A Lesson for Every Child: Learning About Food Allergies

Kindle Edition
10 Mar
Learning was everything to Mrs. Emerson. So when a new student was brought into her classroom, Mrs. Emerson was delighted because she discovered that this young man knew something that everyone needed to know. She told her class that Jack was just like everyone else, except for one thing – he had food allergies. “Would you like to explain that to us, Jack?” Jack proceeds to educate us all. This book is endorsed by Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Connection Team (FAACT), MedicAlert® Foundation, Elijah Alavi Foundation, The Love for Giovanni Foundation, No Nut Traveler, and Food Allergy Zone.

Reviews (46)

Wonderful story!

I love Sally Huss' children's books. They teach children and adults such valuable life lessons in a fun way and they are beautifully illustrated by the author herself. This is a delightful book that teaches children about food allergies, helping them to feel more confident in front of their peers. Highly recommend! Thank you again, Sally!

Great book for learning about food allergies

This story presents important information about food allergies in a kid-friendly way. Children with severe allergies will feel comforted and less alone by reading this book. Children who have friends or classmates with food allergies will be able to learn more about how they can support and help their friends/classmates. I like that that the story encourages empathy. The cute illustrations helped make this enjoyable read.

This is a cute story about self-care and allergies!

Mrs. Emerson is a teacher that welcomes a new student named Jack. He has something to teach to the class. He has food allergies, he explains how to take care of himself and how to avoid certain foods. The class is very interested and ask many questions. He goes back home very happyly after his first day at school.

The More you Know

Thanks for this great book that not only is full of great information, but is a terrific way to ease worries children may have. Life is scary, especially when you have allergies or other health issues. The authors handle this subject with fun illustrations and easy to understand information to help children and those who love them deal with all life hands out so much better.

A delightful children’s book with an important message!

This delightful story can be used to help children understand the challenges that children with food allergies go through on a daily basis. In kid-friendly language, it answers questions that children may have about food allergies. It also can be read to help those with food allergies know that they’re not alone. I highly recommend A Lesson for Every Child: Learning About Food Allergies to elementary teachers, parents, school nurses, children’s librarians, and anyone else who reads to young children!

Food allergy awareness!

I highly recommend this awesome book that promotes food allergy awareness. I had so many food allergies growing up and my young self would've SO appreciated this book— how it normalizes kids having food allergies, presents important information, and shows how to safely manage them. How great to be able to introduce this to my students now that I'm a teacher!

An Amazing Resource for Parents, Educators & Kids

This book helps children and adults understand about food allergies while providing life long tools for responding from a place of compassion. This ought to be in every doctors office, library, and specialists (e.g. counselors, nutritionists) office. Sherianna Boyle, author of The Conscious Parenting Guide to Childhood Anxiety.

Picture book for kids

The illustrations are cute and story about a child with food allergies is told in a way that all kids need to read and understand. Huss brought forth common questions that kids have about allergies and explained them in a way they understand.

Cute for kids

What a great job the Authors did with this book.


What a delightful addition to the Sally Huss children’s book series. This book is especially relevant for me as my oldest grandchild deals with food allergies and carries an epinephrine pen with her everywhere she goes. Jack enters his new classroom. He is a shy child with a special problem. Mrs. Emerson, his new teacher, asks Jack to tell the class about it. Jack doesn’t like being the center of attention but soon his new classmates eagerly want to learn more. Children learn about food allergies and how they affect a child’s everyday life. I love the way Mrs. Emerson takes Jack’s situation and turns it into a positive by taking the opportunity to teach children about food allergies while pointing out the bravery and self-discipline Jack possesses in coping with them. I would highly recommend this book to parents and teachers of elementary school children. Children who can’t eat certain foods suffer a great deal. It’s difficult to attend a children’s gathering and not partake of the food everyone else is eating. This book goes a long way to educate the general population about a problem that is widespread. I received a copy of this book from the publisher and voluntarily decided to read and review with my honest opinions for no compensation.

Wonderful story!

I love Sally Huss' children's books. They teach children and adults such valuable life lessons in a fun way and they are beautifully illustrated by the author herself. This is a delightful book that teaches children about food allergies, helping them to feel more confident in front of their peers. Highly recommend! Thank you again, Sally!

Great book for learning about food allergies

This story presents important information about food allergies in a kid-friendly way. Children with severe allergies will feel comforted and less alone by reading this book. Children who have friends or classmates with food allergies will be able to learn more about how they can support and help their friends/classmates. I like that that the story encourages empathy. The cute illustrations helped make this enjoyable read.

This is a cute story about self-care and allergies!

Mrs. Emerson is a teacher that welcomes a new student named Jack. He has something to teach to the class. He has food allergies, he explains how to take care of himself and how to avoid certain foods. The class is very interested and ask many questions. He goes back home very happyly after his first day at school.

The More you Know

Thanks for this great book that not only is full of great information, but is a terrific way to ease worries children may have. Life is scary, especially when you have allergies or other health issues. The authors handle this subject with fun illustrations and easy to understand information to help children and those who love them deal with all life hands out so much better.

A delightful children’s book with an important message!

This delightful story can be used to help children understand the challenges that children with food allergies go through on a daily basis. In kid-friendly language, it answers questions that children may have about food allergies. It also can be read to help those with food allergies know that they’re not alone. I highly recommend A Lesson for Every Child: Learning About Food Allergies to elementary teachers, parents, school nurses, children’s librarians, and anyone else who reads to young children!

Food allergy awareness!

I highly recommend this awesome book that promotes food allergy awareness. I had so many food allergies growing up and my young self would've SO appreciated this book— how it normalizes kids having food allergies, presents important information, and shows how to safely manage them. How great to be able to introduce this to my students now that I'm a teacher!

An Amazing Resource for Parents, Educators & Kids

This book helps children and adults understand about food allergies while providing life long tools for responding from a place of compassion. This ought to be in every doctors office, library, and specialists (e.g. counselors, nutritionists) office. Sherianna Boyle, author of The Conscious Parenting Guide to Childhood Anxiety.

Picture book for kids

The illustrations are cute and story about a child with food allergies is told in a way that all kids need to read and understand. Huss brought forth common questions that kids have about allergies and explained them in a way they understand.

Cute for kids

What a great job the Authors did with this book.


What a delightful addition to the Sally Huss children’s book series. This book is especially relevant for me as my oldest grandchild deals with food allergies and carries an epinephrine pen with her everywhere she goes. Jack enters his new classroom. He is a shy child with a special problem. Mrs. Emerson, his new teacher, asks Jack to tell the class about it. Jack doesn’t like being the center of attention but soon his new classmates eagerly want to learn more. Children learn about food allergies and how they affect a child’s everyday life. I love the way Mrs. Emerson takes Jack’s situation and turns it into a positive by taking the opportunity to teach children about food allergies while pointing out the bravery and self-discipline Jack possesses in coping with them. I would highly recommend this book to parents and teachers of elementary school children. Children who can’t eat certain foods suffer a great deal. It’s difficult to attend a children’s gathering and not partake of the food everyone else is eating. This book goes a long way to educate the general population about a problem that is widespread. I received a copy of this book from the publisher and voluntarily decided to read and review with my honest opinions for no compensation.

.great gift for all children!

The teacher Mrs. Emerson is just brilliant how she handles Jack's food allergy dilema and in return makes Jack appear quite brave and more in control over himself making things less scary and more uplighting. This is a great book for every child to have, considering all of the food allergies out there that kids may tend to overlook with their friends and eachother in general. It is important for all children to be more aware of what they are eating and who may have an allergy! This should be read to children at the earliest age possible for them to understand and also relate to when need be. This book makes children feel confident and gives them better self esteem when dealing with their own food allergies which is a gift in itself

Uplifting Tool to Teach and Normalize Food Allergies

I had the pleasure of reading this book, prior to its release. I'm adding it to gift list for when I meet parents learning how to raised confident kids who just so happen to have food allergies. The hardest part, I found as a parent, was starting the food allergy conversation without sounding overwhelming to my children. I find it powerful to use a positive story or upbeat materials to start teaching and talking. This short, sweet and brightly illustrated book normalizes food allergies while highlighting the book's main character has a knowledge hero! I LOVE IT!


I just read this book to my first grade home school student. He had no idea what food allergies were before we read but now he does! I was super engaged in the story. My favorite thing about this book is the way it depicts the child with allergies as "extraordinary" and "able to do anything!" This is such an important thing for all of us to understand and speaking as someone with gluten and environmental toxin intolerance, I can say I'm very glad to see this book in print! I highly recommend it to anyone with young children & as a needed addition to any classroom library.

Great lesson and information

As an advocate for bullying prevention in schools, I find books like this one perfect to explain to kids in a classroom about allergies and any other serious subject. Education is key and not Understanding the severity of the issue can be extremely harmful. So much thought goes into what people with allergies have to deal with in every bite and this is helpful and essential for not only children but everyone. Highly recommended!!!

Well written and upbeat

What a great book that helps children understand food allergies! The book is well written to help a child with allergies understand they are not alone while educating other children without food allergies. I like how the book made the character, Jack, feel special, smart and the teacher told everyone he could do anything with that kind of self-discipline. Nicely done and a definite share with my grandkids!

Very positive book about dealing with food allergies

I loved how "A Lesson for Every Child: Learning About Food Allergies" took a positive approach to several uncomfortable issues children face in the classroom. First, the classroom teacher, Mrs. Emerson, puts new student, Jack, at ease about being the new kid in class. Being new can be very stressful but Mrs. Emerson welcomes Jack, and encourages the class to do so also. Second, the teacher is excited to use Jack's food allergies as a much anticipated learning opportunity, as teachers love to do. Her enthusiasm allows the students to be more willing to receive the "learning lesson". Third, by giving Jack a platform to dispel any misconceptions and answer his classmate's questions, Jack's "differences" are better understood, which will also lead to eliminating bullying due to his class not understanding the "rules" of food allergies. Fourth, the severity of a food allergy reaction is made clear and what his classmates can do to help in an emergency situation, which will allow them to not just help Jack, but also help and respect others in the future. Another reason why I recommend this book is because my own daughter has severe food allergies also and this book would have been helpful while she was in school.

Must read children's picture book about food allergies

This is a perfect way to teach young children about dealing with food allergies. The main character is welcomed to teach his classmates about the seriousness of what can happen if he eats something he is allergic to. The experience helped the boy explain his situation and allowed the other students to become more acceptable of this serious issue. My granddaughter has lots of food allergies and has to deal with this herself. She'll definitely have to be self disciplined and pay attention to ingredients in everything she eats. Excellent way to explain this to young readers.

Great book!

This book is a great resource for parents, teachers, and children. Food allergies can be very serious and even life-threatening. It's so important to bring awareness to this topic. This is also a great book about compassion for children with food allergies. This shows them that they are not alone! This is such an excellent book and is beautifully illustrated. I highly recommend it!

Useful information for children of all ages!

On average, there are two students in every classroom with severe food allergies. Now we have a resource for helping the whole class understand what it is like to have a food allergy and how important it is to know what ingredients are in our snacks, etc. Bravo!

Loved this book

I have a daughter with food allergies and I think this is a great book for every teacher to have in the classroom. I taught for 8 years, and almost every year I had a kid with allergies. This is a great book for classroom teachers to read to kids to help them understand and empathize with what some kids grow through. I would highly recommend this book to parents and every classroom teacher.

Fantastic Book!

I really enjoyed this book because of the subject matter and because it is very well-written and shows great sensitivity to kids with food allergies and also teaches kids to accept others and to be kind and understanding of their challenges. The illustrations are cute and add to the story. This is a must for every school and community children's group!

A Must Read for Families Wanting to Learn More about Food Allergies

A Lesson for Every Child is well-written and engaging for children and families to learn more about the seriousness of food allergy and anaphylaxis and how to safely manage. I love the illustrations, which make it fun to read and learn; they are so delightful and upbeat. FAACT is honored to have Elizabeth as a spokesperson and to be included in such a wonderful education resource for families. Thank you, Sally and Elizabeth.

Get one for your library and doctors office!

I ordered the ebook for our family and found it so helpful that we're ordering printed copies to donate to the local library and our doctor's office. This information is so important to share and I really like how it's explained. definitely recommended!

Get one for your doctor and your local library

We bought a book for our family and found it so helpful that we're ordering additional copies to donate to the local library and our doctor's office. This information is so important to share and I really like how it's explained. definitely recommended!


As a former educator I would encourage TEACHERS to get this book for their classroom! With the growing amount of KNOWN allergies now this is a MUST HAVE. My niece has a severe allergy to peanuts and I plan on purchasing this book for her to send along to her teacher. Of course the story addresses more than just a student sharing something “different” about themselves. It actually addresses the opportunity for peers to connect with one another on so many different levels. Something we need right NOW! I think most students would have a connection to this book. If they don’t have any allergies they sure know someone who does!

A lovely, compassionate and helpful book

A sweet and caring book to help parents, teachers and children with this challenging situation of food allergies.

Nicely done

Adorable illustrations and an easy to read story about a new student in a class and how the teacher asks him to tell everyone about his food allergies. I liked how the teacher supported the boy and made him feel the positive.

Wonderful story by 2 great writers

Elizabeth and Sally do a wonderful job with this story, and presenting lessons we all should learn about dealing with Food Allergies - and in general how important it is to learn from each other. Perfect for kids and adults alike whether you or someone you know has food allergies. Great as a gift or an addition to every classroom!


This story is a great way to teach kids about allergies and the impact they can have on the life of someone who has to live with them.

Let's talk about food allergies!

In a world of conditions many of us cannot see outwardly, this beautifully illustrated, informative book is a wonderful teaching tool. Please consider the value this book would contribute to children in your lives, your local library and school district. It can save a life!

Must have in homes and classrooms

This book is the most fantastic book To teach about allergies! I’m so glad I got this book for my classroom to help every year when we have a student with allergies! I also got one for my nephew who has allergies so he can have it read at the beginning of every year so other kids could understand what an allergy means. This is a special book.

Wonderful book for all children!

What a compassionate way to introduce young children that being different, such as having allergies, is a real part of life, and no matter how we are different we all are, we are embraced. This book exemplifies what we all should be take into hearts...our differences, encourage us to love more, and make us always together, as one and we are so GREAT 🙏

Food Allergies are for real

This book will educate children and adults in a simple positive non-threatening way the affects of food allergies and how children can be supportive and empathetic to those with food allergies.

Great book for children and schools

This book takes a challenging issue and makes it accessible to children in a great story. A welcome addition to any classroom and library.

Great book!

Great book for children WITH and WITHOUT allergies! Helps explain what it’s like to live with allergies...Perfect addition to any classroom!

Very cute book

My 4 year old has several food allergies. I've been working with her to really understand them. This book was so clear and easy for her to understand. We adjusted the characters allergies to match her own. Great book!

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