America, Guns, and Freedom

Hardcover – October 1, 2019
30 Sep
America, Guns, and Freedom outlines why the Second Amendment and armed self-defense are still needed in modern society, debunks the arguments that the U.S. should follow the path of European social democracies by enforcing draconian gun control, and expounds on how civilian disarmament in Australia and Great Britain, despite media hype, has not decreased violent crime in those countries. In America, Guns, and Freedom, the author warns us of the five essential ingredients required for the creation and sustenance of tyrannical governments, one of which has been civilian disarmament via gun registration followed by gun bans and confiscation. Faria discusses mass shooting incidents and the role of mental illness. Special attention is given to the problem of how media sensationalism may encourage deranged individuals and madmen to become mass shooters seeking celebrity status, even in death. While gun control advocates decry America’s “gun culture,” Faria informs us of the significant role that this “gun culture” played in saving England during World War II. American traditions have been and remain beacons of liberty, and this is most evident in America, Guns, and Freedom. Totalitarian governments that deny their citizens the right to keep and bear arms are a threat to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.

Reviews (8)

Well researched and well written

I have read other books authored by Dr. Faria. I find that the story of his family’s escape from communist Cuba and therefore his personal experiences add a great deal of credibility to his book. This book is, I feel, his best. Its timely content is relevant in an era in which multiple aspects of the government, media and uninformed general public are pressing hard to erase one of our most fundamental rights: gun ownership, and the right to defend ourselves and our families. Dr. Faria helps debunk common cliches such as the CDC’s and the AMA’s stance on “gun control“ and the “growing threat” of the public’s ownership of guns/a “public health threat“ vs the truth: the theft of a constitutional right, and the fostering of false security by giving more power to the federal government. I highly recommend this well-written and -researched book.

Second amendment attacks are much greater than you know

I am a pro second amendment person, though I do not currently own a firearm. I simply support those who do. I know much of what is said by the "gun grabbers" is not true, and meant to hide a more sinister agenda. Retired neurosurgeon Dr. Miguel Faria, having witnessed first hand in Cuba what happens when a dictator disarms the populace, goes very deep into political and medico-legal territory. He explains how, by turning gun violence into a medical problem (not getting shot - that is a medical problem, but owning guns), the left has been able to incrementally encroach on our fundamental liberties. Doing so requires his prodigious knowledge of medicine, science, and politics, his instinctive ability to relate all three, and then proceed to draw novel conclusions. I recommend this book to all interested US citizens,no matter what their personal views of the 2nd amendment are. Dr. Adam R. Bogart

Contains Facts That Too Many Have Forgotten

In this very easy to read book, Dr. Faria writes of the importance of retaining gun rights from the viewpoint of a Cuban refugee who saw freedom in his home country abolished once gun rights were taken. He also covers the decades of anti-gun propaganda and insidious biases that have seeped into the MSM as well as one-sided medical journals and academia. Much of what's in this book I've watched slowly happen over the past forty years but it's refreshing to read it so succinctly and clearly reviewed. Few born in the past forty years will be aware of how their rights have been steadily eroded.

Outstanding analysis!

Dr. Faria, like me, is a physician. In his superlative book, he explains beautifully how science and the medical profession are manipulated as political tools of the Left for the purpose of "gun control." This book is well-written and soundly researched, This book belongs on the shelf of every US citizen who values his right to self defense. We must be aware of how readily our government will use the threat of "public health" to restrict the rights of its citizens. Even more relevant in this COVID-19 pandemic! Bravo, Dr. Faria!

Gun violence is NOT a disease

A study/review of imprecise/ill-contrived methodologies to show gun violence as a ‘disease’. If gun violence is a ‘disease’ then the perpretrators shouldn't be held responsible; but then everyone’s responsible for their actions, aren’t they? A scathing denunciation of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) acceptance of methodolic flawed studies to delve into social engineering.

You need to purchase this book and read it!

Dr. Faria's book is very relevant for the political climate we live in today. It is a must read book for anyone that believes in freedom and the right to keep and bear arms. You need to purchase his book and read it!

Great resource book on 2A issues

Well documented and thoroughly researched. Too bad our anti-gun politicians and their interest groups will never read it.

The truth

Spend your money and read this book. Be informed. The establishment, including medical, is out to get your guns and threaten your right to self-defense.

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