American Radical: Inside the World of an Undercover Muslim FBI Agent

Kindle Edition
22 Oct

The explosive memoir of a Muslim American FBI agent fighting terror from the inside.

It’s no secret that federal agencies are waging a broad, global war against terror. But for the first time in this memoir, an active Muslim American federal agent reveals his experience infiltrating and bringing down a terror cell in North America.

A longtime undercover agent, Tamer Elnoury joined an elite counterterrorism unit after September 11. Its express purpose is to gain the trust of terrorists whose goals are to take out as many Americans in as public and as devastating a way possible. It's a furious race against the clock for Tamer and his unit to stop them before they can implement their plans. Yet as new as this war still is, the techniques are as old as time: listen, record, and prove terrorist intent. 

Due to his ongoing work for the FBI, Elnoury writes under a pseudonym. An Arabic-speaking Muslim American, a patriot, a hero: To many Americans, it will be a revelation that he and his team even exist, let alone the vital and dangerous work they do keeping all Americans safe.

Reviews (170)

"American Radical" is a Great Story of One Man's Courageous Fight for Justice for Terrorists

When I noticed "American Radical" for sale on Amazon, I hesitated before purchasing it. "This looks to be an intense, emotionally draining book, and I've got too many irons in the fire. I'm afraid I won't be able to concentrate on it, or that in doing so, I won't be as effective as I need to be at work." Still, the topic was of great importance. An Egyptian-American dedicates his life, as a Muslim, to protecting Americans from drug dealers and terrorists. How could I pass it by? Perhaps Ben Franklin stated it best in Poor Richard's Almanak (1732-57): Without justice, courage is weak. [The International Thesaurus of Quotations, 192.16, pg 116, compiled by Hoda Thomas Tripp]. In American Radical, Tamer Elnoury, (not his real name), shows us how he grew from a rank amateur at undercover police work, to highly skilled professional. Along the way, we learn of his faith, and how similar it sounds to my faith, as a Catholic, now, or as an Episcopalian while a teenager. We also learn of his camaraderie with another member of his department who happens to be Jewish. We also learn of his first great test, when his mother confronted a debilitating disease. These few pages are of critical value to understanding him and how his family is so very similar to any other American citizen. BLUSH FACTOR To be sure, there are graphic profanities, but that should be expected when one considers the topic and the types of characters depicted. As you read it, you might choose to skip over the more harsh cussing, if reading it to an 8-year-old child, or to an 80-year-old grandmother. But, by no means should you choose not to read this fabulous true story. I also highly recommend the companion, discounted offering, by Audible. With many books, but none more so than American Radical, the greatest importance and value comes through listening to the unabridged version of a great book. I am proud to call the author, brother, even though I've never met him or his family. As a 10-year Vietnam-Era veteran, I am proud to learn of this man's courage to seek justice for those who murder innocent men, women and children. Bottom Line Five stars out of five. Comments regarding your opinion of this book or of my review, whether favorable or unfavorable, are always welcome. If you buy the book based on my review and become disappointed, especially, I do want to know that and I want to understand how I can improve as a book reviewer. Just please be polite. Thank you.

Insightful. Eye opening. Frightening.

Breathtakingly frightful. A glimpse into evil radical people who may be be living next door to you in anywhere USA. They’ve hijacked an ancient religion (Islam) and are intent on killing as many Americans as possible. This book shows their evil determination to eradicate America bit by bit. To terrorize us until we are afraid to step outside. The hero and author is of the same religious faith as the killers. This book is the story of how two paths of the Islamic faith could arrive at such disparate destinations. American patriotism lives in Tamer Elnoury’s heart and soul. The people who helped nourish and put it there, were his immigrant Muslim parents.

One of the Most Helpful and Entertaining on a Very Important Topic

This book is very important and very timely. It's one of the few books about which I've written a review immediately after finishing it. Especially in our American political climate today, we need more and more education about Islam to better position ourselves in the argument about it as a religion of peace or a force of evil. Sadly, too little of that distinction comes from Islamic clerics and scholars anywhere in the world, and particularly silent are they in America. Islamic authorities really need to speak out to do most effectively what this book helps to do - to contrast radical Islam with what this author calls and practices as the "True Islam." Since 9-11 we've been relatively lucky. And in the Middle East, it does appear that ISIS is on the run, if not in decline. But the scourge of radical Islam is not going away, it's just going underground. Meanwhile, we better do our homework. This book helps, not only to clarify how "True Islam" is perverted by the radicals, but also, how our FBI works so hard to ferret out terrorism before a planned attack occurs. The ongoing importance of differentiating true from radical Islam is that by failing to understand the difference, one risks lumping all Muslims together in their religion and politics. That error plays neatly into the hand of the radicals, because it helps them achieve their goal: to precipitate the apocalyptic End of Days battle between Islam and all non-believers. Only when that utter chaos is let loose will Allah intercede decisively for Islam's victory and enable a new world oder, a Global calaphate, under Islamic law. Near the end of this book, I began to look for a thrilling climax. But then I realized that I was looking for what I usually found in fiction; it is not here. This book is based on the real deal - the story of a true investigation that thwarts a real terrorist plot and ends cooly and logically the way it should. Nevertheless, without fireworks, the ending is very fulfilling and reinforces the danger and importance of the work being done everyday by heroic, dedicated folks, including some Muslims, behind the scenes. I've been a somewhat reluctant but fascinated student of Islam for some years now. I've read the Quran, the political Hadith and a stunning biography of Muhammad, "It's All About Muhammad," by F.W. Burleigh. "American Radical" has been every bit as enlightening as the others, and I recommend it highly along with them. The co-author of "American Radical," Kevin Maurer, uses clear and concise language that adds to the suspense and quick pace in much of the book. One of the tragic distinctions that's arisen in our politically polarized American society is that those who read books and serious periodicals are somehow deemed "elitist" by those who don't. On the contrary: at least on this topic, those who DO NOT read and learn about the important distinction between radical Islam and the true and correct interpretation of it are fuel to a fire, hopefully not but that might be coming soon. This book is one of the easier and more entertaining reads of any on this topic. Get it and read it for your enjoyment and enlightenment!

Thank You on Thanksgiving...

"Elnoury's" memoir captures information that most Americans have never known. It documents the heroism of one undercover FBI and the risks he and others take. The book is a fascinating look inside the agency's counter-terrorism work. How the agency tracks probable suspects, develops fake names and legends for them and monitors encounters between the agents and their suspects. But this book is more than that. We get a look at the good that's inherent in the Islamic faith and the bad when it becomes perverted. As a Christian, I learned much about the Muslims and their faith that I never would have known. The reader connects with "Elnoury" (and all his support team) as they work to the point of exhaustion to prevent terrorist attacks. "Elnoury's" story is enhanced by his co-author, Kevin Maurer, whose journalist skills turn this important story into an incredible, page turning read. Thank you "Tamer Elnoury" for all you've done to protect this country and for sharing your story. Kevin Maurer, please keep bringing these important experiences to life with the accuracy of your reporting.

Terrorists “Only Unifying Idea is the Perversion of Islam”

Fascinating and engrossing book; reads like a novel! I had to keep reminding myself this is not fiction. A look into the world of an undercover cop setting up drug dealer arrests, covers the first few years of the author’s career. It is ironic that he went into law enforcement wanting to work at the Federal level, and was in fact originally recruited by the FBI, but wanted to get some regular police work out of his system, so turned them down. Years later, a few days after 9/11, he offered his services to the FBI. “I speak Arabic....I’m Sunni Muslim.....I want to help”. The FBI basically respond, “don’t call us, we’ll call you”. Seven years later the FBI is having trouble finding Arabic speaking Agents with undercover experience. A job that fit the Author like a glove. After more training and legend building, Tamer Elnoury is created. He starts hunting radical Islamic terrorists. Tamer uses a long running case involving Canada 🇨🇦 and the United States 🇺🇸 to educate the reader on the counterterrorism side of the FBI, how the undercover agent works and is supported by other agents, focusing on emotions in legend building of the undercover character, ideology with point of radicalization, and so much more. We learn a lot about Islam and the Koran, and how a radicalized Muslim often behaves. The undercover law enforcement, police, FBI, or other unit, put their lives on the line every moment of interaction; they are true heroes who save many lives in what most would consider frightening work. That the U.S. has men like Tamer watching over our safety, is a tremendous relief!

Excellent Story

I just finished this book and found it very interesting. Tamer left a lot of detail out, likely because he had to do this to get it through FBI and CIA edits. I will note that Tamer's attention to detail was off in some areas, like telling us a U.S. Diplomatic passport is brown - Dip books are always black, an Official book red, and a Tourist book is blue. I think what is a bit disappointing is that there are apparently so few UC Agents trained up and working after being at war for over 16 years, as Tamer and a few others seemed to ride a circuit of CT cases and a slip up in your legend could be fatal. Excellent book and a great view of the world in a very specialized niche part of Federal Law Enforcement. Nice book Tamer.

Vigilante Semper

This is an important and recent true story. Jihadists are here and trying to kill as many of us as possible and this Muslim FBI hero calls them what they are, Radical Islamic Terrorists. As a devout and faithful follower of true Islam, immigrant Egyptian American and Patriot, “Tamer” makes sure the reader knows the difference. Radicals have twisted the Quran to justify mass murder. It’s unusual for the FBI or intelligence agencies to allow the release of such a recent and detailed case. The trial revealed most of the details. Still, methods and other intelligence secrets remain guarded secrets. I think this story was ultimately approved to remind us the Homeland is still in danger, years after 9/11. It’s a well told, fast paced story that reveals the precarious barrier between us and them, and the extraordinary sacrifices these men and women make, silently, to keep us safe. Many controversial laws and policies are clearly keeping us safe, for now. But it’s the true Heroes, like Tamer, his fellow agents and law enforcement, and their continued vigilance that save lives.

Don't Pass This Book Up - Fast, Excellent Read!

After seeing interviews on TV with the author I was hooked. This is a fantastic read and very informative. I have the utmost respect for the author and how he manages daily to keep his own faith strong and still do his job working to capture these terrorists. His compassion comes thru and he is not afraid to show his human side in this story. It was very enlightening regarding the religion and its true values vs what and how the terrorists twist the religion to their needs. Interesting how you can see a pattern in how the "weaker" are sought out by Isis and "molded" into what they need them to be and do for them. I don't know how these agents can have any semblance of a "personal" life. The job they do for our country is all consuming, not to mention dangerous. This book provides a look inside the life of an undercover agent and his contacts and it is a great read. Praying that the author can remain anonymous and stay safe.

Fascinating and Scary

This book was fascinating to read. And it was scary. It caused me to appreciate to efforts of the men and women who battle terrorism in a setting few of us know anything about. It demonstrates that our government is not altogether clueless about combating terrorism and that significant and lawful efforts are being made every day by dedicated patriots of many countries. American Radical also provides a concrete example of the difference between a true Muslim and a terrorist using that religion as an excuse to murder and destroy. Unfortunately for me, the ability of the antagonists to act as normal, friendly, respectful citizens, while maintaining their desire to inflict mass suffering and death, only exacerbated my distrust of religious people. Therefore, I will not recommend this book to anybody who harbors anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim views. I noted one reader's comment that the book was "slow". The action is slow because that is how the experience unfolded. That despite Maurer's masterful writing. Another reader commented on how the book sounded like some kind of propaganda. Both of these reactions suggest that the readers did not like what they found. Nothing wrong with that. I did not like what I found, either. However, American Radical was not intended to be recreational or reassuring. It is intended to be informative and educational, in which regard the book is quite successful.

A MUST read

Riveting and eye opening. This man is a real American. This book will hopefully show that the majority of muslims are great Americans, despite the few in the media that aren't.

"American Radical" is a Great Story of One Man's Courageous Fight for Justice for Terrorists

When I noticed "American Radical" for sale on Amazon, I hesitated before purchasing it. "This looks to be an intense, emotionally draining book, and I've got too many irons in the fire. I'm afraid I won't be able to concentrate on it, or that in doing so, I won't be as effective as I need to be at work." Still, the topic was of great importance. An Egyptian-American dedicates his life, as a Muslim, to protecting Americans from drug dealers and terrorists. How could I pass it by? Perhaps Ben Franklin stated it best in Poor Richard's Almanak (1732-57): Without justice, courage is weak. [The International Thesaurus of Quotations, 192.16, pg 116, compiled by Hoda Thomas Tripp]. In American Radical, Tamer Elnoury, (not his real name), shows us how he grew from a rank amateur at undercover police work, to highly skilled professional. Along the way, we learn of his faith, and how similar it sounds to my faith, as a Catholic, now, or as an Episcopalian while a teenager. We also learn of his camaraderie with another member of his department who happens to be Jewish. We also learn of his first great test, when his mother confronted a debilitating disease. These few pages are of critical value to understanding him and how his family is so very similar to any other American citizen. BLUSH FACTOR To be sure, there are graphic profanities, but that should be expected when one considers the topic and the types of characters depicted. As you read it, you might choose to skip over the more harsh cussing, if reading it to an 8-year-old child, or to an 80-year-old grandmother. But, by no means should you choose not to read this fabulous true story. I also highly recommend the companion, discounted offering, by Audible. With many books, but none more so than American Radical, the greatest importance and value comes through listening to the unabridged version of a great book. I am proud to call the author, brother, even though I've never met him or his family. As a 10-year Vietnam-Era veteran, I am proud to learn of this man's courage to seek justice for those who murder innocent men, women and children. Bottom Line Five stars out of five. Comments regarding your opinion of this book or of my review, whether favorable or unfavorable, are always welcome. If you buy the book based on my review and become disappointed, especially, I do want to know that and I want to understand how I can improve as a book reviewer. Just please be polite. Thank you.

Insightful. Eye opening. Frightening.

Breathtakingly frightful. A glimpse into evil radical people who may be be living next door to you in anywhere USA. They’ve hijacked an ancient religion (Islam) and are intent on killing as many Americans as possible. This book shows their evil determination to eradicate America bit by bit. To terrorize us until we are afraid to step outside. The hero and author is of the same religious faith as the killers. This book is the story of how two paths of the Islamic faith could arrive at such disparate destinations. American patriotism lives in Tamer Elnoury’s heart and soul. The people who helped nourish and put it there, were his immigrant Muslim parents.

One of the Most Helpful and Entertaining on a Very Important Topic

This book is very important and very timely. It's one of the few books about which I've written a review immediately after finishing it. Especially in our American political climate today, we need more and more education about Islam to better position ourselves in the argument about it as a religion of peace or a force of evil. Sadly, too little of that distinction comes from Islamic clerics and scholars anywhere in the world, and particularly silent are they in America. Islamic authorities really need to speak out to do most effectively what this book helps to do - to contrast radical Islam with what this author calls and practices as the "True Islam." Since 9-11 we've been relatively lucky. And in the Middle East, it does appear that ISIS is on the run, if not in decline. But the scourge of radical Islam is not going away, it's just going underground. Meanwhile, we better do our homework. This book helps, not only to clarify how "True Islam" is perverted by the radicals, but also, how our FBI works so hard to ferret out terrorism before a planned attack occurs. The ongoing importance of differentiating true from radical Islam is that by failing to understand the difference, one risks lumping all Muslims together in their religion and politics. That error plays neatly into the hand of the radicals, because it helps them achieve their goal: to precipitate the apocalyptic End of Days battle between Islam and all non-believers. Only when that utter chaos is let loose will Allah intercede decisively for Islam's victory and enable a new world oder, a Global calaphate, under Islamic law. Near the end of this book, I began to look for a thrilling climax. But then I realized that I was looking for what I usually found in fiction; it is not here. This book is based on the real deal - the story of a true investigation that thwarts a real terrorist plot and ends cooly and logically the way it should. Nevertheless, without fireworks, the ending is very fulfilling and reinforces the danger and importance of the work being done everyday by heroic, dedicated folks, including some Muslims, behind the scenes. I've been a somewhat reluctant but fascinated student of Islam for some years now. I've read the Quran, the political Hadith and a stunning biography of Muhammad, "It's All About Muhammad," by F.W. Burleigh. "American Radical" has been every bit as enlightening as the others, and I recommend it highly along with them. The co-author of "American Radical," Kevin Maurer, uses clear and concise language that adds to the suspense and quick pace in much of the book. One of the tragic distinctions that's arisen in our politically polarized American society is that those who read books and serious periodicals are somehow deemed "elitist" by those who don't. On the contrary: at least on this topic, those who DO NOT read and learn about the important distinction between radical Islam and the true and correct interpretation of it are fuel to a fire, hopefully not but that might be coming soon. This book is one of the easier and more entertaining reads of any on this topic. Get it and read it for your enjoyment and enlightenment!

Thank You on Thanksgiving...

"Elnoury's" memoir captures information that most Americans have never known. It documents the heroism of one undercover FBI and the risks he and others take. The book is a fascinating look inside the agency's counter-terrorism work. How the agency tracks probable suspects, develops fake names and legends for them and monitors encounters between the agents and their suspects. But this book is more than that. We get a look at the good that's inherent in the Islamic faith and the bad when it becomes perverted. As a Christian, I learned much about the Muslims and their faith that I never would have known. The reader connects with "Elnoury" (and all his support team) as they work to the point of exhaustion to prevent terrorist attacks. "Elnoury's" story is enhanced by his co-author, Kevin Maurer, whose journalist skills turn this important story into an incredible, page turning read. Thank you "Tamer Elnoury" for all you've done to protect this country and for sharing your story. Kevin Maurer, please keep bringing these important experiences to life with the accuracy of your reporting.

Terrorists “Only Unifying Idea is the Perversion of Islam”

Fascinating and engrossing book; reads like a novel! I had to keep reminding myself this is not fiction. A look into the world of an undercover cop setting up drug dealer arrests, covers the first few years of the author’s career. It is ironic that he went into law enforcement wanting to work at the Federal level, and was in fact originally recruited by the FBI, but wanted to get some regular police work out of his system, so turned them down. Years later, a few days after 9/11, he offered his services to the FBI. “I speak Arabic....I’m Sunni Muslim.....I want to help”. The FBI basically respond, “don’t call us, we’ll call you”. Seven years later the FBI is having trouble finding Arabic speaking Agents with undercover experience. A job that fit the Author like a glove. After more training and legend building, Tamer Elnoury is created. He starts hunting radical Islamic terrorists. Tamer uses a long running case involving Canada 🇨🇦 and the United States 🇺🇸 to educate the reader on the counterterrorism side of the FBI, how the undercover agent works and is supported by other agents, focusing on emotions in legend building of the undercover character, ideology with point of radicalization, and so much more. We learn a lot about Islam and the Koran, and how a radicalized Muslim often behaves. The undercover law enforcement, police, FBI, or other unit, put their lives on the line every moment of interaction; they are true heroes who save many lives in what most would consider frightening work. That the U.S. has men like Tamer watching over our safety, is a tremendous relief!

Excellent Story

I just finished this book and found it very interesting. Tamer left a lot of detail out, likely because he had to do this to get it through FBI and CIA edits. I will note that Tamer's attention to detail was off in some areas, like telling us a U.S. Diplomatic passport is brown - Dip books are always black, an Official book red, and a Tourist book is blue. I think what is a bit disappointing is that there are apparently so few UC Agents trained up and working after being at war for over 16 years, as Tamer and a few others seemed to ride a circuit of CT cases and a slip up in your legend could be fatal. Excellent book and a great view of the world in a very specialized niche part of Federal Law Enforcement. Nice book Tamer.

Vigilante Semper

This is an important and recent true story. Jihadists are here and trying to kill as many of us as possible and this Muslim FBI hero calls them what they are, Radical Islamic Terrorists. As a devout and faithful follower of true Islam, immigrant Egyptian American and Patriot, “Tamer” makes sure the reader knows the difference. Radicals have twisted the Quran to justify mass murder. It’s unusual for the FBI or intelligence agencies to allow the release of such a recent and detailed case. The trial revealed most of the details. Still, methods and other intelligence secrets remain guarded secrets. I think this story was ultimately approved to remind us the Homeland is still in danger, years after 9/11. It’s a well told, fast paced story that reveals the precarious barrier between us and them, and the extraordinary sacrifices these men and women make, silently, to keep us safe. Many controversial laws and policies are clearly keeping us safe, for now. But it’s the true Heroes, like Tamer, his fellow agents and law enforcement, and their continued vigilance that save lives.

Don't Pass This Book Up - Fast, Excellent Read!

After seeing interviews on TV with the author I was hooked. This is a fantastic read and very informative. I have the utmost respect for the author and how he manages daily to keep his own faith strong and still do his job working to capture these terrorists. His compassion comes thru and he is not afraid to show his human side in this story. It was very enlightening regarding the religion and its true values vs what and how the terrorists twist the religion to their needs. Interesting how you can see a pattern in how the "weaker" are sought out by Isis and "molded" into what they need them to be and do for them. I don't know how these agents can have any semblance of a "personal" life. The job they do for our country is all consuming, not to mention dangerous. This book provides a look inside the life of an undercover agent and his contacts and it is a great read. Praying that the author can remain anonymous and stay safe.

Fascinating and Scary

This book was fascinating to read. And it was scary. It caused me to appreciate to efforts of the men and women who battle terrorism in a setting few of us know anything about. It demonstrates that our government is not altogether clueless about combating terrorism and that significant and lawful efforts are being made every day by dedicated patriots of many countries. American Radical also provides a concrete example of the difference between a true Muslim and a terrorist using that religion as an excuse to murder and destroy. Unfortunately for me, the ability of the antagonists to act as normal, friendly, respectful citizens, while maintaining their desire to inflict mass suffering and death, only exacerbated my distrust of religious people. Therefore, I will not recommend this book to anybody who harbors anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim views. I noted one reader's comment that the book was "slow". The action is slow because that is how the experience unfolded. That despite Maurer's masterful writing. Another reader commented on how the book sounded like some kind of propaganda. Both of these reactions suggest that the readers did not like what they found. Nothing wrong with that. I did not like what I found, either. However, American Radical was not intended to be recreational or reassuring. It is intended to be informative and educational, in which regard the book is quite successful.

A MUST read

Riveting and eye opening. This man is a real American. This book will hopefully show that the majority of muslims are great Americans, despite the few in the media that aren't.

A MUST read by ALL people!

First, Tamer has shown us the daily dangers faced by our neighbors who have elected to enter the undercover world to ensure our own safety and the continued enjoyment by us of our American lives. More importantly, though, I am a Christian who Tamer has lifted a blindfold from the eyes of my mind concerning Islam. I no longer view it as a dangerous religion, but now know it to be a sincere religion that has been twisted in the hands of terrorists followers of that religion, in their attempt to "justify" their evil acts, AND which gets ALL of the attention of our modern press. This is a book is a MUST read for everyone! Thank you Mr. Elnoury!

I was disappointed that there was not the same reaction from the ...

As part of the German-American community in St. Louis, my grandfather spoke German as his first language. I have a picture of him and his three brothers, all in military uniforms, taken during WWI. As soon as war was declared, they enlisted to do their duty for their new country. After 9/11, I was disappointed that there was not the same reaction from the American Muslim community. I hoped that patriotic Muslim-Americans were working behind the scenes to help in our fight against radical Islam. Agent Elnoury's story does much to restore my confidence in the American-Muslim community, as well as highlights the hard and good work of his fellow field agents on both sides of our northern border. All Americans and Canadians should read this book.

Interesting book, but a little tedious

I saw the author on 60 Minutes and was interested in reading more about the operation. I'm sure the FBI wanted this book to come out, to reassure the American public that FBI agents do more than have affairs with each other and rig elections. After reading the book, I'm not sure I'm convinced. There are too many accounts of FBI bumbling to ignore. Time after time, they fail to stop criminals and terrorists even when given names and addresses by concerned citizens. It's hard to believe they spent a year and hundreds of thousands (millions?) of dollars in an international investigation to stop one guy. When the author talks about hijacking his court testimony for his own personal agenda, THAT'S the FBI I know. In the book the author frequently drives from Toronto to Montreal. At times the book feels just like that long drive. It's just a little rough in the middle and the end is so anticlimactic that honestly you'd do well to quit reading about 50% of the way through. These comments seem churlish. I don't doubt the heroism of this agent and the dedication of his support team. I just wish I could transfer some of those emotions to the rest of the agency. While the author seems to be on my side, I don't think the FBI is on my side. The FBI is on the FBI's side and if that coincides with my interests, it's purely coincidental.

Gripping writing, astonishingly fast read, an essential perspective on the war on terror

This is a I-can't-put-it-down book. My husband started paging through it when it arrived -- and ended up finishing it. I finished it in a day. The writing is gripping, the pace quick, and the insights real. Although I would have liked more of a description of how his work fits in with the FBI's work in general, it's a fascinating view -- on how someone who seems like a bumbling, sweet Santa Claus is--once he gets into Times Square--a cold-blooded mass murderer. The thing I most appreciated was hearing Elnoury's take -- how he struggled with his own religious commitments as a Muslim. Non-Muslim Americans often wonder about the Muslim response to the extremists among them -- and here it is. One of profound pain. Elnoury wants to keep all Americans safe, and wants Americans to understand that Muslims are included in the American "us". He is a hero.

Intense, Fascinating, and Refreshing

Having heard the authors interview on Pod Save the World, I was immediately intrigued by his insights to the current counter-terrorism work taking place in the United States. At a time when many Americans and our president question the loyalties of Muslims with each attack on either American or European soil, it's refreshing to see that Muslim Americans are given due credit for their work in protecting us. The author is a remarkable story teller, and I hope that he continues to write as his career continues. I cannot recommend this book enough.

A peak behind the counterintelligence curtain

I have great respect and admiration for Tamer Elnoury, an American Muslim who, like many, many other Muslims wants to keep his religion and live in peace. In order to do so, he and they must ignore the hateful verses in the Qur’an recited by Islam’s Prophet in Medina. But by doing so they are reforming the Qur’an by omission—but doing that haram, forbidden. Allah forbids changing one letter of one word of His Qur’an so reforming Islam is impossible. Omission is changing words. The reader should note that no Qur’anic references are included in the story. The unpalatable truth is that the Muslims we consider radical are the true believers, Muslims that follow the path of Muhammad, and peaceful Muslims are the reformers, the radicals according to the Islamic ideology. Until the West accepts this fact “radical” Islam can never be defeated. After reading the book on Kindle I have taken the time to consider the authors reasoning. He is a Muslim; therefore I assume he has studied the Qur'an, Sunnah, and Hadith. So, why does he provide a one-sided view of Islam? Why did he disregard most of the Median Qur'anic verses and Muhammad’s evil deeds performed there? Muhammad ordered all the men of the Banu Qurayza, a Jewish tribe (including young boys with pubic hair) beheaded and then he and his followers raped the girls and women before selling them as slaves. Allah commands that all Muslims must fight until all say there is no god by Allah. “He is who sent his messenger with the guidance and the true religion so that he may make it prevail over every other religion, even if the polytheists hate it.” 9:33 In order for Muslims to peacefully practice Islam and be accepted in the modern world, Muslims must not follow Allah’s commands contained in most of the verses recited by Muhammad in Medina. The Qur’an is not in chronological order. Instead, it is ordered with the chapter with the most verses first (Surah 2) to the chapter with the least verses last (Surah 114). This allows cherry-picking quotes to validate any position, something exploited by jihadists recruiters. Some verses from Muhammad’s Mecca period contradict later verses from his Median period. But since both verses cannot be changed or deleted both exist. The answer is abrogation, the last recited verse is the one to follow. Allah said, “Whatever verse we abrogate, or cause to be forgotten, we bring a better verse than it or like it. Do you not know that Allah has might over all things?” 2:106 Known as the verse of the sword, verse 9:5 abrogates all peaceful verses in the Qur'an. “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush.” The author mentions an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth … . He is referring to verses 5:45 where Muhammad is reciting that Allah sent down the Torah to the Jews who did not follow it correctly. Contrary to the author’s statements, Muhammad embraced terrorism. “It was not for the Prophet to take captives until he had made a great slaughter in the land.” 8:67 This is one of many such verses and is ISIS’ authorization for their slaughters. My problem with the author’s story is his misrepresentation of true Islam. Yet he had to in order to be peaceful. ISIS, al-Qaeda, etc., are following the Prophet’s path. Muhammad is considered the role model for Muslim men. Elnourye means well but he presents the wrong picture of Islam. I recommend this book because the author is a real hero, a dedicated man who believes in our nation and Constitution. His story takes the reader into the world of counterintelligence. It provides the reader with an understanding of how difficult it is to build a case against an enemy of our way of life while complying with our laws. His story illustrates the difficulties a modern Muslim (a term I suggest instead of peaceful) faces in assimilating into Western culture.

An important book

I learned a lot from reading this book. It was written in a very conversational tone and easy to read and understand. I appreciated the author sharing his feelings as he described his undercover work. The main story is his assignment to confirm the terrorist plans of a small group of radicals and document evidence for an arrest and legal prosecution. He describes a lot about his family background and what Islam means to him. I learned so much about what the Qur'an does and doesn't teach. An important read for people who want to undedrstand what the vast majority of American Muslims believe.

Loved this book. This guys a real AMERICAN HERO!!

This is the first book I bought like this. It was in the anti terrorism category, and I’m happy I did. At times I was laughing super hard at tamers comments to his fellow agents, and at times I was wondering how people could go from a loving religion like Islam to a crazy skewed world view that they must kill non Muslims or Muslims that aren’t radical like them. The two authors did a great job explaining the true meaning of Islam in context to the radicals view outlined by the undercover assignment of Tamer. I don’t see how anyone could be disappointed buying this book.

Day-in-the-life of FBI undercover; infiltrate a radical ISIS network; build a law enforcement case; stop terrorist events

I approached using a hybrid version of reading and listening to this book, and found it very interesting and the story kept me interested through to the last page. It is such an honor to have young FBI agents that sacrifice extended parts of their lives to go undercover to protect and serve our country. This book explains how talented FBI agents develop the rapport with there subjects/targets to infiltrate and build a law enforcement case against Radical organizations like ISIS. Indeed a good read or listen if you are interested in some of the interworkings behind FBI undercover work.

The memoir of a Muslim-American who served in the FBI and who has brass balls!

This is a book that needs to be made into a movie. It is the story of an undercover Muslim-American FBI agent who risked his life to penetrate Al Qaeda and prevent terrorist attacks. Some of the undercover work was so risky that it meant him going overseas to the middle east into the lions mouth to stop these plots. The intelligence that he generated was so critical to national security that the President was given daily reports as to his progress. Again, this is a book that needs to be made into a movie. I found it even more harrowing than the exploits of another FBI undercover agents Joe Pistone who penetrated the mafia.

Reads like a fast paced spy novel

One of the most enjoyable books I have read in a long time. Reads like a fast paced spy novel, but as is often the case truth is more interesting than fiction. In these times when the FBI is under attack by some for being too political, this book reminds us that on a daily basis there are many FBI heroes out there working to keep us safe. And the education of the Muslim religion Elnoury works in should be an eye opener for many. Thank you, Tamer, for risking your life to keep terrorists from ruining ours. I sleep better at night knowing there are people like you out there.

The FBI and Muslims are key to thwarting terrorism

A boba tide page turner. Got it on December 24, finished it on December 26, after deciding on December 25 to hold back the Christmas gift to my son for a day. This is a fast paced account of an FBI disruption of a terrorist plot by a Muslim agent who had won the confidence of a brilliant terrorist. The biggest takeaway for me is that anti-Muslims need to read this. The author subtly shows what true Islam is, and exposes the falsehood of the interpretations of Islam that fuel the terrorists ideology. At this time too, it shows the brilliance of the FBI. And the willingness of its agents to sacrifice their lives for our nation. Donald Trump needs to read it! This books makes clear how his demonization of Muslims and FBI agents is so thoroughly disgraceful.

Slow Read

Although it's more than interesting how our agents infiltrate radical Muslim groups, I found this book to be boring. I kept waiting for something to happen along the way, but his book was mostly conversations between radicals and the author. That, and more talk in restaurants. It just didn't hold my attention the way I had hoped. I read in in a couple days and was glad I was done. I do not want to minimize the amazing work our undercover agents do, and I'm in no way am saying anything negative about the author. There's a big difference between a book and the person. I have a great deal of respect for this man. He's a patriot!


Fascinating account and hard to put down. “Tamer” provides enough insight into the counter terror efforts within our Government to let you see the dedication it takes and the effectiveness of the same. He also reveals the perversion of Islam that radicals preach—makes you wonder why we don’t hear more of that from Muslin nations.

Amazing, heart pounding, eye-opening and relevant read

I rarely write book reviews, but American Radical just took my breath away. The writing was honest, compelling and thought-provoking. Tamer's journey from police to FBI to deep undercover within the ranks of radical Islamic terrorists had me on the edge of my seat. Knowing this is a true account, and knowing that as I write this there are dozens of sleeper cells ready or waiting to commit horrific acts of terror is more chilling than any fictionalized horror story. And yet, I am calmed to know that we have men and women like Tamer willing to risking everything for our security and freedom. Thank you Tamer and all those like you.


Great book on Islamic terrorism and the fight against it. This is a fast paced book with some really good narratives. Excellent story telling. The author tried to to show the jihadists as abnormal. As a Muslin I find the Jihadists to be following the Islam of seventh century to the letter. Islam is in need to reformation. The violent rituals of seventh century tribal Arabia forms the core of this religion. It need reformation, badly.

Thanks to the FBI agents in the counter terrorism group.

This book was fascinating. I couldn't put it down. What these brave agents do to keep us safe is mind blowing. This agent had to have nerves of steel to be able to work in this elite unit. He was able to keep his wits about him while listening to a radical Islamic terrorist rant and anticipate killing scores of Americans. This went on for it seemed forever for him as he had to listen to the terrorist decimate his Muslim religion of peace. I highly recommend this book . It gives one application of these brave agents and that of a peaceful Muslim Religion.

Only gave it 1 star because I had to.

Total Muslim propaganda. The true intent of this book is nothing more than an thinly veiled attempt to convince the reader that "Islam is peaceful." Poorly written on about a 4th grade reading level to make it even more insufferable.

Fantastic declassified spy craft story

Following Tamer Elnoury's "appearance" on 60 minutes, I had to pick up this book. There is no praise for his writing style, expect that it is written exactly in the transcript of an individual sacrificing so much of himself for the safety and security of his country; undergoing transformation into an alias with a "legend" in order to submerge himself in radical threats that the general public are naive to. The narrative paints the art and science that transform FBI agents to become in order to become the most valued collectors of intelligence.

Great Book

What a smart daring man. My many thanks to you “Tamer” because without brave men like you we would be in deep trouble. Thank you for showing America and the world how these stupid, no class idiots twist what your Quran says about warfare. The only way to make their version “true” is to take it out of context just like the American idiots who take the Bible out of context for their own agendas

A gripping, well-told tale of counterterrorism, but with a hidden political agenda.

I truly enjoyed this book! Tamer Elnoury has produced a fascinating account of the clandestine cat-and-mouse world of terrorism/counterterrorism, a tale worthy of the best writers of our time. His very human account of his highs and lows as an undercover FBI agent pursuing 'sleeper' terrorists had me laughing, cheering, and crying from the first page to the Epilogue. The Epilogue is what reduced my rating from 5 stars to four: when Mr. Elnoury climbed on his soapbox to disavow the Prophet's call for universal Jihad, I left him. Whether the tenets of Islam are primarily peaceful or primarily hostile is beside the point. The evidence from Europe and Dearborn, Michigan, demonstrate that Jihad is real; whether it is practiced by terrorism or colonization, the goal of world domination is the same. Mr. Elnoury's assertions to the contrary notwithstanding, Islam's own adherents have demonstrated that they are a clear threat to the existence of all states whose people embrace the ideal of Liberty. To the extent that his Epilogue reduces our concern for that threat, his defense of Islam diminishes the value of his briliant work.

Current, fascinating and highly informative

Fascinating and accessable read. Essential reading for those interested in learning how some individuals become radicalized but also the level of training and danger the FBI employee s experience. It can be relentlessly exhausting and hazardous to be under cover. In my view, it would be helpful if more people understood how much is going on every day beneath the surface of our lives. Reading this would be an excellent start or addition to those interested in learning more.

I couldn’t put it down!

I saw the “Tamer”” interview on 60 Minutes and was riveted. I bought the book the next day, and it does not disappoint. I’m sure this will be on NY Times best seller list, if it’s not already. It was exceptionally written and I finished in a couple days. I practically stayed up all night last night as I couldn’t put it down. Loved this book.


I really enjoyed the story .... the first person account of an individual so "American"' that brought his story to life. The efforts expended and the time it took to assemble such an air-tight case for the Canadian courts to convict these two characters is thoroughly laid out. Job well done! It's also interesting to note all the acknowledgements extended that help to offer credibility to this story. A very good read.

I first saw Tamor on Tucker Carleson's show on the Fox cable channel. I became so intrigued with his story that I wanted to read his book. His story is well written and it reads more like a novel than a non-fictional account. This is a compliment in that the book held my interest and I followed the story line easily. The book also gave me insight into how the FBI infiltrated the lives of radicals and killers. I highly recommend this terrific book.

I first saw Tamor on Tucker Carleson's show on the Fox cable channel. I became so intrigued with his story that I wanted to read his book. His story is well written and it reads more like a novel than a non-fictional account. This is a compliment in that the book held my interest and I followed the story line easily. The book also gave me insight into how the FBI infiltrates into the lives of radicals and killers. I highly recommend this terrific t logic book.


Before 9/11, I had a lot of respect for Islam; and after I found out more and more about those who promoted the corrupted expression of that faith this respect diminished. I am thrilled to read of this good agent and man's account of his fight on behalf of his country and faith to bring people like those who caused 9/11 to justice. Thank you for your service sir and for showing us all there are still good folk in Islam!

Fascinating and Inspiring

I love this book, which I bought today and am about halfway through. I am so inspired by Americans like Tamer who put their lives on the line for us every day. I love the peek into undercover work and the people who do it. The author says he has had the book reviewed and cleared by the FBI; I am glad to say that I believe this, as there are no details of specific training or tactics. This book is an exciting and inspiring read. Thank you, Tamer!

This was an excellent non-fiction book that shows the courage and dedication of ...

This was an excellent non-fiction book that shows the courage and dedication of the law officers that work to keep our country safe from terrorism. It was a very interesting insight in how the terrorist cells operate and how fortunate that we are to have Muslim american's that take their U.S. citizenship so seriously. It also shows what a tiny percent of Muslims are terrorist.Great book that I would recommend to all.

Thank for writing a book that is real and also readable

Sometimes a reader will get lost and miss something important to the story because the characters do not seem real. I enjoyed this book. I was never lost. I was connected to the characters. Thank you to all those who serve behind the scenes and make things happen. This book points out how collectively we can and will make a difference. Thank you. I truly enjoyed this read. Godspeed

Great Read

Saw this book at the airport book store... Jumped online and read a quick review so made the plunge and bought the book... all I can say is I started this book on my flight back home to Florida and couldn't put it down until I finished it... I really like how he gave clear pictures on each event through his words and the details of the letters going to and from were very interesting... I thank the author for his true country service...

Edge of your seat

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for the truth about Islam. I began reading this and am just now going to sleep some 4 hours later. I served with another great man from Egypt who was a born American. Both these men loved America and their faith, I salute them both as I close my eyes in sleep.


This is an incredible book highlighting the journey of one excellent FBI agent and his team’s fight against radical Islam. The bulk of Muslims are not terrorists or anything even remotely close to it, and I wish more people understood that. Thank you “Tamer” for sharing your life and your work with the world in this format.

I LOVE this book!

This book is amazing! It puts you on edge and keeps your complete attention from the moment you pick it up! It gives you a deeper appreciation for what our men and women do every day to keep us safe. I had such a hard time putting it down and was thinking about constantly until I could pick it up and start reading again. I would recommend to anyone!

Will make a great movie

Hard to follow characters.....sometimes a bit hard to believe the narrative....amazing guy who did amazing things but perhaps not he greatest book in the world

A page turner that makes you think

I had a hard time putting this one down! Even though I knew the basic outcome, it’s written in a way that makes you want to know what happens next. It was a fascinating look at what it’s like to work undercover. I also learned a lot in reading about what it’s like to have to listen to people pervert your religion and just have to let them.

Fascinating Book

I bought this book after I saw the author on 60 Minutes. The author does an amazing job of explaining the entire operation in great detail. He also offers insight into the Radical Muslim world and explains the different factions that exist with different goals. I read the book in a few days and found that I couldn't put it down. I would highly recommend it.

Great non fiction book and the way the future will ...

Great non fiction book and the way the future will be which is very very bleak but true and worth very much reading as it makes u understand the reasons, which when reading makes one think and see that it is so true Great writer - Recommend reading it very much


The Agent's memoir was excellent and he should be proud of his courage and willingness to speak out about how certain individuals are using religion as a justification for killing innocent people for the "thrill of it." I hope this Agent can move on with his life and go back to his day job of being an FBI agent and uncovering the next terrorist cell and plot.

Quick, engaging read

It reads like a summer novel, but is an actual, real account of a Muslim FBI agent who infiltrates a radical sleeper cell. First of all, it's an engaging read. Second of all, it presents a vivid picture of the mindset not only of the radical terrorist, but also contrasts this with the perspective of the devout muslim FBI agent. Thirdly, it gives insight into the manner by which such sleeper cells can occur in the West. Quick read, I finished it in a few days.

I found this read to be much better than I had anticipated

I found this read to be much better than I had anticipated. Having been in a L.E. undercover unit for many years, I find Tamer's description of operational events, office banter and development of life long friends within the unit is dead balls on. I also learned a few things about the Muslim faith that I found to be positive, from my point of view. Buy It!

Learn Firsthand About Muslim American Patriotism

As an avid reader, I discovered this book to be an excellent teaching tool in regard to my understanding of the Muslim faith and Radical Islam. The narrative is compelling reading of "undercover work" by an American Muslim gifted in what he does and demonstrating his love for America. I learned that True Muslims can be one of America's greatest assets in fighting Radical Islamic Terrorism. You will find it difficult to put this book down.

Great portrayal of today's Counterterrorism efforts

Phenomenal story that sucks you in from the beginning. As a practicing Muslim, "Tamer" is able to distinguish and demonstrate the differences between his practice of Islam and that of Radical Islam. I felt as if I was a fly on the wall in the legend that is Tamer.

Very Enlightening.

A very good read....I learned a LOT. Probably something every American should read to know the difference between Islam and radical Islam. It's still hard for me to see WHY one Musli m embraces the jihad philosophy and one does not.

Islam vs Radical Islam

An education in the difference between an honorable as any other faith and it's perversion for dark political purpose. A phenomenon in the history of all faith!


In depth peek behind the curtain of a terror plot and the brave folks who help prevent it. Wish there was more book to read.

really funny. I’m not sure why more people aren’t talking ...

I’ve never written a review before & this book is outside my normal genre, but WOW! This is the type of book I’ll still be thinking about in ten years. It’s phenomenally written. It’s suspenseful, enlightening, inspiring, & shockingly really, really funny. I’m not sure why more people aren’t talking about it. My friends & family are sick of hearing me verbally digest everything. Truly top 3 book I’ve ever read & don’t see anything coming close to it any time soon. BUY IT!

Overall great read !

I could of done without the cussing. Still it was an interesting story. To me this book had several endings, summing up the different parts of the story. I've never read a book quite like it.

Excellent insight into the war against terrorisom and how terrorist ...

Excellent insight into the war against terrorisom and how terrorist have hijacked a peaceful religion. It was good to hear Tamar’s outrage with terrorist interpreting Islam, often wrongly, for their own purposes. Did a lot to dispel statements terrorist make to justify their violence.

Real life. Suspense story

This book provides a look at the way our FBI works. It goes to great lengths to counter terrorism. Also learned more about the Islamic faith and how the jihadis twist it to fit there goals. Very good read.

Pissed me off! In a good way

I completely enjoyed the read. Too many sections I was so frustrated by the storyline and the red tape our defenders of our safety have to endue. Dang there are some bad people in this world.

Highly recommend this book

Highly recommend this book. I don't read many books and this is the 1st one in about 10 years. Finished it in 2 days as it was so good I couldn't stop reading it.

How the wolves among us sheep get caught

A highly credible and brilliant book chronicling how at least some of our home-grown terrorists are finally brought to justice. It really draws you into the lives of dedicated FBI heroes who venture into lands I wholly fear to tread so that we may sleep safely.

I particularly enjoyed the detail in which the author describes the behaviors ...

I couldn’t put this book down. Absolutely phenomenal. I particularly enjoyed the detail in which the author describes the behaviors and mentalities of Salafi Islamic extremists. He identified subtleties I was never aware of before.

Amazing read

Amazing book, keeps your interest from cover to cover. Thank you to the author for his work for the American people and thank you to all of his team. These are the type people that makeup America and make this country safe for all of us.

A Glimpse of the Front Line in Battling Terrorism Here at Home

A fascinating and fast read by an American Muslim FBI agent who went undercover find and stop terrorists here in the US and Canada who were intent on accomplishing at least another 911.

So informative

I had no idea how a terrorist cell was formed or an act was executed. I am so thankful for these unsung heroes who live dangerously to protect our country. Must read.

New Perspective.

I really enjoyed this book and I gave one to a friend. It gave me a new perspective on Muslim religion and I believe that the majority of Muslims have Tamer's viewpoint.

A Must Read for all Americans

5 Stars because I could not put this book down. I can't say that about very many books that I read. I learned a lot about radical Islam, boarder security and legal immigration. Mostly, I have a deeper appreciation for the brave men and women that keep the USA safe. A must read for all Americans.

Great Read!!

This is a great read. It is good to know that we have people that protect us from those that would do us harm!!

Chilling real life terrorism story

I thought the book was terrific and a very easy read. I'm sure this is just one of many terrorism plots this agent and other law enforcement officers have stopped. It was interesting how the undercover investigation managed to stay on track not withstanding the American and Canadian governments. Great book, keep up the good work keeping the USA and North America a safer place for all.

FBI Undercover Revealed

A great look at an undercover Muslim FBI agent and his sting operation. And at the the same time gives you a interesting perspective on how radical terrorists are perverting their religion to justify their actions.

Even An Islamic Can Be True To His Country

This writing leaves you in your seat waiting for the next event. To know the realism of the author, and enable him to lead the activity to a good end is without mention.

Riveting book!

This book was spellbinding. It also taught me that terrorism and those who practice at our diverse. I really recommend this book to anyone interested in our fight against terror

Couldn't put this book down.

I waited awhile to buy this book because of the price but I wish I wouldn't have. This book was so interesting. I didn't want to stop reading it. So much information.


Compelling narrative of one man and his teams struggle to keep us safe and terror off our streets. Balance of faith, laws and politics is perfectly depicted in his story. I felt like I was with the author, in the rooms and along for the riveting ride for justice and security in modern America.

Love it! No regrets reading this book

No regrets buying this book. Read it while on business travel. Excellent real life thriller. I loved how the co-authors explained the FBI agent's emotions and thought processes.


A must read book. The author magnificently relates his own religious beliefs versus that of a terrorists while conducting a very complex investigation.

Secrets of terroristoc Planning

Loved to read about the inside world of the planning of a terroristic attach and have the FBI agent lived in that world. Would of liked the book to not end. Excellent!

This book is very informative!!!

This book is filled with information about being Muslin and an incredible American Muslin who makes our country safer from terrorist. It is comforting to know that most Muslims in America are here to work and make this great country of ours a better place.

A must read about defending against radical islamic terrorists

Great book. Everybody who wants to know what really goes on in our defense against radical Islamic terrorists should read this book and be thankful that people like Tamer Elnoury actually exist for our benefit.

I gained insight!

Great book. Very enlightening. Everyone should read it.i gained insight


I believed the narrative coming from an FYI Agent, backed up by his experiences and formal, detailed records/ documents/recordings. Though detailed, story was never boring. Felt authentic. A glimpse of an undercover agent's life. Good writing. Only sorry American Sleeper not uncovered. Thanks to all who serve and protect.

OK read

Dragged at many points, thought it should have over more quickly. However, a great effort to explain how difficult it is to work undercover.

I recommend this for more than just the law enforcement side.

I'm a career street cop so I don't read much of this kind of stuff. I decided to take a chance and I sure don't regret it. I recommend it for more than just the law enforcement side of it.

For Love of Country

So glad to read the thoughts of an American Muslim. I learned a lot about Islam and I, too, regret radicalization. A lot of hard, hard work goes on to keep us safe. I worry about burn out for people like Tamer.

A must read

I can't say enough good about this book. I like nonfiction pertaining to undercover work and it is hard to find. This book is especially valuable to understanding the mindset of the radical Muslim terrorist and the difference between true Islam and that evil stuff spewed by the bad guys.

The greatest book you've never heard of

The greatest book you've never heard of; the greatest script Hollywood's never read. "Tamer"...thank you!! Kevin, you're the greatest...and were meant to meet Tamer, and Tamer was meant to meet you. A beautiful book and story, in every way. Thank you!!!

Can't put this book down

I loved this book. It kept you in suspense the entire time. You could almost feel the tenseness of every situation. Great reading

Inside the war on terrorism

Very interesting inside look at the otherwise invisible war on terrorism, being fought by the FBI on a daily basis, at the mind of a terrorist, and the reaction of a true and devout American Muslim to the perversion of his religion by radical Islamists.

American Radical: Inside the World of an Undercover Muslim FBI Agent

This book has great insight into the war on terrorism! It also shows what is happening undercover that we do not know about. Also, it shows the difference between Islam and "Radical Islam" ! I highly recommend this book.


Timely, unique perspective from a devout Muslim and top law enforcement/counterterrorism officer. While at times the detail draws out for a long read, in retrospect it underscores the unbelievable immersion of the author in his craft, the beyond the call of duty support of his family and the fact that he has made us a safer nation. Thank you.

Enjoyed this story

A great depiction of what it’s like to work undercover against terrorism. Well done. Fascinating and well written and complete, as much as possible.

Behind the Headline

This book gave me a much better understanding of how the FBI works and tools to better distinguish the various branches of Islam.

Incredible engaging and relevant read

This was an incredible book. Both in its detailed account or what it took to bring down a terrorist plot, but also in the time the author took to explain and stress how Islam is manipulated and perverted by jihadis. The final point about the danger of a Muslim ban in the us was timely and so necessary. Thank you to the author for his service and for this book.

Kind of scary!

This was the most insightful book as well as being a great story!

Awesome read

Fascinating story by a truly heroic man. Lots to think about in his analysis of what radical Islam truly means and how critical it is to identify the holders of this belief structure. Great book!

Thank you Tamer Elnoury

For risking your life to save ours. Thank you to all of our FBI agents. Please do not think what Trump says is what the majority of us think.


This was an incredible story. I am in awe and appreciation of the author and hero if this story. What a challenge.

Fantastic read for anyone interested in criminal justice.

I loved this book! I was impressed with how Tamer could tap into others mind and keep things smooth. That is talent. I was forever intrigued page by page the planning and team work involved. Kudos to the FBI and every law enforcement officer for making this world safe one day at a time.


Very interesting insight into a terrorist mind and how they twist the Moslem religion. A must read so we as Christians don't prejudge.

A Deeper look into Radical Islam

This is a can't put down, need to read the next chapter book. It is an authentic look from the inside of what is happening in our country before the blind, deaf and those in denial of those who want to destroy us. Become amongst the enlightened.

Very special portrait of a real muslim

Fascinating book. Tamer takes us through the turmoil of fighting maniacs who want to kill us while trying to follow his religion from their hatred.

I loved it!

I loved this book. Couldn't put it down!! I create Excel spreadsheets all day. This book gave me the ability to live vicariously through him, doing what I would love...but would never have the guts to do. Thank God that he does!

Good book, well written

Very well written from a unique perspective, definitely worth reading to get a sense of what law enforcement does to protect society.

Couldn't stop reading

I originally read this book on my iPhone, but got a physical copy for my fiancé. I have read it twice and it is a phenomenal, real life story. You just never know what's going on around you.

Great read!

A spy novel that really happened. It’s not “Crime and Punishment” but provides an absorbing afternoon. I really enjoyed it.


This was a excellent book I do not like to read and when I started reading this I couldn’t put it down I really liked it! It kept me on the edge the whole time! Thank you Tamer for your service !

Exceptional story of extraordinary bravery and dedication

We're If not for the FBI vetting, this story would be hard to believe. Like so many other true stories, lt was better than fiction. He deserve his country's greatest adulation. The only criticism I can offer is that I got a little lost in the characters, presumably because the non-western names are hard for me to follow, but this criticism is more about me than him.

Fantastic story

Talk about a paradigm shift...I have been enlightened to the struggle that Muslims feel when jihad is waged in the name of their religion. This was a great book that gave me an inside look into how patriotic Muslims help keep our nation safe.

Excellent read

Well written. Very interesting story line, author provided viewpoints valid to current affairs but still related the facts. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in current affairs.

Fascinating account

Insightful and interesting from a Muslim FBI undercover agent's perspective. Enlighten and educate yourself by reading the account from his experiences. I certainly have a new appreciation for what these brave people do to keep us safe. Thank God for their efforts, dedication, and heroism.

The VIA Rail Story

Great summary of how to combat terrorism. The VIA Rail incident would have been a disaster but thanks to intelligence sharing between Canada and the U.S. it was prevented.

What an interesting story!

What an interesting book. Can't imagine what it's like to live this kind of a life. Bought the book after seeing the story on 60 Minutes. So glad he was able to share his experience.

A fast read with a great deal of hidden gems of fact, (such as the link to Santa Clara CA and terrorist activity). T

Riveting first hand account of an American FBI agent, who is a Muslim, infiltrating our enemy's camp. He's putting his life on the line for yours.

Five stars for Tamer and all the others protecting us!

Great book. Edge of your street reading. Centers around an Egyptian UC in the FBI and a foiled terrorist plot of a train in Canada. Doesn't bash Islamic religion, but shows how the religion is bent to fit their ideals.

Suspenseful, and even more so because it's true!

A great book, kept me reading and didn't get laid down and forgotten about. Scary because this is a true story with stuff like this going on in our country. Wake up folks! Don't be naive...

Enjoyed this book

I enjoyed reading more about the story of this man whose story I saw on 60 minutes.

Great read

Great book!! Glad we have people protecting our country like this gentleman.

Remarkable Muslim agent

This is a remarkable story entailing a remarkable American agent’s dedication to stopping radical Islam on our northern border. A must read!

Excellent Book

Fascinating story. I learned a lot about both counterterrorism & Islam while reading this book. Highly recommended for entertainment as well. Amazing.


I very much enjoyed this read. I got a little education on the difference between being a Muslim and a Muslim Radical. Being in the mind of the author was a ride that I cant imagine and can believe he was able to sleep at night knowing all that was going on around him. We need more like him. Great read!

Four Stars

very interesting

Someone Should make this into A Movie

Honestly one of the best books I've read in a while. Should be a movie.

Learn more about how terrorists think

Thank you "Tamer" for sharing your experience. For your sacrifices and for standing behind your true religion. I appreciate your insight and it has broadened my understanding and respect for both the security of our nation, and for respect of true Muslims. Well done.

Five Stars

Terrific Insight into how FBI dos its work to catch the people that want to harm us

Fascinating story

Read this after seeing the author interviewed...fascinating, and scary

Best Book I’ve Ever Read

As a Criminal Justice major at Texas Christian University, this book stands above anything else I’ve ever read. Elnoury’s account of the world undercover in the FBI is absolutely mind blowing. God Bless you for keeping our country safe. MUST READ!!!!!


An amazing story, it took real courage to do what he did.

A must read account of an American Muslim undercover agent fighting terrorism.

"Keeping America’s doors open ensures that when we are threatened by an enemy, we will always have someone who looks like them to help defeat them. Our best defense is inclusion. America is everyone."

Understanding the dark

Exceptional! The author doesn't hold back, eloquently sets forth a way to understand Islam and the wrong purpose and that it is not th view of the religion.

One of the best books I ever read

One of the best books I ever read. I greatly admire anyone who works so hard to protect the U.S. from evil.


This answers a lot of questions, a great read, hard to put down.

It changed my perspective on Islam

A well written account of a very brave man doing dangerous work in service of his country. Most importantly from my perspective, this man has credibility and when he says that these radicals pervert and misrepresent his religion, I believe him. I wish we heard more from Moslems who do not espouse the radical version of Islam

Wonderful read

I could not put it down. The story captivated me and opened my eyes. I can Heartily recommend this book.


The book was an easy read.

Great Read, Better Message

This is a well-written and entertaining book that lends a very interesting perspective on the issue of Islamic radicalization and policing. "Tamer" does a great job of setting the record straight on Islam while keeping the reader on the edge of their seat throughout this gripping story.


Great book! Amazing story and the life of an undercover American Radical.

Five Stars

Great book. I watched his interview on 60 minutes and had to buy. Nice read.


It was a gift I didn’t read it but i heard it was good so im satisfied

Amazing story!

This is one of the most interesting books I have had the pleasure of reading. While it has all the intensity of a sophisticated true crime novel, it also provides new insights into the efforts of law enforcement in the war against terrorism. A great read!

Very enlightened to Islam .

This is a very serious book and very informative on the subject of terrorism.. Thank you for this book. He is a Hero.

Worth reading

very enlightening about the world he was in undercover. I am glad he wrote this book and I am glad I read it

Five Stars

Good story line and I learned a few this about the search for radicals

Could not put it down

Excellent read, What a life, My Elnoury lived.

Good Book

Good book to read that keeps you interested

Pretty good account. The author clearly knows his craft.

Thought that this boil was well written and a solid account of how undercover operations should work. Co-author was really good story teller.


interesting story,but not very well written

Excellent read!

American Radical takes you deep inside the war on terror in a way no other story could tell. Our safety and freedoms are dependent on the brave and selfless men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting ours. This book brings that reality home.

An outstanding book about a true patriot and hero.

An excellent read. It provides great insight into how a Muslim looks at radicalized Muslims and a behind the scenes view of undercover FBI operations. I highly recommend it.

Great beach read

Quick and interesting read. I have a whole new appreciation for our undercover agents after reading this humanistic view of historical events. Fascinating look into developing relationships with terrorists. Deeper appreciation for the work and danger involved in keeping the world safe from extremists.

Great Read

I haven't read a book in years. AR hooked me from the first page. It's a great read and shows how Muslim Americans are prorecting us in the war against radical islam. Thank you T.E.

Great story. Great hero!

Great story. Brave man. We need more people like him to fight terrorism, and project true Islam, so we can all live in peace.

A must read

This book provides another perspective on radical Islam, it defines the differences between the most common groups. To help identifies true Muslims vs. con artists that use religion to poison the minds of less fortunate.


This is a great & revealing story about how our FBI & agents fight the war on terror, could not put it down until the end !!!!

Good read

I am a syfy reader but every so often I will read a nonfunctional book. This one made me emotional in a good way. Kudos to Agent "Tamer Elnoury" for doing his job and allowing me to see inside the world of a true hero.

Page Turner!

Loved this book so much I bought an extra and gave one for Christmas. It's a page turner and I couldn't put the book down. Great stuff.

Based on Actual Events

Good read

Great read

This was well written and fast moving. I loved it.



Must read for all Americans

We are sheltered from detail in our 24 hour, profit driven, partisan news these days. This was a comprehensive account of how the many dedicated agents of our government protect us. Couldn't put the book down.

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