American King (American Queen Book 3)

Kindle Edition
30 Oct
I am Maxen Ash Colchester, and I swore a duty to my country. Then I swore my heart to them.

When I went to war, I was taught to never leave a soldier behind. But he left me first.

Twice I have had the honor of running for the presidency of the United States of America. Once with my best friend and lover by my side. And the second time opposing him.

I have no one to blame but myself.

They say that every tragic hero has a fatal flaw, a secret sin--a tiny stitch sewn into their future since birth. And here I am. My sins are no longer secret. My flaws have never been more fatal. And I've never been closer to tragedy than I am now. 
I am a man who loves, a man whose love demands much in return, burning through the ones I care for until they have nothing left. I am a king, a king who was foolish enough to build a kingdom on the bones of the past.  Foolish enough to think that this time could be different. Love was always the end of our story--mine, and Embry's, and Greer's. 
But it might be the end of us, too. 
Long live the king.

American King is the third and final book in the New Camelot Trilogy.

Reviews (181)

Emotionally Destroyed

This book absolutely destroyed me. I'm done. I am so emotionally drained and wrung out, I feel like I'm in my own little bit of subspace. I'm usually fairly adept at discerning the way a story will conclude, based on years of obsessive book reading and subtle context clues. This one? This ending threw me up against the wall and left me shaking, rocking and crying in the corner. I can honestly tell you I haven't read something this amazing, and frustrating, and just absolutely perfect in a long time. I laughed, I cried, I full on ugly sobbed...and then I cried some more. The take on the arthurian legend was the best modern day spin we'll ever see. It was messy, and it was broken, and it was devastating, and it was perfect. Usually love triangles get tedious and I develop a certain amount of apathy for the characters or the story. Not the case here, my friend, let me tell you. All three books keep you invested, and curious, and all out craving. I am so relieved, so torn, and so wrecked with finishing this trilogy. I want more, I want to know more, and yet, the author has left us with a perfect ending. A neat little bow tying up all the angst, love, and passion of this 20 year journey. This book isn't for everyone, least of all the faint of heart. But if you have an open mind, maybe even a little bit of a sick mind like mine, or a healthy curiosity, you won't be sorry. Just be prepared for a daunting book hangover in the best way possible...and maybe even the need for some aftercare.

Disappointed in the Ending

FINAL DECISION: I love the characters in this book and the crazy stuff that gets worked out, but honestly, I felt the series went down since the first book in the series. The ending was too contrived and completely without any possibility of reality that I felt a letdown for the entire series. THE STORY: This book continues the story of Ash, Embry and Greer. As the book begins, Embry has broken from the trio as he has unwillingly impregnated Greer's evil cousin and has decided that Ash is not doing enough to protect Greer. Embry intends to run against Ash for president. This book, as might be expected, focuses on Ash's view of the events. OPINION: There was so much I loved about this book, but the ending was not among them. There is something really crazy and beautiful about this series just going for the most salacious romance -- the President, Vice-President and the First Lady. There are so many mixes and measures that I couldn't wait to see what incredible plot twist was next. The whole thing just felt so unreal and big. Using the mythology of King Arthur as the basis for the story allows this story to have its own mythic quality. Yes, the story is unreal on almost every page, but I loved that the spirit of the story embraced all the crazy plot twists that felt like a modern erotic soap opera. This book begins to unwind all the plots that were introduced in the first two books. Mostly, I enjoyed the possibilities. I also have always liked how this book uses love and passion and lust and jealousy and guilt in bigger than life ways. But the ending just disappointed me. Too small, too neat, too implausible. I expected everything to be blown wide open, but instead, the book ends in secrets and hiding. I just felt disappointed and once that happened, all the veneers of big drama just fell apart. Instead, I just kept asking questions about how things would actually work in reality and the entirety of the relationships just fell apart for me. Perhaps one day I will re-read this crazy adventure and see it differently, but I was sad that today I couldn't walk away excited about the entire journey. WORTH MENTIONING: I recommend this series because I think that people's reaction to the ending will be personal and doesn't diminish the wonderful crazy series. CONNECTED BOOKS: AMERICAN KING is the third and final book in the New Camelot Trilogy. These books are meant to be read together in order. STAR RATING I give this book 4 stars.

10 Beautifully-Sensical-Though-It-Shouldn’t-Be Stars!

Can I give this book, or rather this entire series, 10 stars? I would if I could. And it’s not about the kink for me. The story itself was so raw and beautiful that my heart felt like it grew while reading this. Embry’s ordeal and what he had to live through in this book really hurt. He changed a lot from who he once was, becoming a stronger, yet seemingly broken man. He was different than what we know of him in his youth. Greer took somewhat of a backseat in this book. We mostly see her through the eyes of Ash and Embry. However, her one chapter had me in tears and breaking out in watery smiles. It was so heartbreaking and so beautifully romantic. Ash was the dominating (pun intended) POV in this book … finally! I love how his life paralleled the legendary King Arthur in a modern twist. It stood out a lot more in this book than the previous ones because of certain notable scenes. He was a lot more complicated than seen in the previous two books. I loved being in his mind and seeing how he worked things out, how he figured himself out. I know about the King Arthur stories, but I don’t know how I know. Just one of those strange things. I have glimpses of scenes in my head, yet I don’t know if they are from my own imagination from reading about it long ago—and I’m talking before the age of ten—or if I saw a movie sometime (I’m currently looking for older movies that could portray what I see in my head). Regardless, this book brought forth all the information previously burrowed in the recesses of my mind and has once again piqued my interest in Arthurian tales. I can’t say enough about how much I absolutely adore this story. How Simone can beautifully and purely justify a triad. It never made sense to me how three people can have one relationship, but the way she created it … perfection. Absolute, heart-swelling, most romantic thing I have ever read perfection. And as soon as I finished the book, I wanted to start the story all over again immediately.

King of Pain ... and Love

This, dear readers, is a book you must savor. I know that you are anxious to get through it because you want to know what happens. Will Ash and Embry repair their fractured relationship? Will Greer bear a child? Will Embry marry Abilene? Will Embry and Morgan defeat Ash in a presidential election? And what of Lyr? Are the Carpathians the threat Embry believes them to be? You will get your answers. But you do not want to race through Sierra Simone's chapters in a rush. You want to take your time and immerse yourself in the story she tells. You need to sink into Simone's words and parse the importance of such lines as: "The most important part of wearing a crown and using a sword is knowing when to set them down" and "... I'd grown around this empty space, keeping something clear and untouched without even really knowing why I was holding a door open to a room I didn't know I had, keeping a hidden garden free of weeds, sheltering a hollow meant for someone or something I couldn't yet see" and "I don't have to worry about right and wrong, strong and weak, protective and reckless, because she will worry about it for me" and "No man can keep the whole world forever, after all. Which is why it's better to burn it down before it slips away." This is Ash's story to tell. He answers your questions, and you will love him more than you already do. He is a man who lives very much in his mind even as he fights wars and leads a country. He's a thinker and a feeler, intuitively knowing what the people he loves need. Greer is a golden orb of love, desiring only to give her love. And then there is Embry, the impulsive, knee-jerk respondent who often reacts before he thinks. When the three of them are together, they realize that each of them completes the others. As Ash shows us, though, while the head that wears the crown may be heavy, the head of the next in line can feel just as heavy, if not heavier. Ash must contend with his role in Embry's departure, just as Embry must accept his weaknesses. It's compelling to read. It's also occasionally heartbreaking. Be prepared to weep as Simone breaks you, but also trust that she will put you back together. Sierra Simone fans know to expect some scorching hot sexy times, and this book does not disappoint in the least. There is a LOT of sex, but not one moment feels gratuitous or prurient. These intimate scenes are transformative. They illuminate relationships and characters and themes. She uses sex as a means to bring you closer to her characters, just as they grow closer to each other. Arthurian legend fans will rejoice over the allusions, but Simone doesn't stop there. She has one particularly poignant reference to The Lady of Shallot, something that will resound with you. I continually found myself admiring how she incorporates literary allusions into her story. This book is a beautiful conclusion to the trilogy. Beautiful, romantic, tragic, anguishing, and resoundingly erotic. I loved every word.

I had to know Ash's part of the story and it is so so so so so so GOOD!

"I pulled a sword from a stone when I was twelve years old." Ash has been this strong, powerful, mysterious soul that had intrigued me so much I could not wait to get my grabby hands on this book! I had to know his part of the story. Ash's point of view is a roller coaster and seeing how his character evolved from being an abandoned young boy to becoming President is just phenomenal in itself. I know this story is fiction, but the New Camelot trilogy is so much more! "I want to know my live wasn't in vain." Throughout reading this series and especially during American King, I kept wanting to choose Greer & Ash, Ash & Embry, Embry & Greer BUT Sierra just makes you fall in love with this THREE that there is no jealousy no hard wishes on any of this tri - that you want their relationship to flourish and have that Happily Ever After. This series is so magical spinning from King Arthur's legend and being a HOT and STEAMY modern love story, there just is NOT anything else like it! I hope that you take the time with Ash in this book, don't rush it absorb the poetic words and stay with this book. My emotions are still all over the place form this book and I can't wait for the audiobook to experience it all over again! Sierra Simone is a FANTASTIC AMAZING writer! I can't get enough of her books and they are ALWAYS steamy, delicious, with the heaviest book hangover you can imagine! After reading American King I really should start reading my next book commitment, but it feels like cheating on Greer, Ash, & Embry that I don't want to leave this world right now. Long live the KING!

Great character development

4-4.5 stars I was all prepared to give this book 5 stars until the ending. I just don't think I like the ending. I sat on reviewing this for a few days to make sure I wasn't having a knee jerk reaction and I still feel the same. I can't talk about the ending because it would be hugely spoilerish, but it seemed rushed, improbable, and convenient to me....tie that in with the truth about Merlin and I was just like ugh, I don't like that direction, but that's just me! However, can I tell you how fantastic Sierra Simone is at character writing? These characters were written so well. The dialogue between them...I hung on every word practically. So much so that the sex started to bore me. I can't believe I'm saying that but I could have done with less and just more story and more interactions between them because it was so well done. 74% pretty much cracked my heart open in my chest, it was so well written. I'm at the point where I feel like I'll pretty much read anything this author writes. I just really enjoy her writing as a whole. So while the ending wasn't for me I still enjoyed the series. #EmbryIsStillMyFavorite

Best read of 2017

I don’t think there is a place to start, or finish, with the impact of this trilogy, and these books cannot be reviewed individually (IMO). It was, quite simply, sensational. It floods you with emotion – love, hate, shame, joy, devastation, elation – it’s all there. Greer, Embry and Ash are worlds away from and other characters I’ve encountered, their story is in a category all its own, although unnamed. It is dark. It is sexual. It is mystical. It is captivating in a way that very few romance reads (any read!) can achieve. My reaction to it was primal, raw and makes my heart race simply thinking back on it. Flashes of scenes still wash over me when I least expect them, and I never want that to end. I love all kinds of romance, all kinds of stories, but the New Camelot Trilogy is unique in its depth and groundbreaking in its reach. It’s a love story. It involves 3 people. It is not a love triangle. It is not for everyone, but it should be read by anyone serious about great story telling. Thank you Sierra Simone for making this happen.

Bring the tissues, for this fantastic finale!

First off, you most definitely need to read the previous two books in the series prior to reading this one. (American Queen and American Prince.) These three characters are EVERYTHING! While each book alternates in POVs, each one centers around one character: Queen= Greer; Prince= Embry and King= Ash. The first two books build up their story, their love and it all leads up to this explosive finale. This book will totally wreck you. Such an intense love these characters have for each other, even if it is in an unconventional way. The things they are willing to do for one another. It is M/M/F and has some very explicit and graphic sex scenes (certainly meant for mature readers.) Unlike many other erotic novels, the sex in this one isn't just about the act or pleasure itself. Each scene had a meaning (or purpose) to the characters. Those moments told a lot about their stories and the characters themselves. There is really so much greatest in this book (well, the entire series.) 5 stars does not do it justice. It's written beautifully. This book was a little longer than the others... close to 500 pages. It has a bit of fantasy tossed in (though you don't see it until near the later part of the book.) This book will break you. Consider yourself warned. ;)

Sierra Simone writes a completely beautiful tale that encompasses the legends of King Arthur along ...

American King by Sierra Simone concludes the New Camelot trilogy. If you haven’t read the previous books, American Queen and American Prince, PLEASE do that before reading this book as this book really does tie everything together. Sierra Simone writes a completely beautiful tale that encompasses the legends of King Arthur along with a searing modern day love story. It is NOT your mama’s Harlequin love story. Love comes in so many different shapes and sizes but all these different configurations of love have one thing in common-passion. The passion that Ash has for Greer and Embry is palpable. You can feel every single inch of it through Sierra’s words. The gift she has for truly pulling us into the story is absolutely amazing. It is poetry, it is rhythm, it is music, it is the sun and the moon. She has a gift for putting together words that will REALLY bring you to your knees. If these words don't just suck you in and make you feel the anguish, nothing will. "How do they not hear the trickle of my heart’s blood dripping out of my chest, how do they not see the scooped-out pain in my eyes, how can they not hear every desperate plea and every rasping sob I’ve let out in the last twenty-four hours?" Ash is the King! Those who have read AQ and AP know this. He is the man in control. He is the one with the charisma to have a whole world listen to what he says. But to Greer and Embry, he is just the man they love….the one they have no choice to submit to because that is what their hearts want. When a man like Ash loves, he loves with his mind, body, heart and soul. He loves beyond measure and you want to be the one wrapped up in his love. Is this conventional? Absolutely not, but it is real. What these three have gone through, and will go through in order to live their truths and their love is a story worth reading. The tears I cried were real, pouring down my face. The laughter that bubbled out of me was absolutely out loud and perhaps unwarranted ( you know those, I’m not sure what to do so I’ll laugh things). If I had the ability, I would absolutely want to read all the New Camelot trilogy from the beginning and I recommend it to all my friends because I want to relive the beauty of this story through their eyes and hearts. Sierra Simone is the queen and I bow to her (or is it curtsy) amazing beautiful words. This deserves 10 is just that good!!

One Heart. One Life.

I have been eagerly awaiting this book and after the ending of American Prince, I couldn't wait to see how it all would end. This book and series were better than I could have ever imagined. American King is book 3 in the New Camelot series and is not a standalone. It should only be read after enjoying the previous 2 books, American Queen and American Prince. Each book in this series has had my emotions all over the place. One minute I am smiling and filled with joy and the next, I am crying and clutching my chest so my heart doesn't fall out and shatter. There is love, jealousy, mystery, heartache, angst, tension, political drama, and don't even get me started on the heat. In true Sierra fashion, this book is nuclear hot and I am still shocked that my kindle didn't catch on fire. Whether it was Ash and Greer, Embry and Ash, Greer and Embry, or all three of them together, the result was always the same - sizzling, scalding, don't look directly at the sun HOT. I found this book to be the most introspective and intense of the trilogy. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to find out what curve ball would be next, but at the same time I wanted to savor every moment. It tied together so many different memories and events throughout the series, binding them all so tightly and irrevocably that they all wove together seamlessly. There were times I would have to reread passages because there was so much depth and raw emotion spilling out on the page. The writing was stellar (as always) and every word had purpose. It was all so much and yet because I have grown to love these characters so profoundly, it was also not enough. I will always want more. More Ash. More Embry. More Greer. This series pushed me out of my normal comfort zone and challenged me to look at things with new eyes and I am forever grateful to Sierra Simone for that gift. Her twist on the classic story of King Arthur was brilliant and I definitely appreciated the Afterword which gave us insight into this stunning new fairy tale. This series is not to be missed!

Emotionally Destroyed

This book absolutely destroyed me. I'm done. I am so emotionally drained and wrung out, I feel like I'm in my own little bit of subspace. I'm usually fairly adept at discerning the way a story will conclude, based on years of obsessive book reading and subtle context clues. This one? This ending threw me up against the wall and left me shaking, rocking and crying in the corner. I can honestly tell you I haven't read something this amazing, and frustrating, and just absolutely perfect in a long time. I laughed, I cried, I full on ugly sobbed...and then I cried some more. The take on the arthurian legend was the best modern day spin we'll ever see. It was messy, and it was broken, and it was devastating, and it was perfect. Usually love triangles get tedious and I develop a certain amount of apathy for the characters or the story. Not the case here, my friend, let me tell you. All three books keep you invested, and curious, and all out craving. I am so relieved, so torn, and so wrecked with finishing this trilogy. I want more, I want to know more, and yet, the author has left us with a perfect ending. A neat little bow tying up all the angst, love, and passion of this 20 year journey. This book isn't for everyone, least of all the faint of heart. But if you have an open mind, maybe even a little bit of a sick mind like mine, or a healthy curiosity, you won't be sorry. Just be prepared for a daunting book hangover in the best way possible...and maybe even the need for some aftercare.

Disappointed in the Ending

FINAL DECISION: I love the characters in this book and the crazy stuff that gets worked out, but honestly, I felt the series went down since the first book in the series. The ending was too contrived and completely without any possibility of reality that I felt a letdown for the entire series. THE STORY: This book continues the story of Ash, Embry and Greer. As the book begins, Embry has broken from the trio as he has unwillingly impregnated Greer's evil cousin and has decided that Ash is not doing enough to protect Greer. Embry intends to run against Ash for president. This book, as might be expected, focuses on Ash's view of the events. OPINION: There was so much I loved about this book, but the ending was not among them. There is something really crazy and beautiful about this series just going for the most salacious romance -- the President, Vice-President and the First Lady. There are so many mixes and measures that I couldn't wait to see what incredible plot twist was next. The whole thing just felt so unreal and big. Using the mythology of King Arthur as the basis for the story allows this story to have its own mythic quality. Yes, the story is unreal on almost every page, but I loved that the spirit of the story embraced all the crazy plot twists that felt like a modern erotic soap opera. This book begins to unwind all the plots that were introduced in the first two books. Mostly, I enjoyed the possibilities. I also have always liked how this book uses love and passion and lust and jealousy and guilt in bigger than life ways. But the ending just disappointed me. Too small, too neat, too implausible. I expected everything to be blown wide open, but instead, the book ends in secrets and hiding. I just felt disappointed and once that happened, all the veneers of big drama just fell apart. Instead, I just kept asking questions about how things would actually work in reality and the entirety of the relationships just fell apart for me. Perhaps one day I will re-read this crazy adventure and see it differently, but I was sad that today I couldn't walk away excited about the entire journey. WORTH MENTIONING: I recommend this series because I think that people's reaction to the ending will be personal and doesn't diminish the wonderful crazy series. CONNECTED BOOKS: AMERICAN KING is the third and final book in the New Camelot Trilogy. These books are meant to be read together in order. STAR RATING I give this book 4 stars.

10 Beautifully-Sensical-Though-It-Shouldn’t-Be Stars!

Can I give this book, or rather this entire series, 10 stars? I would if I could. And it’s not about the kink for me. The story itself was so raw and beautiful that my heart felt like it grew while reading this. Embry’s ordeal and what he had to live through in this book really hurt. He changed a lot from who he once was, becoming a stronger, yet seemingly broken man. He was different than what we know of him in his youth. Greer took somewhat of a backseat in this book. We mostly see her through the eyes of Ash and Embry. However, her one chapter had me in tears and breaking out in watery smiles. It was so heartbreaking and so beautifully romantic. Ash was the dominating (pun intended) POV in this book … finally! I love how his life paralleled the legendary King Arthur in a modern twist. It stood out a lot more in this book than the previous ones because of certain notable scenes. He was a lot more complicated than seen in the previous two books. I loved being in his mind and seeing how he worked things out, how he figured himself out. I know about the King Arthur stories, but I don’t know how I know. Just one of those strange things. I have glimpses of scenes in my head, yet I don’t know if they are from my own imagination from reading about it long ago—and I’m talking before the age of ten—or if I saw a movie sometime (I’m currently looking for older movies that could portray what I see in my head). Regardless, this book brought forth all the information previously burrowed in the recesses of my mind and has once again piqued my interest in Arthurian tales. I can’t say enough about how much I absolutely adore this story. How Simone can beautifully and purely justify a triad. It never made sense to me how three people can have one relationship, but the way she created it … perfection. Absolute, heart-swelling, most romantic thing I have ever read perfection. And as soon as I finished the book, I wanted to start the story all over again immediately.

King of Pain ... and Love

This, dear readers, is a book you must savor. I know that you are anxious to get through it because you want to know what happens. Will Ash and Embry repair their fractured relationship? Will Greer bear a child? Will Embry marry Abilene? Will Embry and Morgan defeat Ash in a presidential election? And what of Lyr? Are the Carpathians the threat Embry believes them to be? You will get your answers. But you do not want to race through Sierra Simone's chapters in a rush. You want to take your time and immerse yourself in the story she tells. You need to sink into Simone's words and parse the importance of such lines as: "The most important part of wearing a crown and using a sword is knowing when to set them down" and "... I'd grown around this empty space, keeping something clear and untouched without even really knowing why I was holding a door open to a room I didn't know I had, keeping a hidden garden free of weeds, sheltering a hollow meant for someone or something I couldn't yet see" and "I don't have to worry about right and wrong, strong and weak, protective and reckless, because she will worry about it for me" and "No man can keep the whole world forever, after all. Which is why it's better to burn it down before it slips away." This is Ash's story to tell. He answers your questions, and you will love him more than you already do. He is a man who lives very much in his mind even as he fights wars and leads a country. He's a thinker and a feeler, intuitively knowing what the people he loves need. Greer is a golden orb of love, desiring only to give her love. And then there is Embry, the impulsive, knee-jerk respondent who often reacts before he thinks. When the three of them are together, they realize that each of them completes the others. As Ash shows us, though, while the head that wears the crown may be heavy, the head of the next in line can feel just as heavy, if not heavier. Ash must contend with his role in Embry's departure, just as Embry must accept his weaknesses. It's compelling to read. It's also occasionally heartbreaking. Be prepared to weep as Simone breaks you, but also trust that she will put you back together. Sierra Simone fans know to expect some scorching hot sexy times, and this book does not disappoint in the least. There is a LOT of sex, but not one moment feels gratuitous or prurient. These intimate scenes are transformative. They illuminate relationships and characters and themes. She uses sex as a means to bring you closer to her characters, just as they grow closer to each other. Arthurian legend fans will rejoice over the allusions, but Simone doesn't stop there. She has one particularly poignant reference to The Lady of Shallot, something that will resound with you. I continually found myself admiring how she incorporates literary allusions into her story. This book is a beautiful conclusion to the trilogy. Beautiful, romantic, tragic, anguishing, and resoundingly erotic. I loved every word.

I had to know Ash's part of the story and it is so so so so so so GOOD!

"I pulled a sword from a stone when I was twelve years old." Ash has been this strong, powerful, mysterious soul that had intrigued me so much I could not wait to get my grabby hands on this book! I had to know his part of the story. Ash's point of view is a roller coaster and seeing how his character evolved from being an abandoned young boy to becoming President is just phenomenal in itself. I know this story is fiction, but the New Camelot trilogy is so much more! "I want to know my live wasn't in vain." Throughout reading this series and especially during American King, I kept wanting to choose Greer & Ash, Ash & Embry, Embry & Greer BUT Sierra just makes you fall in love with this THREE that there is no jealousy no hard wishes on any of this tri - that you want their relationship to flourish and have that Happily Ever After. This series is so magical spinning from King Arthur's legend and being a HOT and STEAMY modern love story, there just is NOT anything else like it! I hope that you take the time with Ash in this book, don't rush it absorb the poetic words and stay with this book. My emotions are still all over the place form this book and I can't wait for the audiobook to experience it all over again! Sierra Simone is a FANTASTIC AMAZING writer! I can't get enough of her books and they are ALWAYS steamy, delicious, with the heaviest book hangover you can imagine! After reading American King I really should start reading my next book commitment, but it feels like cheating on Greer, Ash, & Embry that I don't want to leave this world right now. Long live the KING!

Great character development

4-4.5 stars I was all prepared to give this book 5 stars until the ending. I just don't think I like the ending. I sat on reviewing this for a few days to make sure I wasn't having a knee jerk reaction and I still feel the same. I can't talk about the ending because it would be hugely spoilerish, but it seemed rushed, improbable, and convenient to me....tie that in with the truth about Merlin and I was just like ugh, I don't like that direction, but that's just me! However, can I tell you how fantastic Sierra Simone is at character writing? These characters were written so well. The dialogue between them...I hung on every word practically. So much so that the sex started to bore me. I can't believe I'm saying that but I could have done with less and just more story and more interactions between them because it was so well done. 74% pretty much cracked my heart open in my chest, it was so well written. I'm at the point where I feel like I'll pretty much read anything this author writes. I just really enjoy her writing as a whole. So while the ending wasn't for me I still enjoyed the series. #EmbryIsStillMyFavorite

Best read of 2017

I don’t think there is a place to start, or finish, with the impact of this trilogy, and these books cannot be reviewed individually (IMO). It was, quite simply, sensational. It floods you with emotion – love, hate, shame, joy, devastation, elation – it’s all there. Greer, Embry and Ash are worlds away from and other characters I’ve encountered, their story is in a category all its own, although unnamed. It is dark. It is sexual. It is mystical. It is captivating in a way that very few romance reads (any read!) can achieve. My reaction to it was primal, raw and makes my heart race simply thinking back on it. Flashes of scenes still wash over me when I least expect them, and I never want that to end. I love all kinds of romance, all kinds of stories, but the New Camelot Trilogy is unique in its depth and groundbreaking in its reach. It’s a love story. It involves 3 people. It is not a love triangle. It is not for everyone, but it should be read by anyone serious about great story telling. Thank you Sierra Simone for making this happen.

Bring the tissues, for this fantastic finale!

First off, you most definitely need to read the previous two books in the series prior to reading this one. (American Queen and American Prince.) These three characters are EVERYTHING! While each book alternates in POVs, each one centers around one character: Queen= Greer; Prince= Embry and King= Ash. The first two books build up their story, their love and it all leads up to this explosive finale. This book will totally wreck you. Such an intense love these characters have for each other, even if it is in an unconventional way. The things they are willing to do for one another. It is M/M/F and has some very explicit and graphic sex scenes (certainly meant for mature readers.) Unlike many other erotic novels, the sex in this one isn't just about the act or pleasure itself. Each scene had a meaning (or purpose) to the characters. Those moments told a lot about their stories and the characters themselves. There is really so much greatest in this book (well, the entire series.) 5 stars does not do it justice. It's written beautifully. This book was a little longer than the others... close to 500 pages. It has a bit of fantasy tossed in (though you don't see it until near the later part of the book.) This book will break you. Consider yourself warned. ;)

Sierra Simone writes a completely beautiful tale that encompasses the legends of King Arthur along ...

American King by Sierra Simone concludes the New Camelot trilogy. If you haven’t read the previous books, American Queen and American Prince, PLEASE do that before reading this book as this book really does tie everything together. Sierra Simone writes a completely beautiful tale that encompasses the legends of King Arthur along with a searing modern day love story. It is NOT your mama’s Harlequin love story. Love comes in so many different shapes and sizes but all these different configurations of love have one thing in common-passion. The passion that Ash has for Greer and Embry is palpable. You can feel every single inch of it through Sierra’s words. The gift she has for truly pulling us into the story is absolutely amazing. It is poetry, it is rhythm, it is music, it is the sun and the moon. She has a gift for putting together words that will REALLY bring you to your knees. If these words don't just suck you in and make you feel the anguish, nothing will. "How do they not hear the trickle of my heart’s blood dripping out of my chest, how do they not see the scooped-out pain in my eyes, how can they not hear every desperate plea and every rasping sob I’ve let out in the last twenty-four hours?" Ash is the King! Those who have read AQ and AP know this. He is the man in control. He is the one with the charisma to have a whole world listen to what he says. But to Greer and Embry, he is just the man they love….the one they have no choice to submit to because that is what their hearts want. When a man like Ash loves, he loves with his mind, body, heart and soul. He loves beyond measure and you want to be the one wrapped up in his love. Is this conventional? Absolutely not, but it is real. What these three have gone through, and will go through in order to live their truths and their love is a story worth reading. The tears I cried were real, pouring down my face. The laughter that bubbled out of me was absolutely out loud and perhaps unwarranted ( you know those, I’m not sure what to do so I’ll laugh things). If I had the ability, I would absolutely want to read all the New Camelot trilogy from the beginning and I recommend it to all my friends because I want to relive the beauty of this story through their eyes and hearts. Sierra Simone is the queen and I bow to her (or is it curtsy) amazing beautiful words. This deserves 10 is just that good!!

One Heart. One Life.

I have been eagerly awaiting this book and after the ending of American Prince, I couldn't wait to see how it all would end. This book and series were better than I could have ever imagined. American King is book 3 in the New Camelot series and is not a standalone. It should only be read after enjoying the previous 2 books, American Queen and American Prince. Each book in this series has had my emotions all over the place. One minute I am smiling and filled with joy and the next, I am crying and clutching my chest so my heart doesn't fall out and shatter. There is love, jealousy, mystery, heartache, angst, tension, political drama, and don't even get me started on the heat. In true Sierra fashion, this book is nuclear hot and I am still shocked that my kindle didn't catch on fire. Whether it was Ash and Greer, Embry and Ash, Greer and Embry, or all three of them together, the result was always the same - sizzling, scalding, don't look directly at the sun HOT. I found this book to be the most introspective and intense of the trilogy. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to find out what curve ball would be next, but at the same time I wanted to savor every moment. It tied together so many different memories and events throughout the series, binding them all so tightly and irrevocably that they all wove together seamlessly. There were times I would have to reread passages because there was so much depth and raw emotion spilling out on the page. The writing was stellar (as always) and every word had purpose. It was all so much and yet because I have grown to love these characters so profoundly, it was also not enough. I will always want more. More Ash. More Embry. More Greer. This series pushed me out of my normal comfort zone and challenged me to look at things with new eyes and I am forever grateful to Sierra Simone for that gift. Her twist on the classic story of King Arthur was brilliant and I definitely appreciated the Afterword which gave us insight into this stunning new fairy tale. This series is not to be missed!

Yes, please...Sir.

Ash's story picks up right where Embry's left off, and periodically shifts back in time to allow readers a glimpse into our king's history. Where Greer and Embry's stories went back in time a great deal, Ash's seemed to focus more on "now." Or maybe it just felt that way. There are also more one-on-one exchanges with Ash and Embry, Ash and Greer, and Embry and Greer, although those who crave scenes with the three won't be disappointed. There was a lot of aching for me on this one. Not just the yummy kind that's no stranger to this trilogy, but the heartwrenching kind as you get to experience Ash falling in love with Embry from his perspective. Or Ash feeling that awful void when Embry is forced / compelled to leave his side both personally and politically. Embry and Greer also take much of center stage, and oh, how I envy having Embry's love. He has such a tendre for Greer, and it satisfies that desire for a traditional romance in the midst of the more deliciously less conventional aspects of these relationships. But more than anything, I am amazed by how generously and unselfishly Ash loves. How confident he is in the way Embry and Ash love him and each other. They both call him their king, and it's easy to understand why. Their pain is his pain, and he carries the burdens of their love on his shoulders effortlessly. Ash offers no apology for who he is, and embraces the pieces of his soul that others may not fully understand. He accepts who and what he needs without ever having to question why. And whenever Ash gets his hands on Embry, I FEEL it, that fierce longing that is all-consuming and so much more gratifying because of it. It doesn't strike me as a coincidence that even though this is technically Ash's installment, I feel like the light shines more brightly on Embry and Greer. That just seems very in character to me, based on the version of Ash I feel like I now know so well. The politics take a backseat in this one, although it's inevitably present. I greatly appreciate some glimpses of Embry where he's actually having fun and not in constant suffering for his sacrifices. Merlin's story is revealed, enemies are confronted, and a thrilling conclusion ensues. This story, more than the others, brought me to tears. Not sobs exactly, more like drippy sniffles. The POV now has a third voice in Ash, so as was necessary in American Prince, readers must pay attention to chapter headings to understand who is speaking and when in the chronology the events takes place. Once again, the scenes are deliriously, feverishly raw. I am an eager voyeur in the room, and I never want to waste a moment of the experience. I have reached the end of Ash, Embry, and Greer's journey, and I miss them already.

One heart. One life. Epic ending to a top trilogy! Must read!!

A trilogy that is 5 stars all around? Yes Yes and Yes. The Queen, Prince and King broke me and damaged me and made me see things in a way that I never thought possible. Beauty is everywhere and in all forms. You have to open your mind and heart to what you are given and hopefully outside forces won't ruin what is meant to be. But when you are President all eyes are on you. Your life is everyone's life. "You will never stop having faith in the people around you, even when they hurt you over and over again." Sierra, How can you write such a genius, well-crafted story when it relies heavily on erotica? I just didn't think it was possible. But you changed how I saw things and you broke my dang heart a million times over. I feel like I will never get those parts back. Greer, Embry and Ash's story will stay with me for so long. It was a trilogy to be devoured, inhaled and fully absorbed by me, body and soul. How can I review one book without mentioning the three? You HAVE to read all of them to complete the journey and you have to step into each of their shoes to understand their path that they chose to take to get to their happiness. "Bittersweet, messy and mingled, just like our lives and just like our love." Love comes in all shapes and sizes from every corner of the world. Past and present. From the elite to the poor. Never underestimate the pull of love and longing and where we all belong. We have a place in this world. And while Miss Simone will surely break you a million times over before slowly piecing you back together, just FEEL this story and live it. Own it. READ it! You won't be disappointed! "I see the beginning. And I see the end." Enjoy readers!!

All Hail the King!

This is the third book in a trilogy. American Queen and American Prince MUST be read first. Also if it has been awhile since you've read American Prince, I strongly recommend rereading the last few chapters of American Prince. I finished this book six days ago and I have not come to terms with it. It has taken me this long to even process my feelings. Coming into it, I had so many reservations. Would it answer all my questions? Would it redeem the characters that needed to be redeemed (in my opinion)? Would I be happy? Would Ash/Greer/Embry get their HEA? And seriously what the heck is up with Merlin. Because you know Sierra isn't going to leave that just out there. Is he good? Is he bad? What are his motivations? lol. It has been a long time since I've anticipated a book so much and I should have known to have faith- that it was Sierra Simone. American King mostly focuses on Ash, just as American Prince focused on Embry and American Queen focused on Greer, but there is a healthy dose of both of the other characters in this book. It switches back and forth between past and present and Sierra brilliantly weaves the story line keeping you glued to your kindle. This book, much like the rest of the series, is an emotional rollercoaster- but it is worth every high and low. It evokes so much emotion. It is an epic love story about loyalty and sacrifice. The characters are SO well written. Every concern I had was really mostly addressed. And there is one scene, and I will keep this super vague because it would be criminal to spoil this amazing story, there is one scene that isn't even from a main characters POV and it is so hauntingly beautiful (which is a really weird way to describe the subject but I'm tired) that I had to take deep breaths through it. Even thinking I would feel one way I was surprised how deeply it affected me. I would venture to say it was some of the most beautiful (despite the subject) writing I've ever read. Sierra completely floored me. It is not often (or really ever) after reading two of the three books in a trilogy that I am shocked how a story goes. But this book, and this series, I guarantee you even though the clues are ALL there and blatantly staring you in the face, you will not guess who this story goes. This is one of my favorite series by one of my favorite authors. I strongly recommend this book.

A fitting end to an unforgettable tale.

This has been a truly enjoyable trilogy. There were several times I really wondered how the author would bring this story to a close and if I would like the way she did that. But I shouldn't have worried because I absolutely loved it. This final book was told mostly from Ash's POV. This isn't the first story I've read that had a polyamorous relationship but this was definitely the most complicated one. Greer, Embry and Ash make up a truly amazing relationship. This author was very talented in creating each character and writing them in a way that it truly felt like I was seeing puzzle pieces cement together throughout each book. It was so thorough that as I read the last page of this story, I could feel that they truly and completely belonged with each other and only each other. Halfway through this book, I worried that my heart might be crushed. I approached each chapter with a little wariness but oh, how I loved the way it came to a close. I'm afraid to give away too much if I keep going so I will just encourage readers to give this love story for the ages a try especially if you are anything like me and grew up falling in love with the legend of King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and Knight Lancelot. This was certainly my favorite retelling of that timeless tale.

5+⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Stars for AK!

I've read AQ and AP and even did a re-read on audible in preparation for the release of AK. Each book melded these three characters into something so perfect in my head that I knew AK would destroy me. I don't know how, only that it would. There's this undefinable connection between Greer, Embry and Ash and throughout each book I've seen the sacrifices made, the resulting pain and anguish and the everlasting love. There's something beautiful between the three interconnected souls and hearts. Something beyond the realm of "normal". Merlin is the key. You know it when he meets Greer as a young girl and when he addresses Embry as a young adult soldier. You know it's important and it's all about Maxen Ashley Colchester, our American King. AK built in tension and hurts and passion and love. Ash proves himself as selfless as he cares for those he loves, those he needs, those IN need, the citizens of his beloved country. He's America's hero. He's Embry King and Greer's Sir. He's mine. 🤗 The road to the Presidential election is filled with obstacles as Embry runs against Ash. Both filled with love and hurt and even Pride. Abilene is undoubtedly unstable and delusional. I hurt for those she tried to destroy on her quest for Ash and her own self-destruction. She didn't care who she hurt and in the end she found herself being destroyed. As much as I wanted her to pay, even I felt the sadness in her chapter of AK. Ash and Merlin. There's a story there and only Merlin can tell it. I hated on him (and Sierra Simone for a good portion of AK --🤗) but he ultimately earned my respect. AK truly devastated me. I knew "it" was coming. I felt it after AP and as AK reached it's crescendo, I felt panic, loss, and anger. I threw my own temper tantrum and put the book away for several hours. 📚🗑 Nothing could make it right. And at midnight last night I pulled it out again and re-read those terrifying pages...twice more. And then I turned the page to finish AK. Heartbroken and angry, I found hope in these pages. And ultimately, I found the key, and all was right in my world again. AK was not easy to read but I loved Greer and Embry and Ash. Yes, I know they are not real, but when I entered these pages, I became part of their world. I was in New Camelot. I was there. And I have to say, Merlin, you definitely got it right this time.

It hurts so good

Just a warning: this review is going to be a hot ass mess. This book wrecked me. It devastated me and destroyed me and then it made me so happy so joyful just to destroy me again. It was a vicious cycle and it left me never knowing what to expect next. Literally even when it was good it hurt and I ached and I cried and I felt like I couldn't catch me breath. When I finished I had to go to sleep, I could not function. I went to spin class this morning and had to fight back tears. I came back home from class and had to reread the last 15% because I thought maybe it was all some crazy fever induced dream and that I had made it all up. Of course I'm no where near the master Sierra when it comes to story telling, it was all real. I'm holding back tears typing this up now. My emotions are still so raw and new and I'm not sure how I feel, maybe I should have waited to write this review until I've recovered a bit? But I can't I have so many feelings and emotions I have to let it out. This was easily one of the hardest books I've ever read, one of the most emotional and angsty books ever written. Greer had surprisingly few POV's in this one and each one was more heartbreaking and harder to read then the last. And yet somehow her POVs were like a reprieve, a moment to catch my breath even, from the tortured and moody broody twins Ash and Embry. I didn't know who was worse off, who was more tortured, between the two half the time. Every time I read one of their POVs my heart broke a little bit more, I got a little bit more frustrated and upset, I fell a bit more in love. Embry was my sweet tortured little prince. He was jealous and spiteful and so ragey at times. He frustrated me and I wanted to shake him and beg him to stop breaking Ash's heart, to just stop lying and stop trying to be so noble and to f-ing trust Ash. Why did he torture me the way he did? Why couldn't he just stop? He was always fighting and it hurt, everything just hurt. And Ash. Full stop. Oh god, Ash. He left me breathless and aching and in agony. The way he loves so selflessly and sometimes so selfishly. The burdens he carried around, the way he gave and gave and gave and just when you pictured nothing could possibly be left to give he gave some more. He was too perfect and yet somehow his perfection was his flaw. His nobility and honesty and truth it was just all so overwhelming. Reading from his POV was everything I hoped and dreamed of, we learned so much, grew so much, hurt so bad. Ash is the king everybody wants and deserves, he is a god among men. And I related to him so much, not his pain and his torture or his nobility or his greatness (I could never compete with his level of perfection) but his thoughts and his views on his sexuality. I've never seen/read/heard what it's like to be bi conceptualized so well, how you struggle with sex and intimacy and the 'do I really even like both sex's', the 'can I even fall in love?'. Sometimes the label rings so true and other times you question it. At times it was like I had lived Ash's exact words and thoughts and it was amazing and liberating to be reminded you aren't the only one who feels these things, that I'm not crazy. Greer, Ash and Embry are a twisted and beautiful love story. They love so hard and so deep and so passionately and so intimately, that at times I honestly felt like I was intruding on truly private moments, like I shouldn't be reading something so deeply personal about other people. And that's the beauty and magic of this whole series, Sierra has crafted characters and moments that feel so achingly real I forget this is made up. I don't know that any other author has made me feel the things Sierra has and I'm not sure it can ever be repeated again. I thought I knew what a book hangover felt like and I thought I knew what a good story made me feel, but I was wrong, Sierra ruined me and wrecked me just like Ash, Greer and Embry ruined and wrecked one another. But even through all the agonizing heartbreak and pain I can honestly say this was one of the most beautiful stories I've ever read, and it was worth and second of heartache. This was the way King Arthur's story should have been told from the beginning.

Worth the wait for this final installment.

It was so good...I don’t even have the words to do this one justice. This entire series will tear you apart only to put you back together again. My thoughts: POV: This is Ash’s book but you get a little Greer and Embry too Quick hook or slow starter? 5 (I was hooked from the first chapter) Character development: 5 Level of Romance between characters: 5 Passion/Heat level: 5(extremely hot and steamy) Angst/Heartbreak: 5 (Angst and heartbreak throughout and the last few chapters about ruined me...I almost threw my kindle) Cliffhanger?: No, this is sadly the end. Overall, it was amazing. I am so glad I came across this series and got to spend time getting to know these characters. It was an amazing ride and I am sad that it is over. This is definitely a series I will come back to and read again.

Welcome to Camelot....

Broken. Speechless. Destroyed. Gutted. Heartbroken. Queen. Prince. King. Three. Hat trick. Achilles. Patroclus. Camelot. King Arthur. Armageddon. Finding one love of your life can be a rarity. But having lightening strike in your heart and soul two times can take your breath away. The King Arthur legend is a mood ring. It can be a glittering tale of chivalry and brave deeds or it can be a gritty war narrative or anything in between. It is up to us to decide which it is. American King destroyed me. It’s a feeling that is indescribable and yet I knew it was coming. I just knew. It was raw. It was heartbreaking. It was emotionally and physically exhausting. I took several days to read this because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Embry, Greer and Ash. Oh the tangled web they wove. Mistakes and secrets were revealed. Hearts and lives were shattered and left broken with no way of ever mending. The three together made the perfect combination for the best hat trick ever. What a journey this Camelot trio of American Queen, American Prince and American King took us on. It left me speechless, breathless, and a complete puddle. Seriously, I’m not sure I can even read another book for awhile. Sierra Simone - you are going to send me to an early grave or have me committed in a straight jacket. I feel I may never recover from this. Totally worth the tears. Totally worth the hours spent reading this brilliantly composed symphony of words that is the reason I choose to read. This was the most emotionally charged conclusion of a series I have ever read. I need a big glass of scotch! I wanted to jump into the pages and experience the pain, the pleasure and the prose of this masterpiece of a kingdom that was created so beautifully. It truly was remarkable. To all the firsts and the lasts. To Greer. To Embry. To Ash. Salute.

*A devastatingly heartbreaking, yet peaceful conclusion to the New Camelot series...*

In the conclusion of the New Camelot series, I found myself completely devastated the series was over, yet completely at peace at how Sierra ties everything together and wraps it up in one perfect package. There is so much put into the This final book, American King, is the story of Ash. We finally get things from our Dominant’s POV. And let me tell you, it’s so captivating to fully immerse yourself into the innerworkings of this man. He’s everything Greer and Embry ever wanted, and he must make choices in this book that will flip everything off its axis. The rotation of the world simply revolves around Ash, or at least everything to Embry and Greer does, and when you finally see the major plot twist Sierra has thrown at us, you will be destroyed. I found myself literally sick to my stomach at the heartbreak that unfolds within these pages. It’s a beautiful heartbreak and I really had no way of predicting the story of these three would take the turns that unfold in American King. Throughout this book I was shattered into a million pieces; devastated, heartbroken and destroyed. Yet somehow, Sierra magically finds a way to put all the pieces back together in a way that fit back together better than before they were broken. This conclusion will leave you breathless, in tears, broken, and completely at peace. All at the same time!

I loved this book so much!!!

5+ Stars! The trilogy as a whole was so epic, addictive and sexy. It had me so aroused with each installment and had me in a state of heavy panting for three days straight. This was so incredible and I don’t know if I’ve ever loved a character as much as I love Ash. Oh my god, he was such an incredible man. His love was so unconditional, fierce and his devotion knew no bounds. What Ash and Embry and Greer shared was beyond anything I’ve read in such a long time. I’ve missed reading about a relationship dynamic such as this but I don’t think anyone has ever come as close to telling it the way Sierra Simone did. I was completely spellbound by every aspect of this story and American King was the most erotic, heart wrenching and unforgettable part of their tale. I also listened to the Audible via the Whispersync feature and really enjoyed it. I wasn’t a big fan of the female narrator. Her tone was too high pitched and when it came to quoting other characters she spoke to fast and with an even higher pitch. I’m glad with this book, Greer’s portions weren’t many. But the male narrator did a magnificent job; especially when I came to other characters voices and accents. And that deep timber had me tingly the whole time.

"Right Sacrifices"

“'You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it...You do not take pleasure in burnt offerings,' I continue. 'My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit. A broken and contrite heart which You will not despise'...'Do good to Zion in your good pleasure; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Then you will delight in right sacrifices. '” - Ash Oh how this book haunted me for days after I read it! I was not able to write this review immediately; so, this story continued to swim around in my head and not without some delightful memories of the scenes this "conjurer" of an author wrote. More than the uber-sexy, leaving you dry-mouthed hot, hawt, hot erotica were the ideas presented in her compelling and in-depth examination of this modern day "King Arthur" from centuries-old legend...this Arthurian legend which has fascinated readers for as long as it has been told and retold. There are so many ideas of "Kingship" itself that are presented to the reader through the action and dialogue in this last book of the "New Camelot Trilogy"; however, the one that turned over and over in my mind was the idea of this "Arthur", Ash's piety. Initially, I was astounded that this adjective could be attributed to a man who is an active passionate Dominant, bisexual, completely head-over-heels in love and lust with his "Little Prince and his wife, "Little Princess". It was in the reconsidering of all that had happened and all that had been revealed in this scintillating story that I found myself agreeing with the idea that our "modern-day" albeit kinkier "Arthur" did indeed deserve the descriptive attribution of "pious". The story continues with Embry breaking the hearts of both Ash and Greer in his recent choices, even if these choices come from a desire to protect and love them both. The reader also takes a sojourn back in time as Ash tells of the significant events in his childhood that shaped his sexuality, his sense of honor, his morality, his devotion to God. The reader can delight in Ash's experience of falling in love with a beautiful young warrior and equally feel his anguish that his love for whatever reasons is unrequited as the invitation to partake in love's passion is accepted. We feel the trauma that war left on his psyche and how his love and desire for Embry was a part of the despair he felt. We shiver with the sizzling chemistry that Ash perceived from just one encounter with the 16 year old Greer and how he held his love for her close until he could finally claim her for his own. Equally titillating is Embry and Greer's shared passion. Yet, for how much each of the characters loves the other, the persistent drumbeat of jealousies continue to trouble them, until...? As I continued to consider all of the story I read, I realized that one's sexuality and desires, if acted on in the spirit of consent and respect as Ash pledged himself always to act, is really not material to appreciating the piety of Ash. When he found his "loves", he never touched another human being sexually. He only really ever shared penetrative sex with four people and exclusively with Embry and Greer when they found each other. Ash's values and leadership were shining gold in the end. These were the things that mattered. These qualities that changed the world and made it a more peaceful and better place...His past, even fated mistakes caused pain to those he loved; but in the long run...the world was a better place for the rule of this "King" I believe I could write this review for days...parsing out every idea and dimension illuminated by this author in her retelling... her studied envisioning of a "New Camelot" with a novel solution to the uncomfortable relationship quandaries left by the more familiar telling of the story. There is a lovely promise in this story. The language is beautiful and lofty befitting this timeless story of love and honor. There is heart-stopping action and keening suspense in the story. Gradually like the early morning mists from a lake, the story begins to take on an other-worldly quality that adds to the romance and over-all charm. Ultimately...the end result of this inspiring work is that we can no longer discuss the many evolutions of Arthurian Legend without considering the writing of Sierra Simone in "American King" and the previous two books in "The New Camelot Triology". "The world must spin, the battles must be fought, the grails and the quests won’t chase themselves." - Ash

One of the most beautiful love stories I've ever read

I don't know what I can say on top of the other reviews, but sometimes you just have to say something. This was part three of this series, and the conclusion of it. (No!) When I started the series with American Queen, I thought I knew who this love story was about. I was wrong; so, so wrong. If you're reading this, then you've probably read the first two books, so this is a spoiler only if you haven't read the other two books. The M/M genre has never really interested me, not because there's anything wrong with that to me, but it's just not anything that interests me. Seriously, I've had no interest in it and would not have purchased a book knowing that was a premise or primary love story. But my god...if I'd let that disinterest keep me from reading these books, I would have missed out on one of the most beautiful love stories I've ever read.* Because if this trilogy is about two people in love, it would be Ash and Embry. The love between these two is so intricate and resolute, so woven with a history of friendship and want and need and hope and heart broke for these two. *I'm 53, I've read A LOT of love stories. Ash was set up as such a strong and kingly figure, seriously, you worried that Simone would be able to pull his book off. Because how can you create someone so enigmatic and infallible and perfect as she did in her portrayal of him in the other two books, and then give him human-ness and human failure without taking away his majesty for us readers? How could he possibly be anything but less, when he's been put on this pedestal, this throne? But of course she does it. Simone is a masterful storyteller, and our moral, stalwart Ash is not made less for being, in the end, simply a man who wants to do the right thing, a man who is driven to do the right thing, and to love those whom he loves. He remains true to his dominance and servitude, and he remains that higher, better part of all of us. That person we wish we could all be. That better angel of our nature, yet still simply a man. Ash's depth of love for Embry is breathtaking, heart wrenchingly beautiful. His determination to love despite living in the Don't Ask, Don't Tell era, the pre-FSOG era, the pre-Dumbledore times...and then his heartbreak at being so denied by the keeper of his heart. Tears!!! I think the Greer part is the weakest part of the trilogy/triad, and there were times I wished she wasn't focused on so much. I didn't dislike Greer and I don't dislike their love for her, I just never felt like she was needed for anything other than the conflict and the body parts that she added to the steamy mix. Even so, as harsh as that sounds, their love for her isn't a distraction necessarily. I guess love could or should never really be a distraction, right? Maybe their love for Greer just never had the type of history as Ash and Embry. The chapters before the 'Beyond' were some of the most heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, honorable, selfless things I've ever read. Romance genres don't often have moments like this in them, we are a historically HEA group, vocal if we don't get it, so it's not usual to read the things Simone makes us read. It could have been trite or martyr-y, but this is Ash, and Ash is nothing but heart and love and resolute. Reading those last few scenes...I quite literally had to put the kindle down and go wash my face and wipe my eyes. I almost didn't pick it back up, it was too painful. If I had any wishes, it would be some of the things in the 'Beyond' section. First off, I wanted Embry's thoughts. I wanted his words. As gutted and as blood-filled as he was, I needed to be inside of his head and share in his pain. We'd all been through so much together, 20 or so years, and if there was a 'one true love' of Ash's, it was Embry. So I wished those 'days after' had come from him as well as Greer. Then at the other ending, I wish Simone had again focused more on Ash and Embry, than on Ash and Greer. That little bit that we got after the "Oh" ... I needed more Sierra, I needed so, so much more. I needed a whole chapter of the two of them holding each other and kissing and weeping and talking... None of this is a detraction from these books, however; there's too much that's right with these books for anything to be truly wrong. And speaking of more, can I get a show of hands for Lyr's book? Please tell me there will be a Lyr book in the next year or so. Lastly, I have never read all that much about King Arthur, I have just a cursory knowledge of the legend. There were aspects to the legend I wasn't aware of, or had forgotten. (My knowledge is more Monty Python than T.H. White) I so appreciate the info at the back of the book that called out other books to read. And my word, we think our current storytellers write some twisted things...not even. IF YOU DON'T THINK YOU CAN FINISH READING: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not much of a crier, not with movies and most definitely not with books. But towards the end of this book, I was in tears. I wasn't sure if I could keep reading it...but how could I not? So if you're getting towards the end of this book and don't think you can finish it...don't stop. DON'T. STOP. READING. Even when you're heart is breaking, keep going. If you have to put it down for a few minutes, do that. But don't be afraid to pick it back up and finish reading.

5 Camelot Stars

American King by Sierra Simone Review 5 Camelot Stars Trilogies are a hit or miss. Sometimes one or two books are good and one meh. I can’t say that about this trilogy. Sierra Simone’s conclusion to this trilogy was masterful. I wanted to savor yet wanted to know how it would end. There were moments that I didn’t know whether my heart could take it anymore, but I kept reading. Reading Ash’s POV was life, I needed his POV! I didn’t know who to hurt more for, Ash, Greer, Embry. My heart split into three for each character. Team Ash/Greer Team Greer/Embry Team Ash/Embry Team Ash/Greer/Embry Those teams above I didn’t know who I was rooting for, the playlist the author used, didn’t help either. I was team love for sure. I’ve never hated a character as viscerally as I hated Abilene. I am sure if I go look at my reading list there might be one, but this woman, the hatred I had for her, I can’t put into words. King Arthur Queen Guinevere Sir Lancelot I will admit, I don’t know the whole legend regarding King Arthur only what I saw in the movie First Knight. The ending of American Prince gave me pause, and like everyone else screaming and wanting. I started crying at 77% and didn’t stop crying until I read “The End”. My heart oh my poor heart. I am giving Sierra Simone and standing ovation for this work of art, yes … work of art! Her prose, oh her loving prose, it is magically. My heart belongs to Camelot.

Not an ending I expected

Warning Possible Spoiler Alert! What did I just read? WOW! So, I enjoyed the first two books although I really wasn't all that fond of the characters. The story line is what pulled me in. I just finished American King and I'm really at a loss for words but I'll try to articulate what's going on in my head. I've since grown to like Ash/Greer/Embry and all the back stories because of how everything was woven together at the end. Did I expect that kind of ending? Not really although I thought something seemed otherworldly. I was truly in tears towards the end and for the first time ever, I skipped ahead because I fretted reading the sad part. I'm glad I did because we got a fairy tale ending even though it wasn't all that believable.That's why this is called fiction after all. Author's have artistic license to write a story whatever way they want and we as readers choose to enjoy the make believe for a while. Oh, the sex was pretty steamy too.

American King (New Camelot Book 3) ... Be Prepared to Be Amazed at this last book in the series~!

American King is the third and final book in the New Camelot Trilogy and I have to say I wasn't expecting the things that happened in this book and the twist at the end-this is all I can say -you need to go in with no clue except it was amazing, shattering, and it seems like everything is going you know where. This is Ash's point of view but the other characters are heard also! There is so much action in this book. betrayals by family members, and each of the three main characters, so it looks like it is going to end really badly and it is heartbreaking to me, but I had to finish and I am so glad I did. If you have not read this series, you will be missing out on an incredible journey! I gave this book a 5***** rating but all of the books deserved so much more!

Binge-worthy! Dramatically eloquent & endearing, with an erotic sharp edge!

These books have been on my TBR for awhile. I knew of Sierra Simone’s capability to create a very risqué storyline after reading Priest. Yet nothing could have prepared me for this impressive trilogy! It’s scandalous. It’s witty. It’s angsty. It’s super-sexy-hot! I binged these books over the course of the last few days and I’m a wreck and in complete awe. Not only is the prose so beautiful and descriptive, there’s a heaping measure of pure wit and intelligence that delves deep into the complexities of human behavior and love. The woven metaphors of mythological references tied with legend - particularly that of King Arthur and his Knights - make a formidable backbone to this story. The imagery spectacularly detailed, my mind swirled with so many conjured-up scenes. “I’ve become one of those damsels in the legends that I teach about at Georgetown, one of those women in the stories who represents sex or virtue or deceit or any number of things to the gallant knight she’s entreating for help. To complain that these women are passive is to miss the point; they aren’t women at all. They’re symbols, defined by the meaning the knights make of them, recognizable only as the role they play in the knight’s adventure.” The varied points of views created so many layers, opening revelations and shrouding mystery at the same time. I am a conflicted pile of feelings I can’t even begin to articulate. I felt hate and love and betrayal and trust and loyalty and lies all at the same time! And not just over the course of one, or even two chapters; it spanned over the course of the entire series. I highlighted so much; I’ve had a hard time deciding which to include in this review. I only caution to approach these books with an open mind, embrace the love, and get lost in the suspension of disbelief. This is a finely crafted spicier twist to a popular legend; Sierra Simone’s very unique take to a happily ever after. I think this passage succinctly summarizes the plot: “once upon a time, there were two warriors who loved the same woman as much as they loved each other. And everything that happened afterwards led inevitably to tragedy.” Book 1: AMERICAN QUEEN - We’re introduced to Greer. The story is mostly told from her POV. It takes you through the beginnings: how she met Ash and how she connected with Embry. This book hooked me into this series! “The first step to understanding anything—whether it’s the Bible or Fifty Shades of Grey—is acknowledging that we come to it with agendas of our own. We want it to mean something, we are biased whether we know it or not, and usually what we walk away with is what we want to walk away with.” “Do you like this? his face seemed to ask. Do you want more? Would you crawl for me? Bleed for me? He didn’t say the question out loud, but I said the answer out loud. “Yes, please.” His hand tightened in my hair, his pupils widened, and for one perfect moment, I thought he was going to kiss me.” Book 2: AMERICAN PRINCE - This is Embry’s story. The little prince. Told mostly from Embry’s and Ash’s POV. For me this started filling in a lot of the blanks and added more depth to the story. “Ash is calculated with his cruelty, but Embry is not. Embry is a slave to his own cruel urges, lost to himself in a way Ash could never be. And so I’m actually scared. Which is what I want. What I need. It seems counterintuitive—masochistic even, when I’ve only ever dabbled in masochism, preferring instead the more power-oriented dynamic of submission.” Book 3: AMERICAN KING -Ash’s story. The revealing and shocking conclusion. So many secrets and action explained. Twists I was not expecting. A delicious emotional turmoil I savored and relished with every page. “I was holding a door open to a room I didn’t know I had, keeping a hidden garden free of weeds, sheltering a hollow meant for someone or something I couldn’t yet see. And then came Embry Moore. And then came Greer Galloway. How does a man end up loving two people, you ask? This is how.” Gather some extra undies and keep your partner close. *Wink-wink* This series is one wild-hot ride! ✨ 5-STAR ✨ BINGE-WORTHY SERIES !!

Sublime bliss

There are books that strive to find that magic or bliss. This series went beyond even that. In my mind, it was nothing short of seeking the mellifluous sublime. I'm speechless. Totally gobsmacked. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this book or this conclusion would impact me the way that it did. Having a degree in literature had me see this from a different perspective. I'm well versed in the story. However, nothing could have prepared me for the story that this author created. To be able to tie in so many parts of literature like Tennison, and Lady of the lake was nothing short of a miracle especially as she did it with a fluidity that leaves my mouth agape. She truly is exceptional and in a masterclass all herself. While this story just had elements of the lore, the fact that the author could tie it all together was mind-boggling. The number of details the author utilized to create this story sent me on a journey I am not sure I will ever get over. I am quite sure that she has broken me. All preconceived thoughts that people tend to have toward romance novels need to just stop. This is amongst the finest that I have read. I read A LOT. I love all of them, yet, this book is teetering on the edge of joining a select few that are reserved for things that change me and these books did that. Boy, did they ever (just ask my sobbing eyes as I try and make sense to ramble my thoughts out on the computer after reading all three of these books in a row and staying up all night to do it,) Every scene was executed to perfection. From the characteristics of Ash, Greer, and Embry to their kink, to secondary characters, politics, setting, and ultimately to the connection. I loved each of these characters. Unlike in The Twilight series, there was no #TeamAsh, #TeamEmbery, or#TeamGreer. It is unfathomable to think that way because there is no one team over the other. It took all three of them to be complete. I ugly cried harder than I do for real people. The love was real. It was so pure and unadulterated. In a nutshell, it truly was sublime bliss. This truly has been bounds down the best one of the best series that I have ever read. It broke me, made me sob, and finally put me back together again. Only this time it changed my inner template and reminded me again why I love and bleed literature. If the author decided to never write again, she could know she went out with one hell of a bang because these books will live on. I feel bad that this crappy review is not going to be enough to even portray how extraordinary this series is.

Long Live the King!!

From start to finish, I was completely captivated by this incredible story. It definitely wasn't your typical love story - but it was perfect. Ash, Embry, and Greer shared something together that people can only hope for. For someone to love them, unconditionally, with no judgments. That they all found it together shouldn't be something held against them. Their love story was truly beautiful. Hands down, this book is in my top 5 reads of this year! It definitely deserves way more than the 5 stars I can give it. American King was a truly stunning, fantastic, heartbreaking story that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. I had tears in my eyes from the beginning, and the last 20%, the tears wouldn't stop. Such a fitting conclusion to such an epic trilogy.

10 stars should be an option

I have taken my dear sweet time to review this book... and yet I still can't truly express how this book made me feel.... this whole series has been such a rollercoaster of emotions I could barely hold on... if you are looking for ALL THE FEELS this is the series for you.... through out this book = I'm happy I'm sad I'm mad I'm glad I'm hot I'm cold .... in the end this book and series has touched me like few others have. The unbreakable bind these characters share is like NO OTHER!!! Warning this book has lots and lots of adult situations so if tht isn't your thing don't even bother but if it is you thing then this is absolutely no questions asked the book for you .... everyone that reads romance/naughty books needs to experience this story at least once(it's been about 5 so far for me) This author is now in my top 5 and will always get a no questions asked one click / Pre order/ purchase of every format I can get ;)

There Is Still Room For Magic In This World!

What a masterpiece! I am undone. Brilliant in its composition and artfully executes. I weep for having finished it because I miss the characters so darn much! Oh Greer you couldn’t very well keep those kisses to yourself! And look what happened! Maxen always and forever our King. Emery the dashing knight off to battle the darkness for King, country and lady! Gosh it’s been few and far between these kinds of books that once again remind us that life is much much more then it seems and love is waiting patiently! What can I say read it and then read it again! It’s that good!

Emotions In a Uproar!

I have contemplated all night what I wanted to say. As I write this I want you to know I have never written about any book I have ever read. First, Sierra I am in awe of you and this book series. It pulled me in from the beginning and never let me go! The emotional roller coaster that I have been on has been epic! I was so enthralled in these characters and this story to a point that I have never been before and I am an avid reader. American Queen gave me chills and I thought as I read how this love story came to be that you are a GENUIS, it was compelling, loving, heartbreaking, honest just all in all real and don’t get me started on the sexy scenes and how it all accumulated to their wedding night which made me hot and filled my heart. American Prince was heart retching, Embry’s self-deprecating behaviors made me want to cry for him, hug him and smack him all at the same time. I screamed so many times you deserved to be loved, you deserved to be cared for, you deserved to be with the person(s) you want! Jesus, it was all I my heart could do not to burst (Wine was my best friend)! Then the wait came! I read A LOT so I kept busy and waited patiently but I was dying a slow death inside. I read these books and listen to them a second time in preparation for American King. I finished Embry’s book a week before American King came out. It literally killed me! Then the date arrived and I was started Ash’s story! LORD HAVE ALL THE MERCY ON ME! Last night was the longest, most traumatic and emotionally draining night of my life and I am an army wife and mother of 2 teenage boys! As I laid in bed reading, sobbing, runny nose, cant breath, refusing to stop reading my husband was in pure awe! I have NEVER had this type of reaction to a book and I COULD NOT put it down. The relationship between these characters had me in knots and I wasn’t expecting all of the twist and turns that occurred and it really felt like a non-stop emotional roller coaster ride that I want to take over and over again. No other story could have me ugly crying while laughing, while feeling overcome with sadness, while getting hot and bothered and screaming my own solutions like in a scary movie where you yell “don’t go in there” I was saying “tell them”, “don’t let them go” and “Just get him kidnapped” feeling like I wasn’t going to get my happy ending and it was heart retching. I didn’t know what to do. I stopped several time to wipe my face, blow my nose and get myself to just breathe!!!!! As the story ended, I knew I had to write this and sing your praises! Again, I am in awe of you Sierra, keep giving stories life, I am one of your biggest fans and you are number one on my author list, kindle and audible apps. You gave me life……took it away…….and breathed it back into me again! THANK YOU

Perfect Ending

This was a gut wrenching, amazing end to a well written trilogy. As I read each book, questions I had were answered. This story didn't leave me with any unanswered questions, but it did leave me with a few gripes. Unfortunately, I can't discuss them without spoiling some of the story. Based on discussion with a couple others who read this, I saw something that happens towards the end that other's didn't see coming. Dark and angsty isn't my thing unless it's this author who's writing the story. The author completely pulled me in and it was hard to put down this book because I had to know where it was going, how it was going to end. Have tissues on hand you will need them. While this book is Ash's story, you will get chapters from Greer and Embry, and character's POV we haven't gotten yet. You're heart will be ripped apart, but it will be put back together again.

Long Live The King

This is probably the hardest review I’ve ever had to write because i honestly don’t know where to start. How do I explain the complexity of this book? How do i explain the depth of the characters? How do I explain the mindset Ms. Simone left me in? I can’t do any of that. This book, as the rest of the series, is her Mona Lisa. It’s her “Hey Jude.” It’s her Swan Lake. For the reader, it’s what we’ll measure all other romance literature against for years. Subconsciously, I knew all of this when I finished American Queen, but I never dreamed it would have such an effect when I finished the last word of American King. I can see this series being used in a modern American Literature course in a university. It’s the epitome of what will stand the test of time just as the research she used to write the books from. Don’t let that scare you off though. Let it open your mind to new options, new beginnings of choosing good books. Don’t wait, start today. buy them, read them, love them. You’ll be richer for i

The King, his Prince, and his Queen

WOW. I'm struggling with putting into words how American King has made me feel. Every twist and turn of the plot, every question and mystery brought about from the first book to this one gets an answer. Everything wraps up in this book. The bow is not pretty or neat however it is perfect for this modern day Arthurian tale this author has weaved. I cried towards the end when the two (who I will leave unnamed) arrived at New Camelot, and everything that happened after. I bawled hard and long. What an incredible story with an incredible ending. This is by far my favorite of the trilogy. I thought it was Embry's book but no, the King reigns supreme for me.

All hail the king

American King review: I can’t tell you all enough about my love for this series. I feel like a Jehovahs witness, spreading the good news about the New Camelot Series. This is the third and final book in the series. In this book, we are reading from the view point of Ash. There is so much to him as a character. The complexity that his him is so amazingly written that it’ll leave you breathless. The angst in this book will have you ripping your heart out, just to be able to get to the next page. The love that Ash has for his Prince and his Queen makes other people’s love inadequate. I love seeing Greer and Embry again. I love that even though they weren’t together anymore they were always a three. I also want wedding presents from them! They give the best presents! Look at this excerpt: “It’s insane that you need to tell me I can safe out when I’m going to be the one [doing] you,” he says with a choked laugh. “But it makes sense somehow. You are more dangerous wielding love than you are wielding pain.” OMG right? Imagine a book full of things like this. As far as Abilene is concerned I’m torn on her. I dislike her with a fiery passion, but I’m not sure about her absolution. I feel like I wanted more even though it was poetic and well written, I wanted drama and an battle, like maybe Greer kicks her ass a time or two (I know Queens don’t fight, but sometimes you gotta take the tiara off and handle business). This book has a lot sex including the longest most delicious triad scene ever, I mean it was hawt! 5 alarm hot. There were many questions answered and I felt the book ended well, small heart attacks aside. I love the kids, I love the twist at the end with Merlin. I need Merlin to have a book all of his own. Another stand out for me was Belvedere. He was so sweet and I loved that he wasn’t written as incompetent. He’s... full service. At the end of this book it felt so empty and full at the same time. I had to again take time before I could write this review. I like smutty books as much as the next gal, but when a story has you so enraptured that the sinfully decadent sex is second fiddle that’s the mark of a true writer and just a damn good story. The writing is so sophisticated it’s almost a shock to see the dirty words in there. I’ve always said after reading Sierra I feel sexier and smarter. I would invite you to read the books, but they really are more of an experience. It’s almost to the point now where the reading of a SIerra Simone is a religion. Each a testament. Each chapter a Psalms. You will not be disappointed.

The king who loses it all

This review covers all three installments of the New Camelot Series; American Queen, American Prince and American King. This series had me emotionally tied up and strung out almost immediately. Sierra Simone was able to capture my attention, heart and soul within the first few chapters of American Queen. I read American Queen as part of a modern fairy tale box set and ended up not only purchasing it separately but I also purchased American Prince and American King as both e-book and Audible versions immediately. To say I was obsessed would be an understatement. This series is that good. To say that I loved it would be an understatement. When I was at work or driving, I listened, when I was at home, I was locked in my room, laying in bed surrounded by tissues and tears rushing down my face. This series is that good I tell you! Sierra has a writing voice that conveys each character’s emotions so authentically. As a reader, they come alive and I felt everything they were feeling. I fell in love, felt betrayed; I was devastated and experienced such passion. For me as a reader it was an amazing experience. I don’t do spoilers. But, I will share one positive and one negative thing I took from the series as a whole. There is truly no possible way to separate these books. What I loved most was that Sierra provided a safe space for me to experience something I never have before. I am not a big fan of ménage and this book contains scenes of MF, MMF,and MM. It is my first ever exposure to this kind of relationship in romance. I found the intimacy to be well written and very erotic. The actual relationship that grows between these three characters unique and it was refreshing to read something so different and passionate. The story unfolds through all three character’s point of view and it moves between past and current events. I am not a big fan of first person point of view but I found I didn’t really mind and I think the story experience would have been different if it had been written differently. My only wish is that I could have settled in to absorb the happy ever after a little longer. It happens so quickly. I would have loved to have had more of Embry’s thoughts at the end as well. BUT…I honestly loved this series and I highly recommend it.

OMG!!!! Great ending to this beautiful trilogy!!

WOW!!!!! Just WOW!!!! I don't know that my words are enough for this Trilogy. Talk about book hangovers! I was left begging for more after each book. Even knowing this was the end and I got what I wanted. I still wanted more of Simone's words and more of the characters. This book was so EMOTIONALLY RAW!!! The emotional roller coaster she took us on was brutal, powerful, beautiful, toe curling sexy and so worth the journey. This may not be for everyone but I promise if you step out of your comfort zone and take a chance on this series it is so worth it. The love Ash, Embry and Greer had for each other was breathtakingly beautiful. The message Simone delivered for me in this Trilogy was that it's ok to have your faith and be true to who you are and to never be ashamed of it. THE MESSAGE IS SO POWERFUL!!!!!!! IT IS A MUST READ!!!!!!

Just stock up on tissues, stop everything else, and read Sierra Simone’s New Camelot series.

I finished American King last night. I actually started it right when it came out but stopped after 20%. I was just crying too hard and was so afraid of the ending. When I was teenager, I was a big Arthurian fan and read most of the books Sierra mentions in her afterword. I just wasn't in the right frame of mind for a heartbreaking ending that I know goes hand and hand with Arthurian legend. I will warn now, this book really cannot be read as a standalone. To get the full impact, you must read American Queen and American Prince first. However, yesterday. For some reason, I was okay to go on the emotional journey that is American King. It could have been that I was feeling emotional and knew that I needed to read a book that would make me sob. And it did. Oh god, it did. I think I sobbed straight through the last 15% of the book. Reading the last chapters was difficult because I couldn't see through my tears. I finished the book surrounded by gross, used tissues, and through bloodshot eyes from my tears. I loved it and I hated it. I hate it because the story of Ash, Embry, and Greer was so heartbreaking and difficult to read and totally worth every single tear. I hate it because it’s done and know I have leave New Camelot and face real life. I loved it because it was what the Arthurian legend needed. A story where Lancelot and Guinevere don’t cheat on the noble King Arthur but actually all three love each other so passionately. This story translated so well to modern politics and love, it was just amazing. Of course, I had still had issues like how can Greer, a medieval historian literally writing a book about Arthurian legend, not see the Arthurian parallels in her life such as knowing someone like and named Merlin and her husband having a child with her sister. However, the small issues do not take away from the overwhelming beauty of love between Ash, Embry, and Greer. This book was such a hard read and yet totally worth it. Without spoilers, Sierra Simone has expertly adapted the Arthurian legend for a modern audience and created a believable ending for this romance novel. I’m honestly out of words right now. Just stock up on tissues, stop everything else, and read Sierra Simone’s New Camelot series.

One of the best books and series!!! I LOVE IT!!

AK The best book I've ever read by Sierra and I've read all of her books... it is, one of those books, that you don't know how to start your review because you don't really know what to say.. speechless is what comes to mind.. and book hangover too.. and amazing characters too and amazingly insane book and story.. WOW!!!! the conclusion of the new Camelot trilogy.. i really didn't expect less of the story, i was really afraid to read it and it took me a few days to start but it was worth it .. the waiting, the angst, the crying and everything.. i don't really know what to say without giving spoilers but what i can say is you are not prepare for the ending.. you are not prepare for the twists.. everything is so surreal and amazing.. i can also say that i love how sierra mixed the two worlds the past life with the present life. it was beautiful what she did.. this new version of King Arthur finally made justice to him.. another favorite thing about Ash book is .. his love for Greer and Embry is amazing!! he loves them like I've never seen it or feel it in this world but what can i say thats the love of a Dominant. the way he always expresses his feelings.. never afraid to say i love you .. I also want to point out that i love how good Sierra wrote Ash's Dominant side.. it is really hard to come across with the real part of the BDSM and D/s in books, now that is so overwritten.. Ash was sublime.. the way he spoke, his commands and taste.. the aftercare wow love it.. everything was so spot on.. as i said i can't write more because i really don't want to give any spoilers but trust me .. it is amazing!!! i may wrote some more when i finally have some peace in my mind..

Perfect conclusion to this epic new Camelot series

At 39, I met a Queen. At 40, I met a Prince and a King. And they’ll forever be etched in my mind and in my soul. Sierra Simone, my life is complete. Ash, Greer, and Embry. This is their complicated love story. American King is the conclusion to the New Camelot series by Sierra Simone. The amazingness begins with American Queen and continues with American Prince, first two books in this series. Note that NONE of these books are standalones!! American King picks up where American Prince left off. We get Ash's point of view and how his life was impacted by Greer and Embry, along with the how decisions they all made as a trio or individually impacted the world as a whole and themselves. At its core it's a love story; one were regardless of the circumstances, LOVE prevails and love TRANSCENDS. Ash, Greer and Embry's love is unique, misunderstood even. It's extremely real and strong. Otherworldly. However Ash is faced with new obstacles in his personal and political life in this book. How is it all going to affect not only him, but Greer and Embry as well? You will have to find out because I'm NOT spoiling anything of this book! This story is raw, extremely heartfelt....even the sexy scenes are SO profound; Sierra is a master at that. In the end, it's a story about loving and being loved and being ACCEPTED, just as you are. THAT is the ultimate bliss. American King, and this entire series, will always be and mean everything to me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go to a corner to rock back and forth and see if I can shake this book hangover!

Amazing emotional conclusion to the New Camelot Series (possible spoilers)

This book is a 5 star read for me. President Ash Colchester is facing his mistakes as a man and as a president. Ash is full of introspection as we finally get his perspective. He bears the responsibility of his choices and failures. His guilt and pride lead him to make sacrifices that cause the others pain. TBH, some of the introspection and the parallels with the old legends went a bit beyond belief. Despite that, the emotional journey that Ash and Embry and Greer went on absolutely wrecked me. So much so that at 46% I found myself screaming in emotional pain – I never expected that a simple date at the beginning of a chapter able to completely destroy my heart. Then, the inevitability of certain tragedy for all the characters started to make me worry about the outcome. OMG, then the ending! Le Sigh… (when you read this, don’t give up. Keep going – it’s worth it!) My only critique was that Greer as a character seemed to fade into the background. With Ash’s longstanding history with Embry, and the jump forward in time, it is difficult to see her as an equal in this triad. In one sense, the equality is told and not shown. With that being said, I love this book. I love this series. So so so glad it all came together, so so so glad I was able to read it :)

Angst, anger, fear, desire, love, betrayal--all poured out of me like a fountain

5 Stars Like the first two books of this trilogy, American King is so well-written, magically engaging throughout. Simone pulled so many reactions out of me. Honestly, she didn't just push my buttons, she wielded her pen like a hammer and smashed them all. When reading, I can often guess what the ending will be like. Not with American King. Shocked, the twist at the end had me bawling like a baby. I absolutely loved the allegorical Arthurian references throughout, but I am so happy the author avoided the tragic Arthurian ending for Greer, Ash and Embry. Posting this almost a year-and-half later, I’m still thoroughly entranced by this epic tale.

Kiss me before you leave

I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. I'm crying. I can't even fathom how incredibly heavy and full, yet light and weightless my heart is after finishing this series. There are no words to describe it. Nothing I can say to anyone other than read this. Open your mind and your heart and read it, and feel it and love it. Forget everything you think you know, and forget what you think will happen and just read it and let it swallow you up. I'm replete now. I can die happy. Thank you, Sierra Simone, for being the most enlightened, thought-provoking and heart-consuming romance author I've ever read. Applause isn't enough. Kneel for the QUEEN.

Best series I have read in years!!!

Whether you are listening to it through Audible or reading it this is hands-down series that is a must read for any reader who loves complicated love stories. The fact that I was able to overlook the bisexual tones and actually encourage and support them is A true testament of what great writing can do. I can now through these characters understand why someone would choose to love a person regardless of their sex. I was not turned off in the least by the scenes between ash and Embry and that was an amazing change for me. I saw their story for what it was a love story regardless of whether it’s between a man and a man or a man and a woman or a woman a woman. Beautifully written beautifully told and if you have not read it yet — get to it.

What a toll this book and series took on my fragile heart. LOVED it

O.M.G!!! I’ve literally just finished reading American King. I’m shell shocked. Not because of how it ended or anything like that, but how brutal it was on my emotions. I swear I was a mess reading this. This author writes like no other. She pours all her heart and soul into writing. I found myself re reading pages simply to enjoy the way it was worded. But I also found myself re reading pages because they needed to be digested fully. The relationship between Ash, Greer and Embry covers years. It’s beautiful, yet tragic. Hopeful yet heart breaking. It sucked everything out of me reading this. I wanted everything to be perfect for them, yet a part of me knew that was impossible. When Merlin shares something with Ash, I think my already fragile heart was torn from my chest, left a bleeding feebly beating mess on the floor. When Ash spent time with both Greer and Embry separately, I gave up on my heart ever being able to be healed, and when Merlin’s words were played out, I watched the tattered remains of my heart explode on the floor. Dramatic words? I guess they are, but this series is both brutal and mind blowing in it’s tragic, tormented beauty. I’m thankful for the reprieve the author gave me towards the end of this book, but what a ride it was to get there. I LOVED this series. I LOVED this book. Each one just got better and better.

This Series is exceptional in all ways and deserves more stars than is humanly possible to count.

American King the final chapter in Sierra Simone's Camelot Series. If you know anything about the legend you know it doesn't end well and so with this in mind you prepare yourself once again to be totally and utterly destroyed. If a book can be devastatingly beautiful than this is the book. It doesn't tug at your heart it punches a hole straight through it leaving you gasping for breath. The intensity of their love is overwhelming. The way Ash dominates Greer and Ash makes you dizzy. It is everything. Greer and Ash have no intention of letting Embry go and their passionate encounters continue. Some of the most breathtaking scenes are between Ash and Embry and it gives a whole new meaning to the term 'me' time which you may find yourself indulging in more often than not. The story comes together and all the twists and turns are explained. Abilene of course continues to behave badly and Merlin reveals himself for what he really is. When the book reached a certain part I was happy for it to end. I didn't need more I felt content with the way things were but it didn't end and my heart skipped a beat as the final twist was revealed. To say Sierra Simone is an amazing writer is an understatement. She is a goddess whose feet never touch the ground. This Series is exceptional in all ways and deserves more stars than is humanly possible to count. Long live the King and long live love.

A perfect ending for the series!

This book is the conclusion of the New Camelot Trilogy. The two previous books must be read, in order, to be able to fully enjoy this book. American King begins right where American Prince ended. It is told mainly from Ash's POV, but also includes chapters from Embry's, Greer's, and one other characters POV. This book follows a similar pattern to the other books in that it includes chapters on the past and the present. Ash's story covers all of the key events that helped shape the man that he became, how/why he fell in love with two people, how that love completed him, and the lengths that he will go to protect everyone that he loves without repeating some of the "mistakes" he had made in the past. I am a big fan of Sierra's writing and have read every book that she has published. This book has forever solidified her as an automatic "one-click" author for me. This book is deep and examines so many other things (e.g., religion, politics, heroism) besides a sexy love story. I experienced so many emotions and anxiety while reading this book that I actually had a stomach ache when reading certain parts. This book also brought tears to my eyes and actually made me cry (which hardly happens) beginning around 77% and again later in the book. This story broke me and then put me back together.


Robert Frost once said, "No tears for the writer, no tears for the reader." Ms. Simone understands the maxim very well. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the trilogy. I will say I used several tissues to dab the tears from my eyes while reading the last book. Using the wonderful legend of King Arthur as the pivotal point of her story is a brilliant.idea. All three books are well written and Ms. Simone does an excellent job to draw the reader into the complex emotions, feelings, and love interests for each character.Certainly, I will read more books by Ms. Simone.

Weird weird weird

So, this series is a modern story of King Arthur. I thought that story was myth, not real. This story is hard to take seriously. It is a little odd. There are three main characters, Ash, Embrey and Greer. They have a very odd love circle. Their sex scenes are really hot! First, Ash and Embrey were soldiers together and they fell in love. Ash is very charismatic and manipulative. He is very hockey, but at the same time humble. I can't decide if I like him. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. He is always manipulating Embrey. He meets Greer when she is 16 and he is 26. They meet at a party, Greer's grandfather was the Vice President, not the current one, but many years ago and he is still active in politics and very popular. She was raised by her grandfather after her parents were killed in an exploding train. When Ash and Greer meet, they have immediate attraction for each other, a brief kiss, but nothing more and don't see each other again, until 5 years later. Ash a.d Rmbrey have a very complicated relationship. Ash has a friend/advisor named Merlin, who is a little creepy. He pops up at different parties in each of the other characters lives and gives weird creepy advice to them. He tells, Greer to keep her kisses to herself and even predicted her parents deaths when she was 7. He tells Embrey that he and Ash can not be together so that Ash can have a political career. So, when Greer is 21, she is in Chicago with her grandfather and goes to lunch and runs into Ash. They talk and find that they still have a connection. Later, there is a birthday party for Merlin and while there, she discovers that Ash is engaged to another woman. She is heartbroken, and leaves and is crying and literally runs into Embrey. They leave together and go to a carnival and ride a ferris wheel and get along really well and she ends up losing her virginity to him. She likes him a lot, possibly even loves him and he feels the same way and both look forward to seeing each other more. She never hears from him or sees him again. Again, she is heartbroken. Embrey finds out later that Greer is the girl that Ash loves, so that's why he never calls her. 5 years later and Ash is the President, Embrey is the Vice President and Ash's wife, Jenny died of cancer right before the election. Ash still wants to be with Embrey and has asked him to marry him, but Embrey says no because he doesn't think the American people will accept them together. They attend church and spot Greer there and both are in love with her, but Ash does not know what happen between Greer and Embrey. But Embrey tells Ash that he can arrange for them to meet. So this is the beginning of their weird kinky live triangle circle. Ash and Greer get married, but on the wedding night, they make a commitment between the 3 of them. So they are unofficially in a 3 way marriage. Lots of crazy stuff happens, lots of kink because Ash is the dominant over Embrey and Greer. Greer loves it, a real submissive, but Embrey fights it, but also loves it. Sometimes, Ash dominates in anger, which I don't think is right. He is really into humiliating Embrey and Greer, which I also don't like. But at the same time he really loves them obsessively and possessively He is also very protective. Greer has a crazy obsessive cousin, Abilene. She has a crazy, obsessive love for Ash. She blackmailed Embrey into dating her, then drugs him and has sex(rape)with him and gets pregnant. She does all of this to hurt Greer because she is jealous of her. She does other things to Greer also. The ending is a surprise. The way I thought it was going to end, did not end the way I thought it would. I would say I have a confusing live/hate relationship with this book and the 3 main characters. This book really blew my mind. It definitely toed the line between believable and mythical, extra powers, wizardry stuff. I gave it 4 stars because of the mind blowing story that I just couldn't put down. And because of Ash's protectiveness and humblenees. I also lived the sweet relationship between Embrey and Greer. It was only kinky when Ash was involved. When it was just the 2 of them, it was pure and loving and natural.

Expect the unexpected

I was up until 2 am engulfed in a world of chivalry, tragedy and kink. The ending was an unexpected twist. I was angry until I understood. This tale ends in redemption and solidification. A journey not to embark on lightly. "The most important part of wearing a crown and using a sword is knowing when to set them down." The turmoil continues in this tale of passion. Passion for peace, love and fulfilment. It's ironic that the president who believes in peace, who would do everything in his power not to go to war, is the same sadistic president who reigns down pain on the ones he loves. Pain for pleasure. Pain to fulfill the dominate craving. Pain for love. He's also the same man who will do anything to keep the ones he loves safe. It's a simple story of love but a complex story of redemption. In the end it's Merlin who comes out redeemed. 5 Stars!

Perfect Ending to a Perfect Series

Where can I even begin to review this book? It’s nearly impossible because I’m not sure there are words perfect enough for it. Some books pass through like a one night stand. It’s fun, it’s not, but when you’re finished and morning comes, you go your separate ways and only remember each other in passing thoughts. This series is not a one night stand. It sinks into your soul, weaves itself into your veins. It doesn’t let go and you’ll find yourself craving and thinking about this story for years to come. It’s not your typical romance. It’s angsty, it’s sexy, it’s taboo, it’s naughty, it’s epic and BEAUTIFUL! Never in my life have experienced a modern tale that rivals ancient, classic Arthurian lore. I don’t want to give too much away, because this series deserves to be experienced as blindly as possible. Do yourself a favor…. Find time when you can read in a quiet place. You owe it to yourself to sink into Sierra Simone’s poetry. Prepare yourself for an emotional roller coaster that, while difficult to read through puffy, tear filled eyes, is beyond worth the ride.

6 stars for the series.

This review is for the series. For two solid weeks, this series has owned me. I wasn't just reading it, I felt like I was breathing it. I connected with these characters hard, which surprises me because on the surface, they are not relatable, but beneath, at their core, I totally and completely understood them—maybe not at first, but eventually—every bad decision, every act of cruelty, every sacrifice that had me throwing my phone because they seemed so self-indulgent at the time. And that is the beauty of this series. The ability to witness the same events as they unfold, through three sets of eyes. What made me angry as heck in one book, made me beam in another—discovering that actions I’d deemed as cruel and heartless were anything but. The love story is epic. The writing is beautiful. The execution is genius. My heart broke and broke and broke, and through it all, I chose the pain.

New Camelot indeed

As a fan of the Arthurian legends (but clearly not at the level of the author), I enjoyed this story. Quite frankly, the author is by far one of the best writers I’ve ever read in the Romance-genre. And that isn’t to say that compared to other genres, she sucks. No chance. Her prose is enviable. I’m now a fan. My greatest critique is that the heavy backstory, although necessary, got boring in a few spots. I don’t have a solution for that, just an observation. The entire trilogy is a win. Buy it. Love it. Tell your friends.

The end of an amazing series.

I want to write a review worthy of not only this book but this series as a whole as I did not do the first two books any justice. I also want to write a non-spoiler review. As you can imagine with the last of the trilogy there will be tears. I was somewhat prepared for them. I wasn't prepared for WHEN they happened. Like at the end of chapter 14. I bet you have tears there too. I had prepared my family not to bother me for 24 hours by posting on Facebook "DO NOT ****** BOTHER ME!". They saw this as a joke and wanted things like dinner, breakfast, help with homework, etc. I mean really people this is the ending of Ash, Greer, & Embry I can't be bothered by your stomach or grades. But I digress and my Mr. helped out and let me read somewhat in peace. If you don't already know this shame on you and go read American Queen and then American Prince before continuing to read reviews about American King. We end AP with Embry having gotten Abliene pregnant and quitting the VP position to run again Ash in the next election. All in the name of avenging/saving Greer. I never understood that. I also assumed the Ash was doing something. But whatever, Embry didn't see it and I hurt for how he hurt Ash. I always felt Ash and Embry's love was the strongest of the triangle. That while I know Ashe loves Greer, he LOVES Embry. If that makes sense. So I hurt for Ash. HARD. There are time jumps which I liked. There was death which I didn't. There was overwhelming love. LOVE. L.O.V.E. We don't get an answer to a question that many have speculated on. I didn't get the "revenge" I oh so wanted. But now that it's all done, I understand why it went down that way. I cried for like 3 chapters straight. Then I had to put myself together b/c my kittens had a vet appointment that I had already rescheduled from last week. Who knew we'd get the ARC yesterday???? I wonder if the vet thought I was puffy eyed and crying b/c my kittens were getting neutered???? Things we'll never know. To end the review without spoiling the book. I always said if it had to be two of them I wanted Ash and Embry. I didn't know how or why but that's what I wanted. I didn't get what I wanted. I got what the story needed. ~~I volunteered to read an advance copy.

5 Stars is not enough! An amazing conclusion to a unique and emotional series.

I have just finished this book and have got to say it was well worth the wait and well worth the emotional rollercoaster. This series is by far original, captivating, emotional, gripping, sexy and filled with so many twists and turns that you can't help but keep reading. There is much more to this story than meets the eye and it's all about connecting with people and loving them wholeheartedly. The things you sacrifice, the decisions you make, the way you love those in your life and the many ways that the decisions that you make in your life shape your future. I will not say much more about the plot overall because it's a ride worth having. Just trust that Sierra Simone's words will carry you to a world that you wish was real, filled with characters that you want to know in real life and all of those emotions that you want to feel but real life sometimes doesn't allow. Knowing this is book 3 of a series I can say this is my favorite of the three because it give me closure but also because as a fan of the previous 2 books I can see the how and the why of the things that occured in the prior to books that were unexpected. This is a story that deserves every star in the galaxy! You are on pins & needles throughout but you can't stop reading and I think, true to the talent of Sierra Simone, that that is what distinguishes good authors from amazing and memorable authors. Just a WOW of a ride!!

Spoilers (sort of).

I couldn't put this series down. Seriously, I lost hours of sleep reading instead. I loved how the characters grew and changed and evolved with each other and independently. The sex was the hottest triad stuff I've ever read. The plot had me biting my nails until the end. All that being said, I ALMOST didn't read the last few chapters. The impending doom was too sad, and I wanted to leave everyone as they were without tainting it in my memory, the way some people stop watching Moulin Rouge before the end scene. But I felt like that would be disrespectful to the person who dreamed up the same scenes I had loved so much for the rest of it, so I broke down and read on. Thank God. The end is just as beautiful and perfectly written as the rest of the series. I wanted to hug Ms Simone for how perfect it was. As someone who studied the same things Greer did in college, the Arthurian legend intertwined with the characters was not only perfectly done, but also perfectly blended with HER ending. Standing ovation, Ms Simone. I loved every moment of it.

Words fail me...

When I purchased American Queen, I had a faint idea of what I was getting into, having previously devoured Sierra's Priest, Midnight Mass and Sinner. However.... however.... nothing, absolutely nothing - not even a sinful, kinky catholic priest - could have prepared me for this beautiful, soul-wrenching story with all its twists, turns, aches, laughs, pains, smiles, tears. I finished the first book, and knew I had to pick up something way lighter (a friends to lovers college romance, perhaps)... and then I read American Prince. Then comes the part where these two books messed me up so much that I masochistically waited to buy the finale, American King, even though it was there, at the tip of my finger, one click away. During this torturous time (and I've never enjoyed torturing myself before this trilogy - guess all the anticipation of pain (and pleasure) rubbed off on me - I read about a millionaire and his secret baby, a biker and a CIA agent, a soldier and a nanny... some good, some better, but all the while building up to His Majesty Ash... and what a majestic ending this has proven to be. And now it's time to face the music - a future where every book will be compared to the love story of Greer, Embry and Ash... and miserably fail.


I wish I had 10 stars to give for the sheer genius of Sierra Simone! If you have ever read or even heard of the Arthurian legend then you will see the absolute brilliance of this series. I have so many words to say about the final book in this series, but they just don't seem to do the book justice. Every word in this book touched my soul. This is a love story of legend. This is a love story of heartache. This is a love story for eternity. Their once was a king and he loved his queen and his little prince, but every great king knows that "the most important parts of wearing a crown and using a sword is knowing when to set them down." I will read this series over and over again and highly recommend you read it also. One heart =three.

The best trilogy of 2017 is not ever!!!

The best trilogy I have read in the 5 years that I’ve been reading romance novels and erotica and love stories. I just can’t describe how my heart is feeling, but is definitely full, and happy and content and so uterlly greatfull to have read all theee books. This is the conclusion, and after reading it, I can understand why it took a bit for Sierra to work on it. Is a work of art, I swear to you is poetry and is everything you could ever want in a book. Please read it, read them all and you’ll have treasures in your bookshelves. You’ll go back to them, of that I’m sure. I will. I received a ARC and my option is the honest and raw true. I just received yesterday the copy that I had pre-ordered the minute I could. So you see, I do love them and love Sierra and her magic hands and magic and extraordinary mind. Thank you for this masterpiece.

Deserves more than 5 stars

This book...This book.... what can I say about this book. The new Camelot series has secured a spot as one of my favorite series. This book/series is going to push your morals, it will break you, it may even give you an anxiety attack. The love and sacrifices that these three souls have and made for each other is like no other. Don’t worry - You will get all of your questions answered and then some.

Loved the ending to their story...

American King is the final book in the New Camelot Trilogy by Sierra Simone. As with most trilogies the previous books have to be read prior to this one in order to fully understand exactly what is going on. This is a highly erotic MMF ménage with elements of BDSM so the faint of heart may want to skip it. With politics, religion and smoking hot sex being at the very core of this trilogy to say it can and does strike a nerve (or twenty) is an understatement. Once again President - Maxen (Ash) Colchester, his beloved wife First Lady - Greer Galloway Colchester and their lover Vice President - Embry Moore are back to figure out exactly just who and what they are to each other as Embry decides to leave Ash’s side and run against him in the next election. This is a epic love story filled with so much intense passion it will leave you breathless. To say I liked or even enjoyed this book would be putting it mildly. I cherished every word and devoured all the legends both new and old with just as many tears as I had smiles. Ms. Simone’s writing is nothing short of magical and I can’t wait to read it all over again.

Sleepless Nights Ending in Tears

This series has so caught me by surprise. Admittedly, I was drawn in by the gorgeous covers and thank goodness I didn’t discover them until merely days before the final installment was released - I’d have lost my mind in anticipation! What an incredibly beautiful story. Twists and turns I never expected, gorgeous romance and breath stealing scenes that my husband is thankful I’ve read, and an extended ending so shocking and tear provoking that I’m still reeling. Never have I read a series that I’m so sad to have had end but I’m so grateful to have been along for the ride. Thank you Ms. Simone for putting words out there for me to enjoy. I’m already looking into more of your stories.

The most perfect series ending!

Spoiler Free review here, so it's not super long! If you've read the other two books, you know the premise. An American King with a beloved and treasured Queen and his Prince. If you haven't, stop now and go read them. You'll be lost in the series, otherwise! Getting Ash's (Maxen Colchester, Mr. President) side of things has been my one want in this series. He is my King. And forever will be. This book, as Sierra is known to do, will leave your mouth hanging open and your tears threatening to fall or spilling over. I couldn't imagine a better ending to this series, even if it almost ripped my heart out. The interwoven literary likeness to King Arthur and Merlin is nothing short of genius on Sierra's part. Putting a modern spin, and it is definitely modern, on a timeless story is something that go really wrong. And Sierra is the only one I know that can get it SOOOOOOO RIGHT!!! I will read words if she puts them on cheap tp. That's how much I love her work! And this finale for Ash, Greer and Embry just catapulted the series into my top of all indie authors. I received an ARC for an honest review, however I have this whole series on ebook and once Sierra is at a signing, I'll trample her to get my hands on these beauties live!

Powerful Love

The culmination of this towering romance had me torn. On one hand I was so anxious to read this third installment of the series that I could hardly wait for its release. On the other hand I was so anticipating what the ending would that I was fearful I would hate the ending. I had become so emotionally invested that I did something I have only done less than a handful of time in all the 60 plus years I've been an avid reader. I skipped to and read the last chapter. Despite knowing the outcome I was moved to tears several times as the story played out. As a reader I want to be entertained by the story and care about the characters whether it's love or hate them. Sierra Simone gave me all that in spades. Ash, Greer and Embry are so richly written. They are complex, compelling,, emotionally charged, lusty and erotic The enigmatic Merlin and malevolent Abilene add even more depth to the drama. I am so glad I found this series. I loved every word and will definitely reread it!

500 Stars! Spoiler Free

There aren't enough stars for this book, this series. It took me to a place I've rarely been as a reader...there are good books being released every day, but none compare to this. It's incredibly emotional, filled with characters I became wholly invested in... Ash, Embry, and Greer are complex people in a complex situation. They're forced to make sacrifices and tough choices, heartbreaking things that had me in tears more than once. Ash is the ultimate alpha male and one of my all-time favorite "heros". Despite the heartache, I HAD to keep reading and I cried when it ended. The ending is everything I feared and everything I hoped for... Sierra Simone has a true gift for connecting with readers. She gives more than we ask for and delivers it with intelligence and grace, all without sacrificing any of the erotic heat and passion that's woven into her books so well. The New Camelot Trilogy is unlike anything out there today. American King is the crown on a series that shouldn't be missed.

A compelling and complex story that sucks you in

Where do I even start.... I have been waiting quite a few months for this book. It has been difficult, but man, it was definitely worth the wait! And I am a little sad to see it end. This is the final installment of Sierra's take on the King Arthur legend, set in our contemporary time. But some things never change, from secrets to affairs, politics and war, and love. The love of one person, or multiple people, and what we do to keep it when we find it. This part is mostly told from Ash's point of view. We find out was his life was like as a young child, how he felt growing up, what he experienced as a soldier, and now as President. And how much he has loved and sacrificed for the people that he loves and serves. He is a King that asks a lot of his subjects, but asks just as much from himself, as any great hero would do. All I can say is wow. I have always enjoyed stories about King Arthur since I was in high school, and I never thought I would be reliving those books until I started this series. And don't worry if you never read them before, because this will make you re-think everything that you ever knew about those characters and see them in a new light. Sierra has wormed her way into my top five list of all-time favorite authors. She weaves a compelling and complex story that sucks you in. Great characters and hot, steamy scenes. This is one of the best reads of 2017.

The king....

I did not like the king. I understand this book depicts dominant/submissive characters yet I am able to like Geer and Embry but for the life of me I cannot like or truly understand that king character, Ash. Sex, good sex scenes, love actions of caring I get. But cruelty, excessive cruelty I don't get. He, the king, needs psychological therapy. I Guess I'm not a submissive. The book is well written and easy to understand depicting past and present. But the sexual cruelty on an on got me tired, bored looking interest for me to find finish this 3rd book.

One of the most lasting stories I've ever read...

Oh Lordy... I can not get enough of this trilogy. Not ever. It's amazing. American King is the culmination of the New Camelot Trilogy. These books changed the way I see Sierra Simone's writing. Don't get me wrong, she's still dirty and filthy yet writes with this quality that makes me think she could be a speechwriter for the White House if she wanted. Not this White House obviously. But a White House in the future. But now I understand that it's more than just the dirty words. Sierra Simone's writing wrings every emotion from me and twists it up and just when I thought I had no more tears or laughter, I read the next chapter and find the next well of emotion I didn't know I had. I know when I first read AK, it was a week before I could pick up another book. The second time, it was 5 days. The third time, it was 2. Hopefully the next time, I'll have trained myself to be able to go on to the next book and this trilogy and story won't haunt me as long. Except there are moments, even now, that I wonder what Greer, Ash, and Embry are doing.


I first read American Queen as part of Modern Fairytales a collection of 12 books. I loved it!!! It took me a while to purchase American Prince and American King. I just spent the long weekend reading both books. Oh my God, they were absolutely wonderful and thought provoking. I loved it and hated it in the same breath. Sierra did such an excellent job of the reader feeling all the emotions. Both the good and the bad ones. And there were a ton of emotions. I swooned, I cried, I laughed, I was shocked and I was surprised. It was seriously one of the best series I've ever read. I would recommend all three! I am moving on to the next two books about Merlin and Bellvedere. I can't wait to see what is shared about Ash, Greer and Embry in the next two books.

Great conclusion to a truly unique MMF love story

I feel totally wrecked after that ending. Very well written. The reason why I'm not giving 5 stars is because I feel like Greer as a character hasn't evolved much since the first book. She kind of faded into the background a bit because she was the most stable, healthy, and "nice" character in the relationship which is really unfortunate. There was definitely opportunity to show more of her throughout especially in her developing relationship with Embry, which got the fast-forward treatment in the final chapters. That being said, there are not that many great romance stories that work such a complex and deep triad dynamic so for that alone, this series stands out.

American King

This is the 3rd book in the series. Each mostly told by the title character that it is focused on. Through the three books we see how each persons timeline has crossed with the other as well as what is happening to them as a triad in present day. I could see the build up happening, I knew where the plot was goin... it only made sense right? I still hoped and prayed for a different ending, I help my breath as tears streamed down my face because it happened anyways. I almost didn’t keep reading. It could only make things worse.... So glad I kept on goin. It’s been quite sometime since I have been so emotionally invested and wrapped up in a story as I was with this one.

The BEST book I've read all year!

Note - if you have not read American Queen and American Prince, please read those first. I have no words. This was beautiful, heartbreaking, lovely....I need to process everything before I can write a proper review. Here I am a day after finishing this book and I still feel like my review couldn't do this book or series justice. I'm going to say it, this is the best book I've read all year. This is a series that people that love to read should read. It's not a book that can be read when you're not all in to read. I think to truly appreciate every word and feeling in this book, you have to pay attention and savor every second of it. This is all Sierra Simone - her writing is pure perfection. I was torn between reading this book as fast as I could to get the story to see how life is for Greer, Ash, and Embry and stopping at every chapter and swimming in all my emotions. I don't think it's a spoiler to tell you that this is an emotional journey. But that's all I'll say about that. American King is a love story, BUT it is SO much more. It is about love, love over time, respect, loyalty, family. I cannot give any spoilers away because this book MUST be experienced blindly - don't read spoilers, give our King your attention and he will deliver.


I must confess that this is way above my normal genre. I usually stick to the damsel that can either kick butt or needs to be saved story. This has been a very exceptional read for me. I absolutely loved the bisexual part and how the author tore down their love and built it back up. Ash had this hero unrealistic aspect that I wanted to see him be stripped of. I felt like I saw the atlas man through this character and I hated that. I wanted to see him enjoy life without seeing him being burdened by his view of unrequited love. Greer seemed naive almost in her acceptance of everyone. I felt like she was being cheated on with her part in the triad in the beginning. I felt this way because Ash and Embry already had a relationship going then Greer came in. I kept hoping she would become their sun but it didn't really happen. I did like Embry and I was surprised because of his anger and resentment. It was quite a story and I'm definitely glad I finally read it.

Utterly Amazing!!!

OMG!!! I’m all sorts of happy and sad, devastated and restored, but above all, all the kinds of emotional!! Not gonna lie, I was a bit scared jumping into this after reading the first two books. I worried for my psyche (with good reason). And there were definitely tears shed and curses flung. But it was one h*ll of a ride!!! I love Ash, Embry and Greer so hard, that all the emotionally turmoil was worth it. And that’s saying a lot coming from someone who’d rather a giggle than a tear. But this trilogy was everything. Sierra Simone is everything. And if you can’t tell, I REALLY feel that you NEED to read this trilogy. That’s all, enough said. It must be done

Deep breath in... Deep breath out...

Wow. Just a -- heavy sigh, sincere book hangover -- wow. With every book in this series, the reader is delivered a one-two punch. This volume is no exception. I will admit that at 70% I dove deep into an abyss of 'why did you do that?' thought to the author - but (as an easy DNF reader) had to press on. Soon after the WTF moment, I was wholeheartedly back in. I am at peace - but this Trio will never EVER leave my heart. Sincerely - I haven't been able to get into another book since. (been a couple weeks) The author writes with an intensity and sincerity that seeps into the reader's bones.

Beautiful ending to the series.

This was the conclusion of the New Camelot Series and it did not disappoint. This entire series was so wonderfully written it pulls you straight in from page one. The love that these three have can be felt through the pages. All the Drama and Jealousy comes to a head in an epic way that leaves your heart aching for a love like theirs. I absolutely loved this whole series. The passion intense, the love story epic, the intrigue on point. This series will make you believe in love that would set the world on fire to keep them safe. It's tragically romantic an sensual on so many levels. This book defiantly leaves you squirming in your seat with possible hyperventilation due to the sex scenes, they are literal fire!! Read this series you will not be disappointed.

Great ending to a terrific series!

This final chapter of the New Camelot trilogy is phenomenal! I loved this book, the whole series, so much. In Ms. Simone’s version of the “Kinky King Arthur” story, it picks up where American Prince left off. Embry is now challenging Ash for the Presidency, the triad of Embry, Ash and Greer is on hold. Simone continues the story going back and forth through time and using the voices of Ash, Embry and Greer to fill in the narrative. This story had everything: it was riveting, it gutted me, wrung me out, had me in tears, and also made me laugh. The chemistry is scorching! Great ending to a terrific series.

Hauntingly Beautiful

Sierra Simone took my soul with American Queen and American Prince. Now she has taken my heart, mind and body as well. Burning up every thought and feeling I have ever felt while reading a book. Starting from the end, Sierra tells us her inspiration of King Arthur and the story behind the story. Her version was enlightening, refreshing and oh so grown up. Her ability to bring these legendary tales to life in her modern day New Camelot, fraught with the intensity, pain, lust, and palpable love is nothing short of legendary in and of itself. The story of Ash, Greer and Embry concludes at such a high level that the hangover from this book still lingers days after finishing. The complexity of their triad, the incredible lengths that they each go to protect their love for each other and the extreme filthy kink that is poured out over chapters and chapters is divine. Some of these scenes left me a blubbering horny mess! These characters are forever etched in my mind, for their story is age old but this hauntingly beautiful, sexy retelling is brilliant.

American King Awesome book it Rocks

OMG I loved the book and was getting sad towards the end when I though you killed off Ash but I am glad you didn't kill him off and glad that you got Emry and Gerri together and gave them children too bad that Emry and Grerr had to go threw the sadness but to be happy in the end also too bad for her cousin who was an freaking woman who hurt them all just for the love of Ash also still wasn't a fan of Merlin at all sorry he is to freaking weird to hurt them all just for Ash to get out of it to have Emry and Grerr to get married and to have him to be president for a one term and loved seeing them all come together and in the end have her to be pregnant with twins so glad with the great ending and them all together in the end. Thanks for an amazing book and Sierra is an amazing author

I didn't think I could be any more invested in these characters and their marrow-deep love for each other

Sierra Simone has officially shredded my heart and sewn it back together with this kinky, emotional rollercoaster of a conclusion to the New Camelot Series. After reading American Queen and American Prince, I didn't think I could be any more invested in these characters and their marrow-deep love for each other. I was proven wrong. There were moments that had me frightened to continue. I was worried about the fate of our King. Worried about our Queen. Worried about our Prince. But mostly, I was not prepared for the plot twist that is a bundle of secrets and history revealed by Merlin. I'm not quite as familiar as some with the original telling of this story to make any comparisons on characterization or story, but this web of tales and love and kink spun by Sierra has buried itself in my soul forever. Long live the King, Queen and Prince.

Amazing. A must read, you will never predict the end

Omg Just finished American King & omg I love Sierra writing I can't believe I fricking cried. Omg chapter 12 & omg how cld you kill my favorite person I nearly stopped reading but when you redeemed yourself omg was I in love again. I can't believe I cld buy 2 men being so hotttt,it's not even my thing..That speaks volume about ur writing. This is a must read. It was so beautifully written, Cldnt ask for more. Everything was perfect Ash is the ultimate king n it wldnt b the same if they weren't a 3. U are fabulously gifted Sierra. This book blew my mind. 5 stars all the way. The whole series

Sublime Conclusion to a Peerless Reimagining of Camelot

This is the rest of story of New Camelot, past, present, and future. American King is Ash’s filthy, elemental meditation on the nature and power of love. It is the whole world through President Maxen Ashley Colchester’s eyes. It is PERFECTION. And my Top Read of 2017. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is messy. Love is carnal. Love is brutal. Love is magic. Love is spirit. Love is flesh. Love is transcendent. Love is profane. Love is Embry. Love is Greer. Love protects. Love aches. Love trusts. Love hurts. Love bends. Love resists. Love hopes. Love endures. Love never fails. Love never dies. SO ENDTH ASH'S LESSON.

Cleverly re-crafted King Arthur literary piece with a kink twist. It's a must read

Spent the weekend with Sierra Simone's New Camelot Series. She is a gifted writer and a brilliant mind. The New Camelot series tackled the legend of King Arthur in a cleverly crafted literary piece, with contemporary characters, in a kinky relationship, who revolved in parallel social circles and positions, had the same nemeses, all them cleverly named. Each book is a reconceived ode to the main characters of the legend, American Queen, American Prince, and American King. As a reader, I was thoroughly obsessed. I could not put them down for very long. Each book left me wanting more, more and more. As a writer, these stories were lessons in creative storytelling and character development. Sierra redefined the tenets of storytelling by showing through the use of richly, detailed descriptions. I devoured the words like I was starved, tasted bitter with the sweet, savored the nourishment and swallowed the juices, choked on ugly tears and relished the happy ones.

A beautiful ending!

WOW, what an ending!! There is so much I want to say about this book, but some much I can't say. While I was sooooo nervous going into this book, and my heart nearly stopped several times during my read, I'm glad I resisted temptation to search for spoilers. And this is a book that would be ruined with spoilers so I will keep my review brief. What you need to know: *This book perfectly captures the passion and undeniable love between these 3 characters. Yes, there is some bitterness and anger due to past actions, but the love will never fade. *Sierra can write the heck out of sex scene. Sweet baby Jesus!!! That one at 40% was EPIC! But my favorite scene was the shocking one around 67%. *swoon* *As much as I hate Abilene, she is the perfect villian. You will want to reach through your kindle to hit her, and I loved that intense hatred for a character. *Your heart may feel broken at times, but have faith the author won't completely break you. This series is just plain amazing and something every romance reader should savour.

4.5 Stars!

4.5 Stars....Wow....that was intense ...that was a lot to take in.....there's too much going on in my head right now ...these books are extreme ...for sure ... different ...they won't be for everybody ...but boy this writing is superb...I mean I wasn't loving everything about it ..all the time ...I wasn't crazy about the past and present back and forth ...I was ready for things to move forward to put things together the way she did and the flow of it all ...just lovely yourself a favor a read them ..recommended!

A Strangely brilliant emotional journey

This is not an easy book (or a series) to review, for me, at least. Reading the series was a unique experience; Causing emotions I'd never experienced, and hadn't realized I'd ever feel, felt very strange. I think it is completely, unabashedly brilliant... the ghostly hints of Arthurian characters, the intrigue, the development of the story.... I couldn't wait to see how it ended, yet I didn't want it to end.?? To those reviewers who "didn't like the ending", how would you have made it likeable? I had never read anything by Sierra Simone before, but these certainly won't be the last. It was a whole new adventure in reading!

After reading this book... you will be begging to be the fourth person is this New Camelot Romance,

Political my favorite type of reading. Sierra Simone hit it out the park. I appreciate her storytelling from a great literary story from ancient times, but to me, this is a steamy political scandal romance. I needed to read this book. She put out a book everyone was afraid to write and did a hell of a job writing it.The way she has with words are simply beautiful. I felt this book was a privilege to read and the work she put into it didn't go unnoticed. I admit I was very frustrated waiting to read this book, without a doubt I would do it all over again. Over 400 pages....don't think you could skip the prior books before reading this one. The prior books must be read before American King. She hit it out of the ballpark on this one.

What. Just. Happened?

This is by far the best ending to the best trilogy. Ever. So much passion. So much love. So much kink. And those plot twists and turns had me tied up in knots of anticipation, dread, hope, sadness and complete happiness. It's been a very long time since an author has wrung this many emotions from me. Very, very well done.

A King, a Prince and their Queen

I mean, I don’t even know where to begin with a story like this. All I can tell you is it had me at the first word up until the very last. I saved my review for the last book only because the story wasn’t finished and I needed more. More. More. Ash, Embry and Greer...were too much yet not enough. They held such power over me as I️ read their story, pulled and pulled my emotions tight as a drum only to let go and drain me. This book hold a lot of powerful emotions, the best word I️ can think of to describe the book is simple yet profound...everything!


Words can not describe the feelings I have about this book. What a beautiful ending to a beautiful story!! I’ve never felt such a wave of emotion reading a book before!!! It’s a roller coaster of emotion. You cry, you want to cuss, you don’t understand. But the ending puts it all beautifully together (no giving spoilers). You can feel the love between the characters and all the characters play such a key role, good and bad. The love, frustration, and stubbornness all create this surreal story!!! I would give this 100 stars if it would let me!!! This is a must read, as long as you have read the previous 2 books. Unbelievable!!! Awesome!!! One of the best series I have ever read!!! Start this series, like YESTERDAY!!!! You won’t regret it!!!

Love this story

So I just finished "American King" by @thesierrasimone My Lord you guys....what can I say about this book? It's all the things you could want. It brought out all the feels. I both cried sad and happy tears. It is angsty but it's also every damn thing. Its dirty in the best ways with a HEA at the end. This book is from mostly Maxims point of view. Him, embry, and Greer still struggle with their lives, scandals, and being with each other. We learn what made Ash the king he is. He creates a legacy of peace for the united states. It is every thing and I am still reeling. I definitely recommend this series #king #queen #prince #littleprince #camalot #newcamalots #romance #mfm #HEA #kingarthur

It's a brilliant weaving of a well known story into a modern ...

This is a ten star read. Seriously. This series is everything. It's a brilliant weaving of a well known story into a modern day love story. And love doesn't even remotely describe what these main characters feel for each other. And it's so much more than a love story. There's intrigue, betrayal, sacrifice, entrapment, war and peace. The three mains are all complex, yet realistic to a point. It is fiction, after all. I couldn't pick up another book or think about anything else after finishing this series/book. I know it's one that you can read over and pick up things you missed previously. And in case all of that isn't enough, it's seriously hot. Stop reading reviews and start reading this series.

An epic modern retelling of the legend of Camelot, will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Wow. What an amazing ending to an epic saga. Sierra Simone is a brilliant storyteller and graceful writer. This is one of the best series I've read in a while, a can't put down but I must put down and breathe kind of novel. I actually let American King sit for awhile after the mind blowing ending of American Prince. I needed some time to think and regroup. Once I started the final book I was in awe of her writing with every chapter that passed. Her take on the legend of Camelot is masterful, and after reading her explanation at the end I just wanted to stand and applaud her. I'm a big fan of restructured tales, when done well, and this was an incredible modern version. It's a love story, a tragedy, erotica, and heroism all in a beautifully written package. The characters are complex, flawed and enviable. We finally hear from Ash's POV and his love for Embry and Greer is so deep and unstoppable, truly swoon worthy. My heart was pounding as I got to the last chapters, but I kept reading as I had faith that Sierra would make it worth my time. And that she did. So readers: go out and buy American Queen, and you may as well buy all three books because you're not going to want to stop until the end.


I am spent. This trilogy took me through every emotion. I will be re-reading them again. Sierra Simone has obviously poured her heart and soul into the love story of Ash, Greer, and Embry. Secondary characters are also brought to life in a more in depth way than a lot of other authors write them. I was all over the place with my emotions. Ash's story was intriguing. The first two books gave you the knowledge of who he was. This book revealed how he was shaped. No wonder he had this you and yang love and completion with his Queen and Prince. I strongly recommend you read this trilogy.


Spoiler Alert..... I tried reading this without the audible and decided to wait. And when I did finally get it, i was in total shock throughout the book. So many twists and turns that i was still being shocked by the King's story. I mean how i did not see the death and life go as it did with Ash. The children that were to come with the Queen. And the sacrifice to have the Prince to become president. I was just shocked how many turns it had. Even with the suicide. Just wow. Somehow I thought the Prince had left it all behind because of his wife death due to the unanswered phone calls. But a true fairytale story about.


Beautifully well-written and developed! WOW, those still can't let the words out of my head. Ash, to pushy for my taste. A wanna be GOD that allow something terrible to happen to the love of his life because of his priorities. Unfreaking believable!! However everything that comes right after that, is just off the charts!! You need to read this trilogy to live it for yourself, it'll be worth it!!

Wonderful series. Didn't get much sleep, however.

I loved the twists at the end in this book--the King. It now makes more sense in a pylisoical way. I was truly enjoying it, loving it enough to make sure I pre-ordered the King. But when I read it...oh when I read it I was truly amazed at Simone brilliance. The love, the sacrifice, the winning over what some may call evil and others may just call it life. A truly wonderful and facinating journey that I'm sure I will read and live again. This is a top-shelf to be read again and again book. Thank you Sierra Simone!

An epic love story told to perfection!

PERFECTION!!! You will cry, scream, be happy, be turned on, be heartbroken but it is all worth it. This book is perfect and it is hard to put into words how perfect it is. Finally seeing everything from Ash's POV is amazing and puts the puzzle pieces together and makes this beautiful, perfect picture! If you haven't American Queen and American Prince I suggest you get started. If you aren't sure you can read American King because you are mad after American Prince I can promise that this book makes it ALL better and you will love it. This is an epic love story that is told to perfection. Sierra does an amazing job and this book and series will always be in the top of my favorite reads!!!

Dynamic trio

Ash, Emery, and Greer - what can I say other than how much I loved their story from start to finish. I loved how the story developed each character in depth so you understood them individually and how they felt in certain situations amongst them. Their chemistry was incredible. Towards the end of the book I cried and wondered how I would feel at the end of the story but was pleasantly surprised as I reached the final pages. This is a great read!

On my God

Be prepared to read these three books every spare minute. I loved the way she writes and makes you feel for these three people. I almost died with the ending and cried with joy. The evil people in this book are so bad and you will hate them so much. I wish Sierra had spent a little less time in the past especially in books two and three only because I was too anxious to find out what was happening in the present. But I still loved all three books. Thank you for a great read.

Absolutley a GREAT series ending!!!

As the series is now complete, we finally get to hear from our beloved Ash/Maxen. He is so deep, loyal and complex and just feels with his whole being. OMG I just absolutely loved this book. Everything comes together and we finally learn the Camelot connection which put a great twist to an already great story. It will make you cry! It will rip every emotion you have within you but the end result is so worth the journey. Sierra Simone wrote this book, this series in such a brilliant literature stand point it will amaze you. Every detail, every name. it all means something! So much happens to these three Ash/Greer/Embry over the course of 20 years, this book is also told in past and present so we get to feel all those years of angst an emotion. I cannot recommend this book enough. Read it!!!!! hang tough and finish the end of this amazing story.


Three people one life. Ash was Destin for greatness long before he knew it. Along the way he encountered many obstacles along the way., as well as love. Some forbidden and some chased. Ash only ever wanted but one thing, Embry....but Embry wanted what was best for Ash. That was being the President of the United States. Greer raised in a political dynasty was an unexpected surprise for both Ash and Embry. This story is filled with a ever changing plot with dynamic characters that you cannot help but fall in love with. 🙌👏🙌👏🙌👏🙌👏🙌

American King (New Camelot Book 3)

I must say I checked email every single day for an early release date on my kindle, that said IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!!!! Loved this whole series!!! I was lucky because I just found Sierra Simone and got to read the first 2 books in a row of each other, so when I had to wait for American King was AWFUL!!!! I just think this series is THE BEST ROMANTIC SEXY KINKY LOVE STORY EVER!!!!!!! I now have read all of Sierra Simone's books and can't wait for whatever is next!!! Love love love this series!!!!

An all-consuming love

I cannot even begin to fully describe the love I have for this series, this book, this beautiful triad of individuals. I have never quite connected to a series the way I have the New Camelot series that Sierra Simone has created. My love for these characters is intense, powerful, all consuming. I can’t help but fall in love and see the outstanding beauty, elegance, passion, and love that is Ash, Greer, and Embry. I was captured from page 1 and did not want to put any of these books down and am all at once devastated and in a state of utter bliss and contentment that it is over. I’m sad to see these characters go, but I do not regret a single second of falling head over heels in love for them. I truly believe this series will stick with me forever.


Love the story line. It made me cry it made me laugh. My heart was broken for them and then it grew in hopes along with the characters as they changed for the better. Amazing character the King is amazing. Thanks to a friend of mine I’m glad I decided to grab this book. The author is wonderful.

Holy Mother of God

Seriously, this book, this WHOLE series, is everything!! I can hardly come up with words to describe how I feel about them. I have never read anything like them before. I cried, I laughed, I flushed, and I smiled. I didn’t think a book could ever have such an affect on me, but I am once again proved wrong. The love these three share is incredible and powerful. I could feel it in the words. Sierra, you are now one of my favorite authors because of this series.. WELL DONE!

What an ending!

Swoon.. this series made my heart skip beats, it made it stop and really shocked me back to life it felt like. Ash, Greer and Embry will forever hold a special place in my heart and my book shelf. I haven’t read a book/series in a long time that has utterly captivated my every waking moment in a long time. I wanted to put the kids on the bus and snuggle on the couch and dive back into Camelot, I wanted to feed my family dinner and then shut the world out and go back to their world. I wanted to kiss my husband goodnight and open my kindle and devour every secret kiss and seductive look they gave to each other. Thank you for writing an amazing story and thank you for making me believe in good books again!

OMG I loved it so much I cried when it was over!!!😪😥

This whole series was poetically beautiful! Ok, I'm a hopeless romantic and I loved the idea that a heart can expand to include a triad of lovers. Even though I had a little trouble with the idea of Ash comparing himself to God I still understood the point. I think ultimately this story was based on the premise of the old adage "If you love something , let it go. If it co we back to you then it's yours" or something like that! Anyway, I totally recommend this book! It's worth all the 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟's! Please read this!!!! There are three in the trilogy! Review by @bookluvr964 Follow me on Twitter

Seriously I just feel like telling this author just take all my money GAH

Ah this trilogy! Just ALL of it! Its everything, there's SO MUCH going on I just can't... Seriously I just feel like telling this author just take all my money GAH! Its one of the most beautifully written artfully crafted characters, you will fall in love with all of them, you will cry with them, you will laugh with them, you will have all the feels! I'm really grateful I came into these after they were all out though, I can't imagine waiting in between those cliff hanger endings for the next book. You need to read these books, thats all I can say without giving anything away.

Great story

I absolutely enjoyed this story but I must confess that I have mixed feelings about the ending. If you have read this book I am pretty sure that you know exactly what I am talking about! Of course, all is well when it ends well but was all that angst really necessary? I don’t think so. Anyway, typos aside and considering the great epilogue but not the unnecessary drama that led to it, this was a great trilogy.

Best Book of 2017! 5++++++++++Stars

OMG!! I love this book and this trilogy. Best book of 2017 I've read and now my favorite trilogy. This story was beautifully written and has all the feels. Keep the tissues close by. I've always loved the Arthurian myth. Read many books on it...I live this on the best. This need to be made into a movie. If I could rate this book higher than a 5 I would. Highly, highly recommend this book and trilogy. Sierra is now a 1-click author for me.

All hail to the Queen

This series is by far the best series I have ever read. Not just the best book by Sierra. But of all the romance book I have ever read. The new camelot trilogi is the best. So Much emotion in this book. Sierra has such a Beautiful well written flow of words. That makes the pages just fly away and before you know it. It is finished. This is the kind of book that you cant read fast enough but at the same time dont want to end. If I could demande everybody to read this book I would. But i cant. So I can just say read it. To me this is not just Another good book. It is a masterpice.

Twists and Turns

No spoilers, but... be prepared. There are surprises, up and downs, good times and bad. The perfect ending, or perfect new beginning to an amazing trilogy. So much is made clear. So many stories unveiled. Maybe I would have waited to write this until I have processed all that I just read. But, I can’t give it more than 5 stars. I highly recommend reading all 3 books in this trilogy, in order. Another masterpiece from Sierra Simone.

Loved The Original Camelot Love THIS Camelot just as much if not more!

I finished American King today. It was indescribably beautiful , heartbreaking, breathtaking. Not my norm but so glad I took the journey. I've already read American Queen and American Prince twice. I'm now going to re-read all three once again I doubt I will find another book of this caliber. I have to say that Sierra's Afterword was in itself inspiring and thought provoking. Well done Sierra. You certainly know how to draw me into a world I never thought I'd ventured into. Thank you for taking me back to Camelot and showing me it in a new way. You touched both my heart and soul. I didn't want it to end.

She did it...AGAIN!

Oh to find the words to give this book the right praise. Sierra Simone has done it, again. She opens your mind and heart only to shred it completely apart in one swift move. Will it heal? Yes, because her wicked mind gives you an extraordinary happily ever after that will bring you to your knees cursing her! Absolutely brilliant, thank you for this unique modern retelling of a great love story. Now, to go torture myself some more and reread them all over again.

Might be the biggest "Ugly Cry" EVER!

I will admit that life got in the way while reading the finale to this series, and I have to say I'm kinda glad it did. By taking longer to read this, it made me take the time to soak up everything that is Greer, Embry & Ash. I spent the last 4 chapter sobbing the ugliest cry I've ever experienced. But oh were all those tears worth it! The perfect ending to a perfect love that transcends time, struggles and space!

Phenomanal Read

Fantastic third book in three book series. Loved the writing. An MMF with three incredible characters and their love story. I loved it! The hot scenes are so unique and really takes something that can be mundane, erotica, and amps it up to another level. Great Story, Great character develpment. Phenomanal writing.

Unselfish love.

President Maxen Ash Colchester, is a war hero and husband to Greer. He is also in love with his Vice President Emberly. They have a polyamorous relationship. This book has a lot of emotions, love, twists and turns. I really liked it and can’t wait to finish reading the series. I would definitely recommend and I know you won’t be disappointed.o


Wow wow wow... I loved this series. I have to admit I reached a point in this one where I wanted to throw my kindle and scream a little while. And cry... but it was so worth that. I realize not everyone agrees on everything, but I was so drawn into this story. I loved Greer’s steadfastness in her love. I loved Embry even when I wanted to slap his face. I loved Ash and his foresight, and for his never giving up on the dream.


5+ PERFECT ENDING STARS!! This book deserves more than 5 stars, it is PERFECTION, BRILLIANT and BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN! American King is the icing on the cake for the New Camelot Trilogy. I ate this story up and enjoyed every page and never wanted it to end. This book will hit all your emotion buttons and pull on your heartstrings. Ash, Embry and Greer have a story to tell you that is intense, hot moments and beautiful. You will want to read all three books and in order, it is so worth your time. Sierra Simone has created a masterpiece in this trilogy, see for yourself. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

Excellent Series

I read the first book when it came out, but waited to read American Prince and American King until King was out. Of course, I had to read American Queen again before moving on, just to make sure I didn't forget anything. My soul shattered several times in this story. I shed many tears, and had my heart filled, only to be shattered again and again. Reading the final pages where the author speaks of the many Arthurian tales that inspired her, I fell in love with the series that much more. These books are classics I will read again and again.

One of the top reads of 2017!

I just finished reading AK for the second time. I finished it within a couple days of release and then had such a bad hangover and couldn’t move on and so I reread it. The series was amazing! It was sexy, full of all the feels, surprises, and twists. An all-around epic love story. Even if ménage isn’t your thing, or m/m isn’t your cup of tea, even if you know nothing about King Arthur- I urge you to read this series. Another reader said AK should come with tissues and batteries. I couldn’t agree more. One of my top reads for 2017!


Holy smokes. The conclusion was epic. I was sucked in to it from the first page and when climax came, I screamed, panicked, started pacing around in order to continue to read. It was worth the wait with The New Camelot Trilogy. I absolutely loved it. The epilogue was perfect for Ash, Greer and Embry.

Mind blowing

The book, the series, this author.... the combination of the three... mind blowing. They were always meant to be a three. Sierra Simone give the King Aurther legends of old a magical modern twist that left me wet and not just from the inevitable tears I cried. Yes Sierra, Kinky King Arthur IS fantastic to say!! This series is hands down the best I have read in years. If you haven't read the first two books, American Queen and American Prince, crawl out from the rock you've been hiding under and get reading. And unlike me, who had to hang on by the tips of my nails for months after the last cliff hanger, you can go right to this book when you finish the first two.

The New Camelot series is so good! I couldn’t put it down but didn't want ...

I literally cannot say enough about American King. It had me in tears for an entire chapter. The New Camelot series is so good! I couldn’t put it down but didn't want it to end at the same time! This book is scorching hot and an emotional rollercoaster you’ll want to ride again and again!

Great series

I loves all three books. This was a prophetic end to a much admired character. Why can't we have a president willing to love and savor peace over hatred and gain? Well because this is fantasy and smoke. We have the most deplorable president in the white house to date but I give a pass for incest (unbeknownst) and bisexuality over overt Machiavellian stupidity in 2017. I was so excited to read this that I'm disappointed it's over so quickly. Thank you for finishing amazingly. Most writers have started to flake on the last book but you didn't. A true artistry of workmanship every step of the way.

Beautiful Poetry

Never has a Series consumed me like The American Queen Trilogy. Sierra wrote a compassionate sometimes heartbreaking story of love and honor. This story at times broke me,but then you would be gifted with the most beautiful words that put you back together. Ash,Greer,and Embry each strive to do what's best for each other,but truth is only The King knows what his Queen and Little Prince need. I can't say enough how this Series just stayed with me from beginning to end. Thanks Sierra Simone for a truly beautiful story

What a ride!!!

I have to say if you decide to read this saga stick it out thru the las word written on the third and las book the king. Or be prepared to be very enthused and post off at the writer. The saga is a bit confusing at first with the thens and nows but once you get the hang of the story is of so much love, pain, hot kink and power- throw on there heroism, compassion, and a beautiful 👸 queen, an almost duplicate of Roman God as the king 🤴 and last but not least our little prince 🤴 and what do you have? Am extraordinary and kinky love story.

Shattered. 5 Stars+++++++++++

I honestly don't know where to begin. I can't recall in recent memory a reading experience I've had like this one. I absolutely loved AMERICAN QUEEN and AMERICAN PRINCE, but AMERICAN words. I fell in love with Ash. I cried my heart out, but I welcomed the pain because Sierra Simone's prose is exquisite. I still can't stop thinking about it, and that rarely happens when I finish reading a book. It was the perfect ending to this beautiful series. Ms. Simone-thank you, thank you, thank you. A million times thank you.


This book blew me away!! It is so brilliantly written!!! American King, the final book of the New Camelot series by Sierra Simone, is the perfect ending to this series. It's hard to write this review because I don't want to take the chance of giving anything away, just know that she gives her readers everything we are looking for.....we get all the answers and the best HEA we could hope for. I'm not going to lie, parts of this book broke me into pieces but somehow Sierra managed to put the pieces back together. There is just so much love, hurt and angst going on but yea, the book is full of seriously hot AF sexy times 🔥🔥🔥!!! Best book hangover, ever!

"Long Live the King"

This is the best Trilogy . Sierra Simone has created a masterpiece with her magnificent characters and story of the New Camelot. Please go read these books starting with American Queen. You will not be disappointed. You will fall in love with these three wonderful characters and all the feels their story creates. Ash is our King and boy is he ever. He is one of the best heroes to come alone in such a long time. This book is a creatively woven tale of seduction, love and jealousy , on click today .

Well Done

I rarely write a review unless I’m moved by a book or series of books. This book was much anticipated on my part and it didn’t disappoint. It will be one series of only a few that I will read over and over. I was so moved by this book I didn’t just cry, I sobbed. I couldnt imagine how it was going to end on any happy note yet she did not disappoint. I won’t put in any spoilers but WOW - never imagined it turning out that way. Susan Wards complex series, Girl on the half shell, had me feeling the same way but it’s a rare thing in this genre. Well done, Sierra, well done!

Serious book hangover!

I read this book as slow as I possibly could. I wanted to speed thru to the end, but I also didn’t want it to end. After American Queen and American Prince, I was terrified of how American King was going to end. The twists and turns were gut wrenching...I cried, a lot and I laughed. At different times I hated and loved each character...except Abilene, I never loved her. Probably the best kinky love story I’ve ever read. Can’t wait to recover enough to read all 3 books again. A must read, but not for the faint of heart.

What an amazing ride!!!

Sierra Simone tore me apart, especially in the last quarter of the book, but she somehow managed to put me back together again! This series will be one I remember for years to come. I can’t write much more without giving things away, you will just have to read it for yourself. Don’t give up, I wanted to, because I didn’t see how this could end well and I almost didn’t want to find out. But I stuck with it and I am so glad I did!

Wow, you must read this series from book one

Wow, every emotion is felt in this series and this book just amazing. I was teary at the debate and soooo mad at you when they moved to the new house with the horses (but I forgave you in the end) I was glad I was on holidays when I started these books as I lost quite a few days as I could not put it down. I might get a full night sleep tonight :)

Move over Bernard Cornwell!!!

I have loved Arthur all my life. The magic. The deception. The betrayal. The love. The heartbreak. All of it is poignant. But there was always a sense of incompleteness. That something was missing. Even with the great retelling of the story, I felt restless at the end of it. Sierra Simone put paid to that feeling with this trilogy. I have my final peace and I am complete. Read this series......and read it again, because you will miss these characters. They are eternally a part of me😍😍😍😍

Oh my heart

I don't know if I'll every stop thinking about this book. Its been a month since I finished it, and I'm still going back to it every not and then in my thoughts. This author is as literary genius. Who knew modern romance novels could be written with such well-planned, thought provoking depth. It made me question my sanity how much I loved reading the agony oh done scenes, but then loved the kinky off the scene on the following pages. The ending? Brilliant. Just brilliant.

Absolutely incredible series!!

I absolutely loved this last book in the series!! I have to say I loved all of them and the ending to this one was not expected. It has been one of my favorite books ever even though the theme is a bit controversial. Characters were amazing and so very well written. Emotional and gripping, I couldn't put them down!! If you enjoy this theme then you won't find any better than this!

Great love story!

I have read and watched many versions of Arthur. This one is one of the best series. The heartbreaking, the drama, the unconditional and unconventional love, the Domminance and Submission . This series will have your heart betting fast and with tears in your eyes from beginning to the end. My new favorite author.

American King

American King by Sierra Simone is the conclusion of the New Camelot series. It is a fantastic wrap-up to this fabulous story of Ash, Embry and Greer. Sierra Simone threw us a little curveball in this book, and I'm a bit upset with myself for not seeing it coming. This is a wonderful revisit to a timeless classic. Sierra Simone always satisfies.

Why Is It Over

I cried,laughed,pounded my kindle and sighed with envy. That threesome was spectacular . If Sierra doesn't write something new real soon, I think I will have withdrawal. A well witten book that tells a fantastic story. I did not see it coming but the ending blew me away. Twists and turns all over the place. I want to see Merlin again. Ooh, I loved him and I know he was sexy as sin. Thanks for a great read. Let's do it again real soon .


This book/ series has become my top 5 if not top 3 ever read series. I don't even know where to start.... Absolutely amazing author. The depth, complexity, and vivid trueness (I know that's not a word, but it feels right, lol) of the characters and storyline was so absolutely perfect to read. The emotional rollercoaster that I was sent on has just spent, I feel like I need to take a couple days off from reading just in order to come down off this crazy book high that I am on.


An epic retelling, with wicked twists and good changes, of the tales of King Arthur. Throwing in some polyamory and kink didn't hurt the story at all! Read the books in order, or you'll get too confused. Now that all three books are available, there will definitely be a re-read in the future. Well done!!!

The man who would become King

Unbelievable story of love between Greer, Embrey and Ash. Told in beautiful detail by Sierra Simone is the best series I have read this year! Decades long friendships, romances evolved into livelong commitments. The American King is honest, humble and raw alpha power. A President caught up in secrets he knows nothing about, international crimes he's trying to negotiate, and an unorthodox love life he's trying to keep secret. Violence, BDSM, sex, love, I would give it 6 Stars if I could!

American King

I don't have the words to leave a review adequate enough for my feelings on this book or the story. So many feelings involved. This author writes stories you feel in your gut. Her words are so beautiful and the characters enchanting. My heart felt like it would beat right out of my chest towards the end of the story. I was so invested in Ash, Embry, and Greer. Their journey was brutal and beautiful and I loved every word on every page. Absolutely brilliant.

I’m not sure I have the words!!

Let me start off by saying I never write reviews...EVER!! This series changed my entire life..seriously. I passed by this series so many times thinking I’m just not going to like it. Boy was I wrong!! The passion and love in this book held me captive for days blowing through all 3 books in record time. I have not been able to read a book since that I have not compared to this book feeling let down that I had already read it and couldn’t start over again knowing nothing about it. The scenes in this book often times left my mouth hanging open leaving my family with many questions. To anyone unsure if they will like this series...I promise you will. Read it!! U will love it!!

The best

This series has tormented sleep for 3 days, the first book I have ever skipped to the end with because my heart was breaking and I had to see if the was a 'happily ever after' . I mean roller coaster of emotions is a complete understatement! I am shook.. Sir Thomas Malory ,would love this book series. Thank you

This series.

I held off reading this series. I guess I knew I would need time once I did. It was simply amazing. You know that moment when you finish a story and you need to reflect on it. The perpetual hangover. I got it. And I got it bad. Days later and I still tear up at the beautiful words and love and torment this threesome went through. I wanted it to go on forever and ever and ever. But at least I have the joy of reading it all again. Which I will. My new go to book.


American King will be on my mind for quite some time. The conclusion of this series was packed with excitement and surprises. I don’t want to give anything away so I’m going to refrain from detail. This series has played on my emotions. There’s been moments when I laughed and moments when I cried. There were moments when I couldn’t put it down and moments when I didn’t want to continue reading. This series has been brilliantly written by Sierra Simone. Memorable, indeed!

Wow!!! What a journey!!!

Absolutely, loved this series!!! The description of the book for the first book in this series does not do the book/books justice. These books are so much more than meets the eye. The author is extremely talented and the ending was absolutely perfect. You will go through so many emotions reading this series, but Sierra does not leave any stone unturned and you will get answers to everything you question. This series was beautiful and hot!! Looking forward to reading many more of her books!!!

Wow, that was one heck of a series!!!

American King is the best conclusion to a series. Ash is one of the most dynamic characters I have ever read. So dominant but yet so kind and loving to those he loves. This book gives you POV's from all three characters and it's the first time you get inside of Ash's head. I was nervous trying to figure out how this would all end, but all I can say is read it because the ending was good for me.

What an ending!!!

That moment when you cry, laugh, curse, hate, scream, cheer and you want to keep reading, but you don't want to because your just stressed about anything bad happening to these amazing, passionate characters you have fallen in love with. Yeah....this book WILL take you on a emotional roller coaster ride and it will be well worth it!!


I am writing this review for all 3 books in this series so hard with me.👑☺I think I have cried enough now and I'm still entwined with them. I'm still in love with each of them and I wish there could be more told, but I can understand why they wrung so much out of you. Let me stay what an amazing job this was. Thank you very much!

What an Ending!!

This trilogy was hot, hot, hot! I am so glad that I finally took a chance on American Queen, American Prince and now the King. Ash, Embry and Greer shared a love and devotion that I couldn't imagine and yet, it worked. It was sexy and so intense. I had to fan myself on several occasions. Great story.


Sierra Simone is a genius. A wordsmith. Lyrical. The New Camelot Series is ah-mazing. It's a must read. It's everything. Everything. It's all encompassing and passionate and so damn sexy it's ridiculous. Please read this series - bask in the glory of all the beautiful words and fall in love with Maxen Ash Colchester - best Hero ever.

HOLY CRAP! This trilogy was like nothing I have read ...

HOLY CRAP! This trilogy was like nothing I have read before. About 70% into the book it took a turn I wasn’t expecting. All the secrets finally come out and things got crazy. My heart felt like it was in a vice at about 80%. By the end I was crying happy tears! The love between Ash, Embry, and Greer took me on a rollercoaster of emotions. Perfect end to a unique trilogy!

Definitely a Camelot

I loved this series. This was book 3 in the Camelot series. I have to say there was a point in the story that I was extremely angry with the author. I knew there was a possibility that what was insinuated could happen, but never dreamed that she would follow through. Cried my eyes out, screamed, cursed, then praised Sierra and was crying again with happy tears. Was angry no longer. So glad Ash, Embry and Greer got their happy ever after. They definitely worked for it.

Interesting finish

I wasn’t certain about reading this but was curious as to how it would end. A twist is thrown in and it is interesting but some things were predictable and the sex was so often I lost interest. It was good read and well-written but I found it disappointing at the end with a seemingly deliberate attempt to tie up ends. In saying that, I repeat it is still a good read.

King Me

Twists and turns right up until the very end!! One minute your heart will be beating out of your chest (pick the emotion: excitement, sadness, anger) and the next minute you'll be reading one handed!!! The hottness is off-scale!!! Unique story line, well written, and characters I wish I could be. A page turner to not be missed .

A perfect ending to this series

A perfect ending to this series. This book is very heart warming and also very frustrating at times, but I loved every word of it. Sierra Simone ended it perfectly and as usual I am in love. This story is very well written with two very dominant males and a submissive female. The trials these three go through are very touching but a perfect ending to the story.

An American Fairytale

Oftentimes a trilogy is simply one long draw out tale that probably could have been told in a duet. Not this one. Sierra has built three strong characters who have not only built their own stories but who have been pivotal in the telling as a whole. And just let me say that to feel a love as felt between any of these two much less all three of them would be a true blessing. Oh and five flames for the hotness factor

An incredibly wonderful book!

I have no words for how much I loved this book and the trilogy. All I will say is that if you don't read the New Camelot trilogy, you are truly missing out. Its everything you love about reading, a great love story so very well written you forget its already 3 a.m. and you need to to be up at 7a.m. Who needs sleep when you got Ash, Embry and Greer to keep you entertained. I love you Sierra, don't stop doing what you do best!

Unique & intriguing

This entire story, from beginning to end, has been a wildly, unique ride. The characters completely mesmerizing, and the twists and turns heart-wrenching. I think Ash's point of view gives us the answers to all those questions that came up throughout this series. These three have an all-consuming kind of love. One that crushes your soul and breaks you down, as well as builds you up and makes you feel whole again. This story is beautifully written. A must read.

American King (New Camelot Book 3)

WOW, this was so worthy of the wait, I could not put it down. There were times I had to stop, because its was so frightening that I didn't want the ending. So I can't and don't want to give anything away! Definitely a must read, the very best Novel and series!, written by a wonderful Author, who knows how to keep you turning those pages. Many thanks, Honey Bee🐝📚🎶

Awesome book

The entire series is super amazing loved every thing from the first book to the last one the best part is when it’s done you don’t feel hanging like something is missing the series is so complete that it leaves a good taste in your mouth and great memories in your brains ... lol

A perfect ending

I never review books, and it has been a long time since I cried over one. I am doing both with this book. As I reached the conclusion of the story, I was mad. I read all 3 books, waited so long for the third book to come out and it was GOING TO END LIKE THIS! Through my tears I was pissed. But as I read on, that feeling diminished. This was the perfect ending to the series. The author is amazing and this book made me feel all the emotions in the best possible way. One of the best series I've read in a while. You won't regret reading.

Tragedy rewritten

I love all 3 books and who can not love King Author. These were amazing and thanks to the author for the happy ending. Even knowing the King Author stories, there is enough unknowns and details coming to keep you reading because yiou need more info. The sex scenes are all very hot and steamy. It's perfect lol.


I've never read a book so well written. And the content so well thought out. I didn't see the twist coming at the end. I'm so glad that Greer, EMBRY and Ash get their happy ever after. I love that they live out their lives in love and making babies.


OMG!!! This was a beautiful story!!! American King was the best way to end this trilogy and the best book in this trilogy!!! My emotions were all over the place while reading this story. Ash, Embry, and Greer were absolutely amazing and had the best chemistry between them. Who would have thought that a threesome could be like them!!! Sierra Simone is amazing and I absolutely love her stories!!! This trilogy is a must read!!!

Must Read

I just adored this series. I’m not a King Arthur fan since I never read it but I now had to do some research. I thought it was clever how Sierra portrayed this modern day story. It will make you smile, cry and frustrate all at the same time. I loved Ash, Greer and Embry and loved this story.


A phenomenal ending to an amazing trilogy! A must read. Filled with history, legends and myths. Sexy, loving and down right HOT! A roller coaster of emotions this read will put you through. I highly recommend this book.

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