The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set Books # 1 - 6: Paranormal Fantasy Young Adult/New Adult Romance

Kindle Edition
18 Nov
W.J. May
The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set - Books #1-6 by USA Today WJ May
Book 1 - Rae of Hope
How hard do you have to shake the family tree to find the truth about the past?
Fifteen year-old Rae Kerrigan never really knew her family's history. Her mother & father died when she was young; it is only when she accepts a scholarship to the prestigious Guilder Boarding School in England that a mysterious family secret is revealed. Will the sins of the father be the sins of the daughter? As Rae struggles with new friends, a new school and a star-struck forbidden love, she must also face the ultimate challenge: receive a tattoo on her sixteenth birthday with specific powers that may bind her to an unspeakable darkness. It's up to Rae to undo the dark evil in her family's past and have a ray of hope for her future.
Book 2 - Dark Nebula
Nothing is as it seems anymore.
Leery from the horrifying incident at the end of her first year at Guilder Boarding School, Rae Kerrigan is determined to learn more about her new tattoo. Her expectations are high, an easy senior year and a happy reunion with Devon, the boy she’s not supposed to date. All hopes of happiness turn into shattered dreams the moment she steps back on campus. Lies and secrets are everywhere, and a betrayal cuts Rae deeply. Among her conflicts and enemies, it appears as if her father is reaching out from beyond the grave to ruin her life. With no one to trust, Rae doesn’t know where or who to turn to for help. Has her destiny been written? Or will she become the one thing she hates the most—her father’s prodigy.
Book 3 - House of Cards
Rae Kerrigan is three months away from graduating from Guilder Boarding school. She is now moonlighting as an operative for the Privy Council, a black ops division for British Intelligence. She’s given a mentor, Jennifer, who fights like a demon –fast, tough, and incredibly strong-willed. Rae finds a strange maternal bond with her. At the same time, she finds a new friend when Devon disappoints her once again. Childhood memories surface and evoke hidden secrets she is determined to solve. When the Privy Council ask for her help, she finds a friend, and a link, to the Xavier Knights – another agency similar to the Privy Council. Through the mystery and secrets, she begins to question what the PC represents and where she stands.
Book 4 - Royal Tea
The Queen of England has requested the help of the Privy Council. Someone is trying to kill her son’s fiancé. The HRH Prince plans to marry a commoner, and his bride has a secret no one knows but the Privy Council. She has a tatù. When the Privy Council turns to Rae for help, she can’t possibly say no; not even when they make Devon her partner for this assignment. They are to pose as a couple and work undercover, as bodyguards, to protect the soon to be Princess of Wales. Rae would rather be anywhere but with Devon, especially since she believes her mother to be alive, despite the Privy Council’s assurances to the contrary. The question is, how can Rae find proof of life for her mother, come to terms with her feelings for Devon, and manage to save the Princess, all while dressed for tea? When the enigma, the secrets and the skeletons in the closet begin to be exposed, can Rae handle the truth?
Book 5 - Under Fire
Rae Kerrigan is determined to find her mother. No amount of convincing from Devon, or the Privy Council, is going to make her believe her mother is not alive, and Rae will stop at nothing to find her. Torn between friendship and loyalty, Rae must also choose between Luke and Devon. She can’t continue to deny, or fool herself, any longer. The heart wants what the heart wants.
Book 6 - End in Sight
When life couldn't get anymore confusing, fate steps in and throws a curveball.

Reviews (192)

Too stupid to finish

Rae loves to snort, chew her lip, bounce her heel, and lust after Devon. Her inner monologue rivals Anna's in 50 Shades. (Horribly dripping with stupidity) Their "forbidden love" is predictable and corny. Rae's friends are annoying, the professors incompetent. I made it through 35% of this FREE series, asking myself a thousand times why I kept reading this drivel. Answer: because it was free. But many other books are free or nearly free, and some actually have characters you won't want to shake, spank, or strangle. Don't know how old these 5 star reviewers are, but I'd guess around 12. Do yourself a favor and skip this horribly edited, badly spelled, poorly developed garbage. There went several hours I'll never get back!

Downward Spiral

This series started off great and I was really enjoying it. I found book one to be so interesting and exciting in its premise that I just couldn't wait to get through it. The only disappointment were a few sub-plots that seemed to come out of nowhere and go nowhere, but didn't really detract from the story. Book one ended well enough but it's been a high-speed downward spiral from there. All told, I only made it through the first three. The second two got progressively worse in terms of the plot (banal), the grammar (poor) and the extent of the typographical errors. At times it felt like the author didn't even care enough to put any effort into the writing. For example, all of the following - quoted precisely from the book - appeared on a single page in Book 3: " the small little piece of wood that so intricately fit into the carvings..." "Rae opened her eyes, [note: we weren't previously alerted she'd been walking with her eyes closed] a carving of a man with a raised axe inches from her face. The rapid beating of her heart distracted any other noise she might hear, like the noises she actually needed to be listing for." And on another page soon after: "Madame Elpis stood by the door looking down her long noise at Rae". Add to all that a growing number of inconsistencies in the story and the author's apparent inability to keep the British and American details straight (e.g: a British character refers to a "parking lot" instead of a car park), etc., and it all just became too distracting to be enjoyable. I'm still curious about how things turn out for the heroine and where she goes next, but reading this series has turned into a chore, and it feels like I have to work too hard to make sense of the writing with no guarantee of a commensurate reward.


When I read, I’m mostly too immersed in the story to notice technical aspects of book writing. This one was the exception, as I repeatedly found myself thinking “I never read a series more in need of an editor’s touch!”. The author keeps losing track of her own plot, repeatedly contradicting the details/events/developments mentioned as recently as 10 pages previously. This makes both the author and the main character look bad, seeing as characters have eye-opening revelations one page only to forget all about it...again, and again,and again. Makes them look like particularly manic squirrels chasing their tails, except the tails are long in their mouth and the squirrels are apparently too dumb to even realise that. Also, some serious proofreading is needed to eliminate phrases that sound the same but mean absurdly different things (“fowl play” anyone? True story)- again, this occurs so often in the book that the distraction of figuring out what the author meant makes difficult to stay focused on the story (simple as it is). Cliffhangers in every book of the series are simply not enough of a “hook” to make me continue. I can’t think of any reader group, no matter how young, whom I could recommend this series to.

Inconsistent, needs an editor

So glad I got this for free. From the very first I'm not a fan of the H. She is annoying, and I can't stand her inner dialogue. The descriptions the author gives are terrible and boring, to the point that part way through the first book I petty much started skimming everything until a character started talking. Even with this the mistakes are abundant. I'm pretty much out of books to read at the moment so I kept going even though this is poorly written. By the third book , I'm not sure if a different writer took over or if the author took a long break, but all of a sudden the characters can't seem to remember what happens from one page to the next. At one point Rae has a key she found, then has to go find it again. I was really confused thinking she had found a second key or something. I tried starting the fourth book and it's even worse. Since this is all books together and you can just go to the next one it's even more glaringly obvious that the author can't keep her own story straight. After like the 5th change of story, where characters dont remember what happened a day ago I was done, and this is with mainly skimming mind you. Pretty sure if I was reading it all I would have quit much sooner. As I said at the beginning, so glad it was free.

The Dark Lord? I just call him dad....

An interesting reversal of the tried old child of destiny trope. This series is a bit like if we had gotten the Harry Potter story from the PoV of Drako instead of the "good guys". Our main heroine, having been shipped to a new "special" school discovers around her 16th birthday that she has hidden magical powers about to surface, and that magic actually exist in the first place (great family upbringing right there 10/10 on the parenting rating scale). There is only one little problem, she is basically the heir to the local equivalent of Lord Voldemort - her dead dad, she has barely known. So on top of dealing with the "magic actually exist" worldview earthquake she needs to deal with most adults and some students treating her like a time bomb just waiting to become the new dark lady who will totally conquer the world. Without spoiling the plot, the further books in the series maintain an overt light YA tone with teenage crashes and impulsiveness matching the characters' ages but have some pretty dark subplots surfacing as the story progresses that really add flavor to the main narrative arc. The series is definitely worth checking out, especially in a 6 for 1 bundle


This series started out okay, but the characters get boring and predictable. The author will reveal something and then it will get revealed again later like it never happened. At one point she finds a key and then later she doesn't have the key, she searches and finds a key somewhere else. The plot jumps around and doesn't make sense. I stopped part way through book three.

GREAT storyline, TONS of mistakes

I really enjoyed this series, but all the MISTAKES! Throughout the entire series (books 1-12) there were constant mistakes of names randomly changing, car model changes from book to book, etc. There was even an entire part that was just straight copied from the previous book, but with little changes. It's like the author forgot what she had written. Other than all the random mistakes, this series was fast paced and kept you locked in. Each book's ending was pretty much a cliff-hanger so it made you want to pick up the next book right away.

Great Series

1 Rae of Hope: 5 stars Like the main character in many stories, Rae is ignorant of her heritage due to being orphaned at an early age. She doesn't let that define her. She strives to be a good person and to do her best in every activity. Especially when life throws hardballs at her. Overall a delightfully unpredictable story (at least for many of the major points). 2 Dark Nebula: 5 stars Rae Kerrigan continues her quest to be herself: not her father reincarnate as other members of the cast regularly question her. Trust becomes harder for her. She seems a bit dense about some things and people but that's part of her charm. There are a few predictable elements but for the most part unexpected issues popped up frequently. Overall, excellent. 3 House of Cards: 5 stars Delightful continuation of the series. Rae faces plenty of issues and action as she moves through the morass that is Guilder, the Privy Council, and the tatù world. I look forward to what is to come in the following stories. 4 Royal Tea: 4 stars Plenty of tension but it is not overly drawn out. Plenty of action as well. The primary relationships continue to be in turmoil. What kept me from giving this 5 stars has to do with the murky nature of the ending of the mission. It simply was unsatisfying to me. 5 Under Fire: 4 stars Interesting read. The first encounter between Luke and Devon almost caused me to stop. Fortunately, a wise woman name Wanita convinced me to continue. Beyond that, there were a few predictable points. Nonetheless, the story unfolded in a delightful manner. I hope that you enjoy it at least as much as I did. 6 End In Sight: 5 stars Very good wrap up of Rae's time at Guilder. However, to me, the ending was unexpectedly disheartening. Action-packed. Easy-to-read. Entertaining. Great world building. Haunting. Informative. Inspirational. Romantic. Scary. Tear-jerker. Tragic. Twisted. Unpredictable. Wonderful characters.


After reading book one, thoughts of the story wouldn't fade. I kept wondering what happened next so bought the series. I was not disappointed. May has found the fine line between successful cliffhanger and money grabbing irritation. Each book told a complete story while building on the previous tale that ended leaving you anxious for the next one. Well done. When chances to splurge on myself arise these have jumped high on my wish list. Hopefully I'll get the chance to buy another boxed set for the next parts of the series.

Fun and totally entertaining!

I had the ebook and I also listened to some on Audible. Love that the Boxset had the first 6 books of this series. There is a total of 12 in this series and then 6 or so more with a spin-off series; which is really still this series because it’s the same main character, so there’s 12 more books to read to get the full story. Then more spin-off books with some other characters too. The narrator was good; her accent was a little weird at times, but overall she did a great job. I enjoyed the listen. It was nice having the ebook too though. Overall, the series was entertaining and fun! Love all the powers the characters have! Some really cool tatùs (magical tattoos); healing, fire, electricity, super speed, plus so many more! Loved all of that! There’s also a super sweet romance! This is mostly YA, but there are some light adult elements in these first 6 books. I read all 6 books in a row, and I didn’t get sick of the story, so that a major plus. The story doesn’t start out very original, but it has enough unique elements throughout the series to make the book its own story. It can get a little repetitive and there were times the characters should’ve know something they found out in a previous book, but didn’t. Still overall, lots of interesting ideas going on. I’ll do a brief review of each of the books. There will probably be spoilers in some of the reviews for the previous books in the series. Book 1 - Rae of Hope This one starts out with 15 year old Rae finding out she’s supposed to get a tatú that will give her a magic power when she turns 16. Her parents are dead and she’s been living with her uncle and aunt, but since her 16th birthday is coming soon, she is sent to a special school with other people like her. Rae is dealing with learning about this whole new world and it doesn’t help that her dad wasn’t exactly a nice guy, so she’s treated poorly by some. She does meet some friends though, and has a sexy mentor in Devon. Unfortunately, he’s not single and 2 tatús can’t be together anyway. This one is very YA. Book 2 - Dark Nebula Devon and Rae are in a forbidden secret relationship; you know that will cause problems, because 2 tatús can’t be together. There’s not really a good reason why it’s frowned upon; it’s just because the council is stuck in their old ways and close minded. Devon happens to work for the council, so Rae and Him are separated more than together in this book. Devon is keeping secrets, which puts a damper on their relationship; he’s too much of a rule follower. The romance is so sweet. Rae is learning more about her tatú and about her parent’s past. After being betrayed in the last book, Rae is finding it difficult to trust. I love how Rae is generally a mature person, and she kicks butt with her cool powers! I love how she can mimic all these different powers! Too awesome! Book 3 - House of Cards Rae joins the council in this one and is trying to still finish school. She’s having a tough time after her half brother tried to kill her; plus, there’s more and more secrets coming out about her parents. Devon is not a cool guy in this one; he’s not there for Rae when she needs him most. Rae is training with the council and goes on some fun missions. Enjoy that action! It’s cool to learn about all the different powers out there and how Rae uses them to her advantage. She’s growing and becoming more of her own person. Book 4 - Royal Tea Rae and Devon are tasked by the council to work together on a mission. It’ll be difficult for Rae since she’s still heartbroken over Devon breaking up with her. He was a total butt in the last book, but there’s still a connection there. Love the missions! This one deals with some royals, so it was lots of fun seeing Rae and Devon in that type of glam world. Lots of action and entertainment! Rae is also looking into more information about what happened with her mom. There’s a possibility she may still be alive, so Rae has her friend Luke help her out with research; Devon isn’t happy. A do think the characters needed to use a bit more common sense in this one, but still a totally entertaining story. The romance is once again super sweet and I love the depth of connection involved. Heart touching. Book 5 - Under Fire Rae is on a quest to find out more about her mom, but in the last book, Luke was attacked before he could tell Rae anything. Rae is in for some major surprises in this book; surprises that don’t help her trust issues. Devon is totally adorable in this one and I love how he’s finally putting Rae first in his life. It’s nice to see their romance progress to the next step. By this point, I think Rae is 19ish and it’s been years, so it’s about time. Molly has really grown on me and I’m loving her in this one. Still tons of adventure and fun in this one! Book 6 - End in Sight Rae is dealing with her mom being alive, graduation, and her forbidden relationship with Devon. Plus, there’s someone that has been behind all the bad things that have happened to Rae and her family, so Rae and her friends are trying to solve the mystery. Lots of fun and intrigue! Devon is a sweetheart in this one, and it’s great to see Rae and Him grow even closer. Rae is still kicking butt with her powers and it’s great to see her maturing. Still lots of entertaining action! I really do want to continue this series, but with so many books left and about $3.99 a pop for each one, I’m going to have to hope another Boxset comes out with the rest of the books.

Too stupid to finish

Rae loves to snort, chew her lip, bounce her heel, and lust after Devon. Her inner monologue rivals Anna's in 50 Shades. (Horribly dripping with stupidity) Their "forbidden love" is predictable and corny. Rae's friends are annoying, the professors incompetent. I made it through 35% of this FREE series, asking myself a thousand times why I kept reading this drivel. Answer: because it was free. But many other books are free or nearly free, and some actually have characters you won't want to shake, spank, or strangle. Don't know how old these 5 star reviewers are, but I'd guess around 12. Do yourself a favor and skip this horribly edited, badly spelled, poorly developed garbage. There went several hours I'll never get back!

Downward Spiral

This series started off great and I was really enjoying it. I found book one to be so interesting and exciting in its premise that I just couldn't wait to get through it. The only disappointment were a few sub-plots that seemed to come out of nowhere and go nowhere, but didn't really detract from the story. Book one ended well enough but it's been a high-speed downward spiral from there. All told, I only made it through the first three. The second two got progressively worse in terms of the plot (banal), the grammar (poor) and the extent of the typographical errors. At times it felt like the author didn't even care enough to put any effort into the writing. For example, all of the following - quoted precisely from the book - appeared on a single page in Book 3: " the small little piece of wood that so intricately fit into the carvings..." "Rae opened her eyes, [note: we weren't previously alerted she'd been walking with her eyes closed] a carving of a man with a raised axe inches from her face. The rapid beating of her heart distracted any other noise she might hear, like the noises she actually needed to be listing for." And on another page soon after: "Madame Elpis stood by the door looking down her long noise at Rae". Add to all that a growing number of inconsistencies in the story and the author's apparent inability to keep the British and American details straight (e.g: a British character refers to a "parking lot" instead of a car park), etc., and it all just became too distracting to be enjoyable. I'm still curious about how things turn out for the heroine and where she goes next, but reading this series has turned into a chore, and it feels like I have to work too hard to make sense of the writing with no guarantee of a commensurate reward.


When I read, I’m mostly too immersed in the story to notice technical aspects of book writing. This one was the exception, as I repeatedly found myself thinking “I never read a series more in need of an editor’s touch!”. The author keeps losing track of her own plot, repeatedly contradicting the details/events/developments mentioned as recently as 10 pages previously. This makes both the author and the main character look bad, seeing as characters have eye-opening revelations one page only to forget all about it...again, and again,and again. Makes them look like particularly manic squirrels chasing their tails, except the tails are long in their mouth and the squirrels are apparently too dumb to even realise that. Also, some serious proofreading is needed to eliminate phrases that sound the same but mean absurdly different things (“fowl play” anyone? True story)- again, this occurs so often in the book that the distraction of figuring out what the author meant makes difficult to stay focused on the story (simple as it is). Cliffhangers in every book of the series are simply not enough of a “hook” to make me continue. I can’t think of any reader group, no matter how young, whom I could recommend this series to.

Inconsistent, needs an editor

So glad I got this for free. From the very first I'm not a fan of the H. She is annoying, and I can't stand her inner dialogue. The descriptions the author gives are terrible and boring, to the point that part way through the first book I petty much started skimming everything until a character started talking. Even with this the mistakes are abundant. I'm pretty much out of books to read at the moment so I kept going even though this is poorly written. By the third book , I'm not sure if a different writer took over or if the author took a long break, but all of a sudden the characters can't seem to remember what happens from one page to the next. At one point Rae has a key she found, then has to go find it again. I was really confused thinking she had found a second key or something. I tried starting the fourth book and it's even worse. Since this is all books together and you can just go to the next one it's even more glaringly obvious that the author can't keep her own story straight. After like the 5th change of story, where characters dont remember what happened a day ago I was done, and this is with mainly skimming mind you. Pretty sure if I was reading it all I would have quit much sooner. As I said at the beginning, so glad it was free.

The Dark Lord? I just call him dad....

An interesting reversal of the tried old child of destiny trope. This series is a bit like if we had gotten the Harry Potter story from the PoV of Drako instead of the "good guys". Our main heroine, having been shipped to a new "special" school discovers around her 16th birthday that she has hidden magical powers about to surface, and that magic actually exist in the first place (great family upbringing right there 10/10 on the parenting rating scale). There is only one little problem, she is basically the heir to the local equivalent of Lord Voldemort - her dead dad, she has barely known. So on top of dealing with the "magic actually exist" worldview earthquake she needs to deal with most adults and some students treating her like a time bomb just waiting to become the new dark lady who will totally conquer the world. Without spoiling the plot, the further books in the series maintain an overt light YA tone with teenage crashes and impulsiveness matching the characters' ages but have some pretty dark subplots surfacing as the story progresses that really add flavor to the main narrative arc. The series is definitely worth checking out, especially in a 6 for 1 bundle


This series started out okay, but the characters get boring and predictable. The author will reveal something and then it will get revealed again later like it never happened. At one point she finds a key and then later she doesn't have the key, she searches and finds a key somewhere else. The plot jumps around and doesn't make sense. I stopped part way through book three.

GREAT storyline, TONS of mistakes

I really enjoyed this series, but all the MISTAKES! Throughout the entire series (books 1-12) there were constant mistakes of names randomly changing, car model changes from book to book, etc. There was even an entire part that was just straight copied from the previous book, but with little changes. It's like the author forgot what she had written. Other than all the random mistakes, this series was fast paced and kept you locked in. Each book's ending was pretty much a cliff-hanger so it made you want to pick up the next book right away.

Great Series

1 Rae of Hope: 5 stars Like the main character in many stories, Rae is ignorant of her heritage due to being orphaned at an early age. She doesn't let that define her. She strives to be a good person and to do her best in every activity. Especially when life throws hardballs at her. Overall a delightfully unpredictable story (at least for many of the major points). 2 Dark Nebula: 5 stars Rae Kerrigan continues her quest to be herself: not her father reincarnate as other members of the cast regularly question her. Trust becomes harder for her. She seems a bit dense about some things and people but that's part of her charm. There are a few predictable elements but for the most part unexpected issues popped up frequently. Overall, excellent. 3 House of Cards: 5 stars Delightful continuation of the series. Rae faces plenty of issues and action as she moves through the morass that is Guilder, the Privy Council, and the tatù world. I look forward to what is to come in the following stories. 4 Royal Tea: 4 stars Plenty of tension but it is not overly drawn out. Plenty of action as well. The primary relationships continue to be in turmoil. What kept me from giving this 5 stars has to do with the murky nature of the ending of the mission. It simply was unsatisfying to me. 5 Under Fire: 4 stars Interesting read. The first encounter between Luke and Devon almost caused me to stop. Fortunately, a wise woman name Wanita convinced me to continue. Beyond that, there were a few predictable points. Nonetheless, the story unfolded in a delightful manner. I hope that you enjoy it at least as much as I did. 6 End In Sight: 5 stars Very good wrap up of Rae's time at Guilder. However, to me, the ending was unexpectedly disheartening. Action-packed. Easy-to-read. Entertaining. Great world building. Haunting. Informative. Inspirational. Romantic. Scary. Tear-jerker. Tragic. Twisted. Unpredictable. Wonderful characters.


After reading book one, thoughts of the story wouldn't fade. I kept wondering what happened next so bought the series. I was not disappointed. May has found the fine line between successful cliffhanger and money grabbing irritation. Each book told a complete story while building on the previous tale that ended leaving you anxious for the next one. Well done. When chances to splurge on myself arise these have jumped high on my wish list. Hopefully I'll get the chance to buy another boxed set for the next parts of the series.

Fun and totally entertaining!

I had the ebook and I also listened to some on Audible. Love that the Boxset had the first 6 books of this series. There is a total of 12 in this series and then 6 or so more with a spin-off series; which is really still this series because it’s the same main character, so there’s 12 more books to read to get the full story. Then more spin-off books with some other characters too. The narrator was good; her accent was a little weird at times, but overall she did a great job. I enjoyed the listen. It was nice having the ebook too though. Overall, the series was entertaining and fun! Love all the powers the characters have! Some really cool tatùs (magical tattoos); healing, fire, electricity, super speed, plus so many more! Loved all of that! There’s also a super sweet romance! This is mostly YA, but there are some light adult elements in these first 6 books. I read all 6 books in a row, and I didn’t get sick of the story, so that a major plus. The story doesn’t start out very original, but it has enough unique elements throughout the series to make the book its own story. It can get a little repetitive and there were times the characters should’ve know something they found out in a previous book, but didn’t. Still overall, lots of interesting ideas going on. I’ll do a brief review of each of the books. There will probably be spoilers in some of the reviews for the previous books in the series. Book 1 - Rae of Hope This one starts out with 15 year old Rae finding out she’s supposed to get a tatú that will give her a magic power when she turns 16. Her parents are dead and she’s been living with her uncle and aunt, but since her 16th birthday is coming soon, she is sent to a special school with other people like her. Rae is dealing with learning about this whole new world and it doesn’t help that her dad wasn’t exactly a nice guy, so she’s treated poorly by some. She does meet some friends though, and has a sexy mentor in Devon. Unfortunately, he’s not single and 2 tatús can’t be together anyway. This one is very YA. Book 2 - Dark Nebula Devon and Rae are in a forbidden secret relationship; you know that will cause problems, because 2 tatús can’t be together. There’s not really a good reason why it’s frowned upon; it’s just because the council is stuck in their old ways and close minded. Devon happens to work for the council, so Rae and Him are separated more than together in this book. Devon is keeping secrets, which puts a damper on their relationship; he’s too much of a rule follower. The romance is so sweet. Rae is learning more about her tatú and about her parent’s past. After being betrayed in the last book, Rae is finding it difficult to trust. I love how Rae is generally a mature person, and she kicks butt with her cool powers! I love how she can mimic all these different powers! Too awesome! Book 3 - House of Cards Rae joins the council in this one and is trying to still finish school. She’s having a tough time after her half brother tried to kill her; plus, there’s more and more secrets coming out about her parents. Devon is not a cool guy in this one; he’s not there for Rae when she needs him most. Rae is training with the council and goes on some fun missions. Enjoy that action! It’s cool to learn about all the different powers out there and how Rae uses them to her advantage. She’s growing and becoming more of her own person. Book 4 - Royal Tea Rae and Devon are tasked by the council to work together on a mission. It’ll be difficult for Rae since she’s still heartbroken over Devon breaking up with her. He was a total butt in the last book, but there’s still a connection there. Love the missions! This one deals with some royals, so it was lots of fun seeing Rae and Devon in that type of glam world. Lots of action and entertainment! Rae is also looking into more information about what happened with her mom. There’s a possibility she may still be alive, so Rae has her friend Luke help her out with research; Devon isn’t happy. A do think the characters needed to use a bit more common sense in this one, but still a totally entertaining story. The romance is once again super sweet and I love the depth of connection involved. Heart touching. Book 5 - Under Fire Rae is on a quest to find out more about her mom, but in the last book, Luke was attacked before he could tell Rae anything. Rae is in for some major surprises in this book; surprises that don’t help her trust issues. Devon is totally adorable in this one and I love how he’s finally putting Rae first in his life. It’s nice to see their romance progress to the next step. By this point, I think Rae is 19ish and it’s been years, so it’s about time. Molly has really grown on me and I’m loving her in this one. Still tons of adventure and fun in this one! Book 6 - End in Sight Rae is dealing with her mom being alive, graduation, and her forbidden relationship with Devon. Plus, there’s someone that has been behind all the bad things that have happened to Rae and her family, so Rae and her friends are trying to solve the mystery. Lots of fun and intrigue! Devon is a sweetheart in this one, and it’s great to see Rae and Him grow even closer. Rae is still kicking butt with her powers and it’s great to see her maturing. Still lots of entertaining action! I really do want to continue this series, but with so many books left and about $3.99 a pop for each one, I’m going to have to hope another Boxset comes out with the rest of the books.

Harriet Potter!

Rae of Hope The following ratings are out of 5: Narration: 🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧 Romance: ❤️ Heat/Steam: N/A Story/Plot: 📙📕📗📘📔 World building: 🌎🌏🌍🌎🌍 Character development: 🧑🏻🎤👨🏻🎤🦸🏻🦸🏼♂🦹🏻♀ The heroine: Rae Kerrigan - Rae gets a surprise scholarship to a private boarding school in England called Guilder. Rae doesn’t realize until she arrives that the school is for special students with superpowers. On their birthday at age 16, a Tatù (like a tattoo) appears which marks them as having inherited the gift from one of their parents. The Tatù is a representation of the gift/ability they have gotten. Rae turns 16 in November, so has a bit to wait. The Hero(es): Devon - He has a fox Tatù which comes with abilities like super speed and extra strength. He has a girlfriend named Beth that goes to a school close by. He is tasked with tutoring Rae since most kids start at the school three years prior to getting their Tatù and Rae just began with no knowledge of their world. The Story: Rae lost her parents at a young age and grew up with her uncle Argyle. His sister (Rae’s mother) got the Tatù in their family instead of Argyle and he never told her anything about her parents or their world. So when Rae came to Guilder, she knew nothing of the abilities or the Tatùs. Rae finds out the rest of the student body seem to know more about her family than she did. It seems that marriages between two gifted people were forbidden and her father was not a good person (he is the Voldemort of this story). Some of the faculty and students expect Rae to be a chip off the old block apparently. The narration was pretty great. The story is all told in Rae’s POV so there was just one narrator, Sarah Anne Masse, and she was perfect for this book. She did different voices for all the characters and there are quite a few. Many have English and Scottish accents so it is pretty cool that she can do them all so well. I have seen some reviews that hit on the fact that it is similar to Harry Potter, and others that say it is similar to Twilight because the Hero saves the heroine from a falling object similar to how Edward saves Bella from the careening van in that book/movie. Though I don’t really see the comparison there. I do see it as a similar genre or trope as Harry Potter, not really a rip off of it. I think you could take any romance and call it a rip off of another more popular book due to them being in the same trope but to me that is all it is. I like the trope of supernatural beings at a boarding school. X-men is similar in that way as well, but you would never call X-men or Harry Potter rip offs of each other because they are both uber popular. Spoiler alert: the reviews for each subsequent book may have spoilers for the prior book. You should be able to read each review prior to each book, but if you read any of the reviews below you might find out more than you want Second year at Guilder boarding school! Dark Nebula The following ratings are out of 5: Narration: 🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧 Romance: ❤️💛💚💙 Heat/Steam: N/A Story/Plot: 📙📕📗📘📔 World building: 🌎🌏🌍🌎🌍 Character development: 🧑🏻🎤👨🏻🎤🦸🏻🦸🏼♂🦹🏻♀ The heroine: Rae Kerrigan - she returns to school for her final year with a greater knowledge of her Tatù gift. Similar to her father’s gift, she is able to use the gifts of other Tatù’s after touching them. However, hers is even better than his was. The Hero(es): Devon - he and Rae are now dating (in secret) since it is forbidden between Tatù people. Devon is now working for the Privy Council to try to find pieces of the brainwashing device that her father and his followers tried to use on her at the end of last year. Supporting characters: Julian - Friend to both Devon and Rae. Julian has the gift of future visions. He works with Devon for the Privy Council. Kraigan - New student. He was found by headmaster Carter in an orphanage after getting a Tatù. He has dark curly hair and looks somewhat familiar to Rae. It is unclear what his Tatù actually does. Molly - Rae’s roommate last year. Her Tatù is electricity. She loves to shop and got a new boyfriend over the summer. There was a lot of action in this book and a different villain than in the last book. Though the biggest thing is the way Rae doesn’t know who she can trust. It seems almost everyone she knows might have some reason to deceive her or at the very least is keeping something secret or has ulterior motives. The story was better than in the first book and a bit more involved. The narration was every bit as good as the first book. The only voice I don’t like is that of Julian. It seems so slow, though it must be be hard to create different voices for all the different characters in this book. Becoming a secret squirrel! House of Cards The following ratings are out of 5: Narration: 🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧 Romance: ❤️💛💚💙 Heat/Steam: N/A Story/Plot: 📙📕📗📘📔 World building: 🌎🌏🌍🌎🌍 Character development: 🧑🏻🎤👨🏻🎤🦸🏻🦸🏼♂🦹🏻♀ The heroine: Rae Kerrigan - Rae becomes an agent for the Privy Council. She trains with a woman who knew her mother. The Hero(es): Devon - Works for the Privy Council still. Devon has always been a rule follower and puts the Privy Council ahead of everything, even Rae. He often does things or keeps things from Rae. Luke - New guy that Rae meets. He doesn’t have a Tatù. The Story: Rae seems a bit odd to me. For someone who has been attacked and betrayed as much as her, she has always seemed a bit to laissez faire about the fact that she wasn’t sure whether or not she could trust Devon. I kept thinking she was Scarlett O’Hara “I'll think about that tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day”, every time she wondered if she could trust him, but decided to not think about it now. I liked this book. There have been times that I have liked Devon and times that I have thought he was not good enough for Rae. This book solidifies that fact. I don’t know who the Hero is. I like the fact that in this series, it is always up in the air whether someone is a good guy or a bad guy. This book opens up the fact that what you think is bad might not be all bad and what you think is good may not be all good. Princess Protection! Royal Tea The following ratings are out of 5: Narration: 🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧 Romance: ❤️💛 Heat/Steam: N/A Story/Plot: 📙📕📗📘📔 World building: 🌎🌏🌍🌎🌍 Character development: 🧑🏻🎤👨🏻🎤🦸🏻🦸🏼♂🦹🏻♀ The heroine: Rae Kerrigan - Now working for the Privy Council, Rae is partnered with Devon to protect the Crown Prince’s Fiancé who has a Tatù. A Group is determined to make sure that a Tatù person doesn’t get on the Thrown of England. The Hero(es): Devon - he and Rae are no longer dating but have to go undercover as a couple in order to protect the future princess. Luke the new guy that Rae met. He works for the Xaviar Knights, a company that was originally started by her father and is dedicated to bringing Tatù people into the 21st century. (The Privy Council thinks they are a villainous organization). Supporting characters: Maria - Rae’s friend who has the Tatù that she can send her thoughts to others. Rae and her can talk in their minds since Rae can mimic the Tatù and do the same. Prince Phillip - Prince of Wales Sarah - The future Princess of Wales. She has a Tatù that allows her to understand all languages. Molly - Rae’s former. Her Tatù is electricity. She loves to shop acts as the stylist for Rae and Devon while they go to the parties and luncheons with the Prince and his fiancé. Curtis - works with Maria on the communications piece of the job they are doing for the Royalty. I liked the story in this book and as usual, the narration was perfect. However, sometimes I think Rae is an idiot. There is a plot to kidnap or kill the future princess because she has a Tatù. Rae works for the Privy Council as an agent, but for someone who never trusted anyone in previous books, in this book she trusts all kinds of things that are obviously shady and doesn’t figure out the real enemies until they basically hit her over the head. I like the story and the characters, I just wish Rae would have at least wondered about certain shady situations instead of just going for the simplest explanation of why these things happened. Rae has been such a strong character in previous books, but Revelations and Barbecues! Under Fire The following ratings are out of 5: Narration: 🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧 Romance: ❤️💛💜💙 Heat/Steam: N/A Story/Plot: 📙📕📗📘📔 World building: 🌎🌏🌍🌎🌍 Character development: 🧑🏻🎤👨🏻🎤🦸🏻🦸🏼♂🦹🏻♀ The heroine: Rae Kerrigan - has a Tatù that gives her the ability to mimic the Tatù’s of people she has touched at some point. She recently figured out that she also has her mother’s Tatù, which is that of fire and to not be burned by fire she creates. The Hero(es): Devon - he confessed his Love for Rae at the end of the last book. Luke - Worked for the Xaviar Knights and found a box that Rae thinks can be opened by the Key she was directed to by clues her mother left her. Supporting characters: Bethany - Rae’s mother who may or may not be dead. Carter - President of the Privy Council who was in love with Rae’s mother. Jennifer - Rae’s mentor from the Privy Council and former best friend and Privy Council partner to her mother. Julian - Friend to both Devon and Rae. Julian has the gift of future visions. He is the one person Rae has always trusted. Molly - Rae’s former. Her Tatù is electricity. She loves to shop acts as the stylist for Rae and Devon while they go to the parties and luncheons with the Prince and his fiancé. The Story: Rae thinks her mother may still be alive and is determined to find out more information. Though, nobody in the Privy Council believes her. Supposedly her mother died in the fire she started when Rae was six years old. She set the fire in order to kill her husband Simon Kerrigan who was crazy and determined to rule the world. However, now that Rae has her mother’s power, she knows that she can start a fire and not get burned by the flames so she assumes her mother could not have died in the fire she started. She thinks the burned female body was Kraigan’s mother and not hers, since Kraigan mentioned his mother had disappeared around that time. This book had the best story so far. I don’t want to give anything away, but so much happened in this one and so many things were revealed. Graduation! End in Sight The following ratings are out of 5: Narration: 🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧 Romance: ❤️💜💙💛 Heat/Steam: N/A Story/Plot: 📙📕📗📘 World building: 🌎🌏🌍🌎 Character development: 🧑🏻🎤👨🏻🎤🦸🏻🦸🏼♂🦹🏻♀ The heroine: Rae Kerrigan - Found out that someone new wants her dead. She and her friends now mentor new students at Guilder Boarding School. The Hero(es): Devon - Rae’s partner at the Privy Council and in life. He and Rae have confessed their love for each other and want to be together. Supporting characters: Kraigan - Rae’s half-brother by her father. Kraigan has a Tatù like hers but it can steal the ability of whomever he touches, until he touches another person. When going against Rae, he can steal the ability she is using at the time, until he touches her again. Doing this over and over he can steal all of the abilities she has. He also might have an ability similar to his mothers, but Rae doesn’t yet know what that is. Rae has gone up against Kraigan twice and he supposedly left the country after the last time. Julian - Friend to both Devon and Rae. Julian has the gift of future visions. He is the one person Rae has always trusted. He is having trouble with his visions. Molly - Rae’s former. Her Tatù is electricity. She loves to shop acts as the stylist for Rae and Devon while they go to the parties and luncheons with the Prince and his fiancé. Cromfield - lived over 500 years ago and had a Tatù similar to Julian’s where he could see and draw the future. The Story: Rae, Molly and some of their friends have finals to deal with and graduation from Gilder around the corner. Though many of them work for the Privy Council, they are still required to finish school and graduate. Though they are still working on finding out who is the person behind the murder of her father and Kraigan’s mother, they have to put things aside to take finals and graduate. The story isn’t as strong as the previous books but it ends in quite a surprise. Overall for the series, I am giving this a 4.3. Narration on the series is definitely a 5, but I want a bit more romance.

Adequate but Needs Extensive Editing

I really hate it when authors don’t make sure their books are correctly edited. What would be excellent books are ruined when the grammar ranges into the atrocious range. “Too” is not interchangeable with “to”. “Past” cannot be used in place of “passed”. I highly recommend the use of a dictionary. Maps are another useful tool for authors. Serbia, unlike Siberia, is NOT a particularly cold country. The two are not interchangeable. I also had a lot of trouble with the inconsistency of placement and distance of Guilder in relation to London. It seemed to shift to fit the story, instead of the author adapting the story to fit the location already given. The issue of continuity was pervasive, with time and locations in particular shifting both within a book, and from one book to the next. These books have a lot of promise. The characters are overall interesting, and the issues they deal with are relatable. It saddens me that the author didn’t choose to go with a top notch editor to catch and correct the errors and tighten the prose. While they aren’t a bad read I certainly would not pay to buy them.

Nothing like i have ever read....

The chronicles of Kerrigan is a very well written story with so many twist and turns that you will be sitting on pins and needles as you stay away each night to try and finish a chapter then end up finishing that book before you realize it is 2 or 3 in the morning. W.J. May has a different approach of grabbing her readers and keeping them wanting more. I am very pleased with my very first series I have started for this amazing author. As soon as I finish this full series I'm going to check out some of her other work. This is a story about getting powers when you turn 16. The main character of the story has a very rough time when she reaches the special school that others like her attend. She has some really close friends and some people she should have never trusted but once she figured that out she gets even stronger. If you get a chance he sure to check out this amazing series but W.J. May for yourself. You won't be disappointed if you do.

Great storytelling

Ok, these books are fantastic! They grab you and each one ends leaving you hanging and desperate to find out what happens next. One of the negatives is the way each books comes to an end... there is no end. She did not write them to be separate books but one very large book. At the end of each book something important is going on and just suddenly in the middle of the action the book ends... no closure, no wrap up My second negative is the grammer/editing. There are so, so many misspelled words, misplaced words, phrases repeated, wrong words used, and more. To the point that it is sometimes difficult to decipher what the author was actually trying to say. With all that being said, i think the storyline was amazing! I truly cant wait to find out what happens next.

Not bad, and not a cliff hanger

I read the set of 1-6 and found that, like others, there are a number of errors that even I picked up on. The ending kind of leaves you hanging knowing what their next adventure will be but it's not really what I'd call a cliff hanger. This set was a freebie and while I wouldn't mind reading more, I'm not likely to fork out money to do so. Also it seems like the main character can do almost anything by the end of the series and yet at times forgets she has the ability she needs and calls on a friend to help with the task. I think it would have been better if the main character was more limited, as it is she winds up accumulating more and more power to where she can do almost anything.

Too many inconsistencies

I will admit I am enjoying the storyline in the plot for this book/series. But as the series continues it becomes more and more frustrating that the author seems to forget what the characters already know. I’m currently on the fourth book and even within that same book the inconsistencies are mind-boggling. For ex. When Rae and Devon are 1st told their assignment was to protect the princess to be they were told she was like them... with a tatu. The very next morning that info is announced and everyone seems surprised. Far too many of these inconsistencies. I’m gonna continue because I’m curious to see what happens but it is getting frustrating.

Captures the Imagination

I'm so glad to have this 6 books-in-one so I could keep on reading - I just wish there was another multi-book offering with all the rest of the books in this series. I was reading some of the comments about this book and didn't see the problems mentioned so possibly it had been edited - maybe the odd typo but nothing drastic. I've been fully immersed in this story, it captured my imagination from the beginning. Sure there was some teenage angst and some annoying habits but that is realistic too...she was a teenager. Fantastic story that I can see being made into a popular movie franchise. Now I need to round up the rest of the books in this series and keep reading, it has me hooked.

Keeps Your Interest

I really enjoyed reading these books. I thought it was clever of May to have Rae lose some of her powers, so she has to think of different ways to solve problems. I would not, however, recommend this series to my children or grandchildren. I was disturbed with the blatant materialism, fashions designed to call attention to oneself, immodest dress, sex before marriage, and the mindset that talents are either there or not. You can't work hard to develop a skill that you do not suddenly have on your 16th birthday. The books are well written; I just don't agree with the messages they teach.

The Chronicles of Kerrigan 1-6

Books 1-6 begins the Kerrigan Series and takes you on a terrific paranormal journey. Rae and her friends attend a private school where nothing is as it seems. At the age of 16, each student receives a special tatoo that allows them to have a special talent. Along with regular school work, they learn their history and develop their talent. A well-written series with characters you fall in love with. A bond that's tested time and time again. A great series.

3 stars

This being the first time I've read any of this author's works, I had no preconceived idea what to expect from either the author or the storyline itself. Sometimes that's good, and sometimes that's bad. Looking at something with a fresh pair of eyes definitely can go either way. In this case, although I did enjoy this YA story, I would ask the author to please, please, please either get a Beta group or a new editor. Throughout the entire book set I felt more like a beta reader marking corrections the author could make than a reader trying to enjoy a new work of art. I don't want to be a discouragement and for that will give the book 3 stars for the storyline itself.

Action-filled, romantic and compelling

This series brings a fresh new perspective to the notion of paranormal powers. The story is introduced as the heroine and protagonist of the piece, Rae Kerrigan, is entering a very special school for the first time. As the saga progresses, we move with Rae through the trials and challenges of being a unique kind of human being, and all the experiences that status brings. She ultimately finds her place at Guilder School, comes into her own power and falls in love. Her path to get there is daunting but compelling. I do recommend this book series.

simply captivating

WJ May is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors, hands down. I found this chronicles of Kerrigan box set extremely hard to put down. Rae is a spitfire and Devon is a perfect knot of mystery to untangle. I love reading their back-and-forth tragically forbidden love story. I would read anything from WJ May and the other books in the series are totally on my reading list. If you are looking for a new read, I suggest this box set.

Quite entertaining read .......

For me these books were quite an entertaining read, I had to make myself take a break wheneverI had something to do and was anxious to get back to it as soon as possible. I did notice a few typos and a few times the flow of the story had a minor hiccup but for the most part provided the escapism I was looking for and I thank the author for that and would definitely recommend it.

Very intense series.

This series has so many twists and turns in it and makes for great reading! There are a few errors in it in regards to things previously mentioned being changed in the following books such as Second car was first mentioned as a Viper and later mentioned as a mustang and Mr. Wardell being the dean and later mentioned as the headmaster just to name a few but all in all a great series worth reading definitely!!!


Not your typical fantasy/ love story. Twists and turns pull you into the story until you feel like an unseen force watching as the lives of the characters unfold. Although, I figured out the biggest surprises, I was still enthralled with the discovery and resolution of each. It builds steadily. There is satisfaction at the close of each book, but an overall desire to read more. Kudos. Many sleepless nights with the thought, ... just one more page."

Oh my miss may!

You’ve created a world to get lost within, if only 7-12 were box set 2... I’ve already got the first 6 in a box set... I prefer it that way. It’s easier to go back and clarify details when you don’t have to open and close several rather than just scrolling to the area you need. In book 6 we finally see the real stirrings of emotional and mental maturity and healing from all they have been through only to find another truly odd twist for the younger miss Kerrigan. I can’t wait to start the next set.

Harry Potter for Americans

After grabbing this free box set I got so caught up in the story that I had to have all the other books. Yes, it's clear that this was written by an American and the occasional Americanism would come out of a British character's mouth, but that is the only fault I can find. I was whisked away to a world of super powers and the responsibility that accompanies them. Adventures abound, and the characters are really well developed. I say invest in this world, you won't regret it.

Chronicles of Kerrigan Box set

This set holds your attention from beginning to end. Wonderful to have a box set it reads as a novel. You need to keep turning pages to see what happens next. The tattoo pronounced tatoo ta and too as in shoe. Each youngster is marked on their 16th birthday. Everyone's tatoo has different powers. Sometimes there is an unusual one with double powers Rae the heroine of the chronicles has a double tatoo. She makes friends with 3 others and together they fight mysterious events you can't wait to see what happens next.

Great read

Only problem that I have is that information gets messed up example are Jennifer saying that Rae's mom had straight hair another chapter where she finally meets her mother again Rae's mom has curly chapter says that she reads in the journal that both her grandparents on her dads side have tattoos the next book acts like she doesn't even know that until then when counsel president says it but then a few chapters later it says she remembers it from the journal... Even with the little errors it is a awesome story

If you like the Harry Potter books try this series.

I feel guilty, I got this great series for free via a special offer. If you like the Harry Potter books you have a good chance of liking these books as well. It's a favorite choice of mine on my Kindle. In terms of expressing the thoughts and emotions of the main character, this book is well written. You can really get into the heart of the main character. This is the author's strongest, most effective skill. Love this series.

The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set Books # 1-6: Paranormal Fantasy

Wow! I don’t think there are enough right words to describe what a truly wonderful story this is. I became part of the book! I felt like these things were actually happening right along with me. The characters became my friends. I rejoiced with their happiness and cried with their sorrows. This series is definitely a keeper and one I will be reading over again through the coming years. Reading this series is a must! And you can take that to the bank!

Loved them

I was really hooked on this series. Each book followed the last as do all books in a series. So anyone buying one after the first might be lost. Each time something was left hanging it was picked up by the previous. BUT, after finishing the last one, I found that there might be yet ANOTHER book or series being added. They all will keep the reader waiting for the next. Loved them all.

This series NEEDS to be made into film!

I couldn't stop reading! Every free minute of time from the first page to the last was spent folowing Rae's story. It's even better than the Harry Potter series. Yes, I actually DID write that. This was a-friggin-mazing and I'm buying the last set of books because I HAVE to know how it all ends. Thank you so much for writing this series!

A Fight For Good

I loved this series, each book could very well had stood along. The endings were complete, but somehow have you wanting more. Wonderful storyline the characters are great and very well defined. The plot runs smoothly and the timeline is with out reproach. I absolutely loved this series. If you are looking for a story of love, romance, family drama, hidden secrets, exciting battles and just a great story this is for you. If you only want to read one of the books and that's it, go for it, you Will still fall for the story.

Love it...mostly

I absolutely loved the concept. What a fantastic idea! Rae,Molly,Devin,all the rest of their friends are a great group. They compliment each other so well. However, the massive amount of inconsistencies is really frustrating. The first book is fine. The second is mostly OK. Starting in the third book they are constant. Things such as on one page she shakes someone's hand but on the next page she's wishing she could touch them. Also things like when she finds out something then later finds out again and is surprised all over again. There are so many that I almost stopped reading. That's pretty bad since I really liked the story. I'd recommend this series, but if you're detail oriented like I am, be warned.

Good Story

I love this series! The story line instantly pulled me in and I couldn't put it down. I love the take on supernatural powers. The author did a good job with building new world inside of our own. It makes me wish that I would have gotten a cool tattoo when I turned 16. Even though there's a lot to love about this series there are a few things that can do with some improvement. There are blatant mistakes in the editiing. I am surprised they were missed before this book was published. There are also a few small inconsistencies throughout the story line. I love this series so much though that I am willing to overlook these minor details. It was a great read and i highly recommend it!

Good read

A fairly good story that will have you waiting for the next. A few problems with the story cohesion were noticeable dealing with Rea’s mother at the school and her half-brother’s abilities were noticeable. Several really good plot twists with good guys being bad guys and bad guys being good guys and things took an interesting turn dealing with Rae’s mother. Over all, I’d recommend this story.

A magical story about a teanage girl

The Chronicles of Kerrigan is an interesting magical story about a high school girl at a magic school that is more Twilight than Harry Potter, even if there aren't any vampires or werewolves in the mix. The story is a great choice as a YA read, but unfortunately there are some inconsistencies in the books. If you are an Audible fan, you can get the collection there, and the narrator does a pretty good job (I actually listened to all of these books).

Great series!

This series follows the trials of a teenage girl coming into her own. Add supernatural powers, an unknown enemy, forbidden romance, and non stop action - I could not put the books down! Great character development, and real depth to the story - can't wait to read the rest of the series. Books are appropriate for the teenage audience, nothing explicit depicted.

The chronicles of Kerrigan 1-6

This set of ,The Chronicles of Kerrigan, books 1-6 was outstanding. I so enjoyed reading all the excitement and what was going to happen next.

Can't wait to read the rest

This series was a surprisingly awesome. I read the first book thinking who cares if it's good... it's free. And thus began my relationship with Rae and her friends. I could not put down my kindle app... I had to finish. Now I see there is even more books in the series!!! I'm so excited!


This group of books are SUPER Amazing! I loved how they all meshed together creating THE BEST theme! Hope it will be made into a movie, it has All the elements you want, Intrique, Surprise, Suspense, Romance, Action, Daring, You name it! I'll be there front and center! Why given the 5 Star rating, a 'Must Read', for most ages!

A great series

This was a fun new take on the paranormal genre. Students at a boarding school in England develop tatus that give them powers. Some of the students go on to work for a secret force. The main character Rae begins the series not even knowing about tatus but by the end she has mastered her gift. Lots of action to keep the reader interested.

Compelling but sloppy

The characters were entertaining, even if some of them were tropes. The various storylines were creative and had unexpected twists (as well as a few expected ones). Unfortunately, there were continuity errors, language errors, and random other bits of sloppiness that detracted from the experience.

Nice light fare

This is a nice series for younger people. I wasn't all that interested. If I was a member of the group that it is geared to, I would have found it excellent!

Great characters

Different supernatural powers. Awesome story. Finished the entire first set and decided to reread they were so entertaining. Some errors in proofreading but even worse is the description of characters that change. Ex: Rae is tall, Rae is petite. Or Carter’s name is Andrew til book 6 then his name is James. Just to name two.

This is a continuation of Rae's story. W. ...

This is a continuation of Rae's story. W. J. May tends to get her readers hooked on serials and by repacking the same freebies under different names. Since I'd already read the first two books as freebies, I deducted a ratings point. Still, these are entertaining stories.

Loved it!

I started this boxed set and read all 6 books in two days. I couldn’t put the books down until I read them all! I loved the characters and their magical abilities that came out on their 16th Birthdays. I hope there are more books because I’m not ready to give them up yet.

Fun fun fun.

Great series overall. I did get very confused after finishing this box set. The remainder of the series, Devon’s dad is named Tristan not Randolph. Also had to re-read some sentences as the punctuation was off. Fun stories that make you get sucked in as well as fun characters.

I got these on a free day.

Figured they'd be just alright. Surprised me and kept me reading for three days straight. I really don't know how to review a book, so I'm just going to say that I liked it and am searching for the other books in the series...


W.J. May is an amazing story teller. Action and adventure and romance-each page has a new twist you won't see coming. This story will pull you into the life of Rae Kerrigan; a very thrilling roller coaster ride!

Fun reading

I have enjoyed the series very much. It's an entertaining fantasy series that is fast paced and full of surprises. The characters and situations aren't believable but the stories are a fun escape from reality.

Not happy

I order the audio with this book. But every time i try to listen to it. it keeps going back to chapter 7. I've tried everything. But nothing will work. I ordered AUDIO so i could listen to the book on my trip this weekend. Chapter 7 didn't even cover the first day. Really not happy I gave it one star because i had to. zero stars from me

Incredibly fun

This series will have you up reading way too late into the night. It has everything: unique abilities, friends, enemies, combat, romance, royalty and a couple of competing spy networks. The characters are engaging, the plots twisty, and the writing is on point.

Four and a half stars

Really if five stars is perfect score these first six books come close. Great new magical system with twists that are hard, though probably not all impossible to predict. I figured out several, but not too far ahead of the protagonists. I had a hard time putting them down and “binge read” the last three or four.

Slow start but worth the read

I downloaded theses as freebie. Book one is was slow starting, but built up the characters nicely. After a few chapters, it finally started to roll. From then on it just gets better. I will most likely puchase the rest so I can finish the story.

Invigorating read

This series has been great so far. I just wish it wasn't so long. I feel like the story should have come to its conclusion already.

Terrific read.

I liked the series so well that I have purchased another book in the series. W. J. May does a terrific job of getting the story across. I will continue to read the W. J. May books for as long as I can. Thank You.

Amazing set of books

W J May's Chronis of Kerrigan is a real page turner from start to finish. New abilities around every corner,.constant betrayals, love, and friendships make the characters come to life and have you hanging on every word on every page.

A very unique take on tatus (tattoos)

This series has definitely gotten better and better as you read each new adventure of Rae Kerrigan. The final book in this compliation ended on an epic cliff-hanger so now I've got to read the rest of the series. A new immortal vs a centuries old one, good vs simply cannot stop halfway if you're a fan of this genre. I definitely recommend it!

Not for Me

Actually I couldn't get through the first book of the chronicles and thus it has lingered on the electronic shelf. Maybe someday when there is nothing else to read I will force myself to go back and try it again. Probably not but there is the vaguest of chances.


Was a really good story but wth is it with all the winking? Never in my life have I ever seen people wink a 1/4 as much as this story. Other than that it was great wink wink🤮

Full of surprises!

It leaves you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next. The tatu's are interesting in what they can do and where they go with them. It add another dimension to the story. It is hard to stop reading when you want to figure out what is going to happen next. You will want to continue on after you are done with the 6th book.

Not too bad

Ok so many have given this a bad review. And yes some of the things they say are true. I say this is like a Harry Potter version of abilities and not magic with some small twists. Yes there is a lot of facts repeated but if you have the patience to look past that the story is pretty decent I was hooked but at times I did scroll past some sections I felt just bored me. I say it’s a young adult book so it’s a bit cheesy and childish but not bad worth giving a try.

A Pleasure

I've read the first six books and I must say that this story reminded me of the cartoon, Scooby Doo. The kids running around and trying to save the world. Nothing that put me off but nothing to write home about. Good reading.

great reading

i absolutely loved these books, they have everything you need in a fantastic paranormal book, adventure, mayhem. romance and of course what story is complete without the evil entities in the stories, i particularly love the fact that there are erotic scenes in the books so far, i am no prude, if there is something new i will read what its all about, but it is generally all the same........that said if you looking for laughs and tears and heart racing adventure, these are the books for you

Great read

This is a awesome series!! I love every bit of it. A rollercoaster of emotions!!! These books are funny sad and everything else mixed in! A must read!!

Great Box Set

The Chronicles of Kerrigan Box Set Books 1-6 was a great read by W.J. May. This box set consisted of Rae of Hope, Dark Nebula, House of Cards, Royal Tea, Under Fire and End in Sight. I loved reading about Rae Kerrigan and where her life takes her. I can’t wait to read more of this great series.


I have to be honest I went in expecting to get bored.....and was pleasantly surprised by the action to start the book off right. I tend to do more romance books but this book kept me coming back!! Highly recommend this series!!

Best read of the year for me

Loved this series, love the characters, the magical ideas, and the fact that the story progresses. Some shock twists made it hard to put my Kindle down!

Thoroughly enjoyed!

I was a little skeptical about this book series at first but I have come to love it. Action, drama (even if it’s high school), espionage, and little bit of romance. I love that fact that the author thought of an awesome way to twist tattoos into super powers! That I think is a really creative twist. That concept makes me start wondering about other cool tattoos I see and what super powers people would have. :)

Good read

Easy to read. Sometimes I was captivated and other times I felt like I was pushing myself to read to get to the next chapter. Worth the money

Great Romantic Thriller

An interesting of youth coming of age with gifts to improve the world story. Fantasy, fighting, romance and intrigue with great characters and killer plot is an adequate description of the first six books of this series! Looking forward to reading the final books of this adventure.

Best YA Series!!

This series has it all...mystery, romance, suspense and fantasy!! The writing is superb and written in such a way that keeps you hanging in to the edge of your seat. You are introduced to the characters in the perfect order and with just enough of a discription of their character to keep you hooked and wanting to know more. I was so into this series that I binge read the entire series in one sitting!! This is a MUST read for everyone!! A+++++


WOW. I almost passed this up. I didn't really want or need to read another coming-of-age novel. I'm glad I decided to take a chance. I got caught up in Rae's journey and just had to keep reading until I finished all 6 books. Now I'm on the hunt for the rest of the story!

Never bored!!!

Truly, truly, read this book with the rest of the series, so enjoyed them! Never was I bored! Enjoyed all the twists and turns, always ready for more, they delivered!

Really good series

Her mom and dad died when she was young. She's been raised by her aunt and uncle. She has been invited to an unusual high school in England . Since her parents died she's been living in New York. Crackle ships are off, and her life will never be the same .


It was okay. Entertaining to start with, then the storyline just kept rushing through events. But it did keep me reading to see how it would finish.


These series of stories are well written and answer many questions. It has great character development and plot. It leaves you feeling as if you cannot trust anyone!

The Chronicles of Kerrigan BOX Set

One of the most well written stories I have ever read! W.J. May has very few who could follow in his footsteps! I will be looking for more of his work!

☺☺☺☺☺☺☺👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Fabulous and thrilling

Details of the story is awesome.... Anticipation, excitement, MAGIC! Loved this collection. Sad it's over. Glad i read this collection

Best series

This is one of the best series i have ever read. I need the rest of the books to see how it ends.

Read any and all of W.J. May books!

Wanita May is one of the finest writers that I have had the good fortune of finding and reading her books. Every series that she does involves new and richly developed characters that you feel you almost know and you never want the books and series to end. Feel confident in reading any and all of her works. YOu will not be disappointed.

Riveting Para -Normal Adventure

Excellent story line and cast of characters that had me enthralled from the get go. Super powers and heros on a whole new level.


I really enjoyed this series. Great characters and crazy powers! I powered through the first six books as soon as I could. The books are to be read in order and each one leads you to the next one! I can’t wait to read the rest!

Self confinement good read

The Government wants us to stay home during this virus so you need something interesting to read. Different but definitely interesting.

Interesting books

I really enjoyed this series of events that took place in the series of events in these cases where you are included in the book

The Chronicles of Kerrigan 1-6

Undoubtedly one of the best series I’ve read. Not as in depth as Harry Potter or The Bulgaria’s, but just as entertaining.

Entertaining and Sometimes Addicting

Love the series so far. Well written with engaging characters. Not just for the young teen. For the young at heart too.

Should be made a movie

This was very interesting. Hopefully it will be a tv series or movie. I am so tired of vampires and zombies. Thanks for something different. Something more advanced.

Excellent concepts

I love good plots, indepth and adept charactors development... and surprises!!, all present & ubiquitous in May's Kerrigan novels. I have just gorged on the 1st 6....and look forward you more....

I loved it!!!

I can't wait to read the rest of the series. I'm a little concerned that there are SO many books to purchase. I love the premise and the characters!!! I would recommend it to anyone that enjoys a good thriller.


I could not stop reading this series of stories. Thank you for writing them. Great character development and story line. A great read.

Kerrigan Box Set

Rae Kerrigan. I kick-ass shero absorbing or mimicking the powers of others. This book set is action packed AND is a page turner. It had me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what's going to happen next. I loved it!

Kerrigan series

Enjoyed this series 1-6 so far. Let’s you use you own imagination in the books without being over the top detailed on actions between characters. Good read for teens and adults. Liked the writing style. Story line is compatible to other series without being slapped in the face with vulgarity and crudeness was a plus for me. Would recommend the series.

Too repetitive

This storytelling was stretched to the limits to fill 6 books with so much repetitive narrative. Started off good but quickly got boring after 1st book.


Very engaging. Nice pace of action. Enjoyed the action and descriptive writing. All the characters are well developed and evolving. Well written!

Well done!

Fun series with a nice mix of fantasy and reality. Well written with good characters and lots of adventure. Only con is that each book is short, shorter than the usual novel.

Enjoyed the plot of these books and the growth of ...

Enjoyed the plot of these books and the growth of the character, but I find it ridiculous that you had to write six more books to bring this to a close. Don't get me wrong, I love a good series, but it is being dragged out forever. I bought book 7 but refuse to buy ONE more book in this series. Would have givenit more stars if you would have wrapped it up!

Great fantasy

All these books blend together perfectly, the characters are complex and whole, each book I finished I couldn’t wait to read the next.

Great series

Great series and a wonderful series for young adult to adult. You can really get excited for the characters as they move thru life and the challenges that they face.


I won't tell you how much sleep I lost, reading this series! A well paced plot with plenty of twists, characters to love (and hate!)...I already can't wait to see what comes next!

The good and the bad

A fantastic story if you can look past the typos and some inconsistencies. Will definitely be finishing the series! I almost feel as though I've been through it all myself and can't wait to see what direction it goes in next.

Pretty good series, but needs some massive edits

I'm on book 5 and while I really enjoy the series, I have to wonder why it is that I seem to know more about what has happened in the previous books than the author. Someone desperately needs to go through and do some editing. The timelines aren't lining up, different bits of super important information Rae learned in previous books suddenly she doesn't know, she hid a key in her room and then suddenly she had it on her miles away, she forgets who's ability she's using... it's incredibly frustrating and distracting. Aside from that (and the super annoying relationship, but that's just a personal opinion), I'd be giving this more stars.

Enjoyed the story

I enjoyed the story. I liked that the main character started having friends she could count on.

Great read

Enjoyed the books. Lots of interesting characters in the books however it seems that the story will never end. So I will end it here and move on to another author.

Expensive after free set

Although these were good books after you get through the box set the books are 2.99 and are much shorter and slower. Not a bad story once you spend way more money on some truly unnecessary books.

Totally different

I don’t even know where to start! This series is phenomenal. It’s real, it’s fantasy, it’s captivating, it’s beautiful, it’s surprising. It is a series you will not be able to put down. I highly suggest reading it. If you love the whole a world within a world thing, the forbidden love thing, or just reading.. you will love this series. High five author, best book I’ve read in a while!

Hooked on this series

I love following these type of story lines. So disappointed to have to stop reading a buy he next series. One click buying would be nicer.

Captivating story, growing characters

The stories have a bunch of twists and turns that keep you guessing. I liked the progression of the story and the characters. It did get a bit juvenile at times but the characters are supposed to be teenagers so that was a given. I'm engrossed and want to read more.

Good read

I loved the series now have to purchase the next series of books to see how it plays out



Great series

I got the books because the whole set was on sale, not just one. I look forward to reading more Kerrigan. Aside from a few editor plot oops this series has been a fresh tale of interesting powers and twists.

Good read

Really like the story of Rye even with everything against her, life is so full of adventures and I am really looking forward to reading on


I really enjoyed reading so far and plan to read the rest of the series soon. However i cannot rate them 4 or 5 stars because after the first 2 books the timelines indicated in the story did not match up and some other things like a character mix up etc. By the end of the 6th book Rae just finished her 2nd year at school yet several times it says 3 year etc. Aside from that the story was very good. It was so interesting that i was able to ignore those irritating problems and continue the story. If the author edits the story i will give 5+ stars. As of right now i plan to read the rest on book lending to decide if i will purchase them.

Really good

A few story threads get lost along the way, the second book was easily predictable but came back to interesting in book 3 and never lost it again. Really looking forward to the rest of the series.

Poor imitation

Wow I'm surprised the author doesn't get sued.... Bad rip off of Harry potter....just too much alike disappointed.... have stopped after first book. I was hoping it would get different... it did not

Love Rae's spunky character, how she evolves and becomes so strong.

I like the refreshing view of a different kind of a world the tattoos were very unique and the setting was great with the school and then different kids and how they helped each other.

Interesting premise, poor editing

If you don’t tend to find yourself easily distracted from a story by frequent mistakes (misspellings, poor grammar, lack of proper commas, misuse of question marks, overuse of adjectives and adverbs, awkward phrasing, mixing metaphors, or mistakes in chronology), and if you can suspend disbelief over 17-year-old students operating as secret government agents, then this series is for you. I liked best how the author sometimes was willing to poke fun at her own use of certain tropes of young adult novels.


The series so far has blown my expectations, it is amazing how it is coming together. Rae and Devon, make my heart sigh, they so belong together. And Cromwell is just spooky, oh Rae needs to end his creepy experiments and his insane thoughts of them.

Great Series.....

I loved the realism of the characters interactions. Was anxious to read each book as soon as finishing the last one. Really draws you in. Well done.

I am still in the first book of the series but I like it a lot

I do not read a lot of young adult books but this one looked interested and started reading it. I am still in the first book of the series but I like it a lot. This is definitely a great read.

Fair read

I did not find this as good as other books, but it was ok to read.

Entertaining Y/A writing

This series was good storytelling until the 5th book. Then the believability began to slip. Frequent editing errors didn't detract for me but may for some. Good light reading but not enough to make me want to read more.

Great YA romance!!

I loved this series, the concept and plot was exciting and the characters interesting.

The Chronicles of Kerrigan

Very well written. This author keeps your mind riveted to the book. There is nothing lack lustre in what is being written about each character.

Strange Superpowers...

A girl attends an exclusive school where the students have emerging tatus on their 16th birthdays. All have different special powers. Mayhem ensues, all unknown to the general public... Our heroine has a legacy and the capacity to use all of the powers.

T max

These books were totally amazing,forbidden love, school for gifted and the amazing abilities that mere children controlled. Ordering number seven. Awesome

Great Read

Love this so far. Read books 1 to 6 and bought everything else! I plan to binge read the rest!

Great series

The plot and characters in the books keep the reader involved and excited about what is to come next. There are always unexpected turns and twists as the story develops.

Coming of age is different when your ink and powers

Fun book. Kids gain their ink and powers at 16 years of age. Attend a special high school and of course problems with those in charge.

A well deserved five stars

These books are great reading for anyone that likes excitement in their reading. Only falling asleep made me put them down.

Original story premise.

Great set of characters and interesting story line. A bit of romance and lots of action. Can not wait to read more!

MUST Read, so good.

Couldn't stop reading this series and had to go looking for the rest of the books. None stop reading and a book hangover. Wow. You will love this series, it is so good!

Mind Grabbingly Amazing

This is definitely one of the best series I have read. Thank you for the experience! I can't wait to see what's next.


The Kerrigan series is a thrilling edge of your seat storyline I absolutely adore. I couldn't sleep for the need to finish this book set. Thank you so much for this story

Loved it

Finished this in one weekend. Fun read, very engaging.

The Chronicles of Kerrigan is highly addictive. If you loved Twilight then these books are for you.

I can't really find much that I don't like about the Kerrigan Chronicles. It started a little slow, but not to the point where I wanted to put it down. It always kept me intrigued. i found myself up reading for hours and going thru each book so fast, anticipating the next installment. I am on book 7 now and can't wait to get started.

Very Enjoyable

Even as an elderly adult I enjoyed reading this series. At times the youthful age of our heroes is a little far fetched it doesn’t ruin the story. I am enjoying fantasy novels now.

An excellent series

I love the characters. The story holds together, is consistent, and well told. Like any good series I want it to go on and on.

Teenage drama with a super natural twist.

I enjoyed reading most of these books, but there were times the back and forth of the 'he loves me - he doesn't love me - he loves me' and 'no one understands me' drama were overwhelming to the rest of the style

the chronicles of kerrigan box set books 1 through 6

great series i was hooked after the first chapter ray is a kickass heroin she has constance battles and finds love i can't wait to read the rest of the series

Loved these books

It took awhile for me to get into the first book but once I got into the book I didn't want to put them down. I will buy the books though so I can read them many times


With a strong character base, this series was amazing. I could barely put it down. I am looking forward to the next book in the collection.

Read first six books

May is a wonderful writer. She writes in modern-day speak. These books are entertaining and hard to put down. Have to order the next in the series.

Loved this set

Kerrigan set was awesome reading.

Was Great

Loved it even though teenagers should finish school and be fully trained before going out on spy missions.

Kept me turning the pages

I really like how the abilities are represented by the tatú. It's both limiting, ex. a character can only have one ability. Yet not limiting if you have the correct tatú. A great coming off age start for a series in looking forward to finishing.

Excellent books

These six books were very good. The flow from book to book was very good. There were no slow parts. It just kept flowing.


How does she do it? The characters are real, the books are magical in that they grip you and doesn't let you go. Read, read, read and savor.

Keeps you reading

Spectacular book with graphic detail. It's like you are in the story. Very suspenseful. Worth the time to read. Love it

I loved Rae and how she grows through the books as ...

I couldn't put these books down. I even read on my lunch break. I loved Rae and how she grows through the books as a main character.

good book - easy read

I like the characters and the story line

awesome series

this was a great start to the series could not stop reading it


I read this series from start to finish in three days! I loved the resilience of Rae and how she stayed strong with the help of her friends. (Devon, Juls, Nic, Molly, Maria and the rest of the crew). Spoiler Alert!!!!!!! I was soooo happy when she reunited with her mom! Thank you for a well written series and I can't wait to read the rest!

Great paranormal coming of age

Thoroughly enjoyed this box set. Love the characters and how the story line flows through each book. The twist and turns keeps you turning the pages.

Great read

Very engaging story line always changing

Awesome story!!!!

Really well written! I actually couldn't put these books down!! I won't ruin the story for anyone so you are just going to have to read it and find out! But you will love them!

It’s not horrible if you don’t expect much

I’m enjoying the story so far. It’s typical teen angst and drama but not so bad I want to give up on the main character. At least she likes the main guy for his character not just his looks. The writing though could use some serious help. There are odd paragraph breaks, misspellings, and incomplete sentences all over the place. Not to mention the awkward teen-speak. “Helluva” is not a word. I also found it hilarious how some of the characters randomly had accents. I think Molly’s dad is a pirate!

Very interesting !- Kept my attention throughout

Once you suspend disbelief, I found these books held my attention all the way through. Except for an occasional missing word, I found them well written and interesting. I recommend them to anyone who is interested in this genre.


Thrilling story of young love, determination, heartbreak, and a keen sense to do what is right. The boxes set follows a young lady into adulthood who just seems to fall into one adventure after another.


These are very good books. The stories move well with good action. The best is the friendships and love of the characters.

Loved it

I love all the characters and seeing them in additional books. Made me keep wanting to read them.

Excellent Writer

One of the better writers in this genre, worth it, enjoyed the entire series and then some.

Very good series

I am going to read the entire series very interesting to read i like it going on to next book


This has twists and intelligence galore. May can always find a way to fuel a reader's addiction. Great stuff indeed.

Super fun to read

I can't believe I managed to get this series for free - it was so good! Can't wait to see what happens next!

The Chronicles of Kerrigan/Box set #1

Had a great time reading this set . Can hardly wait to read the rest of this series. I rate these a ten(10).

Love the series

It is quite interesting and would appeal to a younger age group but in a way it reaches to an older one as well. Can not wait to finish the series!

Couldn't put it down

I absolutely love this series and can't wait to finish books 7-12! I read all six books in less than a week they were so good. This author is great and the Kerrigan Chronicles should become epic movie series just like Twilight, Harry Potter and Hunger Games! Can't wait to read more from WJ May!

Great characters

I enjoyed reading this book. I am60 but it still captivated .my heart and I reads with intensity. Of house I need to read more. Very enjoyable.

Excellent, can't wait to read the rest of the ...

Excellent,can't wait to read the rest of the series....

Fun story

Fun story with an interesting concept. The books themselves were relatively short but the action kept you reading. Will definitely need to continue the series as I need to know how it will end.

Absolutely Wonderful

I really enjoyed reading all of the books in this set. I think I read all six of them in just a couple of days. I will look forward to reading more of W.J. May.

Captivating throughout each book

Easy read that keeps your attention while also being generally captivating from the first book to the sixth! Can't wait for the seventh one.

Five Stars

Enjoyed all the books can't wait to start reading the seventh book in the seires.

Very lite reading

This was an okay series. Don't expect anything too deep.


Good book for wife

Brilliant book

Just loved this book. The characters are so real and you easily fall in love with them all. A must read for all that love to escape in the world of special powers and love. Couldn't wait to start the next book.

Good Read

Unusual story line. Great characters.


I liked this box set, I am definitely getting the rest of the series. I thoroughly recommend the series to anyone looking for a great read.

Really enjoyed this series.

I read 3 of the books over the weekend. I went from one to the next and stayed up all night reading.

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