person that has truly gotten Beck, the real him and he has done the same with her. This mishap has turned out the be the best thing that could happen for both of them. This is a great series and this book is my favorite. Loved the characters and it is fully of laughs and love and lots of quirky life moments to get through. Jason Clarke and Erin Mallon, enough said. Perfect narration I highly recommend this book. Loved it!

Beck is amazing!

Pippa Grant hit it out of the park again with this book! Fans of hers will love this book and seeing a few previous characters, but new readers won’t have a problem dropping into the Pippaverse. This romantic comedy has an amazing plot with fun twists and shows that there is a person for everyone who will get your quirks! I thoroughly enjoyed the plot of this book. Beck and Sarah have a very rocky start, and have a Hollywood internet paparazzi twist to all their interactions. But through it all, they manage to find the good and enjoy each other’s company. Ya’ll, I can’t even properly describe or categorize Beck. His character would have fit right in to “Gilmore Girls.” He’s like a labrador puppy, full of love and life and laughter and verbal diarrhea and wants to make the world a better place and make sure his family and friends are safe and happy. So when he makes a tragic mistake and manages to anger the internet gods, he’s got a serious uphill battle to revive his image. His unintended target and now love interest, Sarah, is hiding a secret. She’s an environmentalist, very private, and not interested in having her secret revealed. I kinda want to be Sarah when I grow up; closet geek, syfy fan, nature lover, and fan of comfy underwear. I feel completely unable to properly describe these two for this review! They are some of my favorite Pippa Grant characters, and I was so pleasantly surprised by how much I liked them after not loving Bro Code #1. But these two have a fantastic plot line and story arc. How could Sarah not be attracted to underwear model Beck? Poor girl never stood a chance. Except for the whole start to the relationship of course. So the way their relationship progresses is completely natural, from unknown entities or enemies, to forced cooperation for mutual benefits, to friendship. Through it all, they start a friendship that makes the basis of something more. That something turns into a beautiful relationship that progresses in such a natural way with fantastic chemistry. Beck sucked me into this book, and I didn’t put it down until I was finished just a few hours later. Ms. Grant managed to craft an well written story that didn’t seem overdone or overly Hollywood, while still portraying Beck and Sarah as great people doing the best with their situation. I loved not only Beck and Sarah’s story, but the introduction of all of their friends and family. I’m hopin Charlie and so many others will get a story soon! This book is my favorite Bro Code book, and a great addition to the Pippaverse. I loved seeing some of our favorite hockey players and one very talented ventriloquist. There were so many new characters introduced in this book, along with the rest of the Bro Code band, that all need a story, so I’ll be waiting for their books impatiently. Favorite Quotes: “First rule of apologizing: Make sure she knows you’re coming.” “You’re a geek accidentally involved with an underwear model.” “Your robot pheromones are hypnotizing me.” “Swear on my underwear, even the earth stops breathing.” “Behave yourself and use a condom.” “I licked her. She’s mine now.” Star Ratings: Plot = 5/5 Characters = 5/5 Heat = 5/5 Writing Style = 5/5 Overall Rating = 5/5

Beck is the happiest hero I have ever read about. These two were adorable.

America’s Geekheart is book two in the Bro Code series by Pippa Grant. In book one, Flirting With the Frenemy, we met Ellie Ryder. In this book, we meet her older brother, Beckett (Beck) Ryder. And the adorable science geek, Sarah Dempsey. Beck is an ex boy band, current underwear model, fashion mogul. He is currently home on a break to Copper Valley for his sister’s engagement party. There is nothing he enjoys more than being home to spend time with his family and friends. He meant to send the sarcastic tweet to his sister. It was a joke. But by mistake, he sent it to his sister’s neighbor whom he has never even met, and now the entire world hates him. Also, his partner in a foundation he has spent months setting up is threatening to pull out of their deal. His world is suddenly tumbling down around his ears. Sarah is the daughter of famous movie star parents. But, the world of the glitz and glamour, the paparazzi and the tabloids had never been for her. Sarah loved science. She wanted to save the endangered giraffes. She wanted to make the world a better place. So she hides out in Copper Valley, until a misplaced tweet puts her right out in front of the world all over again. “This is a woman with secrets. And I want to know every last one.” A contract and a fake relationship is born to attempt to fix everything. Only the feelings that start to form between Beck and Sarah aren’t fake at all. Beck is probably the happiest hero I have ever read about. This man smiled his way through this entire book. He was adorable. And oh my gosh could he eat. I loved the way he was with Sarah. He was determined to help her overcome her past in order to better face the future. And he does. He builds up her self confidence until she can’t help but to believe him. “Kissing her is like discovering a new flavor of ice cream. Sweet and perfect, but better.” These two were completely and totally adorable together. But they have a contract. Their relationship is fake. Can Sarah really trust that the feelings Beck is hinting at are real? That they could continue after their official time is finished? And his life is out in front of the world. She prefers to stay behind the scenes, hidden. Could she really be a part of the world she has spent her entire adult life hiding from? “This is what I’ve been searching for my entire life without even knowing I wanted it.” This book was so much fun. It is a slow burn, sweet fun read. I loved how close knit this group is. And Sarah’s parents were hilarious. I do admit I had trouble keeping all of Beck’s friends straight when they were all hanging out together. But this group is more like family than friends. And I loved the effect everyone’s closeness had on Sarah. I really did enjoy this. I can’t wait to see what comes next in this series. “I didn’t ask for him. But I can’t imagine ever letting him go.”

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!


The premise of the book was good. The attempt at comedy bombed. The author tried too hard. It was missing something. Maybe the mental issues of Sarah. Yeah, you were bullied as a kid, but her parents could still have sent her a psychologist, had a person to do her clothes and hair and mentally be a geek. But to brag about not washing their hair? Poor hygiene? Tweak the book. It could be a fun read instead of a case study in psychology.

Beck is my new book boyfriend!

Brief Synopsis: Buck, underwear model and owner of a fashion empire, accidentally tweets something inappropriate to a stranger, Sarah. In order to do damage control, he and Sarah decide to write up a contract and temporarily be friends for a while. Sarah is no stranger to publicity but she wants nothing to do with the spotlight. Pretty soon this fake relationship turns into something real and Sarah needs to decide if he is wroth being in the spotlight again. Review: I LOVED this book!!! Buck is hilarious! Probably the best book boyfriend that I have read in a while. All he wants to do is make everything better for Sarah and make it right, he had no intention of falling for Sarah and her giraffes. Sarah is a little skittish about being in the spotlight again, but you understand why real quick. She does not want to fall for Buck because she knows it to just temporary, but she can not help falling for his goofball charms and personality. Love the chemistry between the two of them and the dual point of view really helps tell the story. The two of them together is hilarious and makes you want to keep reading. The books does feel a little long at times... 361 pages. I feel like 100 pages could have been taken out of the book and I would have still enjoyed it as much. HEA: Yes Couple Separation: No OW/OM Drama: No Cheating: No

One word: Beck

For me, Beck completely stole the show here. I thoroughly enjoyed the relationship between Beck and Sarah, but I adored Beck's character. He is an overall joyful person whose reactions to his situation, the people around him, Sarah, and, well, everything, were just so enjoyable. He was a "go-along" guy, in the best way. What I loved about Sarah was that she dealt with her issues and also celebrated Beck's joyful personality. If she had ignored it or played it off, her character wouldn't have been as enjoyable. Sarah really came into her own, but wasn't a complete disaster like so many heroines are portrayed in romance novels. I am quite tired of the woe-is-me, literally every bad thing happens to me and I'm so hapless heroines that seem to abound in the genre, but that was not the case here. Sarah had excellent reasons for acting the way that she did and worked her way through her issues. Also, Beck, despite being a happy-go-lucky sort, took a stand when he needed to, even to the surprise of those around him. I actually wished he had done so more often because it was great to see. Their relationship developed in an overall natural way and their conversations about food and intimate moments had me cracking up. Several days and many books later, I find myself still laughing about the Cheese Danish conversation. Sarah's parents were a bit over the top in typical Pippa fashion, but I just skimmed a bit over Batdad to get past the silliness. One of the issues I did find, though, was the fact that everyone in Beck's life really just gave him crap over everything and he just took it. Yes, it was "all in good fun" but if I had friends and family who constantly laughed at me and brought up my screw-ups at every turn, I'd probably lose my mind after a while or spend much more time alone. That's probably out of character for a people person like Beck, but couldn't the man have one conversation where something embarrassing wasn't thrown in his face? It seemed that the loving family and friends took too much advantage of his kindness. I'd also say that although the tweet that kicked things off was a stupid mistake, the amount of apologizing he had to do to essentially everyone in his life seemed excessive. It can be a sign of the times we're living in now, but I chocked it up to needing to keep the "tension" of his mistake going for the sake of the story. Overall this was another great read from Pippa and I'm looking forward to the next installment in the series. If it is anything like this book, I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

Type message, read message (twice) and post!

When you are building something you always, measure twice, cut once -- but with online typing, we are all so quick to just send!! Yet another hilarious and lovable couple. Pippa doesn't disappoint! Our heroine's a geek and the hero's an underwear model. What could they have in common? Turns out lots! Of course they never would have met if it hadn't been for his lack of social media skills! And now a bit about the story... Sarah, an environmental engineer, gets a very public tweet about her uterus and lack of kids from Beck, a sexy underwear model. Turns out it was all a mistake, but the world isn't sure they believe it. The problem is, Beck was about to enter into a partnership to benefit the kids, but now his partner isn't sure it is a good idea. He and his team pull out all the stops, and cause a few unexpected surprises. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!! Favorite Passages: - "Didn't recognize you with your clothes on." - "You're not going to keep a man like Beck Ryder happy with hair like that for long." "He likes picking the bugs out of it." - "Oh my god, it sounded like you were summoning a popcorn demon." - "Well, yeah. Nepotism's important." - But when she beams at me, I get the feeling I could leap onto the table and do the MC Hammer dance naked and she'd think I was still just utterly perfect. Note: I was given a free copy and voluntarily chose to review this book.

Save The Bees

So Beck really did screw up. Bad. Like you can understand why ladies are throwing stuff at him. And not only did he screw up, he brought in an innocent nerd who just wants to talk to the world about bees and giraffes, she doesn’t wanna be the unintentional target of Becks mistweet (full disclosure, I don’t know how to use Twitter, so I have no idea if what happened is even possible.) Sarah is an awesome nerd who has the biggest secret and Beck is not helping. Neither does her parents and their pig showing up to “help”. Because Judson Clarke and Sunny Darling are not exactly helping her under the radar thing. “It’s time,” my dad growls with a thicker growl than normal. “He’s proven himself. He can join the fight against the Euranians.” I laugh again and stroke Beck’s tense shoulders. “Thanks, Dad. But I don’t know if I want to lose him to the war.” Sarah agrees to help Beck get his reputation back on track so a foundation for kids isn’t totally derailed. Together they make as series of videos, where he has to mention Persephone, the giraffe at the local zoo who is being live streamed while waiting for her to give birth. We also see all of Beck’s Bro Code mates joining in and trying to bribe Sarah for some of her film props in exchange for promoting Persephone. All Sarah wants is some peace and quiet, to look out for the animals in the world who need it and watch a fairly rubbish, but on a winning streak thanks to bathroom conversations, baseball team. Together I think Beck and Sarah are one of my favourite Pippa couples. One thing I loved was Beck’s inexperience, it’s such an odd thing in a book where the hero is famous. And his eagerness to be good for Sarah is so heartwarming. “It’s why I’m so f***ing glad for everyone from home. I might not have someone warming my bed every night, but I have family. My family, who won’t accuse me of fathering kids that aren’t mine—and it f***ing sucks, by the way, because I would love kids someday—or try to take advantage of me because they don’t care about the heart under the body.” Look, I just want a Beck. If someone could find a Beck and send him my way, I’d be so bloody happy. Beck is the guy you want standing by your side until you die. He’s funny and charming, he’s kind, he loves his family, he wants kids. And ultimately, he just wants someone who wants him for him. And Sarah wants the same. After her turbulent childhood, she want someone who can look past the Hollywood trappings, and see her for the nature and old sci-fi show nerd that she is. She’s a sweetheart who indulges her best friends superstitions, and defends her cat from a horny pig, and who loves her parents even though she’s distanced from them. Now I’ll be honest, Sarah’s secret does make me worry about Pippa’s kids names. I don’t know any of them, but all the evidence from her books makes me question what names she gave her kids, because Sarah’s birth name is almost cruel, like why would you name a baby that? It’s like naming a baby Craig, or Neal. Those are adult names. And Sarahs…. Oh dear. And Beck’s secret, which wasn’t really teased, is super cute. Seriously, Beck’s adorable and I can so see why this book was so long, because how could anyone want to stop reading about him? “Everyone’s special.” “But you’re Sarah special. That’s specialer.” “Specialer?” “It’s my word. I like it. I’m keeping it. Can I see you after our two weeks are up? I meant it. I hate the contract. I just want to date you.” “Why?” “Because I like you. Like you like you.” And finally, sneezes are genetic. I’ll leave you with that. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book.

Quick(ish) Review

I enjoyed this latest entry by Ms. Grant. Beck is a loveable goofball with some deep waters running underneath it all, and Sarah has some sharp edges underneath her geeky exterior and her attempts to keep Beck at bay, made me like her alot, since I love when a heroine makes her hero work for her affection. Ms. Grant keeps her stories interconnected with loose threads, so the reader can choose to read earlier books, but it’s not necessary to enjoy yourself. The humor/jokes in these books can be genuinely laugh out loud, or land like lead balloons (hey, they can’t all be gold, know what I’m saying?). In general, they’re easy reads that entertain me, especially when real life’s a bit hectic. Beck and Sarah have many sweet moments, and I liked the way their relationship built up slowly and believably. If I had to quibble, there’s alot going on in general that can distract from their romance. To me, these books tend to be focused more on the relationships between the main characters and friends/family than specifically on the romance. I think it really brings something to the tale, but your mileage may vary. When Beck and Sarah get their own scenes, they have excellent chemistry that kept me happy. Special kudos to the Buffy/Firefly references, because I, tool, am a nerd at heart. I think this is an easy read in a new series with some familiar ties to her old books, and if you’re a fan of her writing, or just love comedic romances in general, you may enjoy this. **ARC provided by author for review**

Beck is the best book boyfriend!!

I have to start off by saying how much I loved Beck! He is the sweetest and most loveable hero I’ve come across in a long time. The way he loves life, his family and friends and just people in general is just so refreshing to see. He made a big mistake in the beginning that was spiraling down fast, but he owned up to it and attempted to apologize as soon as he realized what happened. Sarah, I just absolutely adored. Her determination to save the world, her quirky nature, and her awkwardness makes her so charming and just irresistible. And she is hiding a secret that made her so much more intriguing. Right from the hilarious first meet of these two, I knew their story was going to be awesome. I really could not put it down, Beck was just amazing with Sarah, he saw her beauty from the very beginning, my heart swooned when Angry Beck surfaced, forbidding Sarah to change her looks to appease the outside world. I really really loved their relationship, they are adorable together and they are just right for eachother. The secondary characters, including the four-legged ones, had me in stitches. Sarah’s relationship with Mackenzie had me so envious, I would love to have a best friend like her!! And all the animals in this book were hilarious and adorable!! This was one my favorite lines in this book: “She’s mine. I called her. You can’t have her. You snooze, you lose. I licked her. She’s mine now.” Another fabulous book by Pippa Grant

Beck's biggest fan

I'm not going to do a synopsis, because there's an excellent blurb for the book at the top of the page and other reviews already have it covered. I'm not even going to talk about the heroine, the secondary characters, or the animals (pet and otherwise), except to say they were great, you'll love them. Instead, I'm just going to talk about Beck. And I've got lots to say, so here goes. I can't remember ever being so charmed by a book hero. Beck's got me so fangirly that all thoughts of good grammar, punctuation and sentence construction have flown out the window. (As you'll no doubt see. My apologies in advance.) My all-time favorite heroes tend to be proudly alpha male. Beck doesn't fit the mold of any of the alphas I have gone for in the past. Beck isn't dark, brooding, tortured (or into torturing others). He isn't a boxing, MMA, mercenary, mafia, MC, or military, badass. He isn't a Dom, a sports playing god on the ice, field, or court, or a notch-carving-on-the-bedpost player. Instead, he's an upbeat, joke cracking, Firefly loving (cancelling it was a crime!), family-comes-first former boy band member, turned underwear model, turned fashion mogul, who chooses (yes, it's a choice; he isn't naive) to see the world as a beautiful place (In fact, if asked to choose one song to represent today's world I bet he'd choose What a Wonderful World), is a high scorer in Frogger (well, he was, until...well, just read Flirting with the Frenemy), and can outeat a Hobbit (or two). See? How could I *not* love this guy? Even better, he delivers one of the best, most *epic*, and romantic rants EVER. True story. He's awesome! Don't believe me? Just ask him. Or better yet, read America's Geekhart and see for yourself. Seriously, if you haven't purchased America's Geekhart already, I HIGHLY recommend it. If you have, but it's sitting in your TBR folder, trust me, take it out ASAP and READ it. Warning: Reading may cause frequent smile and laugh lines (disregard if using Botox) and laugh induced drink spitting. Handle beverages with care.

So I liked Book 1, but absolutely LOVE Book 2.

"You're too fascinating to ever not be fascinating." What a wonderful thing to tell someone - SWOON!! Beck Ryder is such fun! Although this book stands alone, I think it would be helpful to read Book 1 to get a background on the characters. That helped greatly this time around. So Beck is just a kid at heart and I really didn't expect to love him so much, but man - he can charm anyone it seems. Sarah - she is sweet, lovable, scarred from her past, insecure, geeky - and just a beautiful person who loves giraffes and all endangered species. As an animal lover, you will really connect with her. Beck starts off as a jerk for what he tweets, but he more than makes up for it as the story goes along. Watching them fall in love is special... "...suddenly the only thing in the entire world that matters is kissing him back. Because this isn't what I've been waiting for from the moment he came back to my house to apologize...This is what I've been waiting for my entire life." "I didn't even know I wanted him, and now I can't imagine ever letting him go." So sweet, laugh out loud funny, and the friends who are really family relationships are joyful. Great book, great story, such a fun read. No real angst which is refreshing! I voluntarily requested and read an advance reader copy.

Loved it!

This is the best Pippa Grant book yet! And if you've read any of hers before, you know that's saying a lot because they are all amazing. Beck is a former member of the boy band Bro Code, now underwear model/fashion mogul, back in his hometown where he is normally both loved and left alone. On his morning jog, however, he is accosted and assaulted by yoga bricks and scolded by everyone he meets. He soon discovers that an off-color joke he was trying to privately tweet to his newly engaged sister was accidentally - and very publicly - directed at scientist and conservationist Sarah, who is also his sister's friend and next door neighbor. After Beck's apology video with Sarah goes viral and the world is convinced they are together, they embark on a fake romance and real friendship in order to rehab his reputation and save a charity foundation Beck is in the process of opening. The problem? Sarah has her own huge secrets that not even her best friend knows about, and being thrust in the spotlight also brings her skeletons out of the closet just as publicly as Beck's tweet. Beck and Sarah are hands down my favorite Pippa couple. They are so perfect for each other! Beck is always happy and cheerful, and Sarah learns some important life lessons from him. He also learns some important things from her that he had never before considered. But what sealed it for me was their love of Firefly. Seriously, any book that makes Firefly/Serenity references gets extra points from me. Although this book didn't need extra points - it is hilarious and touching and everything a book should be.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

Beck is my new favorite

Beck is my new favorite book boyfriend! Ok, he's right up there next to Ares, but don't tell Ares that, I don't want to get any angry gifs. Beck, former Bro Code member, male model, entrepreneur, and fashion mogul, accidentally tweets a sexist comment (meant as a joke for his sister Ellie), to environmental engineer, and environmental blogger Sarah. The fall out wreaks havoc on Beck's image, his business, and an upcoming charity he is working on. It also thrusts Sarah into the lime lite again, something she has worked hard to get away from. In order to clean up his image, Sarah agrees to help by spending time with Beck and pretending to be in a relationship with him. The more time they spend together the more they start falling for eachother. I cannot tell you enough how much I love Beckett Ryder! His confidence, goofy nerdiness along with his hobbit sized appetite are the perfect match for Sarah's sweet genius, nerdiness, and slight lack of self confidence. I Loved how Beck's goofiness brought Sarah out of hiding, and how Sarah's seriousness and smarts made Beck realize he may want more out of life. All of Beck's antic and shenanigans made for a fun read; I think I smiled through the entire book. Beck's and Sarah's love story was funny, sweet, and endearing, with a fantastic HEA. Pippa had me hooked from the first page! I could not put this book down; I am so glad for Kindle's Whisper Sync that let me listen to this book when I was too busy to read. Thank you Pippa for writing such fun entertaining stories.. I cannot wait to dive into Tripp's story next.

These books just keep getting better

This book was unexpected in that I thought I was getting an antic driven signature Pippa Grant romantic comedy. Instead I got an achingly sweet romance with a couple of comedy moments. I love that this author is showing her versatility by switching gears for this Bro Code series. Beck might be one of the nicest romantic heroes I've had the pleasure of reading. He is kind and generous to people. He goes out of his way to correct a mistake, not necessarily for himself, but for those his thoughtless actions might damage inadvertently. It would be so easy to write him as a self absorbed popstar turned underwear model, but that doesn't allow Sarah our heroine, to fall for an interesting and complex man. Sarah deserves a true partner, a man who has her back always. She might be quiet and unassuming, but she's an environmental warrior who knows what truly matters. Beck and Sarah together was a total swoony sigh fest. 😍😍 I loved them together. As always, the supporting characters, parents, friends, extended family were funny and touching and supportive and real. I need a book about EVERYONE NAMED! Even if it was just a brief name check. Another triumphant addition to this new series by the ever fabulous Pippa Grant.

sweet and witty and fun

Sarah has been avoiding her parents' Hollywood life for a long time now and that's the way she prefers it. And then one misdirected tweet by an underwear model shakes up her calm, quiet life, and she's never the same after. Beck is a former boy-bander turned underwear model and fashion mogul who lives his life with joy and happiness. He is setting up a foundation for underprivileged kids, but when he tries to send his sister a cheeky PRIVATE message on Twitter, and it gets directed PUBLICLY to the wrong person, suddenly his happy go lucky life is taking a downward spiral. And when he goes to apologize to the woman whose life he's upended, he's struck by her gorgeous eyes and by the fact that she's definitely not impressed by him, so much so that she actually tasers him! I adored America's Geekheart. It's so sweet and witty and fun, and the very best part of it is Beck. Talk about BBF material!! I love how completely joyful and sweet and adorable he is, and how he lives his life seeing everything in a positive light. He could be a total jerk given his underwear model status, but he's instead kind, and sweet, and loves life and his family, and his Sarah. Yep, he definitely loves his own geek, who has a heart as big as his. Awww I can't help but be happy thinking about how adorable these two are together and how much this story made me smile. I don't always connect with rom-coms, but this one is definitely one of the great ones of its genre, one that I more than enjoyed - I LOVED! I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy.

Pippa's best book yet

What can I say about the author who never fails to impress me with her writing, her understanding of her audience and her love of her characters? This book surpassed all expectations that I had for it. I truly expected it to be good, but Beck became the ultimate book boyfriend with his great looks, sense of humor and complete geekiness. Is he the perfect man? Of course not! He sticks his big ole foot in his mouth at the beginning of the book. But flawed characters like him are great because as we all know, no man is perfect, but with the right woman he can become his perfect self. And while that is what Sarah does for Beck, in turn Beck encourages Sarah to step out into the world and own who she is. He provides her with the support and love she needs to overcome her fears and be the confident, smart, strong woman she was meant to be. This book has a cast of the most amazing supporting characters I may have ever read in a book. Sarah's dad alone stole my heart. I now want Pippa to write books for every single one of them. America's Geekheart has the perfect amount of romance (its an epic slow burn), laugher, friendship and above all a sense of what a "family" is. Its shows us how a relationship should be...encourage, support and let your partner bloom while letting them do the same for you. And that a family doesn't have to share blood, they just all have to have the bond of love and friendship. I smiled almost the entire time I read this story. If you read any of Pippa's books, this has to be the one read. You will not be disappointed.

Snickerdoodling Amazing!!! 5+++ Stars!

I wish I could give this book more than 5 stars. This book is everything you could want in a rom-com and more! I’ve been a huge fan of this author since her very first book. This time she has outdone herself. This is my absolute favorite book of hers. I loved everything about this book. I love Sarah and Beck individually, and together they are simply amazing! There are so many good things about this book. First, this book is hilarious. It’s not hilarious in the over the top humor that many of Pippa’s books are but hilarious in its own way. Second, it’s sweet and very swoony. There are two scenes in the book that had me swooning harder than I have for any other book. Beck is everything! Every woman needs a Beck in her life. He’s definitely solidified his place in my top 5 all-time favorite book boyfriends. He’s sweet and sexy and most importantly accepts Sarah exactly how she is. Third, this book has all the feels. It’s emotional, moving, thought-provoking, and heartwarming. Fourth, all the characters are amazing. There are so many secondary characters that I really hope get their own book. Fifth, this book is simply amazing. You can’t help but feel good after reading it. If you are a fan of this author, you will be over the moon with this couple and this book. If you have never read her, then what are you waiting for?!?! Get this book and get it now! If you’ve read her in the past and thought that her books just weren’t for you, then please take a chance on this one. I promise you it’s worth the read. Everyone needs to read this book!

Adorably funny

America's Geekheart is a hilariously adorable read. Beck Ryder is a billionaire fashion mogul, underwear model, former boyband member (I know, right?) When he manages to screw up like the rest of us normal people and tweets something that quickly makes him the most unpopular guy on the planet he knows he has to fix his faux pas, pronto. Sarah Dempsey wants the simple life...just save the planet, endangered animals, and bees, and watch some baseball with her best friend. She doesn't appreciate the tweet but isn't prepared for what comes next. Did I mention the tweet that offended most of the female population was toward Beck's sister's neighbor, Sarah Dempsey? Well, well, well...what's a guy to do other than sneak into her backyard to apologize? Warning! Sneaking around gets you tazed bro! No more story plot, because spoilers! Just know you will love the witty banter, the adorable animals (the pig! I LOVE PIGS!!) and the story. I have to be honest... one would think with all of the snobby status-ish "roles" tossed around this book would almost be cheesy (seriously a millionaire fashion mogul/underwear model/former boy band star) but it's so not. It is sweet and funny and totally worth picking up! I've already read it twice!! I can't wait to see what comes next in the Bro Code series.

Exceptionally entertaining!

Sometimes when you end a book you smile, sometimes when you begin a book you smile. This book, you will smile all the way through, and even laugh a little along the way. An absolutely charming little read that will take your heart and caress it and make it quiver with delight. A storyline that is just made for the main male character and best friend to the male lead - brother to the female lead in the previous book. Beck is absolutely amazing, charming and such a goofball that you will not be able to stop falling in love with him. Sarah, yep, that's where the geek in Geekheart comes in. She's really amazing in a sweet, shy and, ok..geekish sort of way, but to Beck; she's amazingly perfect. Social media plays a big role in this story and because, you know, what is said online is FACT, well first feathers are ruffled, then there are the team Beck, team Sarah type of comments, and always, always there are the hateful trolls who are unhappy loveless nobodies that have to diss everyone and everything, even a giraffe!!! Yea...they hate on a poor baby giraffe too! This book was entirely too cool for school and I absolutely loved each and every page of it. A ROMCOM that will definitely cause you wrinkles...around your eyes from smiling so much. I adored this book and I highly recommend it.

Oh Beck!

I saw an ad on social media for this book. The taser scene to be specific and it captured my attention. I clicked, read the description but never downloaded the book. The next day I see yet another ad but this one with the robot scene. Once again I clicked, realized it was the same book and hit download. I read it in about a day and a half. It was sweet, funny, flirty, and easy to really get into. I loved Beck. His character was so easy to love. Sarah I also loved because she’s a total geek who is totally relatable! There was just enough steamy fun scenes to make it interesting but not over the top. But I was slightly disappointed that there was never really any climax to the story. It was all easy and good and there was never really any huge problem for them to get through. I mean there was a tiny blip but it was over so quickly that it was almost non existent. A few times I was confused when so many people were together on who was who, but overall I’m glad I read this one. It’s definitely a happy feel good, happy ending kind of book. I just need a bit more conflict to be able to give a book 5 stars.

Beck is a lovable mess!

I've been excited about Beck from the beginning, and I am not disappointed. Beck is a mess, but he's so lovable. He can almost get away with anything, but sometimes he messes up royally and has to face the repercussions. Which is the case when it comes to Sarah. Beck is incredibly sexy (being an underwear model makes that a given), charming, and those blue eyes will make you melt. He’s cocky - but not a jerk - and thrives on the spotlight. He’s also a really good guy with a heart of gold and is willing to share the wealth of his success with those around him. He would be perfect if he could learn to keep his foot out of his gorgeous mouth. Sarah is the opposite of Beck. She doesn’t like the spotlight at all - the less interaction she has with people, the better. But she has her reasons why. She’s skittish, awkward, and sarcastic, and she’s also an amazing, selfless person. She challenges Beck in so many ways, and it’s just so much fun to watch. These two will keep you in stitches through this story. From the first page to the last, you’re going to enjoy it. You might not like Beck and Sarah all the time, but you will certainly love them in the end. This is exactly what I’ve come to expect from this author and I can’t wait for more.

A Must Read!

I loved this one. I like to mix up my reading list each month with a few new to me authors and I saw this one and decided to check it out. I was totally loving the characters, story and writing style that at 60% into the story (it was a chapter break too) I took a break to check out more about the author. I found that America's Geekheart is book two in the Bro Code series so before continuing to read America's Geekheart I one clicked Flirting with the Frenemy so I already have my next read ready. America's Geekheart is book two in the Bro Code series but it most definitely can be read as a standalone. This one is a fun read. It's Sarah and Beck's story and we get both their POVS. Sarah has crazy over the top Hollywood parents. She has manged to distance herself from Hollywood and is a pretty down to earth girl. Beck is former boy bander. He lives in the spotlight. He's like giant kid and is always happy. With one wring tweet he ends up thrusting Sarah into the spotlight. To help with the PR nightmare he has caused Beck and Sarah decide to fake date. They clicked perfectly together. They might have started out as fake dating but fate has something else in mind. They have great banter and these two were just great together.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

A mis-tweet then tasered into LOVE!!

Absolutely loved America's Geekheart!! Pippa's story starts in the span of a couple of hours as between underwear model Beck Ryder and conservationist / environmentalist Sarah Dempsey with an epic meet between our heroine Sarah and goofy Beck after an ugly tweet. Beck is home for his sister & best friend's engagement party not more than a couple of hours and one poorly aimed tweet is threatening his brand new / not even off the ground children's foundation with a super star athlete. TARGET: Must_love_bees, aka Sarah Dempsey environmental engineer currently saving frogs habitats. Sarah has spent the her whole adulthood keeping a low profile, for a good reason. She's also trying to save the giraffes, as Persephone is about to have a calve. SOLUTION: A fake relationship, with a defined end date. And to make Sarah look even more likable after that horrendous tweet. It helps having the guys of Bro Code home as well to having Beck's back. With an amazing assistant for Beck and a bunch of family and friends fiercely protective of Sarah supporting her, it's ABSOLUTE insanity with a pot-bellied pig in a tutu and family crashing Sarah's place to some awkward displays of PDA all in the name of saving Beck's image while the both start to show the "real" Beck and Sarah to each other. Even if it's a fake relationship, it's still a little real, right? I received an ARC for a voluntary review.

One of my top rom-com reads for 2019! 5+ stars!

A faux pas on social media leading to a serendipitous--you'll get it if you've read the book--happy ending? I absolutely and indubitably adored America's Geekheart! I seriously liked its predecessor, Flirting with the Frenemy, but Pippa Grant took things up a couple of notches with this second book in her Bro Code series. On paper, Beck and Sarah were as different as night and day, but I reveled in not just discovering which similarities they did share but also in seeing them connect more and more as they got to know each other and realize that they simply belonged together. As much as there were some honest-to-goodness, toe-curling "le sigh" moments, there was a whole lot of comedic turns that had me either giggling or flat-out snort-laughing. This novel epitomizes what a romantic comedy read should be. I've read more than my fair share of rom-coms, and this just ticked all of my boxes and then some. Beck and Sarah were an awesome pair to lead a pack of hilariously unforgettable supporting players. You know how there's a saying that starts off with "it takes a village"? It took one author's amazing writing plus a slew of fantastic characters, and a very quirky love story to make America's Geekheart the fabulous, five-plus-starred romance that it is. ♥

I SUPER love this one!

I so super loved this one! I love all this author's books but I felt like this one was super special. It brings the laughs, as all of Ms. Grant's books do, but also lots of smiles and happy little sighs. It was SWEET in just a perfect way, not too over the top, JUST enough for this couple. Beck was dreamy for sure, very VERY charming, the kind of guy who just always lucks out, lands on his feet, doesn't let things bring him down. He's solid and grounded and knows exactly who he is, that type of self awareness is super sexy anyway, but what really sold me on him and made me want a Beck of my own was how he loved. Even with his heart being guarded, he loved HIS people in such a full way, just such a solid stand up guy. And when he decided to love Sarah, sweet, dorky Sarah, he didn't love her in spite of her geekiness, nerdiness, awkwardness, but because those things made her who she was. I always hated those movies where the nerdy girl gets a glam make over and all the cool kids suddenly like her, Beck liked Sarah better when she wasn't trying to fit in and be someone she wasn't and thats special. Oh Sarah! I really felt for her in the beginning. I don't want to give away the plot so I won't touch too much on it here, but she really blossoms in this book. She deserves every bit of her happy ever after with Beck. This book was more than just a rom-com it was alot about growth and courage and loving and valuing yourself.

If you haven't read a Pippa Grant book before, start here

If you haven’t read a Pippa Grant book before, feel free to start with this one. I have read ALL of her books and none of them are bad, so you could potentially start with any of them. But, this one would be more than fine to dip your toe into her world. They are stand alone, but do have characters that thread throughout. I honestly did not think that any one could come between me and Chase from Mr. McHottie. But, Beck? He had me at "Cats are awesome." Actually, he had me before then, but that sealed the deal. He is now officially my favorite Pippa Hero. His charm and unwillingness to let other people dull his sparkle has made me fall in love with him easily. There are more things to enjoy when reading this book, such as the adorable side characters, the banter, lovable animals, and the delicious slow burn to name a few. I very much recommend this book, especially if you want to fall in love and need a happiness lift without an angsty ride. The cover is a fair representation of what you are going to find inside making it very easy to picture Beck and his glorious blue eyes. I love when that happens. This is another keeper and I can't wait to see who is next to get their HEA. I received an advanced reader copy and all the opinions are mine alone.

A true Romantic Comedy, OMG! 10 stars!

Can I give this 10 stars please, cause it might just be too perfect for 5! I love the characters Sarah and Beck, they are adorable and hilarious. I swear Beck is secretly and 6'2 hobbit with the amount of food he eats, he actually uses terms like second breakfast and second lunch, it's too cute. I laughed so hard during the baby poop scene I dropped my phone! Beck and Sarah have the best chemistry right from the start and they just flow so well with the story it seams effortless. My biggest jump for joy was the lack stereotypes in romances. Sarah is a smart strong woman who can handle herself, even when feeling vulnerable. She not a virgin or lacking in sexual experience and Beck isn't a man whore! Both characters grow through out story and we are taken on journey with them. They have a circus, as best I can describe them, of family that adds charm, warmth and extremely hilarity to the story. I love how passionate Beck becomes about Sarah realizing how beautiful she is as she is, no makeup, no fancy dresses. Her geeky-ness is perfect. I really might be in love. I can't wait to read more from this author!

Beck may be my favorite Pippa hero yet!

Holy smokes, was America’s Geekheart funny, funny, funny! I seriously think that Beck can give some of Pippa’s other heroes a real run for the money! At the end of Flirting With The Frenemy, we got a tease that Ellie’s brother, former boy bander-turned-underwear model Beck had made a major gaffe. Now we find out that instead of jokingly tweeting a rude remark to his sister, he sent it to Ellie’s neighbor. And Sarah is not amused. When their meet-cute involves her tasering him, how can Beck not fall in love with her? Beck is such a lovable doofus, but he’s sweet and gentle and kind, and sees and loves Sarah for the geeky, science-loving woman that she is. He’s been burned in the past, not knowing if women like him for him, or for his bank account and ripped body. The fact that Sarah is so unaffected by his fame is what draws him to her at the start, but there is a genuine affection for one another that forms as they pretend date to fix his rep. The zany cast of supporting players in this book are hysterical. I love Sarah’s dad! And the cat and tutu-wearing pig were everything! Seriously, better than Nick’s cow! Nice appearance by Nick and Felicity at the open-mic comedy show that Beck and Sarah go to. I am dying to know if Mackenzie will end up with Tripp, so please make that happen, Pippa!! I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review.

Snickerdoodle Fun!

Beckett Ryder accidentally sends a joke Twitter message to Sarah Dempsey, aka Serendipity Astrid Darling, and it has disastrous results for them both. Becoming fake friends seems the only way out of the situation. Beck is such a happy go lucky guy, he always tries to see the positive in a situation, such a fabulous quality that makes you like him. I think the more his character is built up the more I like him. Likewise Sarah is another terrific character who steals your heart along with her best friend, Mackenzie, who is a riot. A lot of the humour in this story just sneaks up on you and really packs a punch. Great expressions like ‘Good gravy!’ are so much fun yet say a lot in an innocent manner. Likewise there is also witty banter between characters that at times is sarcastic but very funny. The characters are able to laugh at themselves as they take time for self reflection. The other side of this story has the more serious issues like a good/bad self image and public scrutiny and misconceptions. All dealt with extremely well. America’s Geekheart is such a feel good book, it is fun to read, extremely entertaining and leaves you feeling fantastic! I totally recommend this to everyone.

It was love at first page!

It is impossible to not fall completely head over heals in love with Beck and Sarah. This love at first taser… I mean sight romance is one for the ages. Only Pippa Grant can write a story that will make your heart swell with all the feel-good emotions of new love, and at the same time make you pee your pants from laughing. I vote this book the cure for what ails you, the feel-good book of the summer, and the nominee for BEST love story of the year. Beck is a sexy underwear model/fashion emperor who can’t help but see the glass as half full. When he makes a social media faux pas, he realizes that he needs to fix it fast in order to keep something he holds dear from being jeopardized. Sara is a science geek at heart and wants to make the world a better place. She learned from an early age that life in the spot light is not for her. She is happy with her quiet life until the sexy underwear model ruins her with a simple tweet. Now they have to find a way to fix things, together. Their hilarious, silly, and inspiring journey includes lessons in love, trust, and believing in one’s self. The girl who finds that she can be so much more, and the guy who realizes he has everything he needs right in front of him.

Best Pippa book yet!

Each new Pippa Grant is a trip into a world of amazing characters. America’s Geekheart is a romantic roller coaster ride that just gets better with each new twist and turn! This is such a fun book with more of a slow burn. Beck is the most sexy, over the top, romantic and goofy hero. After getting tasered by Sarah he isn’t sure if his tingles are love or the after effect of the electric jolt. He is a genuine guy who loves his family and has a close group of friends who keep him grounded. Sarah has secrets and an issue with being in the public eye as a result of several hurtful mishaps as a child/teenager. Becks accidental tweet brings massive attention to her and her geeky blog that she has purposefully tried to keep a low profile with for many years. The two special characters are perfect for each other and the romance includes baseball games and sports superstitions, a pregnant giraffe, Hollywood Stars, boyband members and so much more. Definitely read Flirting with the Frenemy before this book. Reading Pippa’s previous title helps you enjoy small cameos by Felicity, Nick Murphy and Lavoie at a comedy club. I received an ARC and am leaving an honest review.

Beck & Sara

I couldn’t wait for this book! even Even in Frenemey I couldn’t wait to learn more about Beck. He has to be the most easy going person every! He loves family both real and Bro Code family. He is funny, humble, generous, and a gorgeous former boy band hearty throb, turned underwear model. When he makes a simple mistake I couldn’t help feeling so bad for him. He meets a girl that everyone would think is his exact opposite but you would be surprised what this underwear model/ billionaire thinks of her. Sara’s first meeting with him is hilarious, but she helps him get back in favor with his public. Sara has secrets of her own that will get out if she agrees to his contract. Beck, being the person described above, is sorry to even have to ask for her help, but a foundation he supports is in jeopardy because of this social nightmare. The animals in this are cute and so funny. The superstitious friend is hilarious and Sara’s dad, just wait!! I was bummed when I reached the end. I didn’t want it to end and there was no clue on who will be the focus of the next book in the series. I have some guesses but we will have to see. This. Is. A. Great. Read!!

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!


This book was snickerdoodling awesome! I couldn’t put it down. It was funny, it was sweet and it was hot. Beck screwed up in a BIG way when he mistweeted a message that was meant to be sent privately to his sister, Ellie. Sarah, unfortunately, was the recipient of that mistweet and also happens to be Ellie’s next door neighbor. What happens when Beck needs Sarah’s help to repair his public image? I said it again, but I’ll say it again. I loved this book. I loved the chemistry between Beck and Sarah. Their banter was absolutely hilarious. Though it wasn’t just their relationship that I loved about this story. It started out as a fake relationship, but we all know how well those work out. Plus, the giraffe and Sarah’s love of it. I totally could see myself in her. Sarah and her best friend Mackenzie’s relationship was serious best friend goals, plus Mackenzie’s craziness over baseball had me laughing. Plus Sarah’s family, the Ryder family, the Bro Code and really pretty much any human or pet will make you laugh. I can’t wait for more books of this series because I don’t think I will ever get tired of these characters and all their crazy shenanigans.

Incredibly Amusing and Sweet

America’s Geekheart is incredibly amusing and sweet! I was hooked within the first few pages and did not want to put it down to go to work. While I was working, I kept thinking about Beck and Sarah. The book is that good! Beck is thoughtful, funny, and loyal. He is an incredibly positive person, which drew me to him immediately. He’s also a bit of an overgrown kid. Despite his fame, he is very down to earth, and not unlike my friends. Sarah is a very private, a little reserved, and somewhat jaded, which is completely understandable once you learn her secret. She cares deeply for the environment and for endangered animals. Once you get to know her, she’s a great person. The plot was unique and fun. The secondary characters and animals nearly stole the show in this book. They are hysterical! The banter and crazy action kept me laughing throughout the book. This is the second book in the Bro Code series. It could be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend reading Flirting with the Frenemy first because it makes America’s Geekheart even more hilarious. I can’t wait to see what will be next in this series!

Highly recommend!

5 Stars from Brianna! Y'all! This book! OMG! So good! So fun! So dang refreshing in every little way! And Beck? Get ready to root hard for him and swoon to the absolute max! Pippa Grant is back with the fairly new Bro Code series y'all and not only was this book brilliant in all the ways there is, but it's my new favorite book by Pippa to date. America's Geekheart was a flirty, sexy, sweet, fun, laugh out loud, unputdownable romantic comedy that had me all in my feelings right from the very start and hooked me hard and deep to Beck and Sarah's story. Expect inappropriate laughter, crazy yet relatable characters, maybe a few tears (from laughter and heart punches!), and allllllll the smoldering tension to keep you hanging on to every little word. If you like an easier, lighter romance that will make you laugh, smile, swoon, get all in your feels, and make you fall head over heels in love with the characters and their journey... then Pippa Grant is a must read. I highly recommend this book.

Book you can see yourself in

I have read, and loved, every single book that has come from Pippa's amazing, hilarious and slightly twisted world and America's Geekheart did not disappoint. Not. A. Bit. I loved Beck's happy go lucky attitude. I loved Sarah's love for all things science. I loved the pet pig, the baby giraffe... I could go on and on about what I loved and I would probably run out of characters for my review, but I am not going to. Instead I am going to tell you that this is a book that you MUST pick up and read if you are needing a good laugh and a positive outlook on life. This is a sweetly hilarious romantic story. of It has all of your stereotypical characters: a underwear model and a scientist/daughter of Hollywood's sweethearts (I picture Sarah's parents as Faith Hill and Tim McGraw if they were actors), the jerkface agent, the amazing supportive friends and family (by the way, I would love to be invited to a family dinner with these characters) That's all I am going to tell you other than to remind you to just quit wasting time reading my review and GO READ THE BOOK!

Absolutely Amazing!!!

Absolutely Amazing!!! America’s Geekheart is the perfect mix of romantic, funny, swoony, sexy and laugh out loud hilarious! If you look up romcom in the dictionary, you will probably discover it to be the cover of Geekheart. Beck is easily the most romantic hero I’ve read in a while; although he starts his story on a very wrong foot, with the proverbial foot (in his case the entire leg) inserted so deep in his mouth, it just might need to be surgically removed. But you can’t help but love him anyways and cheer him on as he redeems himself and falls for Sarah. Throughout the book we get to visit with his former bandmates, his family, some Hollywood royalty, Fireballs’ and Thrusters’ players as well as pet pigs, and other domesticated animals and even an endangered species. I have read and loved all Pippa Grant’s book but America’s Geekheart just became my all time favorite! If you are looking for a sweet, sexy romcom you definitely want to read Beck’s and Sarah’s story!

4.5 Serendipity Stars

This is the second book in the Bro Code series but could easily be read as a stand alone. This is Beck's story. He falls into a bit of trouble with the twitterverse, his sister's neighbor and apparently most of his home town. Sarah was not looking for trouble--trying to keep a low profile in life and then BAM! Beck accidentally tweets something to her meant for his younger sister. Oh my--what follows is just brilliant writing. Fantastic sense of humor. Banter for days. Slow burn to the deeper relationship stuff. Great secondary characters. And a pig--because--why not? Underneath all the mayhem we get a story about always being true to who you are. Everyone is special in their own way and the world can not take that away from you. Perfect pairing with these two leads. So much geekiness in this one. GAH! I just loved it! Great job with the story! Can't wait to read more about the Bro Code guys. *Complimentary copy provided for an honest review.

Love Beck!

Wow, what a great story! What woman wouldn't want to have a Beck for themselves. I've read almost every one of Ms. Grants books and they just keep getting better and better! I love the humor, the craziness, and the all out swoon affect. I also think this book is a little different from her other stories as you actually don't get any hard core sex. Just a ton of passion and desire up until almost the end of the story, and hey, there is nothing wrong with that! I also loved this story because it helps remind us that none of us are perfect and that we are all beautiful in our own ways. What one person perceives as beautiful may not be what someone else perceives as beautiful but that we shouldn't condemn each other because of that. I could go on and on as to why I love this story, glimpses of past characters, glimpses of up and coming characters (as well as MAYBE (??) hints as to who's with who), etc. But I'll just end with take a chance on this book. You most definitely won't regret it! *I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.*

OMG Beck! *Fans self*

I received an advance copy of this book to read and review. What I love about Sarah: She has the best name ever! Obviously. She is super smart. She cares so much about animals and the environment. But my favorite thing about her is that she doesn’t take any guff from Beck. What I love about Beck: First and foremost, he says that “Sarah” is a pretty name and every time he uses it, a tiny shiver goes through my spine. He’s an endearing goofball who isn’t quick to anger. He loves a woman with a healthy appetite and is fluent in mouthful-of-food speak. And he’s so happy all the time, it’s contagious. Oh and he’s very eager to please. I love the growth of the main characters over the course of the book. Beck becomes moderately more mature. Sarah opens up and gains tons of confidence. I loved, as always, the amazing supporting characters, especially Mackenzie. And I love the way Beck is super sweet to her as well. The only thing about this book that made me sad is that it was way too short. Their relationship started slowly, so it wasn’t until close to the end that they got together. I wanted to spend more time seeing them be happy together. Or maybe I just didn’t want to say goodbye. Probably both.

Such a Fun Series!

This is a fun, cute story! Whenever I'm in a book funk, I read a romantic comedy. Pippa Grant has a way of writing a romantic comedy that can go from slapstick comedy to something endearing in a matter of lines. America's Geekheart is book #2 in the Bro Code series and I'm absolutely loving this new series! Beck Ryder has just put his foot in his mouth and now the public hates him. He needs help from Sarah Dempsey, his sister's neighbor, a woman that wants to stay as far away from the public's eye as possible. These two are so much fun together! I laughed so hard during the spanx part. Maybe a little too much but men seriously don't understand the hell women go through taking that stuff off! Not only do you get Beck and Sarah's story and all the crazy that goes along with it, you also get to peek into the other characters' lives. The camaraderie between these guys is like no other. They pick on each other but they also have each other's backs. I loved this story and can't wait for the next story in the Bro Code series!

Lots of laughs and heart

Pippa Grant has done it again! This is the latest installment of the Bro Code series centered around the fictional boy band Bro Code. Beck has led a charmed life, he was a member of the popular boy band Bro Code, and now he is an underwear model and fashion mogul. He does what everyone fears, sends what was meant to be a private sarcastic message to his sister, instead tweets it about her next door neighbor. He is now public enemy number one and in order to save the launch of his charity, he must win back the public and get Sarah’s forgiveness. The problem is, Sarah has a secret, and the last thing she wants is to be in the public eye. Like all of Pippa’s books, this is hilarious. What put this over the top for me was how much heart it had. Beck is such a wonderful character. His sweet, kind and goofy nature kept me smiling throughout the book. I think I was as smitten with Beck as Beck was with Sarah. I was given an ARC of this book from the author for my honest review.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

You'll Laugh And You'll Wish You Were Sarah

This book has everything: Sarah is the geek - smart, sassy, crazy hair, no makeup, no confidence, and only one superstitious, baseball fanatic friend. Beck is the guy who has it all - looks, personality, money, and lots of friends who add depth and laughs to the story. What he doesn't have is love. Beck meets his love when she tasers him, and he falls in love with her eyes...all four of them. Rounding out the insane cast are Sarah's parents, movie stars whose popularity with the paparazzi has made her life miserable. They arrive with their pet pig who proceeds to hump Sarah's cat. In addition, Sarah's dad is in character for his new role as a grumpy cowboy, and he is constantly growling and threatening Beck with outrageous bodily harm. Each threat is more ridiculous than the last. In short, you'll fall in love with this couple and laugh at all the antics they get into. Read it today!

Beauty and the Geek Rock Romance

I have only read two Pippa Grant books so far but, this is my favorite. I love everything about this book. It's got the perfect amount of flirting, adorable banter, humor, and family. I can6wait to read more by Pippa. Beck is goofy, charming and sexy but his determination to save Sarah from the trolls of social media is heartwarming and loveable. He totally owns his brand of humor and loves his life. His love for his family is so sweet and heartfelt. Sarah is brilliant, funny, witty, beautiful, and so fame leery. She has been kicked around and just overall abused by fame. Though, not her own fame, the fame of her parents. She doesn’t want anything to do with being a celebrity and stays away from it at all costs. Yet, somehow the guy who is always in the spotlight, and the woman who even changed her name to avoid it, make it work. They are the sweetest, funniest couple. I couldn't imagine them with anyone other than each other.

5 Stars...loved it!

America's Geekheart by Pippa Grant is book Two in the Bro Code series. This is the story of Beckett 'Beck' Ryder and Sarah Dempsey. I haven't yet read the previous book, so for me this was a standalone book. Beck is in Copper Valley for his sister’s engagement party. What Beck does as a funny personal message he ends up accidentally sending it publicly which ends up getting Sarah noticed. Sarah is a geek, environmental engineer, likes to be to herself and looks out for animals. Sarah also just tries to be out of the spotlight. Sara is the daughter of famous movie star parents so she knows about the spot light and what it does. Beck is working as a underwear model and is a fashion Mogul but due to this going public it hurting him. A deal is struck to be a pretend couple until they can clear the air...but as we know pretend relationship always turns to more. Enjoyed their story and hope to read more from this author in the future.

Great addition to the Pippaverse!

Pippa Grant’s Bro Code series just keeps getting better. This one follows Beck Ryder, onetime member of the fictional boy band Bro Code, underwear model and fashion mogul. At the end of Flirting with the Frenemy (Bro Code #1) Beck has seen his sister successfully settle down with his best friend. He jokingly sends her a chauvinistic direct message over Twitter – only it’s NOT private, and NOT sent to his sister. Beck’s next door neighbor Sarah, a conservationist and not-so-closet geek, is the unlucky recipient of said tweet. After a childhood spent in the spotlight and mocked by the media, Sarah changed her name and moved to the other side of the country. All she wants is to live a quiet life, spreading the word about endangered species via her podcast - especially her beloved giraffes. Beck has just started a new venture - a foundation meant to help needy children - and his partner is leery of being linked with someone who would "disrespect" women like that. His PR team comes up with a solution. Beck will go out in public and seem to be dating Sarah, earning her "forgiveness". In exchange, Beck will promote awareness of the giraffes' plight and donate generously to the cause. Reluctant Sarah agrees, though the spotlight is the last thing she wants to revisit. Beck is seriously sweet, silly and enthusiastic. He is attracted to Sarah from the start, but as they spend time together as friends, they find out JUST how much they have in common. I loved how the more he found out about her childhood, the more supportive he became. Sarah is not afraid to let her geek flag fly. She and Beck bond over things like video games and Firefly paraphernalia. Her science podcast is a fantastic way to spread awareness. She is also down-to-earth, unlike most celebrities. I love SO MUCH that the biggest message in this book is loving people as they are, not who you want them to be. This series just keeps getting better and better. Even the side characters are fleshed out and so much fun! I can't wait to see where Pippa goes next with the boys of Bro Code. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book.

Bro Code #2

If you haven't read a book by Pippa Grant what are you waiting for! You are missing out on some laugh out loud funny and heartwarming books!! I loved this book so hard!! I mean how could I not with the baseball sprinkled through out the book. Also I love geeky/nerdy characters so I instantly fell in love with Sarah. Then you have Beck. How could anyone not swoon at that guy. He has you won over right in the beginning of the book. Plus throw in Sarah's hilarious parents you have a recipe for an awesome book. Cameos by the other members of Bro Code, friends, and family make appearances. That just adds to the awesomeness of this book. I just want to be part of the group. I loved Beck and Sarah's journey. More so watching Sarah blossom in confidence in herself. One of my favorite parts of the book. This is a book you hate to see end and you just want it to keep going.

Full of heart

I've read roughly three quarters of Pippa Grant's novels (because I just found her relatively recently) and if you want some laugh out loud romance, definitely check out her books. This book was a little less laugh out loud but expect to have a smile permanently on your face as your heart yearns to be a part of the family. The hero, Beck, is perfect. The heroine, Sarah, is perfect. The issues tackled, including giraffes being endangered (who knew!?) are deep and relevant to the environment and the world today. The supporting cast? Amazing. I mean, seriously, these are type of people you want to surround yourself with. I can't wait to hear more about everyone else getting their HEA! Back to the hero and heroine in this book- Beck mistakenly tweets something to the public that he shouldn't have- it should have been a private message and while in poor taste, is understandable given how the family treats each other (with humor). In order to save his reputation so he can actually save a charity for children (Yes, he's that great), he and the heroine devise a plan so they can help children, giraffes and honey bees (yes, she's that great too). Throw in some great dialogue between all the characters and the supporting cast and you have what is one of my favorite Pippa Grant books and really just a optimistic, heartwarming romance.

Pippa Grant Rocks!

I have no idea how long each book takes to write, but I figure it's like making decorated cookies. Each one is carefully rolled out, baked, and then decorated--it takes time and meticulous care to make each one, and they are devoured in minutes. As a reader, I usually get one of her books, and wait to "devour" it. This is another yummy treat. Beck is one of a number of guys from the neighborhood that grew up as close as brothers. They formed Bro Code which started as a lark, and became a very successful band. Beck also the handsome one in the band got into modeling-- underwear. Now he has his own company and with all his sucesses he is a billionaire. Sara has demons from high school in her past that has colored her view of herself. These are delightful characters, a great romance, and a sweet ride. Savor this sweet treat!

So adorably awesome!

Loved this story. Beck is the perfect book boyfriend. He is adorably honest and has an awesome outlook on life. Always trying to see the good in things. Previous boy-bander and underwear model fashion mogul. Is trying to fix a flub with tweeting a not so nice comment supposedly to his sister but to her next door neighbor instead, who winds up being a the daughter of Hollywood royalty in hiding. This Tory has all the feels and all the character drop in we just love. I love Beckett. Awesome book boyfriend. Funny, adorably, hot, honesty, and always smiling. “He’s mine. I called him. You can’t have him. You snooze, you lose. I licked him. He’s mine now.” Can’t wait for next Pippa book.

Fun RomCom that still gives you all the feels!

We FINALLY get to see what Beck tweeted! That totally had me anticipating this book along with duh it's about a freaking underwear model and it is by Pippa Grant so I knew it was going to be fab! ;) Such a good freaking book, we not only get an in depth portray of the happy go lucky Beck, but also of Sarah. Sarah, sweet and just wanting to support the environment Sarah. I adored this book! The characters have such an amazing amount of depth but also are so freaking real. The steam is absolutely there and the plot had just the right amount of craziness and twists and turns to keep you laughing, sighing, and going "oh no!". If you are a fan of Pippa's books you will love this, if you are not a fan, what is freaking wrong with you? No matter, this book is excellent and you will enjoy it! 5 outta 5 stars from me and looking forward to the next book!

Another Outstanding Story from PIppa!!

I have loved all of Pippa's books. I have been eagerly awaiting Beck's story after we got to learn a little more about him in the last book which was book 1 in the Bro Code Series. Beck has such a genuine heart even after the years in the lime light. His job has not jaded him and he a little lonely at this point In his life and career. I was rooting for him to get his happy ending the whole way through. This has a slow build and makes you eager for every chapter to see what is coming next. I adored the way he earned Sarah's trust and was patient with her giving the circumstances that she has faced. I don't want to give much away so I'll stop there. Except if you have not picked up one of Pippa Grants books then you need to do so ASAP. The comedy is at it's finest and the connections we make with the characters is outstanding.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

5+ 'Geeky' stars!!

Ah, Pippa, what a sweet and totally zany story. I loved being in Copper Valley with Sarah and Beck and his extended family. This was a laugh out loud book with plenty of heat, even though it was a slow burner, Pippa kept the tension high with their unstoppable chemistry. Beck wsn’t your usual OTT alpha male, although he was all man. He was sweet and sexy as well as kind, and lovable and cute and just…. awwww...some. Sarah was a bit of a mystery at first. It was clear she was hiding from something and when it comes to light, it just makes you want to wrap her up in a hug. Seeing from previous books was fun and meeting new ones too. So many characters in this book that deserve their own story but, I really want Tripp’s that poor guy needs someone in his life. Hopefully, Pippa’s got them waiting in the sidelines!!! I for one am waiting to find out.

Solid entry into the series but can be a standalone.

Written in dual first person POV. Couple of sexy scenes but this book is definitely of the “slow burn” genre so you’ve got to wait a long time. Good amount of humor but there is one character (Judson) who needed to either be toned down or appear in fewer scenes because his antics just got annoying. My issues with this book were the initial incident (not sure how he Tweeted her and what he said wasn’t too bad), some gags that just went on too long and the “breakup” incident (the dialogue of the character who caused it seemed completely out of character when compared to earlier in the book). Also, Sarah’s past is pretty predictable. But there isn’t any angst, so yay!

Beck is the BOMB!

OMG I couldn't stop laughing through the whole book! I love Beck and Sarah. I have been looking forward to their story and it did not disappoint! Beck the underwear model and billionaire fashion mogul is the funniest. Sarah is the quiet geek hiding her past. These two met by accident because Beck being Beck f*cks up again and sends Sarah a tweet that's heard around the world! HAHA. His life is now going down the toilet unless he can figure out how to fix his faux pas. Beck is so lovable, how can Sarah resist him? Let me just say that Ms. Grant did a great job with this story. I love romcom stories and Beck's antics hit the top of my list of best characters. I can't wait for the other Bro Code stories, Levi, , Hank, Davis, Tripp... there are so many characters that are waiting for their own stories.

Add this author to your "auto purchase" list

I am not sure how I discovered this author but I am certainly glad that I did. I am a voracious reader, averaging at lease a book a day. I read from almost every genre to avoid boredom but even with that it is easy to be exhausted by the same old tropes. With Ms. Grant's books I have discovered books that make me think, laugh, cry, scream and ultimately sight in contentment. The heat factor is lovely as well. ;) This particular story finds two people that are brought together by a social media mistake. The impact to both of their lives is unexpected. As they find themselves getting to know each other they discover much more than they expect. Come along on their journey to HEA. You won't regret it.

Nice *^*

It was such a pleasure to read America's Geekheart,the second istallement in the Bro Code series.It's a sweet,funny story that warms your heart. Beck and Sarah couldn't be more different,an exuberant ex boy band singer,now ceo of his underwear empire the first,a skittish nerdy engineer the latter. After a terrible mistake on twitter Beck is losing his popularity,but it is when he finds out that his foundation to help underprivileged kids is at risk that he tries to right his wrongs with the girl he mistreated on social network. I loved these characters. Beck is a wonderful Hero he will redeem himself and you cannot not fall for him. Go check this book the first encounter between the main characters can only be described as electrifying.

Fun Rom Com

Loved it! It grabbed my attention from the start and I couldn't put it down until I finished. It was fast-paced and the characters were developed and so easy to connect with. Beck was such a happy person that I had to smile at all his goofy comments. Sarah was adorable and it was great seeing how she finally came into herself and stood up to the media. The side characters were wonderful and added wit to the book. I've had to add the other books in the series to my TBR list and can't wait to get to them. I borrowed this book from Kindle Unlimited and am voluntarily reviewing. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Not a Fan Is Putting It Mildly

First and Foremost. I NEVER write reviews. But what in the H kind of Gilmore Girls/Riverdale trash is this? I made it to the 17% before I just couldn’t do it any more. I had no idea what in the world was even going on. And this being a stand alone book? Ha!! Not likely. I swear the writing was all over the place and couldn’t stay on topic to save the GD world if it tried. The “I hate you but i really want you in my pants” type of writing got old quick. I literally felt like I’d tossed back 10 cups of expresso reading this. I’m a huge fan of teen and young adult novels but nope nope. Not this. I now have to go back and read one of my favorites (so many) to scrub my mind clean of this rubbish.


She's a reclusive blogger who want to save the bees and give voice to endangered giraffes. He's a wealthy underwear model, and man-child. He thinks he messaged his sister in private. Oops. Beck Ryder may be a pretty, and a former boybander, but he can be a bit clueless, and a disaster with technology. Sarah Dempsey is incognito. She's hiding from her past which includes famous parents, and a nightmare prom. Beck doesn't trust most women. There's something about Sarah that stirs him.. I loved Beck's character. He is a man-child, a bit clueless, but also endearing. Sarah is quirky in a good way. Throw in the family and life long friends from Bro Code 1 - Looking forward to hopefully many more books in this series.

Beck and Sarah!

Beck appears to be living a charmed life as he has sexy good looks as evidenced by his career as an underwear model, the celebrity status from his boy band days and is a billionaire who runs a fashion empire. One misdirected tweet and suddenly he is the bad boy that everyone wants to avoid, and it isn’t only affecting his personal life but his business life as well. Sarah may be the daughter of celebrities, but her true love is science and the attention garnered by being a celebrity is not for her. She enjoys her quiet life in Copper Valley until it all comes crashing down. Beck’s answer to his faux pas is a fake relationship. It was supposed to be a business relationship but she never expected the hidden depths to Beck and he never expected the feelings she would raise in him and now all he wants to do is protect her but what happens when it is time for their relationship to end? OMG Beck is enough to make you swoon and the way he is with Sarah will melt your heart. As a bonus we get to catch up with Ellie and Wyatt from the first book in the series and I can’t wait to see what this author comes up with next. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

Can opposites really fall in love

As a fan of all things Pippa I have been waiting not so patiently to find out what in the world Beck did that he had all the women of the world mad at him. OH my Stars he really stuck his foot and leg in his mouth this time. Can an underwear model really be sweet? Ask his sister's next door neighbor Sarah Dempsey the object of his wayward text. This book had me laughing out loud but not only that it also had me thinking long and hard and also going to the computer and giving to animals that are going instinct. So back to Beck and Sarah we get to know these two who seem to be total opposites that are pulled together by that chemistry that even they can not deny. Throw in quirky parents, a pregnant giraffe and a fun loving pig in a tutu and well you have one of the best Pippa Grant books yet.

The Tweet threw me - spoilers

I was torn by this book. It was entertaining and I adored Beck. And Sarah grew into herself and found her power. I did think that her father was made out to be a Clint Eastwood wannabe for gratuitous humor and it fell flat. But my real problem with it was the Tweet. Supposedly, Beck was sending a bad joke to his sister who had just gotten engaged to his best friend. It was supposed to be a private Tweet but he accidentally made it public. The part I don’t get is it didn’t have his sister’s Twitter name, it had Sarah’s. Why? And he had never met Sarah. She was Ellie’s next door neighbor but they weren’t really friends, so how did he even know her Twitter name? It pretty much ruined the whole story for me because even while I was reading the rest, which for the most part was good, I kept thinking about it.


This is my favorite Pippa Grant book. Which is a big deal as I have loved all of her books but this one was extra special. A former boy-band-star-turned-underwear-model who doesn't believe in love for himself but falls in love at first site. An adorable but awkward engineer who has pretty much sworn off love. The best first meeting I have read in a long, long, long time. Giraffes. An ending so sweet I immediately reread just to relive the happiness. Yup, my new favorite Pippa Grant book!

I love Beck and Sarah

Genre: Romantic Comedy - Fake Relationship Standalone: Yes Part of a Series: Yes Book 2 of the Bro Code series POV: Beck and Sarah Steam Level: Slow Burn to sexy 4.5/5 While not as crazy funny as some other Pippa Grant books, America's Geekheart makes up for it by being sweet and sexy. I love Beck and his love for Sarah's natural beauty. He sees her for her and Sarah, being a bit jaded, enjoys, but doesn't really trust Beck's happiness and positive worldview. Fans of Pippa Grant will enjoy the cameo (I know I did). Sarah's dad, though, stole the show. I about died with his threats and batdad persona. I hope to see more of him and her mom in future books. Pippa Grant has basically become one of only a few authors whose books I've bought all of. If you're looking for a super cute romantic comedy that gives you all the feels then definitely pick up America's Geekheard (and all of Pippa Grant's other books as well).

What a story!!!

It’s not often a book lives up to its hype, but America’s Geekheart certainly does. I admit I had a bit of a struggle to get into the first couple of chapters but I was quite distracted, so it could have just been me and my wonky attention span. I persevered because of my love for Pippa Grant’s other works and the great reviews this book has gotten, and I’m so very, very glad I did. I loved Sarah and Beck and their supporting cast of friends, parents, coworkers, a cat, a pig, and a giraffe who serves karmic justice!! This was a heartwarming story with quite a few true laugh out loud moments! Charlie and Mackenzie were outstanding supporting characters for Sarah and Beck and I hope they both get their own books! I just can’t wait to see what Pippa writes for Tripp and who his h will be. His backstory breaks my heart.

4.5 Sweet Stars

AMERICA’S GEEKHEART I was just about to start this review with yet another confession that I don’t really enjoy books about famous musicians, actors, models, etc. Then I realized how I seem to always mention how I don’t usually like certain romance tropes and/or genres but Pippa Grant always seems to change my mind. I guess that’s probably the lesson we all can walk away from Pippa’s books, that she does it all really well and that is true reason I will never NOT read her stories. Beck Ryder is the star of this book! The feminist in me wants to riot against not giving a large chunk of the kudos to the heroines for being strong and amazing, and Sarah totally is all that, don’t get me wrong. However, I don’t think I’ve ever read a character with as much personality, charisma, fame and money as Beck who also just happens to be the most down-to-earth, caring and least superficial human on earth. Sure he’s gorgeous and he knows it, and it feels weird to say that he’s humble because he almost comes across ass arrogant if you’re not paying attention, but he knows he has flaws and that he could be cocky, selfish billionaire but he doesn’t want to be. He really does believe in making a mark on the world by changing it, in more ways than just selling comfy underwear. I love his fierce protectiveness of Sarah and his love for his family and lifelong neighborhood friends. He was a total breath of fresh air. Everyone knows I love a good, geeky girl who doesn’t care about outward appearances and actually shies away from the limelight. Even better when she catches the eye of someone as amazing as Beck but doesn’t just fall at his feet. Even better, she doesn’t try to change herself for him but does open herself up to seeing the things he sees in her and learning that she doesn’t have to avoid attention and fame just because she’s different. This story was fun and sweet but it was also a lesson in how sometimes getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to find your true self and how love with the right person helps bring out the best in both of you. Bro Code is an absolute must read series and I can’t wait to what’s coming next!

Pippa Grant Rules - Again!

Take one billionaire underwear model aka goofy, happy kid at heart and add one reclusive girl with a secret who is out to save the world and one giant mistake and shake. What do you get? A new Pippa Grant book of course! Add in hilarious parents, a baseball team, lots of crazy friends, a pregnant giraffe, a pig in a tutu, angry yoga moms, Eurasions, inspired (and hilarious) bodily threats and so, so much more. What starts out as Beck trying to fix a problem that threatens to destroy both their lives turns to the sweetest love ever. This book is laugh out loud funny, sweet enough to maybe make you cry just a bit, and full of mischief, mayhem and shenanigans! It's Pippa at her best and if you haven't read her books, start now! I was delighted to receive an arc of this book and happy to leave a review!

My favorite read of the year so far

This book is my favorite read of 2019 so far. I've been building a list of Pippa Grant's book to read once I get Kindle Unlimited again, but I just couldn't wait for this one so I plunged in and bought it. And OH, MY GOSH, guys - I am dying. DYING. I made the strangest squee noises while reading this book, and it melted my heart into a pool of goop. I'm not overly familiar with that tight heat cramping my lungs, but I think it might be my heart cracking a little at the implication that she only sees herself as awkward and weird. Yeah. I think I have it bad, whether I like it or not. First of all, can I just say that I love a good fake relationship trope. Also, nerdy heroines FTW. And Beck is a DREAM. He's a total goofball and he's got a heard of gold (and a bottomless pit for a stomach). He's basically the ultimate Hufflepuff hero, and the way he treats Sarah makes my heart do strange things in my chest. She's a geek and sort of a mess, but also brilliant and awesome, and he really sees her. There is a point where there's the obligatory nerdy girl puts on make-up and a fancy dress and becomes a knockout scene, and he HATES IT. Guys, he wants to wipe the goop of her face so he can see HER, and while he thinks the dress is hot on her he hates it because it's painful for her to wear. That, my friends, is a REAL MAN. Love forever, all the love, I can't even verbalize how much I love Beck or how much I love this book. Here's some more Beck swooniness: "How has no one ever noticed before how gorgeous your eyes are? They're like pied piper eyes. You should have men following you like puppies everywhere you go just for opening those beautiful eyes every morning." "Looks aren't everything." "But your eyes are. Your eyes are everything." I just - I am die. And then there's a scene where they're talking about sex and food (OK, there are a lot of foodporn scenes, lol) and it hits home for him how PERFECT she is for him. "Sarah Dempsey, I'm going to talk you into marrying me one day." I laugh. He doesn't. That's cuz he is SERIOUS, girl! Ughhhhh *helpless fangirl flailing* That doesn't even get into the amazing level of nerdery going on in this book with both characters (and their friends). I basically need this entire series in my face RIGHT NOW. America's Geekheart is the second book in the Bro Code series, but can be read as a stand alone, so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!

Beck and His Geekheart Will Steal Your Heart!!

In this episode of Pippa's zany romantic comedy (no worries, anti-cliffers, it’s still a stand alone) we have geeky science girl, Sarah, who's still searching to find her place in the world she’s so passionate about saving, and underwear model and fashion mogul, Beck, who has amazing family and friends, as well as a pretty charmed life, but is still searching for that special someone. How does Grant keep coming up with this stuff? From tasers and tweets gone awry to classic video arcade games, baby poop bombs, live giraffe cams and true love between a cat and potbellied pig, there's nary a dull moment in this author's latest book. She'll have you laughing until you cry one moment then whiplash you right into the most heart-felt, touching scene the next. It’s impossible not to love her larger-than-life characters with quirks and flaws that only serve to endear them even more to the reader. Sexy, loveable, big-hearted Beck spends as much time with his foot in his mouth as our brilliant, naturally beautiful Sarah spends trying to escape her past, but his latest gaffe draws Sarah right back into the spotlight. You can probably see where this is going, but with Grant, it's never quite what we expect. Beck and Sarah's story has more ups and downs, twists and turns, and sneaky surprises than the best roller coaster out there. Grant’s stories are always more than the average rom-com – more zany, more outrageous, more hilarious, more touching and emotional – but this one is even MORE more. If you want a book that's not fit to be read in public due to unexplainable snorts and barks of laughter but fills your heart with all the feels from characters who will immortalize themselves in your heart, Grant is your girl and America's Geekheart is your book. *I reviewed an advance copy of this book freely and voluntarily, having made no commitment to provide a review and receiving no compensation of any kind from any source for this review.

Pippa Grant has made being geeky beautiful.

Pippa Grant, is the most beautiful writer out there. She allows you to become part of her unique world. I love her hilarious style of writing. 😂 I learn new words and phrases, to add to my vocabulary every time. Beckett, is on top of his world and when his sister announces her engagement, to his best friend, he decides to tweet her and all hell breaks loose, because he accidentally sent it to her neighbor and the world is out for blood. His blood. Sarah, doesn't want to be in the lime light. She spent her entire childhood there and she got out by changing her identity and moving to the other side of the country. Now here she goes again, back into the lime light due to a stupid mistake. Now Beckett, must save his career and a foundation that is on hold, because no one wants to be associated with him. His PR decides that the best thing he can do is be seen with Sarah in public and maybe she can help smooth things over. Sarah, just wants this settled on her terms. Problem is, he fell for her at first sight. When Sarah, agreed to this, she didn't realize how much she was going to fall for him and his family. "I didn’t even know I wanted him, and now I can’t imagine ever letting him go." Beckett, never realized that when Sarah, came out of her shell and started to take hold of her life, that he'd fall for her every more. “Swear to god, when you hit me with that taser, I was like, she’s the one. Those eyes are deadly enough when there’s only two of them, but man, you juiced me, and then you had four, and I was a goner.” They have both been hurt by those they thought cared about them, so they are extremely cautious. Between a cat, a pig, frogs, bees and giraffes 🐈 🐖 🐸 🐝 🦒, your going to love this extremely slow, slow burn off a story. Well done Pippa, well done! I'm looking forward to the next installment of Pippa's grand adventures.

Great Fun!!

I loved Pippa’s humor! It was crazy and over the top but it had me smiling the entire time! Who doesn’t love a side of humor with their romance?? America’s Geekheart was the second book in Pippa’s Bro Code Series. It fit right in with the laugh out loud craziness, the many sexy men and all the swooning I could handle! Beck was always getting into trouble but tweeting the wrong person may have been the icing on the cake. Now that he was hated by the masses, how could he save not only his career but Sarah’s too. Sarah had been laying low, hiding behind her blog but now that she was front and center, how long would it take before her secret was uncovered? Would Beck be able to save them both or would their worlds come crashing down? Such a treat! I love when books keep me laughing and help me unwind. Sarah and Beck’s relationship blossomed before my eyes; the banter between the two was great! They were one of the cutest nerdy couples!! If only I were as cool as them!

Just so good

I feel like at this point you should be well aware that I love everything Pippa Grant. Her style is unique in so many enjoyable ways and her stories nothing short of ultra-relatable and hilarious. This is no exception and I loved it all the way through! Beck and Sarah are caught up together in a tweet gone terribly wrong. She is a scientist, beekeeper, and no stranger to being in the spotlight for the wrong reasons. Beck the underwear model and former boy-band member is completely unflappable, totally nuts, but also ridiculously relatable and lovable, despite his flub on twitter. Their adventures together are fun, the dialogue just spectacular, and the budding romance so completely naturally paced you can't help but fall for them both yourself. Highly recommend this one!

Hilarious and swoony

Just from the blurb, you'll know right away that this book will be so much fun to read. And I'm happy to say that the author did not disappoint! Beck is all kinds of a swoon-y, funny and fun to be with hero. He's the "Underwear ape" model, as what Sarah calls him. Sarah, our adorable geekheart here has a love for giraffes and bees and everything environmental. Both characters are endearing and loveable. But one wrong action by Beck on social media, as in a Twitter fail, turned their world upside down; dragging Sarah alongside his epic fail in all kinds of proportion. There's no boring moment in this book. I love the humor and witty banters between all the characters and especially between both main characters. It's one of the best highlights of the story. This was also very easy to read and highly entertaining. I haven't read the first book in this series but I'm definitely going to because I had a glimpse of Ellie and Wyatt and they seem to be fun to read too!

OMG!!! LOL!!!

I know, it’s easy to say LOL, but there really needs to be a better expression to explain the hilarity that is this book and this author’s talent! In these stressful covid days, it’s so great to be able to escape everything in a modern romance that gives you side splitting, fall out of your chair laughs! These are wonderful, unforgettable characters with issues that are relatable and charisma coming out of their ears. I’m truly astonished by Pippa Grant’s writing ability and style. It has been a joy to read her books, and I so look forward to reading the rest! Read her books, you will not be disappointed!

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