A Dedicated Life: Journalism, Justice and a Chance for Every Child

Kindle Edition
30 Aug
In this inspiring memoir, “an unfailing champion for all children . . . shares his ever- committed life story . . . What an example he is for all of us” (Marian Wright Edelman, President of the Children’s Defense Fund).
After spending three decades in journalism as a newspaper reporter, editor and publisher, Dave Lawrence dedicated his life to a new mission: making sure every child has a real chance to succeed. A prominent advocate for children across the country, David helped found The Children’s Movement of Florida, an organization that launched in 2010 with the purpose of making Florida’s children, especially in their early years, the top priority for state investment.
In A Dedicated Life, David tells his story from his time at the Detroit Free Press and the Miami Herald to his “retirement” at fifty-six, when he transitioned into his new calling and began making significant strides in Florida’s pre-K programs, parent skill-building, and so much more.
“This special book is the story of a good man who has lived an impressive, fascinating, full life dedicated to his family, his profession, his faith and his service to others, especially the youngest and most vulnerable among us.” —Jeb Bush, Florida’s 43rd Governor
“[A] highly principled man applying his talents and values in a transitioning America.” —Bob Graham, Florida’s 38th Governor and former Senator

Reviews (74)

A Treasure Chest with Three Gifts

David Lawrence's new book is a treasure chest with three gifts. The first is a memoir of his early life on a small chicken farm in northwestern New York. His father and mother decided that the city was not the place to raise children and moved the family to the farm. The account of his life that began each morning with the preparation of chickens, destined for the market, before leaving for school attests to his dedication for hard work. The second gift is a fantastic account of the newspaper business as he worked his way up from the very bottom rung of the St. Petersburg Times to the very top position as publisher of major newspapers, including The Miami Herald. Yet, it is the third gift that shines above all, as he finds a new calling in helping every child to succeed in school and provides a blueprint for the development of pre-K kindergarden programs, first in Miami/Dade County, and then across the state of Florida. Therein lies the the greatest plan that other communities can duplicate for all children. It is a must read for all who know that our children are our future, and that once a young child reads, understands a little arithmetic, and knows the difference between a frog and a cow, the road to success is more secure.

A Riveting, Fast Paced Read

Lawrence's newly released book, A DEDICATED LIFE: JOURNALISM, JUSTICE, AND A CHANCE FOR EVERY CHILD , is a fast paced, riveting read for anyone who is fascinated by the influence of early childhood experiences on a person's life, or a journalism aficionado, , and/or anyone concerned with the making of a better life for all children. We learn of Lawrence's early childhood where the values of hard work and caring for others were instilled in him and his eight brothers and sisters on their poultry farm in upstate New York, his move to Florida where his father resumed his journalism career, his summer job working in the printing plant of his father's newspaper, his dynamic high school journalism teacher and the paper he edited, and then his summer internships at the St. Petersburg Times. The next section of his book details his meteoric rise in the newspaper world and the many lessons learned along the way, culminating with his retirement as publisher of the Miami Herald. Rather than retiring to a life of ease at the beach, he , with the help of philanthropists Jane and Gerald Catcher, founded the Early Childhood Initiative which later grew into the Children's Movement of Florida, an organization that focuses on the needs of all children for an early childhood education that nourishes both the mind and body. Similar Children's Movements are now being looked at and beginning in other states.

An extraordinary Life an Extraordinary Book, an Extraordinary Man

You often hear people say GOD JUDGES YOU ON YOUR DEEDS not what you have or say. I'm sure this is true and Dave Lawrence Jr. will walk in through those pearly gates some day without question (hopefully not for a very long time ). A DEDICATED LIFE is not a self serving book. It is a book based on a calling, a love for the truth , good or bad, that had to be told. A life of honest journalism from hither to yon,listening to Popes , the Queen, Presidents to the "ordinary man ". He shows no bias , no judgment . Not a Saint for sure as he explains in great detail ,just a dedicated man to his family, his country , to his God and to the people ,who for decades looked forward to their Daily Newspaper to read REAL news ! Challenges for sure , opportunities most might take for the money Dave always did what his conscience and upbringing DICTATED to him. After decades in the news business ,it was time to move on and as it became apparent the young children needed help. The educational system had frankly deteriorated since we were young children , he recognized his second act and maybe the most important. He took on everyone , called upon almost everyone to GET INVOLVED! If it was a donation to help the Children's Movement or get it on the ballot, Dave knew who to call how to get it done. (It will never be finished as we know our children are our greatest resource.)However, the insight that education at the earliest stage is paramount is hardly the first thing on everyone's or anyones mind. After being privileged to know Dave for 20 years I've learned so much about him I did not know and everyone should enjoy and frankly learn from this book . In this day and age a Dave Lawrence Jr. does not come along very often. Wealthy philanthropists are certainly needed but a man on a valuable , necessary mission is extraordinary!

Insights into the mind of a rare individual who genuinely cares about children - and our society

It is not often that one reads a book where we come to understand WHY an individual does the great things that they do in the course of their life. Mr. Lawrence, an accomplished journalist, provides a clear window into his childhood and rather unique upbringing where his large family literally "moved to the country" and began a very different life- a dedicated one. Values and integrity, as well as genuine hard work, were clearly instilled in him and his siblings from an early age and led him to not one, but two consecutive careers, that made a profound impact on our society. This is his story. We follow his education and early years in the arduous publishing industry, where it was clearly apparent that his values shaped the newspapers he stewarded. We could be confident that the readers were learning what was important and the unadulterated truth- something sorely lacking these days. He retired in his mid 50s, an early age, because he saw the downward spiral of his industry in this digital era but also where the written word was not as valued, and he refused to compromise his greatest asset- his integrity. Consequently he embarked on a hellbent mission to dramatically alter how our children are educated, what he saw as our most important commodity. Due to his extensive contacts over the years, and his obvious sense of purpose, he managed to make a dramatic impact on early childhood education, clearly spelling out the clear advantages to our communities and humanity. It possesses the happy ending the reader hopes for as the author selflessly extends to us the privilege of accompanying him on two noble and fruitful missions.

A life well-lived (with more to come)

I thoroughly enjoyed this inspiring book by Dave Lawrence. He is a gifted storyteller, so you get plenty of memorable stories about his life. Even better, Lawrence includes over a dozen great life lessons (like a good newspaperman, Lawrence provides these lessons in highlighted boxes set off from the text. True "news you can use.") I finished the book feeling inspired, and wondering what more I could do to make the world a better place.

Inspirational Memoir !

This book is an easy and enjoyable read about a well-lived, value-driven life of journalism, leadership, and contribution. The stories from an earlier era of journalism are fascinatiing, as are the author's analysis of and recommendations for today's newspapers. The final chapters on the author's work for children in Florida are compelling, and I expect to recommend them to my students of nonprofit leadership since they represent a clear example of how someone can identify a need and work creatively and passionately with others to effectively address it on a meaningful scale. In short, a great read!

Important Insights on Journalism and "Retirement"

As others have eloquently commented here, Dave Lawrence is one of best metropolitan newspaper editors/publishers of his generation. The impact of his leadership elevated the newspapers he led and the cities they serve. Then, to the surprise of many -including those of us who are his friends – Dave announced his retirement at the startlingly young age of 56. Today more Americans than ever question what they can do “in retirement” that will provide the satisfaction or have the impact of their “real-world careers?” Dave's book tells us his answer to that question. It is a fascinating life that is unique to him. It also brings alive an approach for anyone who seeks a meaningful “next chapter” after a professional career. In this book, Dave does what he’s always done. He gives us the opportunity to learn something important - what we can do to have a profound fundamental impact in retirement. Additionally, if Dave has his way, he draws us into improving the lives of our most precious resource, our children. If you’re interested in what led journalism into its present straits or how to think about creating a meaningful life in retirement, you should read this book. John Lavine Professor and Dean Emeritus Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications Northwestern University

Headline: "Integrity is Key"

As David’s brother, it is difficult for me to be objective in reviewing his book, which revolves so intimately around our family. However, I am taken with how, in these difficult social and political times in our country, David’s story stands out as an example of how one man can make a difference and live a full life by simply striving to do good. David advanced that goal in three very different arenas – family, journalism and children’s services. Along the way, he met fascinating people – rich and poor, famous and unknown, educated and uneducated – and had extraordinary experiences with all, which he details in his book. All of that makes his book a read that is both uplifting and fun. A lesson learned from the book: integrity in all things is necessary for a life well lived.

For Lives of Real News and Real Opportunity

“Journalism can be, and should be, a life of public service,” David Lawrence Jr. writes in his inspiring new memoir, “A Dedicated Life.” For him, it also led to a midlife career change committed to giving every child a chance at a better life. One of nine children in a loving, hard-working Catholic family, young Dave started in the footsteps of his newsman dad. He edited his high school and college student newspapers before launching his career on Dec. 30, 1963 at the St. Petersburg Times, then already one of Florida’s best newspapers and today called the Tampa Bay Times. From there, by leaps and bounds he climbed the editor ranks of other papers – Washington Post, Palm Beach Post, Philadelphia Daily News, Charlotte Observer, Detroit Free Press, Miami Herald – each of them also serving as a daily “watchdog of the public purse and the public good.” Innately driven, always learning, Lawrence reached the pinnacle as publisher in both Detroit and Miami. The Herald won five Pulitzers on his watch, including the coveted Gold Medal for Public Service for its crucial coverage of Hurricane Andrew in the summer of ’92. Seven years later, Lawrence stunned his assembled staff by announcing plans to retire, at just 56, from the job he obviously loved. He needed to “decide what I want to do with my life,” Lawrence said. Not only those present that day, but hundreds more of us who’d crossed paths with Dave over the years, later came to better understand his surprising move. As the new millennium dawned, he applied the same zeal that made him one of the nation’s leading journalists to his new cause of giving millions of children the nurturing, health care and early learning opportunities that had proved so beneficial in his own career and equally remarkable family life. His moving, crisply-written book shares the important lessons David Lawrence Jr. has learned along the way and in his ongoing leadership of the Children’s Movement of Florida. “I believe in God, in my country, in every child’s potential,” he writes in the epilogue. “I believe we Americans can come together to ‘own’ a portrait of what we would want for every child. I know that children – rich, poor, or in-between – deserve the same start in life.”

Story telling at its finest

Dave Lawrence knows, and even writes multiple times, that people think in stories. A Dedicated Life reflects Dave's mastery, mixed with human interest of his family growing up - the roots of his value system - to life in journalism, little understood in today's world in which we have forgotten what our free and vibrant press means to the American democracy. And of course, in the context of full disclosure, the stories that Dave has told about a movement, one through which I met Dave and his great colleagues and supporters (I was their developmental neuroscience 'expert'), at a time when he needed little help because the Children's Movement had already established a value system in Florida that has set it off as a true American success story. I am a slow reader, by nature - odd for an academic and scientist, but nonetheless, I finished the book in two days while on my most recent trip telling important science stories about child and brain development - the potential negative impact of early adversity on our children - and the great solution to build resilience - supportive and meaningful relationships, and access to knowledge and resources. A Dedicated Life speaks the great truth, compassion and dogged pursuits of a man, through his relationships with his family, and his friends and colleagues, who have been fortunate to have had the Dave Lawrence 'experience.' I love history, and I love to learn about what makes people tick - A Dedicated Life provides both.

A Treasure Chest with Three Gifts

David Lawrence's new book is a treasure chest with three gifts. The first is a memoir of his early life on a small chicken farm in northwestern New York. His father and mother decided that the city was not the place to raise children and moved the family to the farm. The account of his life that began each morning with the preparation of chickens, destined for the market, before leaving for school attests to his dedication for hard work. The second gift is a fantastic account of the newspaper business as he worked his way up from the very bottom rung of the St. Petersburg Times to the very top position as publisher of major newspapers, including The Miami Herald. Yet, it is the third gift that shines above all, as he finds a new calling in helping every child to succeed in school and provides a blueprint for the development of pre-K kindergarden programs, first in Miami/Dade County, and then across the state of Florida. Therein lies the the greatest plan that other communities can duplicate for all children. It is a must read for all who know that our children are our future, and that once a young child reads, understands a little arithmetic, and knows the difference between a frog and a cow, the road to success is more secure.

A Riveting, Fast Paced Read

Lawrence's newly released book, A DEDICATED LIFE: JOURNALISM, JUSTICE, AND A CHANCE FOR EVERY CHILD , is a fast paced, riveting read for anyone who is fascinated by the influence of early childhood experiences on a person's life, or a journalism aficionado, , and/or anyone concerned with the making of a better life for all children. We learn of Lawrence's early childhood where the values of hard work and caring for others were instilled in him and his eight brothers and sisters on their poultry farm in upstate New York, his move to Florida where his father resumed his journalism career, his summer job working in the printing plant of his father's newspaper, his dynamic high school journalism teacher and the paper he edited, and then his summer internships at the St. Petersburg Times. The next section of his book details his meteoric rise in the newspaper world and the many lessons learned along the way, culminating with his retirement as publisher of the Miami Herald. Rather than retiring to a life of ease at the beach, he , with the help of philanthropists Jane and Gerald Catcher, founded the Early Childhood Initiative which later grew into the Children's Movement of Florida, an organization that focuses on the needs of all children for an early childhood education that nourishes both the mind and body. Similar Children's Movements are now being looked at and beginning in other states.

An extraordinary Life an Extraordinary Book, an Extraordinary Man

You often hear people say GOD JUDGES YOU ON YOUR DEEDS not what you have or say. I'm sure this is true and Dave Lawrence Jr. will walk in through those pearly gates some day without question (hopefully not for a very long time ). A DEDICATED LIFE is not a self serving book. It is a book based on a calling, a love for the truth , good or bad, that had to be told. A life of honest journalism from hither to yon,listening to Popes , the Queen, Presidents to the "ordinary man ". He shows no bias , no judgment . Not a Saint for sure as he explains in great detail ,just a dedicated man to his family, his country , to his God and to the people ,who for decades looked forward to their Daily Newspaper to read REAL news ! Challenges for sure , opportunities most might take for the money Dave always did what his conscience and upbringing DICTATED to him. After decades in the news business ,it was time to move on and as it became apparent the young children needed help. The educational system had frankly deteriorated since we were young children , he recognized his second act and maybe the most important. He took on everyone , called upon almost everyone to GET INVOLVED! If it was a donation to help the Children's Movement or get it on the ballot, Dave knew who to call how to get it done. (It will never be finished as we know our children are our greatest resource.)However, the insight that education at the earliest stage is paramount is hardly the first thing on everyone's or anyones mind. After being privileged to know Dave for 20 years I've learned so much about him I did not know and everyone should enjoy and frankly learn from this book . In this day and age a Dave Lawrence Jr. does not come along very often. Wealthy philanthropists are certainly needed but a man on a valuable , necessary mission is extraordinary!

Insights into the mind of a rare individual who genuinely cares about children - and our society

It is not often that one reads a book where we come to understand WHY an individual does the great things that they do in the course of their life. Mr. Lawrence, an accomplished journalist, provides a clear window into his childhood and rather unique upbringing where his large family literally "moved to the country" and began a very different life- a dedicated one. Values and integrity, as well as genuine hard work, were clearly instilled in him and his siblings from an early age and led him to not one, but two consecutive careers, that made a profound impact on our society. This is his story. We follow his education and early years in the arduous publishing industry, where it was clearly apparent that his values shaped the newspapers he stewarded. We could be confident that the readers were learning what was important and the unadulterated truth- something sorely lacking these days. He retired in his mid 50s, an early age, because he saw the downward spiral of his industry in this digital era but also where the written word was not as valued, and he refused to compromise his greatest asset- his integrity. Consequently he embarked on a hellbent mission to dramatically alter how our children are educated, what he saw as our most important commodity. Due to his extensive contacts over the years, and his obvious sense of purpose, he managed to make a dramatic impact on early childhood education, clearly spelling out the clear advantages to our communities and humanity. It possesses the happy ending the reader hopes for as the author selflessly extends to us the privilege of accompanying him on two noble and fruitful missions.

A life well-lived (with more to come)

I thoroughly enjoyed this inspiring book by Dave Lawrence. He is a gifted storyteller, so you get plenty of memorable stories about his life. Even better, Lawrence includes over a dozen great life lessons (like a good newspaperman, Lawrence provides these lessons in highlighted boxes set off from the text. True "news you can use.") I finished the book feeling inspired, and wondering what more I could do to make the world a better place.

Inspirational Memoir !

This book is an easy and enjoyable read about a well-lived, value-driven life of journalism, leadership, and contribution. The stories from an earlier era of journalism are fascinatiing, as are the author's analysis of and recommendations for today's newspapers. The final chapters on the author's work for children in Florida are compelling, and I expect to recommend them to my students of nonprofit leadership since they represent a clear example of how someone can identify a need and work creatively and passionately with others to effectively address it on a meaningful scale. In short, a great read!

Important Insights on Journalism and "Retirement"

As others have eloquently commented here, Dave Lawrence is one of best metropolitan newspaper editors/publishers of his generation. The impact of his leadership elevated the newspapers he led and the cities they serve. Then, to the surprise of many -including those of us who are his friends – Dave announced his retirement at the startlingly young age of 56. Today more Americans than ever question what they can do “in retirement” that will provide the satisfaction or have the impact of their “real-world careers?” Dave's book tells us his answer to that question. It is a fascinating life that is unique to him. It also brings alive an approach for anyone who seeks a meaningful “next chapter” after a professional career. In this book, Dave does what he’s always done. He gives us the opportunity to learn something important - what we can do to have a profound fundamental impact in retirement. Additionally, if Dave has his way, he draws us into improving the lives of our most precious resource, our children. If you’re interested in what led journalism into its present straits or how to think about creating a meaningful life in retirement, you should read this book. John Lavine Professor and Dean Emeritus Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications Northwestern University

Headline: "Integrity is Key"

As David’s brother, it is difficult for me to be objective in reviewing his book, which revolves so intimately around our family. However, I am taken with how, in these difficult social and political times in our country, David’s story stands out as an example of how one man can make a difference and live a full life by simply striving to do good. David advanced that goal in three very different arenas – family, journalism and children’s services. Along the way, he met fascinating people – rich and poor, famous and unknown, educated and uneducated – and had extraordinary experiences with all, which he details in his book. All of that makes his book a read that is both uplifting and fun. A lesson learned from the book: integrity in all things is necessary for a life well lived.

For Lives of Real News and Real Opportunity

“Journalism can be, and should be, a life of public service,” David Lawrence Jr. writes in his inspiring new memoir, “A Dedicated Life.” For him, it also led to a midlife career change committed to giving every child a chance at a better life. One of nine children in a loving, hard-working Catholic family, young Dave started in the footsteps of his newsman dad. He edited his high school and college student newspapers before launching his career on Dec. 30, 1963 at the St. Petersburg Times, then already one of Florida’s best newspapers and today called the Tampa Bay Times. From there, by leaps and bounds he climbed the editor ranks of other papers – Washington Post, Palm Beach Post, Philadelphia Daily News, Charlotte Observer, Detroit Free Press, Miami Herald – each of them also serving as a daily “watchdog of the public purse and the public good.” Innately driven, always learning, Lawrence reached the pinnacle as publisher in both Detroit and Miami. The Herald won five Pulitzers on his watch, including the coveted Gold Medal for Public Service for its crucial coverage of Hurricane Andrew in the summer of ’92. Seven years later, Lawrence stunned his assembled staff by announcing plans to retire, at just 56, from the job he obviously loved. He needed to “decide what I want to do with my life,” Lawrence said. Not only those present that day, but hundreds more of us who’d crossed paths with Dave over the years, later came to better understand his surprising move. As the new millennium dawned, he applied the same zeal that made him one of the nation’s leading journalists to his new cause of giving millions of children the nurturing, health care and early learning opportunities that had proved so beneficial in his own career and equally remarkable family life. His moving, crisply-written book shares the important lessons David Lawrence Jr. has learned along the way and in his ongoing leadership of the Children’s Movement of Florida. “I believe in God, in my country, in every child’s potential,” he writes in the epilogue. “I believe we Americans can come together to ‘own’ a portrait of what we would want for every child. I know that children – rich, poor, or in-between – deserve the same start in life.”

Story telling at its finest

Dave Lawrence knows, and even writes multiple times, that people think in stories. A Dedicated Life reflects Dave's mastery, mixed with human interest of his family growing up - the roots of his value system - to life in journalism, little understood in today's world in which we have forgotten what our free and vibrant press means to the American democracy. And of course, in the context of full disclosure, the stories that Dave has told about a movement, one through which I met Dave and his great colleagues and supporters (I was their developmental neuroscience 'expert'), at a time when he needed little help because the Children's Movement had already established a value system in Florida that has set it off as a true American success story. I am a slow reader, by nature - odd for an academic and scientist, but nonetheless, I finished the book in two days while on my most recent trip telling important science stories about child and brain development - the potential negative impact of early adversity on our children - and the great solution to build resilience - supportive and meaningful relationships, and access to knowledge and resources. A Dedicated Life speaks the great truth, compassion and dogged pursuits of a man, through his relationships with his family, and his friends and colleagues, who have been fortunate to have had the Dave Lawrence 'experience.' I love history, and I love to learn about what makes people tick - A Dedicated Life provides both.

Lessons in leadership, learning and love

This is the life story of a remarkable man, David Lawrence Jr., who became a passionate and effective advocate for journalism and then for the children of Florida and the world. On a deeper level, it’s about learning, leading and love. “A Dedicated Life” has elements of an adventure story, business autobiography and tribute to family, faith and education. It is also a reminder, happily so, that civic virtue still matters – retains its power to create public good – in our too often cynical times. I was drawn to the book because I worked for him at the Detroit Free Press from his arrival in 1978 until my departure in 1981. He took over a newsroom that was already lively, fun and filled with talent. He added important elements: intensity of purpose, strategy, vision, high expectations, continuous communications, professional development of staff and heartfelt devotion to community and diversity. As he describes in the book, Dave Lawrence has always operated with a long agenda and an extraordinary sense of urgency about even the smallest matters. In those mostly pre-email days at the Free Press, it wouldn’t be unusual for me, as a department head reporting to Dave, to arrive at the office and find my mail slot stuffed with envelopes. All department heads got those envelopes, proving that Dave read the paper thoroughly and didn’t need much sleep. Most envelopes we received held something requiring us to act, respond or learn. Throughout the day, Dave or one of his two incredibly busy secretaries would check on our progress. That was exasperating, but the envelopes also contained praise for good work, known as “Dave raves.” They were part of his process as a great teacher. We came to recognize, and the book makes clear, that his highest expectations have always been the ones he set for himself. David Lawrence is as good a leader, mentor and person as many of us will ever know. Reading about his dedicated life is well worth your time.

An Extraordinary Life Well Lived--Its Story Well Told

Big heart. Clear brain. Strong voice. "A Dedicated Life" pulses with these and other qualities that make it a compelling read. One successful career at the highest levels of accomplishment would satisfy most humans. Not Dave Lawrence. He reached the peak of leadership in journalism, then gave it all up for another passion, giving everyone’s children the best possible start in life. Away from full-time journalism for 19 years, Lawrence still has a keen eye for journalism’s core values and remedies, as cogently argued in the chapter, “Journalism: Crisis and Challenge.” True to his 35 successful years in newspapering, Lawrence is a master of the telling details that make for riveting storytelling—direct, straightforward, simple (but also capturing layers of depth). The pace and rhythm of "A Dedicated Life" are those of a self-described “restless,” “driven” man who seems always to be in motion—always on a mission—aiming to make a difference in others’ lives. His story is full of evidence that he has done—and continues to do—just that. Lawrence writes that really fine journalism is not only about problems and challenges; it is also about people who inspire. The same is true of really fine memoirs. "A Dedicated Life is one of these." Please buy this book. Read it. Share it. But only if you are ready to be inspired by and grateful for an extraordinary human being who makes a difference for good in the lives of all those in his ever-expanding sphere.

Making the World a Better Place

Dave Lawrence has filled his life with an overflowing bucket list of adventures and unselfish deeds. Few have worked harder or with more passion for the needs of others. In reading this book, you will become infected with his energy, clear thinking and absolute focus on all things important for the future of our country, especially the needs of children. While he cites so many accomplishments for which he is deservedly proud and universally recognized, he has maintain humility and candor in discussing his own shortcomings when it comes to balancing family, faith and friends alongside his tireless public service and distinguished newspaper career. He and I share South Florida’s challenges and unique experiences, especially those involving The Miami Herald. I remain proud that he succeeded me in carrying the newspaper’s torch at a critical time in the Herald’s long history. Dick Capen US Ambassador to Spain 1992-1993 Publisher of The Miami Herald 1981-1989

A must have, very inspiring

We mostly know Dave Lawrence by his great writing and early education achievements, but little we know about the effort and countless work he did to get things done and this book is a clear picture of a lifetime of effort, to become the Dave Lawrence we know. His passion, effort and inspiration seems to be limitless, and this bio let you understand how this happened, it is like his own recipe book on how he became an early childhood education super advocate.


“A Dedicated Life…” is the story of David Lawrence Jr.—a good and hard-working man, a seeker and communicator of truth, an educator and a historian—who, in his post-retirement career, has committed himself to advancing early childhood education in Florida. A testament to Mr. Lawrence's journalistic acumen, he seamlessly weaves his own history into that of America’s, all while teaching us lessons that he has learned through his upbringing and distinguished career. It also provides an insider’s perspective into the recent history of the newspaper industry and the challenge of maintaining an informed society in the digital era. In this regard, the book could not be timelier. More than anything, this book is a source of inspiration to become more involved in our communities, our government, and the education of our children. As he states so plainly, “much can be learned from other lives”.

A Deeply Moving and Truly Important Book

Maybe it's because there seems to be a decreasing commitment to giving, fairness, and justice these days, that "A Dedicated Life" packs such a punch. What is remarkable about this book is that as David Lawrence constantly questions and then reaffirms that he is living up to his highest values, I found myself doing my own assessment. That's a special gift from a book. In the final quarter of the book, as Lawrence describes what turns out to be his monumental work for all the children of Florida, I found the tears begin to flow when his own example of commitment and caring calls forth an avalanche of electoral and personal kindness from unexpected quarters. Read and share this vitally important book.

A worthy autobiography of an exemplary American life.

Truth be told, I've known Dave Lawrence for some 40 years. I've always known him to be a ferociously dedicated journalist; a man of deep thoughts and commitments with a riveting intelligence married to a boundless inquisitiveness. These are towering traits. But, most of all, what I admire and love about the man, is his heart…truly a colossus of solid gold. That said, I come to Dave's autobiography, A Dedicated Life, with a few preconceptions that I hope prospective readers will forgive. Dave's saga begins surprisingly. His parents—evocative family photographs are included—are a charmingly handsome couple born of colonial heritage and reared on New York's tony East Side, a hop skip from the storied Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The couple meet, marry and read the book, The Egg and I. In the book, author Betty MacDonald, marries a marine, they move to a chicken farm in Washington State, where they are soon swamped by the rigors of farming and further swamped by a rapid influx of children. Taken by the tale, The Egg and I, Dave's future parents, marry and decide to forsake the Mother City's cushy high life for the chaos and catastrophe of chicken farming in upstate New York, while, at the same time—also paralleling The Egg and I—beget a busload of kids—nine to be exact. Dave's parents' fateful move, their rejection of the Mother City's glitz and the embracing of a religious and hard-scrabble working life, to me is the heart of the story because this is where the formation of Dave's rectitude begins. I will not give away further details because the tale must be read. It is that good. However, I will add that Dave's tale reminds me, not so much in plot but in spirit, of one of my all-time favorite books, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Why, the reader might rightly ask? Both stories are about the unity of family, the grounding of religion, and the knowledge that one is deeply loved. There is majesty in both tales. Dave's professional adventures also are illuminating, especially for anyone contemplating a career in journalism. And, of course, his latest efforts on behalf of children are also detailed…all adding to the panorama of a life well lived. Clearly, the reader sees how he evolves and succeeds; yet, somehow, someway, he never, at least spiritually, truly leaves the chicken farm and the inherent values instilled by two daring and loving parents. For those lucky enough to know Dave Lawrence, this book will give you a deeper understanding of the man. For those who aren't lucky enough to know Dave Lawrence, this is a worthy autobiography of an exemplary American with shining American values.

Excellent autobiography and a easy read about a true leader and child advocate!

David Lawrence uses his writing skills to educate the reader on the value of family and a commitment to the highest standards of one's profession. He created a Vision to improve the lives of children and families through collaborative efforts with others and a personal drive to never accept the status quo when it comes to meeting the needs of those we are here to serve, especially children. I plan to share this book with leaders in my current community who may find David's story helpful in creating a Vision and executing a meaningful plan of action to meet the needs of the children in our community. Thank you David! Sincerely, Tom Rozek

A journalist, an inspiration, a great man

First time I met Dave Lawrence, I was nervous as hell. Then annoyed. He called me, a 20-something pissant on the Miami Herald sports desk, into his office. Then praised me for a little piece of work I’d done — phew! — then handed me a 600-page book on journalism and demanded a review by the following week. Dave Lawrence is the most demanding, inspirational, pushy, results-driven, pain-in-the-butt and well-meaning journalist — person — I’ve met. Read this book if you care about justice. Read this book if you care about the direction of our country. Read this book if you care about kids. Read this book for validation of what hard work can do. Read this book to renew your faith in disappearing American values. Read this book. I’m proud to know the man.

Compelling, Ultimately Breathtaking

Dave Lawrence will surely make it to heaven. His revealing memoir provides ample evidence of that. Most importantly, he founded the remarkable Children's Movement of Florida, now enshrined in the state constitution and providing $400 million in taxes annually for voluntary pre-kindergarten for every Florida child. His personal history reveals not only a few warts, including an Irish temper, but how his family background and successful career as a newspaper editor and publisher honed skills and temperament that led him in his late fifties to devote the balance of his life to children. His accomplishments in journalism, including numerous Pulitzer Prizes on his watch, make his story compelling for anyone interested in public affairs or journalism. His ultimate accomplishments are nearly breathtaking.

Former Newspaperman Driven by Deep Belief in the Rights of All Children

Gloria Estefan, Gov. Jeb Bush, Alonzo Mourning and Marian Wright Edelman are just some of the folks who wrote blurbs for David Lawrence Jr.'s impressive memoir, A Dedicated Life, which gives you a sense of the depth and breadth of the story. As I read the book, I was overcome with gladness that a man like David Lawrence, after a full career in journalism, including as executive editor at the Detroit Free Press and publisher of the Miami Herald, was moved to leverage his unstinting energy and significant talent to improve the lives of children. The idea of fairness pervades this work - the idea of bringing the news to all and hiring a staff of high quality journalists who truly represent the colors and faces of the community was David's cause in the newsroom. I don't want to accuse a newspaperman of burying the lede, but the kicker to this story is what he has done to raise awareness of the importance of investing in early childhood learning. In Miami, after stepping away from the Herald, David leveraged his strengths of community connectedness, fundraising, getting business behind the effort, getting politicians on board, and most importantly, his skill of inclusiveness, reaching out to poll voters on what improvements were needed in early childhood education, including high-quality kindergarten. Though he doesn't dwell on detail in the early part of his life, one can read between the lines that David has a tremendous ability to network, connect, motivate and listen to people, and to get things done. Read the book to see what Florida did and what it takes to pass dedicated funding measures for children, high quality pre-K and so forth. This action is what David was able to set in motion, with the help of many others that he gives generous credit to. Above all the author's kindness and acknowledgement that everyone needs love, and of the importance of treating others fairly rings out throughout the book. We all have good intentions and compassion within our hearts (I hope). Reading this book was for me a positive reinforcement of what great things can come from acting on those instincts. Jill Baker Former Board Member and Investment Committee Chair, Foundation for Child Development


This memoir by David Lawrence, Jr. is a must read for anyone who is motivated to learn ways to seek and make positive changes in the world. Mr. Lawrence tells his remarkable story of how he started his career as a journalist and then became a leader of a movement to improve the lives of children in Florida. How Mr. Lawrence was able to build bridges in communities and work with people from a variety of backgrounds is simply inspirational. He ends each chapter with a life lesson and spends much time on teaching the reader ways to build a movement. These are lessons from which everyone can benefit - regardless of whether the movement we wish to start is large or small. If you wish to be inspired and motivated, I cannot recommend this book enough.

Good news in a dark time.

At a time when our faith in institutions and individuals is being deliberately eroded, David Lawrence's book is like a flash of sunlight on a dark morning. He is, above all, a storyteller, so the book moves quickly through a very eventful life, with lots of great anecdotes along the way. But in addition he is a passionate advocate for children and, for those of us who share his passion, the book offers more than stories. He tells us how to be the best kind of community organizer for a cause - working out a strategy, seeking allies regardless of political affiliation, appealing to the best instincts of our fellow men. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his commitment and service - but I think he wants more from us! This book spells it out.

The Children’s Movement: A Dedicated Life

An amazing author. A true ‘model’ for a career in journalism and family values... Recognizing the importance of literacy for every child will result in a better world. Early prevention is the ‘key’ to success of our children. My four decades in the classroom is my basis for the success of all children.

The Story of a Good American

Dave Lawrence’s autobiography is an inspiring story about the best qualities of an American family; first his family of origin and then the one he and his brilliant and loving wife, Roberta, created. His book is also a great read; written with the care and dedication Dave has committed to all of his undertakings...and just as successful! During this harrowing time of divisiveness, the growing concentration of wealth among the few and blatant racism and discrimination, it is especially inspiring to know that good, committed, loving and compassionate people like Dave are among us. He is a role model for all of us and I am so blessed to know him.

"Remarkable" as Well as "Dedicated"

Dave Lawrence has led a truly remarkable life, even more so because it continues at full throttle today. Although I've known, admired and worked with him over the span of almost 35 years, you don't have to know him to benefit from the life lessons in "A Dedicated Life," his autobiography. His leadership skill, humanity, and passion for every project he undertakes, are valuable examples and an inspiration for all. His eye witness testimony to the decline of great American newspapers, and concerning view of what lies ahead for journalism and the First Amendment are reason alone to read this book.

Love Expressed

While David Lawrence wishes his father had said, "I love you" at the end of his life, his parents clearly gave him a legacy of love, which he has shared not only with his own family, but with thousands of children in lieu of retirement. From his "ah ha" moment when he realized children in his own community could not even identify a rabbit in a book to the Milk Party Tour, he devoted himself to finding a way to improve the lives of young children, following the research showing the need to begin to support their cognitive, social-emotional and physical development as early in life as possible so that they are reading on grade level by the end of third grade. And reading for David Lawrence is a mainstay of life; it is surely a path likely to lead to success for most. David's determination, skill in building partnerships, and true devotion to his cause have led to real positive outcomes in Florida. As one who has watched with admiration from the outside, it is wonderful to understand now his life before its third chapter. He didn't get to be a champion for children based on his expertise, but by believing John Dewey's quote: "What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child, (so) must be what the community [and David] wants for all of its children." Ann Segal

How to Find Meaning & Purpose in Life

David Lawrence’s laudatory book about himself might seem at first to be a memoir of limited interest to other persons. In fact, A Dedicated Life is an absorbing story that reveals how to deal with one’s faults and how to achieve meaning and purpose in life. It provides examples of how important expressions of love are in one’s personal and public lives. Lawrence shows how one’s professional life is enhanced by dedication to causes that uplift others, in his case providing all children with the opportunity to succeed in life. In addition, he highlights the role that optimal journalism should and can play in our society.

Compelling and inspirational - highly recommended

I did not plan to read this book at one sitting, but was immediately drawn in by David Lawrence’s ability to tell a story and reflect upon history as if it were happening now. His words made me feel I was present at each stage of his life, from the farmhouse in upstate New York in the early 1950s, to the racially divided campus of the University of Florida in the early 1960s, to the evolving newsrooms of the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Mr. Lawrence’s transition from journalist to leader in early childhood advocacy is truly inspirational. I highly recommend A Dedicated Life: Journalism, Justice and a Chance for Every Child.

Newsrooms, boardrooms, young children’s classrooms: Daring Dave to our rescue

Few persons who have achieved the professional status would select their life’s work title as “The Children’s Movement Founder.” Yet, Dave LAWRENCE, Jr. did just that. The man with 13 honorary university doctorate degrees, awardee of dozens of fabulous honors including my favorite, the Ida B. Wells award from the National Association of Black Journalists, uses his favorite quotations and chapter highlights known as “A Life Lesson Learned” to unfold his journey with those of us willing to travel the dynamic roads. Dave has thoughtfully and expertly written his memoir with the investigative revelation of a good journalist. It is a ‘fair and balanced’ account of a man who has wisely advanced the rights and opportunities for diversity in newsrooms, boardrooms and children’s classrooms. I’m in my 30th year of being in the Dave Lawrence, Jr. fan club. I’m among the lucky ones to have followed the career of this man of the people.

Truly one wih a "Dedicated Life"

I met David Lawrence, Jr. through The Children's Trust. I remember our first meeting after being appointed to the inaugural board. That meet and greet turned out to be his trademark "interview" and included the famous question "What was the last book you read?" I left that meeting energized and excited about our future work with children (and likely learned more about myself then he did about me). During the years that followed, I watched Dave and admired his energetic service to the community and his dedication to children. However, I did not realize the depth and breadth of life and experiences that facilitated his leadership, communication style, and drive which are shared in this engaging book. I enjoyed each chapter and the stories shared in an easy to understand manner that is rich with lessons, humor, and humility. Thank you, Dave, for the difference you've made in my life and that of so many others.

A Must Read Book!

Right now times are filled with fear, anger, distrust and ill civility within our nation, having many of us wonder about the state of our communities and country. Yet reading this book about Dave’s lifelong undying commitment to fairness, optimism and dedication to service presents the reader with so much inspiration and hope that one can only be energized to believe and act solidly within the good values that are the founding principles of this nation. Gracias David y Adelante! Bobbie Ibarra

Life lessons to live by...

A Dedicated Life: Journalism, Justice, and a Chance for Every Child showcases pivotal and life changing moments of David Lawrence Jr’s life as public servant through journalism. His experiences and life lessons, hard ones at times not just for him but for his family, are examples of the values he carries and has passed on to his children. After reading this book, you too will be driven “to do good every day and make a daily difference in people’s lives.” Thank you Dave for difference you make in all our children.

A book of remarkable breadth, humility and relevance

David Lawrence, renowned journalist and advocate for children, has made an extraordinary contribution by sharing his remarkable life story. Like the author himself, "A Dedicated Life: Journalism, Justice, and a Chance for Every Child" radiates humility, social and political relevance, and the rich mosaic of our nation's rural and urban communities. The impressive breadth of the book reflects a profound passion for three essential ingredients of a successful democracy - independent, quality journalism, social justice, and investment in early childhood education. This is a terrific book, and my favorite type of autobiography - one that tells a person's story, of course, but also generously and graciously looks outward to share broader lessons of life.

A life devoted to integrity and service

In a world filled, so it seems, with allegations of fake news and corruption, it is such a pleasure to read an interesting, extremely well written book about a life devoted to integrity and service. After an outstanding career as a successful and admired newspaper editor and publisher, Dave Lawrence has devoted his “retirement” to the children of Florida, and what a tremendous impact he has made on their lives. This is a book that makes you feel good about being an American. I loved it and so will you.

Entertaining and inspiring

Life gets so busy, but I love to relax with a “good book”. David Lawrence succeeded in writing a great read that also provided useful lessons for how each of us can lead “a dedicated life”. Reading it was like having Mr. Lawrence as my own life coach.

A true leader - honest and inspiring

Dave Lawrence is a true leader - inspiring but without sugar coating the hard work needed to create real change. His is a remarkable and humble story, one that can provide an example for each of us in how to serve our communities. It is also an important reminder about the need for an informed citizenry and how we need to be proactive in our own lives to ensure that we are making decisions and forming opinions based on credible facts.

A handbook for activism for children

As one of Dave Lawrence's acolytes, in the 1980s, I remember well his intensity and focus in the cause of good journalism. I learned a lot about leadership from him during those years, and through this book, I learned still more from his phenomenal work on behalf of children. He personally has had a profound impact on the lives of multitudes of children who will never know him. Advocates for children would do well to read this book and learn from a master.

Remarkable Man, Remarkable Story

This autobiography, is of a special human being that has touched the lives of so many in his community, brought investigative journalism to the forefront, and a children's movement across the state of Florida, which has educationally enriched the lives of thousands. A man of God, of principle, and family; reading this book gives you insight and a guiding star on a life well led. A must read!

Ethics, Hard Work, Family. - Great Examples for us all!

I found the autobiography of Dave Lawrence to be and example for the generations of today and tomorrow. It would make a great movie, and if used with our young people, could change the face of our tomorrow. When you read it, you will wish you had spent some years on the chicken farm. : ) It is an amazing story you should not miss! Ellen

Pied Piper reverses the music

What happens when the Pied Piper leads the adults in behalf of the children? Nationally acclaimed news executive David Lawrence Jr. retired early to pursue an insistent dream. He proves that one remarkable, indefatigable man with an irrefutable idea can change the world for the generation soon to inherit it. A DEDICATED LIFE: Read all about it! Rolfe Neill, Charlotte, NC

Truly a Dedicated and Energetic Life

In "A Dedicated Life: Journalism, Justice, and a Chance for Every Child," David Lawrence treats us to not only an entertaining story of his life of energetic service to others but also his valuable insights into journalism and early childhood education. I enjoyed this very readable and inspirational book and have already recommended it to others.



Terrific book

Dave Lawrence tells a story that will both educate and inspire you. He shows how one person can use journalism and civic activism to make an impact - time and time again. It's a good, fast read.

Comfort and Joy

I have known Dave Lawrence since his stint as editor of the Florida Alligator (University of Florida's student newspaper). The arc of his career has been inspiring to watch, and his recognition as a professional journalist is most certainly well deserved. His memoir answers the question, "How did he do it?" The takeaway from "A Dedicated Life" is that his manifest exceptionality is rooted in his early childhood experiences, most powerfully his family as a source of love, support and encouragement. The point of the book is that he wants nothing less for all children.

Love of Family, Profession and Service

A compelling and inspirational life story of Family culture and love and of unselfish and passionate dedication to excellence in 2 careers - Journalism and Childhood Education. An enjoyable, uplifting and meaningful book about the life of a caring, loving and generous man! Well done, David.....

A dedicated life and remarkable wise person

This is an exceptional story of the life of a remarkable, wise individual who has dedicated his life to the betterment of others. It brought laughs and tears to my eyes, but more importantly, it brought me insight on ways to live my life moving forward. Thank you, Dave!

An interesting book from an interesting man

This memoir reads very nicely and provides an entertaining peek at the life of Dave Lawrence, who continues to advocate for all our children

A must read. Inspiring and pushes us to action.

A great example of dedication for all of us and every child. An example of how service and collaboration leads to a happy life and has the power to transform society in ways we can’t conceive.

Inspirational Passionate Life Story

Will make sure to give it to family and friends. Everyone can connect with a unique story from David's life that might be a life-changing experience for them.

A life story that moves fast, with a message that will move you.

Great personal story. Great message. If you have any interest in journalism, children, politics, education, or just how we can create better prepared and informed Americans of all ages, I promise you’ll learn something and enjoy.

A MUST HAVE for everyone who is willing to do good to the world.

I cry and laugh with this book. Now I bought a second book as a gift for my brother. Romantic, passionate and inspiring! Worth reading it many many times!

From presidents to queens and everything in between

Dave is a great story teller and in a very humble way tells the great story of love, for his family, dedication to the people he encounters and the pursuit of justice.

Humility personified!

A chronicle on a life lived with kindness, compassion and humility.

A great story of a great life

If you want a guide for living a life full of meaning, this is it.

A Must Read ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

An extraordinary book on the inspiring life of one of America’s finest and most celebrated journalists, David Lawrence, Jr.

David Lawrence - A Priceless Treasure

A poignant heart warming book from one of the brilliant newspaper man in our country. A must read book!

A fascinating life

A terrific read about a life of significance - opportunities seized and life lessons learned.


Excellent book! Also inspiring to step out and try to make a difference.

Great read!

Great book!



Much to Learn

I hesitate to write a review of this highly readable book by Dave Lawrence, a man I worked for and with for about 10 years. I know he will read it. And I suspect he will critique it. You will understand when you read it for yourself, which I enthusiastically encourage. I'll start with a quote, as does every chapter of Dave's book. It's from "Southbound Train" by Nanci Griffin: "Some things I know. Some things I guess. Some things I wish that I could learn." From this book I learned much. I learned humble beginnings can lead to magnificent success. I learned about a stand-apart career in journalism from which I benefited personally. I learned about the children's movement that he willed into existence and from which my beloved grandchildren benefit today. And I -- and you -- will learn so much more. From a dozen imperatives in Chapter 10: "Each of us must be really willing to learn. We need to be people who read good books regularly, beginning with history and biographies. Much can be learned from other lives." And that's why you should read this compelling work of nonfiction about the remarkable life of Dave Lawrence.

A Crazy Good Man

David Lawrence Jr. is a Crazy Good Man. He is passionate, forceful, magnetic and always on a mission. He was first a visionary newspaper editor, then a visionary leader in extending excellent, early childhood education to thousands of Florida children. I worked for him, then with him, in Knight-Ridder newspapers for 21 years. Dave’s inner-engine is turboed. He is purposeful to the max. I have met no one more customer and community driven. He rightly prides himself on being a grand conveyor and collaborator. Dave answered reader letters while “watching” baseball games. He was a newsroom task master who, finding an assignment particularly well done, rewarded the work with a yellow-sticky “love note”—predigital days. His staff couldn’t wait to get one, of course. Add these Dave qualities: Good-trouble maker. Idealist. Dreamer. Boy Scout. Moralist. Devote. Nit-picker. He was an impossible-to-match role model, but we newsies tried anyway. And were better for the effort. On the personal side, Dave has always put family first, being an adoring son, good father, in-love and loving husband. Dave’s extraordinary story plays out over the pages of his grand autobiography “A Dedicated Life: Journalism, Justice and a Chance for Every Child.” His book is inspirational and a leadership handbook. His efforts on behalf of providing Florida’s children a fair deal is a monument to this man’s fully lived life. It’s a grand story by a grand story teller.

A great gift for someone questioning future results of their present efforts

It's nice getting a warm and fuzzy feeling in your chest when you read a book. I listen to mine, and bought this one through Audible as soon as I knew it was available. I'm a fan of all of David Lawrence, Jr's work. As expected, that warm and fuzzy feeling was there, especially through the chapters covering the results of maintaining a solid personal moral code despite what the status quo might be demanding of oneself at that time. From farming for eggs to founding the Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade and Monroe, through multi-state newspaper editing and publishing, Lawrence takes you on his personal roller coaster of a live well lived. This book is a gem, especially for those of us who know that the author has always taken pride in keeping his private life private. We learn about his wife and children, as well as siblings and parents. Talk about an accomplished human being, Lawrence's exemplar life is now available to delight your eyes or ears, depending on how you "read" your books. Inspirational, a new classic and a must-have for all adult readers of all backgrounds.

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