After 60: The secrets to achieving happiness, health, and fulfillment in later life – Part I (Life After 60)

Kindle Edition
07 Oct

Now on the Recommended Reading List for Retiring Executives at a Major U.S. Company

Do you want a stress free and enjoyable life in your golden years?

Most of you probably answered “yes” to this question. Indeed, a stress free life—one filled with happiness, health, and fulfillment—is the ultimate achievement … but how do you go about attaining it?

You would start on this goal right now, except for one problem: you lack a comprehensive, actionable roadmap that shows you the way, and without actionable tools and techniques to follow, you're unsure of where to begin, or wonder if this goal is even attainable.

Which means you will doubt yourself, feel overwhelmed, and will just give up without even trying.

Luckily, there’s a solution, and we've written it down in this book. You can find everything you need to accomplish your goals right here!

In this transformative book, you will find:

  • 8 PRACTICAL techniques to boost your emotional health: Gives you the power to lift your spirits, which means that you will be happier, have a brighter outlook on life, and get the most out of each day!
  • 9 EFFECTIVE techniques to keep you mentally sharp, upbeat, and engaged: Makes it easier to strengthen your mental abilities, which means you will be able to keep your wits about you as you age!
  • 8 NO-NONSENSE techniques to help you maintain your physical health as you grow older: Permits you to remain physically healthy as you age, which means you will remain independent and able to take care of yourself for years to come!
  • You will also gain INSIGHT into how Mind, Body, and Spirit are interrelated: Enables you to realize that by improving one area of your life, you will automatically improve other areas as well, which means that you can start to improve the quality of your entire life just by following one of the many easy to use techniques contained in this book!
  • This book also shows you the DIRECT LINK between cause and effect and demonstrates how better choices lead to better outcomes, allowing you to gain control of your life simply by making better choices, which means that you do have the power to improve the quality of your life ... It's never been easier!

The tools and techniques in this book give you everything you need to take control of your happiness, health, and fulfillment, so order now and improve the quality of your life starting today.

Reviews (8)

Bob is dumb

While the counselor had great points and examples, the dialog between she and her client was annoying. This guy comes off as really stupid by asking questions that the average person would know. This book could better serve the reader by eliminating the entire dialogue and have the author write in first person. Allow the reader to understand what the advice is rather than “talking down to your audience” like we’re as stupid as Bob.

Terrific Book

Awesome book!!! Well written, easy to read, really useful. Written in a way to provide useful information that can be applied to your life immediately.

Excellent book for those retiring and retired people looking to find fulfillment

This is an easy read with exercises that can help build habits the enable happiness, health and fulfillment. Audrey and Gordon Ralph put a stake in the ground that happiness, health and fulfillment are all linked to our spirit, mind and body, and all three of these elements are interconnected. And we get to choose our ownership of our lives. For those of us who have retired and are in a funk this book will give you exercises to move you forward. For those of you who want to proactively own your future happiness this book will be useful. Be prepared to read, pause and reflect to get the most out of this book! Well done. I look forward to reading Part 2.


I really enjoyed this book! Since I’m close to retirement, it helped me to see how the life change can effect my well-being. It talks about positive attitude & how to shape my thinking for a stress free and enjoyable retirement. I highly recommend this book!

An excellent pick me up book!

I received this book and started reading it that evening. It’s an excellent book for all 60yrs. and over. I’m not that far into the book yet. But it’s definitely giving me things to think about that I wouldn't have otherwise. Getting older has never bothered me, the number increasing each year was no bother. This next week I’ll be turning 65yrs old. A few months back, I started feeling a little down because I started feeling as though my legacy I would leave behind for my children & grandchildren was totally nil. This book is helping me be more positive and see all the positive things I’ve done and now I’m feeling much better. I can’t wait to finish the book now! It’s just all around, good, happy, reading!

A little substance wrapped into insipid Therapist/Client Convo

This book is built around a conversation with recent, unhappy retiree (Bob) and his therapist. That fact alone tells you this 268 page book could be done in half the pages. But then you notice that on every page, Bob is asking the question, "what does that mean?" and the therapist then clarifies her last statement. In other words, must of the advice given in the book is given the the reader twice - the first time she says it, and then when she clarifies it. How is this good writing? Was an book editor even used? Do not bother sifting through this 268 page book which should have been a pamphlet of 60 pages, maximum. If you google fee sites on retiring happy, you will find better info. My recommendation - buy Dr. Ken Druck's book Courageous Aging.

Great read for preparing for retirement

I really enjoyed the refreshing techniques used to display the importance of setting priorities as we near retirement so that we fully enjoy those years! I hope to practice those very soon, thank you Audrey and Gordon. Looking forward to Part Two

Kind of a waste of money

Nothing new or informative

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