365 Tao: Daily Meditations

Kindle Edition
24 Jun
Place the word Tao Into your heart. Use no other words. The Tao is constantly moving, the path that all life and the whole universe takes. There is nothing that is not part of it—harmonious living is to know and to move with the Tao—it is a way of life, the natural order of things, a force that flows through all life.

Reviews (168)

365 Tao Daily Meditations

Daily time and attention is the only true way to integrate such expansive work. This Beautiful collection is a daily finger pointing the way., The Great Way. One Home. One LOVE.☯️

Good purchase

Good book. Quality of item itself is as stated.

Morning Contemplations !!!

What a book. I'm not gonna lie - I read this paperback in under 2 weeks. First, I read one page and suddenly found myself reading about 5-10 pages. Then I took a break --- looked in the back where I realized --- the author has laid out the book so that you can read one page a day, every day for a year = 365 days (that's if you want). However, after the first 5 pages -- I was hooked!!! I started reading about 30-40 pages a day. This volume is simple, straightforward and retains a clean-cut writing style, top to bottom. What's more, after about 50 pages - I ordered Ming-Dao Deng's other book "Everyday Tao". I'm sure it will be a worthy follow up... One thought that stood out -- was that this book was more straightforward (black and white) then others (especially in the area of right & wrong, and what to do as far as taking action). Everyone has common sense, some of us more than others, but when reading up on spiritual books - sometimes the meaning is hard to grasp 100%. After a few books on Taoism, Buddhism etc., I've had the impression that if something `bad' happens or you wind up in a sticky position - your feeling should be `oh that's the way it is and just go with it'. On the contrary, "365 Tao" clearly states you should have your defenses as well as other methods of handling certain matters. This book dives into greater detail concerning what to do when coming across specific situations like this. In the same token, it explains how you should become one with the Tao because actually -- you are Tao, you, me and everything else... If I must quote one precise page - it would be pp.125 - RESOLVE: "Make your stand today. On this spot. On this day. Make your actions count; do not falter in your determination to fulfill your destiny. Overcome your obstacles and realize what you envision. Each day your life grows shorter by 24 hours. The time to make achievements becomes more precious. Create the poetry of your life with toughness and determination". Words of poetry and wisdom - simply graceful.... Every page has something humble and beautiful to offer (some even better than others). I thought the book was fabulous and quite insightful at times. Furthermore, it will certainly stay close to the desktop, so that I can look at choice selections whenever the whim arises. Actually, I plan on reading this book again soon, only this time -- one page at a time, for morning contemplation!!!

If you like brief meditative readings that draw you back into them for deeper pondering, this book is for you.

An American Taoist, Chinese scholar and author recommended this book during a lecture I attended. I haven't been disappointed. It has been helping my western mind understand the ancient Taoist concepts of life--life is full of change, adversities and abounding in mysteries, in which we can choose to flow or resist. The writer manages to convey the ancient Taoist principles without the use of Chinese words that we find in other English translations of ancient teachings. Simply put, he cuts to the quick of our western minds and still imparts the exotic world of ancient Chinese philosophy. Some of us are self-cultivators. We like to learn about how to ride the waves of what unexpected life dishes out. Taoism is like that. It emphasizes self adjustment to life rather than attempting to rearrange it to suit our needs. This book may be a good start for inquiries into Taoism for those of us who want or need to inch our way into understanding a philosophy without the intellectual work that often comes with such an endeavor. Ming-Dao Deng neatly and succintly defines Taoist principles on every page, even narrowing them down to one word each: "Beginning", "Ending", "Emptiness", "Continuation", "Attachment", "Joy", and 359 more. Since the ancient Taoists saw the importance of immersing ourselves in all of nature, a daily reading guide, according to the hemisphere in which we live is included, allowing us to chose our readings according to the seasons. The guide is also a handy tool for reflections on topics that capture the need of the day-- say, "Perseverance". The meditations cover just about every aspect of life, drawing us up and out of this world and bringing us back down: "When walking, can you feel the rotation of heaven?" or " When you shop, are you aware of your needs?" Whatever manner you choose to use this book, you will learn about Taoism as well as be challenged to expand your self-knowledge.

A book to cherish every day

I started reading this book back in the late 90s when I was writing my own page-a-day book on money "The Wealthy Spirit". My agent had put me in touch with an editor from Harper who thought my book might fit in to a series of books that they published under "365". When he mentioned "365 Tao", I thought "I must get that book." Although my deal to publish with them didn't work out (I later found another publisher), I think this connection was all about my getting this wonderful book for myself. It is rich in spirit and meditations on life and I treasure the daily readings. I read it daily for several years, then loaned it to a friend, thinking of course I would get it back because it was all marked up. Time passed, I forgot who I had loaned it to, so just bought another copy. I am loving reading each page again daily. Thoughtful, beautifully written and engaging. Thank you!

Great way to start a morning!

I have been reading this devotion every morning for years. I started with the paperback until it fell apart so switched to the Kindle version. It provides a good beginning to the day with thought provoking insight to life.

A very good daily reading

I find the reading in this book to be very helpful - a good way to start the say. A word, a short poem, and a thought. The Tao is well served by this book.

The journey of humanity is the journey from ignorance to enlightenment!

From "365 Tao" by Deng Ming-Dao: Why do you scorn others? Can it be that you are that proud? No matter how accomplished you are, There are people ahead of you and behind you. All beings on the path, All victims of the same existence, All with body, mind, and spirit. No one is better than the next person. Help others for all the times that you have been ignored. Be kind to others, for all the times that you have been scorned. "The journey of humanity is the journey from ignorance to enlightenment. It's like an endless march of souls through eternity. If you are standing in an infinitely long line of souls, how can you say that your position is superior to others? When there is no head and no end to the line, it doesn't matter what place you hold. Therefore it is foolish to look down on those standing behind. They now occupy the place where you once stood. Instead of pride, you should feel compassion. If you cannot remember this, then just think of all the people ahead of you. You aspire to their place, and you should work diligently. There is injustice in this world, yes. But there is no need to add to it. When you see someone less fortunate than you, express compassion. When you see someone more advanced than you, try to learn from them. Any other feelings are superfluous." David Allan Reeves Author of "Running Away From Me"

A fantastic book for anyone interested in Taoism and meditation.

I have been into numerous Asian martial arts (Judo, Jujitsu, Karate-Do, and Kenjutsu) and healing arts (Tai Chi, Qigong and Reiki) for more than fifty years and I recently purchased this amazing 380 page soft book (365 Tao Dailey Meditations by Deng Ming-Da) for a bargain price on Amazon. This fantastic volume is organized so that you can meditate on some aspect of the Tao every day of the year. It covers an enormous amount of topics one can meditate on every day such as: the beginning, absolution, devotion, reflection, sound, work, optimism, disaster, healing, time, initiative, happiness, skills, laughter, adoration, adapting, walking, perseverance, knowledge, adversity, creativity, and numerous other Tao word meditations. If you are seeking a practical and interesting book on Taoism you should check out this wonderful book. Rating: 5 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: Chair/Seated Tai Chi, Qigong, and Yoga for Seniors and the physically challenged).


I've own several copies of this book through the years, always giving away my copy to another on their journeys. This is the first hardcover one I've had, and I know I'm keeping this one for myself. It's the perfect companion to the actual Tao Te Ching and will flesh out those teachings with practical stories and advice, designed for the hemisphere you live in.

365 Tao Daily Meditations

Daily time and attention is the only true way to integrate such expansive work. This Beautiful collection is a daily finger pointing the way., The Great Way. One Home. One LOVE.☯️

Good purchase

Good book. Quality of item itself is as stated.

Morning Contemplations !!!

What a book. I'm not gonna lie - I read this paperback in under 2 weeks. First, I read one page and suddenly found myself reading about 5-10 pages. Then I took a break --- looked in the back where I realized --- the author has laid out the book so that you can read one page a day, every day for a year = 365 days (that's if you want). However, after the first 5 pages -- I was hooked!!! I started reading about 30-40 pages a day. This volume is simple, straightforward and retains a clean-cut writing style, top to bottom. What's more, after about 50 pages - I ordered Ming-Dao Deng's other book "Everyday Tao". I'm sure it will be a worthy follow up... One thought that stood out -- was that this book was more straightforward (black and white) then others (especially in the area of right & wrong, and what to do as far as taking action). Everyone has common sense, some of us more than others, but when reading up on spiritual books - sometimes the meaning is hard to grasp 100%. After a few books on Taoism, Buddhism etc., I've had the impression that if something `bad' happens or you wind up in a sticky position - your feeling should be `oh that's the way it is and just go with it'. On the contrary, "365 Tao" clearly states you should have your defenses as well as other methods of handling certain matters. This book dives into greater detail concerning what to do when coming across specific situations like this. In the same token, it explains how you should become one with the Tao because actually -- you are Tao, you, me and everything else... If I must quote one precise page - it would be pp.125 - RESOLVE: "Make your stand today. On this spot. On this day. Make your actions count; do not falter in your determination to fulfill your destiny. Overcome your obstacles and realize what you envision. Each day your life grows shorter by 24 hours. The time to make achievements becomes more precious. Create the poetry of your life with toughness and determination". Words of poetry and wisdom - simply graceful.... Every page has something humble and beautiful to offer (some even better than others). I thought the book was fabulous and quite insightful at times. Furthermore, it will certainly stay close to the desktop, so that I can look at choice selections whenever the whim arises. Actually, I plan on reading this book again soon, only this time -- one page at a time, for morning contemplation!!!

If you like brief meditative readings that draw you back into them for deeper pondering, this book is for you.

An American Taoist, Chinese scholar and author recommended this book during a lecture I attended. I haven't been disappointed. It has been helping my western mind understand the ancient Taoist concepts of life--life is full of change, adversities and abounding in mysteries, in which we can choose to flow or resist. The writer manages to convey the ancient Taoist principles without the use of Chinese words that we find in other English translations of ancient teachings. Simply put, he cuts to the quick of our western minds and still imparts the exotic world of ancient Chinese philosophy. Some of us are self-cultivators. We like to learn about how to ride the waves of what unexpected life dishes out. Taoism is like that. It emphasizes self adjustment to life rather than attempting to rearrange it to suit our needs. This book may be a good start for inquiries into Taoism for those of us who want or need to inch our way into understanding a philosophy without the intellectual work that often comes with such an endeavor. Ming-Dao Deng neatly and succintly defines Taoist principles on every page, even narrowing them down to one word each: "Beginning", "Ending", "Emptiness", "Continuation", "Attachment", "Joy", and 359 more. Since the ancient Taoists saw the importance of immersing ourselves in all of nature, a daily reading guide, according to the hemisphere in which we live is included, allowing us to chose our readings according to the seasons. The guide is also a handy tool for reflections on topics that capture the need of the day-- say, "Perseverance". The meditations cover just about every aspect of life, drawing us up and out of this world and bringing us back down: "When walking, can you feel the rotation of heaven?" or " When you shop, are you aware of your needs?" Whatever manner you choose to use this book, you will learn about Taoism as well as be challenged to expand your self-knowledge.

A book to cherish every day

I started reading this book back in the late 90s when I was writing my own page-a-day book on money "The Wealthy Spirit". My agent had put me in touch with an editor from Harper who thought my book might fit in to a series of books that they published under "365". When he mentioned "365 Tao", I thought "I must get that book." Although my deal to publish with them didn't work out (I later found another publisher), I think this connection was all about my getting this wonderful book for myself. It is rich in spirit and meditations on life and I treasure the daily readings. I read it daily for several years, then loaned it to a friend, thinking of course I would get it back because it was all marked up. Time passed, I forgot who I had loaned it to, so just bought another copy. I am loving reading each page again daily. Thoughtful, beautifully written and engaging. Thank you!

Great way to start a morning!

I have been reading this devotion every morning for years. I started with the paperback until it fell apart so switched to the Kindle version. It provides a good beginning to the day with thought provoking insight to life.

A very good daily reading

I find the reading in this book to be very helpful - a good way to start the say. A word, a short poem, and a thought. The Tao is well served by this book.

The journey of humanity is the journey from ignorance to enlightenment!

From "365 Tao" by Deng Ming-Dao: Why do you scorn others? Can it be that you are that proud? No matter how accomplished you are, There are people ahead of you and behind you. All beings on the path, All victims of the same existence, All with body, mind, and spirit. No one is better than the next person. Help others for all the times that you have been ignored. Be kind to others, for all the times that you have been scorned. "The journey of humanity is the journey from ignorance to enlightenment. It's like an endless march of souls through eternity. If you are standing in an infinitely long line of souls, how can you say that your position is superior to others? When there is no head and no end to the line, it doesn't matter what place you hold. Therefore it is foolish to look down on those standing behind. They now occupy the place where you once stood. Instead of pride, you should feel compassion. If you cannot remember this, then just think of all the people ahead of you. You aspire to their place, and you should work diligently. There is injustice in this world, yes. But there is no need to add to it. When you see someone less fortunate than you, express compassion. When you see someone more advanced than you, try to learn from them. Any other feelings are superfluous." David Allan Reeves Author of "Running Away From Me"

A fantastic book for anyone interested in Taoism and meditation.

I have been into numerous Asian martial arts (Judo, Jujitsu, Karate-Do, and Kenjutsu) and healing arts (Tai Chi, Qigong and Reiki) for more than fifty years and I recently purchased this amazing 380 page soft book (365 Tao Dailey Meditations by Deng Ming-Da) for a bargain price on Amazon. This fantastic volume is organized so that you can meditate on some aspect of the Tao every day of the year. It covers an enormous amount of topics one can meditate on every day such as: the beginning, absolution, devotion, reflection, sound, work, optimism, disaster, healing, time, initiative, happiness, skills, laughter, adoration, adapting, walking, perseverance, knowledge, adversity, creativity, and numerous other Tao word meditations. If you are seeking a practical and interesting book on Taoism you should check out this wonderful book. Rating: 5 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Author: Chair/Seated Tai Chi, Qigong, and Yoga for Seniors and the physically challenged).


I've own several copies of this book through the years, always giving away my copy to another on their journeys. This is the first hardcover one I've had, and I know I'm keeping this one for myself. It's the perfect companion to the actual Tao Te Ching and will flesh out those teachings with practical stories and advice, designed for the hemisphere you live in.

Just OK

Book has extensive underlining, and I have never bought a used book before that had as many sticky notes, postcards, newspaper clippings and other trash between the pages as this one. Clean up the books before you sell them, Thriftbooks. Otherwise, it looks like you don't care.

From a Stoic Expanding His Horizons

I found myself seeking to better grasp the large foundation of wisdom available within Eastern philosophy, and this book was an incredible starting point to build a quantitative base of knowledge. There's such an incredible amount of practical knowledge that I'm fortunate to now have to my use to aid myself and others. I was skeptical at first, but I'm glad I didn't drop this book. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom.

Good book

Thumbs up wanted to learn about Taoism great book for that.

The finest book on Taoism since the Tao te Ching

I have had this book in my collection since it was first published. Well, not actually this particular book, pages and cover and all. Paper books come and go with changes in life -- new work, new homes, new responsibilities, new leisure, new joys and concerns -- but Ming-Dao Deng's calm but not dispassionate collection of observations is my staple. Its availability as an e-book only makes it better. The day-by-day format works perfectly on my smartphone. It somehow has a more lasting presence, not being dependent on the physical necessity of a paper page. I'm definitely pro-book, but some wisdoms, like this one, travel better (in my experience) than conventional books I like the relatively recent new cover, also. It well captures the sense of 365 Tao. My delight is complete -- and as a Taoist, I am fulfilled. My only question: what to do in a leap year? Does the Tao mysteriously grow another day? ;-)

A literary journey

As a reader I have been in a process of discovery, this literary work has added to my experience in a very positive way. I am neither scholar nor mystic but that is not an obstacle to gaining benefit from this book. I read as my intuition takes me, some meditation fit well to my time and space and I find that I read them again and sometimes again, other I mark for future review. In Tao, I find themes from other ancient texts resonating. Information from the Sumerian Tablets, principles from Heretic's teachings and Tao al fit together. This book is different from what I expected, however it met my needs in a different way. For readers like me it is worth the read, I will share it with others and re-read it in the future

Worthwhile, unobtrusive, and compelling

365 Tao: Daily Meditations has been a constant companion for me over the last 6 months or so. As suggested by the book, I read one short passage corresponding to the current day, every day, and try to keep it in mind. Sometimes I only think about it for a few minutes. Sometimes it sticks with me for hours. Every once in a while a particular thought will stay with me for weeks. That, in essence, captures the nature of this book: small vignettes of Taoist thought, presented not with forcefulness but with conviction, as an exercise for self-reflection. Whether you embrace Taoism, reject it, or are simply curious, the book presents for your perusal the author's own thoughts and meditations on broad-reaching, universal subject matters: getting through difficult times, appreciating what you have, balancing your day, living a better life -- but without annoying preachiness. I recommend buying this book and keeping it with you for the rest of your life. Certainly the last 6 months with it have been beneficial to me. Each morning, looking at the next passage is a joy, not a chore.

Simple but profound

Format is very cool. Day & words join in story

A Sacred Text for Our Times

In my opinion, this book, along with its counterpart

This book is truly incredible resource of wisdom. It ...

This book is truly incredible resource of wisdom. It is an extremely ambitious undertaking for anyone to augment in any way the timeless insights contained in the Tao Te Ching. Deng Ming-Dao succeeds in doing just that: not necessarily adding anything to the timeless wisdom of the old Sage, but offering in each days reading a new and deeply thoughtful perspective for viewing the universal principles that are the operation of Tao. This book is a worthy companion to my dozens of different translations of the Tao Te Ching, and priceless source of inspiration for anyone seeking to live life fully, even if you have never heard of Tao! Thank you Deng Ming-Dao! :)

Easily worth the money

Fantastic book. Each page is a daily meditation for the day; while everyone’s tastes are different, there are sure to be profound ideas that one can find in the various topics. It breaks down Taoist concepts into manageable and practical applications.

An important introduction to Taoism

Poetry with deep, spiritual interpretive readings. To be read very slowly, over and over, and digested like fine wine.

It puts the understanding and role of the Tao in daily lving

Absolutely the most inspiring and well written book about the Tao and daily living! Surpasses all of my expectations and it was so captivating to the point that I had to read the whole book over a two day period— I could not adapt to reading it in a daily order for 365 days. I’ve already started reading it again, this time with highlighter and a meditative mindset. I will purchase copies for family members this Christmas.

Best taoist/mindfulness book for everyone

I bought this book a couple of years ago and love it. The author has a calendar in back to match the readings to the date (for northern or southern hemispheres) in order to better match the reading to the time of year in the life cycle. You can also just pick readings from the the titles, for a specific stress with which you are currently coping (death, for example). It is more user friendly than the classic Tao translated texts, such as the Tao Te Ching. In short, it is great as a stand alone book for beginner or intermediate (and maybe even advanced, if you accept that the author may just be a contemporary Taoist master). Not available as an e-book, but I think that would be a wonderful format, as it should be part of a library you have with you.


Five stars, a page a day. Deep words written to reflect that which do think feel and even see. Tao way of life certainly, but also like the Bible, a persons way of expressing their life perspective. A book to be read on day basis.

My favorite book ever!

I purchased this book largely because of the reviews of other readers, and every day am so thankful that I did. Each meditation is so deep, encompassing so many layers, taking me on a journey into consciousness that is amazing! I re-read them and allow them to roll around in my mind through the day. What a glorious way to start my day. Thanks to all who have written the great reviews about the awesome book for inspiring me to buy it! I am looking forward to its daily inspiration in my life for many years to come.

Poetic and insightful

This is my go-to book for reading before meditation. I've owned it longer than I've been married (21 years), and I had to replace my copy a few years ago because the old one was falling apart from use. All of which is meant to say, I love this book! I can't imagine how Ming-Dao Deng managed to include so much poetry, inspiration and wisdom in one small volume. I recommend it highly. Even though I've been turning to this book for many years, I continue to find fresh and relevant insights.

Every day's commentary is right on target...it is inspiring and a great way to start the day

This man is a genius!!! How can such heart-warming and intelligent guidance come from one person. I treasure the book and am so glad it came to me! I am having a rough time right now due to the death of a close friend and this book has helped me be calm and move forward. Such good ideas to think about and savor thru out the day.

A Must Have For All Lovers of Taoism

Deng MingTao, the author of this book, is a legitimate Taoist, trained in the Taoist home of the Wu Dang Mountains of China. His ability to translate Taoism into everyday down to Earth concepts is remarkable. A must for those who enjoy and find value in the Taoist approach to Life.

I Let It Take a Year

I kept a notebook, understandings from the text, one day at a time. I plan to do it again, to continue, to get more and different things from its study. A worthy workbook.

Helpful thought on The Way

If you want to follow up your I Ching readings, this is the perfect book for it. I bought it for my computer and Kindle, and am not sorry. My purchase is fairly recent, but the Daily Meditations is a wonderful addition to any reading of the I Ching, and you don't have to cast any coins or yarrow stalks to approach it. The Tao te Ching presents meditations on many topics, and will give you something to think about as you go through its 365 chapters, one for each day of the year.

A few minutes of contemplation a day

1/2 to 1 page per day, keyed to the season. Great to expand thinking. I almost invariably start by asking what the writer meant and then how does that apply to me or to today in general. Sometimes a thought will stay with me for the whole day. Enlightenment?

Best Daily Meditation Book in My Collection

I own quite of few daily meditation books and this is by far my favorite. I loved studying the Tae Te Ching when in college many years ago. The author of this book, Ming-Dao Deng, has made the mediations based on the verses much more accessible to the Western mind. I find each page to contain profound wisdom and purchased a second copy for my young adult nephew who is always searching for truth.

Follow Tao each day. A true treasure.

Great book to follow Tao everyday. Helps to keep one centered. If everyone followed Tao everyday the world would be a much better place. Treat yourself.

Pure wisdom

I love everything by Deng Ming Dao - this and The Scholar Warrior are my particular favorites. Highly recommend this if you would like to broaden your perspective more in alignment with the Flow of Life.

Nice book ..

At first I wasn’t sure about this book but as time has gone by and I read it I have come to really enjoy it .


Really helps get through each day when you are trying to get to a zen level in life

A guide

Well written guide to assist anyone on their life’s journey. Day by day useful, insightful and encouraging information to inspire you as you start each new day.

A wonderful addition for my spirituality, attitude and education!

I use this book every day - I refer to it - I read it when I'm troubled - I read it when I'm grateful - I read it when I'm stressed - I read it when I'm happy - it never fails to make me feel better. This book is a great leveller. It puts things in perspective. It has so many points for consideration, meditation or conversation. I cannot say enough about this book - I'm so pleased I have it - it has become a part of my life!

Great philosophy

I read this book everyday to get my mind right.

A daily read into the Tao.

This book had some great ideas on applying the principles of The Way in daily life. Much food for thought.

Love this book!

This is a great book to read at any time of day. I personally enjoy reading in the morning when I wake up. It gets my day started off on the right foot! If you are looking to find more spirituality this is the book to read.

A wonderful, inspirational book for learning the way of Tao.

I had this book recommended to me, after I inquired about which book was best for learning the way of Tao. I, now, am highly recommending this book to you, and everyone I can! It's wonderful, and something that calms, teaches, and inspires me every day. I have to feel it's one of the best!

Thought provoking

As these are daily meditations, I read one passage each morning. It gave me a good way to start my day and kept some of the smaller challenges of daily life in perspective.

Reading a passage is a great way to start the day

I purchased the first edition years ago and bought the updated edition for my Kindle as well as another copy for a friend's birthday. Reading a passage is a great way to start the day.



Grounding, Lyrical, and Changes My Day

I bought this book in the middle of a crisis, needing to better apply Taoist principles to my daily life. I am continually surprised and thrilled at how freakin' USEFUL and clear this little book is. It has helped me be useful and centered. Don't miss its stupendous, concise introduction: "365 Tao encourages you to explore on your own. That's where true experience lies." "Tao fundamentally assumes that an inner cultivation of character can lead to an outer resonance." It truly is, as it claims, "a book written for people who are trying to live the Taoist life today."

Good Service

Very good service. Thank you.

It Is What It Is - Concise, Thoughtful and Inspiring.

It is appreciated for what it is - as it was meant to be. Easy to use, daily.

My absolute second favorite book

This book is most wonderful for people who are seeking a practical guide to enlightened living. If you have rejected religious dogma that threatens you with eternal hell, then you will enjoy these 365 short quotes from the ancient Tao te Ching and that are explained in modern terms. This book deserves to stand next to "Chop Wood, Carry Water" on my desk. A pair of books that will bring daily joy and understanding to your life.

This book is chocked so full of wisdom that it ...

This book is chocked so full of wisdom that it blows me away. The intent is to read one each morning and let it be in your head throughout the day, as you consider the deeper meanings. There's also an index in the back to lookup specific topics, and on which day each should be read (depending on northern or southern hemisphere). Clear advice for day-to-day life as well as spiritual development.

Great Reflections

If you're at all interested in the Tao then this is a must. The author takes a passage and then gives an interpretation. It really does give an interesting perspective every day. Unlike religions the Tao guides you to yourself and existing within the physical world around you. How every day occurances can be great teaching tools. Not a book that directs you to worship anything, but to try to understand as much as you can about life around you.

All thumbs up

Great meditations for each day of the year. Will collect more by this author.

highly recommend

I've used the printed copy of this book for a couple of decades, and decided to put a copy on my kindle for travel etc. If you have a philosophical bent, or want to delve into Taoist philosophy as a general study, this book is a great start. I use it to calm my mind, meditate on the vagaries of life and living, and to study. A daily meditation or pick up and open to a random page.

Good quality

This book came in excellent condition. The cover wasn’t the same but that does matter. I will have this book and refer to it for the rest of my life

I've carried this book with me in my travels for ...

I've carried this book with me in my travels for the last 25 years. I worn out three paperbacks before finally buying a Kindle and downloading an electronic version. It introduced me to many new concepts and confirmed a few of my own. I would have to place this book in the ten most influential books I've read over the course of my life.

Get it.

Wonderful daily read. Not religious. Just good reading

Portable Peace

I read that this book was a favorite of a favorite speaker. Happy I found it. Even happier to get it on Kindle so that it is easy to read every morning with my coffee. Like having these on my iPhone so that an attitude adjustment is a click away.

An amazing start to your morning!

Free your mind to reach your spirit and open your soul. Excellent book! This literature gives such a hopeful look on life’s adversities and how to move forward through them all to a serene state of peaceful reality. Thank Mr. Deng Ming.

I liked the simplicity of the book. It has something for every single part of your life. I have read many spiritual books in my life time, however none as crystal clear about just plain and simply being.

Find peace every day

Everyone can benefit from this book by taking two or three minutes each day to step away from the chaos of the world.

Valuable Inspiritation

Take 60 seconds or less to read and ponder each daily reading. If it doesn't fit today it may save tomorrow.

This book hands you something to focus on every day.

I have had this book for awhile. When I get distracted or life is weighing a little hard on the brain I go this this book, look up the correct date and there I find something to focus on when the negative thoughts are bringing me down. I worked well for me. I even created a Google Calendar that has all of the days in it so that it reminds me every morning and shows me the word for that day.

awesum - tho i wish u could acess a specific ...

awesum - tho i wish u could acess a specific "chapter/ aphorism :-( >>> Harmony and understanding Sympathy and trust abounding No more falsehoods or derisions Golden living dreams of visions Mystic crystal revalation And the mind's true liberation Aquarius! Aquarius!

I have used this book since 1992 and was thrilled ...

I have used this book since 1992 and was thrilled to find it still in print. Gave it as a gift to someone who has introduced it to many more.

Like it!

This book came recommended but, although I like it, I have found other medications books that create more of an impact on my day. That said, it's a beautiful book and I turn to it off and on for inspiration.


An amazing book that virtually anyone, regardless of your religious beliefs or background, can appreciate. A short passage for each day of the year allows readers to take a moment to meditate upon the reading for that specific day. This book has been nothing short of an asset to my life. BUY IT. READ IT. ABSORB IT.

I recommend this book who follows the Tao

Though it will take me 365 days to complete the book, each day’s essay is both brief and thought provoking. I recommend this book who follows the Tao.

Great part of your daily meditations

Gift for my girlfriend. She loves it! Went through it all already and excited to go around again. Some thoughts were spot on for that day to us. Some didn't resonant so much, but we will see what this year brings!

A great way to start each and every day ...

Every morning I start my day with three different readings, then a sitting/walking meditation. This was one of my daily reads during 2015, and I chose to keep it as a daily read again in 2016. The daily meditations are a great way to start each day.

Great for coffee tables, desks, shelves, cars, nightstands, or wherever

I love this book. Open it once a day (or whenever you need some positivity) and skip to a random page. Each page has a topic, so you can skim through and find one that applies to your particular situation at the moment. I can't recommend it enough, i buy one for anyone in need of advice or guidance on ANYTHING.

A great way to start the day!

After meditation and writing in my gratitude journal I read from 365 Tao. This little book has been my companion for about 10 years. I come back to it again and again.

Beautiful work...

This book shows the reader many aspects of Taoism teachings...Good for daily reflections or binge-reading.

I really enjoy this book and look forward to reading a page ...

I really enjoy this book and look forward to reading a page of it each day and like to think that it helps get me in a great mind set for that day!


This may very well be the best daily "devotional" I've ever owned.

Great way to star the day

This book is the perfect companion, along with the Lunar Tao by Ming-Dao Deng, for daily mantras and daily meditations. I start each day by reading from this book, one for every day of the year.

Meditation Book

Great read! Would recommend to those who live the Tao Daily

Wonderful for Daily Study and Reflection!

I found this book a wonderful read for my morning ritual of Study and Reflection before doing my Hatsu Rei discipline. It is something that I will definately pass down to my Daughter as she learns the tradition of Tao. I liked it a little bit better than the book 365 Zen because it was shorter and more to the point than 365 Zen. It is meant to give the mind something to Meditate and focus on and it does this for me. I Love it! Namaste'

Thoughtful daily meditations. My wife and I get something ...

Thoughtful daily meditations. My wife and I get something inspiration nearly every day. We're always tempted to read ahead, but it's more delightful to unwrap the new message by waiting for each day.

Namaste` Ming-Dao Deng.

A new view of the Tao and very wel interpreted. Daily readings are inspiring and give new insights into our world and the Tao.

Nice book, but not super thrilled about the "insight" offered

My favorite things about the Tao is that it's open to interpretation - you read the writings, and then it's the process of thinking through those words that lead you to new insights. In this book those insights (from another person's point of view) are explicitly written out. I found this much less enjoyable, and didn't make it too far before I got tired of the style. Other's may feel differently. The book itself is nicely formatted and easy to read.

Fantastic Daily Readings

Excellent and inspiring daily readings on Taoism.

Ancient Wisdom

Good preparation for daily mindfulness.

All I Need to Know

I love this book. I've had many copies, and I hate to miss a day. I now have it on my Kindle for when I travel. The wisdom is profound and available on so many levels. I've been reading this daily for nearly 30 years, and I find something new in each reading every day.

For Great Book, Buy Hardcopy, NOT Kindle Version

I have multiple copies of this book in print version, but Kindle version is very disappointing. The book requires you to cross reference the day of the year in the back with the specific meditation, which is numbered sequentially. With the book version, it's very easy--typically I even leave a paperclip marking the appendix at the back, look up number for today's date, then refer to it. Very difficult to do in Kindle version. And, sadly, author/publisher didn't link dates to pages which would have been the logical step to take. I LOVE this book--hard copy it gets a 5-Star, but Kindle version very poor.

This is not Taoism...

By reading the very first 3 pages I realized that this book is not based upon Taoism. One of the first things that jumped out to me was a mention that "if you pray enough to a rock that rock will come to life before you." Not sure what point the author was trying to make but it is not Taoism. Taoism is about being at one with yourself and the world around you, so that you can be at one with The Way. You shouldn't be whorshipping rocks or any other matireal things for that matter. The next page talks about keeping your body free of toxins so that you can conjure gods within you, and that when our bodies are clean we have the ability to conjure 36,000 gods within us. Once again, not sure what on earth the author is talking about but it is not Taoism. This book should of have been named 365 Ming-dao Deng: Daily Mediations, because it just seems like randomness of the authors fanciful opinion. It is not the Tao.

Change yourself

This is a thought provoking book, a life changing book. If you meditate, your process will deepen. If you don't, you will want to and should, to ponder the thoughts and messages so beautifully written.

Love this

Daily meditations are just the right length, and make Tao more accessible.

Pleased with purchase

This is exactly what i expected. I nice daily reminder of how I should set my mind.


Brings me peace. I have read it 6 years running and still find new gems in it's poetry. It is simple yet full of wisdom.

not the tao te ching

I was hoping for a daily reader based on the Tao Te Ching. This isn't it. Instead of listing entries by date, they're listed by a numbering system that can be rejiggered in the southern and northern hemispheres. Too complex for me.

Everyone Needs this Book

There is wisdom in every page of this book. It's good to read the daily meditation early (or later)to get you through your day. You will be enlightened without being preached to; encouraged and strengthened and have your awareness raised! I bought two copies as gifts for friends who "have everything". They loved this simple little book.

Truth is Truth no matter where it is Found! There is Truth here.

The wisdom of Tao (God) is evident in "The Tao". It is very worthy of reading daily as part of your meditation and preparation for the day. Enjoy and be Blessed.

A truly beautiful book

I cannot emphasize enough the beauty of this book. You could live a fulfilling and complete life if you could truly live by the ideas put forward in this book. Each meditation is short, succinct and resonates so deeply with me that it improves the quality in my day immediately.

Excellent..a book for the mind..

365 Tao is a small book that holds a wealth of wisdom without the "new-agey" feel some might expect. From the first meditation titled "Beginning" to the last titled "Continuation", each turn of the page is a joy. Commentary by Deng Mind-Dao is thought provoking and enlightening. A nice feature included is the appendix, showing which meditation to read on each day. Great idea for people who didn't start on the 1st of the year. It's also further divided into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The perfect companion to start each day.

Saved my sanity in time of need

True enlightenment. Wish I would have read this in my 20,s.

A really great read that gives you a lot to think about

One page for each meditation. A really great read that gives you a lot to think about. One of my favorite books that I have time to read in the morning before taking off on my day.

Amazing book

This book is so amazing and teaches much insight. 100% recommendation to all

I would recommend this daily meditation

Been reading for a few days and I like it you might also seek and ye shall find. Good luck

This is what I've been looking for all these years

In following Tao for a large part of my life, I always felt that I was missing out on a lot, since there always seemed to be something lost in translation in Taoist texts. Thanks to master Ming-Dao, everything is much clearer now. I look forward to each day's lesson and can already feel a positive impact in my life!

Thought provoking

I find reading a page a day very good for stimulation of thought.

ebook handy

I have been very pleased to have an electronic copy of my paperback as it is very portable and reduces wear and tear on my dogeared hardcopy when I am travelling. Simple to use, especially if you use every day.

Greatest daily guide I have ever known

Wisdom that has guided me through my life for the past 5 years. Greatest daily guide I have ever known. Beyond words.

Excellent meditation book

I've owned my share of meditation books, and this is by far the best. It is a great book for experienced Taoists and those who have just made the foray into the philosophy. I light some candles and read it every morning and it starts my day out on the right track. Highly recommended.

A gem of a book.

Everyday something to meditate on, to incorporate into your life. Written with sensitivity and relevance to modern daily living.

not what I expected

As another review said, I also do not feel some of the messages are very close to traditional Taoism. I was hoping for something that would give me a concept to meditate on each day. I wanted to read a passage in the morning that brought up something thought provoking that I could mull on over the day. I only read 5 days (one passage a day) and just felt like it wasn't what I expected. Maybe if I had given it more time? But life is too short to force through something you are not enjoying. All I am saying was it wasn't right for me. For you, it may be a different story. I highly recommend the Tao of Pooh. I felt like that DID frequently give me ideas to meditate on (but not in a one-a-day type format of course).

A Treasure

I love love love this book! Thought provoking and full of sage advice. I bought one for my son and a friend. Highly recommended as a reference book for life!

Inspiring maybe...but not Tao

I expected daily meditations to reference some of the Tao verses, which this does not. In fact, some of the "meditations" are contrary to the Tao. I stopped reading on page 141 "Whether we emerge beautiful or ugly is our sole responsibility." This idea is contrary to the 2nd Verse of the Tao which explains apparent duality vs paradoxical unity. Beautiful and ugly exist because of each other. In addition, the preceding daily readings of this book fell flat for me. Maybe inspirational to some, but not a Taoist. My book will be donated to the local library.

a real good daily reading to think about

a real good daily reading to think about, meditate about, or just start my day. wisdom is always worth pursuing, and here is a way to begin.

A perfect daily reflection book

This is an awesome daily reflection and spiritual anchor. Useful practical thoughts for daily centering

Simple, honest guide to understanding and handling daily life through the Tao

365 Tao: Daily Meditations is a wonderful. Frank, honest, and gentle - an easy to understand explanation of Tao and its applications to daily life in its myriad forms.

Love this book

I've been reading and re-reading it for years, always discovering something new, or experiencing new meaning to how the words of wisdom apply to my life. It's such a special inspiration every morning of life, reading the segment for that day.

Priceless insight

This has helped us every day bring a little clarity to our lives. Recommended

Great daily read

This is a great daily read.

Great for anyone who isn't necessarily religious.

I love these short readings to start my day. I'm not religious but this gives me a bit of spirituality in my life. Great teachings to incorporate and follow in your every day life


I am a Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung pratictioner, and Deng Ming Dao has become my special daily Teacher in Tao way of living. I believe meditation can help us in exploring on our own, and "365 Tao" is the guide anyone could use , in case you are willing to start a new path.

A great daily tone setter

Perfect book for the soul. Ive had it for some time and it refreshes my soul

I read tomorrow's mediation when I go to bed so ...

I read tomorrow's mediation when I go to bed so I can see how it'll fit in my day

A Morning Guide to the inner self

Rarely does a morning go by that I miss my Tao reading. My wife and I share the same feelings, that this is one one of the best daily reflections we read. I personally have been reading 365 Tao Daily Meditations for fourteen years. Thank you

Still Watercourse Runs Deep

Amazing. Almost every day I find something real and simply profound here. I plan to keep using it with morning pages and before bed for this year and the next two. (Started with the early April of '14.)

very inspiring

A powerful way to begin each day is to read one meditation and think on it throughout the day. The author understands Tao and you can be sure what you are reading is the real thing.

Excellent Resource

This book is a most excellent place to begin understanding. It is so practical and enlightening. Good for the beginner, as well as those further along on their path. It takes so many concepts and simplifies them in such a profound way. Wonderful for daily devotion.

This is the way to start a good day

A most beautiful book of words to soak your heart in every morning.

Great way to start my day

Ming-Dao Deng's elegant and pithy writing is just the thing to start my daily meditation. His ability to bring the timeless lessons of the Tao into the modern day give a fullness and meaning to the text I have never experienced before.

Used last year and loved it!

Have used this for last year and love it. Wonderful thoughtful mediations.

Four Stars

Not a translation

Five Stars

Amazing book! I love it. Very inspiring and helpful for anyone wanting to live a spiritual life.

Four Stars

It provide well-thought short ideas with narration.

Very deep

While this isn't exacly a "Taoism for beginners" book there is indeed some great wisdom. Many pages I have to read over and over again to get everything I can possibly get out of them. If I knew the depths this would go I would have started with a translated version of the Tao Te Ching

Good Stuff

Gift for the sister. She was lost in her thoughts and didn't know where to look. this book gave her some insight maybe not to point her to direct Taoism, but to show her different ways of looking at the world in a Taoist perspective.

My third copy

I just love this book. I have purchased 3 additional copies for friends and they too are delighted with it. It gives you a daily reading to meditate upon which is very soothing to the soul. It is a sheer delight to read. I also use these readings in my Tai Chi classes. Truly love this book.

One of my favorite books

I lost this gem of a book back in the 90s but recently bought it again on Kindle. A true epic masterpiece of a book :) must have

A must-buy!

I've only read the first 49 so far (about 1/7th the total) and I'm blown away. My original thought was to read one at a time, reflect on it and then move on. I do that but all are so good I keep reading. The format makes it easy to read a little here and there and each page is both accessible and profound. Just buy it.

Taking Life: One Day At A Time

A great book raising issues and offering options for one's consideration for each day. No matter how many times/ cycles one read's this book, as our lives change so do our interpretations of the readings- It is truly "...all about the journey."

Love the simplicity

A terrific daily experience.

Five Stars

Recommend it highly. My daughter loves it and asked me to buy another book by the same author.

Brings me into a centered place

Each page is its own meditation, its own piece of wisdom. I write myself two affirmations per page, a very helpful practice. I want to find other books by Deng -- this one is very good.

A comfort

I have had the hardback copy for decades. It's nice to have it on my Fire since I've almost worn out the paper copy. This book is a daily joy to read as I start my day.

good book and Seller

A+++++ Perfect product; great shipping; great cust. srvc. I highly recommend this Seller; will use again!

Four Stars

I really like this book!

Four Stars

Replacement copy for one I have had for many years.

Five Stars

Beautifully written - principles to live by. I will enjoy it for many years.

Five Stars

One of my favorite books - use it almost daily - this copy was a gift.

Deeper Spirituality

My husband and I grow our spirituality with daily readings. 365 Tao has lifted us to a new level.


Wherever you are in your walk with TAO this book will meet you there and carry you to the next level and the next level. When I read a passage and mediate, my day flows like water.

Great Book

This book is really good. I read it along with the Bible. It is a book of wisdom from the Eastern point of view which is not unlike the western Bible. Both are true and good.

This is not TAO

There are 365 days but most are not referencing the Tao. I just assumed with 1k ratings it was good. I feel like I was misled on what this daily meditation was. I have no idea where the verses are coming from. Buyer beware.

Received on time. I needed this book for a ...

Received on time. I needed this book for a book club, I'm in. Thanks so much.

Wonderful Book

This is an amazing little book that will help keep life in perspective on a daily basis. Regardless of your religion, the one-page messages are timeless, thoughtful and practical, and are particularly useful in view of the constant flow of informational garbage that bombards our daily lives.

A lot of wonderful wisdom and beautiful writing

Really enjoying reading from this book each day. A lot of wonderful wisdom and beautiful writing.

Daily living the great mystery

This is a great daily reminder of the lessons of the Tao. I believe the teachings will have greater impact if you have study the 81 verses of the Tao. I start my day with these readings, contemplate the message as I stare onto nature and the wonders that the moment holds.

Wonderful way to start the day!

I saw this book at a friend's house, borrowed it, had to have my own copy. I read it first thing in the morning right after I read Mark Nepo's Book of Awakening daily meditation.

Very Insightful

This book is very insightful. I read 1 passage a day as many times as possible for the full year. I will be rereading this.

This book is a keeper!

Wonderful book to keep by your bedside! Daily readings are a must for anyone who is interested in the TAO.

but love the wisdom that exudes from these pages

I'm a committed Christian, but love the wisdom that exudes from these pages.

Brings a calm spot

This is a very useful book for meditation and for contemplation. Read one meditation a day, or go at what is comfortable, but no matter how fast or slow, it help focus and still your mind.

TAO day by day

This is a ver good guide that gives anyone interested in the TAO a simple easy to understand daily process to integrate the TAO into your daily life.

Great book, helps keep me anchored each day.

I love this book, the daily poem or meditation and corresponding explanation always seem to be spot on for what I need each day. I read these in the morning before heading to work.

Five Stars

I have read this book many times and I love it

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